Exercises to eliminate burr. Exercises for the correct pronunciation of the sound "R". When to fix it

How to fix burr, and what exercises can help in the process of working on the "correct "R""?

Not all children have a smooth learning process. Some of them have problems with the pronunciation of words and sounds. One of these problems is burr - the wrong pronunciation of the sound "r". In the future, a speech defect can cause a child. In order to avoid this, it is best to contact a specialist - a speech therapist in a timely manner.

How can a speech pathologist help?

Speech therapists help not only children, but also people of all ages to eliminate various defects. But still, children are more often the patients of a speech therapist.

At the first visit to a speech therapist, the child will have an oral exam. Don't worry, it's not like school tests and won't show up on your report card. The test is just a way to find out what types of speech problems a child has. He will only be asked to say certain sounds and words. The test will help to find out the needs of the child and decide what therapy is needed in each case.

Statistics show that for many kids, problems with pronouncing the sound “r” go away on their own over time. But about two percent of percent remain "burry" forever.

"burr" is a popular concept, on scientific language The problem is called rotacism. It is known that the language skills of a child are formed before the age of seven, and before this time it is desirable to correct rotacism.

The main reasons for burriness:
  • phonemic hearing impairment
  • restriction of movement of the tip of the tongue and the front of the back of the tongue upward due to a shortened frenulum
  • lack of skill in performing purposeful movements with the tongue
  • weakness of the muscles of the tongue

Among traditional ways corrections for burr, compensation for the absence of the "p" sound and grassing, as follows:

  • Tongue massage
  • Implementation of mechanical vibration of the anterior part of the tongue
  • Regular exercises to automate the "r" sound.
  • Special articulation gymnastics
  • Tactile control

Complex speech therapy exercises must appoint speech therapist, based on the causes of the defect, age criteria, functional features articulatory apparatus and other factors.

How to deal with the problem yourself

Since the pronunciation of the sound "r" is necessary good mobility language, you can use special exercises, which will help strengthen the muscles of the tongue involved in the process of pronouncing the sound "p".

  • "Drum": open your mouth, feel the alveoli with your tongue (tubercles in the sky behind the front teeth), hit the alveoli with your tongue, trying to pronounce the sound “d”.
  • "Air battle": Open your mouth, put your tongue on lower lip, then try to pronounce the sound "f" in such a way that the stream of air is narrow. This will help develop a continuous, long blast of air through the center of the tongue.
  • "Turkey": open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip. At a fast pace, lick your lip back and forth, adding a voice - you get a sound depicting the chattering of a turkey.
  • "Horse": when performing this exercise, you need to click (click) with the tip of the tongue, depicting the sound of a horse's hooves. Watch your tongue, the sound should be clicking, not smacking.
  • "Sweet tooth": open your mouth, fix with your hands lower jaw so that it doesn't move. After that, lick with a wide tongue upper lip from top to bottom.
  • "Teeth cleaning": smile broadly, run the tip of your tongue along inner surface teeth of the upper and lower row (successively). Do the exercise slowly at first, then gradually pick up the pace. The jaw should remain motionless, and the tip of the tongue should work.

You can repeat with your child such “pure words”, both in parts and in whole. With the help of such an exercise, the child develops auditory perception, speech memory and attention.

Ra-ra-ra-ra-ra rainbow, frame, mountain.

Roo-roo-roo-roo handles, hands, kangaroo.

Ry-ry-ry-ry-ry fish, market, mosquitoes.

Ro-ro-ro-ro-ro motherland, rose, bucket.

Ir-ir-ir-ir-ir marshmallow, passenger, kefir.

Ar-ar-ar-ar-ar sugar, cook, orderly.

Or-or-or-or-or axe, tomato, fence.

Er-er-er-er-er evening, wind, officer.

Ur-ur-ur-ur-ur outline, cord, lampshade.

Correction of burr in adults

It is more difficult for an adult to help get rid of the burr problem. It will take a long and painstaking work associated with constriction of the muscles. To completely eliminate the defect, you need comprehensive rehabilitation, during which a person will have to go through all the stages of speech, physical and mental development. On the medical language such a process is called social-speech, adaptive-physical and psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation.

It is necessary to carry out work to eliminate the burr defect under the supervision of a specialist, taking into account the state of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. If you do not have the opportunity to meet with a speech therapist regularly, there is much you can do on your own. But a specialist should help you in choosing speech material, who will also teach you the basic principles of automating sounds.

Not everyone perceives burriness as a problem. For example, the French learn this on purpose, as they consider the drawl “r” to be a serious accent that adds romance to their language. In general, few nations in the world use this sound in a solid form. But there are a number of people to whom such a defect causes discomfort. Often, those around them strive to make fun of such a feature, and the world itself is so cruel that even the word “burr” contains the letter “r”. If you are seriously thinking about how to stop burr, study all the information provided below, be patient and "things are in the bag."

Features and causes of burr.

Many resources characterize burr as a speech defect, which is accompanied by the incorrect pronunciation of certain letters in various words - this is not entirely true. This defect is associated only with the problematic pronunciation of one letter "p".

The main reasons for the deficiency

Shortened bridle. The most common feature that causes burr. short bridle limits the movement of the tongue, which subsequently affects pronunciation.

Phonemic hearing disorder. This is when a person incorrectly distinguishes sounds, and therefore pronounces them the wrong way.

muscle weakness language. Underdeveloped muscles of the tongue entail the inability to perform certain movements that are necessary for the birth of the coveted “rrrr”.

Psychological aspect. There can be many such reasons. For example, a child grew up in a family where someone burrs. Unconsciously, he began to imitate this person and as a result he himself acquired such a defect. Or, since childhood, the baby has heard how his parents speak several languages ​​and, in a mixed manner, began to adopt both at once.

How to get rid of burriness?

Unlike others, burry people always have a present, future and ... vulgar. After reading and following the tips below, instead of the vulgar, only the past can remain. So it will be necessary to attract the vulgar additionally - other articles will help with this:, and. So let's get started.

The most reasonable and effective method is treatment by a specialist - a speech therapist.

The easiest way to stop burr is for a teenager or a child, just a few sessions can solve the problem. But do not be upset if you are already far from such a young age, it is never too late to get rid of such a defect.

Another matter, whether you have an opportunity to address to the doctor. Not everyone has the right amount time, money, and some are simply ashamed, incorrectly believing that this is a purely children's specialist who has nothing to do with solving problems in adults.

In general, if you go to a speech therapist for you, on this moment, not an option, you can use a special set of exercises. Performing it regularly is quite realistic to stop burr forever. In any case, such activities are not capable of harm, except if someone catches you doing such activities. From the outside, it may seem rather strange, therefore we retire and begin to seriously “rrrabotat”.

The system of daily exercises against burr.

While pronouncing the sounds “i-y”, alternately change the expression, alternating a wide smile with “lips in a tube”. Repeat 10 times during the first week, then increase to 15 repetitions.

Open your mouth wide, touching the tip of the tongue first to the upper, then to the lower palate. Then to the sides, these movements should resemble brushing your teeth. The periodicity is similar to the first complex.

Tearing off the mouth, one should hold the tip of the tongue as long as possible, which slightly sways the upper palate. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the tongue.

It helps to stop the burr movement familiar from childhood to an adult: having opened your mouth, touching the palate, you should begin to “click with your tongue”. You can do this as much as you like, well, or until you finally “click” your relatives.

Vibration exercise: slightly opening your mouth, touch your tongue to the tubercles that are behind the upper front teeth, start making the sound “ddd”. When the engine warms up, add "rrrr" and let's go "dr-dr-dr".

At any free time, for two minutes, each time accelerating the pace, repeat "de-te-le".

word sets
Every day, 15-20 times, pronounce more than 10 words that contain the malicious letter "r". Pick up your set of such words, for example: cancer, slave, frame, wound, mouth, rum, rock, company, steam, ball, blow, bar. Then use more authentic words: cartridge, cheesecake, right, wire, edge, rabbit, cool, dragon, friend, healthy, fight.

Tongue Twisters
It is necessary to say at least 2 tongue twisters daily. Examples:
1. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors ate aground caramel for two weeks.
2. In the dark, crayfish make noise in a fight.

So you have learned all the secrets on how to stop burr. No, but there is something else. You should take an ordinary wooden cork, lightly clamp it with your teeth, as a warm-up, say a tongue twister. Next, read any test for 5 minutes. Very important: use the contents of the bottle after the exercise! Well, if you have a burry friend or girlfriend to complete this exercise.

Clearly following the complex, burr will remain in the past. Surely your friends will miss this feature of yours, but something always has to be sacrificed. Take willpower into a fist, be patient and everything will certainly be SUPERRR!

correct speech in modern world- recipe for success. The delivered voice is important for public speaking, without which it is rarely possible to manage representatives of various professions, and for simple free communication. Burr is a speech defect associated with problems in the pronunciation of the sound "p". Very rarely, it goes away on its own, however, with effort, you can either completely get rid of problems in pronunciation, or make them less obvious. In this article, we will look at effective methods, which will help you stop burr.

The main causes of burr

Now many suffer from burr. Those who have this defect is mild, usually do not get too upset because of this defect, turning burr into their feature and zest. However, sometimes this defect is quite pronounced and creates big problems in communication. Why does burr appear? There may be several reasons:

  • The most common cause burr - a shortened bridle. This physiological feature occurs in many people who have difficulty pronouncing the letter "r". The fact is that a shortened bridle limits the movement of the tongue, so the desired sound is not obtained.
  • Hearing disorders. Sometimes people hear sounds incorrectly and therefore cannot reproduce them correctly.
  • Weak tongue muscles are another possible reason burr. It is because of the insufficient development of certain muscles that children often “swallow” the letter “p”. In adults, muscles are also sometimes poorly developed. However, this is easily corrected by training.
  • Habits can also play a role. for burr. For example, there is a child from childhood who did not relearn how to pronounce sounds correctly if he heard someone in the family burr or studied French with early years, burriness could well become a habit. Sometimes from this psychological features getting rid of is easy, and sometimes quite difficult.

Exercises to get rid of burr

You can try to get rid of burr at home. Even if you cannot completely eradicate the problem, you can make the defect much less obvious and it will not interfere with your daily communication.

Exercises for the muscles of the articulatory apparatus work in exactly the same way as exercises for the muscles of the whole body. In their implementation, regularity is extremely important. Well, if you have the opportunity to perform a set of workouts every day. Consider a few simple exercises:

  • Pull your lips into a tube, while pronouncing the sound "u". Then stretch your lips in a smile, pronouncing the sound “and”. Repeat steps alternately 20 times.
  • Open your mouth and run your tongue along the upper and lower teeth. Repeat 10-20 times, depending on how tired the muscles of the tongue are.
  • Try to do it with your tongue circular motions in the teeth with a closed mouth. Start with 10 repetitions in each direction, gradually increase the load.
  • Feel for the bumps in the sky with your tongue upper teeth. Try to quickly and rhythmically tap on them with your tongue, while pronouncing the sound “d”.
  • Try the same exercise with the "t" sound.
  • After the "d" and "t" start to work out well for you, try moving to a growl, leaving the tongue in the same position.

Tongue twisters to get rid of burr

Tongue twisters will help after you master the exercises. Until you feel the right “r” sound, pronouncing words in the way you are used to is almost useless. If you feel that the growl is starting to work out for you, you can move on to tongue twisters.

Any tongue twisters with the sound “r” will be useful. Regularity is also very important in working with them. In addition, it is worth noting those combinations of sounds that you get worse, and further work them out.

After tongue twisters, you can proceed to reading poetry. This will help diversify your exercises and turn them into pleasure. In addition, poems, unlike tongue twisters, will help train "r" in combination with the words and sounds that we use in everyday speech.

Treatment of burr at the speech therapist

Sometimes, in order to completely get rid of burr, you need the help of a specialized speech therapist. It is believed that the easiest way to overcome burr in children's and adolescence However, even adults successfully cope with this problem - you just need to make an effort. If after studying at home you yourself do not observe positive dynamics, you need to make an appointment with a speech therapist.

The specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of your burr and the degree of the defect, approach the problem individually and develop a set of exercises specifically for you. All this helps to achieve the result most quickly and efficiently.

Burr is a common defect now, however, if desired, it is quite possible to get rid of it. The fastest way to do this is to contact a speech therapist. Nevertheless, even at home, it is possible to get rid of burr completely or significantly smooth out this defect, making it almost invisible. It is important to set aside at least 20 minutes a day for classes and track the positive dynamics - the result will not be long in coming.

Many people face the problems of a speech defect, however, someone gets rid of the lack that has arisen even in childhood, as soon as she appeared, and someone he continues to pursue for the rest of his life.

One of the most common defects is, of course, burr, that is, the inability to correct form pronounce the "r" sound. By the way, it is he who is called the most difficult in the entire Russian alphabet, so it is no wonder that not everyone can cope with it.

But don’t worry, it doesn’t matter, even if in childhood you, for some reason, didn’t get rid of an unpleasant defect, this can be done at any age.

How to quickly stop burr? Of course, a speech therapist can best answer this question, only he will delve into your personal problem, establish the cause of the existing speech defect, and also prescribe a certain number of measures to improve it.

You may not have guessed, but often the problem of burr lies deeper than it might seem, and for this it will have to be considered already in the field of psychology. For example, often children burr just because there is a person in their family who has the same defect, and the child simply chose him as an example to follow.

The problem of incorrect pronunciation is often faced by children who are brought up in bilingual families, for them they are mixed together, and therefore it becomes difficult to distinguish the correct pronunciation of individual sounds.

A few more reasons

For some reason, some people are embarrassed to go to a speech therapist, believing that this pediatrician, in which an adult, even with a certain problem, has nothing to do. And they are deeply mistaken!

The problem of burr can seriously spoil life: some people acquire a number of complexes on this basis, and some have problems with promotion in the workplace, because sometimes it is the speech apparatus that is the main tool for “making money” or important connections.

And this means that it is still better to get rid of burr. There are several more reasons why a person can burr, and the easiest way to fix them is with a speech therapist:

  • Muscular weakness of the tongue. The incomplete development of the language muscles is implied, as a result of which any language manipulations are violated, speech becomes fuzzy.
  • Shortened bridle. In fact, this is the most common cause of burriness and can severely limit normal tongue movement and, as a result, the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • birth defects.

Remember that you need to fight against burr, the sooner the better, in childhood it is easier and faster. However, in adulthood to cope with the problem is quite realistic, the main thing is to give it enough time, effort and perseverance.

By the way, if a child needs to get rid of burr, it is quite possible that only a couple of sessions with a specialist will be enough for him, after which the exercises can be performed independently at home.

Getting rid of the problem

If you really want to get rid of a speech defect, then accept the fact that you will need to exercise regularly, only in this way the problem can be minimized, and, over time, completely forgotten about it. So what to do?

Firstly, you need to start with a small warm-up, while each exercise must be repeated for at least two minutes in a row, preferably in front of a mirror.

  • We open our mouth wide and begin to move our tongue up and down, while always reaching its tips first to the bottom, and then to upper sky.
  • From the same position, we change the movement of the tongue: from right to left.
  • Alternately, we begin to stretch our lips in such a way as if you are trying to pronounce the sound “y” and “and”.
  • We open our mouth wide and press the tongue with the very tip to the upper palate.
  • Now, on the contrary, we press the entire surface of the tongue to the sky.

So, now we begin to perform the main block of exercises

"Air battle". We open our mouth wide, push the tongue forward and put it on the lower lip. At the same time, we try to pronounce the sound “F” in such a way that the air stream is as narrow as possible. Experts say that this is one of the most important exercises in the complex for those who seek to get rid of burr as soon as possible.

"Sweet tooth". We open the mouth as wide as possible, and fix the lower jaw with the help of hands so that it is motionless. Then, from this position, we try to lick the upper lip, while the tongue should remain in a wide position. Movement from top to bottom, at the same time, do not help yourself with your jaw, hold firmly with your hand.

"Turkey". We open our mouth again, put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Now, you need to quickly try to lick it in the direction back and forth, while adding a voice: you should get a sound similar to a turkey “chuckle”.

"Growl". To get rid of burr, it is very important to learn how to “vibrate” the tongue and mouth correctly. To do this, open your mouth, reach the upper palate with the tip of your tongue and, without changing your position, try to pronounce the sound “ddd” with a drawl. Over time, you can add "r" at the end to get something like a growl "drrr".

"A set of words". Now, when the “r” sound begins to slip in the correct form, in no case do not abandon the exercises, but proceed to listing a set of words that uses the letter “r”. At the end of each exercise session, repeat 10-15 of these words, such as "bucket-tractor-troll-track-mole-cable-hip-metro-trombone-cartridge-wise-dart" and so on.

Many people around the world want to get rid of burr at home without resorting to surgical operations. Clear diction is necessary for a person in our information and communication age. Problems with pronunciation can cause discomfort not only in communication with others, but also with the device for the desired position.

What is burr (dyslalia)?

Dyslalia or burr is called the incorrect pronunciation of sounds when normal hearing. The pronunciation of almost any sound in speech can be impaired.

There are several types of dyslalia:

  • polymorphic (complex) - the pronunciation of the sounds "s", "p", "k", "sh" suffers;
  • age (physiological) - poor pronunciation up to 5 years, since at this age the organs of articulation are poorly developed. After 5 years, the problem should disappear by itself;
  • Functional - violation of pronunciation in the absence of problems with the articulatory apparatus, central nervous system, auditory and peripheral articulatory apparatus;
  • Organic (mechanical) - acquired by hereditary, congenital or with anatomical defects in the peripheral articulatory apparatus.
  • Psychological - this type of dyslalia occurs more often in children when someone in the family or environment suffers from this disease. The child copies the adult and, without noticing it, begins to burr.

Prolonged burriness of the child worries parents. It is much more difficult for an adult to get rid of burr than for a child or teenager. Therefore, you need to start solving this problem as soon as the first signs become noticeable.

How can dyslalia be diagnosed?

To quickly get rid of burr, you need to know how it manifests itself. Dyslalia can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • violation of the pronunciation of whistling and hissing (the most common);
  • violation of the pronunciation of sonorous sounds ("r", "r", "l", "l");
  • violation of the pronunciation of sonorous sounds ("l", "l");
  • violation of the pronunciation of the sonorous sound "r";
  • violations of the pronunciation of posterior lingual sounds (“g”, “g”, “k”, “ky”, “x”, “x”);
  • violation of the pronunciation of the sound "y";
  • minor defects in voice;
  • minor defects in softness.

Causes of burr

Burr is not inherited. Only signs and features are transmitted physiological structure oral cavity, which can cause burr in the child.

The wrong structure of the lips can cause burr. The lips vibrate, which, in turn, distorts speech, and the "r" sound begins to sound raspy "French".

If not corrected in time malocclusion, then this can also lead to dyslalia. As a result, not only the sonorous “p”, but also all hissing ones will sound wrong. Such a defect is formed in early age, so from the age of 2-3 it's time to pay attention to your child's bite and start dealing with this problem, in order to quickly get rid of burr.

Speech defects also occur due to the insufficient length of the tongue. Sounds funny but it's pretty serious violation: short tongue cannot reach the sky in the mouth, as a result, the sound “r” is distorted. In children, this passes over time, and only the intervention of a surgeon will help an adult.

Trimming the frenulum of the tongue is used if the tongue is short and does not reach the palate, which causes dyslalia. Such an operation in adulthood causes some difficulties, so they try to resort to it even in childhood.

Treatment of burr at home

The sooner you start dealing with this problem, the better. In some cases, you have to contact a dentist, surgeon and speech therapist. Hoping that burriness will pass with age should not be.

These exercises will help, if not correct burr at home, then improve pronunciation. It is recommended to do them every day.
  • smile broadly and move your tongue to the sides along the inner surface upper teeth. Without closing your mouth, move your tongue back and forth across the sky, returning each time to the teeth;
  • stick your tongue out on your lower lip and lick it quickly, while trying to make guttural sounds;
  • alternately pronounce: “r-r-r-r-r-r”, “r-r-r-r-r”, “ri-re-ra-ro-ru-ry”, “lra-lro-lru -lre-lry";
  • work out the stressed syllables at the beginning of the words p: “mouth”, “frame”, “steering wheel”, in the middle of the words: “hole”, “kennel”, “pari”, unstressed at the beginning of the words: “pair”, “carousel”, “ measure";
  • also pronounce tongue twisters with a problematic sound, for example: “the pig snouted white-faced, dumb-faced. I dug half the yard with my snout, dug, dug, did not dig to the hole. For that, Khavronye and snout, so that she dug, ”“ the tongue twister spoke, uttered that he would speak all the tongue twisters, he would speak too quickly. But when he began to talk too fast, he said that he couldn’t speak all the short talks, that he couldn’t talk too much ”;
  • a speech therapist should pick up a few exercises, thanks to which you will learn how to pronounce problematic sounds correctly. it long work, in one evening you will not fix anything. But 15-minute classes will help get rid of burr at home in a few months.

How to fix burr in an adult?

Of course, homework will not bring such a result as classes with professional speech therapists, but with effort, you can correct burr in an adult on your own. Here is an example of several exercises for training:

  • slowly pronounce the sounds "te", "le", "te". Pronounce them in one word "telede", try to clearly pronounce these sounds, increase the speed of pronunciation without losing clarity;
  • then start saying "detede". The first "de" will be pronounced as usual, without tension, and the second - so that the tip of the tongue touches the gum tubercle above the upper teeth. Do this exercise slowly, slowly, for 7 minutes;
  • speed up until you feel that you can pronounce the sound "r";
  • after the first successes, you can start pronouncing words with the letter “p”: “shot, dart, choke, bustard, trembling, firewood, cable, trolley bus, blood clot, bucket, hip, wisely, subway, cunningly”;
  • after success with the previous words, start training with more complex ones: “stench, tram, haircut, fear, discharged, tarragon, robber, furrow, three-ruble note.”

For greater effectiveness, this workout should be repeated three times a day.

How is burr in a child treated?

The main methods of treating burr in a child are:

  • tongue massage;
  • speech therapy massage;
  • mechanical vibrations of the anterior part of the tongue;
  • regular exercise;
  • articulation gymnastics;
  • tactile control.

Summing up

All of the above exercises must be done regularly, otherwise you will not be able to achieve any result. Record your progress expressive reading and singing. Stay healthy and read useful information on our website about .

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