A short story about the origin of man on earth. How did humans appear on Earth? When did the first man appear

Each person at a certain period of his life thought about the fact. Centuries-old attempts to reveal this secret have not yet led to a result, scientists are still arguing on this topic. It is logical that the truth must be sought in the most ancient sources, which are closest to the moment of the birth of life.

Theory One: God Created Mankind

One of the first legends that sounded authentic were the stories that God created people. Many peoples believed that the first were molded from clay. It is not known for certain why this particular material was considered “human”. Most likely, this is due to the fact that clay is a radioactive substance, which is explained by the presence of uranium in the composition, and during decay, it can release significant amounts of energy. The ancestors claimed that this was the energy that was used to create living beings. Legends about the first woman and man are known all over the world.

Theory two: people are hermaphrodites

According to other myths that tell how the first one appeared, they descended from some bisexual creatures - hermaphrodites. Adherents of this theory were the peoples of Africa and Sudan. They believed that the division of people by gender occurred after a huge number of years.

Theory Three: Aliens

Modern versions of how people were born connected this fact with the presence of alien life. People believed that unearthly beings came to Earth and artificially gave rise to life on the planet.

Theory Four: Living Cell

For a long time, many scientists rejoiced, believing that they had solved the mystery of how people appeared on Earth. It seemed quite obvious to them that the appearance of mankind is connected with the formation of a living cell.

They built various models when a living cell was born from inanimate matter under the influence of chemical processes. It was argued that this living particle was in the earth's ocean, which at that time was simply seething with chemical reactions.

Later it was proved that everything necessary for the emergence of life was in space long before the formation of the Earth. Scientists insisted that the appearance of a living cell is a coincidence and unforeseen biochemical processes that explain how 1 person appeared.

However, there were people who actively refuted this version, since the content of the genetic code is an abstract record that cannot be predicted. who first discovered the genetic code, argued that a living cell could not originate on its own. But even assuming that this happened, there is no explanation as to why there was such a variety of living forms that arose as a result of a single cell.

Adherents of this theory, how people were born, cited as an example the development of Darwin, who believed that all life was formed as a result of random and chaotic mutations. As a result of natural selection, forms that were unsuitable and unsuitable for life perished. And those strongest who survived continued to survive and develop.

To date, such a theory of how people appeared on Earth does not hold water. Despite numerous excavations, it was not possible to find a single creature from which another creature could originate. If Darwin were right, now we could observe outlandish and amazing monsters.

The recent discovery of the fact that most genetic mutations have a clear direction has finally disqualified the "chance" theory. And the rest of the mutations, which are caused by disturbances in the body, cannot carry anything creative.

Theory Five: Evolution

The assumptions of this theory are that the ancient ancestors of man were higher primates, or monkeys. The modification had 4 stages:

The shortcoming of this theory was that the scientists were unable to explain in detail how mutations could contribute to the emergence of complex life forms. Until now, not a single type of beneficial mutation has been discovered, they all lead to the destruction of genes.

Theory Six: Hyperboreans and Lemurians

Esoteric history has its own interpretation of how people appeared on Earth. It is alleged that before modern mankind, the planet was inhabited by huge giants, who were called Lemurians and Hyperboreans. However, the theory was criticized, because, according to this, it simply could not be. Our planet does not have enough resources to feed such giants. And this is not the only rebuttal. If the growth of these creatures really reached enormous sizes, they would not be able to lift themselves, and with a sharp movement, the force of inertia would knock them down. In addition, their vessels would not withstand such a load, and the blood flow would break through their walls.

This is only a small part of theories, but practical experience shows that each person chooses a version according to his worldview.

Numerous studies have shown that initially all embryos are female, and only during the period of hormonal changes do some of them transform into a male. Many scientists believe that this is due to changes in the male genotype, which entail violations in the Y chromosome. It is she who determines the male gender. According to these data, after some time the planet will be inhabited by female hermaphrodites. US experts support this theory, as they were able to prove that the female chromosome is much older than the male.

With the help of modern research, a huge number of facts have been discovered, but even they do not give a clear explanation of how and where a person appeared. Therefore, people have no choice but to choose the most acceptable theory of the origin of life for themselves, trusting their intuition.

To date, there are various versions of the origin of man on Earth. These are scientific theories, and alternative, and apocalyptic. Many people consider themselves descendants of angels or divine forces, contrary to the convincing evidence of scientists and archaeologists. Authoritative historians deny this theory as mythology, preferring other versions.

General concepts

Since ancient times, man has been the subject of study of the sciences of the spirit and nature. Between sociology and natural science, there is still a dialogue about the problem of being and an exchange of information. At the moment, scientists have given a person a specific definition. This is a biosocial creature that combines intellect and instincts. It should be noted that not one person in the world is such a creature. A similar definition can be hardly attributed to some representatives of the fauna on Earth. Modern science clearly divides biology and leading research institutes around the world are searching for the boundary between these components. This area of ​​science is called sociobiology. It looks deep into the essence of a person, revealing his natural and humanitarian characteristics and preferences.

A holistic view of society is impossible without drawing on the data of its social philosophy. Today, man is a being that has an interdisciplinary character. However, many people around the world are concerned about another issue - its origin. Scientists and religious scholars of the planet have been trying to answer it for thousands of years.

The origin of man: an introduction

The question of the appearance of intelligent life beyond the Earth attracts the attention of leading scientists of various specialties. Some people agree that the origins of man and society are not worthy of study. Basically, those who sincerely believe in supernatural powers think so. Based on this opinion about the origin of man, the individual was created by God. This version has been refuted by scientists for decades. Regardless of which category of citizens each person belongs to, in any case, this issue will always excite and intrigue. Recently, modern philosophers have begun to ask themselves and those around them: "Why were people created, and what is their purpose of being on Earth?" The answer to the second question will never be found. As for the appearance of an intelligent creature on the planet, it is quite possible to study this process. Today, the main theories of the origin of man are trying to answer this question, but none of them can provide a 100% guarantee of the correctness of their judgments. Currently, archaeologists and astrologers around the world are exploring all sorts of sources for the origin of life on the planet, be they chemical, biological or morphological. Unfortunately, at the moment, mankind has not even been able to determine in which century BC the first people appeared.

Darwin's theory

Currently, there are various versions of the origin of man. However, the theory of a British scientist named Charles Darwin is considered the most likely and closest to the truth. It was he who made an invaluable contribution to his theory based on the definition of natural selection, which plays the role of the driving force of evolution. This is a natural-scientific version of the origin of man and all life on the planet.

The foundation of Darwin's theory was formed by his observations of nature while traveling around the world. The development of the project began in 1837 and lasted more than 20 years. At the end of the 19th century, another natural scientist, A. Wallace, supported the Englishman. Soon after his report in London, he admitted that it was Charles who inspired him. So there was a whole direction - Darwinism. The followers of this movement agree that all types of representatives of fauna and flora on Earth are variable and come from other pre-existing species. Thus, the theory is based on the impermanence of all living things in nature. The reason for this is natural selection. Only the strongest forms survive on the planet, which are able to adapt to the current environmental conditions. Man is just such a being. Thanks to evolution and the desire to survive, people began to develop their skills and knowledge.

Intervention theory

At the heart of this version of the origin of man is the activity of extraneous civilizations. It is believed that humans are the descendants of alien creatures that landed on Earth millions of years ago. Such a history of the origin of man has several outcomes at once. According to some, people appeared as a result of crossing aliens with progenitors. Others believe that genetic engineering of higher forms of mind, which brought Homo sapiens out of the flask and their own DNA, is to blame. Someone is sure that people originated as a result of an error in experiments on animals.

On the other hand, the version of alien interference in the evolutionary development of Homo sapiens is very interesting and probable. It is no secret that archaeologists still find numerous drawings, records and other evidence in various parts of the world that some supernatural forces helped ancient people. This also applies to the Maya Indians, who were allegedly enlightened by extraterrestrial creatures with wings on strange celestial chariots. There is also a theory that the entire life of mankind from origin to the peak of evolution proceeds according to a long-written program laid down by an alien mind. There are also alternative versions about the resettlement of earthlings from the planets of such systems and constellations as Sirius, Scorpio, Libra, etc.

evolutionary theory

The followers of this version believe that the appearance of man on Earth is associated with the modification of primates. This theory is by far the most widespread and discussed. Based on it, people are descended from certain types of monkeys. Evolution began in ancient times under the influence of natural selection and other external factors. The theory of evolution does have a number of interesting pieces of evidence and evidence, both archaeological, paleontological, genetic, and psychological. On the other hand, each of these statements can be interpreted in different ways. The ambiguity of the facts is what does not make this version 100% correct.

Theory of creation

This branch is called "creationism". His followers deny all major theories of the origin of man. It is believed that people were created by God, who is the highest link in the world. Man was created in his likeness from non-biological material.

The biblical version of the theory says that the first people were Adam and Eve. God created them from clay. In Egypt and many other countries, religion goes far into ancient myths. The vast majority of skeptics consider this theory impossible, estimating its probability in billionths of a percent. The version of the creation of all living things by God does not require proof, it simply exists and has the right to do so. It can be supported by similar examples from the legends and myths of the peoples of different parts of the Earth. These parallels cannot be ignored.

Theory of space anomalies

This is one of the most controversial and fantastic versions of anthropogenesis. Followers of the theory consider the appearance of man on Earth an accident. In their opinion, people have become the fruit of an anomaly of parallel spaces. The forefathers of earthlings were representatives of the civilization of humanoids, which are a mixture of Matter, Aura and Energy. The theory of anomalies assumes that in the Universe there are millions of planets with similar biospheres, which were created by a single informational substance. Under favorable conditions, this leads to the emergence of life, that is, the humanoid mind. Otherwise, this theory is in many ways similar to the evolutionary one, with the exception of the statement about a certain program for the development of mankind.

Aquatic theory

This version of the origin of man on Earth is almost 100 years old. In the 1920s, the aquatic theory was first proposed by a famous marine biologist named Alistair Hardy, who was later supported by another authoritative scientist, the German Max Westenhoffer.

The version is based on the dominant factor that forced the anthropoid primates to reach a new stage of development. This is what forced the monkeys to exchange the aquatic lifestyle for land. So the hypothesis explains the absence of thick hair on the body. Thus, at the first stage of evolution, man moved from the stage of hydropithecus, which appeared more than 12 million years ago, to homo erectus, and then sapiens. Today, this version is practically not considered in science.

Alternative theories

One of the most fabulous versions of the origin of man on the planet is that the descendants of people were some bats. In some religions they are called angels. It is these creatures from time immemorial inhabited the entire Earth. Their appearance was similar to a harpy (a mixture of a bird and a person). The existence of such creatures is supported by numerous rock paintings. There is another theory according to which people in the early stages of development were real giants. According to some legends, such a giant was a half-man-half-god, since one of their parents was an angel. Over time, higher powers stopped descending to Earth, and the giants disappeared.

ancient myths

There are a huge number of legends and tales about the origin of man. In ancient Greece, they believed that the progenitors of people were Deucalion and Pyrrha, who, by the will of the gods, survived the flood and created a new race from stone statues. The ancient Chinese believed that the first man was formless and came out of a clay clod.

The creator of people is the goddess Nuwa. She was human and dragon rolled into one. According to Turkish legend, people came out of the Black Mountain. In her cave was a hole that resembled the shape of a human body. Jets of rain washed the clay into it. When the form was filled and warmed by the sun, the first man emerged from it. His name is Ai-Atam. Myths about the origin of man of the Sioux Indians say that people were created by the Rabbit universe. The divine creature found a blood clot and began to play with it. Soon he began to roll on the ground and turned into intestines. Then a heart and other organs appeared on a blood clot. As a result, the rabbit dashed off a full-fledged boy - the ancestor of the Sioux. According to the ancient Mexicans, God created the human form from potter's clay. But due to the fact that he overexposed the workpiece in the oven, the man turned out to be burnt, that is, black. Subsequent attempts over and over again became better, and people came out whiter. Mongolian tradition is one to one similar to Turkish. Man emerged from a clay mold. The only difference is that the god himself dug the hole.

Stages of evolution

Despite the versions of the origin of man, all scientists agree that the stages of his development were identical. The first upright prototypes of people were Australopithecus, which communicated with each other with the help of hands and were no higher than 130 cm. The next stage of evolution produced Pithecanthropus. These creatures already knew how to use fire and adjust nature to their own needs (stones, skin, bones). Further, human evolution reached the paleoanthrope. At this time, the prototypes of people could already communicate with sounds, think collectively. Neoanthropes became the last stage of evolution before the appearance. Outwardly, they practically did not differ from modern people. They made tools, united in tribes, elected leaders, arranged voting, ceremonies.

Ancestral home of mankind

Despite the fact that scientists and historians around the world are still arguing about theories of the origin of people, the exact place where the mind originated was still able to be established. This is the African continent. Many archaeologists believe that it is possible to narrow down the location to the northeastern part of the mainland, although there is an opinion that the southern half dominates this issue. On the other hand, there are people who are sure that humanity appeared in Asia (on the territory of India and adjacent countries). Conclusions that the first people settled Africa were made after numerous finds as a result of large-scale excavations. It is noted that at that time there were several types of prototypes of man (races).

The strangest archaeological finds

Among the most interesting artifacts that can affect the idea of ​​what the origin and development of man actually was, were the skulls of ancient people with horns. Archaeological research was carried out in the Gobi Desert by a Belgian expedition in the middle of the 20th century.

On the territory of the former, images of flying people and objects heading to Earth from outside the solar system were repeatedly found. Several ancient tribes have similar drawings. In 1927, as a result of excavations in the Caribbean Sea, a strange transparent skull, similar to a crystal, was found. Numerous studies have not revealed the technology and material of manufacture. Descendants claim that their ancestors worshiped this skull as if it were a supreme deity.

Many of us at least once in our lives wondered how a person appeared. No less interesting is the mystery of the origin of the Earth. No one has been able to completely remove the veil from these secrets. Philosophers have speculated on these topics for centuries. To date, neither thinkers nor scientists have provided 100% evidence of any theory explaining where people on Earth came from. There are many assumptions, but let's try to identify four main groups of hypotheses.

Evolution theory

How did man appear according to this theory? It is believed to have descended from higher primates. The gradual transformation of the species occurred under the influence of natural selection. There are four stages in this process:

  • The period of existence of Australopithecus (an alternative name is "southern monkeys"). They had already mastered upright walking, were able to manipulate various objects in their hands and built herd relations. The weight of Australopithecus was about thirty to forty kilograms, and the height was 1.2-1.3 meters.
  • Pithecanthropus (earliest man). In addition to all the above characteristics, the ability to make fire and handle it appeared. There were still simian features in the form of the facial skeleton and skull.
  • Neanderthal (ancient man). The general structure of the skeleton was almost the same as that of modern people, but the skull had some differences.
  • Modern man. Appeared during the late Paleolithic period (from seventy to thirty-five thousand years ago).


The inconsistency of the theory discussed above lies in the following: scientists have not been able to explain how, due to mutations, more complex forms of life were formed. The catch is that as a result of the mutation, individual genes are damaged, therefore, the quality of the new form is reduced. No useful result of this process has yet been found.

Guests from other planets

This version of how man appeared is based on the assumption of external interference in the course of the development of our planet. The leading role in the theory under consideration is given to extraterrestrial civilizations. It is thanks to them that people appeared. Simply put, the first human on Earth was a direct descendant of an alien. There are other options. Among the most common are the following:

  • Homo sapiens came about thanks to the possibilities of genetic engineering.
  • The first humans appeared in a homuncular way (in vitro).
  • The evolutionary development of life on Earth is controlled by a higher mind.

Theory of creation

How did people come into being according to this hypothesis? Man was created by God himself from nothing, or the material used was not biological (if we take into account creationism). According to the most famous biblical version, the first people - Eve and Adam - appeared from clay. Among representatives of other peoples and beliefs, there are versions of this. None of them require proof. Faith is the main argument.

In some modern theological currents, a variation of evolutionary theory is considered, adjusted for the fact that the first man on Earth appeared from a monkey, but by the will of God.

Spatial anomaly theory

How did man appear according to this hypothesis? It somewhat resembles evolutionary, but has its own characteristics. So, the presence of both random factors and a specific program for the development of life is allowed. There is a humanoid triad (aura, matter and energy) or a spatial anomaly. The latter includes such an element as anthropogenesis. It is argued that the biosphere of humanoid universes develops according to the standard scenario at the level of informational substance (aura). Under favorable conditions, the birth of a humanoid mind occurs.

More about one of the common theories

Most conservative scientists claim that our ancient ancestors were small arboreal animals, a bit like modern tupai. They inhabited the Earth at least sixty-five million years ago, during the extinction of the dinosaurs. Approximately fifty million years ago, highly organized animals similar to monkeys appeared. Over time, the development of one of the groups of primates went along a special path, which led to the emergence of great apes twenty-five million years ago.

Today, most representatives of one hundred and eighty groups of primates live in the regions of the tropics or subtropics. But it was not always so. About fifty million years ago, the climate on our planet was much warmer, so the ancestors of modern monkeys occupied much more extensive territories.

Features of life on trees

Early primates mastered the art of tree climbing to perfection. For a successful life at height, they had to learn how to thoroughly cling to branches and correctly assess the distance. The first property was developed thanks to movable fingers, and the second - with the participation of forward-facing eyes, providing the so-called binocular vision.

The Incredible Story of Lucy

D. Johansen, an American anthropologist, in 1974 managed to make one very important discovery. He carried out excavations in Ethiopia and discovered the remains of a female of the aforementioned "southern monkeys". She became known as "Lucy". The growth of a young female was about one meter. The teeth and brain of "Lucy" had many similarities with monkeys. Nevertheless, as expected, she moved already on her own two, albeit crooked, legs. Before this discovery, scientists were sure that the "southern monkeys" lived on our planet about 2 million years ago. As for the remains of "Lucy", their age is 3-3.6 million years. Thus, it became known that these creatures lived on Earth more than a million years earlier.

The Man Who Never Lived

In 1912, not far from Piltdown (England, Sussex), archaeologists discovered several fragments of the skull and a broken facial bone of our distant ancestor. The unusual find aroused unprecedented public interest. However, after some time, experts began to doubt the value of the find. That is why, in 1953, the verification of the age of the bones was initiated. Nobody expected such a result. It turned out that the jaw bone belonged to an orangutan who lived five centuries earlier, and parts of the skull belonged to modern man. All the remains were simply covered with a special composition, and the teeth were skillfully filed so that they acquired a prehistoric look. The "joker" was never found.

Detailed consideration of evolutionary processes and their results

The history of the origin of man says: in the beginning, evolution was not so fast. Almost seven million years have passed since the appearance of our first ancestor until mastering the skill of making cave paintings. However, as soon as the "thinking man" thoroughly settled on Earth, he began to rapidly develop all sorts of abilities. So, only one hundred thousand years separate us from the aforementioned rock art. Humans are the dominant form of life on the planet today. We were even able to leave the Earth and began to explore space.

Now it is difficult to imagine what our descendants will become in a hundred thousand years. One thing is clear: they will be completely different. By the way, we have generally changed quite a lot over the past four centuries. For example, a modern soldier will hardly fit the armor of the knights of the fifteenth century. The average height of a warrior of those times is 160 cm. And the current supermodel would hardly have worn the dress of her great-great-grandmother, who had a waist of 45 cm and a height of 30 cm lower. As scientists note, if evolutionary processes continue to develop in the same direction, our faces will become flatter, and the jaw will decrease. Our brain will become larger, and we ourselves - higher.

unbearable heat

According to data obtained in the course of recent research, ancient people mastered upright posture in order to save themselves from overheating. Four million years ago, it was much more comfortable to walk on two legs across the sultry African plains. Among the main advantages is the following: the rays of the sun fell only on the head of the one who walked upright. Well, the one who continued to move with a bent back overheated much more. People who began to walk on two legs sweated less intensely, therefore, they did not need as much water to survive. This allowed man to bypass other animals in the incessant struggle for existence.


The development of bipedalism had other significant consequences. So, the bipedal creature no longer needed to have such an extensive and thick hairline, which previously protected its back from the merciless sun. As a result, only the head remained protected by hair. Thus, our ancestors became the proverbial "naked monkeys".

Blissful coolness

Starting to walk on two legs, our ancestor seemed to have slightly opened one of the important "evolutionary doors". Assuming an upright posture, he moved farther away from the ground, and therefore from the heat it gave off. The brain for this reason began to overheat much less. A cool breeze, walking one or two meters above the ground, additionally cooled the body. For the above reasons, the brain has become larger and more active.

Where did the first man appear?

Scientists have found and continue to find the remains of ancient people in various places on the planet. One of the most widely known excavations was carried out in a valley near the German village of Neander. Similar remains were later found in France and other countries. For the reason that the finds near Neander were the most complete and interesting, our most ancient ancestors began to be called Neanderthals.

Where did the first modern human appear? Previously, scientists believed that this happened in the eastern part of Africa, but later a version appeared about the southern regions. Genetic studies of representatives of indigenous African tribes helped to draw conclusions that refuted the original theory. Nevertheless, such conclusions are in conflict with modern archaeological data, since the most ancient remains of an anatomically modern man were found precisely in eastern Africa - on the territory of such modern countries as Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. In addition, the information available today allows us to conclude that the population of the above states is characterized by the greatest genetic variability when compared with representatives of other regions of the planet. This fact gives the right to consider Africa the starting point of all waves of human spread across the Earth.


Questions about how many years ago a person appeared and where exactly it happened still excite the minds of both scientists and ordinary people. There are many versions, and each of them has the right to exist. Unfortunately, over time, it is becoming more and more difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, as the years inexorably erase evidence of the past from the face of the Earth ...

The origin of man is a mystery. Even Darwin's theory is not considered fully proven, due to the lack of transitional links in evolution. How else do people explain their appearance from ancient times to the present day.


Totemism belongs to the most ancient mythological representations and is considered the first form of awareness of the human collective, as well as its place in nature. Totemism taught that each group of people had its own ancestor - a totem animal or plant. For example, if a raven serves as a totem, then it is the actual progenitor of the clan, and each raven is a relative. At the same time, the totem animal is only a patron, but is not deified, in contrast to later creationism.


The mythological ones include the ancient Greek version of the origin of man from the Androgyns - the first people who combined the signs of both sexes. Plato in the dialogue "Feast" describes them as creatures with a spherical body, whose back did not differ from the chest, with four arms and legs and two identical faces on their heads. According to legend, our ancestors were not inferior to the titans in strength and skill. Puffed up, they decided to overthrow the Olympians, for which they were cut in half by Zeus. This reduced their strength and self-confidence by half.
Androgyny is present not only in Greek mythology. The idea that a man and a woman were originally one whole is close to many world religions. So, in one of the Talmudic interpretations of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis, it is said that Adam was created by an androgyne.

Abrahamic tradition

Three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) go back to the Abrahamic religions, going back to Abraham, the patriarch of the Semitic tribes, the first person who believed in the Lord. According to the Abrahamic tradition, the world was created by God - Existing from Non-Being, literally "out of nothing". God also created man - Adam from the dust of the earth "in our image and likeness", so that a man would be truly good. It is worth noting that both in the Bible and in the Koran the creation of man is mentioned more than once. For example, in the Bible about the creation of Adam, in the beginning it says in the 1st chapter that God created man "out of nothing in his own image and likeness", in the 2nd chapter that he created him from dust (dust).


In Hinduism, there are at least five versions of the creation of the world and man, respectively. In Brahmanism, for example, the creator of the world is the god Brahma (in later versions identified with Vishnu and the Vedic deity Prajapati), who appeared from a golden egg floating in the oceans. He grew up and sacrificed himself, created from his hair, skin, meat, bones and fat the five elements of the world - earth, water, air, fire, ether - and the five steps of the sacrificial altar. Gods, people and other living beings were created from it. Thus, in Brahminism, by making sacrifices, people re-create Brahma.
But according to the Vedas, the ancient scripture of Hinduism, the creation of the world and man is shrouded in darkness: “Who truly knows who will proclaim here. Where did this creation come from? Further, the gods (appeared) through the creation of this (world).
So who knows where it came from?


According to Kabbalistic teachings, the creator of Ein Sof created a soul that received the name Adam Rishon - "the first man." It was a construction, consisting of many separate desires, interconnected like the cells of our body. All desires were in harmony, since initially each of them had a desire to support each other. However, being on the highest spiritual level, similar to the creator, Adam took on a huge spiritual light, which is equivalent to the "forbidden fruit" in Christianity. Unable to achieve the goal of creation by this action alone, the primary soul split into 600,000 thousand parts, and each of them into many more parts. All of them are now in the souls of people. Through many circuits, they must carry out a “correction” and gather again into a common spiritual complex called Adam. In other words, after the "breaking" or fall into sin, all these particles - people are not equal to each other. But returning to their original state, they again reach the same level, where they are all equal.

Evolutionary creationism

As science developed, creationists had to compromise with natural science concepts. An intermediate stage between the theory of creation and Darwinism was "theistic evolutionism." Evolutionary theologians do not reject evolution, but consider it an instrument in the hands of God the creator. Simply put, God created the "material" for the appearance of man - the genus Homo and launched the process of evolution. The result is a man. An important point of evolutionary creationism is that although the body changed, the human spirit remained unchanged. This is the position officially held by the Vatican since the time of Pope John Paul II (1995): God created an ape-like creature by putting an immortal soul into it. In classical creationism, a person has not changed either in body or soul since the time of creation.

"Theory of ancient astronauts"

In the 20th century, the version about the extraterrestrial origin of man was popular. One of the founders of the idea of ​​paleocontact in the 20s was Tsiolkovsky, who announced the possibility of aliens visiting the earth. According to the theory of paleocontact, sometime in the distant past, approximately in the Stone Age, aliens visited the Earth for some reason. Either they were interested in the colonization of exoplanets, or the resources of the Earth, or it was their transfer base, but one way or another, part of their descendants settled on Earth. Perhaps they even mixed with the local genus Homo, and modern people are mestizos of an alien life form and natives of the Earth.
The main arguments on which supporters of this theory rely are the complexity of the technologies used in the construction of ancient monuments, as well as geoglyphs, petroglyphs and other drawings of the ancient world, which supposedly depict alien ships and people in spacesuits. Mates Agres, one of the founders of the theory of paleovisits, even claimed that the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not by God's wrath, but by a nuclear explosion.


The famous postulate - man descended from a monkey, is usually attributed to Charles Darwin, although the scientist himself, remembering the fate of his predecessor Georges Louis Buffon, who was ridiculed at the end of the 18th century for such ideas, cautiously expressed that humans and monkeys should have some common ancestor, monkey-like creature.

According to Darwin himself, the genus homo originated somewhere around 3.5 million in Africa. It was not yet our compatriot Homo Sapiens, whose age is dated today at about 200 thousand years, but the first representative of the genus Homo - the great ape, hominid. In the course of evolution, he began to walk on two legs, use his hands as a tool, he began to progressively transform the brain, articulate speech and sociality. Well, the reason for evolution, like in all other species, was natural selection, and not God's plan.

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