Traditional medicine bruise under the eye. How to quickly and easily get rid of a bruise under the eye from a blow. Medicines for the "treatment" of a bruise under the eye

Do you have a bruise under your eye? It doesn't matter, this can happen to each of us in life. It can arise as a consequence of hitting a door jamb, from a fall, from being hit by a bully. Therefore, we want to tell you how to quickly cure a black eye on your own at home. After all, you must admit that not a single woman can wait 10 days until the bruise comes off on its own, changes its color - it's just hard labor.

Of course, you can not treat a bruise, but for ten days it will "decorate" your appearance. I want to tell you what to do immediately after the stroke, and then how to continue treatment.

As soon as you get a bruise, you must immediately attach something cold to the affected area. It can be ice, which is probably in every refrigerator. But if it is not there, then a frozen piece of meat is quite suitable, or a bag of frozen fruits that you prepared in the summer, even a bag of dumplings will come in handy.

It happens that you received a blow not at home, but on the street, and there is nothing cold at hand, what should you do in this case? Use any cold object: a metal object, a bottle of cold water, handkerchief dipped in water. For first aid, cold is applied for 30 minutes.

Thanks to your cold blood vessels will narrow, resulting in less blood getting under the skin, thereby you can reduce the size of the bruise, and the swelling will be much less, or maybe not at all. A catastrophe when the eye is swollen and with a bright bruise. The cold will also help relieve pain, which is just as important. In this situation cold compress, simply necessary thing and even irreplaceable.

Do not put off visiting a traumatologist after you have received a bruise under your eye from a blow. Most people do not consider such injuries serious at all, they think that these are only temporary inconveniences and troubles. However, this is not at all the case, because a blow can have consequences, for example, break eyeball, and the consequences of the injury may appear and affect later. The doctor will help you: he will determine the degree of damage, as well as prescribe the treatment you need. Thus, you can avoid unpleasant surprises for you in the future. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

A bruise under the eye - how to quickly get rid of it using medicines.

Treatment of a bruise must begin immediately, immediately after the injury. To do this, you need to buy absorbable hematomas ointment in a pharmacy. These drugs are quite inexpensive, and you can buy them even without a doctor's prescription. Below are the most effective ointments:

  1. Heparin ointment is a remedy that helps to resolve subcutaneous hemorrhages. It should be applied once an hour with light massage movements, but in no case should it be rubbed. As soon as the first thin layer absorbed, apply a second layer. Smear carefully so as not to injure the blood vessels again. It is recommended to treat with such an ointment no more than 5 days.
  2. Troxevasin ointment. This ointment is applied to the area where the bruise has formed every 2 hours. It is also impossible to rub, you just need to smear the sore and damaged place. The ointment is applied for 5 days.
  3. Vitamin K. in addition to external preparations, it is recommended to use medications that contain vitamin K - this will also help to get rid of a bruise under the eye faster. This vitamin restore, strengthen blood vessels, and also make them more elastic. A drug containing vitamin K will help you choose a doctor.

Bruise under the eye - how to quickly get rid of using folk remedies.

In addition to medicines, a bruise can be cured with folk remedies. AT folk medicine exists great amount different recipes, which will help get rid of a bruise under the eye quickly. Before you choose your remedy, first take a close look at the ingredients, and remember if you have any allergic reactions to any herbs. If you don't have any allergic reactions, then such drugs simply cannot harm your health.

Hemorrhagic herb.

Thanks to useful properties of this herb, you can accelerate the resorption of a bruise under the eye, because the burnet promotes the activation of blood circulation in the soft tissues. This herb is even used to stop bleeding, so it will be useful for quick treatment bruises. You can cure a bruise in four days. You can buy burnet herb at any pharmacy.

For the treatment of bruises, a decoction is prepared, from which lotions are then made on the damaged areas. In order to prepare a decoction, you will need an enamel pan, 3 tbsp. dry herbs, 1 cup boiling water. Then you need to put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the broth should be boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the broth through gauze, which must be folded into three or four layers. Then, in the cooled broth, moisten a cotton pad and apply for 20 minutes to the place where the bruise has formed. Moisten a cotton pad periodically in a decoction. It is recommended to make such lotions every 2 hours, and you will immediately notice the effect of burnet. And after 3-4 days you don’t even remember that you had a bruise under your eye.

A bruise under the eye, how to quickly get rid of with anise seeds.

Anise seeds not only remove the bruise, but also relieve you of swelling. A decoction is also prepared from the seeds and lotions are made. Pour 2 tbsp into the dishes (enamelled). anise seeds and pour them with a two-hundred-gram glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then the pan must be covered with something warm, and let the broth brew for about 1 hour. Then strain through cheesecloth, add honey there - 2 tbsp. and stir. Moisten a cotton pad in a decoction and apply to a bruise under the eye, as well as a decoction of burnet for 20 minutes. Such lotions should be done every 2 hours, and if done less often, then there will be no effect. The bruise from the blow will pass in 3-4 days.

You can also remove a bruise with a freshwater sponge. You can buy it in a pharmacy, it is sold in the idea of ​​a gel or powder. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2 tsp. for 1 tsp water. Put the resulting creamy mass on a clean cloth or bandage and apply to the affected area.

On the first day, as it was written a little higher, after an injury, cold should be applied, but on the following days, compresses should be done, and they should be warm. After all, it is heat that enhances blood circulation, so the bruise will come off much faster. Any means that you have on hand will do: a linen bag of heated sand or salt, a hot heating pad, hot bottled water. But remember exactly what dry heat will be much better. by the most the best remedy there will be coarse salt, which should be heated in a frying pan, put in a bag, and cooled a little to a temperature so that it can be tolerated, applied to the bruise.

It is necessary to warm up every 2 hours for 15 minutes for three days. And after three days, your bruise will completely disappear, leaving no trace.

A cabbage leaf will help you quickly cure a bruise under your eye. It must be made from warm compress. Take fresh cabbage leaves and heat them in hot water. Then crush with a rolling pin to soften the sheet, and apply to the sore spot. Make a compress every two hours.

And you can make a poultice from the infusion of comfrey. You will need 3-4 leaves of comfrey, which must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Strain, then moisten a cotton pad in this tincture and apply to the bruise. You can make poultices from the leaves and branches of rosemary, poultices will help to anesthetize the bruise and dissolve the bruise formed from the bruise.

There is one rule: you can warm up and make warm compresses only when edema subsides and only one bruise will remain.

More advice. Remember, in order to quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye, in no case should you use methods and methods that are designed to remove bruises on other parts of the body. After all, you must admit that the skin around the eyes is very soft and delicate, and in general it is possible to harm the eyes themselves.

Be careful and careful, then you will never need our advice.

Dark circles or bruising under the eyes is a problem caused by actively life (if a person works hard and rests little) and a variety of unhealthy excesses. At frequent occurrences bruises and dark circles under the eyes should be checked by an ophthalmologist.

If you are worried about bruising under the eyes: treatment with folk remedies

The first folk remedy for bruises under the eyes is healthy sleep and rest. If bruises under the eyes need to be quickly and effectively “removed”, then there are many folk remedies for this.

First of all, with bruises under the eyes, lotions should be done. The simplest folk remedy dark circles under the eyes are compresses and lotions from sleeping tea. Wrap in gauze and hold for fifteen minutes. Such treatment quickly eliminates both bruises under the eyes and swelling.

In addition, you can make lotions from boric acid at a concentration of not more than 2%. Cotton wool moistened with acid is recommended to be kept on problem areas no more than 15 minutes. It is better to do such lotions at night, so that the gas is properly rested.

A lotion from a decoction of chamomile (concentrated) will help not only remove bags and bruises under the eyes, but also take care of the skin - from the remnants of the decoction after a 15-minute compress, you can make a useful wash.

Folk remedies for the treatment of bruises are very diverse. So, you can even try such a treatment for dark circles under the eyes, like a mixture of raw grated small potatoes and vegetable oil(any at the discretion of the patient).

Bruises under the eyes can be treated with such a folk remedy as herbal tea. It does not take much time to prepare it, and the effect will amaze you. For one liter of water, you need to stock up four parsley plants (both with leaves and roots), as well as 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. All ingredients are thoroughly boiled over low heat, after which you can drink tea. It is necessary to drink three times a day for 100-150 ml. This tea also helps with weight loss and also has a slight diuretic effect on the body.

Fresh cucumber is not only in a good way folk treatment from bruises under the eyes, but also a good cosmetic product, because cucumber juice has an exfoliating, whitening and smoothing effect. Therefore, feel free to make a cucumber compress for the night, not only under the eyes, but also on the whole face. The vegetable can be cut into circles or grated, and mixed with cosmetic white clay to enhance the effect.

A very simple folk remedy - massage will also help to remove bruises under the eyes. With your fingertips after washing, especially in the morning, gently massage the affected areas - everything will pass very soon, especially complete with lotions and masks.

Dark circles under the eyes home remedies

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is almost always associated with chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, stress or lack of vitamin C in the body. Before undergoing a course of treatment with the help of folk remedies, you should have a good sleep, rest and use a large number of fruits containing vitamin C.

Potato is a product that will help get rid of dark circles. Note that for treatment is suitable potatoes in any form, both in cheese and boiled versions. clean up raw potatoes from the peel. Rinse thoroughly with clean running water, then cut out the circles and apply them directly to the eye. Lie with potatoes in front of your eyes for about fifteen minutes a day.

For another folk remedy, we need boiled potatoes, which we carefully push, and then add to it a small amount of. We are waiting for the puree to cool completely. The resulting slurry is applied to dark circles and we are in this state for about fifteen minutes. After this procedure, wash your face with water. room temperature.

Also, cottage cheese will help us in curing dark circles under the eyes. Rub a piece of cottage cheese with a spoon, and apply to the areas where dark circles appear on the skin, for about twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab, which you first soak in green tea.

Cucumber mask is an excellent folk remedy for treating bruises. Grate fresh cucumber on a grater, preferably use the finest grater. Mix the resulting porridge with the same amount of sour cream. Add chopped parsley to this puree. Apply the resulting mixture to the darkened skin of the face. After the procedure, rinse your face with water at room temperature. If you don't have enough time for this procedure, you can cut the cucumber and attach it to the sore spot.

Parsley cream is a very effective folk remedy. Finely chop the parsley leaves and stalks and add to them butter. Parsley should be half as much as butter. Mix until a homogeneous cream is formed. After receiving, apply it on the problem area of ​​​​the face, rubbing with massage movements. It is advisable to do this procedure before going to bed.

Treatment of bruises under the eyes with folk remedies is the most convenient and effective way. However, folk remedies will be powerless with congenital dark circles, in this case only cosmetics can help you.

But even if the eye itself, fortunately, was not injured, it is not always possible to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, and you don’t want to walk with such “compromising evidence” at all! How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye, and is it possible?

As soon as the bruise is applied: the bruise under the eye will be less if acted immediately!

A bruise under the eye will quickly be removed when the right measures were taken immediately. General recommendation- you need to apply cold as soon as possible! It happens that confusion sets in and it is difficult to immediately figure out where to get some cold object? We suggest:

  • Ice and snow(from the refrigerator, or real, winter). But!! If it happened in the cold, then you can’t apply ice or snow for a long time, there is a risk of frostbite! Also, do not rub with snow - this will additionally damage the skin !!!
  • Cold water from the tap (you can moisten any cloth with it, or fill the bottle, if there is no bottle - a plastic bag). You can also look into the refrigerator - any bottle with something chilled is good (milk, drink, wine - it doesn't matter!).
  • Frozen food from the freezer (some vegetables or dumplings in a bag, for example).
  • Any copper object. Copper is a metal that holds cold for a long time. The copper coin itself is cool, and if you hold it for literally three minutes in the refrigerator, it’s generally great! The problem is that there are no modern copper coins, and in general copper is now exotic in everyday life.

Why cold is needed: the blood vessels constrict from the cold, and the bruising will not be so extensive! And also applying cold to the affected area has a slight anesthetic effect, that is, it will not hurt so much.

But do not get carried away, it does not make sense to keep a cold object for longer than half an hour after the injury. What you have, you have, then you need to deal with treatment.

How to treat a bruise under the eye?

There is medications(mainly ointments), which will quickly reduce the bruise under the eye.

lifesaver - ointment "Troxevasin". Doctors use it in cases where you need to get rid of a hematoma in as soon as possible(for example, if the bruises on the hands are from regular droppers). small bruise With this ointment passes in two or three days.

Also help heparin ointment- it can be used in parallel with Troxevasin, alternately lubricating the hematoma with this and this drug.

Buy an ointment from a sea plant - this is natural remedy against hematomas. You can use not a ready-made ointment, but purchase bodyagi powder, mix it yourself with water to the consistency of gruel, and apply this mass to the bruise.

How to remove a bruise from the eye with folk remedies?

“Lanterns” and black eyes are probably the most popular “folk” injury. And far from everyone and not always go to the emergency room with this case ... Therefore, it is not surprising that all sorts of simple household recipes were invented and repeatedly tested in various variations that help reduce a bruise under the eye after a blow. Basically, these are lotions and compresses ..

  • Compress from grated onion With salt. Simply grate the raw onion, salt it hard, put it in cheesecloth and apply it to the “lantern” three times a day. Oh, and cry...
  • frozen vodka(severe male prescription). If you find yourself with a black eye, look for the underdrinking "bubble" of the "little white". You don't have to drink it!!! It must be diluted with water 1: 1, poured into ice molds and frozen in the freezer. Then dice vodka ice wipe the area under the eye, preferably as often as possible.
  • Cabbage. Cabbage juice really has the ability to promote the resorption of bruises, and this is scientifically confirmed. You only need one fresh leaf - it should be passed through a meat grinder, or very finely chopped and mashed: the ideal consistency is slurry so that the juice stands out as much as possible. Apply this on the bruise three times a day, for 20 minutes until it completely disappears.
  • Wormwood lotion. In summer, it is not a problem to find fresh wormwood in the village - you need to grind it to such a state that the wormwood juice stands out. Soak gauze in wormwood juice or wormwood gruel and apply to the hematoma.

Be sure to watch this video! The girl shares her real experience of reducing a bruise after a blow around the eye.

This herb activates blood circulation in the soft tissues, which contributes to the resorption of the bruise. To prepare a decoction 3 tbsp. burnet pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook until half the liquid has evaporated. Cool, strain and, moistening a gauze cloth in this product, apply to the bruise for 20-30 minutes. Perform the procedure every 2-3 hours, and then the bruise will come off in 3-4 days.

Prepare the decoction in an enamel bowl.

anise seeds

To quickly remove a bruise under the eye, prepare a decoction. For this, 2 tbsp. anise seeds pour 250 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, wrap the pan with a warm towel and let stand for about 1 hour. Strain the resulting product, add 2 tbsp. honey and stir. Moisten a gauze cloth in the decoction and apply to the damaged area for 20-30 minutes. Make such lotions every 2-3 hours, and after 3 days there will be no trace of a bruise.

This tool will not only remove the bruise, but also relieve swelling.


Mix bodyagi powder with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Put the resulting mass on a clean napkin and attach to the site of the bruise. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. This remedy helps to treat not only bruises under the eye, but also hematomas.


The following recipe will also help to quickly cure a bruise under the eye: 2 tbsp. dry calendula flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for about 5-7 minutes, leave to brew for 30 minutes. Strain and, moistening a cotton pad in the decoction, apply to the bruise for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure every 2-3 hours.


Quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye will help a warm compress from cabbage leaves. fresh leaves warm in hot water, crush with a rolling pin and apply to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Do a compress every 2 hours.


To prepare an infusion of 3-4 leaves of comfrey, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain, soak a cotton pad in the decoction and apply to the bruise. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours.

warming up

When the swelling subsides and only a bruise remains on the face, apply dry heat to it. To do this, heat coarse salt in a pan, put it in a bag and, having cooled to certain temperature, apply to the damaged area. Spend this procedure 15 minutes every 2 hours for 3 days.

To temporarily hide a bruise under the eye, use cosmetics: foundation, powder, corrector and so on.

Bruises do not adorn anyone. For a woman, a real disaster if cyanotic circles form on her face - such a nuisance will ruin plans for a few days in advance. How to remove a bruise in one day to prevent this? Not everyone will correctly say how to reduce swelling and restore skin normal color. Learn about proven methods, after the application of which there will be no trace of cyanosis.

How to quickly remove a bruise on the face

How to quickly get rid of a bruise at home:

  1. Reduce swelling. Apply ice, a cold towel, a bottle from the refrigerator to the impact site.
  2. Warm up the site of injury.
  3. Disguise with cosmetics.

By special means

How to treat bruises and bruises? Pharmacies offer a selection of drugs against edema and abrasions:

  • "Bruise-Off". This remedy for abrasions under the eyes from a blow relieves swelling of the soft tissues around the bruise, refreshes, resolves the bruise. The drug acts partly as a tonal base, masking traces of trauma. How to quickly remove a bruise from the eye? Apply this cream to the bruise regularly for three days. Best results can be achieved by using the medication every three hours.
  • "Troxevasin". How to quickly cure a bruise under the eye? This ointment will help against swelling and bruising, which will get rid of a bright and large mark in just a couple of days. Worth a penny, sold in every pharmacy. Additional action– strengthening small vessels, which will help prevent the appearance of new spots in the same place.
  • "Lyoton". This ointment fights inflammatory processes and relieves swelling with a bang. In addition, Lyoton has a calming and anesthetic effect - this helps relieve pain.

Folk remedies

How to remove bruises under the eyes at home? The measures that you take with the help of improvised means come down to the algorithm:

  1. Cool the impact site immediately after injury. Use as specialized means(“Snowball” - dry ice in a bag), and improvised ones - they are no less effective. Attach a cold bottle, a towel soaked in ice water, to the impact site and hold for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Half an hour after the injury - heat. Use a regular heating pad, a bottle of hot water, freshly boiled egg. In order not to burn yourself, wrap the object in a towel and attach it to the impact site.

How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye? It is important not to miss the moment of injury and provide first aid within half an hour. Immediately after the impact, swelling is formed. Refrigerate immediately to prevent appearance soft tissues around the injury. To do this, use ice, snow, a bottle from the refrigerator and any other means at hand. After about half an hour, when the bruise takes on color and shape, it's time to heat it up. This is done in order to speed up blood circulation and resorption.


Even if you take all the measures listed above, the hematoma will heal for at least two days. At this time, it is noticeable, which can greatly complicate life, especially for a woman. How to hide bruises under the eyes? The easiest way is to disguise them with the usual decorative cosmetics. Unfortunately, this method is hardly suitable for men - a layer of foundation on a man's face looks unusual, and therefore very noticeable. Women, on the other hand, can mask not very bright hematomas with the help of a dense base, concealer and powder. To hide a bruise on your face with makeup:

  1. Apply the thickest foundation you have. Try to distribute it evenly over the face so that there is no large cluster cosmetics at the site of the injury.
  2. If it is still visible, apply concealer on top. In case of an injury on the nose, it is better to skip this step - excess cosmetics will be visible from a mile away, especially if you have enlarged pores. The color of the product must be chosen based on the shade of the stain itself. Red is best painted over with cold colors (with a blue or green tone). Blue - on the contrary, warm (red, orange). Choose light concealers. Otherwise, the trail may become even more noticeable.
  3. Apply a thin layer of powder evenly on the face.
  4. How to disguise bruises under the eyes? In the same way, only a little less concealer is required. Try not to cover them with a greasy layer of cream - the skin under the eyes best of all gives out excess cosmetics.

How to quickly get rid of bruises on the body

Unlike the face, the impact marks on the body last much longer. How to remove bruises on the legs in a couple of days? If it is possible to immediately provide first aid, apply something ice immediately after the injury. Afterwards, you can heat the bruise to dissolve quickly, but this is not very effective. You will have to buy special creams or ointments.

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