We are looking for a temporary residence for the dog: a shelter, acquaintances or strangers “good hands. We are looking for a temporary location for the dog: a shelter, acquaintances or strangers “good hands Attach an adult dog

If you want to place information about your ward in need of an appliance on the Take a Dog! website, register on the website and place your ad. After checking by a moderator, the ad will appear in the catalog on the site. Moderation of announcements on the site is manual, the time of appearance of an announcement (publication) can sometimes reach 12 hours.

Requirements for ads, catalog rules for the placement of cats, kittens, puppies, dogs.

The site does not allow duplication of several ads about the same animal. If you cannot be absolutely sure that you are the only one who can promote this animal before you place your ad, check if there is already an announcement about this animal in the site catalog.

Conscious duplication(submission of ads with different photos and nicknames of the same animal) leads to disconnection of the user from the ad system with the simultaneous removal of all ads of this user.

The same text is forbidden in the short and extended descriptions, search engines (where the "pens" come from) consider the repetition of content on other resources and duplicated text on different pages of the same site as a negative ranking factor. This leads to a decrease in the site's rating and fewer "handles" come

When placing an ad, be sure to include the following information:

1. Animal name

2. Description of the dog (cat)(gender, age, size, characteristics of character, behavior, level of socialization, etc.). If the dog is trained in something, write what it is. If you know, then indicate the attitude towards other animals, guess what type of people, what lifestyle, in your opinion, this dog "suits" best, preferred, desired or possible conditions of keeping - in an apartment, in the yard, on guard, etc. . at your discretion. The more complete the description you prepare, the higher the likelihood of a more successful device.

Please do not write ads in 1 line like: "beautiful and smart is looking for an owner, call ..." - we don't have others here, everyone is smart and beautiful! Try to make a detailed description as possible, a verbal portrait of the dog, emphasizing its features, highlighting its advantages, mentioning its shortcomings - this is important for a reliable, truly successful device.

3. Contact details of the curator / guardian: phone - required, the rest (e-mail, ICQ, skype) - at your discretion. It is advisable, if possible, to indicate 2 phones of different people who can answer for this dog, replacing each other at times when one cannot answer the phone, for example, you can (in agreement with the owner of the second number, of course!) Put the phone of a senior volunteer as the second number in your shelter or one of your teammates, etc.

4. A photo Preferably several from different angles. People most often choose dogs precisely from photographs, as a product in an online store. The presence of a portfolio of photographs in a dog is very important for an early attachment. good quality. If you're really interested in adopting a ward, try to take really good photos that give you the best possible picture of the animal.

Do not forget, there is such a wonderful thing as a video, it clearly shows both the size and temperament of the animal, include the video in the extended description. The video is embedded by the administrator only from YouTube.

IMPORTANT! Upload photos to the ad that do not exceed 2 MB in size - otherwise the ad may either not be saved at all, or it will be saved, but with poor quality photos.

5. If the dog is from a shelter, indicate from which one (name, district). If under the tutelage of the Foundation - indicate which one (active links to third-party resources are not welcome and are published in exceptional cases).

Admission of animals "from the street" is prohibited, if you promote an animal, you must control it.

6. Please do not forget to report that your ward is attached and no longer needs publicity. We will be pleased to rejoice together with you on a wonderful event, and most importantly, your - already settled down and happy - dog or cat will not "pull" attention from those who have not yet settled down. Be caring and attentive not only to your own, but to other animals in need, as well as to people who have to spend tons of time looking for their future dog among thousands of ads. Not renewing ads may put your account in an "inactive" state with possible account deletion.

Mandatory requirement for everyone: "lifetime" ads in our catalog - 2 months.

If during this time your ward has not settled down and needs further PR, you must go to your office and renew the ad, it's free. This was done for the relevance of the catalog.

If you do not renew the ad for 30 days, the site automatically removes from the database.

If the ad is no longer needed - write to the administrator from your account ( envelope in ad box z) reason and where to transfer ( , )

In case of non-compliance with these rules, the site administration has the right to REFUSE to POST your information on the Take the Dog!

How do I move my ad into these categories? In your office, opposite the nickname in the "Write to moderator" field, write a message about what happened to the animal and what you want to convey to the new owners (they often read this).
The moderator moves the ad to the appropriate category with your comment.

Inactive users (ads are not renewed, ads are not updated for the year) will be deleted from the site along with ads.

After registration, go to your account - link "My ads" - button "Add"
The number of animals for PR is not limited.

ATTENTION! Be very careful, vigilant and careful when accommodating animals! Be sure to check the "hands" in the blacklists.

Sometimes it happens that keeping a dog in the house is no longer possible. Let's leave aside the moral aspect of this problem and think about where you can give the dog. But first, about what to do with a stray dog ​​that you found or met, but cannot take with you.

Where to give away a stray dog

You feel sorry for the animal, but you cannot keep it at home. Where to give the dog in this case? There are several ways to attach it here.

  1. Method one: one of your acquaintances or friends will want to take the dog to him. The option is unlikely, but sometimes it happens. In this case, we must not forget that before taking the dog into the house, it must be taken to the veterinarian so that he examines it for various diseases. If there are none, then the animal can be safely taken away, but if something comes to light, then as an option: treat if the disease allows.
  2. Method two: the dog can belong to someone. It may be worth placing ads on nearby houses, in a free newspaper, and on the Internet that “a dog has been found, a boy (or girl), color such and such, breed such and such (if any), a young (old) dog and etc.” That is, to describe all possible signs as accurately as possible. There are cases when there was a dog owner who no longer dreamed of returning his pet.
  3. Method three: take a homeless dog to a shelter. Of course, there are already quite a lot of animals in shelters, but if there is no other way to attach an animal, then it is better to give it to the workers of the shelter.

Where to give a pet dog or puppy

If you are reading this article, then, fortunately, you are far from the thought of throwing an unfortunate animal into the street, although cases are different. It’s just that a dog that has grown up at home will find it extremely difficult to adapt to the harsh everyday life of the street. And the best option would still be to give the dog to your good friends or acquaintances. In the end, you can also place an ad on the Internet like this: “I have a dog, I can’t keep it with me anymore, I’ll give it to good hands.” Believe me, there are many examples when a dog finds new caring owners in this way. Well, at worst, you can give the dog to a shelter so that someone can put it there.

The main thing is not to throw the animal out into the street, because it will simply die there. Be merciful and be patient - and the animal will definitely find new owners. And a few words about puppies. There are approximately the same options here: you can ask your friends to take a little friend, you can place an ad on the Internet / in a newspaper / at the entrances, or you can take the baby to a shelter.

Now it has become very “fashionable” to help animals. In Western countries, there are large and influential organizations that collect funds, which subsequently go to the organization of shelters for homeless animals, where they are provided with veterinary care, their socialization and adaptation are carried out, and new owners are being sought. Cruelty to animals is strictly punishable by law. Also, the law clearly regulates the activities of charitable organizations, and the executive branch strictly controls the work of shelters and foundations and closely monitors where exactly the funds allocated for these organizations go. That's how it should be, right? True, but, unfortunately, in the situation of Russian reality, it is unrealistic. The state animal, cat and dog shelter is more like a prison than a place where animals are taken care of.

The officials of our country borrow from the West all the advanced humane ideas, but by no means in order to bring them to life. Any new law issued in our country does not solve the problem of the majority, but helps to line the pockets of those in power.

This unhealthy rule of our harsh reality also works on animals. Today, by law, there must be organizations that capture, treat, sterilize and keep such animals in special municipal shelters for dogs and cats. The state allocates money for the maintenance, trapping and treatment of animals. However, for the most part, animal shelters in Moscow and the Moscow region close before they open. The scheme is very simple: most of the allocated money is appropriated by those who decided to organize such an almshouse, and the remaining smallest part of the allocated funds is used to build buildings “for accountability” to officials. After trapping and sterilizing the animals, often in unsanitary conditions, the exhausted dogs and cats are sent to a shelter, where half of them die after surgery, and half remain in cramped, smelly enclosures, where they live on bread and water for some more time. The animals are then either released or killed. Since this is a pure business, the owners of such organizations are not at all interested in caring for animals, feeding them, putting them in order and finding new owners. The interest is very simple: get money for each animal, display in papers the fact that there are many animals, and so much money was spent on each of them, submit a report, appropriate the money and completely forget that the captives locked in cages want to eat .

Solve a simple problem. For example, 500 animals were caught (each state allocates about 1,000 rubles for trapping and sterilization). Manipulations with the animal were actually carried out for 350-400 rubles. So, at the initial stage, about 300,000 rubles settled in the pockets. Further, the state allocates 100 rubles for each head. per day for maintenance and feeding, i.e. 50,000 rubles are intended for 500 dogs. in a day! With an agreement with wholesale organizations, it is not a problem to buy meat, cereals, and feed cheaply. In reality, such a number of dogs can eat for 5,000-10,000 rubles a day. Plus, a couple of Tajiks with a salary of 15,000 rubles are taken for care and cleaning. per month. Q: Where does the rest of the money go?

Moscow shelters for dogs and cats always open with pomp: such events are covered in the press, they say, that's what humane fellows we are! We built another shelter for 5000 places in Moscow! But, unfortunately, the press does not cover the latest events: that, by a strange coincidence, the residents of the surrounding houses turned to the council with complaints that they did not want to live next door to homeless animals. The administration, in turn, reminded the residents that they needed to love our little brothers and did nothing, and on a dark night, the residents simply burned the animals along with the shelter. And here it is, a terrible reality: the inhabitants of our country are heartless and uncivilized, and the officials are so good, they think about four-legged animals and rebuild the shelter, but for 10,000 places!

Even those tens and hundreds of millions of rubles that are allocated from our tax payments to municipalities from the state budget for trapping and keeping stray dogs are immediately allocated with an indication of which organization will have to win the competition. It is not difficult to understand that both the organization that won the competition and our money disappear without a trace, and its appearance is imitated in the place of work.


Contact or volunteer organizations that work in your city. The chance of getting your four-legged find into the good hands of those who help animals is not really great - usually both catteries and private overexposures are overcrowded, but you can try. Volunteers will be more willing to take either a small one, since the chances that these animals will find permanent owners are higher than they would be for a huge elderly dog.

There are also paid outings. You can identify the hotel you found (as a rule, they are organized at veterinary clinics) or for overexposure to a private person who earns his living from this. In order to be accepted, you will have to part with a certain amount of money, which will depend on the conditions of detention: you yourself can, what the dog will be, whether it needs additional procedures - an examination by a veterinarian, cleaning its ears or teeth.

Place ads in newspapers and on city forums that you are giving away a dog. Specify the gender of the animal, its approximate age, color, height at the withers. If you have noticed that the dog is trained, or he has funny habits, write about it. The information that the animal brings slippers or sleeps on its back, comically tucking its paws, can attract a potential owner. Take a few pictures and accompany the note with the photo that will come out best.

You may have found a lost dog, and somewhere there is a person who yearns for her. In addition to advertising in and in a newspaper that not all city dwellers read, print out a few leaflets and hang them on poles and near bus stops. Perhaps this measure will help you to give the dog directly into the hands of its owner.

Related article

Pets that are left without owners or live on the street have little chance of a normal and safe life. And dogs can become victims of capture and subsequent euthanasia. If you care about the fate of a street dog, you can try to give it to shelter or for a retreat.


Every city has municipal shelter s for . Aggressive or old dogs caught on the street fall into them. Not territories shelter and there are enclosures in which animals are kept. As a rule, all enclosures are outside, and in cold weather there is no way to warm up. Many dogs do not survive the cold. Food in shelter oh, rather meager, they give little meat. To somehow brighten up the life of animals in shelter Yes, the volunteers are coming. They are trying to find new owners for them. If the animal is old or sick, then after a couple of months of life in shelter employees will put him to sleep. There are not enough places in the enclosures, and new animals arrive almost every day. If the dog is dear to you and you are worried about its future fate, then in shelter for animals it is better not to give it away. Sometimes it's better to live on the street than in a small cold cell starving.

A good alternative to municipal shelter we could become private shelter s who fund charitable organizations. On private shelter ows in units and they are usually overcrowded because they have a small area and limited financial capacity. In such shelter you can arrange an animal if you make some money or buy the necessary food or medicine.

Can be given away dog on the so-called overexposure. Overexposure is carried out by private individuals who care for the animal for a certain monthly fee. You pay for the dog in full. The amount of monthly payments can start from 3.5-5 thousand rubles and reach up to 7-10 thousand. This amount includes an animal in good condition, feeding, walking, possible veterinary services and caring for a sick animal, as well as the income of the temporary owner himself. On overexposure, the animal can live until it finds a new or old owner. Your task will be active people who want to take dog to the family.


  • take the dog to a kennel

The first shelters designed to keep pets left without owners began to operate in the United States in the 19th century. In Australia, the first such institution was organized in 1912, and it operates to this day. In Russia, such shelters operate as municipal enterprises, but most of them exist on private donations or are created by public organizations where volunteers work.

How dog shelters work

Depending on the form of ownership, pet shelters have different purposes. Municipal shelters, of which there are not so many, are intended for the temporary keeping of homeless animals caught on the streets. The meager funds allocated for their maintenance make it possible only to place several dogs in rather cramped enclosures and provide them with a one-time meal, which is the cheapest food that contains nothing but bone meal.

The time of keeping an animal in a municipal shelter is limited to six months, and if during this time the owner is not found, the animal is simply euthanized. Naturally, in case of illness, the dog will not be provided with veterinary care. It is also not particularly necessary to count on the humanity of the staff - low-skilled workers mainly from the southern republics work in municipal shelters.

Those shelters that are created by public organizations are constantly experiencing difficulties. This is the lack of funds for maintenance, and the lack of a sufficient number of workers, and the unwillingness of the authorities to provide assistance, or at least officially allocate a land plot for shelter. But in such institutions, the animal can count on veterinary care, which is provided free of charge by specialized clinics, and on maintenance until old age. We must pay tribute - the volunteers of these shelters are doing everything possible so that the dog finds a new owner.

Private shelters employ professional cynologists who are able to provide qualified assistance to animals, but they also rely on the fact that the owners who have handed over the animal to the shelter will allocate him a financial allowance at least for a veterinarian and food.

How to pass

If your situation is really hopeless and you just can’t leave the animal with you, still try to first attach it to some kind-hearted people, there are still a lot of them. In the event that this did not work out, find out through the ubiquitous Internet which shelters for homeless animals operate in your city. If there is a choice, try to leave the dog in a private or public shelter and support the well-wishers from it with at least some material means or, perhaps, building materials for building an aviary, feed, and medicines. But you must understand that shelters are not the place where animals feel good, no matter how they are provided there.

Despite the constant talk of municipal authorities about the need to create shelters for homeless animals, only Moscow has moved from words to deeds. In the capital, normative acts regulating the issue of homeless animals and their maintenance have long been put into effect. In other regions, the main method of regulating their numbers is trapping followed by killing.

Laws on animals adopted by the government of Moscow

To date, Moscow is one of the few cities in Russia where a civilized attitude towards stray and abandoned pets is adopted and legally approved. The laws adopted by the government of Moscow bring to a new level the attitude of the authorities and citizens towards those for whom they should be responsible. The policy of humane treatment of homeless animals lies in the fact that the budget of the capital annually provides funds to regulate the number of animals and keep them in municipal shelters, as well as to help those shelters that operate on a voluntary basis and have private funding.

Since 2001, Order No. 403-RZP has been in force, on the basis of which castration and sterilization of animals living in the adjacent territories, their registration and registration are carried out. In order to increase the effectiveness of the measures taken, by the decree of the government of the capital No. 819-PP dated 01.10.2002, an official decision was made to organize shelters for homeless animals in each administrative district of the city. In accordance with this resolution, land plots were allocated, to which the necessary communications were connected, enclosures, administrative buildings and veterinary offices were built.

The city government also allocates funds for the maintenance of animals in such shelters, although only the first six months are paid, and then dogs and cats are kept at the expense of charitable contributions and private donations, just like in the West.

Capital for animals

Of course, despite the care shown by the authorities, municipal shelters cannot always provide animals with a decent content. Random people work in them, most often migrant workers, and not all of them are equipped with all the benefits provided for by the standards. But in these shelters you can often find volunteers who not only look after the animals, but also actively look for new owners for them.

At present, there are more than 30 shelters in Moscow and nearby areas (Odintsovo, Khimki and others), both municipal and those run by public organizations and private owners. Private shelters that accept both dogs and cats are located at Moscow addresses:
- st. Zorge, house 21a, tel. 8-916-024-36-40;

In the life of pet owners, there are situations when it is temporarily impossible to monitor and maintain your pet. And there are times when you have to get rid of the animal altogether. What should loving owners do in this case? Do not lull a healthy, full of life creature because of their problems and difficulties, really. The way out in such a situation is to give a dog or a cat to a shelter. In this article, we will analyze the details of this procedure, as well as describe several shelters in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Why do you need an animal shelter

Imagine a situation where you are urgently sent on a business trip. You live alone, relatives and friends are far away or busy, or maybe they have completely different problems. Your dog will be forced to live for a week, two, a month, or even six months, locked in a house or wandering around the street. In the house, she will simply die of hunger, longing and thirst. On the street, not only hunger and cold await her, but also cruel people, various poisons, other feral animals, as well as dog traps. No sane owner would allow his animal to be subjected to such dangers and trials.

If you have nowhere to go to look after your pet, the best solution is to give the dog to a shelter. At the moment there are a sufficient number of them. Yes, and the cost of keeping your pet varies in a fairly wide range, which will allow you to keep within a modest cash reserve.

What is overexposure

If your closest friends and relatives cannot take your dog into temporary care, it makes sense to turn to other people. Some really make money on overexposure, while others act out of noble and disinterested reasons. Finding caring hands for a pet for a while is not so easy, but possible. While you are away, the dog will be fed, walked, combed and groomed.

How to find overexposure

Many people who are professionally engaged in overexposure or even run their own home shelter advertise on various resources. In addition, there are all kinds of public groups and communities on social networks where you can independently ask the participants to help you find free hands for your pet. Before giving away a pet, find out in what conditions it will be kept, discuss the amount of the security, and also check for diseases and vaccinations of other animals in the home shelter. It will be unpleasant if your dog becomes infected with something from other animals during the absence of the owner.

How dog shelters work

Giving a dog to a shelter is a much better solution than just throwing it out on the street or euthanizing it. Every living being wants to continue living. And pets are not at all accustomed to street habitation, which means, in fact, they are doomed.

You can choose a shelter from three varieties: municipal, created by volunteers, as well as private. The first are provided by the state, the second are created at the expense of volunteers, and the third involve payment from the owner of the dog. Depending on the period of placement of the animal and further plans for it, the owner must choose from these three types of shelter to which the dog can be given. Naturally, the best service for the animal will be provided in a private shelter.

Municipal shelters

Municipal shelters are supplied with funds to ensure the life of animals from the state treasury. It is clear that the allocated funds are sorely lacking. Such shelters are intended for temporary maintenance. They are located in several individuals in cramped cages, they are fed once a day with the cheapest food. Veterinary assistance is not provided for by any item of expenditure of the institution. The maximum period for placing a dog is six months, then, if a new owner is not found, it is euthanized. In Moscow, there are about twenty such organizations out of a total of sixty. For a huge city, this is a fairly small number, so it is not difficult to imagine their overcrowding.

You can give your dog to the shelter at the following addresses:

  • Municipal shelter for homeless animals of the Western Administrative District: Rodnikovaya street, 26.
  • Shelter for stray animals No. 5: 6th Radialnaya street.
  • Shelter "Murkosh": Ostashkovskaya street, 14, building 2.
  • Shelter for homeless animals: Pehorskaya street, 1B.
  • Shelter for dogs and cats: Dawn alley, 10.

All listed shelters have approximately the same conditions. They are resorted to by people who do not care about the further life of the animal. Usually, outbred offspring are handed over to such a place from their wild animals or aged animals, which they have no strength and means to treat, and it is a pity to euthanize or expel them.

Volunteer organizations

If there is no desire to torture an animal with the conditions of a municipal institution, which dog shelter to choose in Moscow? You can give the dog to a special volunteer organization. It functions at the expense of the founders, donations from caring citizens and contributions from the owners themselves. If necessary, volunteers will do their best to help the animal find a new owner. In addition, pharmacies often provide free assistance to such shelters, which promises pets timely vaccination and treatment.

You can give a dog to a shelter in the Moscow region at the following addresses:

  • "Cat's House": w. Entuziastov, house 74. A fairly well-known volunteer organization operating not only in Moscow, but also in many other regions of the country. A rich branch network once again proves the commitment of people to their work and successful operation.
  • Shelter for stray dogs "Alma": st. Pond Klyuchiki, ow. 12. Society focused exclusively on dogs. They receive everything they need from food and medical care. A lot of Muscovites got healthy and playful puppies in this shelter.
  • Happy Friend: Novokhoroshevsky proezd, 22. Another volunteer organization that takes care of both dogs and cats. Get the best friend from the canine society with this dog shelter. It is also possible to send a puppy here.

Private shelters

Private shelters are primarily commercial organizations. Owners of pedigreed animals come here for overexposure, and puppies with a pedigree are distributed through these companies. It goes without saying that the owner will have to pay for the maintenance of his pet in full. These organizations are not supported by the state, volunteers have nothing to do with commercial activities and making a profit. Therefore, food, care, medicines, medical interventions - all these items of expenditure will fall on the shoulders of the owner of the animal. If the question arises of where to give the dog to a shelter for a short time and with proper care, then it is worth contacting private owners.

  • Nursery "Shar Pei" Golden Dragon: st. Dekabristov, house 43. This shelter contains dogs of the Shar Pei breed, as the name clearly says. All procedures and care necessary for this breed are carried out in full. Here you can attach puppies for further sale.
  • ANO Center for assistance to Rottweilers: Teply Stan street, industrial area. This private shelter specializes specifically in the breed of Rottweiler dogs.
  • BANO "Eco": Alley of the First Mayevka, ow. 7a. One of the good shelters without a specific breed specialization.
  • "Zoobos": Molodyozhnaya street, house 5. There is no definite specialization in breeds in this shelter. In addition, not only dogs, but also other animals can be kept here.

How to take a dog to a shelter

So, you have decided which shelter to give the dog to. What are your next steps? When applying to a municipal organization, no documents or certificates are required from a person. But it is worth asking under what conditions the dog will exist in the future. When contacting volunteers, it is better to transfer the available vaccination certificates and information about past diseases, as well as their chronic manifestations, to the shelter holders. This will help them decide where and in what company the animal should be kept in order to protect both it and other residents from diseases. Private shelters and hotels for animals require a complete set of documents.

Shelters in St. Petersburg

Giving a dog to a shelter in St. Petersburg is no more difficult than in other areas. It is necessary to make a choice based on further plans for the fate of the animal. Among the most popular volunteer organizations and private nurseries, the following names can be noted:

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