Is it possible to acquire a cat similar to the deceased. The cat died. Is it worth getting a new one?

04-06-2008, 14:24

Dear connoisseurs of feline sores, I turn to you for advice. Maybe someone remembers our sad December story, when we picked up a kitten on the stairs, tried to get out, but, unfortunately, he died. We did not take any tests, but by all indications he had panleukopenia. Even if it's not, I'm assuming the worst, just in case. We want a kitten for a long time, we are really looking forward to the appearance of a new family member, but I am very afraid of a repetition of that sad story. When can you get a new kitten? I have searched various veterinary forums for similar questions - the answers are very different! Some veterinarians write that even after six months you can start a 3-4 month old kitten vaccinated in accordance with all the rules, followed by a 2-week exposure of the kitten, others recommend waiting as much as TWO years! In general, I'm at a loss .. We wanted to make ourselves a present for the New Year (that is, a year later), but now I'm afraid of something ..: 005: We kept a sick kitten in the hallway in the house, he went to the toilet until the last into the tray, although later, of course, I sat down on the linoleum with a wet booty .. After his death, I processed everything with Virkon. Bowls, a house, a tray - everything was destroyed. What do you advise? Has anyone had a case of illness in a vaccinated cat after for a long time in the apartment after the plague?

04-06-2008, 14:28

SORRY, maybe I’m not knowledgeable about cats, but my puppy died due to an infectious disease, after that I got another dog a few months later. The whole apartment, and especially the places of stay, were treated many times with a blue lamp. t-t-t the second dog didn't get sick

04-06-2008, 15:01

We had the same story, a kitten from the market died of panleukopenia. Then I bought a special disinfectant at a veterinary pharmacy, washed the apartment with it twice + wiped all the furniture, and three months later we adopted a kitten. The kitten must be vaccinated. Everything should be fine.:017:

04-06-2008, 15:44

Quarantine for six months + treatment of the apartment: wash + quartz treatment ... sort of like that

04-06-2008, 16:18

The quarantine really lasts half a year, then the quartz of the whole apartment is obligatory at the same time, lamps can be rented at the clinic, floors, window sills, etc. are washed. with Domestos. This will be enough!

04-06-2008, 17:50

You correctly processed Virkon - this the best remedy. Take the vaccinated after quarantine and everything will be fine.

04-06-2008, 19:36

take a kitty only already vaccinated and progamovichennoy.

04-06-2008, 20:14

Thank you all very much for your advice! :) Another question - is there any connection between the breed of a cat and its susceptibility to infections? Which breeds are more gentle and which ones are stronger in this regard? We have not yet decided on the breed, by and large, and a simple kitten would be happy to take it, another question is whether the owners of ordinary domestic kittens will bother with vaccinations and grow them up to 3 months, as breeders do ..

05-06-2008, 11:08

If the owners are 100% sure that you will take the kitten, they will mess around. Can they make a deposit, pay for vaccinations?

05-06-2008, 11:27

No one will give guarantees for the breed, but native cats with high immunity from nature are preferable: Siberians (including the Neva Masquerade), Maine Coons ...
The kitten db was vaccinated twice and quarantined after the second vaccination for 2 weeks. Aqua-echo can be used to treat the apartment. Six months with the above measures is a sufficient quarantine period. Good luck!

05-06-2008, 15:13

half a year has already passed for you, if at the same time you periodically washed the apartment with virkon and quartzed, then it’s already possible. just take not quite small, not 1.5-2 months old, but 3 months old for example. As for vaccinations, they vaccinate not only thoroughbreds, but also simple ones. especially if the dacha is threatened for the summer period.
do you want a cat or cat? there is a kitty of simply awesome beauty, blue with red and white, has not yet been vaccinated. but grafting is not a problem. I can do this. She is about 2.5 months now.
or take an already grown cat, for example, a one-year-old. It is quite possible that she will already be sterilized. there are many such young cats on tails.

The death of a beloved pet is always a difficult event in a person's life. It is important during this period not to go into yourself and understand that over time it will become easier. You can use the tips in this article on how to get over the death of a cat. They will not help to get rid of the bitterness of loss completely, but they will help to alleviate emotional condition in this period.

The death of a cat is equally difficult for both women and men. A severe emotional state during this period can lead to depression and other psychological illness. This can happen if you focus only on your grief and fall out of active life.

To prevent this from happening to you, use the tips below.:

  1. Speak out to people who care about you. Don't hold onto your emotions and don't suppress them. Talking to loved ones and getting support will make you feel better. Suppression of emotions sometimes leads to various diseases both physiological and mental.
  2. Avoid interacting with people who might hurt your feelings. Unfortunately, not all people are kind and want to listen to other people's problems about the death of a cat. When you start telling them about your grief, you may be faced with a rude response that will worsen your condition. This does not mean that people are bad, just not everyone likes to hear about someone else's grief. Especially when they have their own problems.
  3. Try not to respond to such statements as: “stop whining”, “what are you like a little one”, “died and died” and the like. Focusing on such sharp phrases will not do you any good. Remember that you have the right to express your emotions however you want. People have no right to tell you that you shouldn't grieve.
  4. Don't drop out of life. Remember that you have a family and possibly other animals. Spend time with them and take care of them. Life does not end with the death of a cat, there are also other people and animals around that need you.
  5. Do something to take your mind off things. If you don't have a hobby, find one. Go in for sports, as during exercise a person produces the hormone of happiness. Take time for yourself, relax, read a book or get out into nature. These hobbies will make you feel better.

Following these tips, you will not get rid of grief completely, you still have to go through difficult period after the death of the cat. But you can distract yourself and make it less painful.

Is it worth it to see a psychologist?

There are situations when a person can not survive the death of a beloved cat. This often happens if he lived with a cat most own life. Children also take this loss hard.

It also sometimes happens that a person is lonely and has no one to talk to. In such situations, a session or several sessions with a psychologist will help.

A psychologist will help you not to fall into depression, ease your emotional state and help you survive the loss.

In some cases, multiple sessions are required.

Is it worth getting a new animal after the death of a cat?

Your friends may suggest getting a kitten or a puppy as a distraction after the death of a cat. But it is better to do this after you have already come to terms with the death of the cat.

If you get a cat when the pain of loss has not yet passed, then he may annoy you with his behavior.. The fact is that you are already used to the behavior of your pet, and the kitten will have a completely different behavior. Constant comparison will only remind you of the loss. Perhaps the kitten will never take root, and you will have to give it away.

If you think that this will help you, then try to approach it responsibly. Think several times if you are just trying to avoid the problem and hide your feelings about the cat's death. In this case, a new animal is not the solution to the problem.

How to help your child cope with loss

For a child, the death of a cat is often a real shock. It is important to support your child during this period. Also use the tips below to ease your child's pain..

  • Often parents do not mention at all that the cat may someday die. So they try not to injure his psyche. But the only thing it will lead to is an even bigger shock. Explain that death is a natural phenomenon that happens sooner or later. With this awareness, it will be easier for the child to accept the death of the cat.
  • If you want to smooth over this situation, then come up with a story that all animals go to heaven after death. Explain that the cat will be fine in that world, so the baby should not worry about him.
  • Children tend to blame themselves or their parents for the death of a cat. It is important to explain that such things do not depend on the baby or on you. They just happen, and it's important to understand that. Otherwise, the feeling of guilt will torment your child for a long time.
  • Sometimes parents don't tell the truth about a cat's death. Instead, they say that she has run away or is sleeping somewhere. But it is important to understand that because of this, the child will be constantly nervous and expect that at one moment the pet will return. The wait will be difficult for the child, so think ahead if you want to take on this responsibility.
  • If the baby is experiencing a loss and you cannot help him, then contact a psychologist. They are in every kindergarten or school, so finding it is not a problem.
  • Try to captivate the child with something, do not let him completely immerse himself in the memories of the cat. Let him know that life is not over.
  • It is important during this period to support the child, not to put pressure on him or demand a quick return to normal state. Worrying about the death of a pet is normal.

The death of a cat is a traumatic experience for both adults and children. But adults understand that they are not to blame for this, and this happens. In contrast, children are not always able to cope with their grief on their own. Therefore, it is important to be around, support and find exciting activities.

Many parents, immediately after the death of a cat, bring another kitten into the house in the hope that the child will forget about the previous one. But the kid in response may not accept a new pet and be offended by his parents for misunderstanding. Let your child get over their loss and then decide for themselves whether they want a new cat or not.

What do psychologists say?

In psychology, there is a theory according to which a person needs to go through 6 stages in order to come to terms with a bereavement in life:

  • negation;
  • anger;
  • guilt;
  • Adoption;
  • return to normal daily life.

Each person is individual, so determine the duration of each stage in individual person- impossible. But, one way or another, in case of loss, you need to go through all 6 stages.

Some people try to ignore it, hide their feelings, try to switch over and don't want to let themselves suffer because of the cat's death. Such behavior will only slow down the process of returning to normal life.

The death of a cat is a difficult experience for everyone. During the life of pets, we are strongly attached to them, they become members of our family, so surviving this loss is like surviving the death of a relative. Don't blame yourself for your emotions and try not to close yourself off or go completely into your grief. Remember that you have loved ones, and you need to continue to live even after the death of the cat.

We will not reveal a secret to you if we say that for the entire time of the existence of mankind, cats were considered creatures firmly connected with magic and the subtle world. Living side by side with people, they walk on their own and independently decide whom to bestow their friendship and whom to ignore. And even these incredible animals die in their own way. No other animal is surrounded by so many signs during life and after leaving it.

Signs associated with the death of a cat

Mysterious in her earthly incarnation, the graceful beauty remains the same even after she leaves this world. Where exactly the light cat souls rise, the legends do not know. But this place must be located not far from human heaven and hell, otherwise the belief would not have warned: do not harm cats! Small predators, scratchy and fanged, will patiently wait for their offender on the other side. If you treated cats inhumanely on the ground - hold on! The payoff will be harsh.

However, not all animals in other world preoccupied with thoughts of revenge. The same legend says that a grateful cat will definitely try to draw a loving, but managed to sin in earthly life owner to heaven. The main thing here is not to exceed the measure of your bad deeds, so that the load does not turn out to be too large for a small animal.

Of great importance is how exactly the animal left this world. If his natural term has come, it's one thing. If the pet suffered from an accident or illness, another. We'll talk more about this below. And it’s really bad if someone purposefully contributed to the death of the animal. For the killer of a cat, signs predict seven years of misfortune, and for those who drown kittens - loneliness and poverty. If you don’t know how and don’t want to attach little fluffies to good hands, do not be stingy with sterilization - it is in your own interests.

If he dies in the house

Cats are mysterious creatures, and the signs associated with them are ambiguous.

In former times, no domestic animal had the habit of all year round sit in the master's house. Especially when it comes to cats! Free both in spirit and with a graceful body, the purrs darted about wherever they pleased, left, returned, hunted mice ... and went to die in a secret corner known only to them. Cases when the animal gave up the spirit of the house were rare and were perceived as something out of the ordinary. Naturally, with a negative connotation. Who would think to expect good luck after such an incident? In England, there is still a sign: "Do not let the cat die in the house - there will be trouble."

Today everything is different. In the times of high-rise buildings and tightly locked doors, animals no longer have the opportunity to freely leave the master's house and go on their last journey. Sad events happen to pets all the time and do not bring anything but sadness to the owners. In fact, who today would think of suddenly taking out a dying pet to the dump?! Even if a person does not give a damn about moral norms, such an act will not be approved by popular signs either: after all, in this case, the animal will suffer from your hands, which means that it will wait for an hour for a just revenge. And you can no longer count on a friendly “help paw” to climb into heaven.

Moreover, the sign has an impressive camp of opponents who are sure: everything is quite the opposite! A cat that dies in the house does not bring misfortune, but takes it away from the family. Fluffy esoterics, with all their feline strength, protect the peace of the owners: they clean the energy of the home, remove the evil eye, and extinguish the negative directed at the family. If there is too much of it - for example, something really bad was about to happen - the animal may not cope with the situation. And these brave creatures will not stand up for the price! If necessary, they will sacrifice all their nine lives, just to keep trouble from those they love.

In Russia, every pet was entrusted to the patronage of the Brownie.

Have you tried several times to get a cat, but the animals died one after another? There are three explanations:

  1. You are a careless owner who does not do his job well. Having a pet is a big responsibility. For those who are not ready for it, it is better not to injure either the cat or their psyche.
  2. There is too much negativity in the house. Carefully control your behavior and thoughts, do not allow quarrels, sanctify the apartment, finally!
  3. Domovoy did not approve of the new tenants, although usually the domestic spirit is completely non-bloodthirsty and survives objectionable animals in more humane ways than sudden death. You can try to appease him with a treat and an affectionate request not to be angry and take a new cat under your protection.

See outside the apartment (a dead animal on the road or somewhere else)

If you find a dead animal somewhere on the street: you found it crushed to death by the side of the road, or you came across it while walking in the park, there is nothing to be afraid of. It's not your fault that the cat died. Some even manage to see a good omen in the event, and what! According to their assurances, a dead cat portends:

  • financial profit.
  • Travel.
  • Love - if the animal had a white color.
  • Meeting with the enemy - if it turned out to be black.

And only English fishermen, noticing a drowned cat before going out to sea, immediately reel in their fishing rods in the literal and figurative sense. It is believed that there is still nothing to wait for a bite on such a day, but there will be plenty of trouble.

If they threw a dead cat into the yard or on the threshold

Cats have long been used in magical rites.

Belief in the magical power of cats is so great that sometimes they try to use the corpse of an animal for witchcraft purposes. There is a whole rite designed to deprive the victim of rest, to punch a hole in financial well-being or banish love from life. Such "magicians" are supposed to strangle or somehow kill the poor animal, and then throw the desired object of adversity.

Of course, it is unpleasant to find a dead animal on the porch at the threshold or under the window, which has obviously been planted. Realist, and he will feel out of place. And a mystically-minded person will immediately lose sleep and help the “curse” work. And it doesn't matter that it was sent by a quarrelsome neighbor who knows nothing about magic. The main strength of such damage is that they believe in it.

Sometimes it happens that a dead cat is secretly buried in the yard of the one they are going to harm on a mental level. However, here you have a serious advantage: you do not know anything about the sabotage that has occurred, and it will be difficult for it to influence you. Moreover, people with serious knowledge of subtle matters do not bury cats in other people's yards. And a homegrown magician will not have the strength to seriously harm you.

How to neutralize negativity

Take the corpse of a cat thrown to the house away and bury it. Don't touch him with bare hands! And not only for magical reasons - who knows where they took this cat and why she died?

After returning home, wash yourself from the tap, or even better - stand in the shower. While you are washing, imagine a mirror sphere that surrounds you from all sides, and repeat: "From whom it came, to that it went." From the obsessive mania that a dead cat was thrown on purpose, get rid of and forget about what happened.

If you are a believer, wash yourself with holy water and read a prayer. Through such protection, no damage will get through.

If you are afraid that somewhere in the yard " kind people» staged a surprise in the form of a secretly buried cat, get a kitten. But not thoroughbred and expensive, but picked up on the street. Why? This is a good deed. There are two ways to occupy your thoughts with something other than fear. And a strong protector who, in gratitude for love and care, will disperse all dark spells - three.

And the most important thing. The first and main thing that is required of you is to think less about bad omens and curses. Do not be afraid of dead animals accidentally found on the street. Release your own pet in peace. He gave you many pleasant moments during his short life, why cloud these memories, expecting bad events? If a cat paradise really exists, only goodness will come to you from there.

For many, the death of a pet is a real ordeal. A person literally falls into depression, having lost, perhaps, the only friend and beloved being. How can you quickly return to life, reducing the bitterness of loss?

The death of a beloved cat: how to survive the severity of separation

Alas, life is not fair. The term of stay in this world of beloved animals is short. But during this time, a person is completely attached to a pet, whose death becomes a tragedy.

Increased emotionality is inherent in most people who have gentle, cute kitties, clinging to the shoulder during sleep and always meeting the owner with an affectionate rumbling.

Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of the memories of your friend. But you can dull the pain using practical recommendations:

  • First of all, it is necessary to understand that the death of an animal is natural process, which does not depend on own desires. The animal lived a worthy life, and it is impossible to resurrect it. Therefore, you should come to terms with the loss and try to get out of the depressive state;
  • A great support will be the realization of the fact that the pet died before the owner. If it were the other way around, it is not known what hardships could have fallen to the lot of the animal;
  • Remember your pet with love. If during his lifetime he was treated kindly, felt the care of a person, there is no reason to reproach himself. Even if it seems that the cat was not given as much attention as required, it is worth imagining how much home pet was happier than stray animals left to the mercy of fate;
  • In the first days after the tragedy, it is recommended to remove toys, a couch, a scratching post, and bowls for food away from the eyes. Without constantly seeing the items of care, there will be no reason to once again be sad over the loss. If the animal was really expensive, you should not throw away all the accessories, you can leave something as a keepsake. But immediately after the death of the animal, they should not "call" eyes;
  • To achieve peace of mind helps distraction from the problem. It is advisable to find some new hobby that will become a really exciting activity and take your free time.
  • Emotions should not be suppressed. They say that tears bring purification and lighten the soul. If you feel like crying, don't be ashamed of your feelings.

Unfortunately, people around us often do not understand why the death of an animal causes mental anguish. They advise to look at life easier. You should not avoid communicating with people who do not understand the pain of loss. This does not mean that people are callous in soul, they express concern in their own way about the condition of their acquaintance. Most likely, they are not given to understand what kind of connection arises between the owner and the pet.

Therefore, it is better to talk about your emotional experiences with a person who has gone through a similar test and also experienced the death of a beloved animal.

Is it worth getting a new pet after the death of a beloved pet?

Very often, acquaintances and close people are advised to get a new animal after the death of a pet. Thus, they believe, one can escape from grief. Funny little kitty will make life much more pleasant and more fun.

However, in most cases, such a step can become rash. You can't love by order. No matter how cute the kitten is, it will not at all look like a former friend. Often the habits and behavior of a new animal begin to provoke irritability. It is better to wait until the grief has subsided enough that the arrival of a new tenant will not bring up bitter memories of the days spent with your beloved cat.

If a person blames himself for the death of an animal, you can get a new pet, imagining that this act will slightly ease the pangs of conscience. The only wish- do not buy an elite cat with a long pedigree. In any case, this animal will be attached and will receive proper care. Instead of an aristocrat, you should pay attention to those who are really in dire need of care.

The easiest way to pick up a stray animal. However, there is a risk of harming him by depriving him of his usual habitat niche. Besides, adult cat is unlikely to get used to the requirements to do natural things in a strictly designated place. Therefore, it is better to buy a simple purebred kitten on the market.

By the way, if you believe folk omens, the soul that has gone to heaven often wishes to return.

Sometimes a person who has lost a pet suddenly finds an adult cat or a small kitten in front of his door, who clearly hopes that he will be understood and loved in this place.

Maybe, indeed, it is in a new guise that an old friend returned?

How to help your child cope with the death of a cat

The death of a cat can be especially hard on a child's psyche. According to statistics often referred to by psychologists, depression as a result of the loss of a pet can last from 3 weeks to several months. In order for the child to survive this time with minimal suffering, the support of parents and friends is very important.

For a baby of 2-3 years old, the departure of a pet does not become a big tragedy, since at this age children do not realize what death is and quickly forget even significant events. For an older child, such an incident can be a significant trauma that can leave a serious imprint on the psyche.

To avoid this, you should gradually prepare children for the moment of separation:

  • It is better if the baby learns that death is inevitable, especially if the cat is already old or sick. You can read books that describe such a situation;
  • In an unprepared child, the death of a pet can cause shock. Cases are often described when, unexpectedly faced with the fact of death, the baby slept restlessly, lost concentration, and suffered from enuresis. Feeling the fear of losing loved one, the child can literally not depart from adults;
  • After reading the book, you should carefully inform the baby that the pet is also sick and the time for parting will come soon. To facilitate the awareness of the upcoming tragedy will help the story that the cat lived a long, eventful life. Often parents resort to such a trick as reincarnation. Children firmly believe the words of their elders. It is not surprising if the child firmly believes that the cat will be reincarnated as a titmouse or a maple leaf;
  • You can talk about a world in which dead animals live happily and amicably. By the way, a good option to watch a cartoon together " All dogs go to heaven»;
  • The most difficult thing is to limit the communication of a child with a sick cat. However, it is worth remembering that carrying on your hands and trying to stir up the cat in this case will be to the detriment of the animal. In addition, a child's psyche can be seriously disturbed if, waking up in the morning, he finds a dead cat in his bed;
  • To reduce the bitter memories of your beloved pet, you need to try to captivate the baby with other things. Spend more time playing games, do not leave the child alone for a long time;
  • At the same time, you should not try to completely drown out the memory of the dead cat. If the baby does not have a very high emotionality and is not subject to nervous breakdowns, it is better to leave a photograph of the deceased animal in his room. Suppression of emotions can lead to callousness. For a child, death will simply become a common occurrence;
  • If death occurred as a result of an accident, you should not blame those who caused the tragedy in the presence of a child. It is important not to inflate excessive aggressiveness in a growing person with an unformed psyche;
  • A depressed state often causes poor academic performance and isolation. No need to reprimand the kid for insufficient diligence in school. After a while, everything will work out, the main thing is to be patient and explain the situation to the teachers.

Unfortunately, nothing in the world lasts forever and death accompanies us throughout our lives. Of course, the loss of a loved one cannot be compared with the departure into the world of another cat. But sometimes you get so attached to your beloved pet that you consider him a member of the family.

Owners rarely have to watch cats die. And all because most of them prefer to face death away from home in all alone. But this does not always happen, since not everyone has the opportunity to go outside. To understand that the cat is dying, and it is time to let him go on his last journey, will help specific symptoms approaching death. After all, it is important to ensure proper care for him during this difficult period.

Where and why do purrs go before they die?

AT wild nature a dying cat seeks solitude. This is completely natural, because the animal is weakening and can no longer defend itself from predators. It finds a quiet secluded place to hide and quietly leave.. It is possible that death is perceived as a sign of illness. Therefore, the cat leaves his home in order to lie down.

Pets also retain this instinct. And if they do not go outside, then the closet or the far corner behind the furniture can become the last refuge. At the same time, the animal rarely shows up from the shelter and sleeps almost around the clock. This suspicious symptom should immediately alert.

There is an opinion that by leaving, cats purposefully protect their owners from moral suffering.

The British even have a sign that the death of a cat in the house attracts trouble. But you should not believe in these superstitions, because it is unlikely that a pet would wish bad things to his friend. It's just that not everyone manages to quietly leave the hearth, especially if the old man is weakened and cannot move independently.

Signs of imminent death

You can find out that a cat is dying by the presence of a population certain symptoms. If a pet for more than 12–14 years, then you need to carefully monitor his behavior and state of health. Some felines live up to 25 years, but this happens very rarely.

Before you prepare for the worst, you should show it to the veterinarian. It is likely that the pet is just seriously ill, but it can be cured.. Timely therapy is important for recovery, so do not delay going to the clinic or calling a specialist at home. For example, older cats often develop chronic pathologies which are similar to the signs of impending death. However, when remission is achieved, the animal can live for several more years without suffering and pain.

But even if medical intervention does not help, the doctor will advise how to properly care for a friend, prescribe drugs to relieve symptoms. If there is not enough time to carry out supportive manipulations on your own, the cat can be placed in a clinic where he will be provided with the necessary care.

1. Loss of appetite is an alarming symptom

The feeding behavior of a cat before death changes dramatically. She eats little or refuses food altogether, and then water. The following signs should be alert:

  • untouched food in a bowl;
  • lack of excrement in the tray for two or more days;
  • feces with blood impurities;
  • dark urine.

After a while, hunger makes itself felt with sunken sides, physical exhaustion. The coat begins to fall out, the pet no longer shows activity and constantly lies. Due to weakness, control over the muscles of the intestines is reduced and urinary tract. There may be traces of bowel movements on the floor in the house.

2. Difficulty breathing is a sign of the approaching end

Other symptoms of a cat dying are changes in breathing. The heart can no longer work fully, so the amount of oxygen supplied to the lungs and blood decreases. The pet draws in air heavily and rapidly, trying to make up for the losses. In a healthy animal, the frequency of breaths per minute is 20-30. Shortness of breath, weak or rare breathing are symptoms of imminent death. It is not difficult to determine the indicator, just use a stopwatch and count the number of lifts chest in a minute.

3. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure - dangerous symptoms

Signs that a cat is dying include a slow heart rate (normally 140-122 beats per minute) and decreased blood pressure. The change in these indicators occurs due to difficulties in pumping blood by the heart and, as a result, overloads. You can measure the pulse of an animal like this:

  • put the palm on the left side behind the front paw;
  • count the number of beats in 15 seconds;
  • calculate the heart rate per minute by multiplying the resulting figure by 4. If the number of beats is less than 60, then this sign indicates the approaching death of the cat.

Unfortunately, at home special equipment, you can't measure your pet's blood pressure.

4. A specific smell is a sign of imminent death

From a dying cat comes bad smell. This happens due to a decrease in performance. internal organs. Slows down or completely stops the elimination of toxins. Harmful substances gradually accumulate in the body, a symptom of which is unpleasant odor body and graze the animal.

5. Low temperature

Checking for signs of death of a cat, it is necessary to measure the body temperature:

  • special ear thermometer;
  • rectal digital device, the tip of which is gently inserted into the rectum.

Body temperature dying cat significantly below 37.7 ⁰С, which indicates a weakness of the heart. When there is no thermometer at hand, you can feel the paw pads of the animal. If they are cool, then this is also a bad symptom.

How to take care of a pet?

Caring for a dying cat takes effort, time, and patience. She needs to provide a comfortable and soft place to rest. A cozy and warm lounger can be made from a blanket. Two rules must be followed:

  • Maintain cleanliness regularly bed by washing the bedding daily.
  • If a old cat cannot control urination, then over soft base lay disposable diapers, changing them as they become dirty.

When the animal does not have enough strength to visit the toilet, then you need to help. To do this, it is carried on hand to the tray every 3-4 hours.

You should not violate the solitude of a cat if he seeks to move away and does not respond to affection.

It is important to relieve the symptoms of a pet's pain. Cats rarely yell, meow, or otherwise show their distress. But you can recognize them if they have the following signs:

  • decreased sociability and detachment;
  • immobilization;
  • one point look
  • dilated pupils;
  • refusal to drink and eat;
  • intermittent breathing.

Is it humane to euthanize a cat?

If all the signs that are observed when death is approaching are present, then the owner must decide what to do with the cat. Artificial killing is perceived by some as betrayal and murder. dear friend. In this case, it is better to surround the pet with care and love, trying to provide all possible assistance.

But the disease can cause unbearable pain and progress quite quickly. long time. Symptoms of oncology and urolithiasis are considered especially severe.

Watching the torment of a once active and cheerful pet is unbearable. It is necessary to do everything for a dying cat to alleviate suffering.

Sometimes euthanasia is much more humane than the unbearable agony of an animal for several weeks. The veterinarian will inject the cat with a special drug that will ensure a quiet and painless death in a few seconds. During the procedure, you can stay next to a friend, seeing him on his last journey, or leave the room.

What to do after the death of a pet?

So it's time to take care of the body, which is better to wrap in cloth and put in a plastic bag. Choose between cremation and burial. You can find out where the crematorium or special cemetery is located at the veterinarian. If the law does not prohibit the burial of a pet in a private area or outside the city, then you need to find a suitable place. A picturesque corner on the shore of a reservoir under a tree is perfect. It is forbidden to bury animals in parks and squares.

How to deal with loss?

The death of a beloved friend and practically a family member is a big blow. If you can’t overcome the bitterness of loss on your own, symptoms of depression appear, then you should contact a psychotherapist. Here are some tips to help you deal with your emotions:

  • Remove the things of the deceased from the house (bowls, toys, harnesses, brushes, etc.) so that they do not remind of a sad event. If it’s a pity to throw it away, then it’s better to give them to friends or to a shelter.
  • Remember the bright moments spent with your pet. How clumsy and funny he was as a child, how he loved to climb on the table or hang on the curtains, causing uncontrollable laughter, how grateful he murmured and rubbed his nose. Do not dwell on the sad period, signs of death, do not scroll sad events in your head.
  • Don't get another animal. Wait until the pain of loss is gone completely.
  • A sign that it's time to bring a kitten into the house is the absence of tears and suffering at the memory of an old friend.

Before you get a new family member, you should understand that the responsibility will have to be borne throughout his life (on average 12-16 years). In addition to information about caring for a baby, you need to ask how cats behave before death, and what are the signs of the approaching end.

Not every person is able to cope with emotions and adequately accept the fact that someday they will have to take their pet on their last journey.

But it is necessary to realize the full degree of responsibility so that subsequently the old cat is not thrown out to the mercy of fate on the street. After all, he expects from a friend whom he faithfully loved, support and care, and not betrayal.

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