What kind and safe spirits can be summoned during the day with friends and girlfriends. Who can be called during the day from the other world

There are situations in which it is difficult not to get confused. For example, you have a bedridden patient in your arms, and he has a toothache. What to do? It will not work to take him to the city dentistry. Do not really tolerate a person unbearable pain? Today the topic of conversation is how to call a dentist to a disabled person at home.

When is it not possible to go to the dentist?

The problem with visiting specialized medical institutions occurs in people with serious illnesses musculoskeletal system. Bedridden patients and disabled people of the 1st group are not able to visit dental office for quite understandable reasons.

To seek help at home, you need to have a good reason, and even better - documentary evidence. That is, you should prepare in advance documents confirming the disability of group 1 or a certificate from the attending physician about the patient's condition.

Where to go to call a dentist

It all depends on your financial capabilities. We can safely assume that a doctor from a paid dentistry will have better equipment and the service itself will be at the proper level. But families with disabilities rarely have the funds for expensive treatment, so they have a direct road to free city dentistry. Important point: it is better if you decide in advance what to do with a bad tooth: remove or treat. It is clear that sometimes it is difficult to decide, so if you are not sure, call for treatment. Well, if there are no options, then you will need a surgeon. All this must be brought to the attention of the registry when you issue a call.

Do free dental clinics There is a schedule for home visits. So if you say that treatment is required, you can be assigned a day for next week. Another thing is if a call comes in acute pain The doctor will arrive the same day.

The nuances of calling a dentist to a disabled person at home

Get ready for possible difficulties. Get into the position of a doctor - working in an environment where the patient is not in the dental chair, and with a portable instrument is very difficult. In addition, under such conditions, it is impossible to take an x-ray of a diseased tooth and you will have to treat or remove it, as they say, at random.

Therefore, prepare for the arrival of the dentist. Look for additional lamps and organize good lighting in the room, prepare a chair for the doctor, just in case - a bowl and a towel. Ask in advance at the reception, it may be necessary to buy painkillers and a syringe of a suitable size for anesthesia. Realize that in such conditions it is difficult to expect a perfect result, so be patient and be polite. The doctor will appreciate all this, and it will be easier for him to work in a friendly environment.

Have you had experience calling a dentist at home? If yes, write about it in the comments, our readers will be very grateful to you!

The dream of all children when watching their favorite cartoon is to meet the character that you see on the screen every day. And it's really possible, it just takes a little effort.

You can call at home:

As everyone knows, the tooth fairy is a fairly popular character in children's stories and cartoons. There is a legend that says that a fairy comes at night to visit children who have recently got rid of a milk tooth and in return gives a gift: a bag of sweets, a coin or a note with wishes. You can also call the tooth fairy at home on your own, without waiting for her official appearance. We offer you 4 ways to call a sorceress for home and 2 if you are away.

Ways to summon the tooth fairy

The first method is known to all

Unfortunately or fortunately, only the child who has recently fallen out of baby tooth. In fact, there are enough a large number of ancient ways call a fairy, who must pick up the tooth and exchange it for a present. The most standard of them is the way in which you just need to put the fallen tooth under the pillow, before going to bed, saying the simple phrase “Tooth Fairy, appear, but take my tooth as soon as possible”, and then forget about it and go to bed in order to wake up in the morning in anticipation .


This method has another, slightly less well-known variant, in which the child needs to put the tooth in a small sealed envelope and then under the pillow. After that, turn off the light in the room and close the door firmly, leaving only the window ajar. The child should then say "Tooth Fairy, come to me" three times.

In addition, if desired, as a return gift, the fairy should read a poem learned in advance or sing a short song. A poem or a song can also be composed if there are no ready-made suitable options. Deep in the night, during sleep, the tooth fairy should fly in and pick up a gift from under the pillow, replacing it with a coin or sweets.

Method three

As mentioned above, there are really a lot of ways to call a fairy, so following method there will be a call with the help of water. To do this, the child needs to put the tooth in a small transparent glass filled with pure spring water. The glass must be placed close to the bed. The main rule is not to cover the container with a cloth and a lid, because then nothing will work out - the fairy simply will not come or she will not be able to replace the old milk tooth with a gift.


Next - a method that is similar to the previous one. To use it, you need a matchbox, in which you should also put a tooth and leave it in the light of the moon on the windowsill in the child's room. As with other methods, instead of a tooth in the morning there will be a present or a coin.

How to summon a fairy on the street or at a party?

If it so happened that the tooth fell out outside the home, and for example, at a party or on the street, and the child really wants to see the tooth fairy without waiting for his arrival home, you should use this method. To do this, you need to go to a low house, through the roof of which it will be possible to throw a tooth. Or find a hollow in which you can also put a milk tooth. In both the first and second cases, little time the tooth fairy will take it away and exchange it for a gift.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to call a little fairy to your home, and anyone who wants to verify this can check them for authenticity.

The change of milk teeth to molars is accompanied by sensations that are not the most pleasant for the child. To help your baby cope with stress, tell your baby about the tradition of giving fallen teeth to a magical fairy.

If in the post-Soviet territory children leave milk teeth as a gift to a mouse, then in Western culture a more common character is the Tooth Fairy. Kids know about her even more than their parents, because she is mentioned in many foreign films and cartoons. In addition, your child’s peers are probably “familiar” with her, who love to share stories about gifts found under the pillow.

Below we will talk about the most common ways to summon a fairy of desires, and share interesting ideas that will make the custom special for your child and the whole family.

Tooth fairy - legend for kids

The tooth fairy for kids is one of the favorite characters. This is the heroine of the fairy tale about the little mouse Perez, which was composed by the Spanish writer Luis Coloma. The author dedicated his work to the young king, Alfonso XIII, who lost his first milk tooth at the age of 8.

How to summon the Tooth Fairy

For almost a century and a half, children, according to tradition, leave their milk teeth under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy, and in the morning they find money or a small present in their place. For example, a chocolate coin, sweets, a toy or a book.

AT recent times Another method of “summoning” a fairy is gaining popularity, according to which, you need to place a tooth in a glass of water (or in another container) and put it on a bedside table near the bed. At night, it will be much easier for you to remove the milk clove from the glass without disturbing the baby's sleep.

How to diversify the tradition

1. Instead of a regular banknote, give your child a "magic" money - strewn with shining sparkles.

2. The presence of a fairy can be confirmed by an inadvertently left magic wand.

3. Take a picture of the baby in a dream, finish drawing the Tooth Fairy in a graphic editor and show the baby the processed picture.

4. Sequins can also be used as traces left by the sorceress.

5. Feedback with the fairy can also be supported in writing. The kid can write her a letter about what he would like to find under the pillow, and in return receive gratitude for the careful care of his teeth and the desired present.

Why you need a tooth fairy

What is the use of the children's tradition of leaving the teeth to the fairy? Like the custom of giving gifts on behalf of St. Nicholas, the Tooth Fairy ritual helps children to believe in miracles, to understand the difference between the real and the fictional world.

A fairy tale is a form of knowledge that is always accessible to children and that you can pass on to your little one. AT this case through a fairy tale, you can teach your baby to take care of himself: to maintain hygiene, always brush his teeth and wash his face.

In addition, the use of the Tooth Fairy custom is that it helps the child to “compensate” for the discomfort and pain that he has to endure due to a loose tooth and its loss.

The tooth fairy can become a magical character for a child who is changing milk teeth. Many children believe that if you honor a sorceress, instead of a lost tooth, they will have a new one - strong, strong and healthy tooth. To make the fairy tale come true, teach your child to oral hygiene from childhood.

Among the creatures from other worlds there are very kind and harmless ones - those who can be summoned during the day. Find yourself new friends and join the world of magic now.

Who can be called during the day at home

Mankind has been trying for many centuries to find ways that would allow contact with magical entities. So, we have the opportunity to call a matte, chewy gnome, Pushkin, and so on.

Many of the rituals are easy to do on your own. You don't need to have supernatural powers to magical creature made contact. Others are very laborious and dangerous, so young inexperienced sorcerers should not take them on.

If you want to summon someone harmless at home or on the street with friends, opt for rites that do not use biological material(blood, hair). In which knives, figures made of wax or clay, mirrors are not used. Using them involves contact with the other world, strong magical entities that can deal powerful damage.

Probably everyone knows from childhood who the tooth fairy is. This amazing magical essence brings money, sweets and other gifts in exchange for our fallen teeth. There are others.

AT different countries recruiting methods were different. Some peoples were sure that the tooth should be put under the pillow, others - under the bed, others - in a small saucer of water. No matter where you decide to place it - before you go to bed, be sure to say these words three times:

Tooth fairy, come to me, take a tooth, bring a gift

Lie down immediately, try to doze off as soon as possible. The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner the magical character will come and leave some gift.

Second way

There is another option to meet the tooth fairy. However, it is suitable only for fearless little wizards. It is necessary to find a house of a magical creature in the forest. Most often they live in big trees, in a hollow, which is located near the ground. It is there that you should leave a tooth and whisper:

Fairy tooth, come to me today.

Leave the forest without looking back. At night you will feel that someone is present in the room. You can open your eyes - you will see a real tooth fairy in front of you. On this night, you can ask her to fulfill one of your desires.

Usually good spirits are called upon to give an answer to a question or fulfill a dream. There is a special ritual for young wizards.

After it, you will have a real magical friend - good spirit who will protect and help to improve. The ceremony is performed during the day on the street alone or with a friend. Remember, such creatures are vulnerable, sensitive: you should not offend him, joke or mock him.

Even the kindest spirit can stand up for itself and cause irreparable damage to a person. To spend the day, you need to choose a place where you feel good.

How to call the spirit during the day:

Sit comfortably in a clearing with friends, hold hands and say three times:

Good spirit, we call on you, we wish to see you as our assistant.

After that, close your eyes. If you feel that warmth has spread through your body, a friend agrees to be an assistant. Ask for an answer to questions or fulfill a wish. Goosebumps ran, cold - the spirit is not ready to support you.

There are many harmless creatures that can be summoned. If you are just starting your magical path, limit yourself to the simplest rites of invocation. Chewing King, good spirit will help you hone your skills.

Use the Sunbeam Summon. This entity has no power over people, cannot do dirty tricks. Therefore, the ritual is ideal for those who want to learn how to summon creatures from another world.

The ceremony is carried out independently or together with friends. Take big leaf paper and draw a sunbeam on it. Try to make the drawing as colorful and detailed as possible. Put the picture on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall on it, and say 3 times:

Sunny bunny, show yourself!

In this case, your eyelids should be closed, the pattern is covered with palms. As soon as the words are spoken, open your eyes sharply and raise your hands. Instead of a drawing, a real magic bunny will sit on the sheet.

Don't make noise, don't shout, don't wave your arms. Then he will stay with you for a while, jump around the room and only then disappear. Otherwise, you will scare good essence and she disappears immediately.

If you do not know who you can call at home or on the street during the day, use these simple rituals. They will help you practice your magical skills and have fun with friends, get to know kind, harmless beings.

It is generally accepted that the tooth fairy is a fabulous creature that comes to children when their milk teeth fall out. In exchange for the missing tooth, the fairy gives the child a small gift. There are several ways to summon the tooth fairy. The child can even call it on his own.

How to call the tooth fairy for a tooth

  • Let the child put his fallen milk tooth under the pillow before going to bed. Before going to bed, he should turn off the light and call the tooth fairy three times or read some little poem that will be dedicated to the tooth fairy. After the child falls asleep, the tooth fairy will fly to him. She will take the prepared tooth from under the pillow, and in return will leave him a gift - a toy, sweets, books. At the same time, it will turn a little and a new one will grow in place of the fallen tooth. strong tooth.
  • It is fashionable to put a fallen tooth in a glass of water. After that, the tooth fairy will come at night and take the baby tooth. But the baby should leave the glass of his bed, for example, on a nightstand, high chair, or simply put it on the floor. The glass must not be closed, because the tooth fairy may not get it and then the child will not get a present, a new and beautiful tooth will not grow.
  • Let the child take a matchbox or just a well-washed ashtray, you can even take something similar and put your tooth there. The window in the room must be open, otherwise the tooth fairy will not be able to fly into the child's room. A box with a fallen tooth does not need to be closed. Place it next to your baby. When the tooth fairy arrives, she will take the tooth and leave a small gift for the baby. Perhaps the gift will even be the one that your child has wanted for so long.

How to summon a tooth fairy for a milk tooth

What to do if the milk tooth fell out outside the house and how to call the tooth fairy, despite the fact that you are not at home yet?

If a baby’s tooth fell out not at home, but somewhere on the street during a walk, you can do the following. You should not delay the process, proceed to the fact that you urgently need to give the tooth to the tooth fairy, who is already eager to pick it up and give the gift to the baby. A ritual to call a fairy can be done right in nature.

If there are low houses nearby, this is just a great option for a ritual. Let the baby throw a milk tooth over the roof of this house. If on this moment walking in nature, find a tree in which there will be a hollow and hide the fallen tooth there. Let the baby have no doubt that the fairy will not find him. She will definitely find him and bring a gift to the child.

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