How to remove tangles from a cat at home? How to remove tangles from a cat? How to get rid of tangles in an old cat

Although every owner considers himself to be attentive and caring, the removal of tangles in cats with long hair is not uncommon. How to cut a cat without compromising its health?

The luxurious silky coat of long-haired cats is not the merit of the animals themselves, but their caring owners. A cat cannot cope with all the hair on its own, and the help of a person is vital to it. Removing tangles in cats should not be the norm, this is an emergency measure to help groomed pets.

How do mats form in cats?

When the loose hair or undercoat is tangled with live hairs under the influence of static electricity. Strong matting of wool also indicates an unbalanced diet of the cat. The denser and larger the hairball, the more likely it is that it will not be possible to comb it and will have to be removed. Cat mats most often form behind the ears and on the neck, under the armpits, on the hind legs and tail.

The mats are not only not beautiful and not pleasant to the touch, but also harmful. Balls of felted wool are an excellent medium for breeding bacteria and fleas. The skin under the tangle may sting and become irritated. The cat may tug at the tangle in an attempt to get rid of it, but will only get discomfort and skin injuries.

How to prevent the formation of tangles?

In order not to bring the cat to the removal of tangles, it is very important to comb out dead hair at least two times a week but better every day. Once or twice a month, the cat should be washed with tangle shampoo. In the cold season, you can use dry shampoo or tangle spray for cats. These products soften the coat, make it more obedient, reduce the formation of static electricity. Combing the cat will be much easier.

How to remove tangles from a cat?

Removal is an unpleasant but necessary procedure. To save at least part of the wool, do not cut the tangles under the root. Try to first cut them lengthwise and, choosing dead hair, comb from the ends. There is a special device for this - mat cutter, comb with teeth-blades.

Extensive tangles cut into pieces is pointless and painful. It is easier to cut a cat with scissors or a clipper with a nozzle not less than 2 mm. You may need an assistant to immobilize the cat for her own safety. Gently stretch the skin along the body so as not to accidentally cut your pet.

Do not cut only the cat's head and paws. A haircut on the rest of the cat's body is well tolerated. If you are afraid to cut the cat yourself, contact a veterinary clinic or grooming salon. Some lovers of "home lions" specifically cut their pets.

The new coat will grow back in 3-6 months. But the wool cut in sections may not be equal in length to the uncut one. Besides, regrown hair may slightly change color. For a show cat, mats can be a real tragedy. But for domestic purrs and their owners, they will only be a good lesson for the future.

How to get rid of tangles in a cat? The fur of long-haired pets not only looks luxurious, but also requires careful care. The most common problem for fluffy cats is tangles. It happens that they appear quite suddenly and turn into a real headache for both the owners and the animals themselves.

We will tell you how to prevent the appearance of tangles and what to do if they still form.

Why do cats get mats?

✔ The first reason is malnutrition and vitamin deficiency. Because of this, the cat may develop dandruff, which sticks together the coat, contributing to the formation of lumps.

✔ Shampooing for people can also be the reason for their appearance - after all, its composition and action were created specifically for human hair, which differ from delicate cat hair.

✔ Often, dirt gets on the cat's coat, which the pet cannot remove on its own. Just a couple of days is enough, and a lump of tangled wool forms in this place.

✔ Impaired metabolism and skin diseases are another reason for the appearance of an ailment.

✔ And, probably, the main enemy of a smooth and silky coat is insufficient care. Without regular combing of the cat, the risk of tangled lumps increases significantly.

How to avoid their appearance?

1. We comb out and comb out again! Optimally - a couple of times a week, but if the pet is especially furry, then it is better to do this every day.

2. Bathe the cat correctly: apply the shampoo according to the growth of the coat, wipe it only lightly by running a towel over it - no need to rub the fur.

3. If the cat calmly reacts to the hair dryer, dry it after water procedures.

4. Watch your diet - it must contain all the necessary trace elements. Do not forget to give your pet for skin and wool.

6. Try to use a special - antistatic for cats - it makes the coat smooth and silky.

How to remove tangles from cats?

There are several ways to remove them:

1. Try to disassemble the lump with your fingers if it has appeared recently.

2. How to comb out mats? They can be cut along the hairline and removed with a fine comb. Please note that the cat must be held tightly and the procedure should be performed as carefully as possible. Suitable for such purposes.

3. And the last option is a grooming salon, where the pet will be trimmed, and he will finally get rid of tangles.

Part 1

How to untangle wool and remove tangles

    Calm down the cat. Removing tangles is sometimes time consuming and the process can be potentially painful, which is why many cats dislike this procedure. It is very important to start the process while the cat is in a calm state (for example, after a hearty meal), and try to keep her calm throughout the work of removing tangles and detangling hair. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the procedure and return to it at another more appropriate time, instead of forcing a frightened or angry cat to endure the unpleasant process of detangling.

    • If you start brushing your cat's coat regularly at an early age, she's more likely to be comfortable with tangle removal. But if the cat steadfastly refuses to tolerate the procedure without showing claws, attempts to scratch, run away, and so on, then it would be better to contact a professional groomer or veterinarian.
  1. Find and inspect all mats. Some dreadlock-like mats that form on the back or sides are easy to spot, while other mats may be in more hidden places but are also important to remove. Look carefully behind the ears, in the perineum, inside the hind legs, behind the front legs, under the neck and around the anus.

    • If the tangle is very large, such as larger than the ball of your thumb, it's probably best to have it removed by a professional. And if there are signs of irritation or injury to the adjacent skin, it would be wise to contact your veterinarian.
  2. Try to untangle the matted hair with your fingers. The first tool you should try to untangle tangled patches of cat fur is your own fingers. Try to unravel the small tangles with your fingers, and loosen the large ones and divide them into smaller parts that will be easier for you to work with. Finger work is usually less painful and less stressful for the cat.

    Try to comb out the tangles. Before taking on more serious tools, after manual work with your fingers, you can try to comb out the tangles with an ordinary cat brush or a flat comb with sparse teeth. Grab the wool under the tangle with your free hand as close to the skin as possible in order to less pull the skin during work. With quick and short, but at the same time careful movements, begin to comb out the tangle. Work towards the ends of the hair (away from the skin), while starting to act from the area of ​​​​the tangle furthest from the skin and gradually moving closer to it.

    • However, don't overdo it. The cat will not be delighted with the tugging of matted wool with a brush and will try to make it hard for you too. If necessary, move on to other tangle removal methods.
    • Although cat lovers may not like this statement, the article "How to Comb Tangles on a Dog" contains a number of good recommendations that apply to cats.
  3. Use specialized tools to deal with complex tangles. If you can’t untangle the cat’s hair with your fingers and a brush, then you still have a number of specialized means of dealing with tangles at your disposal. Various people claim to use a wide variety of tools effectively (for example, furminators are quite popular among others), so you will probably need to go through trial and error in this matter. In addition, when choosing specialized tools, you can always consult a groomer or ask a veterinarian for advice.

    • Tools such as tangle cutters allow large tangles to be separated into smaller ones that are easier to untangle later. Between their teeth are sharp blades. At the same time, it is necessary to cut a large tangle into pieces with sawing movements of the tool. Whip cutters are generally considered to be fairly safe as their sharp blades do not protrude beyond the teeth, however even they must be handled with care. After dividing the tangle into small parts, it is necessary to return to unraveling the wool with your fingers, and then with a brush or comb.
  4. Cut off the tangles if you can't get rid of them by other means. While the surest way to remove tangles is to cut them off, this should only be done as a last resort. Because of this, the cat not only develops bald patches, which are overgrown with hair for many months, but also increases the risk of injuring the animal. The skin of cats is noticeably thinner and more delicate than that of humans, so it is easy to cut it with scissors or a blade and even injure it by simply rubbing the tool against the skin. If in doubt. that you can perform the procedure safely for the pet, take the cat to a professional.

    • A razor comb (also known as a tangle comb) works like a regular comb, but has blades that shave off hair. Work with it in the same short and quick strokes as you would with a regular comb. Be sure to use your free hand to protect the cat from twitching and always move away from the cat's skin.
    • A clipper will also help to quickly remove tangles, but do not rub it against the cat's skin when working. Friction and hot clipper blades can cause damage to delicate cat skin.
    • Scissors seem like an obvious choice in this case, however, if you are a non-professional, we do not recommend using them. Otherwise, there is a high risk of inflicting stab and cut wounds on the animal. If you decide to use scissors, be sure to place a flat comb or your own fingers between the cat's skin and the blades of the scissors as a precaution.
  5. Seek help from a professional. It will not be superfluous to repeat once again - if you doubt your own abilities and that you can independently and safely remove tangles on your pet's coat, do not even try to do this. Tangles often form in rather sensitive areas - on the abdomen, under the neck and in the genital area. No need to take risks, as your accidental mistake can have serious consequences.

Part 2

How to prevent tangling
  1. Be attentive to the needs of the cat. As a rule, young, active and healthy cats with short hair are able to take care of their appearance and cope with tangles. On the other hand, older, overweight, and long-haired cats need to be brushed regularly (even daily) to prevent mats and tangles.

    • The article "How to keep your cat free of tangles" provides important information about proper cat grooming to help prevent tangles.
  2. Brush your cat's coat regularly. Even if your cat is grooming well at the moment, regular brushing will make things easier and more comfortable for your cat if it becomes really necessary in the future. It's best to start training your cat for brushing as early as possible (while the pet is still a kitten) so that it becomes a completely normal (and ideally enjoyable) routine.

    • Short-haired cats are easy to brush and can be used with almost any type of brush, but many prefer to work with a rubber-bristled mitt brush. Whichever brush you use, be sure to brush your cat only in the direction of its hair growth.
    • Long-haired cats require more specialized tools, such as slickers (wide brushes with metal bristles) and long-toothed flat metal combs. Use both types of tools to comb both the surface layer of the coat and what lies noticeably deeper. Carefully comb the hair on the belly and neck in an upward direction towards the chin. Then divide the hair on the back with a central parting and comb each side separately.

Often pet owners do not understand the reasons why mats form in a cat. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deal with tangles and how to get rid of them.

Tangles appear in cats of long-haired breeds. Many fluffy owners often, without thinking about hair care, acquire just such cats. It is very important to get rid of the problem in time. Otherwise, you can spoil the fur beauty of your pet for a long time.

How mats affect the health of a cat

The appearance of tangles on the cat's fur is not only an aesthetic problem. They interfere not even so much with the owner as with the pet itself. The wool falls into shreds, pulling the neighboring hairs and skin of the animal along with it. Cats have practically no opportunity to lick themselves on their own.

A favorable environment is formed in the places of the felted fur coat, fungal diseases or various microorganisms successfully develop in it. These are fleas and lice, which can cause dermatitis. Lichen and other fungal infections of the pet's skin, diaper rash and allergic rashes.

Animal psychologists claim that if you do not get rid of tangles in time, cats become irritable. In some cases, pets with a less stable psyche can become depressed.

Reasons for the appearance of tangles

Veterinarians identify a number of reasons why a cat has tangles:

One of the main ones is physiological. Untimely hair care, irregular combing contributes to the matting of wool. The villi are constantly updated, new ones have already grown, and the old ones have not yet been removed. Long-haired cats are not always able to get rid of them on their own. Tangles form under the neck and between the paws due to the natural movements of the animals.

Improper and unbalanced diet. It is necessary with great attention to select food for the cat, if it is purchased. And it is better when it is recommended by a veterinarian. If the food is homemade, it is mandatory to include non-fatty meat (beef, rabbit or chicken) in the diet. Vegetables, a complex of vitamins and minerals that improve the structure of long hair.

Proper hygiene - cat owners do not always know how to bathe long-haired pets. There are special shampoos for long-haired breeds of animals. During bathing, in no case should you rub the coat or wash it against hair growth. Shampoo should be washed off in the same way. You need to wipe the cat very carefully, do not rub the pile with a towel. Otherwise, then it will not be possible to comb. It is better to walk with light, absorbent movements with a towel in the direction from the ears to the tail.

· Another and more disturbing cause, health problems in the animal. There are a number of diseases, as a result of which the fatty imbalance of wool is disturbed. Therefore, it is best to contact a veterinary clinic and exclude all possible diseases.

How to remove small mats

If the cat is regularly combed out, then tangles may appear during the seasonal molt. They form on the neck, under the front paws and on the abdomen. The felted areas of wool are very easy to separate with your hands without causing injury to the cat.

It will be better to ask someone for help in order to get rid of the problem and at the same time calm the animal. You need to distract the cat as much as possible, stroke it and treat it with something tasty. Otherwise, the tools for removing tangles will eventually begin to cause aggression in the pet. Then it is necessary to remove the remnants of dead hairs with a special brush-comb.

How to get rid of large tangles in a cat

If the hairballs are of impressive size, they are terribly pulling on the cat's skin. He is initially already irritable and the slightest touch to such a place will cause a protective reaction in the fluffy. An animal in a temper can even rush at its own owner to scratch it.

Here you can not do without outside help and radical methods. All problem areas should be cut with special scissors with blunt rounded edges. A similar tool cuts the nails of young children.

First, you should fix the cat as much as possible. Make it so that it is comfortable for her, and inadvertently do not injure the animal. Further, each tangle is immediately cut along its formation. If done correctly, it will begin to straighten itself out, which will greatly facilitate further work.

With careful movements, slowly, you need to cut the tangle from the wool. For some breeds of cats (Angora and Persian), veterinarians recommend using special sprays, with their help it is easier to get rid of tangles.

There are special devices, tangle cutters, with which you can easily and painlessly get rid of tangles for a cat. Outwardly, they resemble a brush for combing with sharp teeth. The teeth are wavy or straight.

Such a device is suitable for use with small formations of hairballs. And you need to use it with care so as not to injure the cat.

Preventive measures for the formation of tangles

It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. To do this, veterinarians recommend periodically combing the animal, at least twice a week. Persian cat breeds, especially during periods of molting, need to be scratched daily.

There are special slickers that remove falling hairs during molting. It should not be used at any other time.

Bathe your cat regularly with specialized shampoos and conditioners. Use dry shampoo to avoid static electricity.

If the coat does become matted, a spray should be applied before untangling it. After application, use a comb, only with blunt tips. Or disassemble the lump with your hands.

In the summer, it is desirable to completely shear the wool, leaving a millimeter length. This will help fluffy to survive the heat without overheating the body and heat stroke. Prevent the formation of diaper rash, tangles and other irritations.

Proper nutrition, the right amount of vitamins and fats will significantly reduce the level of tangle formation.

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