Church of Boris and Gleb. Where is the Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Zyuzino: the exact address and schedule of services

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The chapel was erected in memory of the one who stood on Arbat Square, known since 1483.

The stone church on this site was built by order of the Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich. In the 16th century, the temple had a special significance, and according to assumptions, it was even considered a cathedral; Ivan the Terrible went to him to pray with a procession from the Kremlin before the start of military campaigns.

In the 18th century, the temple was completely demolished and rebuilt in 1763–68 according to the design of C. I. Blank. Later it was renovated, side-altars were added to it.

In 1930, despite the protests of believers and architects-restorers, who noted that the temple is “a monument of the 18th century of outstanding historical and architectural significance,” the building was demolished, but the architect-restorer B.N. Zasypkin and students of Moscow University managed to measure the destroyed monument.

In 1997, at the initiative of the Orthodox Nations Unity Foundation, a memorial chapel of Boris and Gleb was erected in memory of the Borisoglebsk church. Its architecture partially repeats the forms of the lost building.

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The temple-chapel was erected not on the site of the destroyed church, but somewhat to the side, on the site of the church of Tikhon of Amaphunt, also demolished in the 1930s. In memory of her, a chapel was built in the temple-chapel in the name of Tikhon of Amaphunt. On the very site of the Borisoglebskaya church, a memorial sign with its bas-relief image was erected.

Assigned to the Temple of the Great Ascension.

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Useful information

Church of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb of the Patriarchal Compound on Arbatskaya Square in Moscow


Consecrated in honor of: St. mchch. Boris and Gleb, St. Tikhon of Amaphunt

Year of construction

Architect: Yu.S. Vylegzhanin


Moscow, Arbatskaya square, 4
Directions: m. "Arbatskaya"

The temple is open

Daily: 9:00–19:00

Worship Schedule

On Wednesdays

  • water-blessed prayer service and memorial service for the dead - 12:30

On Sundays

  • Divine Liturgy - 9:00
  • Blessed water prayer and memorial service for the dead - 14:30


In the Church of the Holy Princes Boris and Gleb, categorical (preliminary) conversations with adults who wish to be baptized, as well as with parents and godparents of babies, are held by priests on Sundays at 11:00

Coordinates : 55°52′00″ s. sh. 37°32′03″ E d. /  55.8667750° N sh. 37.5342611° E d. / 55.8667750; 37.5342611(G) (I) architectural monument

Temple of Boris and Gleb in Degunino- an Orthodox church belonging to the Znamensky deanery of the Moscow city diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Located at the address: Deguninskaya street, house 18a.


The first mention of the Borisoglebovsky temple in the village of Degunino dates back to 1585, in connection with its destruction by the Polish-Livonian army, although the settlement itself has been listed as a village since 1339. In connection with the destruction of the temple, from the beginning of the 17th century, Degunino was mentioned in documents as a village. In 1633, on the site of the burned-out temple, a new, wooden one was built, with a chapel in the name of the Apostle John the Theologian, at the expense of the local priest. In the documents for 1676, the temple is listed as the church of the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, with a chapel of Saints Boris and Gleb in the village of Degunino. At the beginning of the reign of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, Degunino, together with the temple, was transferred into the possession of the church and, by decree of Patriarch Adrian, was assigned to the Alekseevsky maiden monastery. By a fortunate coincidence, the temple was not damaged during the war of 1812, but in the documents for 1820 the temple is listed as a single-altar one. Why only one throne remained in the temple, there is no reliable information. According to the documents of 1847-1850, the temple is included in the Pavshinsky deanery and is listed as wooden, single-altar, strong, on a stone foundation with a bell tower.

After the revolution, the temple operated until 1930, after which the services were stopped due to the lack of clergy, and only in 1941, by decision of the Moscow Regional Council, the temple was officially closed and the building was converted into an outpatient clinic. In the 60s of the XX century, the building of the temple was transferred to the artel of the disabled "Rodina" and it was adapted for a production workshop, the upper tiers of the bell tower were broken, the domes were removed, extensions were made, the building was surrounded by a reinforced concrete fence. The factory vacated the building only in 1985, the building was abandoned, but in 1987 the garage of the Eye Microsurgery MNTK was placed in it. The restoration of the temple began in 1991, when its building was handed over to the Orthodox community.


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  • Palamarchuk P. G. Outskirts of Moscow. Non-Orthodoxy // Forty Magpies. Brief illustrated history of all Moscow churches. - M .: Astrel, 2004. - T. 3. - S. 50-56. - 696 p. - 7000 copies. - ISBN 5-17-026209-4.

An excerpt characterizing the Temple of Boris and Gleb in Degunin

- Well, so what! Do you know what is there and what is someone? There is a future life. Someone is God.
Prince Andrew did not answer. The carriage and horses had long since been brought to the other side and had already been laid down, and the sun had already disappeared to half, and the evening frost covered the puddles near the ferry with stars, and Pierre and Andrei, to the surprise of the lackeys, coachmen and carriers, were still standing on the ferry and talking.
- If there is a God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and the highest happiness of man is to strive to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe, - said Pierre, - that we do not live now only on this piece of land, but we have lived and will live forever there in everything (he pointed to the sky). Prince Andrei stood leaning on the railing of the ferry and, listening to Pierre, without taking his eyes off, looked at the red reflection of the sun over the blue flood. Pierre is silent. It was completely quiet. The ferry had landed long ago, and only the waves of the current with a faint sound hit the bottom of the ferry. It seemed to Prince Andrei that this rinsing of the waves was saying to Pierre's words: "True, believe this."
Prince Andrei sighed, and with a radiant, childish, tender look looked into Pierre's flushed, enthusiastic, but still timid in front of his superior friend.
“Yes, if that were the case!” - he said. “However, let’s go sit down,” Prince Andrei added, and leaving the ferry, he looked at the sky, which Pierre pointed out to him, and for the first time, after Austerlitz, he saw that high, eternal sky, which he saw lying on the Austerlitz field, and something long asleep, something the best that was in him, suddenly awoke joyfully and youthfully in his soul. This feeling disappeared as soon as Prince Andrei entered the habitual conditions of life again, but he knew that this feeling, which he did not know how to develop, lived in him. A meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an epoch from which, although in appearance it was the same, but in the inner world, his new life began.

It was already getting dark when Prince Andrei and Pierre drove up to the main entrance of the Lysogorsky house. While they were driving up, Prince Andrei with a smile drew Pierre's attention to the turmoil that had taken place at the back porch. A bent old woman with a knapsack on her back, and a short man in a black robe and with long hair, seeing a carriage driving in, rushed to run back through the gate. Two women ran after them, and all four, looking back at the carriage, ran frightened up the back porch.
“These are God’s Machines,” said Prince Andrei. They took us for their father. And this is the only thing in which she does not obey him: he orders to drive these wanderers, and she accepts them.
- What are God's people? Pierre asked.
Prince Andrei did not have time to answer him. The servants went out to meet him, and he asked where the old prince was and how soon they were waiting for him.
The old prince was still in the city, and they were waiting for him every minute.
Prince Andrei led Pierre to his quarters, which always awaited him in perfect order in his father's house, and he himself went to the nursery.
“Let's go to my sister,” said Prince Andrei, returning to Pierre; - I have not seen her yet, she is now hiding and sitting with her God people. Serve her right, she will be embarrassed, and you will see God's people. C "est curieux, ma parole. [This is curious, honestly.]
- Qu "est ce que c" est que [What is] God's people? Pierre asked.
- But you'll see.
Princess Mary was really embarrassed and blushed in spots when they entered her. In her cozy room with lamps in front of the icon cases, on the sofa, at the samovar, sat next to her a young boy with a long nose and long hair, and in a monastic cassock.
On an armchair, beside him, sat a wrinkled, thin old woman with a meek expression of a child's face.
- Andre, pourquoi ne pas m "avoir prevenu? [Andrey, why didn’t they warn me?] - she said with meek reproach, standing in front of her wanderers, like a hen in front of chickens.
– Charmee de vous voir. Je suis tres contente de vous voir, [Very glad to see you. I am so pleased to see you,] she said to Pierre, while he was kissing her hand. She knew him as a child, and now his friendship with Andrei, his misfortune with his wife, and most importantly, his kind, simple face, endeared her to him. She looked at him with her beautiful, radiant eyes and seemed to say: "I love you very much, but please don't laugh at mine." After exchanging the first phrases of greeting, they sat down.
“Ah, and Ivanushka is here,” said Prince Andrei, pointing with a smile at the young wanderer.
– Andrew! said Princess Mary pleadingly.
- Il faut que vous sachiez que c "est une femme, [Know that this is a woman] - said Andrei to Pierre.
Andre, au nom de Dieu! [Andrey, for God's sake!] - repeated Princess Marya.
It was evident that Prince Andrei's mocking attitude towards the wanderers and Princess Mary's useless intercession for them were habitual, established relations between them.
- Mais, ma bonne amie, - said Prince Andrei, - vous devriez au contraire m "etre reconaissante de ce que j" explique a Pierre votre intimite avec ce jeune homme ... [But, my friend, you should be grateful to me that I explain to Pierre your closeness to this young man.]
– Vrayment? [Really?] - said Pierre curiously and seriously (for which Princess Mary was especially grateful to him), peering through glasses at the face of Ivanushka, who, realizing that it was about him, looked around at everyone with cunning eyes.
Princess Marya was quite unnecessarily embarrassed for her own people. They didn't hesitate at all. The old woman, lowering her eyes, but glancing askance at the newcomers, knocking her cup upside down on a saucer and placing a bitten piece of sugar beside her, calmly and motionlessly sat on her chair, waiting to be offered more tea. Ivanushka, drinking from a saucer, looked at the young people with sly, feminine eyes from under his brows.


  • Temple of Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb in Zyuzin (parish church)


  • Archpriest Vladimir Kuchumov
  • Priest Nikolai Krivotulov


The two-storied temple "like under the bells" (that is, with a ringing tier crowning the building), was built in 1688. in the Moscow Baroque style by the boyar B. Prozorovsky (architect Yakov Bukhvostov). The lower warm temple was consecrated in 1688, the upper temple - in 1704. The bell tower was added in 1879. The temple was closed in 1938. and abandoned. In the 1960s cosmetic painting of the facade was carried out, and the building itself was rebuilt and occupied by state institutions. Services resumed in July 1989.


revered Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

Worship Schedule


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

16.00 Prayer with Akathist



All-night vigil



Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov Priest Alexander

Archpriest V. Bochkov


All-night vigil


9.00 Morning

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Priest Alexander


All-night vigil


9.00 Morning

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


All-night vigil


9.00 Morning

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


All-night vigil


9.00 Morning

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


All-night vigil


9.00 Morning

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Priest Alexander


SOBORNE (The rite of the burial of the Mother of God)


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V.Kuchumov

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V.Kuchumov


Vespers. Matins

Priest Alexander


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V. Bochkov


Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Alexander

Archpriest V. Bochkov


All-night vigil


9.00 Morning

Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Priest Alexander


Vespers. Matins

Archpriest V. Bochkov

Additional Information

The temple operates:

  • there is a Sunday school;
  • parish library;
  • the clergy of the temple take care of SIZO No. 5, the 1st judicial morgue, the department of the narcological hospital No. 17, for children. boarding school number 24


Address: 113209, Perekopskaya st., 7

Nearest metro: Sevastopol

The Church of Boris and Gleb in Zyuzino is an outstanding architectural monument of federal significance. Construction began in 1688. Construction ended in 1704. The church is over three hundred years old.

The temple is a manor. It was built on his own savings by an associate of Peter the Great, Prince Boris Ivanovich Prozorovsky. Before him, the estate belonged to the famous noblewoman Morozova.


But after the well-known events of the Old Believer schism, these lands were confiscated. Later, Peter the Great granted them to Prozorovsky for his efforts. Built according to the project of the famous architect Yakov Bukhvostov. From this temple began the architectural style in Moscow - the Moscow Baroque. The Church of Boris and Gleb in Zyuzino is the prototype of many Moscow churches.

It has one feature to which attention is drawn. The church in Zyuzino, with its altar apse, is turned to the north. Prozorovsky so wished. He wanted his estate to face the center of Moscow. The church has two floors. The upper temple, in honor of Boris and Gleb, used to be summer. There is also a lower, winter one. In honor of Grand Duke Vladimir.

Closed in 1938. He shared the fate of many churches in the country. Before closing, Father Alexander Kharyuzov was the rector. He was arrested and shot in 1937. He was replaced by his brother Leonid. who was also executed soon after. Until 1989, the temple was not used for its intended purpose. There was a vegetable warehouse here. During the war it was used as an observation tower. Then it was converted into a branch of the precious metals plant. And, of course, received huge damage. There was a galvanic bath in the altar of the lower temple.

The first divine service took place on May 15, 1989 in memory of the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb. But not in the temple, they were not allowed there. There was another organization there. The prayer service was held on the street, in front of the building.

But the first liturgy on July 28 of the same year, took place in the lower church. The interior has been completely refurbished.. The iconostasis is made according to old sketches. Recreated one by one. The painting is new, in the Byzantine style. Until the 19th century, the temple, in general, was not painted.

Initially, the architect Bukhvostov made a mistake in the design and the walls got wet. Rectors of Moscow churches shared icons and shrines. For example, from the church of Peter and Paul in Lefortovo was transferred. She was going to be given for restoration, but she cleared herself. Became like new. The Cross of Calvary was donated from the Church of the Intercession on Dugout. Parishioners brought their icons.

An elderly parishioner brought the icon of the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, which she managed to carry away during the closing and looting of the temple in 1938. When the image was checked against the photo, it was confirmed that this is indeed an old icon of this church. And this is the only icon miraculously preserved. The woman was very happy, with tears in her eyes she thanked God that she had preserved the shrine, lived to see the opening and returned it to its place.

Many faces were ordered at the request of the parishioners of Moscow:

  • St. Nicholas the Pleasant;
  • Tikhvinskaya;
  • All Who Sorrow Joy;
  • Inexhaustible bowl.

Worship takes place every day. In the morning and in the evening. On Sunday, Saint Nicholas is celebrated. There is his icon with particles of relics.

The lower temple is used as a rite. There are confessions. It is very comfortable. The lower and upper temples are combined by a spiral staircase. It is possible to confess and conduct worship at the same time. The lower temple is decorated in the Yaroslavl style. There are low vaults, a different iconostasis. Another interior. There are two frescoes there. One dedicated to Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia. Another fresco, in the vestibule, is dedicated to the martyrs of Russia. Even those who were canonized later. Including the royal family.

The church has a Sunday school. More than 100 children are studying. Classes are held, circles work:

Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the school. There are groups of adults. The teachings are conducted by both the ministers themselves and graduates of theological seminaries, qualified icon painters.

Takes part in festivals, concerts. Trips are made to the holy places of the Moscow region. An extensive social work is being carried out. The clergy organized trips and assistance to children's hospitals. Pilgrimage developed. Children and parents of the church school visit the shrines of Russia.


Doors open every day, from morning to late evening. Anyone can come in, light a candle, pray for themselves and their loved ones.

There is an official site on the Internet.


You can get there from the metro station Sevastopolskaya. Then three stops by trolleybus No. 60 or No. 72. Address: Perekopskaya street, house 7.

Borisoglebskaya church is also in Novokosino.

Boris and Gleb Monastery

The temple with the monastery arose on the supposed site of the chambers of Vsevolod III. In 1389, the charter of Grand Duke Vasily II Dmitrievich mentioned the unknown Borisoglebsky Monastery.

Temple of Boris and Gleb

Borisoglebskaya Church

City of Vladimir, st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya (Lipki park).

Temple of Boris and Gleb (left) and (right)

According to the watch of Grigory Zhitov in 7128 (1620), “the church in Vladimir of Sts. Martyr Boris and Gleb inside (in) the city; tribute from her was 15 altyns with money, but governors and a hryvnia arrival.
In 1626, there is a mention of the temple in the description book of the Vladimir Kremlin: “the temple of Boris and Gleb of the Drevyan-Kletski with a meal, and in it are royal doors and deesis and images and books and candles and church vessels and bells and every church structure of the world.”
In 1672, the Borisoglebskaya church, as can be seen from the inscription on the altar cross kept in the church, was called “ruzhnaya”, i.e. non-parish (and this name suggests that before it was a monastery). "Summer ... (1672) this year the cross of the city of Vladimer was made in the Russian Church of Boris and Gleb." Probably, when the monastery was abolished, the former possessions under it came under the jurisdiction of another monastery, as often happened, and the church for the maintenance of the priestly church ministers used the "rugoy" from that monastery. Ruga - a salary of money or bread, issued from the Sovereign to sacred and church servants instead of an annual salary for their service. And the churches in which they served were called “ruzhnye” to distinguish them from parish churches in which the clergy are supported by their parishioners. Clergy of the Church of Sts. Boris and Gleb enjoyed the special favor of the patriarchs, as can be seen from the books of the Russian churches. So, according to the book of 7207 (1699), it is noted: “Troitsky, Voznesensky and Borisoglebsky 3 priests for 25 altyns, for wax 6 altyns for 4 money, for the priest of rye 2 quarters with osmina and 2 quarters each, oats for the same man, but to the same churches on the prosphora of rye half a quarter and a floor. 2 fours to the church, total 3 fours and a half 5 fours, 2 alt. four, total 32 altyns 1 money.
In 1699, by decree of Peter Alekseevich, the clergy for some churches in the city of Moscow, such as Kosmodamianovskaya on Pokrovka, Petroverigskaya, was canceled, and “the parishioners were ordered to parish the breadwinner”, it is possible that around this time the clergy of the Borisoglebskaya church was deprived of the Sovereign’s salary and He used only voluntary donations for the needs and various church rites.
In the beginning. XVIII century Borisoglebskaya Church is already listed as a parish, and not handmade. In the census books, it appears: “In the Kremlin at that time there were 2 Cathedrals of the Assumption and Dmitrievsky; one male monastery Rozhdestvensky and 3 parish churches in the Kremlin” (Troitskaya, Nikolskaya and Borisoglebskaya). At the church of St. At that time there were 3 priestly, deacon, deacon and sexton households and 1 bobyls of the noble princes Boris and Gleb.
On October 1, 1719, at 8 o'clock in the morning, a fire broke out in Vladimir in the "Tsaritsyno Sloboda near the Zemskaya hut and Gostiny Dvor at the widow of Fedosya Timofeeva, daughter of Leontief's wife Isaevskaya." The wooden Borisoglebskaya church burned down during this fire along with other churches.
In 1720, parishioner Feodor Gerasimov of the Church of Boris and Gleb wrote in a patriarchal state order that on October 1, 1719, the parish church in the name of Boris and Gleb burned down, and now “the parishioner of our parish church, Grigory Mylnikov, promises us his living quarters for a warm church during the name of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and it is necessary to nail an altar to those residential rooms, ”for which he asks for the appropriate permission. On June 16, 1729, a decree was issued on this petition, and a warm Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul was built on a burned-out place.
With the blessing, a blessed charter was issued in 1743 for the construction of the Borisoglebsk mountains. Vladimir church. In 1743, on May 13, by decree of the Moscow spirit. the dicastery was ordered “instead of the one that burned down in 1719 on October 1st. wooden for the sake of good. Princes Boris and Gleb to rebuild a stone church in the name of the same temple with a chapel of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.
In the Topographic description of the provincial city of Vladimir in 1750, the church of Sts. Grand Dukes Boris and Gleb and with her a warm church in the name of Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul.

Plan of the city of Vladimir, drawn up in the 18th century

By 1755 the construction of the temple was completed and on September 24, 1755, with the blessing of Bp. Platon of Vladimir and Yaropolch, the Borisoglebsky temple was consecrated by the Tsarekonstantinovsky archimandrite Tobiy. The old wooden Borisoglebskaya church, after the consecration of a new stone one, was sold and transported to Vladimirsky district.
Description of St. objects of the Borisoglebskaya church in the mountains. Vladimir 1755:
“The aforementioned newly built real stone church was built in the likeness of other holy churches of God, covered with boards; the head of three osmers is covered with green tiles; on it is an iron four-pointed cross gilded.
Inside the church.
The royal gates are carved and gilded in flamé. On them is the image of the Mother of God and the Archangel Gabriel and four Evangelists; on them are chased silver crowns, gilded; a veil of stamed, scarlet was made to these royal doors, on it is a cross of a blue ribbon.
Over the royal gates canopy; on it is the image of the Lord's Supper of the Secret; the carving around the image is gilded.
On the right side of the royal doors in the iconostasis is a carved image of the All-Merciful Savior; the crown and tsata are silver, chased and gilded.
Icon of the Holy Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul; on top of their Savior image; the crowns on them are chased silver, gilded.
The image of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb and the noble prince Vladimir; on them crowns and tsats are silver, chased and gilded; in those crowns there are three pebbles; the fields are lined with a base salary - gilded.
On the left side in the iconostasis at the beginning is the image of the Mother of God of Iberia with the Eternal Child; on them crowns are chased, silver, gilded; ubrus nizan with pearls and stones; the Eternal Infant has pearls on his arms; this image has a striped taffeta curtain.
The image of the Crucifixion of the Lord is carved; around his passion of the Lord; written in paint on the board.
With the above-mentioned holy images in the lower tier, there are carved pillars between them.
Before these images there are copper lamps.
On the northern altar doors is the image of the Archangel Michael.
In the second tier, on fourteen images, the Passion of the Lord is painted on paints.
In the third upper tier, the image of the Saviors and with it the forthcoming images of the Mother of God, John the Baptist and the archangels and the twelve apostles; on these images the copper crowns are gilded.
Above the image of the Savior in a carved small circle is written "fatherland".
On the right kliros is the image of the Life-Giving Trinity; the crowns on it are gilded copper.
On the left kliros is the image of the Resurrection of Christ; on it is a shining silver crown, gilded in the iconostasis.
The banner is written on the canvas: on the first country of the image of the Annunciation of the Virgin; on the second noble princes Boris and Gleb.
In the altar on the throne, a linen white cloth was made; the outer garment is yellow taffeta; in the middle is a cross of a lace white lace.
The cover is taffeta yellow; on it is a capital white cross.
On the altar there is a stamed red robe with a lining. Altar cross Crucifixion of the Lord.
On the throne is a pewter ark, in which the holy reserve gifts are kept.
Pewter vessels, paten, star, spoon, two saucers, spear.
The gospel is on the altar, on it is the Crucifixion of the Lord, the gospel is silver.
Life-giving silver cross, gilded, with holy relics.
Silver censer.
Dill copper.
Copper ladle.
And for the rest, what is there in any church sacristy, that means in the inventory that was previously made and submitted to the consistory.
It is not known when the bell tower, located at the temple, was built. Most likely, at the same time as the temple.

From the "boundary books and plans" of the end of the 17th century, it is clear that the Borisoglebskaya church has long owned a significant amount of land. According to the plan of September 4, 1769, the church is listed as “harvest in the Yamsky dachas for 4 dess. 1698 sq. sazhen", and according to another plan dated June 8, 1770, "manor land beyond the Lybed river for 968 sq. soot."; but the church did not use this land, since the townspeople had long taken possession of it.

1. The headman (ktitor) of the temple Pavel Alekseev, son of Lukovnikov, Vladimir tradesman (1783).
In 1789, during the devastating July (28th) fire in Vladimir, the Borisoglebskaya church in all its parts suffered enormous damage. The following were damaged: the roof on the temple, the ceiling, the floor, the windows, the frames, the church doors; the head is wooden, soldered with tinplate, all internal decorations and utensils. After the fire, both the temple itself and the thrones with altars and iconostases needed to be corrected and consecrated; instead of burnt utensils - start a new one. But this was no easy matter. The parishioners of the temple themselves suffered great ruin from the fire.
In 1789-1790. some damage from the fire was repaired, but funds were insufficient for the entire repair. The headman of the church, the Vladimir petty-bourgeois Pavel Alekseevich son Lukovnikov, petitioned “for the collection of the iconostasis and the refectory of the Church of the Annunciation in the Suzdal diocese, from benefactors”, permission from the Suzdal Ecclesiastical Consistory followed only on February 17, 1798 of the year. At that time, at the expense of well-meaning donors and thanks to the rare generosity of the parishioners, a three-tier carpentry work, with columns, an iconostasis was gilded in the Borisoglebsk Church, arranged in the taste of the time of Empress Catherine II and having a very close resemblance to the iconostasis (in miniature) of the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral.

2. Headman (ktitor) of the church Andrey Lukovnikov, tradesman (1810).
Since 1829, the parish of Borisoglebsky consisted mainly of officials in the spiritual and civil departments and clerical servants. There were no assigned churches, chapels in the parish, and there were never any private schools or icon-painting schools either at the church or in the parish itself.

In 1839, the priests and the clergy with the parish people reported that due to lack of funds, the temple fell into complete disrepair: in the Annunciation aisle, the vault cracked and threatened to fall. As a result, the Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal, taking into account the dilapidation of the church building, "had the intention to close the Borisoglebskaya church." But he appeared, and the will of the Archpastor was not destined to come true. Having become a parishioner of the Borisoglebsk church and dedicating himself to serving him as a church elder, sweat. mail citizen and 1st guild merchant A.N. Nikitin was a true benefactor of the church and, not sparing his property to decorate the temple, he did not want to announce his donations, guided in his extensive and varied charity by the words of the Savior: “when you do alms, do not blow before you as hypocrites do, and let your left hand yours does not know what the right one is doing” (Matt. 6:2-3).
So, having at the disposal of church money only one 50-ruble ticket of the safe treasury, which, on the basis of the spiritual will of the widow who died in March 1839, the title. owls. Ekaterina Stepanova, should be used for the construction of an iconostasis aisle in the Borisoglebsk church, the headman A.N. Nikitin July 7, 1841 turned to the Archbishop. Parthenius with a petition: “for permission in the adjacent church of the Annunciation of that church, according to the drawing attached at the request, to arrange, instead of a dilapidated one, a new iconostasis and gild it for his own, Nikitin, dependency, with admission to the production of works by a Moscow tradesman, T. St. Vorobiev. March 9, 1844 Nikitin again turned to the Archbishop. Parfeny with a petition: “for permission to build a brick fence with iron bars near that church at his own expense”, and on April 4, 1844, Nikitin, as a result of his petition, Parfeniy was allowed in the cold Borisoglebsk church “to paint the walls with paintings at his own expense with admission to the production of the work of the Yaroslavl province of the Norsk settlement of the tradesman Mikhail Ivanov Shvetsov. On April 13, 1844, his son, petitioned Arch. Parthenius “on permission to resume carpentry and carving of the iconostasis in the Borisoglebsk church and gild it all; gild the icon cases behind the kliros and arrange again a canopy over the shroud also with gilding on his own, Alexander Nikitin, dependent with admission to the production of works by the Moscow tradesman Timofey Stepanov Vorobyov.
Thus, A.N. Nikitin at his own expense in the period from 1839 to 1850 restored the Borisoglebsky temple and even magnificently decorated it.
3. A.N. Nikitin was the headman (ktitor) in the church from 1839 to 1849.
4. In 1849 A.N. Nikitin left the post of church warden, as a result of his taking over various buildings in Moscow and Kyiv; and in his place was elected headman of the church. post. citizen, merchant's son of Vladimir 1st Guild, (he was the headman of the church from 1850 to 1867, in which he died on October 31). In February 1850, “the head was blown away from the chapel of the Annunciation Church and the cross, upholstered with copper foliage, was broken”, in the same year, Alexander Andreyevich, according to the resolution, “the head was built and the cross was erected with respect for splendor.” June 23, 1856 A.A. Nikitin turned to, with a request to “arrange a room (under the bell tower between two pillars on the north side, without changing its appearance) for permanent residence in this church gatehouse, plaster and paint the walls in the altar of the adjacent church of this church, resume painting in the refectory of this church, also paint the walls, accepting the arrangement of all this at your own expense. In June 1858 A.A. Nikitin wrote to Bishop Justin the following: “Because in many places of the Borisoglebskaya church, inside and outside, the plaster was dilapidated, especially on the steeple of the bell tower; in the warm aisle of this church, paintings and walls have lost their proper appearance from the prescription of time and furnaces; in the passage from the onago chapel to the cold church, the arched door fell into disrepair; the bottom of the walls of the cold church, covered with oil paint, dilapidated from dampness”, then I ask “to allow me to correct the above shortcomings at my own expense, without introducing the church into any costs; Moreover, I ask you to allow me, if necessary, to upholster the spires of the bell tower with iron for strength and paint it the same color as the church and the bell tower, ”to which permission followed.

5. Alexander Andreevich Nikitin died on October 31, 1867. A.N. Nikiti again became the headman (ktitor) in the church from 1867 to 1887, in which he died on November 28.
Mikhail Leontievich Tikhonravov, the son of a clerk, graduated from the course at the Vladimir Spirit. Seminaries with the title of student in 1858. At the end of the seminary course, for almost 3 years he worked on the education of youth, having private lessons in various families for a small remuneration. On March 19, 1861, he was ordained a priest at the Intercession Convent in Suzdal. Here, for 4 years, he taught in his house the children of citizens to read and write and the law of God. From 1867 to 1870, at the choice of the clergy, he was a member of the board of the Suzdal Theological School. On May 4, 1872, he was transferred to the rector of the Borisoglebsk Church in Vladimir. In Vladimir, in addition to the position of a member of the council of the diocesan women's school, he successively held the positions of a member of the audit committee and a member of the board of the men's theological school. In 1876 he was appointed a member of the diocesan guardianship of the poor of the clergy. Died May 27, 1888

In October 1867, the Mayor of Vladimir died and Andrei Nikitich Nikitin assumed the position of Mayor and again dedicated himself to the service of the Borisoglebsk church as a church warden.
On December 12, 1870, Archpriest Mikhail Vinogradov of the Vladimir Borisoglebskaya Church, according to his request, was dismissed from the post of Member of the Guardianship.
August 9, 1873 A.N. Nikitin turned to Jacob, Bishop of Murom, Vicar of the Vladimir diocese, with a request: “for permission to remake the outer doors of the porch; fix the plaster, which had collapsed in some places, paint the whole church outside and also paint the roof on it, without touching the purse church amount, ”to which permission followed, and everything indicated by Nikitin was carried out in the same year.
With the onset of a new reform of the clergy, just as in 1839, there was a danger of closing the Borisoglebsk parish; but thanks to the feasible help of Andrei Nikitich, the aforementioned reform did not affect this parish.

“Borisoglebskaya, next to Nikolo-Kremlevskaya, on the front square, a small Russian architecture, dark yellow, surrounded by a garden, inside it looks like a brownie; clean, parochial "(Subbotin A.P., 1877).
Was donated, in 1870 and 1878. State continuous income ticket in the amount of 1000 rubles. a parishioner of this church, merchant Semyon Fedorovich Suslov, and in 1876 four tickets of the State Bank were donated, but 100 r. each, on the same subject, by another parishioner of the Vladimir tradesman Nikolai Ivanovich Lukovnikov.
In 1878, the Diocesan Authorities declared gratitude to an unknown benefactor for donating 5% of a bank ticket to the church in 100 rubles, as well as to Vladimir merchant Nikolai Lukovnikov, for donating a silver-gilded ark to the church to store the Holy Gifts in the amount of 165 rubles.

Establishment at the church office assistant church warden. The reason for the opening of this position was the dispensation by Andrei Nikitich, in 1881, in his estate at the factory (settlement Orgtrud), 14 versts from the mountains. Vladimir, a stone church in the name of St. Andrei Stratilat, under which Andrei Nikitich was elected and established as a headman. In February 1888, Nikolai Ivanovich Lukovnikov, a petty bourgeois of Vladimir, was approved as an assistant to the church warden.

In Vladimir, at each parish church in the old days there was a cemetery, where the deceased parishioners were usually buried. And at the Borisoglebskaya church there was a cemetery, which, together with other parish cemeteries, is in the mountains. Vladimir was closed after a special place outside the city was allocated for the burial of the dead, on which in 1785 a small one with the same bell tower was built. In 1887, during the laying of a new chapel in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Zinaida on the right side of the Borisoglebskaya church, as well as during the construction of two outbuildings on both sides of the porches in 1891, many human bones and skulls were unearthed. In 1901, when constructing an oven, diggers dug many coffins at a depth of 2-2.5 m, in which there were skulls and human bones.

In 1887, on July 5, it was founded on the right side of the Borisoglebsk church chapel in the name of St. martyr Zinaida , for the amount donated by parishioner Zinaida Vasilievna Arkhangelskaya. In 1887, without waiting for the completion of the construction of the chapel, they died: on January 5, the donor to the construction of the chapel, the wife of a retired captain, Zinaida Vasilievna Arkhangelskaya, on November 28, Andrey Nikitich Nikitin, the warden of the Borisoglebsky church, in May 1888, their confessor, the priest of the Borisoglebskaya church Mikhail Leontievich Tikhonravov.

6. In January 1888, the son of the deceased Andrey Nikitin entered the church as a church warden, who does not lag behind his father and brother and also worthily continues to devote his labors to beautifying this church.
In February 1888, Nikolai Ivanovich Lukovnikov was elected and approved by the Diocesan Administration as an assistant church warden.
On June 8, 1888, Vasily Orlov, a teacher at the Vladimir Theological Seminary, was appointed a priest in the Borisoglebsk parish, retaining his teaching position. At the very beginning of the ministry, Fr. Basil, with his care, with the assistance of the church elder Nikitin and very significant donations from a parishioner, retired captain Feodor Grigorievich Arkhangelsky (before his death, he bequeathed his capital for construction on Studena Gora), a new chapel was built and brought into a splendid appearance in the name of St. Martyr Zinaida, who was solemnly consecrated on October 2, 1888. The Annunciation aisle, which was previously cramped, expanded significantly and was beautifully decorated inside. Annual income, both church and clerical, in all sectors, with the efforts and cares of Fr. Vasily, received a very significant increase, as can be seen from the income and expenditure books.
In 1892, church warden A.A. Nikitin, imbued with gratitude to the parishioners, the late Feodor Grigoryevich († October 22, 1890) and Zinaida Vasilyevna († January 5, 1887) Arkhangelsky, for the significant donations made on their part in favor of the church, asked for permission, without touching church purse sums, for the renewal of the cold Borisoglebskaya church. Permission followed, and the whole temple was renovated from the inside, in 1895 the iconostasis in the Annunciation aisle was gilded at his expense, the consecration of which was carried out on the eve of the temple holiday - March 24 (this work cost Andrei Andreevich about 1000 rubles), and outside arranged with on both sides of the porch - two stone outbuildings covered with iron: one with two windows on the front square, warm on the south side for the church watchman, and the other with one window - cold on the north side for storing firewood and other wooden materials in it. In a word, the temple, which has two entrances: the western one from the side of Bolshaya Street and the southern one against the southern altar doors of the Borisoglebsky Throne, in all respects, from the outside and inside, has been given high magnificence. He donated to the church in 1886 crowns used in marriage, worth 200 rubles.
November 14, 1898 N.I. Lukovnikov died. Since 1899, Sergei Semyonovich Suslov, a Vladimir petty bourgeois, was the assistant to the headman. Representatives from the parishioners, in accordance with the Highest approved instructions, were elected and approved, in 1899, collegiate assessors: Vasily Ivanovich Clientov († August 10, 1905) and Alexei Ivanovich Kritsky.
The number of parishioners is small. According to the confession books of the Borisoglebsk church for 1899, there are 62 of all houses, while there are 488 residents of both sexes.
According to estates, they are divided: into the spiritual of both sexes - 32; for the military - 99; on civilians - 172; on merchants, philistines, guilds, and so on. urban dwellers - 107; for peasants - 78. All Orthodox live in the city of Vladimir.
In 1901, at the expense of philanthropists, an oven was installed in the temple.

The Borisoglebsk church was famous for its choir, in which the pupils sang (opened in 1842).

The temple had three altars. The first chief in the name of the holy Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb. The church is connected with the meal, separated from it only by an arch. The iconostasis of the main temple was three-tiered, carpentry work, with columns; carvings, columns, cornices and frames near the icons are gilded with pure gold. The second altar altar, on the north side, in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. The third altar altar on the south side in the name of St. martyr Zinaida. The iconostases in both aisles are single-tier, wooden, gilded and carved. The following icons in the Borisoglebsk church are remarkable for their antiquity and preciousness (at the beginning of the 20th century): a) in the main church behind the right kliros, the image of the holy Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb; on one board among Sts. martyrs is depicted by St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir; b) in the Annunciation aisle, the temple icon of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos; c) the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God; d) in the Zinaida chapel, the icon of the Iberian Mother of God; e) in the Zinaida aisle, the icon of St. Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop Sevastian. In addition to these ancient and valuable icons, on the corners of the choirs of the main church there were two metal banners with the image: on one - the Resurrection from the tomb of Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas, on the other - Theophany and the Kazan Mother of God.
The external view of the Church of Boris and Gleb does not represent any architectural features. Of the external ornamental decorations, the platbands of the windows and especially the platbands of the entrance doors are quite worthy of attention due to the elegance of the design. A square pillar with two lights is completed with a four-sided dome with four so-called portage windows, a stone neck with gaps and a pear-shaped, iron-covered dome with a carved cross. The altar is semicircular, ledge, with three windows. The vestibule, in connection with the church and the bell tower, is covered with two slopes.
The bell tower is of a pillar-like shape with a tented top, like a royal cone-shaped hat. In the middle of the bell tower there is a library room with 2 small windows on the south and west sides. The bells have 8 spans in a tier. In the old days at the bottom of the bell tower there were walkways of St. gate.
On the bell tower at the beginning XX century there were 7 bells. “In the largest weight 208 p. 39 f. The total weight of the bells is over 300 pounds.
In the height of the cold church with a head and a cross has 12 sazhens. 2 ar., and warm 3 soot. 1 arsh. 12 ver. The length of the cold church is 6 fathoms. 2 arsh. 8 tops, including 2 sazhens. 2 arshins 8 tops. Altar length. The warm church is 4 sazhens long. 2 arsh. 8 ver., porch 3 sazhens. 12 tops. The length of the whole church is 14 sazhens. 2 arsh. 12 tops.
The height of the bell tower with the head and the cross is 12 sazhens. 2 arsh. 12 tops.
The temple is surrounded by a stone fence with an iron lattice, built in 1844, with a space of 55 sazhens. 2 soot. X 35 sazhens. 2 arsh.

The church library is not large and consisted of patristic books, spiritual content, spiritual journals and liturgical journals. There were no old printed books before the Nikon press; there were no handwritten documents - letters, acts.
The street adjacent to the Borisoglebskaya church bore the name Borisoglebskaya (Borisoglebsky lane) from it.
Borisoglebsky lane (in 1899) from Nizhegorodskaya st. to Troitskaya street (now Museum street).
Right side: 2. House of the Bogolyubovsky Monastery, 4. House of Charity for the elderly clergy, 6. House of Blagonravova.
Left side: 1. Uyezd Zemskaya Administration, 3. Zemstvo detention facility, 5. Perepelitsyn's house, 7. Ladozhinskaya's house.

Since 1829, the parish of Borisoglebsky consisted mainly of officials in the spiritual and civil departments and clerical servants. There were no assigned churches, chapels in the parish, and there were never any private schools or icon-painting schools either at the church or in the parish itself. The number of parishioners is small. According to the confession books of the Borisoglebsk church for 1899, there are 62 houses, 488 residents of both sexes: 32 clergy of both sexes, 99 military, 172 civilians, merchants, philistines, workshops, and so on. urban dwellers - 107, peasants - 78.

We know from historical sources that a clergy was established at the church of Boris and Gleb: a priest, a deacon, a deacon, and a sexton. Then the clergy consisted of: a priest, a deacon and a sexton. After the dismissal of the deacon in 1869 and after the death of the deacon in 1875, according to the Highest approved reform announced in July 1876, and according to the following reform in 1885, there were two members of the clergy: a priest and a psalm reader. From the end of 1887, due to the petition of the parishioners and the consent of the priest, Fr. Tikhonravov, a three-member staff of the clergy was opened: a priest, a deacon and a psalm reader.
1. The first priest of the stone Borisoglebsk church, Fr. Evgeny Mikhailov (1755-1785). “In this de Borisoglebskaya church there is an iconostasis and there are some shabby holy icons in it, and besides, this (iconostasis) was scorched by lightning on July 3, 1783, and the everyday bell was broken.” On this petition is the resolution of His Grace Victor, Bishop of Vladimir and Murom: “On July 27, 1784, the iconostasis and holy icons in the Borisoglebsk church are allowed to be renewed and the broken bell replaced.” According to the revision, it says: “Priest Evsevy Mikhailov, aged 67, died in 1802.”
2. Priest Andrei Vasiliev (1785-1798). In 1798 he was transferred to the Church of the Annunciation in the city of Kirzhach.
Two deacons were good icon painters - Efim Mikhailov of the Borisoglebsk church and Andrei Mikhailov of Nazaretsky of the Bishop's house; in 1810 they restored ancient icons to the city of Vladimir church.
3. Priest Mikhail Petrov Roborovsky (1798-1830). In 1798 he was transferred to the Borisoglebskaya church from the Annunciation church in the city of Kirzhach.
4. Priest John Petrov Sirotinsky (March 18, 1830-1837). He studied at the Vladimir spirit. Seminaries, then at the St. Petersburg Academy (master in 1828). in 1825 he was appointed to Vladimir in the class of literature and civil history. In 1834 the commission spirit. Schools dismissed Sirotinsky from his place at the seminary "due to illness", on July 29, 1837 he died.
5. Priest Alexander Sergeev Mislavsky (1837-1840).
6. Archpriest Mikhail Petrovich Vinogradov (June 18, 1840-1872). He was awarded: “a gaiter, a purple skufia, a kamilavka, a pectoral cross, issued from the Holy Synod.” In 1854 he was a teacher of the law at the Vladimir Alexandrinsky orphanage. In 1866, he was elevated to the rank of archpriest. In 1872 he was moved to the Suzdal Pokrovsky maiden. monastery.
7. Priest Mikhail Leontyevich Tikhonravov (1872-1888), clerk's son, was born in the village. Ivanovo, Shuisky district. After graduating from the Vladimir Theological Seminary in 1858 with a student's degree, on March 19, 1861, he was ordained a priest to the Suzdal Intercession Virgin. m-ryu. On May 4, 1872, he was transferred to the Borisoglebsk church. Awarded: "gaiter, purple skufia and kamilavka." As approved in the beginning 1874 of the staff of the church, Fr. Tikhonravov. In 1887, a full-time diaconal vacancy was opened at the church, made at the joint request of the parishioners with the consent of their rector. He died in Vladimir on May 28, 1888.
8. Archpriest Vasily Matveyevich Orlov (1888-1902), clerk's son, was born in the village. Polinosov, Alexandrovsky district, studied at the Vladimir spirit. seminary and then in the Moscow spirit. Academy (graduated with a Ph.D. in theology and with the right to receive a master's degree without oral examinations). July 17, 1875 was assigned as a teacher in the Voronezh spirit. seminary in the Greek language, on February 21, 1877, at the request, he was moved by a teacher to the Vladimir Seminary to the class of the Greek language, he was in this position until September 18, 1902. him as a seminary teacher. He was awarded: “a gaiter, a purple skufia, a kamilavka and a pectoral cross, issued by the Holy Synod.” May 20, 1901 elevated to the rank of archpriest.
9. Priest, student Vladim. seminary. On September 20, 1902, he was appointed priest of the Borisoglebsk church. On December 18, 1913, Fr. Dimitry Gilyarevsky was dismissed from his post as a member of the Council of the Diocesan Women's School. In his place was elected the priest of the Forerunner Church, Fr. John Uvarov.
The last rector of the temple was Father Dmitry Borisovsky.
The temple was closed in con. 20s twentieth century, and then demolished.
On the site of the temple and the cemetery with him in the middle. 20th century there was an entertainment playground with carousels in.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya street. Kukushkin V.G. 1876-1881
On the left side is the house of the Nobility, turned into the hospital of the Red Cross, for the placement of wounded soldiers. On the right, along Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street, Maly Boulevard with a wooden fence and benches; part of the parade ground, in the depths the Borisoglebskaya church with a hipped bell tower, without the right Zinaid chapel; the tiered bell tower of the Nikolo-Kremlin Church (1769); dome of the Nativity Cathedral (rebuilt in 1868, demolished in 1930). Along the sides of the street are kerosene lanterns, cast-iron fence posts (left).
Inscriptions: There is a sticker on the passe-partout: “... To the right behind the alley going from the Vladimir Chapel, one can see the churches of Borisoglebskaya, Nikolskaya and Rozhdestvenskaya and part of the Governor's House, which was repeatedly a palace during the Highest travels of Emperor Nicholas I and now the prosperous reigning Emperor Alexander Nikolayevich.”

In the center, to the right is the Church of Boris and Gleb.

Ubrus comes from the Borisoglebskaya church in Vladimir. 19th century
Foil, gold, metal, silver, stones, glass, pearls, mother-of-pearl, beads, gimp, gold cord, paper, sewing.

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