Metaphorical business game for dow teachers. The main types of games in kindergarten and their topics

Svetlana Lepkovich

Target: to increase the importance of organizing gaming activities in the educational process of the Orphanage


1. To update the knowledge available to teachers on the organization of play activities with young children.

2. To promote the use in practice of modern requirements for the organization of gaming activities.

3. Contribute to the rallying of the teaching staff.

Material: a set of colored paper (by the number of teams, a glue stick (by the number of teams), scissors (by the number of teams, envelopes, cards with questions and tasks, sheets of paper, pens, an hourglass, a music center, a music disc, "golden" and " silver” medals for awarding the winners, certificates of participants.

Roles and their content:

Leading- (senior educator) leads the game, monitors the progress of the game and compliance with the rules.

Thinkers- participants in a business game who need to listen carefully to questions and answer them correctly

Analysts- participants in the business game who follow the course of the game, at the end analyze the business game, evaluate the performers of the roles, and choose the best player.

Experts- participants in a business game who carefully listen to the answers of thinkers and conduct their qualitative assessment, taking into account competence, the ability to navigate the issue, speed of reaction, resourcefulness, originality, logic, communication culture.

Press center- participants in the business game, whose task is to cover the course of the game and publish a photo newspaper

The business game consists of four tasks.

Task 1 "Brainstorming" - three categories of questions

Task 2 "Pedagogical workshop"

Physical education minute

Task 3 "Good - Bad"

Task 4 "Playful plot"

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! This year we have often addressed the issue of the development of play activities for children of early and younger preschool age. Today we will sum up the results, and I suggest you play a business game called "Game Planet". Each game has roles, our game will not be an exception (role distribution is underway).

Teachers - thinkers are divided into two teams, choose a name for themselves.

Exercise 1.

Teams are invited to answer questions from three categories: "Creative games", "Didactic games", "Folk games". Players take turns pulling out cards with questions and answering them (time is given for reflection)

Sample questions from the Creative Games category

1) Name the stages of formation of a role-playing game (reproduction of actions, formation of role-playing behavior, plot composition).

2) What game is leading from 2.5 to 5 years? (plot-role-playing).

3) What kind of games can be classified as creative games? (plot-role-playing, constructive, theatrical).

4) Name the components of s / role-playing games (plot, content, role).

5) Name s / role-playing games on everyday topics.

6) Name s / role-playing games with a production character.

7) What are the hygienic conditions for organizing a role-playing game at the present stage (fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements: wet cleaning, ventilation, washing toys; organization of the playing space, providing a place and time for games, the presence of toys that are safe for life and health).

8) Determine at what stage in the development of the game the children are: “I enjoy playing travel”

9) Determine what stage the children are in: “Fighting over toys”

10) Expand the features of theatrical games? (literary or folklore basis, the presence of spectators).

11) What is the name of the games in which the child reveals a familiar plot, develops it or comes up with a new one? (dramatization games)

Sample questions from the category "Didactic games"

1) List the types of didactic games. (Games with objects, board games, word games)

2) Formulate the goal of the game-lesson with 2 nesting dolls (for children from 1 year 1 month - 1 year 3 months, to develop the ability to navigate in contrasting quantities, to form purposeful actions of children with a nesting doll: open, close, take out, put in)

3) What is the essence of the didactic game? (didactic games are learning games, they arise on the initiative of adults for the purpose of education and training, they are aimed at developing skills that children cannot yet master in the process of independent exercises)

4) Which of the following materials can be classified as didactic: a pyramid, split pictures, a mosaic, brightly colored balls, cones, acorns, scraps of fabric, leather? (That's it! Some didactic materials are specially designed to develop certain skills and abilities, others open up maximum opportunities for children to show independence when using them and achieve a variety of results)

5) What is the role of an adult in organizing a didactic game with children? (the teacher is the instigator and participant in the game, can lead the game through a role, through a rule, through a “trial move.” The teacher is required to be able to start the game, arouse children's interest in the game, the desire to play)

6) What can the result of the didactic game tell the educator? (the result of the game is always an indicator of the success of children in learning)

7) List the components of a didactic game, the absence of at least one of them makes the game impossible (Game content, game design, game actions and rules)

8) Choose an action for the noun. What is the wind doing? (Howls, raises dust, drives leaves, inflates the sail); Pick a circumstance. How can you learn? (well, lazily, long, willingly, etc.). Are these exercises related to didactic exercises? (yes, it's a word game)

9) Give an example of didactic games and exercises on sensory education (“What color is the object?”, “Put yellow objects in a yellow bag”, “Wonderful bag”)

10) What do you think can make it easier for children to follow the rules of the game? (visibility, simplicity, control of their actions and coordination with the actions of children, any action in the game is performed jointly and simultaneously, the desire to imitate, the game role ensures the activity of the imagination)

Sample questions from the category "Folk Games"

1) Who plays the main role in the folk game? (leader)

2) What determines the entire course of the game, regulates the actions and behavior of children? (rules of the game)

3) Why do we need a rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)

4) Where are Russian folk games used? (in the organization of holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)

5) What physical qualities are brought up in Russian folk games? (dexterity, courage, endurance)

6) Where does the speech material for the folk game come from? (from folklore)

7) What is the signal for action in the folk game? (word)

8) Give examples of folk games that can be played with our children.

Task 2

Teams are given the same set of materials: colored paper, scissors, glue stick. It is necessary for a certain time to come up with and produce a didactic manual. Come up with a name for the didactic manual, determine the age of the children and what tasks can be solved with the help of this didactic manual.

Physical education minute

You are so great! They answered all the questions, showed the ability to quickly and efficiently produce a variety of didactic manuals from simple materials, determine the tasks of the didactic game and its course. And now we will rest a little. A physical education session is conducted by a music director accompanied by vigorous, energetic music.

Task 3

Now we are energized, and our game continues.

We know that in order for the role-playing game of children to develop, certain conditions must be created. One of them is the ability of the teacher to develop the plot of the game, to introduce new roles into the game familiar to children, to determine the role-playing behavior and game actions of the characters. And the next task will allow you, dear educators, to demonstrate these skills.

Teams will be offered the names of role-playing games. Your task is to develop the plot of the proposed game, that is, to determine the roles (as many roles as possible, role-playing behavior and the necessary attributes for this game to take place: the names of role-playing games are offered to teams in envelopes.

Task 4

When organizing a role-playing game in our institution, we often encounter situations that at first glance impede the development of the game. For example, there are only girls in the group, or there are children with disabilities in the group (special health abilities, or children of different ages in the group. Is this good or bad for the development of a role-playing game? How to organize a game under these conditions? Now our commands.

Teams will be asked for approval. One team characterizes this statement from the position of "Good", the other - from the position of "Bad"

Sample statements:

9) There are only girls in the group

10) There are children with disabilities in the group

11) A group of children of different ages

12) There are no children with disabilities in the group, but children with various emotional and behavioral disorders (anxious, hyperactive, autistic)

Dear Colleagues!

Our game has come to an end and it's time to take stock.

A word to the experts: awarding the winning team and the second team of players.

The floor is for analysts: they analyze the business game, evaluate the work of experts, reward the best players in teams

I would like to acknowledge the work of our esteemed experts, analysts and the press center (certificates).

Today we talked about the significance and merits of children's play, about the types of games, about the conditions for the development and organization of children's play activities. Remember, among the surrounding adults, the child loves those who play with him, nothing can affect the sympathy of the child so much as playing with him. We know that the game does not arise by itself, the world of children's play must be opened to the child. And you, dear educators, are doing well!

Viktor Afanasiev said: "The happiest games are those that are not finished." We will consider that such events will become a tradition in our institution.

In conclusion of our meeting, I would like to thank you for your cooperation and wish you creative discoveries in our difficult but interesting work.

Development of the scenario of the business game "The Way to Success"
The purpose of the game is to develop your communicative, organizational and creative abilities, which are the foundation of the professional activity of a teacher.
Target audience: young teachers of preschool educational institutions (experience up to 3 years).
1. Information block
2. Scenario of a business game
Today, in the context of constant changes in socio-economic, socio-cultural transformations in the world, the accelerated development of innovations has revealed the need for a new type of teacher who can quickly and easily adapt to a changing society. However, as educational reality shows, staff turnover among young professionals is high in the first years of work. One of the reasons is the complexity of the adaptation process, the formation of the professional competence of a young teacher.
The modern system of preschool education pays great attention to the role of professional competence of teachers. The requirements for the personality and professional activity of a teacher require high professional mobility, readiness for creative self-realization, mastery of the art of professional communication, the ability to apply pedagogical technologies, think freely and take responsibility for solving the tasks assigned to him. It depends on how easily the teacher overcomes the period of entry into professional activity, whether the teacher will succeed as a professional, whether he will remain in the field of preschool education.
It should be noted that in every educational institution the issue of accompanying the teacher in the process of adaptation to professional activities will be relevant, which can ensure the continuous personal and professional development of the teacher and allows him to shorten the period of professional adaptation. In order to bring up a modernly educated, enterprising child, ready to make decisions independently, capable of cooperation, professionally competent teachers are needed.
Within the framework of the stated topic, we invite you to take part in the business game "The Way to Success". (5 minutes)
Game progress:
Divide into two teams by lot (two kinds of sweets).
1 task: come up with a team name, motto (according to the theme of the game) and choose a captain. (3 minutes)
2 task: quiz
1. Who has the leading role in raising a preschool child? (family)
2. Name the legislative documents that indicate the priority role of the family in the upbringing of the child (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Family Code)
3. What is the role of the kindergarten in raising children? (to help, support, direct, supplement the educational activities of the family)
4. In what areas of knowledge should a teacher be competent for full communication with parents? (medicine, pediatrics, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, rhetoric, etc.)
5. What regulatory documents should the main general educational program of a preschool educational institution comply with (LAW on education, FGT to the general educational program of preschool education)
6. What are the forms of work with the family? (parent meetings, questionnaires, written and oral consultations, conversations, open days, parent mail, stand design, invitation to classes, general leisure activities with the invitation of parents)
7. Name the main activities of children in the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the FGT (playing, communicative, labor, motor, cognitive research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction as a special type of children's activity and productive).
8. What principles should the educator be guided by in their professional activities (individual approach, taking into account age characteristics, humanism, openness, sub-sub relations, confidentiality, etc.)
9. Name 10 educational areas in accordance with FGT?
10. What are the forms of work with children? (node, joint, group, subgroup, individual, excursions round table) (10 minutes)

3 task: decipher the abbreviations:
Task 4: solving pedagogical situations by brainstorming (10 minutes)
Task for the first team:
1. The teacher invited all parents to the parent meeting, placing information about this on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is dissatisfied. The parent meeting had to be rescheduled. What can explain what happened? What to do next?
2. The child temporarily does not attend the kindergarten for the reason that he goes to a sanatorium-type kindergarten. Upon their return, the mother discovers that their locker is occupied by another child. Mom begins to find out, to make claims to the teacher. How should the teacher behave in this situation? What can be done to avoid conflict?
Task for the second team:
1. While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket addressed to the teacher of the group, asking the mother not to harden her child after a daytime sleep. The reason was not specified. Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your next steps?
2. The administration of the preschool educational institution nominated a young specialist (an activist in professional and social activities) to the list for submission to the Board of Honor. After that, a conflict situation arose in the team: a teacher with a long teaching experience expressed her dissatisfaction with the nominated candidate. What can be done to avoid conflict?
5 task: crocodile
- overslept for work
- on the carpet at the head;
- puts the children to sleep, but the children do not obey;
- Unexpectedly during the walk it began to rain heavily;
-during a walk, you noticed an angry dog ​​on the site;
- you persuade the child to eat;
- you cross the road with pupils;
- the fire alarm went off in the kindergarten;
- the end of the working day, no one comes for the child;
You have learned that you have received a substantial salary increase.
Task 6: chamomile on the topic “modern preschool teacher - what is he like?”
(7 minutes)
Calculation of results, announcement of winners.
"There lived a sage who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked:" Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive? alive - I kill her, the dead one says - I will release. " The sage, after thinking, answered: "Everything is in your hands." We took this parable not by chance. After all, everything is really in our hands, do not be afraid to create, look for something new, learn the unknown. Thank you for participating! All the best!

Intellectual game for teachers

"The game is the leading activity"

Prepared by: teacher-psychologist Chabin A.A.

March 2015

Intellectual game with teachers on the topic: "Game is the leading activity"


1. Systematize the knowledge of teachers on the formation of play activities in children.

2. Formation of positive communication skills of teachers, the ability to work in a team.


1. Improve the pedagogical skills of educators.

2. Raise the methodological level of teachers in organizing various types of games.

Participants: preschool teachers

Rules of the game: all participants are divided into 2 teams, each team chooses a captain. Preparation time for the competition: 1-3 minutes. The jury evaluates each competition and sums up the overall result.

Game progress:

We invite you to play

And solve problems

Something to remember, repeat,

What we do not know, learn.

No. 1 "Greeting" (2-3 min)

Come up with a team name and motto, greetings and wishes for the opposing team

No. 2 "Warm-up"

1 team

1. What attributes are used in Russian folk games (stick, handkerchief, ball, toy)
2. The main role in the folk game? (leading))
3. Why do we need a counting rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)
4. Where are Russian folk games used? (in the organization of holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)

2 team
1. Where does the speech material for folk games come from?

(from folklore)
2. What is the signal for action in the folk game? (word)

3. What determines the entire course of the game, regulates the actions and behavior of children? (rules of the game)

4. What physical qualities are brought up in Russian folk games? (courage, dexterity, endurance)

And of course, remember Russian folk tales:

1 team

1. In the name of which fish can you cast spells? (Pikes.) 2 What new mode of transport did Emelya invent? (Stove.)
3. Who helped Ivan Tsarevich get the firebird? (Gray wolf.)
4. What number is most often found in fairy tales? (Three.)
5. Who broke the tower? (Bear.)

6. What should you say when you are in front of Baba Yaga's hut? (“Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me.”)

2 team

1- What birds helped Baba Yaga? (Swan geese.)
2- What do you need to shout in an open field so that a heroic horse gallops? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, as
leaf in front of grass.)
3- What rivers flow in fairy tales? (Dairy.)
4- What new way of fishing did the fox invent? (On a wolf's tail.)
5- Without whom would the turnip not be pulled out? (Without mouse.)
6- What can happen if you don’t listen to your sister while walking?
(You can become a goat.)

No. 3 Since children are constantly required to know the traffic rules, we will check how much the educators themselves know the traffic rules.

For 1 team:

What signs can be indicated by the following words:
1. “Hurrah! Lessons canceled! (Beware, kids!)
2. "Sleep, my joy, sleep." (Beeping is prohibited).
3. "Do not walk on the piano." (Crosswalk).

Each team is given one task.
Task for the 1st team.
6 people got off the bus. Three of them crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing, two went around the front of the bus, and one remained at the bus stop. How many people entered according to the traffic rules?

(One. You have to wait until the bus leaves the stop and only then cross the street.)

For 2 teams:

1. "The treasure of the cat Leopold." (Men at work).

2. "Tri-color balls." (Traffic regulation).
3. “Winds and versts running away into the distance. You sit down and just pedal.” (Bike Lane).
Task for the 2nd team.
The wolf was driving to the fox in a car on the left side of the road. He was stopped by a traffic police inspector and ordered to pay a fine. What rule did the wolf break?

(Vehicles are allowed to drive on the road, keeping to the right).

No. 4 Intellectual

Questions for 1 team

1. Name the games aimed at developing visual-figurative thinking for a child of 4 years old

A) theatrical games

B) director's games

C) games with split pictures, consisting of 3-4 parts

D) story display games

Correct answer: Split picture games, consisting of 3-4 parts

2. age of the child meeting 2 crisis (3 years)

3. What is the form of teaching children in a preschool educational institution? (activity, game)

Questions 2 team

1. The main mechanism of the didactic game, setting the whole game in motion, is:

A) pedagogical guidance

B) game rule

B) play action

D) didactic task

Correct Answer: Didactic task

2. What is the age of the child who meets his first crisis (crisis of 1 year)

3. The most effective type of activity that contributes to the development of children's creative activity is activity ... (labor)

#5 Cinquain is a poem, consisting of five lines in which a person expresses his attitude to the problem, we invite you to write a cinquain on the game.

The order of writing syncwine:

The first line is one keyword that defines the content of the syncwine.

The second line is two adjectives characterizing the given sentence.

The third term is three verbs showing the action of the concept.

The fourth line is a short sentence in which the author expresses his attitude.

The fifth line is one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings, associations associated with this concept.

For example

A game

children's fun

Play, chat, have fun

Something without which children cannot develop


Dear jury, while the participants complete the task, sum up the results of the previous rounds.

While the players make up our cinquain, a respected jury can calculate the points.

1 team

Overslept for work;

- on the carpet at the head;

- puts the children to bed, but the children do not obey;

2 team

- you persuade the child to eat;

- you cross the road with pupils; ;
Did you find out that you have received a substantial salary increase?

No. 7 "Professionals". (3 min.)

Practical situations are offered for discussion by the teams. Maximum score - 3 points for each situation

Task for the first team:
The teacher invited all parents to the parent meeting, placing information about this on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is dissatisfied. The parent meeting had to be rescheduled. What can explain what happened? What to do next?

Task for the second team

The child temporarily does not attend the nursery for the reason that he is constantly sick. Upon their return, the mother discovers that their locker is occupied by another child. Mom begins to find out, to make claims to the teacher. How should the teacher behave in this situation? What can be done to avoid conflict?

No. 8 Relay with the ball

Purpose: team building.

Two teams stand in two lines, feet shoulder-width apart. Pass the ball to each other at the bottom between the legs, then the last player makes a forward pass over the head. The player standing in front runs to the end of the team and passes the ball along the chain forward, the player standing in front receives the ball and runs to the end of the team and passes the ball along the chain to the front and so on until the ball reaches the team captain.

No. 9 At the beginning of the sentence, you need to come up with a rhyme:

“For the children to sleep sweetly…

We need to turn on the music."

“Onions, garlic - this is a miracle ....

Oh, they are afraid of a cold.

“In order not to suffer from a cough ...

You have to breathe properly."

"One bean and two beans...

We massage the hand.

"To be bold at school

Keep the answer on the board...

We need to answer questions more often in the kindergarten "

"Bright color and bright light...

Boosts immunity.

"Herbs fragrant aroma ...

Sleep will improve a hundredfold.

"Sleeped during the day and woke up,

Stretched, smiled...

We raised our arms and legs

Much healthier"

So, all the competitions are over, the knowledge of teachers has been increased, creative skills have been improved, the teachers flashed their knowledge, they were busy with physical education, and now our jury will sum up and announce to us whose team won, well, we'll play a little.

The rallying game "Shanghai".

Target: group bonding, building trust.(4 min). (In the free space of the hall.)

Instruction: “Stand in a line and hold hands. The first in the line carefully twists around its axis and pulls the rest along until it turns out to be a “spiral”. In this position, participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group at the end of their movement to carefully squat down

"There lived a sage who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked:" Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive? alive - I kill her, the dead one says - I will release. " The sage, after thinking, answered: "Everything is in your hands." We took this parable not by chance. After all, everything is really in our hands, do not be afraid to create, look for something new, learn the unknown. Thank you for participating! All the best!


MBDOU "Kindergarten "Topolek"

"Eco-Quest" with teachers of kindergartens "Skazka", "Topolek"


April 2017

"Environmental education of preschoolers"

Target: to intensify the mental activity of preschool teachers;

consolidation of teachers' knowledge on the topic of environmental education of preschool children; team building; establishing an emotional favorable environment in the pedagogical environment of a preschool institution.


Dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome you to the eco-quest

Quest translated from English as “challenge, search, game” - this is a game during which participants go through a series of obstacles to achieve a goal.

And I invite you to participate in such a game, and the topic of our today's quest"Environmental education of preschoolers"

Please welcome our players, and our competent jury will evaluate the results of our game with you:


There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory.

You will only see one

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

Warm-up: "Rain in the forest."

Goal: to overcome participants' anxiety;

Teachers stand in a circle one after another - they turn into trees in the forest. The psychologist reads the text, the teachers perform the actions.

The sun shone in the forest, and all the trees stretched their branches towards it. Suddenly a strong wind blew and began to shake the trees in different directions. But the trees are firmly rooted, standing steadily, only swaying. The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first, gentle drops of rain. The rain is falling harder and harder. The trees began to feel sorry for each other, to protect from the strong blows of rain with their branches. But now the sun has reappeared. The trees rejoiced, shook off the extra drops of rain, again extended their branches to the sun. The trees felt inside themselves freshness, vivacity and joy of life.

1. task ("Ecological basket")

A set of questions for each team, in 2 minutes to answer more questions:

1st team

* Which bird has the longest tongue?(At the woodpecker)

* Who are called leaf fallers?(Hares born in autumn)

* Animal science.(Zoology)

* Who is an ichthyologist?(Scientist studying fish)

* What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers?(Oak)

* What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?(Photo hunting)

2nd team

* What bird is called the Forest Rooster.(Capercaillie)

* What does the "weeping" of a birch in spring mean?(Sapflow)

* Plant science.(Botany)

* Why is larch called "good tree"?(Does not prick)

* Grass from 99 diseases.(St. John's wort)

* Is the penguin a bird or an animal?(Bird)

2. Theoretical part

1st team

1. What do you understand by the term "ecology"? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word "ecology" itself is derived from the Greek "ekos" "house" and "logos" - science. That is, ecology in the broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is called the science "of the relationship of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment”)

2. How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education of preschool children be formulated?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-activity attitude to the environment and to their health)

3. Who, in your opinion, has the main burden and responsibility in the environmental education of children?

(On a teacher who, not limited to direct educational activities, introduces elements of environmental education into all types of children's activities)

4. Conditions necessary for ecological education of children?

(Ecological room, a corner of nature in a group, a site)

5. Forms of organization with children on environmental education?

(Excursions into nature, GCD, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

2nd team

1. Name the main components that an ecological culture includes.

(Environmental knowledge and skills, environmental thinking; value orientations; environmentally justified behavior)

2. Name the practical methods of environmental education of preschoolers.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

3. Please complete the sentence: “In order for environmental education and education to bring the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children, it must become ... ..”

(Environmental education should become an integral part of the entire educational process and be included in allactivities : directly educational activities, walks, security moments, games)

4. By definition, say what it is: purposeful, systematic, active perception by children of objects and phenomena of the world around. In environmental education, this technique is the leading one. (Observation)

5. Name 3 objects of inanimate nature, which are monitored in the preschool educational institution. (Clouds, wind, sun)

3. Game "Fauna".

Each team is given a task to depict two animals using gestures, facial expressions, and movements. The opposing team guess which animal was depicted.

4. Pedagogical tasks (situations)

Each team is given the text of the pedagogical situation on the topic of environmental education. The task of each team is to improvise and play a scene, to demonstrate how it was necessary to act, what to say, to play the solution.

1st team

At the kindergarten site, the girls play shop and replenish the assortment of “products”, picking off plants: yellow acacia pods - “beans”, chamomile heads - “sweets”, etc. Irina Petrovna came up and praised: “Well done! Good idea!”

Name the teacher's mistakes. What would you do in this situation

2nd team

Seryozha covers something in her palm, looks into it and smiles tenderly. Olga Ivanovna turns to the baby: “What do you have there? Show me! Ugh! Drop it now!" A small furry caterpillar falls from the palm of your hand onto the asphalt. Someone's foot mercilessly stepped on her.

Name the teacher's mistakes. What would you do in this situation?

1- team

The girl brought a kitten to the kindergarten. The teacher answered: “Why did you bring such a goner? Throw it away now! » The girl is crying, begging to leave the kitten.

*Your actions?

2nd team

An incident happened in a kindergarten: a group of children saw a grasshopper, shouted "locust", jumped, played with it. One child crushed a grasshopper with his foot in front of the others. Children are confused.

*What is your reaction to the children's actions?

5. "How plants and animals predict the weather."

I remind you of the beginning of the signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

1st team

1. The spider strenuously weaves a web - (to dry weather).

2. It's getting warm on the road - (before the rain).

3. Swifts, swallows fly low - (rain is foreshadowed).

4. When bird cherry blooms - (to cold, frost).

2nd team

1. If the grass is dry in the morning - (expect rain in the evening).

2. A lot of juice flows from a birch - (by a rainy summer).

3. In the morning, the woodlice blossomed and remained open all day - (for good weather).

4. Flowers before the rain - (they smell stronger).

5. Musical kaleidoscope.

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of the song in which they are present:

1st team

Daisies, forest

2nd team

birds, birch,

6. Sports competition "Nalivayka"

Dear players, there are empty vials with measured divisions, a syringe and a bowl of water in front of you.

Task: each of the participants in turn must run up to fill the syringe with water and pour it into the vial, the team that fills the vial with water to the 200 ml mark faster wins.
7. "Ecological road signs"

Dear players, you need to come up with and draw two original environmental road signs on a drawing paper.

This concludes our meeting, I hope that the topic of our game was useful and interesting for you.

I wish you all creative success in such an important and necessary work for children!


MBDOU "Kindergarten "Topolek"

Business game for teachers



teacher - psychologist Chabin A.A.

December 2016

Business game for teachers


Purpose: To intensify the activities of teachers, to promote the acquisition of experience in the joint work of the teaching staff; observe the culture of speech and tact; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents.

Game progress:


Hello, dear colleagues, we are glad to see you at our business game "Erudite"

Participants are invited: teachers of the kindergarten "Luchik" and teachers of the kindergarten "Topolek".

Dear participants, we present you our competent jury.

Dear jury, please listen to the criteria for evaluating participants:

0 points - participants did not cope with the task

1 point - participants did not give a complete answer

2 points - participants gave a complete answer


Dear participants, before starting our game, let's do a little warm-up.

Warm up

A healthy person is a successful person! I invite you to do a fun workout with me.

In the morning, the gander got up on its paws and got ready for exercise.
He looked to the right, to the left, he made bold turns.
I pinched a little fluff and splashed into the water with a running start!
Sparrow stretched, straightened, startled.
He nodded his head three times, he winked with his right eye.
He spread his paws to the sides and walked along the perch.
He walked and sat down, sang his song: Chick-chirp-chirp-chirp ...

1. Task.

Dear colleagues, the task is "Changeling". Children do not always clearly know how to express their thoughts, so in any case, you must learn to understand them.

You need to guess the name of a famous movie or a proverb by the “shifter”.

Task 1st team

Vasily Ivanovich remains at work - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession."

Sad adults - "Funny guys."

You stand louder - you won’t be closer - “You go quieter - you will continue.”

Task 2 - team

The cry of the rams - "Silence of the lambs."

A man on a cart - it’s harder for a gelding - “A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.”

There are not only boys in the symphony orchestra - "Only girls in jazz."

2. Task.

In order to be known and appreciated for your professional qualities, you must be able to present yourself in some way.

Exercise "Announcement" in the form of a presentation.

Within 5 minutes, each team must write a short job advertisement that reflects professional uniqueness and includes something that no other specialist can offer. This announcement is then read to everyone. We can ask any questions about the content of the ad in order to make sure that it is really worth using this service.


Exercises for the development of teacher communication.

Exercise 1 "Who is this mask?"

Target: Develop the ability to make an impression in accordance with the chosen image.

I suggest that the teams act out and show the images of the parents.

  1. "Shirt - guy", "Eternally dissatisfied",
  2. "Doubting", "Interesting" ..

4 Task.

1. Choose the most appropriate proverbs and sayings and justify why this saying is suitable for this statement.

  1. team

Kindergarten teacher is:

a) "A good horse will carry everyone"

b) “Without a queen, bees are lost children”

c) "And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe."

Working with parents is:

a) “Paper not purchased, letter homemade”

b) "In a good hour to say, in a bad hour to remain silent"

c) “By the way of walking”

2nd team

Raising children means:

a) “Serve for seven years, served seven raps, and even those are gone”

b) “It will grind - everything will be flour”

c) "He is strong by the order of the voivode."

Teaching children means:

a) What you sow, so shall you reap

b) “If there was a thread, we would get to the ball”

c) “Go on the road - weave five bast shoes”

5. Task: "Guess"

I ask the players of each team in turn the words. For 30 seconds, team members try to explain to another team a given word without pronouncing it (gestures, facial expressions are allowed), the other team needs to guess what they are trying to show.

The jury awards one point for correct answers.

The words for the first team are physical education, a musical lesson.

Words for the second team - a quiet hour, children draw.


Exercise "Hedgehog and Elephant"

The purpose of the game is to indirectly demonstrate to the participants their habitual way of interacting with other people.

Participants choose a pair from the opposite team, take a piece of paper and a marker for two, and begin to complete the task.


7. Task


Team 1 teachers:

Teachers 2 teams:

Task 8 Pedagogical situation

  1. team

In the garden for children of older groups and their parents, a task was offered to make bird feeders. Children with passion and joy show and tell how they made, someone with dad, someone with uncle, grandfather feeders. Only 5-year-old Anton sat quietly watching everyone. One of the girls turned to him: “Why didn’t you bring a feeder? You don't feel sorry for the birds!" And Anton answered: “Mom always works for her once, but I don’t have a dad!” All the children laughed.

Your actions?


The garden is preparing for the New Year. The Christmas tree has already been decorated in the music hall. The New Year holiday is passing merrily and joyfully, but then 6-year-old Kira comes up to the teacher and asks:

“- Anna Ivanovna, why was the Christmas tree cut down, because you can’t break and destroy trees. After all, after the holiday, throw it away.

Your actions?

Leading: So our business game has come to an end, and while our jury is summing up, I suggest you play one fun game.

Game exercise "Siamese twins"

"Split into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other with one hand at the waist, put your right foot next to your partner's left foot. Now you are fused twins: two heads, three legs, one body, and two arms. At my command, you must perform certain tasks: walk around the hall, sit down, stand up, jump, clap your hands, etc." In addition, twins can "grow together" not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

Summing up the results of the game, rewarding the participants.

Recall the Japanese proverb: “A bad owner grows weeds, a good one grows rice. The wise man cultivates the soil, the far-sighted educates the worker.” Let's raise a worthy generation. Good luck to you! Thank you for participating!


MBDOU "Kindergarten "Topolek"

Business game for teachers

"Way to success"


teacher - psychologist Chabin A.A.

October 2016

Game for teachers on the day of the educator"Way to success"


1. The development of communicative, organizational and creative abilities, which are the foundation of the professional activity of a preschool teacher.

2. Creation of conditions for professional self-improvement and self-reflection of teachers;

3. Stimulation of cognitive interest and creativity of teachers.

Game progress:

The topic of our meeting"Way to success" Therefore, we propose to build the work in the form of a business game.

Please welcome our players, and our competent jury will evaluate the results of our game with you:

The competition is evaluated on a 3-point system.

Split into two teams
1 task: come up with a team name, motto (according to the theme of the game) and choose a captain.

Greeting "Relationship"

Purpose: development of the participants' imagination, expansion of the possibility of bodily expression, mood on the topic of the training.

  • Presenter: Start walking around the room. Now I will offer you to say hello in different ways, and you, moving from one training participant to another, will have to do this.
  • First, greet colleagues with a smile or a friendly nod.
  • Now you need to stop, shake the other person's hand or put yours on the shoulder.
  • Now imagine that all the people who are here recently offended you greatly. As you pass them, express all your feelings to them.
  • Now imagine that each participant is leading a large dog on a rope.
  • And finally, when greeting others, express your real mood.

Task 2: "Guess"

I ask you questions, you answer them at a fast pace in turn.
1st team

1.- What attributes are used in Russian folk games? (stick, handkerchief, ball, toy)
2.- The main role in the folk game? (leader)
3.- What determines the entire course of the game, regulates the actions and behavior of children? (rules of the game)
4.- Why do we need a rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)
5.- Where are Russian folk games used? (in the organization of holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)
6.- What physical qualities are brought up in Russian folk games? (courage, dexterity, endurance)
7.- Where does the speech material for folk games come from? (from folklore)
8.- What is the signal for action in the folk game? (word)
Recall Russian folk tales:
9. In the name of which fish can you cast spells? (Pikes.)
10. What new mode of transport did Emelya invent? (Stove.)
11. K For the speed of reaction and the correctness of the answer, the players are given a token.

12. Flowers of what culture did the court ladies of the French queen use as decoration in their hair?




apple trees

13. Which birds have "kindergartens" for kids? (At the penguins)

14. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

15. An animal walking by itself. (Cat.)

16. Who runs with hind legs forward? (Hare.)

2nd team
1. What woke up Finist - the Clear Falcon from a witch's dream? (Comb, feather taken out of hair, burning tear.)
2. Who broke the tower? (Bear.)
3. What number is most often found in fairy tales? (Three.)
4. What should you say when you are in front of Baba Yaga's hut? (“Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me.”)
5. What does Baba Yaga fly on? (In a mortar and on a broom.)
6. What birds helped Baba Yaga? (Swan geese.)
7. What do you need to shout in an open field so that a heroic horse gallops? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, as
leaf in front of grass.)
8. What rivers flow in fairy tales? (Dairy.)
9. What new way of fishing did the fox invent? (On a wolf's tail.)
10. Without whom, the turnip would not have been pulled out? (Without mouse.)

11. What can happen if you don’t listen to your sister while walking?
(You can become a goat.)

12. Morning silver on the grass. (Dew.)

13. What is more precious than a diamond in the desert? (Water.)

14. Which island itself speaks of its size? (Yamal.)

15. When are hands a pronoun? (When they are you-we-you)

16.What can at the same time; stand and walk, hang and walk, walk and lie? (Watch)

3. Task "Reason"


Team 1 teachers:

1. The tape was cut in six places. How many parts did it make? (Seven parts)

2. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled out a turnip. How many eyes have seen her? (Twelve.)

3. Nastya put three spoons of sugar in tea and drank one glass. Katya used four spoons of sugar and drank two glasses. Whose tea was sweeter? (Nastya, since she has three spoons in a glass, and Katya has two spoons of sugar each.)

4. Mom knitted her children three scarves (each one scarf) and three mittens. How many mittens did she have left to knit? (Three mittens, so she had three children.)

5. Four boys and two girls rolled one snowball each and made snowmen. How many carrots for their noses and coals for their eyes did the teacher bring them? (If each snowman consists of three lumps, then the teacher brought two carrots and four coals.)

Teachers 2 teams:

1. In a barrel - 10 tablespoons of honey. How many children can taste this honey? (Note that it does not say how much honey each child will receive).

2. Sister and brother received 4 apples each. Sister ate 3 apples, brother 2 apples. Who has more apples? (of the one who ate less).

3. One apple was divided equally between 2 girls, and the second - equally between 4 boys. Which child received the most?

4. At 12 o'clock at night it was snowing. Could it be sunny in a few days at the same time?

5. Sister is 4 years old, brother is 6 years old. How old will the brother be when the sister turns 6? (2 years will pass, therefore, the brother will be 8 years old).


1st team
- overslept for work
- on the carpet at the head;
- puts the children to sleep, but the children do not obey;
- Unexpectedly during the walk it began to rain heavily;
-during a walk, you noticed an angry dog ​​on the site;
2nd team

You persuade the child to eat;
- you cross the road with pupils;
- the fire alarm went off in the kindergarten;
- the end of the working day, no one comes for the child;
You have learned that you have received a substantial salary increase.
Game: We are a team!

Purpose: team building.

The group completes tasks quickly and accurately.

Instructions: Build, using all players, the following figures:

1st team

  • square;
  • triangle;
  • circle;

2nd team

  • rhombus;
  • corner;
  • letter

4. task "Thinking"

Participants are asked questions with multiple answers, it is necessary to mark the correct answer.

1 point is given for each correct solution.

In early age groups, the use of the verbal method in speech development classes is accompanied by:

Answer options:

a) methods of logorhythmics;

b) a variety of wording of the question;

c) the introduction of the necessary characters;

d) in a mysterious, fabulous tone, slow pace and repeated repetitions;

e) interesting tone, use of problem situations, fast pace.

2. At what age do children not only perceive the actions of the heroes of literary works, but also understand the motives for these actions?

Answer options:

a) 1 - 2.5 years;

b) 2.5 - 3 years;

c) 3 - 4.5 years;

d) 4.5 - 5.5 years;

e) 5.5 - 7 years.

3. The main form of organized systematic training in physical exercises for young children is ...

Answer options:

a) mobile game;

b) morning exercises;

c) physical education;

d) morning walk

d) physical education.

4. What visual movements does a child master during the second year of life?

Answer options:

a) basic shaping movements;

b) does not master any movements;

c) various drawing movements of a tool character;

d) variable use of shaping movements;

e) All answers are wrong.

Mark the correct answer to the question

1. Didactic games and exercises with young children contribute to ...

Answer options:

a) consolidation of knowledge, skills, development of mental processes;

b) receiving a comprehensive education;

c) the development of cognitive activity and mental processes;

d) the formation of collective skills for performing developmental tasks;

e) enrichment of the dictionary with new terms.

2. Sensory education of young children as the basis of mathematical education is ...

Answer options:

a) the development of the child's processes of perception and ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

b) a purposeful pedagogical process aimed at the formation of sensory cognition and the improvement of sensations and perception;

c) the totality of knowledge and skills formed during their assimilation of perceptual actions;

d) a specially organized pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a system of knowledge and skills, methods of mental activity and the development of children's cognitive activity;

e) quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in the child's mental activity, associated with age, enrichment of experience and under the influence of educational influences.

3. At a physical education lesson with young children, the following loads are monitored:

Answer options:

a) emotional, spiritual and moral;

b) psychological, physical;

c) intellectual, physical;
d) psychological, biological;

e) electrostatic, physical.

4. The basis of the methodological principle of ensuring the active speech practice of young children is the position that the development of speech occurs only ...

Answer options:

a) on the basis of innate language abilities;

b) during the game;

c) in the process of communication;

d) in the process of development of intelligence;

e) in the process of the child's objective activity.

5. task "Self-knowledge"

Exercise "Hedgehog and Elephant"

The purpose of the game is to indirectly demonstrate to the participants their usual way of interacting with other people, to bring to the discussion the rules of interaction, its retention, and the features of the position during interaction.

The group is divided in half. Both groups receive hidden instructions from the coach. Then the participants choose a pair from the opposite group, take a piece of paper and a marker for two, and begin to complete the task.


For team number 1: “Your task is to silently, holding one marker for two with a partner, draw a hedgehog on a common sheet of paper in 2 minutes. Once again, you can't talk!

For team number 2: “Your task is to silently, holding one marker for two with a partner, draw an elephant on a common sheet of paper in 2 minutes. Once again, you can't talk!

TEST: "Geometric shapes"

In front of you on easels are geometric shapes:






Look at them very carefully. Try to feel them as yourself. Which of the figures is closer to you, dearer? About which of the figures can you say: "That's exactly me." Approach the easel with the selected figure.

The chosen figure represents you. And now I will read what your choice says.

So let's start:


Diligence, diligence, the need to bring the work begun to the end, perseverance, which allows you to achieve the completion of the work - this is what true Squares are famous for.

Endurance, patience and method usually make Square a highly qualified specialist in his field.

A square loves a routine once and for all: everything should be in its place and happen in its time.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life, he does not like "surprises" and changes in the usual course of events.


A temporary form of personality that can be worn by other stable figures at certain periods of life.

These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life that they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position.

Therefore, the leading qualities of the rectangle are curiosity, inquisitiveness, a keen interest in everything that happens and courage.

They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, they easily learn everything new.


This shape symbolizes leadership.

The most characteristic feature of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal.

Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals, and, as a rule, achieve them.

They are ambitious and pragmatic, able to show the higher management the significance of their own work and the work of their subordinates.

A strong need to be right and to control the state of affairs makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others.


The most benevolent of the five figures.

He has a high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to the experiences of another person.

The circle feels someone else's joy and feels someone else's pain as its own.

He is happy when everyone gets along with each other.

Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will give in first.

He seeks to find common ground even in opposing points of view.


A figure that symbolizes creativity.

Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new, original on this basis - that's what Zigzags like.

They are never content with the way things are done now or have been done in the past.

Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, the most excitable of all five patterns.

When he has a new and interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world!

Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to captivate many.

So, all the competitions are over, creative skills are improved, teachers flashed their knowledge, and now our jury will sum up and announce to us whose team won.

Purpose: to improve professional skills and competencies of teachers in early childhood development, establishing a connection between the theoretical knowledge of teachers and practical experience in the upbringing, education and development of young children, creating conditions for professional self-improvement and self-reflection of teachers, creating a comfortable, friendly atmosphere during the game, appropriate conditions for stimulating cognitive interest and creativity of teachers.

Material: demonstration material - a model of children's footprints, a country of childhood, a silhouette of a child; handouts - stickers, pedagogical situations, A4 paper, drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

The course of the psychologist's event for kindergarten teachers

Hello dear guests! I am glad to welcome all of you in the walls of our kindergarten. Today we have gathered with you in order to think about the question of the role of the educator, to find out the importance of his activity in the most important period of human life, in the most beautiful and unforgettable time - the time of hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires - in the country of childhood. It's no secret that we all come from the country of Childhood. And therefore, we often want, at least in our thoughts, to be carried away into those cloudless, happy moments. After all, at that time, every day is a fairy tale. And it is on who will lead the baby by the hand in this country, what he will receive from the world around him, which largely depends on what kind of person he will become in the future ...

Exercise "Introduction" (5 min).

Dear Colleagues! Let's get to know you! Please, on the stickers that are in front of you, first write your name, and then on the first letter of your name, the action or object that you associate with childhood and stick it written on an imaginary baby - on the symbol of childhood.

Psychologist. Early age is a conditional corridor that a child passes from birth to 3 years. Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position, and so on, are laid. All these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of the small age of the child, they require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for the age. During this period, everything that is connected not only with physiology, but also with emotions, intellect, and behavior is actively developing. Therefore, it is important how the child will develop and be brought up during this period. Therefore, dear colleagues, let's take a closer look at the children's steps in early childhood, consider the periods of development of a young child; consider what exactly a teacher should be next to a child who is actively developing.

First step. I was born! What is this happening to me?

(Crisis of the 1st year).

(The psychologist places an inscription at the first print of children's feet).

Early age- a period not only of the rapid development of all body systems, but also the stage of accumulation of experience, strength and opportunities for the beginning of personality formation.

The mental and physiological development of the child is striking in its intensity. As L. Tolstoy noted, up to 3 years a person masters the same amount of experience, which then during the rest of his life. Therefore, it is quite important who is next to the child in this, on the one hand, difficult period, and on the other hand, a happy period of his life. Therefore, dear colleagues! It is necessary not just to master the categorical-conceptual apparatus and terminology on this issue. Let's check with you your knowledge of the developmental features of the child from the moment of birth - up to 1 year.

Test knowledge test "Early age - what is it like?"

Download at the end of the lesson

Second step. My first steps. My first words...

(The psychologist places an inscription at the second print of children's feet).

Dear Colleagues! The next important step in the life of a small child is the appearance of the first steps and the first words. That is, the main events of this age interval are:

1. Walking. The main thing in the act of walking is not only that the space of the child expands, but also that the child separates himself from the adult.

2. The appearance of autonomous speech, situational, emotional, understandable only to those close in structure - fragments of words.

There are also behavioral changes:

1. Stubbornness, disobedience, demanding increased attention.

2. Increase in new forms of behavior.

3. Hypersensitivity to the remarks of adults - touchiness, discontent, aggression.

4. Increased moodiness of the child.

5. Contradictory behavior in complicated situations.

Thus, during this period, the primary connection with the adult develops and the autonomy of the child from the adult arises, which increases his own activity. But this autonomy is relative. The kid can't do anything by himself. That is, the baby requires a fair amount of attention from others, because it absorbs information like a sponge.

Exercise "Associative Series"

Psychologist. Colleagues! Let's remember the associative chains on the topic "Speech of a young child" and "Physical development of a baby", which you actively use in your work with children.

"Speech development of the child". Listening and understanding of small folklore genres.

Nursery rhymes. "Magpie-crow", "Finger, finger, where have you been", "Okay, okay"


Songs….. .


Stories. ……

"Physical development of the child".

Mobile games and game exercises…….

Games with walking, running, balancing. “To visit the dolls”, “Catch up with me”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Walk along the path”, “Across the stream”, “We lived with granny”…….

Crawling and climbing games. “Crawl to the rattle”, “Crawl through the gate”, “Don't touch”, “Climb over the log”, “Monkeys”, “Kittens”, “Collect toys”……..

Ball throwing and catching games. “Roll the ball”, “Roll down the hill”, “Throw over the rope”, “Aim in the circle”……..

Jump games. “Springs”, “Get out your palm”, “Ring the bell”, “White Bunny is sitting”, “Birds are flying”, “Catch a butterfly”……..

Orientation games in space……..

Third step. I'm getting ready to go to kindergarten.

And again some changes! (Crisis of 3 years). (The psychologist places an inscription at the third imprint of children's feet).

The third year of life is a crisis. Having acquired a certain "baggage" of knowledge and skills, the child begins to feel the need for more independence than he is given. The baby begins to realize that he is a separate being with his own desires and needs, which do not always coincide with what mom and dad offer. The child tries to compare himself with other people.

Awareness of one's "I" in the third year of life is a neoplasm. And, as with any achievement, the actions that secure it are the most important. Therefore, a three-year-old baby perceives lack of independence in some types of self-service (allows him to feed himself), in movement (asks for his arms) more calmly than dependence in the right to choose.

Each child has his own terms of development, therefore, the formation of personality also occurs at an individual pace. Most often, the age of 2-2.5 years is a transitional stage from active knowledge of the surrounding world to knowledge of oneself. This is a stable period during which the child is especially successful in mastering speech, which is the main means of communication in human society. So, our baby already has some success: he has mastered the basic macro movements (walking, running, etc.), acquired elementary self-service skills, mastered objective actions, speech. And now he strives for independence in everything, requires the recognition of adults, is preparing to enter kindergarten. How will these adults meet him there - his inner circle for the next few years?

Exercise "Pedagogical scales"


What features were the most difficult to describe?

How did you feel about it?

How do you think children feel next to such a teacher?

Is describing positive traits the most pleasant thing?

How do you think the adaptation process will go for children next to such a teacher?

Fourth step. Good afternoon, I'm here! Help me adapt!

(The psychologist places an inscription at the fourth print of children's feet).

Kindergarten - the first experience of "immersion" of the child in public life. If he is simply "thrown" into a new social circle, he can get a lot of stress. The social factor is the main and most important argument in favor of kindergarten. The complex work of all specialists, and first of all, the educator, contributes to an easier adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten, strengthens the reserve capabilities of his body.

Exercise "Psychological knots"

Psychologist. I suggest you, dear colleagues, solve psychological knots, that is, determine the state of the child during the period of adaptation to kindergarten by providing recommendations and ways to solve typical situations that arise during this period of the child’s life (the psychologist distributes cards to teachers on which the situations are written):

The child is afraid of a new room, unfamiliar adults and children;

The child, crying, cuddles up to the mother and does not leave her a single step;

The child is not interested in anything, does not approach toys;

The child avoids contact with other children;

The child refuses to contact the teacher;

The child does not let go of the educator, strives to constantly sit in his arms;

The child refuses to eat;

The child stops talking, although he knows how well;

The child is constantly crying;

The child begins to get sick often;

The child plays with only one toy;

The child refuses to sleep

Child refuses to attend kindergarten

Fifth step. And finally I am here - in the country of childhood ...

Exercise "Treasure Cache" (parable)

“Wise people say that since ancient times, people and gods lived side by side, like neighbors (it was only later that the gods chose their life on Olympus). Here, as is usual then and now between unfriendly neighbors, they somehow quarreled in earnest - and let each other arrange various dirty tricks, and every time it gets worse and worse ... And no one wants to give in!

Discord came up, they say, already to the fact that the gods decided to punish mortals worse than ever, so that they would not be so impudent.

They thought - and decided to steal from people the most expensive, most valuable, most important thing that they had.

Love will be stolen from one, mind from another, a dream from someone, happiness from others ... And so it is all over the world ...

They inflicted a bunch of human treasures. They began to consult again: “What to do with them? Where to hide it now? It was difficult for them to come to an agreement in choosing a reliable hiding place for the collected treasures.

And suddenly someone said: “What if we hide their treasures under their very noses?! They will never be found!" And offered a hiding place... a human heart.

"Yes Yes!" Everyone around was talking approvingly. “People will never guess to look there...”, “They only occasionally and mostly carelessly look in there...” “Oh, the heart is really the most secret place for them...”

Therefore, since then it has become the custom among people: we are ready to give up our whole life for the sake of obtaining the once lost treasure, which is so close by.

And everything is much simpler: dear colleagues! Each of us has it - our own, our own, dear - you just need to be able to find it in your heart. And if this treasure is real, it will surely multiply ... "

Psychologist. We all come from childhood, a child still lives in each of us. Moreover, we work in the country of Childhood! Every time you look into your heart, give your children all yours, such​​ important for them love, sincerity, warmth. After all, the motto of a teacher in life is: “I give my heart to children.” Good luck to all of you!

Thank you for attention!

business game

Purpose: To intensify the activities of teachers, to promote the acquisition of experience in the joint work of the teaching staff; observe the culture of speech and tact; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents.

To play the game, we need to split into two teams. For each part of the game, teams will be given points. For the game we need a jury. Let's start our game with the names of the teams.

1 part. Warm up. Questions are distributed to all participants, answers are accepted in turn.

    Who plays the leading role in the upbringing of a preschool child?(family)

    What are the legislative documents that indicate the priority role of the family in the upbringing of the child(Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law "On Education", Convention on the Rights of the Child, Family Code)

    What is homeland?(this is the territory in which our people live).

    What does the word kind mean? (this is the beginning of all living things, life itself).

    What is the competence of the teacher in communicating with parents?(improves his knowledge, strives for active interaction, attentive, restrained, tactful in communication, knows about the family, takes into account the social needs of parents, knows how to plan work with parents, has communication skills)

    In what areas of knowledge should a teacher be competent for full communication with parents?(medicine, pediatrics, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, rhetoric, etc.)

    What are the conditions under which the competence of a teacher may decrease?(restrictions on the part of the body (decrease in efficiency, due to age-related reasons, diseases), insufficient motivation for activity, lack of awareness)

    What are the conditions for overcoming the loss of competence?(help from colleagues, mentors, creating motivation for activities, reading literature, magazines, seeking help from a psychologist, continuing education courses, participating in problematic seminars)

2 part. Exercises for the development of teacher communication.

Exercise 1 "Who is this mask?"

Target: Develop the ability to make an impression in accordance with the chosen image.

I suggest that the teams act out the images of the parents. “The shirt is a guy”, “eternally dissatisfied”, “doubting”, “interested”. Each team chooses two images, you don’t need to name them out loud, let the opposing team guess the image that you portray. Spectators can ask questions if they are confused.

Questions for the exercise:

    What was easier to create an image or to guess it?

    Do you have any associations, memories in connection with this or that way?

    Are you able to determine the internal role of a communication partner at a glance?

Exercise 2 "The art of communication"

Task: Prepare a short commentary on the abstract.

Instruction: Each participant in the game has a thesis. It is necessary to read it and prepare a short commentary on it. Other participants in the game can also speak.


    Confidential communication between the educator and the parents of the pupils cannot be imposed, it must arise as a natural desire of the other side.

    The predominance of the evaluative style of communication becomes a serious source of conflict between the educator and parents.

    Parents need to hear what the teacher has told them.

    If you see the face of the interlocutor without a smile, smile at him yourself.

At the end, a general conclusion is drawn.

3 part.

1. Choose the most appropriate proverbs and sayings:

Kindergarten teacher is:

a) "A good horse will carry everyone"

b) “Without a queen, bees are lost children”

c) "And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe."

Working with parents is:

a) “Paper not purchased, letter homemade”

b) "In a good hour to say, in a bad hour to remain silent"

c) “By the way of walking”

Raising children means:

a) “Serve for seven years, served seven raps, and even those are gone”

b) “It will grind - everything will be flour”

c) "He is strong by the order of the voivode."

Teaching children means:

a) What you sow, so shall you reap

b) “If there was a thread, we would get to the ball”

c) “Go on the road - weave five bast shoes”

4 part. Leading: I remind the rules: I ask two players of each team in turn words. For 30 seconds, team members try to explain to each other the given word without pronouncing it (gestures are allowed). The jury awards one point for correct answers. The one who has already participated sits down. Words for the first command on the sheet (the participant himself pulls out, text inside).

The words for the first team are physical education, a walk, a musical lesson.

Words for the second team - a quiet hour, a plan, an excursion.

5 part. Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Purpose: to conduct a cross-section of the teaching staff's ideas about the modern family, to analyze the ideal attitudes towards the family of pupils and real conditions.

Progress: Some depict an ideal family, others modern. To the expert group to portray the family, ideal in their view. Talk about your idea of ​​a family. (Emphasize the valuable and unique vision in each microgroup).

Summing up the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

5. Results of the teachers' council.

Recall the Japanese proverb: “A bad owner grows weeds, a good one grows rice. The wise man cultivates the soil, the far-sighted educates the worker.” Let's raise a worthy generation. Good luck to you!

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