The first symptoms of a dangerous diagnosis of prediabetes. A dangerous enemy in the path of health - prediabetes and its treatment

In pre-diabetes, blood sugar levels are not much higher than normal. This dysfunction is a violation of glucose tolerance.

Prediabetes can be diagnosed in both adults and toddlers.

If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, then there is a possibility of diabetes. It is for this reason that it is important to immediately contact an endocrinologist for the treatment of prediabetes.

If prediabetes is still diagnosed, then you need to follow the recommendations of doctors and reduce the intake of fatty foods, significantly limit sweets and confectionery, and also reduce the calorie content of the diet. With the right approach, you can get rid of the condition that precedes diabetes.

According to research by American scientists, proper nutrition, exercise and a radical change in lifestyle guarantee a reduction and prevention of the likelihood of developing diabetes.

How to be treated so as not to earn diabetes

Timely detection of prediabetes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

When glucose tolerance is impaired, a person does not have any pronounced symptoms. But this state is considered borderline.

Many people live with a high concentration of sugar in the body.

Doctors recognize the importance of diagnosing this condition in order to prevent more serious health problems. These include: diseases of the heart and blood vessels, organs of the visual and excretory system.

For the treatment of prediabetes, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. . This will help you shed those extra pounds. Stable weight loss to normal values ​​can play a key role in the treatment of the disease.
  2. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. Normalization of blood pressure.
  4. Decreased levels in the blood vessels.


It should be noted right away that with prediabetes, drug treatment is not prescribed.

The doctor will tell you what measures to take to prevent the development of the disease.

For some people, it is enough to start exercising and adjust their diet a little.

US studies have shown that lifestyle changes are more effective than drug therapy. In some cases Metformin is indicated.

If proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and sufficient physical activity do not give the desired effect, then you need to start taking medications that are indicated to lower blood sugar levels. A personal doctor may suggest one of the drugs, to choose from:, or.

diet therapy

It is necessary to start adhering to proper nutrition by reducing portions. The diet should be dominated by fiber: fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, greens and salad. If you regularly eat food prepared from these foods, you can improve your health. Such food only favorably affects the body.

In addition, fiber satisfies hunger well. A person is full, therefore, he will not eat junk food.

With a healthy diet, rapid weight loss begins. Glucose levels return to normal. The body is saturated with micro and macro elements, useful vitamins and minerals.

A balanced diet in pre-diabetes helps prevent the development of diabetes.

Should be completely abandoned. You can not eat confectionery, sweets and chocolate. It is these foods that provide fluctuations in the concentration of sugar in the body. When carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, glucose does not enter the tissues, but simply accumulates in the blood.

You can eat any products, but preference should be given to those that have a low fat content in the composition. You also need to choose foods with a low glycemic index. The calorie content of the diet is also important. You need to follow these rules:

  1. It is necessary to give preference to low-fat products that have a lot of fiber in their composition.
  2. Calories should be counted. To do this, you can start a food diary, where you need to enter everything eaten during the day. It is also important to take into account the fact that the body must receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates every day.
  3. You need to eat a lot of fresh herbs, vegetables and mushrooms.
  4. It is advisable to minimize the consumption of white rice, potatoes and corn, as they are high in starch.
  5. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
  6. Dishes should be steamed or in the oven. Meat and vegetables are recommended to be boiled.
  7. It is necessary to abandon carbonated water, including sweet.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can use alternative medicine only after consulting your doctor.

A very useful product for prediabetes is. To prepare a remedy, you need to grind it with a coffee grinder. Add here two tablespoons of flour and 250 ml of low-fat kefir. Leave the mixture overnight and take it before meals in the morning.

Another useful medicine is a drink based on. The crushed main ingredient must be poured with water and cooked over low heat for five minutes. The proportions should be as follows: 300 ml of water per 25 g of seeds. Take the drink before the morning meal.

Using non-traditional therapy, one should not forget about the principles of a healthy diet.

Are there herbal pills for prediabetes?

For quite some time now, scientists have turned their attention to herbs that can help lower sugar levels. There are even herbal preparations that can alleviate the course of this ailment:

  • insulate;
  • Arfazetin E ;
  • Dianot.

They have one big advantage over other medicines - they almost do not provoke undesirable effects and act very carefully. The release of drugs is implemented in tablet and capsule form, as well as in the form of syrups and tinctures.

What kind of exercise to do to get out of the pre-diabetic state

Regular physical activity is critical to reducing the likelihood of future diabetes. You can start playing sports with banal climbs up the stairs.

It takes half an hour every day. Training should be regular. To reduce body weight, it is enough to provide a load six times a week. Physical activity can be broken up into several short periods: three sessions of ten minutes. Exercises are selected individually. If desired, you can limit yourself to normal walking.

How to get rid of abdominal obesity in pre-diabetes

The abdominal type (apple type) is different in that most of the fat is deposited on the abdomen.

In this condition, you need to limit the intake of fats and carbohydrates. Daily caloric intake should be less than 1800 kcal.

If you are overweight, be sure to increase physical activity. It is important to discuss the complex of certain exercises and the degree of physical activity with your doctor.


To prevent prediabetes from turning into diabetes, you need to reconsider your lifestyle.

Treatment consists of following a diet, playing sports and giving up addictions. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, the prognosis will be favorable.

Lifestyle changes through increased physical activity and getting rid of excess body weight reduce the risk of developing diabetes in the pre-diabetic state by 50%.

The intervention of specialists in the early stages helps to normalize the concentration of glucose as soon as possible.

What is prediabetes? This is a borderline state between a healthy body and diabetes. The pre-diabetic state is characterized by the fact that the pancreas produces insulin, but in much smaller volumes.

People with this disease are at risk for type 2 diabetes. Although this pre-diabetic sudden onset is dangerous, it is quite treatable.

To restore the former health, a person needs to completely reconsider his lifestyle. This is the only way to return sugar to normal levels and prevent diabetes.

Prediabetes can occur when body tissues become tolerant (unresponsive) to insulin. This raises the blood glucose level.

One of the complications that leads to prediabetes is diabetic angiopathy. This disease occurs due to lack of control over sugar levels.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, there will be other complications leading to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes leads to the fact that the patient's condition worsens:

  1. nerve endings;
  2. vessels;
  3. organs of vision, etc.

Important! Diabetes is diagnosed in children at least as often as in adults. It may result from severe infections or major surgery.

What can cause prediabetes, signs of the disease

First of all, at risk are people who lead a sedentary life and have problems with being overweight. The second category of people are those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease.

The likelihood that prediabetes will develop is significantly increased in women who have had gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Most patients often do not notice the initial manifestations that are characteristic of prediabetes, and some signs can only be detected through laboratory tests, tests will have to be done.

If a person has the following symptoms, similar to prediabetes, you should immediately be examined by a specialist:

  1. Overweight.
  2. The sugar test is not correct.
  3. Age category - more than 45 years.
  4. The woman suffered from gestational diabetes during the period of bearing a child.
  5. The woman was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries.
  6. The patient's blood was found to have high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Other signs

Sleep disorders.

When a person's glucose metabolism is disturbed, hormonal functions fail in the body and the production of the hormone insulin decreases. This can lead to insomnia.

Skin itching and blurred vision.

As a result of a high level of sugar, blood becomes thicker, and its passage through the vessels and small capillaries is difficult. As a result, itching and vision problems appear.

Thirst, frequent urination.

To dilute thick blood, the body needs a lot of fluid absorption. Therefore, the patient is constantly thirsty. Naturally, a large intake of water leads to frequent urination. If the level of sugar in the bloodstream drops to 5.6 - 6 mmol / l, this problem disappears by itself.

Sudden weight loss.

Since the amount of insulin produced is reduced, glucose from the blood is not completely absorbed by the tissues. As a result, cells experience a lack of nutrition and energy. Therefore, the patient's body is quickly depleted and weight loss occurs.

Heat and night-time cramps.

Poor nutrition affects the condition of the muscles, because of this, cramps occur. High sugar levels cause fever.


Even small damage to the vessels of the brain will cause pain in the head and limbs.

Important! Having found the slightest symptoms of prediabetes, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, and do it according to the doctor's prescription, which will help to significantly reduce the risk of complications of the disease!

Prognosis and treatment

The presence of prediabetes can be detected by taking a blood test. A blood test for glucose is performed on an empty stomach, in the morning, after which treatment is prescribed.

If the tests showed less than 6.1 mmol / l or below 110 mg / dl, we are talking about the presence of prediabetes.

Treatment may include the following:

  • dieting;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • physical activity;
  • getting rid of bad habits;

The patient must daily monitor the level of sugar, cholesterol, here you can use both a glucometer and a device for measuring cholesterol; measure blood pressure; keep a schedule of physical education.

An endocrinologist, in addition to the above measures, may prescribe treatment for the use of special medications, for example, metformin.

A study conducted by American scientists showed that following a proper diet, adequate nutrition and lifestyle changes helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes, as well. As well as reducing the likelihood that there will be prediabetes.

Nutrition in case of illness

Start proper nutrition should be with smaller portions. The diet should contain a large amount of fiber: vegetables, fruits, beans, vegetable salads. Nutrition based on these products always has a positive effect and as a treatment for a condition such as prediabetes.

In addition to the fact that these products quickly satisfy hunger, filling the stomach, they also provide prevention of diabetes.

Risk factors

What is prediabetes and how should it be treated? In sick people, the pancreas produces insulin, but to a lesser extent than in healthy people. At the same time, peripheral tissues reduce sensitivity to this hormone and poorly absorb it. This condition leads to an increase in blood glucose levels, when testing, an increase in the glycemic index is noted, but not to such indicators as in type 2 diabetes.

Who is at risk?

  • People with close relatives who have diabetes.
  • Signs and symptoms of prediabetes can be diagnosed in women who have had gestational diabetes and have been treated during pregnancy and have given birth to a baby weighing 4 kg or more.

  • Overweight people.
  • Signs of a developing disease are found in women suffering from polycystic ovaries.
  • Patients over 45 years of age.
  • People suffering from chronic diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, biliary system, liver and kidneys.
  • Patients with high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, while high density lipoproteins are lowered.
  • People with a history of vascular disease, a tendency to thrombosis.

When several factors occur, many systems fail in the human body, metabolic syndrome develops, and a state comes on the verge of diabetes mellitus. In the future, without timely measures taken, the pathology can develop into type 2 diabetes, lead to the development of severe complications from the nervous, cardiovascular system.

Clinical symptoms

What can be the symptoms if a pre-diabetic condition develops, what should be done when signs of the disease appear, what treatment helps? The disease may not have distinct manifestations, but in most cases, patients report symptoms similar to diabetes:

  • Itching of the skin, external genitalia.
  • Strong feeling of thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Long-term non-healing cuts, abrasions.
  • In women, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, in men - sexual impotence.
  • Diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Migraine, dizziness, sleep disturbances.
  • Increased nervousness, excitability.
  • Night cramps in the muscles.

If you feel worse in general, if you have several of the listed symptoms, you should consult a doctor and get tested for blood glucose levels. Often such a disease is asymptomatic and can be detected by chance during a routine examination. Therefore, patients at risk are recommended regular glycemic control and observation by a therapist for timely detection of pathology and treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

What is the norm of blood sugar in prediabetes, how much can the glucose level be increased in women and men? In healthy people, the normal level of glycemia in the blood does not exceed 5.5 mmol, if pathology develops, this figure will be increased to 6.1-6.9 mmol. At the same time, glucose is not detected in the urine.

One of the additional ways to detect high blood sugar is a glucose tolerance test (GTT). This is a laboratory research method that allows you to determine how tissue is receptive to insulin. The test is carried out in two ways: orally and intravenously. With symptoms of pathology, the result will be 8.0–12.1 mmol. If the indicators are higher, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed and treatment with sugar-lowering drugs (Metformin) is prescribed.

Before conducting laboratory tests, it is necessary to refrain from eating fatty, sweet, fried foods the night before. The analysis should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. You cannot take any medications.

Treatment of prediabetes with diet therapy

Diagnosed with prediabetes, what to do, what treatment is needed and is it possible to completely cure the disease, get rid of hypoglycemia (reviews)? If a pre-diabetic state develops, characteristic symptoms appear, patients are prescribed proper nutrition, a low-carbohydrate diet, lifestyle changes, regular exercise, and in some cases, sugar-lowering drugs (Metformin) are indicated.

The prediabetes diet is aimed at reducing excess weight in women and men.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor in detail the fats and carbohydrates consumed, to correctly compose a menu for each day of the week.

levodistaya food contributes to the formation of the hormone insulin in the pancreas, in case of violation of its susceptibility by cells in the blood, an excess of glucose accumulates. A diet for prediabetes and overweight patients, proper nutrition allows you to adjust the amount of carbohydrates consumed using a balanced menu, so you can improve your well-being and restore the functioning of internal organs. The menu should completely exclude sweet desserts, confectionery, sugar, pastries, pasta, semolina, semi-finished products, fast food.

These products contain fast carbohydrates in their composition, which, after entering the digestive tract, cause a rapid increase in blood sugar. Patients can add more fresh vegetables and fruits containing vegetable fiber to their diet, with the exception of grapes, bananas, dates, and beets. These products can be consumed in a limited way.

During treatment, animal fats (butter, lard, margarine) should be replaced with natural vegetable fats, give up fatty meats, you can cook chicken breast, rabbit meat, turkey or steamed veal, bake in the oven with vegetables. In this case, it is allowed to add a small amount of vegetable oil. You can eat buckwheat, pearl barley, barley and wheat porridge with skimmed milk or vegetable oil.

In addition to the fact that you need to revise the diet, you should develop a diet. You need to eat in fractional portions 5-6 times a day, you should try not to break the rules and eat at the same time every day.

With the development of pathology in women and men, daily physical activity is indicated. This contributes to better absorption of insulin by the tissues of the body. Every day you need to devote at least half an hour for walks in the fresh air, jogging. It is necessary to play sports in moderation, too intense training can worsen the condition.

It is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, observe sleep and rest. Subject to these rules, the level of glycemia is normalized, sometimes even without medication.

Medical therapy

What drugs are used to treat prediabetes in women and men if there is a risk of developing diabetes, how can the disease be cured with Metformin? Most often, patients are prescribed treatment with Metformin, an antidiabetic drug of the biguanide class, which helps to increase tissue susceptibility to insulin. In addition, Metformin improves the utilization of excess glucose, slows down its formation by the liver. The drug does not cause the development of hyperglycemia. Metformin reduces the absorption of sugar from the digestive tract.

The dosage and rules for taking the drug are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. Drug treatment should be carried out in a complex with proper nutrition and physical activity. With the right appointment, Metformin causes a small number of side effects, helps to reduce low-density cholesterol compounds. Metformin significantly reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drug has earned positive reviews among doctors and patients.

The disease in women and men is a serious wake-up call before the development of type 2 diabetes. After identifying the symptoms of pathology, a low-carbohydrate diet that does not contain animal fats should be followed. Regular physical activity helps to improve the absorption of insulin by the cells of the body. If you follow the rules of nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, pathology can be stopped for many years, but people who are at risk should regularly monitor the level of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood.

What causes prediabetes?

People who are overweight, have a sedentary lifestyle, or have a family history of the disease are thought to be more likely to develop prediabetes. It is also believed that women who have had gestational diabetes have an increased likelihood of developing prediabetes.

Harbinger of Diabetes

Most people with prediabetes do not have any symptoms. But if you have prediabetes, you should watch for signs of diabetes, such as:

    Expressed thirst.

    Frequent urination.


    Blurred vision.

Symptoms of prediabetes. Diagnostics

Blood sugar analysis

The symptoms of prediabetes, of course, are manifested against the background of elevated blood sugar levels. To determine if you have prediabetes and are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a blood glucose test is usually done after you have not eaten for 8 hours at night. In some cases, an oral glucose tolerance test may be performed. To do this, your blood sugar level will be measured on an empty stomach and then 2 hours after you drink a special glucose solution.

If your blood glucose test results are at the levels below, you have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes:

Fasting glucose levels are greater than 110 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or greater than 6.1 mmol/L. When conducting an oral glucose tolerance test, less than/equal to 140 and more than 200 mg/dl (less than/equal to 7.8 and more than 11.1 mmol/l) - 2 hours after the start of the test.

Phrases such as "mild diabetes", "borderline diabetes" or "blood sugar slightly elevated" are inaccurate. If you hear these phrases, ask if your blood sugar is within the range for a diagnosis of prediabetes or diabetes.

Risk group

The American Diabetes Association recommends screening for prediabetes, which can lead to type 2 diabetes, if you have any of the following: prediabetes symptoms:

    If you are overweight and over 45, get tested for prediabetes at your next doctor's appointment.

    You are of normal weight and you are 45 years of age or older - during your visit to the doctor, ask your doctor if an examination is necessary.

    Under 45 and overweight - your body mass index (BMI) is 25 or higher - and you have one or more other risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes, such as:

    High blood pressure, above 140/90 millimeters of mercury. Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and high triglycerides. Family history of type 2 diabetes.

    People whose parents or siblings have had prediabetes or type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing the disease than adults whose families do not have a history of diabetes.

    Postponed gestational diabetes or the birth of a child weighing more than 4 kg. Women who have had gestational diabetes or who have given birth to a larger-than-usual baby are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

    Race and ethnicity. Africans, Hispanics, Asians, and Pacific Islanders are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than Caucasians.

    Are overweight, do not exercise (or do little) and want to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

    The Prevention Task Force (USPSTF) recommends testing people whose blood pressure is above 135/80.

Treatment of prediabetes

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, then you will play a key role in treating it yourself, and you will have the opportunity to reverse this condition or delay the progression of type 2 diabetes. Losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly are all very effective in preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes, and lower your risk of developing other complications, such as coronary heart disease or stroke. It may sound simple, but they are very important for your overall health and for preventing the development of diabetes.

In some cases, in addition to diet and exercise, your doctor may prescribe medicines. But recent research has shown promising results in preventing diabetes through diet and exercise alone. One large U.S. study (the Diabetes Prevention Program) found that making these lifestyle changes was more effective in reducing the risk of developing diabetes than medication:
Those who lost a little weight (5-10% of their total body weight) and exercised reduced their risk by 58%. Those who took medication reduced their risk by 31%.

Hypoglycemic drugs

If you have prediabetes, you can prevent or delay the onset of the disease by following simple guidelines such as a special diet for prediabetes:

    Limit the amount of fat you eat. Eat foods that are low in fat and high in soluble fiber.

    Eat fewer calories.

    Limit your intake of sweets to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar. Of the three main nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats), carbohydrates have the most effect on blood sugar levels.

    Talk to your doctor about a personalized healthy eating plan.

One large study found that people who eat a diet that eats vegetables, fish, poultry, and whole grains have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to people who eat a diet high in red meat, processed meats. , fatty dairy products, refined grains and sweets. Meal planning for prediabetes often forces you to rethink your food choices. There are several easy ways to adapt to your diet. A certified dietitian can help you create a meal plan that fits your lifestyle.

Physical exercises

Do moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. Moderate activity is the equivalent of walking outdoors, riding a bike at 10-12 miles per hour, sailing, or throwing a ball into a basket. With this activity, you may notice that your heart is beating faster.

Engage in vigorous exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. They are the equivalent of jogging, biking at 12 mph, skiing, or playing basketball. Performing such exercises, you will notice that your breathing quickens, and your heart beats much faster.

By engaging in several activities for 10 minutes or more during the day, you will be able to implement the above recommendations. You can choose for yourself either one or both types of exercises. Exercise helps you control your blood sugar levels by using glucose as an energy source during and after exercise. They also help you respond better to insulin and reduce your risk of developing diabetes. In addition, exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight; reduce high cholesterol levels; raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good" cholesterol; reduce high blood pressure. These benefits also help prevent the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease). You can further reduce your risk of developing diabetes by exercising for longer periods of time during each session.

Activities can include moderate walking or more vigorous exercise such as jogging, running, cycling, or playing tennis. The study also showed that other activities, such as gardening or shoveling snow, can also have a positive effect. Discuss a plan for a safe exercise program with your doctor.

Medications for prediabetes

Take medication if prescribed

In some cases, doctors prescribe a tablet drug, most often metformin. It reduces the amount of sugar produced by the liver in a person with insulin resistance. This may also be appropriate in the case of polycystic ovary syndrome. If your doctor has prescribed a prediabetes drug for you, remember to take it exactly as prescribed.

Read also:

How to take medicines correctly

stop smoking

If you smoke cigarettes, talk to your doctor about how to quit this bad habit. Smoking may play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes and its early complications.

Blood pressure and cholesterol control

If you have prediabetes, you are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those with normal blood glucose levels. By lowering your cholesterol to the recommended level and keeping your blood pressure below 130/85 millimeters of mercury, you can reduce your risk of developing heart and large blood vessel disease.

By eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, you can keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels within recommended levels.

Signs of prediabetes

Glucose is the main energy source in the body. Its main part penetrates into the blood after the breakdown of carbohydrates received with food. The role of the pancreas is expressed by the production (synthesis) of the hormone insulin, which promotes the absorption of glucose from the blood by tissues. However, in certain cases, failures begin in this process. Sometimes insulin "keys" are not able to open the "doors" of cells, as if their keyholes were deformed.

A lot of sugar accumulates in the blood, which does not have access to tissue cells. This is the violation of carbohydrate metabolism, that is, prediabetes. It is very important to catch this moment in the patient in order to prevent the transformation of this defect into dangerous type 2 diabetes with its formidable complications. Now a lot of people live with high blood glucose concentrations, but their numbers are not high enough to be diagnosed as Diabetes.

Thus, the deterioration of the condition of a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs much earlier than the diagnosis is established. Now the threat of diseases of the eyes, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and atherosclerosis is coming closer and closer.

Symptoms of prediabetes

In the early days of prediabetes, there are no pronounced symptoms, but an acute feeling of thirst, frequent urination (especially at night), blurred vision, increased fatigue, itching, and prolonged wound healing serve as a signal of impending danger. Many patients do not pay attention to this and live with such problems in the body. If you are over 45, these symptoms should alert you, especially with overweight, which occurs in 90% of diabetics and there were diabetics in the family.

Hyperglycemia - elevated blood glucose, which is the main symptom of diabetes, can be detected quite by accident when a patient seeks medical help for another disease. Most patients with prediabetes feel tolerable even with high glucose levels (14-16 mmol / l), while in a completely healthy person, these indicators on an empty stomach during the day vary from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. However, after eating - no more than 7.8 mmol / l.

The presence of prediabetes can be indicated by the result of a blood test taken on an empty stomach, with an indicator above 6.1 mmol / l, although carried out at other times of the day - 11.1. It is advisable to fast for 8 hours before donating a blood sample. When in doubt, the doctor prescribes a special test that determines tolerance and tolerance to sugar. To do this, two hours before the analysis, the patient drinks a glucose solution (75 mg per 250 ml of water). If the level is more than 11.1, it is diabetes.

In recent years, endocrinologists have come to the following conclusion: indicators of 7.8-11.1 mmol / l after the accepted dose of glucose and 5.5-6.1 on an empty stomach indicate a state of prediabetes and is considered a risk factor for the further development of diabetes. By the way, now every person can determine prediabetes by using a glucometer and special test strips at home. Endocrinologists recommend checking blood glucose levels at least twice a year, despite the absence of certain symptoms, and at least four times for patients who have at least one of the specific risk factors described above.

Conservative treatment of prediabetes

On the one hand, it can be assumed that prediabetes is not a serious disease, and it can be left untreated. Not so long ago, endocrinologists recommended that such patients change their daily lifestyle, increase physical activity, diet and ensure the fight against extra pounds. Now the attitude towards prediabetes has changed. The main task is considered to be the reduction of a large amount of sugar in the blood to an acceptable level and improve the contact of insulin with cells.

In recent years, research has been carried out on drugs that can reduce the amount of glucose produced in the liver and establish a “friendly” attitude towards it by body tissues. Many of the drugs tested have proven to be ineffective. To date, endocrinologists have successfully used in prediabetes. The drug is recognized as the first line of defense for patients with type 2 diabetes. It is noted that, compared with other similar drugs, metformin does not reduce sugar as much as it keeps it in the blood, relying on the reserves of the body itself.

The new drug has passed a clinical study conducted by British scientists at Cardiff University. The results exceeded expectations. Diabetics who regularly took metformin lived in clover much longer than even healthy people. But it cannot be strictly stated that this remedy is a panacea for prediabetes and diabetes. So far, endocrinologists in many countries argue that the best way to prevent type 2 diabetes remains the right lifestyle, not medication.

Prevention of prediabetes

Each patient is the best doctor for his body. It should be remembered that the movement of sugar from the blood into tissue cells saves us from diabetes, that is, its level in the blood decreases. This normal physiological process is hindered by the imbalance that has developed in the body between the energy reserve (accumulation of a large amount of fat) and its expenditure due to a sedentary lifestyle.

That is, the control over the balance of "profit" and "loss" is in our own hands. Perform physical exercises (gymnastics) every day, thereby you will force glucose to be a source of energy, and not a store of carbohydrates in the body. You will have a healthy body weight by reducing the "sweetness" of the blood. Morning half-hour gymnastics, long walks in the fresh air, cycling, skating and skiing - all this will help you destroy those extra pounds by 5-7% per month of training.

This will reduce your risk of turning prediabetes into type 2 diabetes by 58%. Everyone knows that people with a large body weight are at risk of getting this disease. Keep in mind that being overweight impairs insulin function, leaving a lot of glucose in the blood. And in nature there are no effective specific means and products for weight loss.

A reliable way to fight obesity is a diet that includes low-calorie foods plus an active lifestyle. Eat every day those foods that do not increase the sweetness of the blood: all kinds of vegetables (with the exception of potatoes, corn, legumes), mushrooms, tea and coffee without sugar, greens. By the way, vegetables are the main source of potassium, which is necessary for normal heart function.

If the doctor has diagnosed "prediabetes", you should not panic too much, because this condition is reversible. Compliance with certain requirements will help normalize the work of the pancreas and return blood counts to normal.

At the same time, the treatment of prediabetes involves not only taking medications that help lower blood sugar, but also some changes in a person’s lifestyle. He will have to give up such bad habits as smoking, drinking, overeating.

If there is excess weight (or even obesity), it will also have to be fought. This will not be so difficult, given that important requirements in the treatment of prediabetes are diet and regular feasible physical activity (active walks in the air, exercise, gardening, etc.) for at least half an hour, helping to control sugar levels and cholesterol in the blood. Active physical activity stimulates the processing of glucose into energy, and proper nutrition facilitates the work of the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin, which is involved in glucose metabolism.

Why is it so important to get rid of fat reserves? No wonder they say that being overweight is one of the risk factors for developing prediabetes. The thing is that fat cells that do not need energy from glucose make it difficult for it to access muscle tissue, which simply needs energy. Glucose enters the body, but is not fully consumed. Its excess is subsequently found in the blood, which as a result of this becomes thicker.

If blood pressure indicators are elevated, you need to take measures to normalize it. This may be taking special drugs ("Enalapril", "Fenigidin", etc.) as prescribed by a doctor or eating foods and herbs that bring blood pressure back to normal.

Physiotherapy and surgery for prediabetes are not relevant.

Correction of blood sugar levels with medications

Doctors resort to medical treatment of prediabetes not so often. The indication for the use of this method of treatment is the lack of positive results of therapy with a diet and a specially designed system of physical exercises.

Most often, patients with advanced prediabetes are prescribed the antidiabetic drug Metformin, which improves the susceptibility of body tissues to insulin, inhibits the absorption of glucose in the intestine, reduces the secretion of glucose by the liver and stimulates the utilization of its excess, lowers cholesterol levels.

"Metformin" in prediabetes, it is prescribed by the attending physician individually in a dosage depending on the severity of the pathological process.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • kidney failure or dysfunction (elevated creatinine),
  • conditions that negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys (dehydration, severe infectious processes, shock, intravascular administration of contrast solutions containing iodine, etc.),
  • pathologies leading to oxygen starvation of tissues (heart failure, severe diseases of the respiratory system, recent myocardial infarction),
  • insufficiency of liver function,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • breast-feeding,
  • period of pregnancy and on the eve of conception,
  • hypersensitivity to metformin and other components of the drug.

The drug is not used in pediatrics.

Side effects. Most often, patients taking drugs based on metformin complain of nausea, reaching vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, epigastric pain, and a taste of metal in the mouth. Symptoms such as erythema, lactic acidosis (accumulation of lactic acid in the blood) appear much less frequently, and the absorption of vitamin B12 worsens.

Precautionary measures. The drug can be used both as part of monotherapy and in combination with other hypoglycemic agents, which, in the absence of control over blood composition, can lead to the development of hypoglycemia, which in turn leads to impaired concentration and the inability to perform work that requires concentration.

During treatment with the drug, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys, especially if the patient, for some reason, takes drugs to reduce pressure, diuretics (diuretics) or NSAIDs.

During therapy with the drug, you should stop drinking alcohol-containing drinks and alcohol-based drugs that increase the side effects of the drug.

In preparation for surgery requiring the introduction of anesthesia, the drug is canceled two days before the start of the operation.

An analogue of the drug "Metformin" is an antidiabetic agent of the same class of biguanides. "Siofor", which is prescribed for prediabetes for the same indications. Preference is given to the drug with a lower dosage "Siofor 500".

Method of application and dose. The initial daily dose of the drug is 2-3 tablets. They should be taken one at a time during or after meals. After 1.5-2 weeks, the dose is adjusted depending on the results of a blood sugar test. The maximum dose is 6 tablets per day.

Contraindications for use. The same as the drug "Metformin".

Side effects. Identical to those observed while taking Metformin.

The above drugs for prediabetes can be used in combination with hypoglycemic drugs, such as Maninil 5, Amaril, etc.

Oral hypoglycemic drug "Maninil 5" refers to sulfonamides, urea derivatives. The active substance of the drug is glibenclamide, which stimulates pancreatic beta cells and thereby increases insulin secretion.

The drug is used both for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus, and for the correction of sugar levels in prediabetes.

The selection of an effective dose is carried out by a doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and body weight. Begin treatment with minimal doses of the drug: 0.5-1 tablet per day. Further, the dose is adjusted depending on the patient's well-being and blood counts.

Take the drug before meals. The tablets are swallowed whole and washed down with water. You need to take the drug at the same time every day. The course of treatment is adjusted depending on the patient's condition.

Contraindications for use. The drug is not intended for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. It is not used with a high probability of developing acidosis, after resection of the pancreas, with severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver. You can not undergo treatment with the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Not used in pediatrics.

Do not prescribe a medicine for hypersensitivity to its components, with hypersensitivity to sulfonamides and sulfonylurea drugs.

Side effects. As a result of taking the drug, hypoglycemia may develop, body weight may increase, and digestive disorders may be disturbed. At the beginning of therapy, some patients experienced short-term visual disturbances and accommodation, the appearance of itching, skin rashes, and increased photosensitivity. Severe reactions are extremely rare.

"Amaryl" is a hypoglycemic drug of the same class as "Maninil 5". The active substance of the drug is glimepiride.

Method of application and dose. The initial dose of the drug is 1 mg. If it turns out to be insufficient, the doctor reviews the prescription in the direction of increasing the dosage or replacing the drug.

In prediabetes, the drug is usually prescribed in case of failure of Metformin therapy.

Contraindications for use. The drug is not recommended for the treatment of children, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

You can not prescribe the drug to patients with impaired liver and kidney function, as well as to those who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug and sulfonamides.

Side effects are identical to the drug "Maninil 5".

When taking the above and similar drugs, it should be borne in mind that without following the requirements of a low-carbohydrate diet, it is simply impossible to achieve an improvement in the situation. Drug therapy makes sense only in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Staying active and getting all the substances the body needs will help the intake of vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Prediabetes is a condition that requires special attention to one's health and the abandonment of bad habits, which means that both alcohol and cigarettes should be forgotten at least for a while. Moreover, taking antidiabetic drugs and alcoholic beverages in many cases can result in unpleasant consequences.

Alternative treatment

Since drug treatment is not the mainstay of prediabetes therapy, and diet and exercise are preferred, the use of alternative methods for treating glucose intolerance should be discussed with your doctor. If he considers such treatment appropriate, traditional medicine recipes can be used to improve the functioning of the pancreas, reduce the absorption of glucose in the intestine, and optimize metabolism.

  1. For 3 weeks, before each meal, drink a quarter cup of a mixture of fresh beet juice and cabbage pickle (taken in equal amounts). After a week, the course can be repeated. If a patient is diagnosed with pancreatitis, the possibility of using such a "medicine" should be discussed with a gastroenterologist.
  2. In the morning, grind 2 tbsp. buckwheat and pour them with a glass of low-fat kefir, eat 30 minutes before dinner. Do the same at night, and in the morning use before breakfast.
  3. Healing salad: chop one large onion and a good pinch of a mixture of dill and parsley and season with olive oil. Onions should be boiled. Eat a salad every day.
  4. A decoction of flax seed (1 tbsp per glass of water) has a positive effect on digestion and metabolism. You need to take it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Treatment of prediabetes with herbs is the use of healthy and tasty decoctions based on elecampane root, blueberry and strawberry leaves, rose hips, yarrow herb, currant shoots.


Since many of the symptoms of prediabetes resemble those of type 2 diabetes, the homeopathic treatment of this condition can be carried out with the same drugs that are used for overt diabetes. But in any case, before starting treatment with homeopathic remedies, you need to consult about this with your doctor.

The very first drug that is worth paying attention to a person with high blood sugar levels is Natrium phosphoricum. It is prescribed when the initial symptoms of developing type 2 diabetes appear. The concentration of phosphorus salts is selected individually according to the level of glucose in the blood.

As a prevention of diabetes mellitus, when symptoms of prediabetes appear, homeopathic medicines such as Arsenica, Grafitis, Sekale cornutum can also be used. Contraindications to such drugs may be individual intolerance to the components or alcohol abuse (in the case of the appointment of alcohol tinctures).

It is important to pay attention to the fact that homeopathic preparations act on the principle of "knocking out a wedge with a wedge", which means that at the initial stage of therapy, the patient's condition may worsen, which does not indicate the ineffectiveness or danger of therapy. Another thing is if the drug does not show any results for a long time (more than 2 months). Then it should be replaced or revised dosage.

Diagnostic methods

Prediabetes is characterized by slightly elevated sugar levels after eating a meal. Glucose load requires an increase in insulin production, and a malfunction of the pancreas does not allow the synthesis of the required level of the hormone. There are 2 ways to suspect the development of prediabetes using laboratory tests.

The first is based on the patient taking a special solution that contains 75 g of pure glucose. After a few hours, blood sugar should be no more than 7.8 mmol / l. If the level is determined within 7.8-11 mmol / l, there is a place to be prediabetes. The second way to identify the disease is to measure glycated hemoglobin over several months. The percentage level will range from 5.5-6.1%, which is an intermediate result between healthy people and diabetics.

Risk factors

Diabetes occurs for various reasons, it is important to pay attention to warning signs in time. People at high risk of developing prediabetes:

  • over 45 years of age;
  • with overweight;
  • with a genetic predisposition;
  • with low physical activity;
  • with gestational diabetes in pregnancy;
  • close kinship with the Americans, Indians and peoples of the Pacific Islands.

What about those who meet the above criteria? It is necessary to pay attention to other complaints and consult a doctor. The disease is easily treated with medication, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

Prediabetes: symptoms

There are many signs of diabetes that are known in the community. Among them, the most common complaints are constant thirst, itching and frequent urination. Less specific are symptoms such as:

  • insomnia;
  • visual acuity disorders;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • weight loss;
  • convulsions, fever;
  • pain in the head and limbs.

The most important and direct symptom is high blood sugar. In a condition preceding type II diabetes, the results of laboratory tests range from 5.5 to 6.9 mmol / l.


What to do when not the most pleasant diagnosis is inevitably approaching - prediabetes? The symptoms are already making themselves felt, the examination confirmed the fears. First you need to calm down, prediabetes can be dealt with. Treatment is complex. In addition to medications that an endocrinologist will recommend taking, be sure to follow a healthy lifestyle. Necessary:

  • stick to a diet (No. 8 or No. 9);
  • increase physical activity;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • to direct all the forces to the fight against excess weight.

One of the key elements of treatment is proper nutrition. Healthy food can restore the work of the pancreas and reduce the risk of complications of prediabetes. Only an active life position will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and restore health.

Diet for prediabetes number 8

It is intended for the category of people struggling with excess weight, which has developed prediabetes. Symptoms of the disease will reduce the intensity of manifestation with proper nutritional adjustments. The treatment table involves limiting the consumed carbohydrates and fats. The diet is based on low-calorie foods rich in vitamins and enzymes that help speed up the metabolic process.

Foods Allowed by Diet #8

In the daily diet you can include:

  • rye or wholemeal bread;
  • some milk and dairy products;
  • skim cheese;
  • dietary varieties of meat and fish in boiled form;
  • low-fat vegetable broth soups;
  • buckwheat, pearl barley;
  • vegetables, fruits with a low content of natural sugar;
  • salted products.

Sample menu for prediabetes No. 8

Focus on a similar diet:

  1. Breakfast - egg, vegetable salad in vegetable oil, bread with butter.
  2. Lunch - boiled dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, beef), buckwheat, fresh vegetables or fruits.
  3. Snack - soup on vegetable broth, sauerkraut, a little fried meat, fruit, bread.
  4. Dinner - boiled low-fat fish, vegetable pudding, bread.
  5. Before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

Meals are calculated with an interval of 3-4 hours, the last (p. 5) - before bedtime.

Diet table number 9

The Pevzner diet is designed specifically for diabetics and allergy sufferers. It is less strict than menu number 8 because it does not aim to reduce the patient's weight. Establishing carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the 9th dietary table improves the condition of patients with prediabetes and type II diabetes. Reducing glucose load is an important element of treatment. The menu contains a sufficient number of approved products. If you wish, you can make a tasty and healthy diet.

It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of mineral or purified water per day, not counting the use of other liquids. Meals should be frequent, but not too satisfying: overeating is dangerous. The best way to satisfy an attack of hunger is to eat a raw fruit or vegetable.

Allowed and prohibited products

How to effectively treat prediabetes? What to do with products, what to exclude, how to cook? Handle any issue that comes up. The most unloved and difficult, of course, is to deny yourself the usual diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude:

  • baking, products made from wheat flour;
  • sugar and products with its high content;
  • sausage, semi-finished meat products;
  • margarine, butter, animal fats;
  • products with harmful additives;
  • fast food;
  • fatty, spicy, salty foods.

A large number of affordable and useful products are allowed for use:

  • fresh and boiled vegetables (limit potatoes);
  • greens;
  • fruits and berries (preferably sour);
  • low-calorie dairy products;
  • bran and dark bread;
  • dietary meat and fish.

You should know that before cooking the soup, potatoes must be soaked for at least 2 hours with periodic water changes and cut into small pieces.

An example of a diet menu number 9

The day is divided into 3 equal meals and 3 snacks. A fixed time interval between meals will help you quickly adapt to a new schedule. Remember that it is the prediabetes diet that gives the best results. A detailed menu will allow you to understand how proper therapeutic nutrition should be organized.

Option number 1

  • breakfast - squash pancakes, sour cream 10-15%, tea;
  • lunch - soup on vegetable broth, bread, vegetable puree;
  • dinner - chicken cutlet from the oven, cottage cheese casserole, tomato.

Option number 2

  • breakfast - millet milk porridge, chicory;
  • lunch - soup with meatballs, barley porridge, cabbage salad;
  • dinner - stewed cabbage, boiled fish, bread.

Option number 3

  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge, cocoa;
  • lunch - pumpkin puree soup, 2 boiled eggs, bread, fresh cucumber;
  • dinner - zucchini baked with minced meat and vegetables.

As a snack you can use:

  • a glass of milk or dairy products;
  • fruit salad with natural yogurt;
  • vegetable salads (raw and boiled) and mashed potatoes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • special products for diabetics (cookies, bars).

The menu is based on the general principles of healthy eating and does not exclude important foods. A huge number of dishes are available from permitted ingredients. It is recommended to use a double boiler, multicooker, oven in order to maximize the beneficial properties of the products and reduce the burden on digestion. A variety of cooking methods will make the diet table completely invisible in its limitations.

Why does borderline occur?

Diabetes mellitus in the early stages occurs for the same reasons that directly provoke a disease that cannot be cured. That is, prediabetes is caused by physical inactivity, which is backed up by an improper or unbalanced diet.

In addition to these symptoms, constant stress and nervous tension can become, and in some people, a hereditary predisposition.

How to recognize the disease

Prediabetes and its symptoms cannot always be treated at an early stage. Very often, people simply do not notice them, and some of its signs can be identified only by resorting to laboratory tests. This is the danger of the borderline state. So, how to recognize diabetes and how to identify a pre-diabetic condition? When you are pre-diabetic, you may have the 10 earliest signs:

  1. Regular insomnia;
  2. Falling vision;
  3. Scabies and persistent skin itching;
  4. feeling of intense thirst;
  5. Constant desire to go to the toilet;
  6. Severe weight loss;
  7. Muscle cramps, especially at night;
  8. Fever or even fever;
  9. Persistent headaches;
  10. When measuring blood glucose, the device shows elevated readings.

Remember how to identify and treat this condition so as not to provoke the development of a real disease. The signs of prediabetes are not too different from the real disease, so do not immediately panic if you have one or more of these symptoms. Check your health in the hospital to draw any conclusions, but you should not neglect the correct lifestyle in order to prevent complications.

Remember that women are at particular risk of entering this condition if they have polycystic ovary syndrome or have had gestational diabetes (a disease during pregnancy).

Diagnosis and treatment are closely related, but many do not know what to do if you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis. The answer is the prediabetes diet. What is a diet? This is just proper nutrition, which, in fact, even healthy people should use.

How to eat

Can this condition be cured and how is it treated? Nutrition for prediabetes involves following the diet number 8, which adds up to the menu for the week, which should be compiled by the doctor.

  • Rye bakery products;
  • Salted products;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • Vegetables and fruits that are considered unsweetened;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Barley porridge;
  • Soup, but without meat broth;
  • Lean meat;
  • Lean fish fillet.
  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Fatty meat broths;
  • Spicy food;
  • fried foods;
  • Smoked products;
  • Bakery products.

This diet does not provide for a clear diet, but it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he gives recommendations on nutrition.

Thus, prediabetes is a borderline condition and it is good if the disease was detected at this stage, since then it would be too late to start treatment. Eat an appropriate diet and follow your doctor's recommendations to avoid complications and live a fulfilling life.

Rules for donating blood for sugar

The pre-diabetic state is a violation of metabolic processes in the human body, in which the volume of visceral fat increases, the sensitivity of cells to produced insulin decreases. There is a failure of lipid, carbohydrate metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Pathology is a transitional state to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the symptoms of the diseases are similar, but manifest themselves with less intensity.

What is prediabetes and how should it be treated? In sick people, the pancreas produces insulin, but to a lesser extent than in healthy people. At the same time, peripheral tissues reduce sensitivity to this hormone and poorly absorb it. This condition leads to, when testing, an increase in the glycemic index is noted, but not to such indicators as in type 2 diabetes.

Who is at risk?

  • People with close relatives who have diabetes.
  • Signs and symptoms of prediabetes can be diagnosed in women who have had gestational diabetes and have been treated during pregnancy and have given birth to a baby weighing 4 kg or more.
  • Overweight people.
  • Signs of a developing disease are found in women suffering from polycystic ovaries.
  • Patients over 45 years of age.
  • People suffering from chronic diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, biliary system, liver and kidneys.
  • Patients with high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, while high density lipoproteins are lowered.
  • People with a history of vascular disease, a tendency to thrombosis.

When several factors occur, many systems fail in the human body, metabolic syndrome develops, and a state comes on the verge of diabetes mellitus. In the future, without timely measures taken, the pathology can develop into insulin deficiency, lead to the development of severe complications from the nervous, cardiovascular system.

Clinical symptoms

What can be the symptoms if a pre-diabetic condition develops, what should be done when signs of the disease appear, what treatment helps? The disease may not have distinct manifestations, but in most cases, patients report symptoms similar to diabetes:

  • Itching of the skin, external genitalia.
  • Strong feeling of thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Long-term non-healing cuts, abrasions.
  • In women, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, in men - sexual impotence.
  • Diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Migraine, dizziness, sleep disturbances.
  • Increased nervousness, excitability.
  • Night cramps in the muscles.

If you feel worse in general, if you have several of the listed symptoms, you should consult a doctor and get tested for blood glucose levels. Often such a disease is asymptomatic and can be detected by chance during a routine examination. Therefore, patients at risk are recommended regular glycemic control and observation by a therapist for timely detection of pathology and treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

What is the norm of blood sugar in prediabetes, how much can the glucose level be increased in women and men? In healthy people, the normal level of glycemia in the blood does not exceed 5.5 mmol, if pathology develops, this figure will be increased to 6.1-6.9 mmol. At the same time, glucose is not detected in the urine.

One of the additional ways to detect high blood sugar is (GTT). This is a laboratory research method that allows you to determine how tissue is receptive to insulin. The test is carried out in two ways: orally and intravenously. With symptoms of pathology, the result will be 8.0–12.1 mmol. If the indicators are higher, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed and treatment with sugar-lowering drugs (Metformin) is prescribed.

Before conducting laboratory tests, it is necessary to refrain from eating fatty, sweet, fried foods the night before. The analysis should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. You cannot take any medications.

Treatment of prediabetes with diet therapy

Diagnosed with prediabetes, what to do, what treatment is needed and is it possible to completely cure the disease, get rid of hypoglycemia (reviews)? If such a condition develops, characteristic symptoms appear, patients are prescribed proper nutrition, a low-carbohydrate diet, lifestyle changes, regular exercise, and in some cases, sugar-lowering drugs (Metformin) are indicated.

The prediabetes diet is aimed at reducing excess weight in women and men.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor in detail the fats and carbohydrates consumed, to correctly compose a menu for each day of the week. Carbohydrate food contributes to the formation of the hormone insulin in the pancreas, if its susceptibility is disturbed by cells, an excess of glucose accumulates in the blood. A diet for prediabetes and overweight patients, proper nutrition allows you to adjust the amount of carbohydrates consumed using a balanced menu, so you can improve your well-being and restore the functioning of internal organs. The menu should completely exclude sweet desserts, confectionery, sugar, pastries, pasta, semolina, semi-finished products, fast food.

These products in their composition have fast carbohydrates, which, after entering the digestive tract, cause rapid. Patients can add more fresh vegetables and fruits containing vegetable fiber to their diet, with the exception of grapes, bananas, dates, and beets. These products can be consumed in a limited way.

During treatment, animal fats (butter, lard, margarine) should be replaced with natural vegetable fats, give up fatty meats, you can cook chicken breast, rabbit meat, turkey or steamed veal, bake in the oven with vegetables. In this case, it is allowed to add a small amount of vegetable oil. You can eat buckwheat, pearl barley, barley and wheat porridge with skimmed milk or vegetable oil.

In addition to the fact that you need to revise the diet, you should develop a diet. You need to eat in fractional portions 5-6 times a day, you should try not to break the rules and eat at the same time every day.

With the development of pathology in women and men, daily physical activity is indicated. This contributes to better absorption of insulin by the tissues of the body. Every day you need to devote at least half an hour for walks in the fresh air, jogging. It is necessary to play sports in moderation, too intense training can worsen the condition.

It is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, observe sleep and rest. Subject to these rules, the level of glycemia is normalized, sometimes even without medication.

Medical therapy

What drugs are used to treat prediabetes in women and men if there is a risk of developing diabetes, how can the disease be cured with Metformin? Most often, patients are prescribed treatment with Metformin, an antidiabetic drug of the biguanide class, which helps to increase tissue susceptibility to insulin. In addition, Metformin improves the utilization of excess glucose, slows down its formation by the liver. The drug does not cause the development of hyperglycemia. Metformin reduces the absorption of sugar from the digestive tract.

The dosage and rules for taking the drug are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. Drug treatment should be carried out in a complex with proper nutrition and physical activity. With the right appointment, Metformin causes a small number of side effects, helps to reduce low-density cholesterol compounds. Metformin significantly reduces the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drug has earned positive reviews among doctors and patients.

The disease in women and men is a serious wake-up call before the development of type 2 diabetes. After identifying the symptoms of pathology, a low-carbohydrate diet that does not contain animal fats should be followed. Regular physical activity helps to improve the absorption of insulin by the cells of the body. If you follow the rules of nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, pathology can be stopped for many years, but people who are at risk should regularly monitor the level of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood.

Many do not even want to think that diabetes can affect them too. For some reason, these people believe that such diseases occur in neighbors, in the cinema, but they will pass by and not even touched.

And then, during the medical examination, they take a blood test, and it turns out that the sugar level is already 8, and maybe even higher, and the doctors' prognosis is disappointing. This situation can be prevented if the signs of the disease are recognized in time at the very beginning of its inception. What is it - prediabetes?

Pre-diabetic state - what is it?

Prediabetes is a high degree of probability of occurrence and development of diabetes mellitus. Can this condition be considered the initial stage of the disease?

It is very difficult to draw a clear line here. In people with prediabetes, damage to the tissues of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and organs of vision can already develop.

Scientific studies show that chronic complications begin to develop already at the pre-diabetic stage. When diabetes is diagnosed, organ damage is already present and cannot be prevented. Therefore, timely recognition of this condition is necessary.

Prediabetes is an intermediate condition in which the pancreas produces insulin, but in smaller quantities, or insulin is produced in normal quantities, but tissue cells are not able to absorb it.

People in this position are especially at risk for type 2 diabetes. However, this condition is correctable. By changing your lifestyle, eliminating unhealthy habits, you can restore lost health and avoid more serious pathologies.

Reasons for development

There are a number of reasons that cause prediabetes. First of all, it is a hereditary predisposition.

Most experts believe that the likelihood of getting sick is much increased if there have already been cases of this disease in the family or among close relatives.

One of the most significant risk factors is obesity. This reason, fortunately, can be eliminated if the patient, realizing the seriousness of the problem, gets rid of excess weight, making considerable efforts to this.

Pathological processes, during which the functions of beta cells are impaired, can become an impetus for the development of diabetes. These are pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, as well as diseases or injuries of other endocrine glands.

The role of a trigger that triggers the disease can be played by infection with the hepatitis virus, rubella, chicken pox, and even influenza. It is clear that SARS will not cause diabetes in the vast majority of people. But if this is a person weighed down by heredity and extra pounds, then the flu virus is dangerous for him.

A person who did not have diabetics in the circle of close relatives can repeatedly suffer from acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious diseases - while the likelihood of developing and progressing diabetes is much lower than that of a person burdened by poor heredity. So the combination of several risk factors at once increases the risk of the disease many times over.

Further, nervous stress should be named as one of the causes of diabetes. It is especially necessary to avoid nervous and emotional overstrain for people with a genetic predisposition to diabetes and overweight.

Age plays an important role in increasing the risk - the older the person, the more he is predisposed to developing diabetes. Another risk factor is night shifts at work, a shift in sleep and wakefulness. Almost half of the voluntary participants in the experiment, who agreed to live a displaced life, developed a state of prediabetes.

Condition symptoms

A high glucose level is one of the indicators of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If a blood test is done several times in a row with an interval of a day, and it shows the presence of hyperglycemia in all periods, diabetes mellitus can be assumed.

Table of glucose indicators:

There are other signs of the disease. For example, strong thirst, which is practically not quenched. A person drinks a lot, five or even ten liters a day. This happens because the blood thickens when there is a lot of sugar in it.

A certain area in the brain called the hypothalamus is activated and begins to make a person feel thirsty. Thus, a person begins to drink a lot if he has a high level of glucose. As a result of increased fluid intake, frequent urination appears - a person is actually "tied" to the toilet.

Since glucose uptake by tissues is impaired in diabetes, fatigue and weakness appear. A person feels that he is literally exhausted, sometimes it is difficult for him to even move.

In addition, erectile dysfunction is manifested in men, which negatively affects the sexual (sexual) sphere of the patient's life. In women, the disease sometimes gives cosmetic defects - age spots on the skin of the face, hands, hair and nails become brittle, brittle.

One of the brightest outward signs of prediabetes is being overweight, especially when combined with advanced age.

Over the years, the metabolism slows down, and here the excess fat prevents glucose from entering the cells - the presence of these factors significantly increases the risk of developing the disease. Also, the pancreas of older people begins to produce less insulin with age.

In type 2 disease, weight gain often occurs. The fact is that with this type of diabetes in the blood there is a high content of glucose and, at the same time, insulin. The body seeks to transfer all excess into adipose tissue, as the most convenient for storage. Because of this, a person very quickly begins to gain weight.

Another symptom is a feeling of numbness in the limbs, tingling. This is especially felt in the hands, fingertips. When due to an increase in the concentration of glucose, the normal microcirculation of the blood is disturbed, this causes a deterioration in the nutrition of the nerve endings. Because of this, a person experiences various unusual sensations in the form of tingling or numbness.

And finally, itching, which is also one of the symptoms of diabetic disease. This may be surprising, how can glucose levels affect the condition of the skin? Everything is very simple. With hyperglycemia, blood circulation worsens, which causes a drop in immunity. Therefore, diabetics very often begin to multiply a fungal infection on the skin, which gives a feeling of itching.

The final diagnosis should be made by an endocrinologist, based not on one, but on several examinations. The specialist will determine whether it is diabetes mellitus or not, decide how to treat it, what medications will be most effective in each individual case.

To prevent diabetes from becoming an unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to control blood sugar levels, this can be easily done in a clinic or at home using a glucometer.

Treatment Methods

To stop the development of diabetes in the initial stages, it is necessary to normalize the mode of work and rest. Both the lack of sleep and its excess are harmful to the body. Physical overstrain, constant stress at work can be an impetus for the development of serious pathologies, including diabetes. At the stage of prediabetes, folk remedies and various non-traditional methods of treatment will be effective.


A healthy diet is essential. Cancel trips to the sausage department, forget about all types of pastries, use wholemeal flour products with bran instead of white bread, eat not white rice and pasta, but brown varieties of rice and whole grain cereals. It is advisable to switch from red meat (lamb, pork) to turkey and chicken, eat more fish.

The main thing is to ensure that the diet has enough fruits and vegetables. Half a kilogram every day you need to eat both. Most heart and other diseases occur due to the fact that we eat too little greens, fresh fruits.

You should not only review your diet, but also get rid of bad habits. Sometimes quitting smoking or cutting back on alcohol is enough to prevent diabetes.

You need to reduce the amount of sweets in your daily menu or eliminate them altogether. Their excess consumption can also be a decisive factor in the development of diabetes.

Physical activity

Four hours of brisk walking a week - and diabetes will be far behind. It is necessary to devote at least twenty or forty minutes every day to walking, but not at a slow walking pace, but a little faster than usual.

It is advisable to include sports in your daily schedule. You can start with morning exercises for 10-15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the intensity of the load. This will help speed up metabolic processes in the body, reduce glucose levels, reduce the number of extra pounds. Losing weight by 10-15% can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.

Video material about prediabetes and how to treat it:

Physical activity can be walking or more serious sports activities. You can choose for yourself jogging, playing tennis, basketball, cycling, skiing. In any case, glucose will be consumed as a source of energy, cholesterol levels will decrease, which will serve as an excellent prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies.

What is prediabetes? This is a borderline state between a healthy body and diabetes. The pre-diabetic state is characterized by the fact that the pancreas produces insulin, but in much smaller volumes.

People with this disease are at risk for type 2 diabetes. Although this pre-diabetic sudden onset is dangerous, it is quite treatable.

To restore the former health, a person needs to completely reconsider his lifestyle. This is the only way to return sugar to normal levels and prevent diabetes.

Prediabetes can occur when body tissues become tolerant (unresponsive) to insulin. This raises the blood glucose level.

One of the complications that leads to prediabetes is diabetic angiopathy. This disease occurs due to lack of control over sugar levels.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, there will be other complications leading to type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes leads to the fact that the patient's condition worsens:

  1. nerve endings;
  2. vessels;
  3. organs of vision, etc.

Important! Diabetes is diagnosed in children at least as often as in adults. It may result from severe infections or major surgery.

What can cause prediabetes, signs of the disease

First of all, at risk are people who lead a sedentary life and have problems with being overweight. The second category of people are those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease.

The likelihood that prediabetes will develop is significantly increased in women who have had it during pregnancy.

Most patients often do not notice the initial manifestations that are characteristic of prediabetes, and some signs can only be detected through laboratory tests, tests will have to be done.

If a person has the following symptoms, similar to prediabetes, you should immediately be examined by a specialist:

  1. Overweight.
  2. The sugar test is not correct.
  3. Age category - more than 45 years.
  4. The woman suffered from gestational diabetes during the period of bearing a child.
  5. The woman was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries.
  6. The patient's blood was found to have high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Other signs

Sleep disorders.

When a person's glucose metabolism is disturbed, hormonal functions fail in the body and the production of the hormone insulin decreases. This can lead to insomnia.

Skin itching and blurred vision.

As a result of a high level of sugar, blood becomes thicker, and its passage through the vessels and small capillaries is difficult. As a result, itching and vision problems appear.

Thirst, frequent urination.

To dilute thick blood, the body needs a lot of fluid absorption. Therefore, the patient is constantly thirsty. Naturally, a large intake of water leads to frequent urination. If the level of sugar in the bloodstream drops to 5.6 - 6 mmol / l, this problem disappears by itself.

Sudden weight loss.

Since the amount of insulin produced is reduced, glucose from the blood is not completely absorbed by the tissues. As a result, cells experience a lack of nutrition and energy. Therefore, the patient's body is quickly depleted and weight loss occurs.

Heat and night-time cramps.

Poor nutrition affects the condition of the muscles, because of this, cramps occur. High sugar levels cause fever.


Even small damage to the vessels of the brain will cause pain in the head and limbs.

Important! Having found the slightest symptoms of prediabetes, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, and do it according to the doctor's prescription, which will help to significantly reduce the risk of complications of the disease!

Prognosis and treatment

The presence of prediabetes can be detected by taking a blood test. It is made on an empty stomach, in the morning, after which treatment is prescribed.

If the tests showed less than 6.1 mmol / l or below 110 mg / dl, we are talking about the presence of prediabetes.

Treatment may include the following:

  • dieting;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • physical activity;
  • getting rid of bad habits;

The patient must daily monitor the level of sugar, cholesterol, here you can use both a glucometer and; measure blood pressure; keep a schedule of physical education.

An endocrinologist, in addition to the above measures, may prescribe treatment for the use of special medications, for example, metformin.

A study conducted by American scientists showed that following a proper diet, adequate nutrition and lifestyle changes helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes, as well. As well as reducing the likelihood that there will be prediabetes.

Nutrition in case of illness

Start proper nutrition should be with smaller portions. The diet should contain a large amount of fiber: vegetables, fruits, beans, vegetable salads. Nutrition based on these products always has a positive effect and as a treatment for a condition such as prediabetes.

In addition to the fact that these products quickly satisfy hunger, filling the stomach, they also provide prevention of diabetes.

healthy eating

  • The person is rapidly losing weight.
  • Blood sugar levels return to normal.
  • The body is saturated with macro- and microelements, vitamins and other useful substances.

A balanced diet in prediabetes will certainly help delay or prevent the development of the disease. If prediabetes still occurs, the patient needs:

  1. Reduce your intake of fatty foods.
  2. Limit your intake of desserts and other sugary foods.
  3. Reduce calorie intake.

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