Normal hearing in decibels. The norm of noise in decibels in the apartment. How to prevent hearing loss

The state of the Russian Federation provides for an hour period during which it is forbidden to make noise, listen to music and carry out repairs in residential buildings. Plus, the silence and tranquility of citizens is protected during the day and at night. There is also the concept of the level of permissible noise. The noise level in an apartment (its maximum permissible norms in decibels) is especially relevant for residents of apartment buildings living in big cities. Here, unacceptable noisy activities can come not only from neighbors. When loud sounds cause concern, even at the permitted time, when the maximum permissible noise level is exceeded, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to conduct an examination and bring the violator to justice. For example, neighbors may listen to music too loudly through amplifiers, and construction may be underway under the windows.

The level of noise, any sound, is measured in decibels. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the norm of 55 decibels in the daytime and 45 decibels at night. These maximum permissible norms should not be exceeded in any case, since exposure to increased noise adversely affects human health. In particular, the nervous system suffers, headaches occur. Therefore, it is important to know how to act in such cases.

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Rules of law

The maximum allowable in the daytime and at night is not set by the codes of the Russian Federation, but by the sanitary authorities. No matter how many decibels the outgoing sound is, whatever the source, a mark of seventy or more is already considered harmful to the physical and psychological state of citizens. And if at night you can deal with violators by calling the district police officer, when, for example, neighbors listen to music loudly. Then in the daytime it will be more problematic to deal with the situation, without special expertise. This can be done by calling the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station or a commission from Rospotrebnadzor. In any case, the complaint will be officially recorded, and after the necessary measurements have been taken, an act will be drawn up.

In addition to the noise reproduced in residential buildings from neighbors, there is also such a thing as compliance with the standards by the developer during the construction of residential buildings and premises. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the sound insulation of an apartment building should not exceed fifty decibels. This refers to the noise that is transmitted through the air. For example, the conversations of neighbors, the usual operation of the TV behind the wall, and so on. If the established allowable standards are violated, the developer will face a rather large fine after filing a complaint from the residents and conducting all the examinations.

Why is loud noise dangerous?

Whatever the reason, and no matter how long extraneous sounds exceed the permissible noise in decibels, both during the day and at night, this interferes with rest, work, and study. Very negative effect on the human body. Such an impact can have unpleasant consequences:

In addition, in the Russian Federation, it was found that exposure to sounds above seventy decibels increases the risk of accidents and leads to hearing loss. Such an impact is especially negative for young children, women, citizens of retirement age, as well as for the disabled.

Comparative indicators of the permissible noise level in decibels:

You can also notice that it is not dangerous to be under the influence of noise up to sixty decibels for a short time, but systematic noise from sixty will lead to disorders and disorders of the nervous system.

How is it measured?

For many citizens of the Russian Federation, it is problematic to measure the permissible noise level in residential buildings on their own, since special devices for such measurements - sound level meters, are very expensive, and you cannot call them essential items. In addition, it does not make sense to buy such a device, because independently recorded data will not be accepted by any institution. Specialists should draw up acts.

The need to check whether interfering noise exceeds acceptable limits, and complain about violators, is not uncommon. For example, it can be not only, but also a club located near the house or in the house itself, a karaoke bar, and other entertainment facilities. In this case, you need to contact the specialists of state or private structures of the Russian Federation, who will measure the sound in this apartment of a residential building. At the same time, such a measurement will be carried out more than once, ideally twice in the daytime and twice at night. The closed and open window will also be taken into account.

You can also contact specialists to measure the level of permissible levels if ordinary sounds from the street penetrate into the apartment of a residential building, which cause discomfort. This is done in order to check whether sound insulation standards are observed during the construction of a residential building. If such a fact is proved, repair work to improve sound insulation will have to be carried out by developers.

Whoever conducted the examination in the Russian Federation in residential premises, then a legal document is drawn up with all the recorded information. This document can be used when filing a lawsuit.

Why is expertise needed?

Exceeding the permissible noise level of residential buildings in the Russian Federation is one of the main factors of environmental pollution. This means that such an indicator must be regularly monitored in order to avoid deterioration in health. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station has developed a number of regulations that determine the degree of danger of noise, both in residential premises and on the street, in industries, medical and educational institutions. In the daytime and at night, these are different indicators, by the way, during the day they are higher.

Table of permissible noise level for air conditioning and ventilation systems

Control in different areas is carried out by different departments. Noise in production is handled by the State Inspectorate. At the workplaces of other organizations, the controlling body is the Labor Inspectorate, but the permissible norms in residential premises are checked directly by the sanitary and epidemiological service itself.


Increased noise in residential buildings, especially if it is regular, at night or during the day, cannot be ignored. Because sooner or later it will affect human health. Whether it is the sound of music from neighbors, discos in a neighboring building, repairs using electric tools, it does not matter.

Before hiring a noise meter, it is worth checking to see if they are licensed for the job. Prior to the start of cooperation, albeit short-term, an agreement must be drawn up between the experts and the customer. After taking measurements, it is important to make sure that the documents contain the correct information. And only after receiving a document on the examination carried out, you can contact the sanitary and epidemiological service or Rospotrebnadzor directly. In extreme cases, if this does not give any results, you need to go to court.

For each of us there is natural noise level(25-30 decibels).

Such Noise does not harm, moreover, it is considered comfortable for a person. In terms of volume, this is comparable to the rustle of leaves on trees (the rustle of leaves is 10-20 decibels)

In addition, each person has individual preferences for the level of noise around.

According to sanitary standards, the noise level two meters from a residential building should not exceed 55 decibels.

In modern cities, these norms are constantly violated.

During a normal conversation of people, the noise level reaches 40-50 decibels. A kettle boiling half a meter away from you "pulls" 40-50 decibels. A passing car generates a Noise of approximately 70 decibels. The same Noise stands 15 meters from a working tractor.

According to the estimates of the Specialists, the noise level on the highway in 3-4 lanes, as well as next to it on the sidewalk, exceeds the norm by 20-25 decibels.

Noise leaders are airports and train stations. The volume of the commodity composition is 100 decibels.

Noise level in the subway can reach 110 decibels.

But the noisiest transport is the plane. Even a kilometer from the runway, the noise level from an airplane taking off and landing is more than 100 decibels.

What level of noise is dangerous for a person?

According to GOSTs, permanent exposure to Noise at a level of 80 decibels or more is considered harmful. Production with such a noise level is considered harmful. Noise at 130 decibels causes a sensation of physical pain. At 150 decibels, a person loses consciousness. Noise of 180 decibels is considered deadly for humans.

Constant "Noise Attacks" do not go unnoticed for the Rumor.

Loud noise can cause acoustic injury.

It is acute and chronic.

Acute acoustic trauma arises from sharp Sounds of great power, for example, a train whistle, resounding dangerously close to the ear.

Its consequences are unpleasant: pain in the ear, accompanied by hemorrhage in the inner ear.

For some time, Hearing is greatly weakened and it may seem to a person that he has become deaf.

Sometimes acoustic trauma can be combined with barotrauma - from excessive pressure, the tympanic membrane ruptures and hemorrhages into the tympanic cavity. They die from this hair cells, responsible for the perception of sounds.

Chronic acoustic trauma occurs much more frequently. This is the case when the level of Noise in the premises is above the permissible, but in general it seems tolerable. With a long constant stay in such a room, Hearing becomes dull, because. the hearing organs are affected by the fatigue factor.

Chronic acoustic trauma can be even more dangerous than acute one. A lot depends on the height of the Sounds. The most harmful are sounds with a high frequency of oscillation - more than 2000 Hz. The nerve cells of the inner ear are especially sensitive to just such Sounds,

At high levels of Noise, hearing impairments appear after 1-2 years, at medium levels - after 10-12 years.

In some professions Deafness is an occupational disease. The risk group includes boiler workers, riveters, weavers, motor testers, train drivers, etc.

How to Protect Your Hearing?

In noisy factories, workers use ear plugs and headphones. This is a sanitary requirement.

This is doubly important if you have to work indoors.

Try to create a comfortable sound environment at home and at work.

Choose the optimum volume for the radio and TV.

We often turn up the volume "in reserve". This is a bad habit that should be gradually abandoned.

If you are tormented by strong noise outside the window, double-glazed windows with a PVC profile or a wooden profile can become a salvation.

Take care of your Hearing and it will stay with you for many years!

Excessively loud noise that exceeds sanitary standards and barograms (injuries due to pressure drop) lead to partial or even complete hearing loss.

To be fully aware of the dangers of noise to hearing aids, it is necessary to become familiar with the maximum allowable noise levels both during the day and at night. Find out which sounds produce the most decibels. With the help of such knowledge, it is possible to clearly distinguish what is absolutely impossible for hearing, and what is safe.

Permissible noise standards

The permitted noise level, which does not have a harmful or destructive effect on hearing during prolonged exposure to the ears, is considered to be: 55 decibels (dB) during the day and 40 decibels (dB) at night. These thresholds are considered normal for the human ear, but alas, they are constantly violated, especially in large cities.

Noise level in decibels (dB)

The reality is that the noise level is often above the norm. Below we will analyze a small part of the sounds that appear in the daily life of each person and understand how many decibels these sounds can contain:

  • human speechfrom 40 decibel (dB) up to 65 decibel (dB) ;
  • Automotivesignal gets to 12 5 decibel (dB);
  • Noisecity ​​road flow- before9 0 decibel (dB);
  • Crying children75 decibel (dB);
  • Noiseoffice space equipment – 8 5 decibel (dB);
  • motorcycle noiseortrains -100 decibel (dB);
  • Musical sounds in nightclubs - 125 decibel (dB);
  • flying noisein the skyaircraft - 145 decibel (dB);
  • Repair noise- to 105 decibel (dB);
  • The noise of cooking35 decibel (dB);
  • forest noisefrom 10 to30 decibel (dB);
  • Criticalnoise levelfor a person,- 200 decibels (dB).

Now you know that many of the noises that surround you in everyday life are significantly higher than the norm. And these are only external noises, noises that we cannot influence in any way. The noise of the TV or loud music in the speakers is something that we ourselves do and deliberately load the hearing aid.

What noise level is harmful?

If the noise reaches up to 75-100 decibels (dB) and lasts for a long time, then with prolonged exposure it will lead to disorders of the central nervous system of our body. And exceeding these numbers will lead to significant hearing loss or, in the worst case, to deafness. So think about the next time you listen to music too loudly.

What happens to hearing when exposed to noise?

A strong and prolonged noise load on hearing leads to a rupture of the eardrum. As a result, hearing and even deafness decrease. However, the consequences of a ruptured eardrum can be restored, but this process is quite lengthy and depends on the degree of severity. Like it or not, the treatment of this disease takes place under the strict guidance of a doctor.

How to avoid hearing loss?

Knowing the causes of hearing loss, comes the understanding that it is important to avoid long-term strong exposure to noise on the eardrums. It is clear that it is almost impossible to remove the full load on the hearing aid in our time. But it is enough to give your ears more time to rest: to be in silence more often, to limit listening to music loudly. The point is to give your ears as much rest and silence as possible so you can restore your hearing and keep it normal.

Noise level- this is the level of a combination of various sounds that does not cause increased anxiety in a person and significant changes in the indicators of the functional state of systems and analyzers that are sensitive to noise.

This is the level of noise that does not cause anxiety in a person and any other physiological or mental changes, usually not exceeding 55 decibels (dB). High noise level poses a very great danger. To understand the effect noise has on hearing, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​acceptable noise levels for different times of the day, as well as to know what level of noise in decibels different sounds produce. After that, you can understand whether certain sounds are safe for hearing or are fraught with danger. After understanding the importance of the influence of noise, one can try to avoid the harmful effects of sounds on hearing.

Permissible noise levels in the apartment and other residential premises.

Permissible noise levels are determined in accordance with established sanitary standards, the permissible noise level is considered not harmful to hearing even after prolonged exposure to the hearing aid. The allowed value is:

  • in the daytime permissible noise level equal to - 55 decibels (dB);
  • at night, the permissible noise level is - 40 decibels (dB).

This value is optimal for our ear. However, in large cities, they are usually violated.

Permissible levels of noise and sound in residential premises

Type of work activity, workplace

Times of Day

Sound pressure levels, dB, in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz

Sound levels and equivalent sound levels (in dBA)

Maximum sound levels L Аmax, dBA

Chambers of hospitals and sanatoriums, operating rooms of hospitals

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

from 23:00 to 07:00

Doctors' offices in polyclinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, hospitals, sanatoriums

Classrooms, classrooms, teachers' rooms, auditoriums of schools and other educational institutions, conference rooms, reading rooms of libraries

Living rooms of apartments, living quarters of rest homes, boarding houses, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, sleeping quarters in preschool institutions and boarding schools

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

from 23:00 to 07:00

Hotel rooms and dorm rooms

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

from 23:00 to 07:00

Halls of cafes, restaurants, canteens

Trading floors of shops, passenger halls of airports and railway stations, reception points of consumer services enterprises

Territories directly adjacent to the buildings of hospitals and sanatoriums

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

from 23:00 to 07:00

Territories immediately adjacent to residential buildings, buildings of polyclinics, buildings of outpatient clinics, dispensaries, rest homes, boarding houses, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, preschool institutions, schools and other educational institutions, libraries

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

from 23:00 to 07:00

Territories directly adjacent to the buildings of hotels and hostels

from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

from 23:00 to 07:00

Rest areas on the territory of hospitals and sanatoriums

Recreation areas on the territory of microdistricts and groups of residential buildings, rest homes, boarding houses, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, playgrounds for preschool institutions, schools and other educational institutions

Noise level in decibels (dB).

Noise level in decibels is a physical characteristic of sound volume measured in decibels (dB). If you look at the level of noise emitted by things and machines familiar to most people, you can see how often it is exceeded. normal noise level. As an example, let's give only a small part of the sounds that surround us in life and how many decibels (dB) they actually contain:

Noise table (sound levels, decibels)



Sound sources

I can not hear anything

Almost inaudible

Almost inaudible

the soft rustle of leaves

barely audible

rustle of leaves

barely audible

whisper of a person (at a distance of 1 meter).

human whisper (1m)

whisper, ticking of the wall clock.
Permissible maximum according to the norms for residential premises at night, from 23 to 7 hours.
(SNiP 23-03-2003 "Protection from noise").

Quite audible

muffled conversation

Quite audible

ordinary speech.
The norm for residential premises during the day, from 7 to 23 hours.

Good to hear

normal conversation

clearly audible

conversation, typewriter

clearly audible

Upper standard for class A office premises (according to European standards)

Norm for offices

loud talk (1m)

loud conversations (1m)

scream, laugh (1m)

Very noisy

a scream, a motorcycle with a silencer, the noise of a vacuum cleaner (with a large engine power - 2 kilowatts).

Very noisy

loud scream, motorcycle with silencer

Very noisy

loud screams, freight railway car (seven meters away)

Very noisy

subway car (7 meters outside or inside the car)

Extremely noisy

orchestra, subway car (intermittently), thunder, squeal of a running chainsaw

The maximum allowable sound pressure for the player's headphones (according to European standards)

Extremely noisy

in an airplane (until the 80s of the twentieth century)

Extremely noisy


Extremely noisy

sandblaster (1m)

almost unbearable

jackhammer (1m)

almost unbearable

pain threshold

plane at the start



the sound of a jet plane taking off


rocket launch

Contusion, injury

Contusion, injury

shock, injury

shock wave from a supersonic aircraft

At sound levels above 160 decibels, eardrums and lungs may rupture,
more than 200 - death (noise weapon)

As you can see, most of the noise significantly exceeds the permissible norm. Moreover, the table shows natural background noise, which, as a rule, we cannot influence in any way. And if you take into account the noise from a working TV or loud music, to which we ourselves expose our hearing aids. Causing huge damage to our hearing with our own hands.

What level of noise is harmful?

Noise level which, reaches a level of 70-90 decibels (dB), with prolonged exposure to the hearing aid, affects the central nervous system and can lead to its diseases. Noise level of 100 or more decibels (dB) can lead to significant hearing loss up to complete deafness if exposed for a long time. Therefore, listening to music at maximum volume, we get much more harm than pleasure and benefit.

Noise can be divided into 4 main groups, which are divided into subgroups.

According to the mechanism of occurrence:

  • mechanical noise (work of machines and mechanisms) - is created by elastic vibrations of a solid and liquid surface;
  • aero- and hydrodynamic noise that occurs when turbulence appears in a gas or liquid medium;
  • electrodynamic noise is heard when an electric arc, corona discharge appears.

The following types of noise are distinguished by frequency:

  • low-frequency less than three hundred hertz;
  • mid-frequency from three hundred to eight hundred hertz;
  • high frequency above eight hundred hertz.

According to the noise spectrum:

  • broadband (more than one octave);
  • tonal (uneven distribution of sound energy with a significant preponderance within an arbitrary octave).

Often, citizens, especially urban residents, complain about excessive noise in apartments and on the street. He (noise) is especially annoying on weekends and at night. Yes, and during the day there is little joy from him, especially if there is a small child in the apartment.

Both experts and the Internet are unanimous in their advice - you need to call the district police officer. But before contacting a representative of law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to at least roughly understand the noise levels at which such treatment is justified, and which is only an annoying factor, but does not fall under the ban.

Permissible noise levels in residential premises

It is regulated by legislative acts, according to which the time of day is divided into periods and for each period the permissible noise level is different.

  • 22.00 - 08.00 a period of silence, during which the specified level should not exceed 35-40 decibels (this indicator is considered in them).
  • From eight in the morning to ten in the evening, according to the law, it refers to daylight hours and you can make a little more noise - 40-50 dB.

Many are interested in why such a spread in dB. The thing is that the federal authorities gave only approximate values, and each region sets them independently. For example, in some regions, in particular, in the capital, there are additional periods of silence during the day. Usually this is the interval from 13.00 to 15.00. Failure to observe silence during this period is a violation.

It is worth saying that the norms are understood as the level that cannot cause any harm to human hearing. But many do not understand what these indicators mean. Therefore, we give a comparative table with noise levels and with what to compare.

  • 0-5 dB - nothing or almost nothing is heard.
  • 10 - this level can be compared to a small rustle of leaves on a tree.
  • 15 - the rustle of leaves.
  • 20 - a barely audible human whisper (at an approximate distance of one meter).
  • 25 - level when a person speaks in a whisper at a distance of a couple of meters.
  • 30 decibels compared to what? - a loud whisper, the movement of the clock on the wall. According to the SNiP standards, this level is the maximum allowable at night in residential premises.
  • 35 - approximately at this level, a conversation is conducted, however, in muffled tones.
  • 40 decibels is normal speech. SNiP defines this level as acceptable for daytime.
  • 45 is also a standard conversation.
  • 50 - the sound that a typewriter makes (the older generation will understand).
  • 55 - what can this level be compared to? Yes, the same as the top line. By the way, according to European standards, this level is the maximum allowable for class A offices.
  • 60 - the level determined by law for ordinary offices.
  • 65-70 - loud conversations at a distance of one meter.
  • 75 - human cry, laughter.
  • 80 is a working motorcycle with a silencer, it is also the level of a working vacuum cleaner with an engine power of 2 kW or more.
  • 90 - the sound made by a freight car when moving along a piece of iron and audible at distances of seven meters.
  • 95 is the sound of a subway car in motion.
  • 100 - at this level, a brass band plays, a chainsaw works. The sound of the same power makes thunder. According to European standards, this is the maximum allowable level for the player's headphones.
  • 105 - this level was allowed in passenger airliners until the 80s. the last century.
  • 110 - noise emitted by a flying helicopter.
  • 120-125 - the sound of a chipper working at a distance of one meter.
  • 130 - so many decibels gives out a starting plane.
  • 135-145 - a jet plane or rocket takes off with such noise.
  • 150-160 - supersonic aircraft crosses the sound barrier.

All of the above is conditionally divided by the level of impact on human hearing:

  • 0-10 - nothing or almost nothing is heard.
  • 15-20 - barely audible.
  • 25-30 - quiet.
  • 35-45 is already quite noisy.
  • 50-55 - clearly audible.
  • 60-75 - noisy.
  • 85-95 - very noisy.
  • 100-115 - extremely noisy.
  • 120-125 is an almost unbearable noise level for human hearing. Working with a jackhammer, workers must wear special headphones without fail, otherwise hearing loss is guaranteed.
  • 130 is the so-called pain threshold, the sound above for human hearing is already fatal.
  • 135-155 - without protective equipment (headphones, helmets), a person has a contusion, brain injury.
  • 160-200 - guaranteed rupture of eardrums and, attention, lungs.

Over 200 decibels can not even be considered, as this is a deadly sound level. It is at this level that the so-called noise weapon operates.

What else

But even lower rates can lead to irreversible injury. For example, prolonged exposure to a sound of 70-90 decibels has a detrimental effect on a person, in particular, on the central nervous system. For comparison, this is usually a loudly playing TV, the level of music in the car for some "amateurs", the sound in the player's headphones. If you still want to listen to loud music, be prepared for the fact that later you will have to treat your nerves for a long time.

And if the noise exceeds 100 decibels, then hearing loss is almost guaranteed. And as practice shows, there is more negative from music at this level than pleasure.

In Europe, it is forbidden to place many office equipment in one room, especially if the room is not finished with sound-absorbing materials. Indeed, in a small room, two computers, a fax machine and a printer can raise the noise level up to 70 dB.

In general, in the workplace, the maximum noise level can be no more than 110 dB. If somewhere it exceeds 135, then any stay of a person is prohibited in this area, even for a short time.

If the noise level in the workplace exceeds 65-70 dB, it is recommended to wear special soft earplugs. If they are made with high quality, they should reduce external noise by 30 dB.

Isolating earmuffs, sold in hardware stores, not only provide maximum protection against almost any noise, but also protect the temporal lobe of the head.

And in conclusion, let's say one interesting piece of news that some may find funny. Statistics have shown that a city dweller living in constant noise mode, once in a zone of complete silence, where the noise level does not exceed 20 dB, begins to experience discomfort. What can I say, he gets depressed. Here is such a paradox.

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