MTS corporate clients phone. MTS help desk number

Any subscriber can find himself in a situation that requires prompt assistance from a qualified specialist. figure it out on your own in tariff plans and different options is difficult, because they appear all the time. You may also need support for internet settings or other services offered by the company. In this case, the MTS support service is ready to help.

MTS Help Desk

Situations that require professional help happen to all subscribers. Someone can not independently connect the Internet, others can't find the right option when traveling abroad and so on. In all these cases, the MTS client will have a support phone at the right time.

Consider when needed help desk MTS:

  • need activation or shutdown additional options and services;
  • validation write-offs and accrual of funds from the balance;
  • change and choice tariff plan ;
  • technical issues that create communication problems;
  • help in finding in roaming.

For these purposes, the company created special department - reference MTS. Its employees do exactly what around the clock provide assistance to the firm's clients.

Worth knowing. The MTS Subscriber Service is the first department of the company where you should call if you have any difficulties or questions.

MTS is one of the leading mobile operators in Russia. It has one of the largest subscriber bases and aims to provide services on highest level. Problems are inevitably faced by some of the firm's clients. The support center staff is happy to help them.

MTS hotline is available 7 days a week around the clock . Consider when support is especially useful for an MTS subscriber:

  • enabling and disabling services;
  • finding out the reasons incomprehensible write-offs;
  • answers on questions about the reasons for blocking, its installation and removal;
  • selection of a convenient billing.

The hotline is always ready to answer these and other questions to the MTS client, the phone number by which you can contact the employee - 0890 . Will be available after the call autoinformer , where you can find out a lot of information on your own, as well as switch the call to a contact center, where a live person will answer questions.

Professional help for all clients

MTS company phone support service made completely free. The client can ask questions about it regardless of the availability of funds on the account or set blockings. From mobile MTS support service number 0890 always available.

It happens that you need to contact the specialists of the center without a SIM card companies. For example, this may be required if the phone is lost or there are other problems with it. In this case, residents of the Russian Federation can use the number 8-800250-0890 . He free from any city ​​and mobile numbers.

Unfortunately, in international roaming it will not be possible to use standard support phones due to the limitations of the technical part of this service. But from mobile MTS you can always call to the operator free of charge via international number: +7495766-0166 .

Important! When calling from landlines or numbers of other operators, this number is paid. This is especially important when making calls in roaming, where 1 minute of conversation can reach 80-100 rubles.

Phones for contacting the MTS support service

It is important to contact technical support quickly, because sometimes, due to technical problems, the client can't stay connected all the time, and often the fate of business negotiations depends on this, etc. It is worth writing down the contacts of the support center, especially if you have a long trip. This will make it possible to always be in touch. for the minimum cost .

Exists several ways quickly enough to get a response from a support center employee:

  • contacting the help desk by phone ;
  • the study automatic information system;
  • request direction by fax or email .

The most common way to get a response from an employee is telephone communication. From a mobile MTS, you can simply dial 0890 and press the button after the answer 0 . When calling from other networks you should use the full number format 8-800250-0890 , but he will not available from other countries or roaming. In this case, instead of typing +7495766-0166 .

You can try on your own get information from the reference automated system by phone 0890 . Following the prompts of the machine, you can find all requied information but it often takes a long time.

If you can't get through or just no time to wait for an answer employee, you can send an email to [email protected] or fax to Moscow number 8-495766-0058 .

Prompt response from support staff

Many specialists work in the MTS support center, moreover, the company has divided the center into several regional sections. But this does not guarantee an instant response specialist. The speed of response may be affected by workload, holidays or night time. The average response time usually does not exceed 10-25 minutes . Exceptions are only for significant accidents.

Apparently, like me, you also thought that cellular communication from MTS is the best? And, they say, technical support from MTS is generally on top. So you thought? I thought.

And he believed in all this until he himself had to face the search for an answer to a seemingly simple question: How can

Well ... This is quite justified and deserved - MTS's connection is really stable and reliable.

But if there are any problems, it turns out that the service from MTS is not so bright and rosy. And it’s worth admitting that it can be quite difficult to contact the MTS operator and get a “live” consultation from a specialist. Because the MTS company has done almost everything possible to call the MTS operator, you could not.

As a result, when you call the MTS office, instead of the joyful voice of a living person greeting you with all the warmth and cordiality, you hear the voice of an answering machine in response. Also, of course, similar to a human, but indifferent to your problems, right?

But you really wanted something else ... So that MTS would have a hotline, the phone of which would be available 24 hours a day, right? 😉

Well, then, it’s impossible to contact the MTS operator, and is it time to fall into despair? But no! There is a way out, because there is a support phone in MTS, just specially created for such cases.

Moreover. In MTS, the operator's phone is quite simple, and you can almost always call the operator in MTS for free, both from a mobile phone and from a landline number.

In general, when you know the solution, then calling the MTS operator is not so difficult. There are 4 such ways. Let's talk about each of them in order.

The easiest way to call the MTS operator

In order to hear a “live operator”, you need to call the single MTS support service number 0890 .

A call to this “service” MTS number of the operator is free! It is not charged.

True, at the same time you must be on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan or Belarus. But we believe that this is 99.9% true, and we continue to act further.

After the autoinformer starts dictating the menu, do not wait for the end of his verbal diarrhea! Immediately press 2 followed by 0.

And here, finally, the long-awaited miracle will happen. The switch will switch to a connection with a "live" MTS operator.

Let's clarify. Perhaps it won't happen right away. You may have to wait in line for a bit. The duration of which you will be kindly informed. But still, the main task has been completed - you can talk with the MTS operator.

How to contact the MTS operator from a landline phone

Well, if you call the short number 0890 You can not? If the phone with the MTS SIM card is not available. What to do then?

The task becomes slightly more difficult. Indeed, in MTS, the support service phone was also created for this case. You can call the MTS operator both from a landline phone and from a mobile phone of any other operator.

Only you will need to dial not 0890, but 8 800 250 08 90 .

In this case, you will call the same Call Center as the number 0890 . Therefore, the further procedure will be exactly the same.

First you will hear the voice menu, which will dictate to you a lot of different information. You don't have to listen to everything - just press button 2 immediately, then 0. And after a while you are connected to a representative of the MTS call center.

Furthermore. This MTS operator's phone is free in the same way as 0890.


If you are one of the corporate clients of MTS, a separate telephone number has been created for you - 8 800 250 09 90 .

Or he is but short - 0990 . A “live” MTS operator will also answer you on it. The phone number is free for calls from mobile phones connected to MTS

How to call an MTS operator in roaming?

Are you outside the Russian Federation? Not a problem either! The MTS operator allocated a phone number for communication with a support service specialist in this case as well.

You always have the opportunity to get highly qualified advice from a "live operator" even in international roaming.

just call the phone number +7 495 766 01 66 .

What is the most pleasant:

All calls to this MTS-created operator phone are also absolutely free!

Even if you are in long-distance or international roaming

How to contact the MTS operator without a phone

Well, in the most extreme case. When you suddenly cannot call absolutely.

You will be helped by a method that is needed just in case the MTS support number is unavailable for some reason. If you suddenly have difficulties with telephone communication, contact the official website of the MTS company for help.

On the site you can write message to customer support- you can set it in a special feedback form. And in the shortest possible time you will receive an answer to your question.

It's completely free and the number of questions is unlimited.

Often subscribers need to resolve some urgent issues. Therefore, the MTS hotline operates around the clock. Here you will be helped with:

  1. Everything that is somehow connected with the theft of a phone or sim. The card will not only be blocked, but also prompted for a further algorithm of actions.
  2. Technical problems, failures, etc. A lot of things are solved pretty quickly if you clearly describe the problem and follow the voice instructions.
  3. Data theft, suspicions that someone else could find out the password from your personal account, etc. Everything is decided on an individual basis.
  4. Connections and disconnections of new services, tariffs, transitions from one plan to another, etc.
  5. Any other points related to mobile communications.

Some subscribers when calling are afraid that they will have to wait a long time. Indeed, there are days when the contact center is overloaded with applications. But in general, this is a multi-channel communication line, on which a huge number of specialists work. And they try to solve all problems as quickly as possible.

An easy way to call the MTS operator

The easiest way is to call the short number

The connection, like the conversation itself, is free. You can contact, as already mentioned above, at any time of the day. There are other ways to contact the operator. But this particular one is the simplest, if only because the number is easy to remember. For contact there is also:

Like the rest, it's free.

A little secret for those who want to quickly contact the operator: do not wait until you are switched. Immediately after the robot is activated, voice commands will appear, start typing again 2 and then 0. What's more, you'll have time to wait.

Separately for corporate clients there is a support phone

And the short version

The service works in a similar way, but it is more focused on provide assistance to legal entities.
In general, such a division was intended to reduce queues and relieve the burden on the Hot Line. As a result, now each group of customers waits less!

How to contact a landline number

However, calling a short number will only work within the network. Trying to get in touch with the numbers of other operators, as well as from the city, is useless. To do this, dial

If you try to call the MTS operator, you will very soon find that the company has done everything possible to avoid "live" communication with its subscribers. Apparently, they believe here that MTS customers can solve all problems with the help of an autoinformer or on the official website

How to get through to a "live" operator from a mobile MTS?

All subscribers of the MTS operator are well aware of the free short number 0890 . Everyone is also well aware of how difficult it is to get through to a live person: the waiting time on the line can be 30-40 minutes or even more.

But few people know that the operator has two more free short numbers to connect to the customer support center. it 08460 and 0605 .

Perhaps you have already met the number 08460 when you clicked the help button in the mobile app. And for sure you had doubts: “Is this a paid number?”. We hasten to dispel them: call the MTS operator by a short number 08460 can be completely free.

Number 0605 The operator does not advertise at all. Moreover, the official website says that it only works for VIP clients. But in fact, absolutely all subscribers can call the support service using this phone for free.

Regardless of which of the listed numbers you call the operator, you will first have to listen to the autoinformer. The good news is that the voice menu is the same for all three customer service phones. Therefore, to connect with a "live" operator, you need to follow one algorithm:

  1. Call one of the short numbers.
  2. Listen to company news and offers and wait for the voice menu to start. You can not wait for the autoinformer to announce the entire menu, but immediately press the key 2 , then 0 .
  3. Now you will be asked to evaluate the quality of service. You can agree or refuse by pressing the appropriate keys - 0 or 1 which one, it doesn't matter.
  4. After these actions, the autoinformer will inform you that the operator will answer you soon and all conversations are recorded. You just have to wait for the connection.

How to call the MTS hotline from other phones

It has been noticed that if you call the operator at the number "8-800 ..." from any other phone, be it Megafon, Beeline or a landline number, the connection with a "live" specialist is much faster. But if you try to call this phone from a mobile MTS, you will hear that this number is not in service. So this option for communicating with support is only suitable if you have a SIM card from another operator.


  1. Call toll free number 8-800-250-0890 from the phone of any mobile operator ( not MTS) or from a landline phone.
  2. Wait for the start of the voice menu and press the key 1 , then 0 .
  3. Agree or refuse to evaluate the work of the operator by pressing the corresponding key.
  4. Wait for a connection with a specialist. Usually waiting on the line is 10-20 minutes.

You can reach the operator by phone numbers 0890, 08460 and 0605 only from the MTS SIM card. For calls from the phones of all other providers, the number 8-800-250-0890 is intended.

MTS operator number for corporate clients

If you are the owner of an MTS corporate number, then to contact the support service, call the unified federal number 8-800-250-0990 .

How to contact the MTS operator in roaming?

In national roaming, that is, when traveling around Russia, you can call the customer support service using the same numbers as in your home region - 0890 or 8-800-250-0890 . How to reach a live specialist on these phones, see above.

For subscribers who are abroad (in international roaming), there is a hotline number +7-495-766-0166 . If you call from an MTS SIM card, then the call is free. Please note that this number must be dialed in the international format - via +7 .

How to call an MTS operator from Crimea?

Since Crimea is a subject of the Russian Federation, the same numbers operate on its territory as throughout Russia. It does not matter whether you purchased a SIM card on the territory of the peninsula or came here from another city in the Russian Federation. To contact a call center specialist, dial 0890 or 8-800-250-0890 . The call will be free.

If you ended up in Crimea with a Ukrainian MTS SIM card, then you are in international roaming. To call your operator - in MTS Ukraine, you need to call +38-050-508-1111 or short number 111 . Calls to both numbers are free.

In our modern world, mobile communication is an integral part of life. There are situations when you need to get information from a mobile operator in the help desk and it often happens that subscribers simply do not know where to call if necessary or how to call their operator from a landline phone or from the number of another mobile operator.

This article is written just for those MTS subscribers who do not know how and where to call. It will help you find out what available telephone numbers of the MTS subscriber support service exist, how to call such numbers in order to find out the answer to your question related to the provision of communication services and assistance in the technical operation of the SIM card. It will also help you understand the sequence of actions that will help you quickly and efficiently contact the MTS help desk specialist.

Technical support phone MTS Russia

One of the main telephone numbers for the help desk is 0890 .

A pleasant voice will tell you the sequence of actions that you will need to take in order to contact an MTS support specialist. It should be remembered that each region of the Russian Federation has its own numbers for contacting technical support. The official website of MTS will help you find out which number in your region. Just go to the site, select your region and the desired phone number will be displayed next to it.
For subscribers who cannot make a call to the MTS support service from their SIM card or from the card of another subscriber, it is possible to use a single federal number in Russia.
Single federal number - 88002500890 . You can call this number both from a landline phone and to a subscriber of another telecom operator.

There is also a number +74957660166 for those who are outside the Russian Federation and use the roaming service. This number is available in international roaming.

Reference MTS from mobile for free

To call the MTS help desk, you need to dial the number on your mobile phone 0890 , press call. Having connected, a pleasant voice will give instructions for each block of information, this can be skipped by immediately pressing a number on the device's keyboard 2 , and then 0 .

Due to the fact that there are quite a lot of MTS subscribers, and very few service operators, you need to be patient to contact the operator. Most often, the voice on the phone informs the approximate waiting time for a connection with the operator. Therefore, the waiting time can vary from 1 minute to half an hour.

Sometimes there are cases when there is no mobile phone nearby, and you need to call the help desk urgently. Then you can make a call from a landline phone to the number 88002500890 . This is one of the easiest ways to reach the Help Desk. After you have dialed a number on a landline phone, you can follow the voice instructions or wait for a connection with a support specialist.

There are situations when a landline phone is not in the immediate vicinity, then you can make a call using other operators. On a mobile phone that is subscribed to another carrier, simply dial the number 88002500890 , wait for the connection, follow the voice instructions, or wait for the operator to answer you.

This number is available, universal and allows you to get qualified advice from the MTS help desk staff. Specialists will be able to assist in solving technical issues related to the operation of the mobile network.

The presented single federal number will help MTS network subscribers manage their connected services and subscriptions, control the debiting of funds from their mobile phone account, find out what promotions and bonuses are currently being held, and much more, which will help in resolving issues in different situations.

Telephone help desk MTS Ukraine

To call the help desk of MTS Ukraine, dial a free number on your mobile phone 111 . Follow the instructions, which will be voiced by a pleasant voice, they will help you find the desired rubric or contact the operator.

In order to connect with an MTS support specialist, select the appropriate section using voice prompts, then dial the number on the keyboard 0 .

This is a multifunctional number for all mobile network customers.

Contact center number 0800400000 . It is used for all subscribers who have a mobile device of a Ukrainian mobile operator. The contact center works around the clock and seven days a week, which allows you to ask for help on a service of interest or get advice on technical issues to everyone and at any time.

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