Why envy is harmful: how the energy of an envious person affects his own success. How does envy affect those who are envied? And how to protect yourself from it? Can an envious person hurt

Many people cannot be happy for other people's successes. At such moments, an unkind feeling arises in their soul, called black envy. The energy of the envious negatively affects your success, but it can also be blocked.

For many people, envy has become a habitual feeling. Envious people cannot rejoice at the successes and victories of others. Not a single person is immune from both the appearance of such an envious person and his negative energy, up to the evil eye. According to psychologists and bioenergy specialists, the feeling of envy can be really dangerous. Sometimes we do not notice that even in our inner circle there can be many envious people hiding. That is why it is necessary to find out how black depends affects those who are envied. Dailyhoro.ru website experts will help you answer this question.

Why black envy arises

Each of us at least once in a lifetime had a feeling of envy. Psychologists divide this emotional feeling into constructive and destructive.

Constructive or "white" envy does not make a person angry or offended by someone who is much more fortunate than him. In this case, the very feeling of envy pushes us to improve our vital signs. At such moments, each of us has a desire to achieve great success, to achieve what we want, or at least to be on the same level with successful people.

Black envy is one of the negative feelings. It occurs when a person is not able to enjoy other people's successes, and even wants to harm him. From an energetic point of view, its influence is similar to the evil eye or unconscious damage. It generates negative feelings and emotions, the influence of which destroys our energy field.

What are the causes of black envy

The main reason for the appearance of black envy is low self-esteem. When a person notices that others are trying and can reach heights, the envious person has a feeling that his talents, appearance or mental abilities are far from ideal. The unwillingness to develop and strive to achieve their goals makes a person completely disappointed in his own life. In this case, a person needs to stop analyzing someone else's life, and do it as soon as possible.

Sometimes the causes of envy lie in childhood. If parents often scold a child because of poor grades and set him an example of excellent students, over time he has an opinion that classmates are much smarter than him. In this regard, he has complexes. Which make themselves felt already at a more conscious age. Remembering pictures of childhood, a person will constantly think that his friends or colleagues can achieve more only thanks to mental abilities. In the aftermath of which arises black envy.

When a person is envious, on a subconscious level, he compares himself with someone who is much more fortunate, the comparison criterion is the concepts of “worse” and “better”. If someone is more fortunate than an envious person, the realization comes to him that he is, in some way, worse than the other. However, this criterion does not matter, it is just present in your head.

The influence of black envy on a person

According to psychology, envy is a manifestation of weakness and self-doubt. In all religions of the world, this feeling was attributed to the number of mortal sins. Bioenergetics specialists of the site dailyhoro.ru claim that it destroys the energy field and blocks the flow of health of a person who is envied.

Talking about their successes to others, many people do not realize what human envy is capable of. You can notice the influence of black envy very quickly. First of all, it blocks financial flows, scares away luck and attracts trouble. This means that soon you will be haunted by failures in business, at work, your financial situation will worsen and, possibly, serious problems will appear. That is why you should not brag about your successes in life in front of others. This is especially true of the female representatives, who will not miss the moment to tell their friends about meeting a man, a romantic date or an upcoming wedding. Perhaps you can see the forced smile of your friends and their fake joy, but this can turn into a real collapse of female happiness for you.

The manifestation of envy can also affect your health. You may notice a breakdown, blues, a sharp decrease in working capacity. When black envy does not come from one, but from several people at once, more serious diseases may occur.

Not only external factors, but also our internal qualities can affect the state of health. Some character traits not only repel others, but also lead to serious illness. To avoid unpleasant consequences, try to get rid of them as soon as possible.

The feeling of envy has never brought happiness to anyone. Some consider it a blessing, but in fact it is a curse. Everyone knows that all negative feelings destroy life. If you sit in one place and constantly envy everyone, it will not end in anything good. You are visited by such thoughts: what kind of house he has, car”, “what an amazing figure she has, how does she manage to look so beautiful” or frequent “she’s lucky, she has everything, but life doesn’t love me so much”. These are wrong opinions! Everyone in life is given exactly the same chance. Some just use it, try to do everything to achieve an amazing result, while others sit still, do nothing, but manage to envy others.

Envy as a social problem

Many psychotherapists are sure that the feeling of envy prevents you from living a full life and achieving success. Envious people do not pay attention to what they have succeeded in, they sit and analyze someone else's life. Someone has an amazing career, but there are no "flowers of life" - children. Someone "gets by on bread and water", but is happy because he has a children's house in his house. And others have both, but this has nothing to do with luck, but, most likely, with great difficulty.

Envy covers many different feelings, behavioral forms that appear to a particular person. Unfortunately, everything ends with a serious undermining of not only mental, but also physical health. When a person constantly does not like his life, he suffers from, comes in a state of stress. Failure in the nervous system - leads to various diseases. Instead of achieving something, you are constantly being treated, and then again you blame and envy everyone.

The impact of envy on health

When the nervous system is activated, it begins to rise sharply, the pulse quickens, a clamp in the muscles can be observed, and the digestive process is completely disrupted.

Interesting! The latest study proves that in envious people, the anterior gyrus begins to activate in the brain, it is responsible for pain. Thus it turns out that pain is closely related to envy.

Other scientists have found that envy noticeably weakens with age. Already after 60 years, a person is not so envious. This is explained by the fact that young people want everything at once, and do not even think that everything is very hard to get. There is no such thing as a career, success appeared just like that. The elderly man is wise, experienced, he knows what's what.

Types of envy

black envy

A dangerous species that destroys everything around, begins to corrode the person inside. Such envy can be a threat, because an embittered person is capable of anything, even murder.

When a person begins to compare himself with others, he has a "". Remember the Bible legend about Cain and Abel. How did it all end? Fratricide, since then envy has been a terrible sin leading to the “death of the soul”. A person gradually becomes angry, irritated, does rash acts, harms others and enjoys it.

White envy

Psychotherapists consider it creative - it is a kind of incentive for development, self-improvement. In this case, the success of others does not irritate at all, but, on the contrary, motivates. White envy helps to become better, because a person looks up to his idol. Some even surpass the one they envied.

Such envy is the good of a person, so there is no point in fighting it specifically. On the contrary, we need to grow even more, develop, and achieve amazing results. Just try to look for worthy examples, do not imitate immoral people.

White envy:

  • It gives you the opportunity to believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • It inspires confidence, helps to understand one's own "I".

To achieve your goal, you need to be patient, develop your own plan. Unfortunately, white envy is not enough, most often a person does nothing, but he loves to envy everyone, “put a spoke in the wheel”.

How to deal with envious people?

Do not be upset if you are constantly envied, because of this meanness is done. Remember, only a good, successful person is envied. So you have chosen the right path, continue to move in it. Someone else's envy always increases yours.

Are you a beautiful, successful woman, mother, do men pay attention to you? Do not be surprised if some minor flaws are discussed behind your back, find fault with external defects. Or they will begin to invent stories about what a bad mother you are, a walking woman. Every person is not perfect, but envious people will definitely find a way to make you mean. The main thing is not to get upset, to be even stronger in order to be able to overcome them.

Envy and meanness

People with black envy want to harm someone who is better at everything than they are. As a rule, life is a boomerang. If you do something bad to someone, it will definitely come back to you. You did something mean, be prepared to pay for it. For example, girls often envy their girlfriends, take away their boyfriends. Of course, at first it is very insulting, sad, you have to suffer, but then time puts everything in its place. You find yourself happy with a completely different person, and a girlfriend for a long time cannot find her mate, and your boyfriend left her a long time ago.

It's a shame when envy destroys family relationships. It would seem that husband and wife are one whole, you need to achieve everything together, go forward. But there are situations when one of the spouses begins to oppress the other, because he is more successful, more beautiful. At the same time, the other half tries to do everything to strengthen the family, to help their partner feel happy. Unfortunately, envy is stronger than all positive feelings, so anger and aggression win.

Are you used to being jealous of everyone? Do you like to discuss, criticize others? And they themselves tried to do something to become like that. Nothing to envy beauty, career, money, personal life and more. The happiness of every person is in his hands. If you want to be successful, constantly work, develop. Don't like family relationships? What is the problem, do not endure, change your life, but you do not need to envy!

- this is one thing, but when you are jealous, you need to be careful with emotions. The fact is that envy can be a very negative feeling. It blinds and interferes with the normal life of a person.

What is envy

This is a fairly broad concept, because you can envy in different ways. When we see someone else's success, it can evoke two kinds of feelings: positive or negative. Do not believe those who say that he does not care what happens there with enemies, ill-wishers or friends. In any case, a person experiences either joy for another person, or the opposite feeling.

What goes on in our minds when we are jealous? We cannot envy those who are less fortunate than us. If someone has something that we do not have, then this causes a wave of negativity. A man who envies in a black way wants another to lose what he has. If envy is healthy, then the person admits that the other could deserve it. Sometimes we see another person working hard to buy a new apartment or car. He does it, but we don't have cats scratching our hearts because of it. This is called white envy. In general, you can diagnose normal envy as follows: imagine that you are an omnipotent person and can deprive other people of anything. Your neighbor made repairs - ask yourself the question of whether you would deprive him of this if you could? If so, your envy is excessive and rude. If not, then everything is in order. This feeling is not always destructive, because we can envy our best friend if he has found a girlfriend, but we do not want to deprive him of happiness.

Studies show that the level of black envy is significantly higher in women. Much more often they experience this harmful feeling, but they cool down faster, the weeks of a man, so no one has gender advantages in this regard.

Other people envy us only when we ourselves behave incorrectly. As for envy on our part, everything is already much more definite - we all envy, but to varying degrees.

How jealousy hurts

Negative emotions generally have a bad effect on the human body as a whole. This is characteristic of both the envious and the envied. Psychologists believe that a person should not envy in such a way that it encourages him to some negative actions. In the flow of negative emotions, a person can do stupid things, as when he is in rage or anger mode.

Cons for the envious:

Jealousy can cause self-doubt which is also very dangerous. Jealous, we focus on our shortcomings, which we square. It forces us to abstract from what is really important.

You become embittered.“Everyone is lucky, but I’m not,” many people think. You get angry at people for no reason, losing your health and good mood.

You lose the taste of victory. When you constantly experience envy, then in the case when something appears or turns out in your life, you begin to think that this also appeared in you undeservedly. The success of other people or random luck must be appreciated and understood so that there is no prejudice against oneself too. At first you think - when I also have a new job, I will also be cooler, better, richer. When we achieve something, we forget that this is our achievement. It is perceived more as revenge, not victory. It aggravates everything that the person we envied may not pay attention to us at all.

You have health problems. Constant stress is the cause of prolonged depression, headaches, sleep problems, and reduced immunity.

Danger for those who are envied:

Sometimes it happens that the danger lies in wait for those who are envied. This is true when we feel and see envy directed in our direction. It is unpleasant for us to realize that someone hates us or dislikes us. Of course, there are people who, on the contrary, are motivated by this, but in most cases it is simply unpleasant.

One way or another, but when you are envied, it means that you did something wrong in the past. Such a theory is held more by superstitious people.

How to get rid of envy

It is very simple and difficult at the same time. Dealing with base feelings of this kind can be incredibly difficult. You need to change your lifestyle drastically.

First, you need to communicate more with people and learn diplomacy. The more people you know, the more likely you are to meet someone super lucky or successful. You can learn a lot from this person. Feel free to ask questions that will help you realize your mistakes and understand the strengths of the person's personality. When the level of communication increases, you can drastically reduce your envy, because communication removes barriers.

Secondly, you need to increase your self-confidence. Not ambition, but self-confidence. To do this, you need to read more, work on yourself more and develop the right habits. Objectivity of judgments and thoughts will help. Envy comes from that. that we judge everything, sitting on the mountain of our complexes, negativity. Get rid of them, of all this garbage. In Western countries, there is almost no problem with envy, because people are emotionally self-sufficient. Our mentality is such that we are permanently jealous of everyone and everyone, for a reason and without it.

Thirdly, you need to do only what you yourself want to do.. Anger and hatred appear only when we work at a hateful job, live with an unloved person, and do unloved things.

Getting away from envious people is much easier:

  • avoid contact with those who envy you. In no case do not provoke such people;
  • do not tell those who may envy you about your successes and achievements. Completely disengage from his or her company;
  • be smiling to the envious and do not be afraid to ask them for help.

We are all human and we all understand that it is impossible to become a perfect person. You can get closer to the ideal if you make it clear to yourself that the main thing is how you feel in this world, and not who you are. Ultimately, our feelings become reality. Do not envy, do not be jealous and do not worry about or without. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Now, when I am in holy places, I really wanted to raise this topic! With this problem come to me a lot of well-known people, noticeable on the screens.

Of course, sometimes looking at our Internet networks, where of course everyone tries to post a beautiful photo and write how great it is for him or her somewhere, everyone is beautiful, smart, etc. How successful the business is and how everything is good, good ... many can directly encounter this passion - ENVY! Clients tell me: “well, what is there to be jealous of, if they knew what problems I have with my health, in my personal life, etc.” Of course, no one or few people post posts about what is difficult, hard. Nobody wants to look UNSUCCESSFUL!. Therefore, looking at some person on the Internet, YOU SHOULD NOT ENVY AND THINK THAT HE IS EVERYTHING WELL!!! After all, only relatives know what is really going on with this person.

Envy is one of the most difficult passions, it disturbs the peace and tranquility in a person’s soul and is accompanied by a storm of negative emotions or a quiet longing that they say “I definitely can’t do this” or “why does she have it, but I don’t” , “Here they say she is a star - they feel good there. Everything is like in a fairy tale.” Or “Is that what makes me worse? I’m prettier and smarter, but I still don’t have a husband” or “Where do they get their money from, thieves!”


Test yourself on the following signs!

The first signs of envy:

  1. Misplaced jealousy and rivalry. St. Ambrose taught to notice the first signs of envy in oneself, followed by annoyance and censure of the one whom we envy.
  2. It spoils the mood when someone is praised in front of you.
  3. Zealous attitude towards friends or colleagues who are doing better.
  4. The desire to find a mistake in a person more successful than you and gloating when something works out for someone we envy.
  5. Tension and internal upset at the mention of the object of envy in your presence.
  6. Envy as a desire to slander people who are more successful in their personal lives than you.
  7. Thoughts that "I'm smarter, more beautiful, better and why I don't have what I want."
  8. And the worst thing is OFFENSE ON GOD!!! For the fact that he did not give what you supposedly deserved, but gave to someone else and not to you!
  9. You are annoyed by rich and successful people, their houses, yachts and their happy families.

You can list many more signs, and unfortunately, these reactions and passions are found in 80% of people, and maybe even more. And the worst thing is that all this DESTROYS LIFE, DESTROYS HEALTH AND PEACE OF MIND!


  1. Thinking about the will of God. Many believers come to churches and say, “Lord, everything is Your will!” - but in fact they do not fully understand what is at stake. Hence the misunderstanding of what our life is and why everyone is given what is given.
    In all spiritual currents and religions it is said that EVERYONE GETS WHAT YOU DESERVE. What he has worked out in past lives and what he has already managed to create in his current life. Envying some person, we cannot know all his merits before the Lord and people, all his life circumstances, all the trials that he still has to go through further, those temptations that promise him, for example, wealth and luxury. We do not know the Creator's intention, because FATE IS THE COURT OF GOD! And when we envy a person without knowing all his circumstances, we kind of say to the Creator: “YOU ARE WRONG! YOU GIVE SOMETHING TO THE WRONG AND YOU TAKE SOMETHING FROM THEM NOT! We condemn God and make claims to him. And this is a very dangerous path that will lead a person into the abyss of illness, suffering and loneliness. Having already thought about this, applying the Lord's Prayer with a request to rid your soul of envy, and how St. Ambrose taught "by humble confession and prudent silence" to try to drown out this passion at the very beginning.
  2. Prayer advised by the Optina Elders out of envy, addressed to the Lord: “Purge me from my secrets, and spare thy servant (or thy servant) from strangers” (Ps.18:13-14).
  3. Try your best not to say anything nasty about the person you envy.
  4. When a person respects himself and feels his dignity and uniqueness, he does not envy!
  5. ENVY - IMITATE! If there is a person in your environment whose success (for example, in a career) does not please you, so to speak, try to look at him in order to learn something and model some of his skills so that it will benefit you and career growth. If this is, for example, a woman, look, how does she attract the success and attention of men? Learn this - and boldly act  etc ...
  6. “To force oneself to do good to one’s enemies (St. Ambrose), to treat them with compassion (but not pride), and most importantly, not to take revenge and be careful not to offend them with the appearance of one’s contempt and humiliation.”
  7. Pray for those you envy and for those who envy you.
    The Monk Joseph taught: “To whom you envy, pray to God for him”, “Pray for the envious and try not to irritate her.”
  8. When you send love to your enemies and do not take the energy of envy upon yourself, thank them for helping you develop and not rest on your laurels, then the energy of envy does not enter you. There is such a parable: the Teacher was walking with his students through the village, and they brought their gifts (fruits and offerings) to meet the Teacher, he said to the students: “If you do not take these gifts, to whom will they remain?” - the villagers, the students answered - “ so it is with the negative energy of envy and anger.” You should not wind yourself up that, they say, they envy, such and such. Send them love - and then this energy will not reach you!
  9. Also, you should not envy people who are wealthy in external condition. As a rule, those who are wealthy do not enjoy the peace of mind. For this, the elders teach that if such provision were useful to you, then the Lord would send it to you.
  10. Wear amulets from envy and the evil eye and unkind people.
  11. If envy of the success of your colleagues or even your own spouse (and this often happens) overcomes you, you also need to figure it out and turn to a specialist coach or psychologist (which I work with) about how you can find peace and learn how to do it. to get what you want. And there are a number of factors here. For example:
    • a person does not believe in his own strength;
    • considers himself internally not ready to receive it;
    • considers himself unworthy (of love, money, fame, etc.)
    • it is beneficial for him to do nothing, but only complain about life;
    • considers himself not talented, not capable, etc. to this action;
    • does not want to study, work on himself in order to get what he wants;
    • does not believe in the help of the Creator and quickly gives up at the first criticism or an attack of resentment towards life
    • a poverty program that goes by the genus and other filters and fears that prevent you from getting what you want
    • unwillingness to work (and after all, many of my successful clients and stars WORK VERY MUCH AND SLEEP LITTLE!) which is why they get sick, as it is difficult to keep up with such a rhythm.

All this is also of great importance and this is where specialists can help you!

The main thing is never give up, always say:

What can I do to change the situation? If right now you cannot change anything, then acknowledge this situation and say: “I am grateful to the Creator for all the experience that I received, at the price that I got it. So I take this experience for myself. All the wisdom and positive resources and I give him a place.

And of course humility and acceptance before the Lord and gratitude for his lessons.

I wish you all joy and peace in your soul.

Helen Gamayoun

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