The perfect name for a beauty salon. How to choose a name for a beauty salon

Opening a beauty salon or an image studio is one of the most popular ideas for starting a new business today. Therefore, the question of how to name a hairdresser is of interest to many aspiring entrepreneurs.

So what is the name of the barbershop? In fact, all existing barbershop names fall into three main semantic categories. It may well be that having decided on the topic, you will quickly select the right option.
1. Romance, femininity, sophistication, aestheticism ("Melange", "Chic", "Baroness", "Caprice", "Hope", "Elegy" and many others)
2. Women's names ("Anna", "Elena", "Adeline", "Svetlana" or more exotic "Madame Ki-Ki", "Lady Charm", etc.)
3. Exotic and outrageous, foreign words and phrases (“Cockatoo”, “Peacock”, “Dolce Vita”, “Iroquois”, etc.)
However, a lot here also depends on the class that a particular place will correspond to. If you are planning to open an expensive high-end salon, then, of course, you need to consider elegant, sublime and beautiful names for hairdressing salons. Such a name may also be in a foreign language - this will only attract clients focused on European quality.
But then, when it is supposed to open an economy-class hairdressing salon, it is very stupid and ridiculous to look for some exotic names. Here you need something simpler and more logical ("Scissors", "Master", "Curl", etc.). It is unlikely that pensioner Baba Masha will go to the Iroquois Salon, but she will look at the Golden Scissors hairdresser with pleasure.

original name of barbershop

Given the huge variety of hairdressers and salons around, some aspiring entrepreneurs are trying to be original and stand out with an unusual and flashy name.
“Curly-haired forelock”, “Nulyovochka”, “Potty”, “Bald”, etc. - such a sign on the facade of a freshly opened salon cannot but attract the attention of passers-by and not cause discussion and condemnation from the general public. But whether she will provoke a desire to visit a hairdresser and trust the masters working in it is a big question.
However, if you want to open an institution where they will make hairstyles for punks and informals, then the catchy and daring name of the salon may well become the key to its popularity among representatives of the respective subcultures.
The name for a hairdressing salon is like a name for a person, so choosing it, you should foresee and take into account a lot of important factors. We hope you find our options for naming a barbershop helpful.

Any person every 12 seconds encounters a mass of brands. No more than ten are retained in his memory, and on the move he will give you a maximum of two. Therefore, in order to come up with a name for, you will need to conduct marketing and linguistic research. A good name for business promotion is as important as a bright logo or a successful advertising campaign.

What is the original name for?

To stand out from competitors and arouse the interest of customers. The name of the salon is transmitted through a huge number of channels, if you do not link it with market positions, you will lose an important brand promotion channel.
Main mistakes:

  • Wrong associations. The name makes the first impression, so it should be clear. When choosing options, put yourself in the place of the client. He should be clear about the direction of your salon. This will cut off the non-target audience and support the correct positioning;
  • Lack of meaning. Ask yourself what is your business. An economy+ barbershop, fashionably named A La Lounge, located in an unfavorable area, is more likely to cause rejection among customers. The name of the salon should reflect its concept. Current clients are pragmatic people. The higher the level of the salon, the less use of "fabulous" names;
  • Difficulty of perception. A creative but complex name won't evoke emotion in most people. Now the trend is in the maximum simplification. Advertisers are also wary of abbreviations. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ROC, KMK and others sound impersonal;
  • No trademark registration. Promote an unregistered brand - dig a hole for yourself;
  • Using cheap twins. These are modified names of well-known brands. Reception is effective only in the short term. For most, such copying causes negative emotions.

The successful name of a beauty salon sounds harmonious, remains in the memory of customers, is associated with the object of naming as much as possible and has several meanings. The name should not cause associations that are unpleasant for the target audience or that do not correspond to the market position of the business.
It is known that each sound has a certain meaning, and letters and words are perceived differently by people:

  • The sound [o] is colder than [a] and more compared to [i];
  • [p] sounds more dynamic [u];
  • The sound [l] is perceived as salty;
  • Women like words with [p] and [m];
  • [and] recognized as a male sexual stimulant.

Each locality and people have their own sets of sounds. There is a lot of [q] in Chinese, which is associated with integrity and steadfastness. The Volga region is characterized by “okanye”, the inhabitants of Moscow - “akanye”. Consider the psychological characteristics of the perception of sounds for each locality.

How to choose yourself

The development of the name takes place in several stages:

  1. Marketing research - the study of your consumer, the names of competitors, the perception of the name by customers.
  2. Linguistic research - selection of variants of names based on techniques and their subsequent semantic analysis with analysis for euphony.
  3. Project management - plan development, team selection, generation of various ideas, analysis and peer review, organization of trademark registration, completion.
  4. Legal work - checking the chosen name for patent purity, brand registration.

The name of the salon should identify it among its competitors, highlight its features and benefits, and provide primary information to the target audience:

To promote your business on the Internet, you should register your domain in the RU zone. This is the name by which the salon will be found on the network. It should be associated with your activity, be heard and easy to remember.
When creating domains, it is necessary that the chosen name be free and not be a categorical word. But if it differs from the already existing one by 1-2 sounds or letters, registration may be refused.
A couple of tips:

  • Use the principle of "matryoshka". If you want to use the categorical word "tea" in the title, come up with phonetic associations for it - "TEAPOTS", "BACHCHAY";
  • Give the domain a tail or double the name. Adding prepositions, conjunctions, particles, abstract words will make the name brighter;
  • Use dots and dashes. WORD-SHOP looks much more elegant than WORDSHOP;
  • Come up with a rhythmic name or use rhymes. “SamSamych”, “DOMOMAMA”, “ZINGIZI” sounds beautiful and easy to remember;
  • Play with words. See how the invented names are read backwards. From "Parent" comes the original "LETIDOR";
  • Use creative tricks. If you need to register a monosyllabic name, make a transcript for it. This is better perceived by the consumer.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to come up with names. To pick up ideas, you can peep the names of Western colleagues. The beauty industry is well developed there, so everything has long been invented.

How the professionals do it

They make a list of several hundred words with phrases and work through each of them. If the name is successful, then it:

  • Easy to remember;
  • Favorably stands out among competitors;
  • Associates in the mind of the consumer with the services offered;
  • Meets the expectations of the buyer and does not cause negativity;
  • Differs in potential - allows you to enter the international market, increase the product range;
  • It is used in communication between consumers.

Examples for clarity:

Criteriongood nameBad title
Easy memorabilityNetwork of pharmacies "Neboleika"UZ them. S. V. Kirov - FGUP im. P. A. Koroleva»
Reflection of business directionStore of goods for children "World of Toys"Store of goods for children "Fartovy"
Compliance with Russian lawDance studio "CENTAUR", exotic confectionery "Eastern weaknesses""Stars of Thailand", "Russian Cola", "Bloody Dawn"
Name uniquenessBeauty salon "Maestro"Hairdressing salon "Victoria"
ConcisenessSkat LLCOAO NTP Promtorgstroy
Lack of negativismHairdressing salon "Diva", Beauty Studio "Harmony", nail bar "Exclusive"Barbershop "Unique", hairdresser "Gorgon"
Semantic multidimensionalityYandex (yet another indexer), ICQ (I seek you)Blue Water, Baltic Bank
Correspondence of location and conceptHotel complex "Dom Verde", located in a park areaShop "Planet of Strollers", located on an area of ​​10 sq. m.
Understandability for consumersBeauty salon "Accent"Shop of manufactured goods "Freyr"
Use of foreign loanwordsiRazbil Service CenterDoggy Style clothing brand

Before choosing the final option, check for possible negative associations. So you will not lose customers who refuse to use the services of the salon just because they do not like the name.
The invented name must be checked for uniqueness, and the trademark must be registered with the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. This is done independently or through patent attorneys. The procedure involves filing an application and paying a state fee. The total period for the provision of services is 18 months. and 2 weeks.
You can check the name for uniqueness yourself using the free services RF-Patent.rf, Znakoved. The answer after sending the request comes within 1 hour.

From whom to order

These are freelance exchanges, online generators or specialized companies. The advantage of the first option is that you yourself set the amount of the fee for the name. If you don’t know how to come up with a name at all, use online generators. They save time and help pick up ideas.
Specialized companies deal with naming professionally. The prices for their services range from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles per project. Some companies form prices for naming based on the level of the client, explaining this by the fact that large regional companies have a wider range of marketing tasks compared to a small store. This means that a different level of specialists will be required.
Regardless of whose services you use, draw up a terms of reference or brief indicating the following characteristics:

  • General information about the business;
  • Factors that, in your opinion, affect the purchase;
  • Ways to distribute the service;
  • Market characteristics (competition, prices);
  • Descriptions of the target audience;
  • Communication properties of services;
  • Special requirements - the number of words in the title, association, in French, in English or Russian;
  • Evaluation criteria - ease of memorization or pronunciation, euphony, advertising.

Professional companies approach work more individually. They help to draw up a brief, take into account all the wishes of the customer and work closely at every stage.

How to put into practice

The easiest way is to call the salon by its own name (hairdressing salon "Victoria", beauty studio "Irina"). With this approach, it is impossible to stand out from the competition. Especially if the name is common.
An equally popular way is to use surnames with generic names:

  • TD "Shustov";
  • Hilton hotel chain;
  • Factory A. Korkunov";
  • Kaspersky Lab.

Here, the image of the institution itself directly depends on the reputation of the owner, and in the future your business should be continued by descendants.
Patronyms also fit well into the titles:

  • Construction goods store "Mikhalych";
  • LLC KF "Semenovna";
  • Abrasive plant ILYICH.

Names with patronymics are distinguished by a familiar attitude towards the client. But for the domestic consumer, they are understandable and pleasant.
Take literary, mythological and historical male or female names into service:

  • Arms shop "Artemis";
  • Hairdressing salon "Vasilisa the Beautiful";
  • TD "Veles";
  • Stepan Razin Brewery.

Pseudonyms and nicknames are based on a legend. For example, the name of the musical group "Kukryniksy" appeared on behalf of a group of Soviet artists. This approach is quite specific, so there is always a risk of failure.
Anthroponyms-hyperonyms imply the use of nationalities, titles - the restaurant "Monarch", the state of emergency "Emperor". Toponyms consist of the names of rivers, lakes, cities, villages, natural objects (Everest cafe, Saturn Group of Companies). In naming, geological terms, zoonyms and plantonyms are used - GK "Kristall", LLC "Orchid".
A well-composed combination of sounds can create a strong image. To do this, they use the repetition of identical or homogeneous consonants (KitKat, Chupa-Chups), as well as the replacement of characters from one language to another (Apple - "Apple Rus").
Naming tropics are rhetorical figures with a figurative meaning. This technique allows you to create certain images in the mind of the consumer:

  • Identities - online store of intimate goods "Point G";
  • Adjacency - agency of funeral services "Eternity";
  • Similarities - express delivery services "Faster than the wind", "Kid" store;
  • Contrast - "Green-eyed Taxi", "Hot Ice" skating rink.

The name can be a fundamentally new word. To do this, add suffixes with prefixes, combine several words, transfer one part of speech to another, or combine all options - Promtekhsnab, Eksmo publishing house, abbreviation IKEA.


Naming is a whole science. If you want a good name for your business, do not be stingy and turn to professionals. You can spend your personal time, but not the fact that it will turn out well. Mistakes made in naming are primarily strategic. A successful name is not made quickly. It takes up to 20 days to develop a company name.
A name that generates income and profit is more of an invention of marketers. This is just part of the many steps that ultimately make the salon successful.

If you decide to open your own beauty salon, then in addition to renting / buying premises, repairing, recruiting staff and compiling a list of the services you provide, you will certainly face the question: what to call the beauty salon. Today, the beauty industry is so widely developed that you need to keep an eye on all the details, otherwise you will not be competitive.

Let's think about what makes us visit this or that beauty salon? Recommendations from friends, pleasant atmosphere and design, professional employees, interesting promotions, advertising, a sign and… a name! Yes, it is the name of a beauty salon that can both help you promote your business, and vice versa, make you an outsider. Let's think about how to name a beauty salon so that its name is attractive to potential customers?

Brainstorming names for a beauty salon

1. Analyze your audience?
What kind of people are your services primarily aimed at? Maybe you want to open a beauty salon designed for modern and progressive youth? Perhaps your salon is designed for older women who prefer the classics in everything? Or maybe you want to please both and your beauty studio will provide a full range of services? In any case, after analyzing your audience, you can clearly form an idea of ​​​​what your business will be like and how to name a beauty salon.

2. Use verbs related to hair and hairdressing in the title.

What hair care services do you provide? What is your thing: maybe it's hair curling, styling, coloring, model haircuts, permanent? If you have such a "chip" do not be too lazy to use it when choosing how to name the beauty salon.

3. Use rhymes in the title.

4. Use common sense.

As we wrote above, one of the problems when choosing a name for a beauty salon is that the beauty industry is very developed and you will have a lot of competition. It may even seem to you that all the bright and catchy names are already taken. But do not be tempted to choose a name for your beauty salon that is similar and consonant with the name of an already promoted salon, this will not bring you points, but only, on the contrary, will deprive you of individuality.

5. Use your chip.

And again about chips. Are there services in your salon that you provide an order of magnitude better than others? Perhaps you have an eminent stylist working for you, or do you specialize in model hair coloring? Maybe you provide services that no other salon in the city provides yet? Be sure to use this in the name of the beauty salon.

6. You can name a beauty salon after your loved one.

Why not? Perhaps your name sounds great and will be a great name. Try different variations, or pick up a rhyme.

When choosing how to name a beauty salon, try to be creative, only in this way you can be competitive and see your regular customers in your walls again and again, and you can also get new customers.

Other options

Is it still difficult for you to decide what to name a beauty salon, or after choosing several options, you just can’t decide which one is better? Perhaps the following tips will help you make your final choice:

8. Seek help from friends and acquaintances.

We will not get tired of repeating that one head is good, but two is better. Perhaps if you ask your friends for help, they will not only choose the best name from your suggestions, but also share their ideas with you. And who knows, maybe one of these ideas will hit the bull's-eye.

9. Listen to the opinions of strangers.

Have you ever wondered why all kinds of polls are so popular today? Because they cover a wide audience and help to look at familiar things differently. Create your own poll and find out which of the beauty salon names will seem the most attractive to a wide audience.

10. Logo development.

It is important not only to have a harmonious bright name, but also to make it look spectacular as a logo. Think about it, analyze what its design could be. Having your own recognizable and vibrant brand is great!

11. Flip a coin!

Do you have two great titles left but can't decide which one is better? Use the old proven way. Throw a coin and let fate or luck decide for you, as you like.

Are you still unable to decide what to name the beauty salon? Use ideas from magazines, draw inspiration from everywhere, and if you are tired, take a break for a few days, not obsessing over thoughts about the name. Or just contact iziBrand to have professionals come up with the name for you.

Everyone wants to have their own business and get good income, right? One of the most popular business ideas is the opening of a hairdresser. Many entrepreneurs cannot decide on a name before opening, we will tell you how to choose a name better and quickly.

Well, what is the name of the barbershop?

All existing hairdressing salons are divided into three types. Once you decide on a theme, you can easily come up with a simple and beautiful name for your barbershop.

The first kind is very important, it is necessary to express romanticism and femininity, for example, "hope", "chic and brilliance", "beauty", "world of love" and so on.

The second type is just female names, "Nastya", "Alice", "Christina" and so on ...

The third type, which will attract a lot of attention and interest, is usually foreign names. Also, do not forget about the exotic. Such names as: "Dolphin", "Cockatoo", "Stili" and so on are suitable here ...

But that's not all, first you need to decide on the class of your institution, if you decide to create a top-level hairdresser, then the place must correspond to it. Therefore, in no case should you forget about elegance and fantasy. At the same time, an elegant hairdressing salon should be given an elegant name, something European is better.

Name for an economy class barbershop.

As for the economy class, simple names will do here, because not many are able to go to an expensive salon and give a lot of money. Names such as “golden curls”, “skillful hands” and the like are suitable here ...

Many newcomers decide to stand out from the crowd and come up with original names, unfortunately many make gross and stupid mistakes in this regard, such as "bald", "funny naughty" and all that, I don't think that anyone would want to go to such hairdresser. On the contrary, this establishment will cause a lot of negative and funny reviews about this place.

Therefore, decide what they will do in your salon, for example, if they do hairstyles for non-formals. Then a very sharp and catchy name will do, if something imposing is suitable for a wedding hairstyle salon, a name that speaks for itself is suitable for everyday hairstyles and simple haircuts.

Therefore, before making hasty conclusions, you first need to think about the class of the salon, about what they will do there, and only after all this give the name of the hairdresser.

For future professionals

Name, image and success - how to name a beauty salon

Initially, this article was planned to talk about the main forms of advertising promotion of beauty salons. But familiarity with their names and the correspondence of the latter to the type of activity of the salons prompted us to narrow the topic. The choice of a name or a name is always not easy, and the task must be taken seriously. But how to choose the name of the salon so that it works correctly for its image?

A bit of theory

When choosing a name for a nail salon or studio, consider the general rules that will help you avoid absurdities and mistakes. Let's designate these rules with keywords-requirements.

  • Adequacy and associativity - the name must correspond to the specialization of the company and evoke adequate associations. For the name, it is desirable to use words related to the beauty industry. You should not get carried away by pretentiousness, both in the name and design, for example, excessive contrast of colors;
  • Functionality - the name will work if it is clear to the potential client.
  • Vitality - the name should not be expressed by obsolete words or neologisms that have not yet entered the everyday language.
  • Sonority and ease of pronunciation - the name is successful if it is well read, easily lends itself to grammatical changes (it can be inclined, used in different combinations without losing euphony). The name should not contain a large number of hissing and whistling consonants. Vowels should evenly alternate with consonants.
  • Semantic non-triviality - platitudes should be avoided, since they perform neither an advertising nor a distinctive function.

Literacy is the last, but very important requirement: the name must be selected, guided by knowledge of the norms of the language. This means that the replacement of individual letters, syllables, their rearrangement within a word (in order to achieve special expressiveness) must be highlighted graphically. Otherwise, there is a risk that a non-standard move will be perceived as a typo or spelling error.

For beauty salons, the choice of name is especially important - after all, their visitors are especially demanding. In Moscow, according to the Internet, there are about 600 beauty salons of various levels: from luxury salons and VIP studios to very small salons located in areas remote from the center. Unfortunately, not all of them have chosen a name that meets the above rules. This is all the more annoying because beauty professionals could give life to a huge number of poetic comparisons. The name is part of the image, and today the creation of the right advertising image is the main way to promote in the market.

Use of names from mythology and literature

As names, you can use the names of literary heroes, historical figures, mythological characters. Such property names are effective if they:

  • popular;
  • easily recognizable;
  • evoke a number of associations.

It is difficult to say this about such names as "Abel", "Adam and Eve", "The Little Mermaid". The Old Testament Abel, according to the Bible, died at the hands of his elder brother. The story of Adam and Eve is known to everyone, but hardly in connection with the field of beauty. It is important to take into account the hidden nuances in the use of lexical material. For example, the emotional coloring of a word should be positive, in extreme cases, neutral. The sad image of the Little Mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale is unlikely to serve as a benevolent symbol. Visitors to the salon of the same name will remember that the prince went to another. There are more successful names of this kind: "Aphrodite", "Elena the Beautiful", "Psyche". It's a shame that Russian beauties are ignored: "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "The Swan Princess".

Women's names

Perhaps, when choosing a name, salon owners underestimate the advertising potential of Russian names. In an effort to imitate Western style standards, foreign names are used: "Adele", "Julia", "Josephine", "Christy", "Kathleen", "Romero", "Minona". Although there are salons "Lyudmila", "Svetlana", "Nadezhda" in Moscow, but these are rather exceptions to the rule.

It is understandable that the owners of the salon want to see their name on the signboard, there is nothing shameful in this. However, there are not many cases where the name in the title is justified. So, for example, it is appropriate to mention a name if it has already become a brand, a trademark. A well-known name will attract customers.

foreign words

As it turned out, the prejudice against Russian names is quite strong. Many salons prefer foreign words to their Russian equivalent, often without considering the taste of our audience. "Beauty", "Barber", "Kuafyur" ... This is a justified replacement for such Russian equivalents as "Beauty", "Barber", "Hairstyle". Unfortunately, this rarely happens. And although the examples given refer to the name of hairdressing salons, they are quite revealing. Speaking of nail studios, one should replace the word "nails" with foreign equivalents in their names with great care. So, in German and English, the word "nail" is written as "Nagel" and "nail", respectively, and has another basic meaning - "nail". Therefore, it is desirable to add a second word related to the beauty industry to the name of the salons - "Nail-Studio", "Nail-Beauty", "Nail-Dream". And the French and Spanish analogues of "ongle" (ongle) and "un-gi" (unghie) will look incomprehensible at all. Meanwhile, the immutable rule of advertising says: you can not force a potential consumer to be perplexed. Connoisseurs of foreign languages ​​also experience similar emotions: the names do not correspond to the area associated with beauty, cosmetics, and personal care. Here are a few examples: "Elephant Light" ("Light of the Elephant" or "Light Elephant", which already seems to be a complete ambiguity), "Moonline" ("Moon Line"), "Lady East" ("Lady East"). The most important rule in the advertising business is to ensure that the name is memorable. But is it possible to keep in memory what is incomprehensible? In some cases, the answer will be yes. Customers will remember the salon precisely because of the unusualness of its name. But it may also happen that they will say - "I'll go to the" Elephant "for a manicure." And this interpretation of the name can no longer be called successful.

They confuse names that cannot be found in the dictionary, for example, "Akey". And one more important point. Keep the name of the salon or studio on the logo (signboard, business card, etc.) in the same style. It is not only about the uniformity of fonts, but also about the way information is presented.

place names

Linking the name of the salon with its geographical location can be quite a coup. Names of this kind are informative, they may indicate prestige: "Beauty Studio on Ladoga", "Salon on Bronnaya", "Salon on Don", "Salon on Maroseyka", "Salon on Petrovka" will tell a lot to a city dweller. True, such names do not have a very high advertising potential, since not every place is prestigious, not all streets, for example, in Moscow, are known to non-residents.

"Beautiful words

Perhaps, choosing the name of the salon, guided only by the pleasant sound of the word, is somewhat frivolous. "Akanit", "Ansel", "De-ville", "Hanvit", "Elpan" - these names sound attractive, but they are not informative at all and, as a result, have little advertising potential. In addition, "aconite" is also a poisonous plant. It is unfortunate, but such trifles very often affect the profits of salons - as marketing research shows.

Complicated names

One more group of names needs comments. The logic of the formation of some names is not immediately guessed. Firms often choose a complicated associative array. "Light-light", "He, the master and Margarita", "Our whim", previously mentioned "Something else". There is some pretentiousness of such names, but it only reduces their advertising ability due to the difficulty of perception. Again, an unclear name is unlikely to create an attractive image.

Commercially viable titles

These include those that cause direct associations with the activities of the firm. They are built on simple, understandable images: "Dreams", "Charm", "Charm", "Style". Win-win options are considered when the name includes words denoting the status of the institution: "Beauty Salon", "Beauty Center", "Beauty Studio", "Beauty Line", "Manicure School". Indeed, there is a danger here. People are accustomed to such names, and sometimes they get lost in the mass of similar ones.

A very good example of the name of the German company Gehwol. This is a world famous company that produces foot care products. In German, the verb "gehen" means "to go", and the second part of the name - "wol" can be explained in different ways. Among the options - and "wollen" - "want, desire", "need", and "Wolle" - wool (a word associated with comfort and part of the phrase meaning "to live in comfort"). In any case, for a German, this word means walking, which brings joy, the comfort of the salon and care for every client who comes there. A good name and a worthy role model...

Name is destiny

Choosing the name of the salon, you must remember that this is the formation of an image, part of an advertising campaign. In other words, future earnings. The name is the core on which almost all forms and types of advertising are strung. It must be present on all advertising media: in a shop window, in outdoor advertising, on a business card, in an advertising brochure. In conclusion, a few recommendations. To come up with the right name, you need to study the market, collect information about competitors, think about how your company differs from similar ones. It is necessary to select as many options as possible and analyze them in terms of the requirements discussed in the article. It is not bad to show the names to specialists, check the phonetics and semantics - you cannot be allowed to be accused of illiteracy. Only then can the selected title be registered.

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