Massage and a lullaby, or why do cats trample us with their paws and purr? Different versions of why cats trample us with their paws. Why do cats stomp their paws before lying down and at bedtime

The pawing of paws on the belly of a cat is observed in kittens even at the most tender age. This is what they do when they eat. mother's milk. Thus, they perform several functions at once:

Having entered adulthood, the animal does not lose this skill and can periodically demonstrate it. When a cat, sitting on the owner's lap, begins to rhythmically move its paws, letting in and releasing its claws, it demonstrates its love and affection. It also indicates that she is now very well and comfortable.

In this case, not only a person can act as an object of affection, often it is any object that you like, which is associated with comfort and warmth, or is simply pleasant to the touch. For example, a fluffy plaid, an old fur coat, a woolen scarf. Here is the answer to why cats crumple the blanket with their paws. They just like it very much and they don’t mind settling on it in order to comfortably take a nap, indulging in sweet cat dreams.

Way to mark territory

Another version of why cats trample with their paws is the delimitation of the territory. These animals are known for their individualism, the fact that they mark their territory or just things that are dear to them is not a secret. It is known that the cat's paws are "equipped" with special sweat glands. They are located near the pads, under the claws.

Shifting from one paw to another, the animal stimulates the production of an odorous substance, which remains on the object of the cat's attention. And then the smell signals to other individuals that this place is already taken. Thus, the purr can mark both his favorite blanket, in which it is so cozy to take a nap, and his own owner.

Preparation for sleep

In a dream or half asleep adult cat spends almost half of his life. And belong to this process these animals are very responsible. A rare cat will ignore a soft and cozy place to sleep, settling somehow on the floor. Is that she is saved there from the heat. According to some zoologists, at a time when cats were not yet domestic creatures, they prepared a place for themselves to sleep in this way - moving their paws, as if probing the area and at the same time crushing the hard grass.

The cat's paws, rhythmically moving along dry foliage and grass, provided the most comfortable place for an overnight stay.

This version is rather controversial. After all, if you watch how they go to bed modern cats, then we will not see any rituals of trampling. They most often just lay on their side and fall asleep. Or they can just doze off sitting on the floor, the ground or a tree branch. But they begin to sort out with their paws on an initially soft, pleasant surface, well, or in the hands of a person.

fluffy healer

This version is based on the belief that cats have healing properties, can detect sick, problematic places on the body of people and go to bed there. The question of whether cats treat humans is debatable, reliable research has not yet been carried out. But many owners of these pets are confident that they really contribute to health, longevity and peace of mind. And it's stupid to argue with that.

Good-natured and attentive creatures that are ready to bestow their master with boundless love and tenderness. Each cat displays its attitude in a different way. Some people think about why a cat tramples us with its paws, and do not find clear answers. Perhaps this is one of the manifestations of tender feelings for such a close and dear person for a cat?

Many owners have repeatedly observed how their beloved cat, having jumped on a person’s lap, begins to lazily purr and crumple the skin with its paws, gently shifting from paw to paw. This action brings her incredible pleasure. Sometimes forgetting, she can release her sharp claws from the pleasure she experiences. Do not punish or scold the animal. There are several versions of the origin of such ambiguous habits of a pet.

Top 5 reasons why your cat stomps on you

The cat performs such rituals only in moments of complete relaxation and absolute calmness on the part of the owner. Licking, trampling with her paws and purring, she takes away the accumulated fatigue, negative energy, bad emotions. In return, the pet will give peace, tranquility and spiritual harmony.

1. From early childhood, a small fluffy lump was under the auspices of his mother, who fed him with milk. At the time of feeding, the baby slightly pressed down, kneaded the mammary glands with his paws, stimulating the production enough milk.

For a grown up kitten loving host replaces the mother, but the habit of “trampling” remains and is already transferred to the person. In the process of trampling, the cat triggers children's reflexes: it will settle under the owner's side, stretching sweetly and arching its back, lightly purring, pawing with its paws, salivating. These manifestations are absolute trust in their caring owner.

2. ancient instincts. Since ancient times, cats have been wild animals living in wild thickets and forests. They hunted and equipped a dwelling without human help. To get to sleep, they had to get rid of hard objects by trampling in a circular motion weed. This ritual they performed regularly until the resting place was soft and comfortable.

Perhaps such an instinct for arranging one's own territory is working at the present time. A domesticated pet tramples a person’s back, knees, purrs, returning to the past and using the instincts of his ancestors.

3. Feelings of ownership. A cat is a real owner and only tramples on its owner with its paws; it never does this with other people. On the pads of the cat's paws are sweat glands. At the moment of trampling, the production of special secrets secreted by the glands intensifies. They have a specific smell that other animals feel. Thus, the cat marks its owner, showing that he belongs only to her, and no one else has a right to him.

4. Showing concern for yourself. A pampered pet will not settle down to sleep in a bad place. To do this, she needs to carefully check everything, knead the surface with her paws (it doesn’t matter if it’s a sofa, an armchair, a pillow or the owner’s body).

Sharp corners, a hard bedspread, a cold blanket - she will double-check everything and trample it with the pads of her tender paws.

5. Psychological release. A beloved pet, like a person, is able to experience emotional stress, stress. Trampling on the owner helps to find harmony. How does a cat deal with psychological problems. Having trampled and comfortably settled down next to her beloved owner, she calms down and stops being nervous.

Other reasons

A cat is a special creature that attracts the attention of the owner with certain, characteristic only for her gestures. She can ask for food, want to play, show that she is in pain, uncomfortable. Such actions may indicate imminent danger, that she is frightened of something.

Purring, licking and trampling the owner is the highest degree of trust and complete satisfaction, contentment and tenderness, location and peace that comes from your cat. If she does this, it means that she trusts and loves without limit! If you liked the article “Why do cats trample their owners with their paws”, share it with your friends.

Video about how a cat tramples:

Surely every cat or cat owner who watches their pets notices something interesting or mysterious in their behavior. One of the most common questions that occupies the owners of these animals is why do they often trample on a person with their paws, while making a loud purr? What does it mean? What is it connected with?

Why do cats trample us with their paws and purr?

The main reason why cats and cats wrinkle their owners with their paws is an instinct inherent in them from birth.

During the feeding process, when kittens suck mother's milk, they crush her with their paws in an effort to improve its flow. At the same time, they feel a sense of comfort, safety and security.

In the process of feeding, when kittens suck their mother's milk, they crush her with their paws.

Not only small kittens always need this feeling, but also adult cats and cats. That is why, wanting to communicate with the owner, they not only jump on his knees and enjoy stroking. In an effort to surround themselves with an atmosphere of safety, animals begin to lightly trample human skin with their paws, and at moments of the highest pleasure they publish.

Very often, at such moments, cats cease to control themselves and use not only paws, but also claws. This is also associated with instinct, and you should not scold the animal if it is too carried away by “meditation”. If the owner of the cat felt pain and discomfort due to the fact that the pet has released its claws, it is enough to lightly stroke his paw so that he removes the claws back.

Massage and treatment

AT healing properties You may not believe cats, but in fact, their close contact with the owner helps to improve well-being not only in humans, but also in the animal itself.

Kneading its paws on the skin of the owner, the cat seems to be giving him a special massage. Many owners of kittens have noticed that their pets trample on their paws not in any place of the body, but exactly where the owner is worried about something. Accompanying its actions with a loud purr, the animal promotes the speedy regeneration of cells in human body and pain reduction.

Cats stamp their paws on the place of the body, where something bothers the owner.

Most often for one session such treatment for cats is enough for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, they curl up in a ball on their knees or on the host's stomach and fall asleep, warming him with their warmth.

Desire to express love and gratitude

In an effort to express love to their pets, cat owners can use ways such as:

  • stroking;
  • combing;
  • conversations with a pet;
  • serving delicious food;
  • games.

By stroking, the owner can express his love for the cat.

A cat, on the other hand, cannot express its love and trust in the owner with words or some actions.

That is why she tries to “caress” him in response, and the only way available for this is to stamp her paws on her knees. Thus, the animal establishes non-verbal contact with its owner, as if telling him: "I love you, I trust you, I feel good with you." A loud purr at the same time indicates the complete appeasement of the cat.

What does it mean when a cat stomps on you?

Why does a cat trample on its owner with its paws?

In addition to the reasons described above for which cats and cats trample their paws, there are other versions that explain this behavior. Many of them are based on many years of experience in observing felines in different conditions: in the wild, in an apartment, in a nursery.

Trampling the place of lodging for the night

Many experts believe that the habit of trampling soft surfaces with their paws, whether it be a pillow or the owner's hand, has been attached to these animals since the time when cats were wild predators.

Then they with similar movements trampled down for themselves the place of their lodging for the night , trying to crush the grass and make it softer and more comfortable. If the owner watches his pet, he will surely be able to notice that he will almost always work with his paws in the bed before going to bed. If the pet is about to fall asleep sweetly on your lap, then you will also have to endure a few minutes of forced cat massage.

Almost always, before going to bed, the cat will work with its paws on the bed.

The cat marks the territory and the owner

And also experts say that with the help of kneading their paws, cats mark their territory.

On the pads of each paw, cats have sweat glands that release a specific substance. Trampling in one place, the animal, as it were, makes this territory its own, marking it with its smell. The same applies to kneading paws on the human body - the cat not only shows its owner its love and devotion, but also "marks" him.

Cats have sweat glands on their paw pads that secrete a special substance.

What not to do when a cat gets too carried away and releases its claws

If a cat stretches its paws without releasing its claws, then such a massage may even seem pleasant to a person. But what if the animal is too carried away, and her kneeling begins to hurt the owner?

Here are a few tips to help subtly show your cat that it's best to remove the claws:

  • if the animal has released its claws and digs them into the skin, then you can lightly stroke his paw from above . This will cause the cat to retract its claws;
  • you can, stroking the pet, pull him down and lay him down . This will help him calm down and stop stretching his paws;
  • can distract the cat with petting or toys.

Caress from the owner will help distract the cat from releasing its claws.

In no case, even if the cat's daily exercises cause you pain, do not scream or punish the animal.

You can not sharply push the pet away from you, drive it off your knees or beat it on the paws. This behavior can seriously undermine the cat's trust in the owner and even cause her severe stress. After that, the pet may stop caressing or begin to take revenge, for example, marking the territory in the wrong place.

Video about why a cat tramples its owner with its paws


If the trampling of a cat is accompanied by the release of claws, then it is better to cut them.

If the trampling of a cat is accompanied by a constant release of claws, then it is better to cut them slightly with special scissors or a typewriter. This will help the owner avoid discomfort without hurting your furry pet.

Pets have many cute habits that make us smile and sometimes bewilder. They get scared funny, play, jump or beg for food, which is probably why, somehow imperceptibly to everyone, cats have gained fabulous popularity among Internet users in a few years. There is a whole cult of worship of these little predators.

Perhaps their most mysterious habit is that cats begin to trample the owner with their paws and purr. Moreover, this action causes them inexplicable bliss, and if you drive away the pet, he looks somehow upset after that.

Possible reasons for this behavior

No one even a very big connoisseur of cat habits will tell you for sure why a pet does this.

It is pointless to conduct any tests, it remains only to assume:

  • according to one version, animals begin to trample us with their paws, because this brings them back to childhood when they sucked their mother, and breast stimulation with pads and claws helped to achieve a better milk supply;
  • it is quite possible that, like other mammals, cats have odorous glands in their paws and, making successive movements on the owner’s lap or on their favorite toy, they thereby mark their territory;
  • in unsterilized individuals, this behavior may indicate an upcoming estrus;
  • version of "genetic memory", because the ancestors of your domestic predator lived in the forest and used grass or leaves for the night, so perhaps the cats trample on us because they represent a good and comfortable bedding in our place;
  • some pets are very jealous creatures, and with such a massage they can confirm their right to your attention only to them, the one and only;
  • some say that the habit of trampling objects is observed only in and is not characteristic of their street counterparts, and it is likely that the secret of this behavior is the need for psychological relief for an animal deprived of outdoor walks.

Whatever the reasons that make a pet massage fabrics, toys or your knees, first of all, it speaks of absolute trust in relation to its owner. If a cat tramples on the owner with its paws, this is a flattering review, which means that the animal sincerely loves you and is grateful for the care shown.

Sometimes the actions of a pet that are familiar to us have a very specific meaning, they carry a certain message for a person. Thus, they can talk with the owner, share emotions.

There are many more interesting facts what owners should know:

  1. everyone at least once encountered a completely inexplicable behavior of a pet, when, with a simple caress, the beast can unexpectedly cling to the palm with claws and teeth; but this does not mean that he hated you, it works here feline feature- I'm on my own and I'll let someone stroke my fur only when I want to;
  2. night is the most best time for games, most pets think so, and their owners strongly disagree with it; there are two possible explanations increased activity animal in dark time days - this is the awakening of hunting instincts, or the reason is that during the day the pet is alone, manages to sleep and resumes games only with the arrival of the owner from work;
  3. for some reason, cats like to drink water not from a special bowl, but from a tap, more than one hundred videos on this topic have now been shot; by the way, there is a good reason for this behavior - they are just looking for a source of fresh water, so people need to more often monitor the change of life-giving water bowls.

There are hundreds more examples of strange, from our point of view, behavior of furry pets. They trample on their paws, bite and scratch, sleep on their heads, legs, stomach, and cats also bring comfort and peace to our house. Learn to understand their signs of attention, and, most importantly, just love them.

When thinking about the question of why cats and cats trample us with their paws, many draw the wrong conclusions. We strive to "humanize" our pets, endowing them with non-existent qualities and explaining their actions psychological reasons characteristic of people. Yes, they also know how to love and hate, they also get bored and fun, but still, the main stimuli in a cat's life are instincts and reflexes.

Rejoice, man! If you have received a cat massage, you can safely enroll in his family. We often make a sole decision to accept a fluffy animal as a full member of our family. Only he does not know about it and continues to live on his own, as it should be in cats. wild nature. But, when he suddenly sits on the owner's knees and begins to methodically knead them with his paws, while falling into nirvana, the barrier is broken. The cat adopted a man into his relatives!

Mom, give me milk!

This is how you can call one of the main reflexes with which a kitten is born. A blind newborn baby searches for a nipple by smell and begins to quickly touch it with its paws. He then pushes his mother's stomach, then lightly scratches. Knowing nothing about the rules for stimulating lactation, he already uses them with might and main. It is logical that this particular kitten will be the most well-fed, healthy and strong.

Now you know why a cat massages you with its paws. She considers you a mother. Or rather, the creature on which her life depends. She will be incredibly happy if you stroke her fluffy back at the same time, because in early blind childhood, mother licked the cub crawling for dinner with her tongue. Now an adult animal is meditating on your lap, safe, fed and licked, that is, ironed.

It is mine!

There is such a version of the pet's interesting behavior. Knowledgeable cat lovers It has long been noticed that cats have an unaesthetic, by human standards, habit of marking territory. This behavior is typical only for males. But marking objects, paths, bedding with their smell is inherent in females too. Does it seem to you that the cat is caressing, clinging to the legs? But no, she marks you. This hypothesis answers the question: why do cats trample a blanket or a dog living in the same apartment with their paws. It is interesting that the reflex is one, but there are many applications for it.

mating dances

Particularly observant cat lovers know that cats sometimes, holding their beloved girlfriend by the withers, passionately massage her back with their front paws. Here is another use of the reflex - the transfer of information: "You are mine, I am yours, now there will be happiness!" Analyzing this situation, we find another answer to the question: why does a cat trample its owner with its paws. Wants to be with him. She feels good, and she talks about big cat love.

Rookery check

Many animal lovers have noticed that the dog carefully scrapes the bedding before lying down. This behavior is also embedded in the gene memory. Do not scratch - do not wake up. In wild nature:

  • you have to hide;
  • dig in;
  • disperse snakes, ticks and beetles.

Perhaps cats, getting ready for bed, also check their “bed” for strength and the absence of pests. But why then the check is not always done? And if they check by trampling, then more often they do not lie down on this place. Conclusion - the version is incorrect.


Sometimes “experts” in feline psychology explain their behavior by the fact that, by massaging something or someone, they receive psychological relief, and endorphins are produced in the body. But, excuse me, when a person experiences pleasure from food, caress or sex, doesn’t he release the hormone of joy? This version puts the cart before the horse, confuses the cause and effect. The pawing itself is caused by pleasant feelings, joy, and not vice versa. With the same success it can be argued that Barsik purrs in order to become happy.

Do not believe when answering the question why cats and cats crumple us with their paws and purr, they tell you about therapeutic massage. Yes, living warmth affectionate kitty heals, relieves spasms, even nervous tension. Yes, she often picks on sore spots with elevated temperature to snuggle up, to warm up. But Murkas do their “massage” not on problem areas owner, and where it is convenient for them.

Watching cats at home, we notice that they, subtly feeling and choosing warm places, are completely indifferent to softness. bed. Therefore, the hypothesis that they trample the future haulout to make it softer can also be disregarded.

In one of the nurseries, an interesting experiment was unintentionally, accidentally carried out. Displayed rare breed, and the mother cat refused to feed her offspring. Six blind newborn kittens were divided into two groups. Three were fed by a diligent laboratory assistant. She wrapped each kitten in a napkin so that it would not get dirty, took it in her arms and fed milk from the nipple.

The second group was fed by a trainee. He simply put three bottles sideways on the bottom of the box and went about his business. After two months, there was a noticeable difference in physical development pets. Those babies who received food without making any special efforts, without moving their paws, without massaging the bottles, turned out to be unviable. The sad conclusion of the experiment showed the benefit of the reflex. He, among other things, strengthens the muscles of the kitten, develops him physically.

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