How can a child not catch a cold in the summer heat. Summer cold: what to do if the baby is sick

A cold is always hypothermia defiant development or bacterial (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis), or viral (ARVI, influenza) infections. And in the summer, many cool themselves very intensively.

Dr. Bruce Hirsch (North Shore University Hospital in Manhesset, USA) is sure that summer colds are more dangerous than winter ones. If only because in summer the symptoms of a cold are not as obvious as in winter, and even if a sore throat or a runny nose appears, many do not take it seriously and are in no hurry to take up treatment. So the disease lasts longer.

There is another danger as well. , which actually provide all cold symptoms- sore throat, cough, runny nose, fever - cause parainfluenza viruses, coronaviruses and rhinoviruses.

They "host" all year round, but in warm time years, they are joined by an enterovirus, which adds trouble in the form of diarrhea or skin rashes. Enterovirus is transmitted not only through dirty hands and objects (which everyone has heard about), but also by airborne droplets through sneezing and coughing.

Why do we get colds?

Air conditioners

In the rooms we or the fans, although they are one of the main culprits of colds. The constantly circulating air dries out the nasal mucosa, which serves as a protective barrier against infection, and viruses easily enter the body. In addition, the conditioned air is not only dry, but also cold, and low temperature- an excellent condition for the reproduction of various viruses.

Exit. Room temperature must not be below 21 °C. Ideally, the difference between room and outdoor air temperature in the heat should be no more than 5–7 ° C.

Ice drinks

The feeling that ice-cold drinks quench your thirst is deceptive. They are refreshing, but not very a short time, but for the body it is a real shock. The supercooled mucous throat loses its ability to resist viruses and bacteria and becomes a kind of gateway for various infections.

Exit. Do not drink drinks from the refrigerator and do not add pieces of ice to them. Ice cream in the heat is slightly melted. You need to drink and eat cold things in small sips-pieces so that they have time to warm up in your mouth.


In summer, people actively move, and with it, microorganisms. Like a child who first came to Kindergarten, is forced to “get acquainted” with a bunch of new viruses, and a vacationer in a hotel or rest home can “meet” with a couple of infections that are still unfamiliar to him. The likelihood of catching the virus on an airplane is especially high. The limited space of an Airbus, coupled with dry air, is an ideal environment for airborne disease transmission.

Exit. Use moisturizing nose drops on the plane, drink more water. Be sure to use antibacterial wet wipes. And upon arrival, give the body time to acclimatize.

Wet clothes

Moisture, evaporating from a wet swimsuit, causes hypothermia of the body, and at the same time or thrush.

Exit. Wipe dry. And change into a dry bathing suit.

From heat to cold

Which he may not be able to handle. After the heat of the day, the evening may not be so warm and easily lead to hypothermia, so do not forget about warm clothes. And the biggest mistake is to climb into cold water hot to cool off. Such a sharp hypothermia is fraught with not only possible cold, this is a blow to the cardiovascular system.

Exit. Avoid drafts and dress for the weather.

In the summer you can easily get sick, despite the fact that the weather is fine outside - than sick summer kids, for example? It can be a cold, an intestinal infection, sunstroke, water injuries and many other troubles. They often arise through the fault of adults - they overlooked, relaxed on vacation, relied on immunity, or simply did not think that the baby could get sick in the heat. As a result, a spoiled vacation, or even hospitalization ... What can be done to avoid problems during a summer vacation?

Why are we sick?

Although summer is considered one of the most safe periods for chronic pathology then for colds and infections, various injuries and trouble it is quite a "popular" season. Especially if you test the child's body for strength, indulging in extreme types of recreation and coming off in terms of food and entertainment. What are the most common diseases in summer? Usually this cold infections and SARS (due to sudden changes temperatures), intestinal disorders and poisoning (due to a change in nutrition and violations of its storage conditions), as well as burns, overheating, injuries and their consequences.

In summer, the immune system experiences powerful stress due to the heat: intense heat reduces the body's defenses no less than hypothermia in winter time. When weakened immune protection colds or intestinal infections can easily occur, especially in conditions of poor hygiene (children forget to wash their hands, eat unwashed fruits or berries, etc.).

Colds or SARS

In summer, we crave the saving coolness and turn on the air conditioner at home, as a result creating a sharp and pronounced contrast between street and home temperature. This creates temperature stress and leads to a decrease in immunity. As a result, one's own microflora in the nose and throat may be activated, sore throats, pharyngitis or runny noses may occur. Add to the piggy bank of colds also factors such as local hypothermia when drinking ice water, swimming in ponds, reception a large number ice cream.

A cold is especially dangerous for babies - with the development of a sore throat, they may develop a complication on the kidneys, joints or heart, the development of rheumatism. It leads to grave consequences. Therefore, in summer heat with children, try to use the air conditioner in a dosed manner, do not create sudden temperature changes, do not turn it on at full power, use a weak air flow.

Trips to the sea

Often, parents with children in the summer go on vacation to the sea, to resorts, sometimes with a long journey or flight. What do children get sick in summer at resorts? Most often, they suffer from acclimatization and jet lag, which leads to fever, digestive disorders, sleep and behavioral problems. This can lead to the child spending several days instead of resting in bed with a high fever, refusal to eat or sitting on the potty...

In addition, in children, diseases can also lead to acute stress from an overabundance of emotions, a change in the usual environment, from a violation of the daily routine and habitual nutrition. Therefore, so that the child does not get sick, think over the rest to the smallest detail: so that it does not greatly disrupt the child’s usual life (and it is better to refuse to travel with babies under 3 years further than 100-200 km from home).

Many mothers and fathers whose children are often sick are looking forward to the onset of summer. It seems that on sunny warm days it is almost impossible to pick up an insidious infection, and a child tired of constant colds, will finally be able to gain strength, stock up on vitamins and health for the whole year. But that was not the case: according to statistics, some children get sick much more often in summer than in winter.

What is it connected with? There are several main reasons for frequent illnesses in the warm season.
Cool drinks and ice cream.
Many parents mistakenly believe that ice cream and cold drinks in the heat will bring relief to the child. In fact, these cold delicacies will not save you from the heat; as a rule, they only make you more thirsty. But the supercooled mucous membrane of the throat loses its ability to resist dangerous infections, as a result of which they easily enter the body. Therefore, it is better to quench the thirst of babies with unsweetened drinks. room temperature or hot tea: in hot weather, they help keep water balance. Of course, you should not deprive the kids of their favorite ice cream. But you need to give it in small portions, it is better during the day or in the evening, and not in the very heat. Otherwise, severe pain in the throat will be difficult to avoid.
Unhealthy climate in the apartment and air conditioning.
In hot weather, it is necessary to ensure that the climate in the apartment is comfortable for the kids. Try to maintain a stable temperature, ideally no higher than 22 degrees, ventilate the room regularly and do wet cleaning. This will help to avoid overheating, dryness and injury to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
In the event that an air conditioner is installed in an apartment or car, it must be used carefully. A sharp temperature drop is one of the causes of frequent illnesses in the summer. Make sure that the baby avoids direct air flow from the air conditioner and is not subjected to sudden changes in temperature. Attention! Only in the event that he leaves the car with air conditioning on the street or, conversely, gets into the car - it is better to put on a jacket and take it off after a while than to hear complaints from the baby about a sore throat, runny nose and others in a week. unpleasant symptoms colds.
Overheating in the sun.
Parents should remember that small child it is much easier to overheat than to overcool, so you should always dress your baby according to the weather. Only in the event that it is hot outside, a T-shirt and shorts or a light dress are enough. By dressing the baby in tights or a blouse to protect him from the slightest breeze, caring mothers only make things worse. After all, all the kids are active and are not used to sitting still. Having run literally 200 meters, such a warmed baby will immediately sweat. The slightest breath of wind blows it away. As a result - a hated cold.
Another important rule: during summer walks, one should not forget about a panama hat, cap or scarf, because it is so easy to overheat your head under direct rays. For getting sunstroke 5-10 minutes is enough. But when in the shade, it is better to remove the headgear so that the child does not sweat.
Swimming in open water.
One of the causes of frequent illnesses in summer is hypothermia caused by swimming in open water. It is clear that in the heat you want to plunge into cool water, but abruptly entering the reservoir, and even more so immediately diving, is categorically not recommended. Make sure that the child enters the lake or river gradually, so the body can get used to the change in temperature. You should not stay in the water for a long time: after 15 minutes you need to go out on land and warm yourself. On the shore, the child should be immediately changed into dry clothes and wrapped in a terry towel.
If, despite all the measures taken by the parents, the baby complains about severe pain in the throat, treatment should be started immediately. After all, this symptom is the main symptom of insidious tonsillitis, from which children often suffer in the summer.
Acute sore throat: treatment.
The first thing to do when a child has a sore throat is to help the epithelium quickly restore its protective functions to prevent infection from entering the body. This task is easily handled by a modern Derinat spray. This drug not only quickly restores the damaged mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, but also contributes to:
Prompt disposal of dangerous viruses and bacteria, activation of their own defensive forces body to relieve pain.
Severe sore throat, which is treated with Derinat, takes place in as soon as possible. It prevents the development of the disease and helps to avoid serious complications. Before use, read the instructions. Individual intolerance is possible.
Derinat spray is allowed from the first days of life, it has a neutral color, smell and taste, so babies take it without problems. Reliable remedy always on guard of children's health!

It seems that - summer is the time when you can relax and forget about the illnesses of your children. But it was not there. It turns out that according to statistics, children get sick more often in summer than in winter. What is it connected with? Consider the most popular reasons:

1. Overheating.

The thing is that it is much easier for a child to overheat than to overcool. You have probably seen more than once how in winter a child lies motionless in a stroller, wrapped in 3 diapers, 2 blouses and walking overalls are pulled over all this. As a result, the child overheats and can earn colds. But in the summer it's a completely different matter - children run around in T-shirts and shorts. Yes, it should be so, but caring mothers still manage to put tights or a blouse on their beloved baby so that, God forbid, it doesn’t blow. And the child, having run 200 meters, is already sweating. You need to dress for the weather!

And even if the child is dressed properly and does not overheat during daytime activities during a walk, then in no case should you forget about a headdress. It is very easy to overheat a child in direct sunlight. 5-10 minutes is enough and he can get sunstroke.

2. Wrong conditions in the apartment.

It is also necessary to properly dress the child at home. Do not forget that the optimum temperature in the house should be no higher than 22 degrees. Try to ventilate the room as often as possible and do wet cleaning. So you can avoid overheating and dryness of the mucous membrane of your children.

Most parents do not even know about the dangers of air conditioners - both indoors and in cars. As soon as you move from a temperature of 25 degrees to a cold jet of an air conditioner, you are already exposed to a serous opportunity to get sick. Thanks to air conditioners, children often get sick in the summer, and parents cannot determine the cause of their runny nose.

Try to avoid direct airflow from the air conditioner. And, in general, try not to change drastically temperature regime child. If he gets out of the air-conditioned car into the street or vice versa, it’s better to put on a jacket and take it off over time than to treat a cold for a week later or, if you’re not lucky, pneumonia.

3. Cold drinks.

What Causes a Sore Throat in Summer? It's all about cool drinks and ice cream or hypothermia. The causative agent of angina is a type of staphylococcal bacillus, which is transmitted through the steam cow's milk or from a sick person.

The heat relaxes, and walking on a cold floor and cola with ice weakens the immune system and it is very easy to catch a cold in the summer. Parents, be vigilant!

4. Hygiene.

Dirty water and flies in summer are almost 100% guarantee of purchase intestinal infection for you and your children. Be careful and wash your children's hands before eating and do not let the food stand in the sun for a long time. Also, remember to thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables before eating and hide leftovers in the refrigerator.

To summarize:

  • Temper before the summer;
  • Do not touch children in the heat, but do not forget to wear hats;
  • Keep an eye on the cleanliness of the child and what he eats;
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before eating and hide leftovers in the refrigerator;
  • Do not let children sit near the air conditioner;
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes;
  • Make sure that the child does not eat a lot of ice cream and cold drinks.

If a child gets sick in the summer, how to properly treat him.

Experts note: in the summer, parents of young children become more careless. It is clear that in the heat no one will wrap up children, albeit as an exception, but they are allowed to enjoy ice cream and drink cold water. And swim as much as you want. The excuse is simple: the kid needs to plunge into the summer and enjoy it. What can we say about the rest!

We, adults, are trying to invest in two weeks (well, if someone has longer) everything that we dreamed about the whole working year. Willy-nilly, the little one falls into the emotional field of loved ones, is involved in the process. Now it goes without saying for him that in the summer you can go to bed later, not rest at lunch, instead of porridge, have breakfast with what you want ... And if such experiments did not lead to obvious consequences, dads and moms generally forget about caution. That's just children's body unable to infinitely compensate stressful situations. And... the baby falls ill suddenly, seemingly for no reason at all.

There is another reason. Getting into a situation of permissiveness, the child seems to lose the brakes, ceases to obey, becomes poorly controlled. It is not surprising that he immediately enthusiastically tries everything that was previously forbidden.

What happened?
At high temperature air the body and asks for coolness. Both adults and children are looking for her everywhere. A light draft is perceived as a reward, and a bottle of cold water- and even more so. And no one is limited to one sip. There is a desire to quickly plunge into a pleasant water surface and not leave it for as long as possible.

Such sharp drop temperature does not go unnoticed. Literally after a few hours, it starts to tickle in the throat, a runny nose appears. But few people pay attention to this either. In autumn, winter, you would instantly brew a child medicinal tea or gave warm milk, put on warm socks at night, rubbed the breast with balm or arranged passive inhalation. But not in summer.

Warming treatments in the heat? Yes, just thinking about it makes me sick! Perhaps everything will pass by itself ... And, without taking any measures, you are also active. Beach or pool, playground or attractions. Even healthy child risk in crowded places. And the one who is slightly snotty, and even more so!

Unfortunately, the body, weakened by a common cold, is very vulnerable. A bacterial infection easily joins a viral infection. Here the child is literally weakening before our eyes. The temperature rises sharply, he looks lethargic, naughty. At the same time, his voice becomes hoarse, nasal discharge becomes greenish tint, there is a cough.

Without self-treatment!
Wherever you are: at home or on vacation, - in the event of dangerous symptoms(fever, cough, sore throat) the baby should be seen by a doctor. The most important thing is that the doctor listens carefully to the baby and during the course of treatment does this every 2-3 days.

In addition, it is important to correctly diagnose, choose a treatment regimen and adjust it depending on the child's condition (the doctor will focus on improving or worsening his condition).

In order
Therapy in summer period very different from winter. Indeed, no one will prescribe your child steam inhalation and warm drinks.

The doctor will recommend that the child drink tea or water at room temperature. In any case, the liquid is useful, because it removes toxins from the body and saves it from dehydration at high temperatures. It is desirable that the drinks contain vitamin C, which positively affects the immune system. Blackcurrant juice, raspberry compote will help the baby cope with the heat, give strength in the fight against the disease.

Compresses are allowed only at night when the air becomes cooler.

Regular water procedures required. The little one sweats a lot and needs to be bathed.

Unfortunately, without antibiotics to cope with bacterial infection almost impossible. Does the pediatrician consider their reception justified? Listen to him and start giving medicine.

Moms are well aware: reception antibacterial drugs negatively affects the intestinal microflora. Together with pathogens disappear and beneficial bacteria. As a result, the crumbs complain of pain in the tummy, poor appetite, diarrhea. Therefore, in parallel with antibiotic therapy and for some time after it, the child should drink probiotics.

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