Reducing the amount of bone tissue of the teeth. Atrophy of the jaw bone tissue after tooth extraction and in various diseases: can it be restored? New teeth and a smile

Considering the issue of well-being of a person as a whole, one cannot remain silent about health and restoration of bone tissue. And it is about this, about the restoration of bone tissue, that will be discussed in this article. What is it?

The main thing is to supply our body with the nutrients it needs. For health and bone tissue restoration at least 20 different trace elements are required. But when they are not enough, then, not immediately, of course, but over time, a disease of bone porosity develops

A little information

But not only the lack of Calcium and other trace elements causes such a result, as many people think. The value has a number of factors that are associated with a person's life and for a number of years.

It is no secret that over a period of seven to ten years, bone tissue is completely replaced in people. For example, if you are 28 years old, then your skeleton composition has already been updated 3 times. Imagine how many times bones are replaced if you are already 60? That is, there is a natural restoration of bone tissue.

But then the question involuntarily arises, why do not new teeth form, because this is also bone tissue? Nature conceived everything very cunningly - our skeleton does not collapse, because there is adipose and muscle tissue. This is a plus, but there is also a minus. Monitor and control status and process bone tissue restoration with its powerful environment is almost impossible.

But just the health of the teeth screams with pain as soon as a problem arises. And involuntarily, a person adheres to the rules for caring for his teeth and mouth because of the fear of pain, loss of a tooth, going to the dentist.

But with bone tissue, we do not have such caution. Here you just need to know what means can help maintain bone strength, due to what happens bone tissue restoration and use them naturally.

The fact that our skeleton is periodically updated does not mean at all that it becomes stronger and better. You can say so, though new, but not equivalent. Unfortunately, bone density and strength decreases with age.

For bones, this means that they become lighter and less strong. With age, in general, everything in us changes not for the better, and the bones also age.

Our actions.

We should not put up with such a picture. We must try to help ourselves maintain our health and quality of life. We can identify several areas of our action that help bone tissue restoration. Let's list them:

- Physical activity.

The main condition is that it must be high quality supplements! Then you can easily strengthen your skeletal system and in general solve a lot of problems to ensure health, prevent it and get out of painful conditions!


In recent years, another very common cause of osteoporosis has appeared - this is the passion of the population for teas, various "cleansing" methods using enemas and diuretics. Laxatives, diuretics and enemas are a slow but sure way to osteoporosis.

It must be remembered that calcium binds to fatty acids, so low-fat foods are much more of a source of calcium than fat-rich ones. Not everyone knows that calcium is found in plant products such as gout, which our ancestors used both raw and sauerkraut, like cabbage. Also sources of calcium are green salads, onions, parsley, peas, oats, spinach, beans, beans. But do not forget that co beans are not good to eat, and beans in vegetable stew are really a source of calcium.

In the presence of factors for the development of osteoporosis, it is necessary to take dietary supplements. The easiest to prepare, and very effective, is calcium citrate, which is especially necessary for women in menopause. To prepare it, take a shell from one and a half chicken eggs, rinse and, after boiling for 5-7 minutes, dry and crush into powder. Pour in lemon juice and stir thoroughly. Divided into 3 parts, take in three doses 20-30 minutes before meals. In the prevention of osteoporosis, it is enough to take this remedy for a week every month. With diagnosed osteoporosis, it should be taken in courses of 2-3 months with a monthly break.

Bone tissue needs vitamin D, the active form of which helps calcium absorption. It is formed in the skin from cholesterol under the action of sunlight, but its transition to the active form occurs under the influence of hormones. Obese people practically do not suffer from osteoporosis, since subcutaneous fatty tissue, acting as a kind of additional reproductive system, prevents the loss of calcium by activating vitamin D. But a lack of body weight provokes this formidable disease. Another issue is the risk of complications of cardiovascular diseases with excess weight.

The use of herbs that stimulate the production of sex hormones in the adrenal cortex will help in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. These include red clover heads, hop cones, oregano or sage grass. A tablespoon of crushed herbs, taken in equal proportions, pour 100 ml of boiled water cooled to 60 degrees, leave for 1 hour, and drink in three doses. Take courses for 2-3 months with a monthly break. Treatment with these herbs acts like hormone replacement therapy, gently and safely.

Studies conducted at the Riga Institute of Biomechanics have proven a direct relationship between osteoporosis and a decrease in fluid mobility in the bones. To improve capillary circulation, prepare the following composition. Take equal amounts of dandelion leaves and roots and yarutka, chopped, mix. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials into 300 ml of boiled water cooled to 60 degrees and insist for an hour. Drink in three doses 20 minutes before meals. Take courses for 2-3 months with a monthly break.

Over time, bone atrophy occurs at the site of tooth loss. Its volume decreases, so the restoration of the jaw bone tissue often becomes the only possible procedure for implantation. To ensure stability of the implanted titanium root, doctors use a guided regeneration procedure, as a result of which the mechanism of replenishing the missing bone volume is activated in the gum. Indications for the use of the procedure can be periodontal disease, in which there is a high risk of tooth loss, and implantation. The applied set of techniques not only restores the situation “from the inside”, it makes the contour of the face clearer, eliminating the manifestations of premature visual aging.

Reasons for Jaw Bone Reconstruction

  • The decrease in bone tissue volume has a different origin. This happens for a number of reasons, including:
  • The development of inflammation in the oral cavity due to pathogenic bacteria acting in it;
  • Mechanical damage to the integrity of the gums, injuries of varying severity;
  • Long-term absence of teeth in the mouth - restoration of the jaw bone tissue is necessary for prosthetics and an even distribution of the masticatory load, which will prevent the bone from decreasing in the future.
  • Inharmonious bite and its pathologies;
  • Unprofessionally treated, in which the filling increases the height of the tooth, which prevents the load from being distributed to the jaw.

Also, restoration of bone tissue may be required after the use of poor-quality or disproportionately selected orthopedic structures. This is especially true when the patient decides to resort to the services of an implantologist.

Materials for restoring gingival bone tissue

In dentistry, the restoration of the bone tissue of the gums is called augmentation. For the procedure, doctors use various types of materials. Among them:

  1. Autotransplantation - To restore the bone tissue of the tooth, the dentist takes the tissue of the patient. As a rule, their sampling is carried out from the chin or hard palate. The technology has the most optimistic forecasts and is practically not subject to failures, since the material is completely identical to the tissues of the client's body.
  2. Xenotransplantation - donor material is taken from large animals.
  3. Transplantation with artificial compounds - drugs produced in the laboratory are placed in the area of ​​​​lack of bone tissue, where over time they fill the void formed earlier.

As another method of restoring the jaw bone tissue, tissues of other people are used, which have been carefully processed and prepared for implantation into the patient's body.

Contraindications for the procedure

Contraindications for bone tissue restoration are the presence of blood diseases (HIV, AIDS, decreased coagulability), type I diabetes mellitus, exacerbated mental disorders, tuberculosis. There are also a number of relative contraindications, however, in order to make sure that treatment is impossible, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Only he, having studied the history of your diseases, will be able to give a final conclusion.

In the dental clinic "Meliora Dent" the reception is conducted by highly qualified specialists. We carry out dental implantation at reasonable prices in Moscow, as well as restoration of bone tissue in case of a shortage of natural material. Make an appointment for a consultation and visit a doctor at a convenient time for you.

It happens that, having lost a tooth, a person thinks about prosthetics only after a few years. Chooses a reliable modern technology - dental implantation. And he discovers that over the past time the bone tissue has “relaxed” - its volume and density have become insufficient for a full-fledged implant installation. About why there is a rarefaction of the jaw bone tissue and whether implantation without bone tissue augmentation is possible - read in our review.

What is jaw bone atrophy

Bone tissue is a complex, living, constantly changing structure. As in any living tissue, it contains water - about 10%. On average, 25% of the composition of the bone is an organic, “living” component. These are proteins, mainly collagen, and cells that regulate the composition and structure of tissue. The remaining share is inorganic substances (mainly hydroxyapatites). These are the substances that give bone tissue strength and rigidity. The percentage may vary depending on whether we are talking about spongy or compact bone tissue:

  • spongy bone- porous and light, in it between the bone structures (trabeculae) there is a lot of free space where blood vessels pass. The structure is dominated by organic components.
  • Compact (cortical) bone- densely arranged and very strong. It is dominated by inorganic substances.

Living bone tissue is formed by bone cells: osteocytes and osteoclasts.

Osteocytes- These are the cells of the bone tissue that form it and regulate the process of calcification. They synthesize the protein structures of the bone, regulate mineralization - the concentration of calcium and phosphorus salts, thus maintaining a balance between the organic and inorganic components.

osteoclasts destroy "used out" or damaged bone structures.

In the normal state of a living organism, a balance between destruction and creation is continuously maintained - in order to create something new, you need to “clear the site”. But when, for some reason, the process of resorption (resorption) of bone tissue begins to predominate, bone tissue atrophy occurs.

Most often, bone loss develops after tooth extraction. Any organ in order to maintain a normal state must work, and non-working structures atrophy - the body does not have the opportunity to spend nutrients and energy to maintain a non-functioning organ in a healthy state. The bone tissue of the jaw is maintained in a “working” state by a load that is transmitted during chewing through the roots of the teeth. As soon as the tooth is removed, the load disappears. Gradually, the vessels that fed the removed tooth cease to function, which means that nutrition also ceases to flow into the jaw tissue. The jaw tissue in the area of ​​the extracted tooth begins to dissolve - to atrophy. According to a study by German scientists, after the loss of teeth, such changes occur in 95% of cases. Within 1 year after tooth loss, bone volume decreases by 25%. That is why dentists recommend putting an implant in its place as soon as possible after losing a tooth.

In clinical practice, there are 4 degrees of atrophy:

  • insignificant;
  • moderate;
  • expressed;
  • rough.

With a slight decrease in bone density, implantation of teeth using optimally sized dental implants is possible. With severe atrophy, implantation is possible only after the reconstruction of the jaw.

Causes of loss of density and loss of jaw bone

Loss of a tooth is not the only reason for changes in bone structure. Such reasons may be:

  • inflammation of the gums and periodontium - structures that surround the teeth and ensure their stability;
  • cysts and inflammation in the area of ​​​​the roots of the teeth or maxillary sinuses;
  • jaw injuries;
  • osteoporosis;
  • congenital anatomical features.

Nevertheless, the main reasons for the development of atrophy of the jaw bone tissue are untimely prosthetics after tooth extraction.

Consequences of "relaxation" of bone tissue

Atrophy of the alveolar processes is not only a problem of a "local" scale. Gradually intensifying, the process causes irreversible changes:

  • The facial expression changes. Depending on where the defect is located, the upper or lower jaw is “shortened”, the lips sink in, and wrinkles form around them. The face acquires a characteristic "senile" appearance.
  • The teeth begin to move towards the "empty" space. The likelihood of losing adjacent teeth also increases. Due to the fact that the location of the teeth changes, food remains are trapped between them: the development of caries is accelerated. Yes, and chewing itself becomes less effective, as a result - problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

And the main problem faced by patients of dental clinics is the impossibility of implanting teeth. According to Russian doctors, in 35% of patients it is impossible without reconstruction of the jaw bone tissue.

How to prevent the process of atrophy?

Since bone atrophy most often develops due to the extraction of a tooth (or several teeth), it is obvious that in order to prevent it, teeth should be restored as soon as possible. Several methods are traditionally used:

  • installation of a bridge structure;
  • installation of a removable prosthesis;
  • implantation.

The first two methods are relatively inexpensive. But, unfortunately, they do not restore the load on the bone in the place of the extracted teeth. The load falls on healthy teeth that fix the prosthesis, in the case of a removable bridge - on the gums. As a result, atrophy continues to develop. Often it negates the results of prosthetics - the gum "sags" after the bone tissue, a gap appears under the prosthesis. This is not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous - food remains accumulate in the resulting space, on which microorganisms that provoke inflammation actively multiply.

Dental implantation, unlike other methods of prosthetics, allows you to create a load directly on the bone tissue in the area of ​​the extracted tooth. Thus, the bone tissue continues to work in a normal mode, which means that all the necessary metabolic processes are preserved in it. This prevents thinning of the jaw bone.

Options for restoring the dentition with significant atrophy

But what to do if time is lost and the degree of bone tissue atrophy does not allow implantation of teeth? Today, there are two main methods to deal with this problem.

Restoration of the jaw bone tissue with subsequent implantation with delayed loading.

This is a classic technique that has stood the test of time. First, an operation is performed to increase the volume of bone tissue. There are different methods: sinus lift, splitting of the alveolar process, bone graft or artificial tissue infusion. Which of them will be optimal in this particular case, only the attending physician can decide. After the operation, it will take from several months to six months to restore the bone structures, after which implants are implanted into the jaw, while without crowns - and again it takes about six months for their engraftment. Only after that, crowns are placed on the titanium base of the implants and the jaw finally receives a load.

Immediate Load Implantation

This relatively new technique has become possible thanks to special implants that are fixed not in the alveolar part of the jaw, but deeper, in its basal part, which consists mainly of a compact substance. Implants are selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient's jaw. They require a minimum time for healing - the prosthesis is installed already on the 3-5th day after the fixation of the implant itself. Due to the fact that the bone immediately receives a load, it maintains blood circulation, normal metabolism, which accelerates regeneration.

In order for an organ to maintain its structure and functions, it must work. This also applies to the bone tissue of the jaw. Loss of teeth leads to atrophy of the jaw bone. To prevent this process, it is necessary to replace it with a prosthesis as soon as possible after tooth extraction. Dental implantation is the closest to natural way to restore them, allowing you to save the volume and density of bone tissue.

How to choose a dental clinic?

About what to look for when planning dental implantation, Oleg Vladimirovich Filimonov, an implantologist at the Dental Implantation Center, tells:

“At least take an interest in the equipment on which the clinic operates, what materials it uses. For example, dentistry SMILE-AT-ONCE - official partner of well-known implant manufacturers: Nobel Biocare, Oneway Biomed, Straumann. Our website has detailed information about the tools, equipment, software and technologies we use. You can also find our licenses, certificates and awards there.

For the success of the treatment, it is important how long the clinic has existed, what is the experience of the doctors, whether they take advanced training courses. The specialists of our clinic have more than ten years of experience and regularly participate in scientific and practical conferences, training programs, and other educational events. Thus, all SMILE-AT-ONCE implantologists have valid certificates from the International Implant Foundation, which confirms their right to work in this field. The clinic is a member of the international community of implantologists (International Team for Implantology. ITI), which has existed for 30 years. We provide a full range of dental prosthetic services using implants in seven days and give a lifetime warranty on implants, as well as offer a convenient treatment regimen for both patients from Moscow and other cities.”

License No. LO-77-01-013995 dated March 14, 2017. issued by the Department of Health of the city of Moscow

Editorial opinion

If you decide to install implants or other types of dental prosthetics, visit a periodontist first. If pathologies are identified, they will need to be eliminated. In addition, hygienic cleaning of periodontal pockets and teeth is necessary to eliminate plaque and tartar.

This article will focus on such an important biological process for the life of the body as the formation of bone tissue, as well as how the restoration of bone tissue is associated with proper nutrition.

Causes of bone destruction

  • The main factor that calcium is not absorbed in the body correctly and, therefore, is not able to functionally enrich and strengthen bone tissue, is the destruction of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (secondary thyroid hormone) receptors as a result of an increase in blood glucose levels.
  • Even with a sufficient amount of incoming calcium, improper functioning of the receptors for this vitamin D will not allow calcium to be incorporated into bone tissue. Thus, elevated blood sugar leads to the destruction of bone structure.
  • Not assimilation of calcium may be indigestion in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Another factor in the forced non-participation of calcium in the construction of bone tissue is the lack of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, which are also necessary for the proper functioning of the calcium absorption mechanism.

How calcium is incorporated into bone tissue

  • Circulating through the vessels, the blood transports many chemicals, one of which is a compound of manganese and calcium. In order for the molecule of this compound to enter the bone tissue cell, a “key” is needed - such a key is the vitamin receptors D(these substances are a group of fat-soluble secosteroids, they are responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate).
  • In addition, bone tissue cannot absorb the calcium-manganese compound without the participation of vitamin K, as well as boron, potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and omega-3 acids.
  • This scheme may seem complicated, but a properly built, balanced diet provides the body with all the components necessary to saturate bone tissue with calcium.
  • To clarify, the problem is often not a lack of calcium in the diet; for example, 1 liter of water contains the daily norm of this mineral, namely, the inability of the body to fully use the functionality of this element

Bone Destruction and How to Avoid It

Functional nutrition, which we are talking about in this article, is aimed, in particular, at the normalization of metabolic processes occurring in the body. A normalized metabolism will help to avoid an increase in blood glucose levels, which, as we found out, is the main reason for the “rejection” of calcium by bone tissue.

To quickly restore the bone tissue of the tooth and joints, nutrition should be as follows:

  • a) fractional: 4-5 meals a day, serving no more than 200-250 g;
  • b) balanced:
  • proteins: 100 g of beef liver or any sea product 4 times a day (at a time, the pancreas is able to secrete such an amount of enzymes that is enough to break down only 10 g of protein - pure protein);
  • fats: a teaspoon of unrefined linseed oil at a time (no more than 30 g per day);
  • carbohydrates: no more than 50 g of carbohydrate products (rice, potatoes, bakery products) per meal with four meals a day - daily carbohydrate intake should not exceed 6 conventional teaspoons of granulated sugar (for example, 70 g of rye bread is converted in the body into 20 g of sugar ); instead of carbohydrate side dishes or bread during the day, you can eat 70 g of bananas or apples, or 300 ml of borscht, or 200 ml of rice soup with potatoes.

Products that provide the body with the substances necessary for the restoration of bone tissue

  • Green tea contains catechins that prevent the destruction of bone tissue by osteoclasts (cells that dissolve the mineral component of the bone and destroy collagen - one of the main proteins that form bone tissue, skin and connective tissue). The daily norm is 1-2 cups. It is best to drink green tea half an hour before a meal or half an hour after a meal.
  • Many fruit and berries are rich in potassium, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. We recommend eating 70-100 g of fruits and berries 10 minutes before meals 4 times a day.
  • purple products (star anise, carnation, cinnamon, red and black pepper, berries juniper) are rich in manganese. The daily dose of manganese is contained, for example, in 15 dry cloves. Keep in mind that manganese loses its properties during heat treatment.
  • rice husk, lentil sprouts, raw green buckwheat, dry oatmeal, bran- a good source of magnesium. You should eat them with baked vegetables or add 10 g to borscht twice a day.
  • In 100 g beef liver contains half of the daily requirement of magnesium. Steam cooking saves up to 50% of this element.
  • oysters rich in zinc. To get your daily dose of zinc, you need to eat six shellfish per day. Other sources of zinc can also be seafood.
  • Cottage cheese It is remarkable in that it contains calcium and phosphorus in an ideal ratio for the formation of bone tissue. 100 g of this product contains a quarter of the daily requirement of phosphorus.
  • Just two raw quail yolks contain the required amount of vitamin D, which will provide the thyroid gland with everything necessary for the production of all the same hormones and vitamins. They need to be consumed raw - this is safe, since quail eggs are not susceptible to Salmonella infection.
  • Sea fish (salmon, herring, mackerel etc.), on the one hand, is rich in selenium, which activates thyroid hormones, and on the other hand, serves as a source of the hormone D ( common name for vitamin D) and vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, as well as copper, phosphorus and zinc.
  • Cod- a source of the amino acid tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  • Wild and cultivated herbs and vegetables: broccoli, nettle, dandelion(leaves), parsley, dill, spinach etc. - contain vitamin To(for this discovery in 1943 the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded). Vitamin K binds calcium to bone tissue, strengthening it, and increases blood clotting.
  • Actually, calcium is well absorbed from boiled or raw vegetables, greenery.

Combination of products that promote the formation of dense bones

  • Beef liver with swede and chard salad with prunes. The liver is rich in copper, which plays an important role in the formation of elastin and collagen. Fresh swede and prunes supply the body with boron, the deficiency of which inhibits the formation of osteoblasts - cells that form bone tissue (unlike osteoclasts).
  • Raw quail yolk with lentil sprouts and herbs. Vitamin D in the yolk is necessary for the absorption of calcium, a large amount of which is found in greens, and lentil sprouts are rich in magnesium, which is also involved in the formation of bone tissue. It is not necessary to use these products at the same time.
  • Lightly salted Far Eastern salmon and kale. The principle of joint work of products is the same: vitamin D, supplied with fish, contributes to better absorption of calcium, supplied with cabbage, from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, these products are valuable for bone tissue in and of themselves. (see above).
  • Nettle with linseed oil and walnuts. 100 g of nettle is half the daily intake of calcium, which is absorbed with the participation of trace elements contained in nuts (zinc, copper, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt). Nettle (leaf) is an excellent source of vitamin K, which cannot be fully absorbed without fat (linseed oil).

Foods that should be taken in doses so that the restoration of the bone tissue of the tooth / joints proceeds more efficiently

  • Animal fats are present in milk and dairy products, lard, lamb, beef, chicken, and fish oils. These fats need to be controlled. Basically, this is harmful fat that is formed after cooking meat in the upper part of the broth, the rest is useful extractives and collagens, 50-70 ml of such purified broth can be consumed 2-3 times a week at one time. Pork fat 30 g per day three times a week
  • A glass of milk with herbs and non-sweet vegetables at any time every day.
  • Cottage cheese 100 g every day
  • Fish oil 1 teaspoon a day three times a week.
  • Cheeses. If you are sure that the cheese is real and does not contain vegetable fats, you can take 30 g 3 times a week with greens and non-sweet vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, eggplant)
  • Nuts 30 g per day 3 times a week

Foods that should be discarded for the speedy restoration of bone tissue

  • Sausages, sausages, etc. In the production of boiled sausages and sausages, nitrites and nitrates are used. The most famous nitrite is sodium nitrite (food additive E250), which gives sausages and sausages a beautiful pink color. By themselves, nitrites and nitrates are not dangerous, but under the action of the enzyme system of the human body, they turn into nitrosamines, which are the strongest carcinogens, and also prevent the absorption of calcium.
  • Alcoholic drinks. Ethyl alcohol is one of the strongest drugs.
  • Sauces based on vegetable oils, mayonnaise and complex salads dressed with it.
  • Processed cheeses

Additional Tips

  • As often as possible, eat fresh low-calorie foods such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, green onions, cucumbers, parsley, rhubarb, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, dill, spinach, and lentil and wheat sprouts. Vitamin D does not tolerate heat treatment , even steam cooking. Therefore, if you want to get this vitamin from fish, it must be fresh or lightly salted.
  • Food should be taken into the mouth little by little and chewed thoroughly and without haste. Exercise strengthens bones, promotes their compaction and prevents calcium loss.

I offer a variant of a four-time menu that will strengthen and restore bone tissue
On a note. Ingredients from the diet, you can take according to the list


Fruit berries: avocado, feijoa, raspberry 70, grapefruit - 1 g slice;
spices: ground cloves 5 buds, allspice black pepper 5 peas, 1/4 of a cinnamon stick;
stewed vegetables: tomato, onion, paprika, pepper, white cabbage 100 g;
boiled hot red pepper 10 g;
sprouted lentils 40 g;
bran - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
fresh vegetable salad consists of: green, red pepper, carrot, cucumber, asparagus, tomato - 100 g, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of homemade sour cream;
greens: dandelion, parsley, lettuce, dill 10 g;
beef cutlets 80-100 g;
rice jelly (flour) 70 g, cook until the consistency of sour cream for about 5 minutes. To make jelly acquire a spicy taste, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of browned onions, takes without oil, we eat as an independent dish;
Cut the beef meat into pieces, soak in milk for 6-8 hours, thereby getting rid of the poisonous substance bilirubin. Then we wash and pass through a meat grinder 2 times, add finely chopped onion, form flat cutlets and put on a preheated pan without oil, continuously turning over with any object for 5-7 minutes. This method allows you to prevent overheating inside the meat above 60 degrees, 50% of useful substances are preserved: trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, etc. vitamins of group B, B12 for a couple of 20%.
We start breakfast with fruits and berries, add spices, then stewed vegetables, hot peppers, add sprouted lentils and bran;
You can immediately eat a salad;
After 30 minutes, we take beef cutlets with simple greens: parsley, dill, dandelion leaves, lettuce, nettle and white varieties of any cabbage (raw), alternate with rice jelly;
We drink water 100-200 ml after 60-90 minutes, after another 5-10 minutes 100 ml decoction of bay leaf with cinnamon;
Nutritional value of breakfast: proteins - 15 g, carbohydrates - 15 g, fats - 8 g; energy value - 190 K / cal. The "cost" in bread units is about - 1.2 XE.


Nettle soup with sprouted lentils and cartilage broth

Water, green tea;
Fruits and berries: apricot, feijoa, apple 70 g;
Nettle leaf soup 200 ml;
Bone and cartilage broth 50 ml;
Sprouted lentils - 40 g;
Raw vegetable salad: carrot, cucumber, tomato, pumpkin 100 g, onion, garlic seasoned with raw quail egg yolk (vitamin D);
Bran (1 tablespoon - 10 g);
Spices: ground cloves (5 buds), 1 small star anise
Mustard (on water) to taste;
Steamed flounder 100 g;
Lemon (1 - 3 slices);
Greens (simple: dandelion, parsley, lettuce, dill 10 g;
Nettle soup (2 servings) is prepared as follows: pour 100 g of finely chopped vegetables into 400 ml of boiling water: carrots, onions, cook for 10 minutes, then add 100 g of nettle leaves, 3 bay leaves, spices to taste and cook for another 3 minutes
Technology for preparing bone-cartilaginous broth:
We take pork, lamb, beef legs (1 kg), chop into pieces as small as possible, then soak in milk for 8-12 hours. Pour 1 kg of our bones with two liters of cold water, cook without salt for 2 hours. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put spices: 5 - 8 bay leaves, 5 cloves, one cinnamon stick, 10 black peppercorns.
The next stage, we take out the bones from the broth, let it cool down, cut off pieces of meat with a knife, cartilage tissue and put it in the broth, salt to taste, stand for 3 hours, remove the excess layer of fat formed at the top. Bone and cartilage broth with pieces of skin and soft veins is ready to eat. Contains collagen - a building material for bone tissue and human skin.
We start the lunch meal with berry fruits, add spices, then take nettle soup with cartilage broth and sprouted lentils;
A fresh vegetable salad
Main dish steamed flounder, eat with lemon and simple greens
Nutritional value of lunch: proteins 12 g, fats 10 g, carbohydrates 18 g, energy value 200 K / cal, 1.5 XE.

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