What does it mean is out of my head. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language what it means to fly out of your head, what it means and how to spell it correctly. Head peeling recipes Salt peeling for the scalp

Get out of my head Completely, totally forgot something. From noun. with meaning distraction subject: a rule, a poem, a task, an assignment ... flew out of my head; who? father, pupil, student ... flew out of his head; as? completely, completely, quickly ... flew out of my head.

“Did you bring me the Quiet Flows the Don by Sholokhov?” “Sorry, but your request completely slipped my mind.”

What am I to say? ... I don’t remember anything, everything flew out of my head ... (A. Ostrovsky.)

The whole carefully invented story with a trip to my aunt flew out of my head ... (A. Gaidar.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what "fly out of your head" is in other dictionaries:

    get out of my head- fly out of the mind, get out of the head, get out of the head, get out of the memory, get out of the memory, get out of the heart oblivion…… Synonym dictionary

    Fly out of my head- FLY OUT OF THE HEAD. FLY OUT OF THE HEAD. Razg. Express. Completely forget. Sato gets the opportunity to speak, but all the stories prepared in advance ... flew out of his head (S. Dikovsky. Patriots) ...

    FLY OUT OF HEAD- that [who, whose] Completely forget. It means that what thoughts, decisions, knowledge, information, events, etc. (P) often suddenly, suddenly disappear from the memory of a person, group of people (X). Speaks with disapproval. informal ✦ (12)… …

    get out of my head- You / fly out of your head (from memory) To forget ... Dictionary of many expressions

    FLY OUT- FLY OUT, I will cure, you will fly out, sov. (to take off). 1. Flying, get out, appear from somewhere, because of something. The bird flew out of the cage and out the window. Ducks flew out from behind the edge. || trans. Get out, run out, leave somewhere quickly (colloquial). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    fly out- Fly out of the head (colloquial) disappear without a trace (about thoughts, knowledge, etc.). Such became unconscious: everything flew out of my head. Fly into the pipe (colloquial jokingly.) go bankrupt, become insolvent. You managed to please with the ruble; not… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    fly out- fly, fly; St. see also fly out, departure, departure 1) a) Fly from where l .; fly, go, go somewhere. A chick flew out of the nest. A bee flew out of the hive. An arrow flew out, a bullet ... Dictionary of many expressions

    FLY OUT- FLY OUT, fly, fly; sovereign 1. Flying, heading, going somewhere. The plane took off on schedule. The chick flew out of the nest. Flew (silent) out of my head (trans.: forgot; colloquial). 2. Flying, appear from where n. The plane took off from... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Fly out of your mind- FLY OUT OF THE MIND. FLY OUT OF YOUR MIND. Razg. Express. The same as getting out of my head. At that moment, our troubles and scandals suddenly flew out of my mind (G. Nikolaeva. The Tale of the Director of MTS) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    fly out- fly, fly; St. 1. Fly from where; fly, go, go somewhere. A chick flew out of the nest. A bee flew out of the hive. An arrow flew out, a bullet. The plane took off for reconnaissance. // Head somewhere. air transport. In the morning I flew to... encyclopedic Dictionary

Encyclopedia "About everything in the world"

Why do the words "fly out of my head"?

Each of us got into a situation where the right word just “spins on the tongue”, but somehow “flew out of our heads”. The usual word can somehow be replaced by another, but if it is the name or the name of the interlocutor - a big embarrassment.

This common tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) effect is well known to psychologists. To explain it, two hypotheses were put forward, from which, thanks to ingenious experiments by American scientists, they recently managed to choose the right one. A widespread hypothesis was that the difficulties arise because another word with a similar sound "blocks" the pronunciation of the desired one.

In 1991, Deborah Burke suggested that a person pronounces words as if in two stages.

First, the word that is necessary in meaning is selected, and then sounds are extracted from memory to pronounce it. The TOT effect occurs due to the fact that the brain cannot establish a reliable connection between the word and the required set of sounds.

In experiments conducted at the University of California, a group of one hundred people were asked simple questions. In the first experiment, before the question, the subject was asked to say a list of ten words. If these words contained sounds that were present in the correct answer, then, as expected, the number of correct answers increased, and the number of TOT states decreased markedly.

In the second experiment, subjects simply answered questions. If they did not know the answer or fell into a TOT state, they were offered a list.

And again, the probability of exiting the TOT state increased from 25 to 50 percent if the list of words contained the right sounds.

The researchers believe that the results obtained allow us to completely reject the old hypothesis of “blocking” the answer with another similar-sounding word.

other interesting facts:
The biggest restaurant. Mang Horn Luang. The *Mang Gorn Luang* (*King Dragon*) restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, opened in October 1991, has a capacity of 5,000 diners. And to make it more convenient to serve the huge halls with a total area of ​​3.37 hectares, the waiters drive around them on rollers.
The deepest part of the bottom of the lake. Baikal is located 1181 m below sea level.
The oldest horse Pony. Pony owned by Central French farmer in 1919 lives to be 54
The largest bivalve. Tridacna. Among the bivalve molluscs, the giant marine tridacna (Tridacna gigas), which lives on the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific oceans, has the largest shell. In 1956, on about. Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan, was found tridacna 115 cm long and weighing 333 kg. Scientists who studied this specimen in August 1984 suggested that the tridacna weighed 340 kg in life.


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You’re thinking about something important—vacation plans or a new work project—and the phone rings. All thoughts immediately fly out of your head, and then you painfully remember what you were talking about a minute ago.

Familiar situation? Surely you have often encountered a similar phenomenon. And now scientists have conducted new studies and found out what processes are behind this phenomenon.

The study, led by UC San Diego neuroscientist Adam Aron, along with Oxford University staff led by lead author Jan Wessel, is published in the journal Nature Communications. The authors of this work came to the conclusion that the same mechanism of brain function is responsible for interrupting the process of thinking as for stopping the movement of our body.

In their work, scientists studied one of the parts of the brain that plays an important role in the process of controlling the movement of the body - the subthalamic nucleus (SN). It is a small cluster of densely packed neurons, resembling a biconvex lens in shape, and is part of the basic system of the basal ganglia - nerve nodes in the human brain.

Previous studies by Aron and his colleagues have shown that the SA turns on when it needs to signal the body to stop. According to Professor Aron, this may be especially important for the so-called full stop of the body. A full stop is a sudden stop of the whole body. We experience it, for example, when, exiting an elevator, we suddenly meet a person on the other side of the doors and stop abruptly to avoid bumping into him.

The authors analyzed brain encephalograms of 20 healthy people and signals from electrodes implanted in the SC of seven patients suffering from Parkinson's disease (SC is the main target for therapeutic brain stimulation in the treatment of this disease).

The authors believe that their study will help to better understand the mechanism of Parkinson's disease. This disease leads to movement disorders: tremor (trembling of the limbs), slow movement and facial convulsions. Patients are also characterized by equanimity - they are immersed in their thoughts and do not pay attention to external stimuli. According to Professor Aron, the same brain processes are responsible for the inhibition of the movement of patients as for equanimity in the process of thinking.

All subjects completed the task of studying working memory, which determines the ability to keep in mind small fragments of information necessary for short-term mental activity. This memory is also called RAM, by analogy with the RAM of a computer. During each individual test, volunteers were asked to memorize a sequence of letters, then a bell rang and they had to reproduce this sequence. In most tests, a single-tone melody was used as a call. Sometimes the call was replaced by a signal similar to bird singing. During the tests, the brain activity of the volunteers was recorded and how well the volunteers remembered the sequence of letters.

The results showed that when reacting to unexpected events, the brain behaves in the same way as when the body stops moving. Both of these processes involve SA. The more SA is included in the process, that is, the more the brain reacts to an unexpected sound signal, the greater the impact this signal has on a person’s working memory. As a result, a person forgets the information that he was trying to keep in his mind.

“So far, we have shown that unexpected or surprising events turn on the same brain mechanisms that we use to move and stop the body,” comment the authors of the study.

The discovered connection of the SL with the cessation of body movement and the functioning of working memory is in good agreement with anatomical models explaining the role of the SL in the brain system. However, according to the authors, more research is needed to determine if there is a causal relationship between the activity observed in the SA and the loss of information from working memory.

“Unexpected events cause you to forget what you were just thinking about,” Aron says. "The radical new idea is that, just as the brain's 'stopping mechanism' is involved in stopping the movement of the body, it may also be responsible for the interruption of the thought process and the loss of information."

Professor Aron believes that a possible direction for future research is to study the role of the SO and related areas of the brain in diseases characterized by problems with concentration, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

“It would be interesting to see if this brain mechanism can be artificially triggered,” adds Wessel. “This would allow it to be actively used to get rid of intrusive thoughts or unwanted memories.”

If further research confirms the link between AE and failures in working memory, then we can assume that we are dealing with an adaptive mechanism of the brain, the authors of the work believe. In order to understand how such a mechanism could arise, Professor Aron suggests considering the following example. Imagine that you are walking on the African savanna and collecting wood for a fire. You are daydreaming about the food you are about to cook, and suddenly you hear rustling in the bushes. You stop abruptly and forget about food because you are focusing all your attention on the bushes to find out if you are in danger. In this case, it will be useful for you to get all unnecessary thoughts out of your head and focus on the current problem.

Fly out of my head

get out of the mind, get out of the head, get out of the head, get out of the memory, get out of the memory, get out of the heart , to jump out of memory, to be forgotten, to disappear from memory, to come true, to get out of mind, to sink into oblivion, out of mind, to forget, to forget, to be erased from memory, to fall out of my head

  • - 1) break down; 2) do not fit into the turn ...

    Automobile dictionary

  • - vb. Fast. eg: II ref.; owls. in.; non-transitional; non-returnable 1) If you leave2 early, you will be in time for the fair. 2) Leave2 early! LZ Flying, move towards someone or something ...

    Morphemic derivational dictionary

  • - FLY OUT, - I'm flying, - you're flying; sovereign 1. Flying, heading, going somewhere. The plane took off on schedule. The chick flew out of the nest. It flew out of my head. 2. Flying, appear from somewhere. The plane took off from behind the clouds. 3...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - FLY OUT, I'll fly out, fly out, sov. . 1. Flying, get out, appear from somewhere, because of something. The bird flew out of the cage and out the window. Ducks flew out from behind the edge. || transfer...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - fly out I owl. neperekh. see take off I II owls. not over...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - fly out vb., sv., use. compare...

    Dictionary of Dmitriev

  • - in "fly out, in" I'll fly out, in "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - FLY OUT OF THE HEAD. FLY OUT OF THE HEAD. Razg. Express. Completely forget. Satou gets the opportunity to speak, but all the stories prepared in advance ... flew out of his head ...
  • - FLY OUT OF THE MIND. FLY OUT OF YOUR MIND. Razg. Express. The same as getting out of my head. At that moment, our troubles and scandals suddenly flew out of my mind ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Razg. Completely, totally forgot something. From noun. with meaning distraction subject: a rule, a poem, a task, an assignment ... flew out of my head; who? father, pupil, student ... flew out of my head ...

    Educational Phraseological Dictionary

  • - who. Razg. Completely, completely forgotten, not remembered. FSRYA, 94; ZS 1996, 238; BTS, 174; POS 6, 7; AOC 8, 206; AOC 9, 236...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - FLY OUT, - I'm flying, - you're flying; owls., from where and without additional. . Lose, get out of the game, be removed from business. into the pipe - go broke ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - to be expelled, to be fired, to take to the air, to depart, to set off, to stay behind the state, reduced, to jump out, to thunder, to emerge, to receive a calculation thrown out of the gate, to fly, to lose a seat, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - to fly out of the mind, to jump out of the head, to be erased from the head, to fly out of the memory, to fall out of the memory, to be erased from the heart, by the past, to get out of the mind, to get out of the head, to jump out of the mind, to get out of the memory, out of the memory, .. .

    Synonym dictionary

  • - ...

    Antonym Dictionary

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