Excessive pronation of the foot. Causes and treatment of foot pronation. Causes of pronation

All people walk differently. But everyone wants to walk easily and beautifully, and it depends on the condition. ankle joint and feet in general.

It is no coincidence that the science of podiatry appeared, studying the structure and functions of the foot, the biomechanics of movements. Her task, among other things, is to help parents choose proper shoes for children, so that they gain the desired lightness and dexterity when moving from the first steps. Also, the doctor will help you choose the right sports shoes, save your feet from overwork and pain.

healthy foot

The human foot is a complex anatomical formation that includes the ankle joint, numerous ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscles, blood vessels and nerves. A healthy foot should be well mobile and easy to turn, because the speed of a person’s movement, as well as endurance, will depend on this.

It has 3 zones:

  • Toe - front part - consists of 5 metatarsal bones and 14 bones of the phalanges of the fingers.
  • Code - middle part- has a wedge-shaped, cuboid and navicular bone. It is the arch of the foot that determines the height of its rise.
  • The heel - the back - includes the calcaneus and talus.

It is easy to calculate, almost a quarter of all bones are in the feet. human skeleton. And this proves the importance of this formation in the implementation of the function of standing upright, walking upright, maintaining balance, shock absorption and jumping. It also affects the ability to run, jump, squat, skate, ski and cycle.

In all joints, including the metatarsophalangeal, inflammation can occur, accompanied by pain.

How is the movement carried out?

Bottom part the lower leg is connected to the foot with the help of an ankle joint resembling a block. All other bones are also connected by joints.

For movement, the subtalar joint is important - it connects the calcaneus and talus. It is this joint that provides movement relative to the frontal axis, that is, to the sides (in other words, inward and outward). These movements are called pronation (outward) and supination (inward).

Cartilage makes movements in the joints smoother. Muscles and tendons, together with ligaments, provide mobility in the joints. At excessive load ligaments can be injured, up to rupture. There may be inflammation of the tendons.

Arteries provide nutrition to the tissues of the foot. The vascular network of the feet is the most distant from the heart, so circulatory disorders in it lead to serious problems in the form of pain, lameness and sensory disturbances. Nerve compression tight shoes or when the load increases, it creates discomfort and parasthesia in the foot.

Problems in the neuromuscular structure are often accompanied by pathological supination.

Step cycle

This is the name of the process that a person performs when moving forward. It has 2 phases - flight and support. When flying, the foot does not touch the ground, so it is more important to consider the stance phase, especially since it is longer in time (65%). It depends on how the load is distributed on the ankle. With improper distribution of the load, the joints wear out quickly, and the problems pass to other parts of the human skeleton.

The stance phase consists of 3 moments:

  • From the beginning of the touch of the heel to the full support of the foot.
  • From full support to the beginning of the heel off the ground.
  • From heel lift to toe lift off the ground.

At the first moment, natural pronation occurs, then the joint comes to a neutral position, at the third moment, physiological supination of the foot occurs. The bones of the subtalar joint deviate in different directions by no more than 4 degrees.

External causes violations of pronation and supination, for example, when walking on an uneven surface, are compensated by the work of the wedge-shaped and subtalar joints.

Computer technologies make it possible to study in detail violations of the biomechanics of the foot. They will also help to identify pathologies in which excessive pronation occurs, that is, excessive rotation of the plantar part of the foot outward.


Pronation is a rotational movement inward. It is with its help that it is possible to reduce the blow that occurs when the limb contacts the floor. If there is a pathology, then the distribution of the load will be uneven, which will cause calluses on the foot, pain and discomfort in lower limbs. Muscles, tendons also contract incorrectly, joints become inflamed.

Types of pronation:

  1. Neutral. AT this case the entire load is distributed among the fingers, but a little more emphasis is placed on the large and second.
  2. Excess. In this case, the weight of the body will be distributed unevenly. That is, all fingers except the thumb and second are not involved in the process. As a result, the foot turns outward.
  3. Insufficient pronation. In this case, everything will be the opposite in comparison with the excess. That is, thumb remains indifferent, and the greatest weight falls on the fourth finger and on the little finger.

If you have insufficient pronation of the foot, then there will be no normal shock absorption. As a result, this causes pain in the knees, as well as sprains of the lower leg.

Excessive leads to the fact that the contact of the foot with the support becomes flat. In this case, the arch will move inward, and the fingers, on the contrary, will move outward. This leads to, which is highly undesirable, because they cease to function normally.

Pathology can provoke:

  • Wrong shoes.
  • Big weight.
  • The hard work that goes huge pressure on your feet.
  • Sports.
  • Congenital pathology of the bone apparatus.
  • Age changes in bones and muscles.
  • Innervation.

If you ignore the problem, then there will be severe complications. First, the spine will suffer. Secondly, against the background of pronation, flat feet, clubfoot sometimes develop, thumbs. Metatarsalgia, arthrosis or etc. may occur.

Only timely diagnosis and treatment can avoid many problems.

How to determine pronation?

There is a relationship between the nature of the arch of the foot and the severity of pronation. When running, knowing your pronation will tell you right choice professional sports shoes, which means it will protect the joint from excessive sports loads.

The normal arch of the foot most likely indicates that you have a neutral pronation. In people with flat feet, excessive pronation is more common, and with a high arch of the foot, on the contrary, there is a decrease in pronation.

A test at home will help. Lay a sheet of thick white paper on the floor and stand on it with wet feet. You have to wait for about half a minute. Then circle the wet foot stains on the sheet with a pencil. If the toe and heel are represented by separate wet spots, then the pronation is below normal. If the foot is completely imprinted, the arch area is wide, then there is excessive pronation. Normal pronation is observed when the imprint of the toe and heel are connected along the outer edge of the arch into one imprint.

For a balance of cushioning and stability, people with normal pronation should buy running shoes of the SUPPORT model, support. With flat feet, that is, with excessive pronation, the choice is for CONTROL sneakers. With weak pronation, NEUTRAL running shoes, which are neutrally shock-absorbing, will best protect against injuries.

How to buy shoes for children?

The right shoes for healthy child- a guarantee of the health of his legs in the future. When buying shoes, you should pay attention to 5 points (except for the size):

  • Back.
  • Sole.
  • Heel.
  • Arch support.
  • Clasp.

It is necessary to dispel the myth that the baby's ankle must be fixed, so you need to choose shoes with a high back. If the orthopedist does not indicate the need for fixation due to the existing pathology, then for a healthy child there is no need to buy shoes with an overestimated tight back. The heel counter should be simply dimensionally stable and not interfere with the flexion of the foot, so as not to cause a violation of bone formation.

The sole should not be too hard. It is enough that it will be elastic, well bent at the toe under the fingers and resistant to rapid wear.

Heel like necessary element, is not that important. The difference between the height of the front and back of the shoe is important. If we talk specifically about the heel, then at 6–7 years old its height does not exceed 0.5–1 cm, at 8–12 years old it is not higher than 2 cm, at 13–17 years old it is not higher than 3–4 cm.

The instep support - a tab along the inner edge of the shoe - is nothing more than a design move that does not reflect the anatomy of a child's foot. The arch of the foot is based on 3 points, so the support of one of them is ineffective. In any case, no research has been done on this topic.

The clasp is very important. Children's shoes should be one with the foot, and it is impossible to do this without laces or Velcro. Various Models ballet shoes, moccasins are completely unacceptable as children's shoes.

As a preventive measure, swimming, massage, and exercise therapy are relevant.

Pronation and supination of the foot can have an impact not only on running technique, but also on the health of the legs. Having correctly determined your type of pronation, you can choose the right shoes for training and build a workout so that it cannot harm, but brings only the maximum benefit.

Biomechanics defines supination and pronation as the rotating movements of any limbs that occur as a result of the work of special muscle groups with similar names - supinators and pronators. In fact, these two concepts are opposites: supination is responsible for turning the legs and arms outward, while pronation, on the contrary, controls the rotation inward. Thanks to the study of the influence of the features of setting the feet while running, it is possible to adjust the training process in such a way that it cannot harm health.

Pronation of the foot, as well as supination, helps to properly distribute the load when jogging, when impact force falls on the foot during contact with a solid surface of the earth. Thus, the pronators help the athlete to maintain balance during both the push and the landing. This work stop can be compared to the action of automobile springs, when the suspension spring softens the shocks and shocks when driving on rough roads.

Exist various pathologies that violate the basic functions of the musculoskeletal system. As a result, an additional increased load is created on absolutely all the muscles of the legs, because of which a person begins to suffer from pain in the knees and joints, as well as from sprains of the shins and pinching Achilles tendons. Risk of getting serious injury in this case is very high.

How the foot moves during movement can be traced by paying attention to the so-called "stepping cycle", which takes into account two phases: transfer and support. During the step, all the muscles of the legs work, including the arch supports and pronators - it is their level of training that affects the degree of fatigue from the loads. To better understand the differences in the setting of the feet, it is worthwhile to analyze in more detail the main types of pronation:


The location of the feet is symmetrical - this setting is considered correct. During movement, contact with the surface occurs with the outer heel part, and the foot itself turns inward quite a bit, by a maximum of 13-16%. The arch of the foot is neutral, which allows you to distribute the load evenly over the entire surface during the push. Only this type of pronation can provide a sufficient level of natural cushioning, so that when you run, the main impact force will be concentrated in the front of the foot.


Violations in the setting of the foot in this case are associated with turning it inward - this affects the level of depreciation, reducing it. The repayment of the load occurs partially, therefore, with improperly selected shoes, as well as in the absence special insoles, at the end of the day or after a hard workout may appear pain in the legs. Repulsion during overpronation occurs mainly due to the large and index finger. In this case, the balance can be difficult to restrain, and stability also suffers. It is also worth paying attention to the protection of the ankles, with violations of pronation, they are more prone to dislocations.


Repulsion from the ground in this case occurs due to the outer side of the foot. Just like in the previous case, natural depreciation is not enough here, so you have to compensate for it. alternative ways. The main load comes to the little finger, such a setting of the foot may soon become the cause serious pathologies- clubfoot, various deformities, calluses and tendon injuries.

How to determine the type of pronation?

Foot supination and pronation are determined by an orthopedic specialist in the clinic using special tests. The doctor will be able not only to indicate the type of pronation, but also give important recommendations to help alleviate the situation. If there is no way to go to the hospital, you can do the tests yourself at home. They are quite simple and easy, but, nevertheless, they can help with determining the degree of pronation:

foot print

This method is often used at home, since it is not difficult to determine the pronation of the foot in this case. All you need is water and a sheet of paper. If desired, the liquid can be painted in any color or paint can be used, then the result will be more visual. Do not take thin paper, it is better if it is thicker, if possible, you can take cardboard. First you need to wet your foot or decorate it with paint, then put a sheet of paper on a flat surface and stand on top of it. It is not necessary to turn the foot from side to side, it is better to stand in a normal position, so the result will be more correct. When the print is ready, it is worth examining it correctly:


The pronation of the foot in this case is considered excessive. There is no void in the arch area, the width is almost the same throughout the foot.


In most cases, the imprint is practically divided into two parts, narrowing towards the outside and the empty area is quite large. This position of the foot indicates hypopronation.


The width of the arch is about half the size of the foot. This pronation is considered neutral. If you get such a print, there is no reason to worry, then your foot is normal.

In order to obtain more comprehensive information, it is necessary to conduct such a test on two legs. There are times when pronation can vary slightly from foot to foot, not much, but it's still worth checking.


The method is not as obvious as the previous one, but it can also clarify information about the state of the stops. When performing this exercise, it is important to see your knees, so you must perform it in either tight pants or shorts. The starting position is the same as for a normal squat. When moving down, pay attention to the setting of the knees:

Knees slightly apart

This suggests that the emphasis comes on the outside of the foot, which means that there is hypopronation.

knees moving in inside

The weight in this position is concentrated on the thumb and index finger. You are most likely overpronated.

Parallel kneeling

In this case, the athlete has a standard neutral pronation, this position is considered natural.

visual inspection

Sometimes, in order to understand how to determine the supination of the foot, it is enough just to look at the condition of the sole of the shoe. When the pronation is neutral, both the inside and outside of the abrasion are approximately the same, only the outer side can be erased a little more. If the entire surface of the sole is worn, then this indicates overpronation. A pronounced external weariness indicates hypopronation. Of course, this method of determining foot disorders cannot be as reliable as possible; in this case, it is better to conduct additional tests.


The health of the legs depends on the type of pronation and supination. Identification of the problem on early stage will allow timely prevention of development serious illnesses and will provide comfort for the feet not only during intense running workouts, but also during normal walking. It is important to seek the help of a specialist in a timely manner in order to keep your legs strong and healthy for many years.

Many of us have certain, sufficient for practical life knowledge of anatomy and physiology human body. But to a simple question “what is pronation of the foot - a disease, congenital pathology or something else?" in 9 cases out of 10 you are unlikely to get a clear answer. And this despite the fact that we are faced with this phenomenon almost daily.

Big medical encyclopedia defines the pronation of the foot as its rotation around its longitudinal axis. With this rotation, the foot itself turns forward and inward, and this movement is characterized by raising the outer edge of the foot and lowering the inner. The reverse rotation of the foot is called supination.

Now let's break down this definition into simple example walk. When a person takes a step, he puts his foot on the heel. Then to do the next step, he leans on the foot, transferring his weight to its center, and the foot sags under the influence of this weight, collapses inward, its arch becomes flatter. This movement is called pronation. And the movement opposite to the above, in which the foot collapses outward - supination.

We can say that in each of our steps there is a pronation phase and a supination phase. It is they that allow you to quickly change the direction of movement, dampen the forces of impacts or repulsions of the foot from the surface. And this load fast run can reach a value 6-8 times higher than own weight person.

Pronation is a cushioning mechanism built into the foot by nature that can soften the shock load on it, as well as keep the body in balance when the foot lands on hard surface or repulsion from it.

Types of pronation

The amount of pronation for each person is individual. But, generalizing these values, we can divide people into 3 types:

  • hyperpronators (or super-);
  • neutral pronators;
  • hypopronators (or under-).

Neutral pronation is considered ideal. But moderate over- or underpronation is also not a particular problem, and medicine is considered as close to normal. Problems arise when a person has pronounced hyper- or hypopronation.

Hyper-, or, as it is more commonly called, excessive pronation is dangerous because when moving the foot, in order to lean on the surface, you have to sag heavily, thereby stretching soft tissues and causing the joints of the foot to shift too much. In hypo-, or under-pronation, the foot contacts the ground too quickly during movement, causing the load transferred to the foot to not fully soften, and the movements are too hard.

In the first case, there is an overstrain of the joints due to the constant unnaturally large range of motion. In the second case, the outstanding depreciation load is transferred to musculoskeletal system. The result in both cases will be identical: first discomfort and rapid fatigue legs when walking or running, and over time, leg injuries.

There are several simple ways, allowing you to determine the type of pronation of the foot yourself. However, there is still no one hundred percent accurate among them, therefore it is recommended for more accurate results to determine it not in one, but in two or three ways.

Home methods for determining pronation

One of the most precise methods- so-called. " wet way". A little water is poured into a shallow vessel (basin, bowl or tray) so that it only covers the bottom. Then you need to lower your foot into the water and make sure that the entire sole of your foot is wet. After that, take your foot out and step it on a sheet of thick paper so that a wet imprint of your foot remains on it. It is necessary to step from a standing position, and not put your foot down in sitting position, since in the second case the pressure on the foot will be much weaker, therefore, the test will initially be inaccurate.

Thin paper is not good as it will inevitably deform a lot under your weight. You should not keep your foot on the paper for a long time either - the paper will absorb the flowing water, and the print will turn out to be blurry, but you need to be as clear as possible. It is the imprint left that will show the type of your pronation. If your foot is almost completely imprinted on paper, you are overpronating and your foot is arching too much. In other words, you have a low arch, and possibly flat feet.

If the middle of the foot is not visible on the print, then you are a hypopronator, and your foot does not bend down enough during loads to effectively dampen the force of shocks. Normal pronation is when the forefoot, heel and approximately half of the arch are clearly visible on the print. In this case, you should not have any problems when walking or running.

The second method is easier to perform, but it is more approximate in determining the type of pronation. Stand comfortably on a flat surface with your bare feet slightly apart. Now you need to slip a small coin under the inside of the foot. If it is inconvenient to do it yourself, ask someone close to help. With normal pronation, the coin will completely hide under the arch of the foot. If pushing it completely failed, then you have excessive pronation. If you managed to push the coin so far that it appeared from under the opposite edge of the foot, then you have hypopronation.

The general rule to follow when determining pronation is that in theory both feet have the same cushioning capacity, but to avoid errors, it should always be measured on each foot separately.

Identification of the type of pronation by external signs

But you can determine the type of pronation, and without resorting to special measurements. To do this, it is enough to carefully examine the soles of your old shoes. If the inside of the sole is worn significantly more than the outside, then you most likely have overpronation. This is also evidenced by heavy wear and tear. outside heels, because with such an anatomical structure of the leg, when walking or running, the load first falls on the outer part of the heel, and then it is already distributed over the entire foot.

If the inside and outside of the foot are worn equally, or the inside is a little more than the outside, then this is big share probability indicates that you have normal pronation. If a outer part the soles of the shoes are worn noticeably more than the inside, then you most likely have hypopronation.

However, it should be borne in mind that such a conclusion can only be made on the soles of shoes designed for walking or sports shoes, such as sneakers. If we consider work shoes, for example, professional drivers or fitters, then it is clear that their wear pattern will be determined professional features work and as a sample for determining pronation is not suitable.

You can learn a lot about your pronation when you stand up. To do this, you need to carefully look at how your feet are located. If, when you get up, step naturally twist outward, causing your ankles to "scatter" to the sides, then you have hypopronation, if they noticeably bend inward, tilting your ankles towards each other, - overpronation. In normal pronation, the feet should be flat on the surface, and the ankles should be parallel to each other.

But still, no matter how easy it may seem to determine the type of your own pronation yourself - if there is a suspicion that you have hyper- or hypotype pronation, then it is best to immediately visit a specialist. Do not delay your visit to the doctor. It will help to compensate for the natural deficiencies of the anatomy of your body or dispel your fears.

Only an orthopedic doctor can perform the necessary measurements and tests to accurately determine the type of pronation and give appropriate recommendations for selection. special shoes if needed.

Few people have not heard the word pronation of the foot, however, not everyone knows what it is. Let's figure it out. Pronation is called deflection during movement. The normal optimal foot is a very important parameter, because the even distribution of the load on the bones and joints depends on it.

Quite a lot of load goes to the foot and therefore it should be anatomically normal.

Must be performed following conditions healthy foot:

  • easy free movement;
  • turning the foot in one and the opposite direction;
  • feeling of confidence when moving on different ground;
  • even load distribution.

But pronation and supination are necessary to adjust the orientation and optimal position of the legs.

It won't be too hard:

  1. All you need is a bowl of water and thick paper.
  2. Place completely in a basin of water, first one and then the other leg.
  3. Move your legs from the basin to the paper.
  4. Look at the footprints.


How to determine pronation - meaning and results:

  1. In width, the imprinted arch is equal to 1/2 foot - good result, which speaks of excellent depreciation.
  2. The imprint is proportional to the entire width of the foot - the most likely diagnosis is flat feet. Very poor cushioning, there is a risk of bone injury!
  3. Only the ball of the toes and the heel area appeared - excessive pronation, which leads to a deficiency in cushioning.


Supination of the foot is the name of the phase of the cycle, which begins to act when the body is transferred forward in the direction of movement. This happens after the quenching of excess energy. Here, the moving force of gravity plays a role. In addition, the muscles of the feet and lower legs are included in the process. The elasticity becomes more pronounced and the energy value”, when moving, rises.

Participants in the process:

  • firstly, the ankle is involved in the process of supination;
  • the knee, hip, pelvis are also involved.

The better the arch support muscles are developed, the less fatigue from the load.

Step cycle

The wear on the sole indicates the presence of pronation.

In walking and running, the striding cycle has a relationship with single and double strides. The reference and transfer phases are separated in a single step.

Foot diseases lead to pathological incorrect distribution of the load, the step cycle is disturbed. And this, in turn, forms a callus, provokes pain. The joints also do not work very well, as a result of which an inflammatory process may occur.

Doctors distinguish three types of pronation:

  1. Pronation of a neutral position, in which body weight is distributed proportionally between the feet and toes - with slightly higher pressure.
  2. Excess. This is pronation, which characterizes the uneven distribution of pressure. highest pressure will be big and forefinger, but others are not loaded.
  3. Flaw. The opposite of overpronation, not loading the thumb and loading the little finger and fourth.

The last type of pronation results in pain in the knee joint because the shock absorption is low.

Excess pronation, that is, deflection, leads to excessive contact of the foot with the surface, which makes it difficult to efficient work calf muscles.


Pronation is determined without the help of special tests. To see it, you can simply look at the sole of a well-worn shoe. With strong wear on the inside than on the outside, there is an excess of deflection. This is also indicated by a significant abrasion along the inner edge of the heel, since such an anatomical change initially loads inner part heel surface, and then the entire foot.

Pronation and supination

With equal abrasion on both sides, it indicates normal pronation. The predominant wear of the outer edge is the insufficiency of the deflection of the foot.

However, one should take into account the fact that the anatomical features it is possible to take out only on the sole of sports shoes, for example, on sneakers!
Almost everything about the pronation of the foot can be found out by looking at the back of the feet and ankles. standing man. Arrange for someone to take a picture of you and take a close look at how your feet are placed.

When you stand, your feet naturally turn outward, forcing your ankles to “throw in different directions”, then you have an underpronation of the arch of the foot.

And if they bend inward significantly, bringing your ankles together, it is overpronation. In the presence of normal pronation, the feet are flat and the ankles are parallel.

Of course, if there are some suspicions about a deviation up or down, then you should not delay it and seek help from a specialist!

The doctor will help with this natural defect or dispel fears.
The orthopedist will create the necessary measurements and test for exact definition and prescribe treatment if needed.

foot arch

Test: Have a helper slip your toe under the arch of your foot while you're standing. As you can see, the definition of clearance is quite easy.

It is better to exercise this control on bare feet, standing on a hard, smooth surface. The leg should be straight. Normal sag of the foot with a small interval means everything is fine. If, on the contrary, the sag is too strong, then there is a deviation. There is no sag, which means that there is a pathology that speaks of hypopronation.

Shoe selection

If your foot sag is normal, support type shoes are suitable for you. It differs from the usual theme that the protector is well highlighted. This is for prevention.

But for people with overpronation of the foot and other types, orthopedists are advised to wear professional shoes with many protectors.

Professional runners with flat feet will need special shoes of the Control type - they will not allow the feet to turn out the other way.

Impact on ankle health great amount factors, including the level physical activity, body condition, profession, as well as the choice of footwear (for example, shoes or sneakers). Foot pronation, what is it? Pronation is a natural cushioning mechanism that has the ability to spread the load on the feet when walking, running and jumping. This must be taken into account when choosing running shoes.

What is pronation

Pronation is the method of placing the foot (arch and heel) in relation to the axis during movement. In other words, the pronation and supination of the foot is a shock absorber that allows a person to adapt to the features of the surface and reduce the shock load on the ankle.

Normal pronation in the process of flattening of muscles, ligaments and tendons is able to extinguish loads that are several times higher than a person's own weight. Pathologies of pronation provoke the occurrence various diseases, including flat feet.

Degrees of pronation

Modern experts distinguish three types of pronation, which directly depend on the position of the legs:

Hypopronation (underpronation). In this state, the foot is turned outward, bends poorly, is subjected to strong stress, and has increased trauma. In this case, the person's weight is not evenly distributed. Shoe soles are worn all over outer border. With such a pathology, it is recommended to purchase shoes that have thickened soles with outer side and high depreciation. Shoes with rigid elements that support the inner border of the foot are not allowed.

Overpronation (excessive pronation) is a condition in which the feet are turned inward. The ligaments are always in a stretched state and practically do not absorb, resulting in flat feet. The wear of shoes occurs along the inner border of the sole. In this case, it is required to select shoes that have a dense heel and hard pronators along the inner border of the sole.

Neutral pronation is a condition in which the feet are placed symmetrically. With neutral pronation, there is no discomfort when walking and running. Wear of shoes occurs evenly over the entire surface. You can buy shoes with a little stabilization and compaction of the arches of the foot.

Many people often have a question: how to determine pronation? The answer is simple, to determine the type of pronation at home, it is recommended to do a simple so-called "wet test". To do this, you need to wet your feet and stand for some time on a clean, thick sheet of paper so that a clear footprint remains. Depending on the resulting print, the type of pronation is interpreted:

  • if an impression of almost the entire foot remains on the sheet, this indicates excessive pronation;
  • if there is an excessive bend between the arch and the heel, this means that the person has hypopronation;
  • if the print is normal, that is, it has no deviations, then the person has a normal foot.

Causes of pronation

Pronation pathologies are considered the main cause of deviations in a healthy foot. If there is a violation of biomechanics, then part of the foot has to increased load that causes disease. This is an adequate reaction of the body, which is aimed at protecting the affected area (for example, a pronated foot forms a protective tissue layer).

It should also be noted that this anomaly may be hereditary. In other words, at birth, a person's foot already has an anomaly or has a predisposition to it. In this case, help can only be provided by a specialist who is able to correctly and timely determine the disease.

There are several main causes that cause deviations: changes in the forefoot; valgus changes of the first finger; hallux valgus ankle; limited mobility of the ankle.

What diseases are caused by pronation?

Ankle defects are a threat to the health of the body. Due to poor cushioning during movement, they suffer musculoskeletal system, joints and internal organs.

Due to the fact that the deflection of the foot is disturbed, the load is redistributed unevenly and the body has to turn on protective functions.

If treatment is not started in time, then this anomaly can provoke such diseases of the foot as, for example, flat feet, curvature of the toes, clubfoot. And there may also be violations of gait (brachybasia), depreciation of systems and internal organs.

In addition, this pathology causes premature wear of the joints of the legs. To all the above deviations, you can add:

  • pain syndrome of the calcaneus, knees,;
  • osteoarthritis, arthrosis;
  • metatarsalgia;
  • Achilles tendon anomalies;
  • plantar corns.

The insidiousness of these foot ailments lies in their invisibility and absence of symptoms. long time they may not reveal themselves in any way. Exacerbation occurs with an increase in stress and sports, as well as when wearing uncomfortable shoes(e.g. running shoes).

Timely detection of pathology, foot care and optimal treatment help to avoid, slow down and even stop the development of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is possible to determine all possible deviations of the ankle with the help of radiography, podometry, plantography. X-ray and podometry make it possible to correctly select shoes (including sneakers) and orthopedic insoles. Plantography is most often used in collective studies for the initial determination of deviations. To do this, you need to make a footprint.

Treatment of the disease is mainly aimed at preventing the development of changes, removing pain syndrome that appears when walking or playing sports. The main role in this case is played by orthopedic orthoses and shoes.

Pronation cannot be ignored, even though these deviations are not life-threatening.

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