Milbemax for cats and kittens. Milbemax - modern anthelmintic Milbemax

Instructions for use of Milbemax tablets for dogs with nematodosis and cestodosis
(manufacturing organization "Novartis Sante Animal S.A.S" / "Novartis Sante Animal S.A.S.", France)
Approved April 21, 2011.

I. General information
Trade name of the medicinal product: Milbemax tablets for dogs.
International non-proprietary name: milbemycin oxime + praziquantel.

Dosage form: tablets.
Milbemax tablets for dogs contain milbemycin oxime and praziquantel as active ingredients.
The drug is produced in two versions:

  • "Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs" containing milbemycin oxime - 2.5 mg / tab. and praziquantel - 25 mg / tab.
  • "Milbemax tablets for adult dogs" containing milbemycin oxime - 12.5 mg / tab. and praziquantel - 125 mg / tab.

As auxiliary components, Milbemax contains: microcrystalline cellulose - 20%, sodium croscarmellose - 3%, povidone - 1.5%, lactose monohydrate - 51.5%, colloidal silicon and magnesium stearate - 2%.

The drug is produced in foil blisters placed in cardboard boxes.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions in the manufacturer's closed packaging, is 2 years from the date of manufacture; after opening the blister - no more than 1 month.

It is forbidden to use the medicinal product after the expiration date.

Store the drug in the manufacturer's closed packaging in a dry, dark place, away from food and feed, at a temperature of 15°C to 30°C.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

No special precautions are required for the destruction of unused medicinal product.

II. Pharmacological properties
Milbemax tablets for dogs is a combined anthelmintic drug of nematocidal and cestodocidal action.

According to the degree of impact on the body, Milbemax tablets for dogs are classified as moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), at recommended doses they do not have a sensitizing, embryotoxic and teratogenic effect, they are toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms.

III. Application procedure
Milbemax tablets for dogs are prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of nematodes, cestodosis and mixed nematode-cestodesis infestations caused by helminths of the following types:

  • cestodes - Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp.
  • nematodes - Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis, Crenosoma vulpis (reduces infection intensity), Angiostrongylus vasorum (reduces infection intensity), Dirofilaria immitis (for preventive purposes).

A contraindication to the use is the increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug (including history) and severe violations of the kidneys and liver.

Animals that are emaciated and sick with infectious diseases are not subject to deworming.

"Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs" should not be used for puppies younger than 2 weeks of age and weighing less than 0.5 kg, "Milbemax tablets for adult dogs" - for dogs weighing less than 5 kg.

For pregnant and lactating bitches, Milbemax tablets for dogs are used under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Milbemax tablets for dogs are used once during feeding in a crushed form with a small amount of food or injected forcibly on the root of the tongue after feeding at a minimum therapeutic dose of 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime + 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kg of animal weight, based on:

A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives before deworming is not required.

For deworming dogs with an invasion caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum, Milbemax tablets are used at the same dose four times with an interval of 7 days.

In order to prevent dirofilariasis in disease-prone regions, the drug is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: before the start of the flight of mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the pathogen D. immitis) once, then once a month and the last time in the season no earlier than 1 a month after the end of the flight of insects. Before deworming, you should consult with a veterinarian to exclude the presence of microfilariae in the blood of the animal.

In severe overdose, some dogs may experience depression, drooling, muscle paresis, trembling, and/or uneven gait. These symptoms disappear spontaneously within a day and do not require the use of drugs.

Features of the drug's action during its first use and cancellation were not revealed.

When using the drug in accordance with this instruction, side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. In some dogs with increased species or individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions may develop, in these cases the animal is prescribed desensitizing agents.

Milbemax tablets for dogs should not be co-administered with other macrocyclic lactones.

The timing of the use of products of animal origin after the use of Milbemax tablets for dogs is not regulated.

IV. Measures of personal prevention
When using Milbemax tablets for dogs, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with drugs.

When working with the drug, it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling the product.

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, the victim should be allowed to drink several glasses of warm water, if necessary, contact a medical institution (have a container label or instructions for use with you). There are no antidotes.

Manufacturing organization: “Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S.”; Usine de Huningue, 26, rue de la Chapelle, F-68330 Huningue/ Usine de Huningue, B.P. 224, F-68332 Huningue Cedex, France.
Instructions for use were developed by Novartis Animal Health d.o.o., Verovskova 57, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia (Slovenia) together with Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S. (France).

With the approval of this instruction, the instruction for the use of Milbemax tablets for deworming dogs, approved by the Rosselkhoznadzor on March 03, 2008, becomes invalid.

One of the most popular antihelminthics among cat lovers and veterinarians is Milbemax. This drug is produced in tablets and can be used for almost any worms - both tape and round. One of its undoubted advantages is that it can also be used to deworm small kittens.


This medicine is produced by the European company Novartis AG, founded in 1996. It is currently the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world. At the moment, this manufacturer operates in more than 140 countries around the world.

Varieties of the drug

To date, only two modifications of the Milbemax drug are produced: for kittens and young cats, and for adult animals. The first variety is allowed to be used for babies from six weeks of age. "Milbemax" for adult animals should not be given to kittens. It is used only for those pets whose weight reaches at least 2 kg.

The composition of the drug

The main components of this remedy are milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. "Milbemax" for kittens includes 4 and 10 mg of each active ingredient, respectively, the drug for adult animals - 16 and 40 mg. In addition, both varieties include:

  • microcrystalline cellulose (8 and 32 mg);
  • carmellose sodium (5.75 and 11.75 mg);
  • colloidal silicon (1.25 and 1.25 mg);
  • povidone (1 and 4 mg);
  • hypromellose (2.14 and 1.87 mg);
  • magnesium stearate (1.25 and 1.25 mg);
  • talc and macrogol (1.61 mg each).

Both modifications of the drug, among other things, include a special food supplement with beef flavor.

Milbemax tablets for kittens: principle of action

The oxime contained in the drug milbemycin, belonging to the group of macrocyclic lactones, is an enzyme from Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. Aureolacrimosus and is detrimental to nematodes (including their larvae). This substance reaches its maximum concentration in the body of a kitten two hours after taking the drug. It comes out after 13 hours.

The second active substance of Milbemax, praziquantel, belongs to pyrazine-isoquinoline derivatives and kills both cystodes and nematodes. It reaches its maximum concentration in the body of an animal one hour after ingestion. It is excreted in the urine after three hours.

Consumer opinion


The drug is supplied to the market in cardboard boxes. Tablets are packed in cellophane blisters. Each box usually contains 2 of them. The shape of the tablet is elongated with a slit in the middle. Those intended for kittens may be beige, dark beige, or brown. Tablets for adult animals have a reddish tint. The box has a cat logo. There is also the drug "Milbemaks", intended for dogs. It is packaged in boxes with a puppy logo.

In what cases should you apply

Milbemax can be prescribed for kittens and cats from a variety of types of worms. It is used both as a therapeutic agent and as a prophylactic. Most often, the drug "Milbemax" is prescribed to cats with such phenomena:

  • cystoses;
  • nematoses;
  • mixed nematode-cestode infestations.
  • taenia spp.
  • dipylidium caninum;
  • echinococcus multilocularis;
  • toxocara cati;
  • ancylostoma tubaeforme.


Do not give this drug to cats with a sensitive history, as well as animals with severe kidney and liver disease. Also, infected animals, emaciated or severely weakened, are not subject to deworming using this medicine. You can not give "Milbemax" also to small kittens under the age of six months. Pregnancy and lactation of an adult animal are not a contraindication for use. Do not give kittens and cats this drug at the same time as other macrocyclic lactones.

How to feed a pill

Since the Milbemax preparation for kittens and adult animals has a pronounced taste of meat, many pets eat it on their own initiative, so the tablet should simply be put in a bowl. You can disguise it with some familiar animal food. If the kitten still refuses to eat the pill, it will have to be introduced into the body by force.

For this, the baby is put on his knees with his head away from himself. Then, with the right hand, they open his mouth, and with the left hand they quickly put the pill deeper (it can be done in two steps, breaking it into pieces), on the root of the tongue.

Any laxatives are not used simultaneously with the drug "Milbemax". Not prescribed before taking and starvation diet. For medicinal purposes, the drug is used once. The fact is that it is able to have a detrimental effect on worms at all stages of their development.


"Milbemax" for kittens, the instructions for use of which were given above, is usually used in the amount of 5 mg of praziquantel and 2 mg of milbemycin oxime per kilogram of animal weight. The same goes for adult cats. In the table below, you can see how many tablets should be given to animals in one case or another per dose.

Animals weighing less than 0.5 kg should not be given this drug at all.

"Milbemax" for kittens: instructions for prevention

To prevent infection with helminths, the medicine is fed to adult animals quarterly. Kittens are given the drug for the first time at 6 weeks. At 8 weeks he is fed again. The medicine is then given monthly until the kitten is six months old. It is during this period that small animals develop immunity to various kinds of diseases.

What precautions should be taken

The medicine "Milbemax" cannot cause any particular harm to the body of an animal or a person. However, after feeding it to the kitten, be sure to wash your hands. Do not smoke or eat while working with the drug.

As you can see, this drug, although not too cheap, is quite effective - Milbemax for kittens. Instructions for the use of this tool have been reviewed by us in detail. With strict observance of dosages and proper feeding, it will be completely easy to rid a small animal of worms with its help.

Among domestic animals, helminthic diseases are the most common. In cats, and especially in kittens, this problem is very acute due to close contact with a person, and in particular with small children. Milbemax for kittens helps to cope with the problem.

The manufacturer of the drug Milbemax is Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S, French Republic.

The release form of Milbemax is tablets, oblong with rounded corners. Outside, they have a pinkish shell. In the middle on one side there is a transverse dividing strip, on the other - the letters "BC" and "NA" are written. Packaging comes in two pieces in a blister, and they, in turn, fit into cardboard boxes.

Milbemax for kittens is sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores, if necessary, you can easily buy it in your city.

The main active ingredients that create the composition of the drug are milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. For kittens, Milbemax is used at a dosage of 4 mg/tab of milbemycin oxime and 10 mg/tab of praziquantel.

pharmachologic effect

The maximum amount of drug in the blood accumulates after 3 hours. And after 24 hours it is removed from the body in almost its original form.

The greatest amount of the substance in the blood accumulates after an hour. Excreted from the body with urine 5-6 hours after ingestion.

Important! Milbemax in its action belongs to the III class of toxicity, so the drug can be used in kittens only strictly according to the doctor's recommendations.

Indications and method of application

Milbemax for kittens is prescribed by a veterinarian for prevention or for therapeutic purposes for antihelminthic measures when:

  • nematoses;
  • cestoses;
  • mixed nematous-cestous invasions.

Each patient requires an individually calculated dosage of Milbemax, tablets for kittens can be divided into two parts, taking into account age and weight.

Do not give the remedy to kittens that do not have 6 weeks of age and weigh less than 0.5 kilograms.

The smallest dosage is 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kg of weight.

Therefore, the Milbemax norm for kittens is:

  • with a weight of 0.5-1 kg, ½ tablet is prescribed;
  • from 1 to 2 kg - a whole tablet.

The medicine is given to pets one-time, in the process of eating, mixing it with food. In this case, it is necessary to control eating. If your pet does not want to eat a “treat”, then you can force the tablet by putting it on the root of the tongue, and closing your mouth, hold it for a few seconds. To stimulate swallowing movements, you can stroke the kitten on the neck. Recently, the drug began to be produced with flavorings of beef and pate, so it will not be difficult to feed the medicine to a kitten.

With a pronounced invasion, the drug is used once. But to prevent re-infection, for preventive purposes, doctors recommend giving kittens Milbemax at least once a quarter.

Contraindications and side effects

Like all medicines, Milbemax has a number of contraindications when it is forbidden to give it to kittens.:

  • with personal intolerance to the components;
  • in case of low weight (less than 0.5 kg);
  • in case of young age (under 6 weeks);
  • with pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • in the case of a weakened body due to illness.

Rarely, when using the drug, kittens may show signs of allergy. Overdose may cause tremors. This condition is not dangerous for the animal and goes away on its own without the use of any treatment during the day. They only recommend giving the kitten more water to quickly remove excess substances from the body and prevent intoxication.


The remedy for worms Milbemax for kittens has its advantages over a number of medicines of a similar action:

  • When taking the medicine, you do not need to arrange a hunger strike for your pet. On the contrary, the instruction for the use of Milbemax for kittens states that it should be given during the morning meal.
  • One time use.
  • The small form of the tablet makes it easier to swallow when the medicine needs to be given forcefully.
  • Kittens eat it well, due to the presence of the smell of meat.
  • Does not cause strong salivation.
  • Milbemax is effective in the fight against the whole variety of helminths at various stages of their formation (from larva to adult).

Milbemax, a helminth control drug, is available in two varieties: for kittens and for adult cats. They differ in color: in the first case, the tablets are colored pinkish, in the second - red. Kittens should not be fed adult tablets, even if you want to crush them into several pieces.

Milbemax should be used for kittens only after being prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of studies of your pet's feces. The drug, even despite its advanced capabilities for the destruction of helminths, must be used against a specific type of pest.

Like all medicines, Milbemax should be kept out of the reach of children. The drug can be used for three years. After this period, the use of the drug is not recommended. If you opened the blister and used half of the tablet, then the other half must be consumed within six months.

The drug has analogues, for example, "Profender", "Pratel", "Prazimek-D". It should be noted that they need to be taken in other dosages, due to other concentrations of active substances. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and carefully study the instructions for use.

It must be remembered that pets should be dewormed regularly. Worms are not an analogue of the flu; immunity is not developed against them. And a healthy kitten is, first of all, the health of the whole family.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Tablets from worms for cats Milbemax

The drug for deworming kittens is available in tablet form. The tablet is an oval with bevelled edges. The low dosage form is pink coated with NA and BC notches, while the high dosage form is red and has KK and NA notches. The drug is sold in metal blisters, each of which contains 2 tablets. For the treatment of kittens, the dosage of Milbemax is used, the concentration of active substances in which is 4 times less than in tablets for deworming older cats.

Milbemax should be stored in the manufacturer's packaging (necessarily closed) separately from feed and food. The storage place should be dry, well protected from light and inaccessible to children, the temperature should be within 5-25 degrees. If all storage conditions are observed, then the shelf life of the medicinal product reaches 3 years. Unused 1/2 tablet can be put into a blister and stored until the next use, but not more than six months after opening.


The action of the drug

  • single use;
  • good palatability due to the presence of meat taste in tablets;
  • the absence of profuse salivation;
  • activity of the active substance at all stages of development of round helminths.

Indications for use

Milbemax is widely used for deworming. The recommended doses of the drug do not have a teratogenic, embryotoxic or sensitizing effect, they are well tolerated by cats of different ages and breeds. At the same time, the drug is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. In addition to therapeutic and prophylactic deworming, the drug is also used to treat diseases such as:

  • hookworm;
  • toxocariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • teniosis;
  • dipylidiosis;
  • cestodosis;
  • nematodes.

Milbemax for cats - instructions for use

There is no need to put your pet on a starvation diet to receive Milbemax. A portion of the remedy for infection with helminths is recommended to be given along with morning feeding. If the cat refuses to swallow the pill, then you will have to do it forcibly. To do this, you will need to put the pet on your knees, hug it with one hand, fix it and at the same time raise the cat's head up. Then open your jaws and gently push the medicine to the root of the tongue.

Lactating and pregnant cats should only be given medication under the supervision of a knowledgeable veterinarian. In this regard, it is advisable to pre-test your pet for pregnancy. For therapeutic purposes, deworming is carried out according to indications, and for prophylactic purposes - quarterly, as well as before mating and vaccination. There should be no difficulties with the reception, because. the drug has a taste of meat.

For adult cats

The dosage of the drug is determined according to the weight of the animal. Preliminary use of laxatives and a starvation diet is not required. For adult cats, you need to purchase red-coated tablets. The minimum therapeutic dose is 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per kilogram of animal weight. Compliance with the weight of the pet and the norm:

  • from 2 to 4 kg, then the dosage is 1/2 tablet;
  • from 4 to 8 kg - 1 tablet;
  • from 8 to 12 kg and more - 1.5 tablets.

Milbemax for kittens

Anthelmintic drug Milbemax is not recommended for use in kittens who are not yet 6 weeks old. If the age of your kitten exceeds this parameter, then purchase pills for him that have a pink shell. You need to calculate the dosage in the same way as in the case of an adult pet. If the kitten's weight is in the range of 0.5-1 kg, then give him ½ tablet, and if it is 1-2 kg, then double the dose, i.e. up to 1 tablet.

Side effects

Complications when using the drug, according to the instructions and reviews of the owners, are not observed. Some pets may experience muscle tremors, lethargy, diarrhea and/or vomiting. In any of the situations, it is necessary to stop using Milbemax. After that, the cat, as a rule, is prescribed symptomatic therapy. Often the symptoms disappear on their own within a day after discontinuation.


So that the pet does not have any suspicious symptoms that can make you panic, be sure to read the contraindications. According to the instructions, the drug should not be used in animals with impaired liver and kidney function, increased individual sensitivity to the components that make up the drug. In addition, patients with infectious diseases and malnourished animals are not subject to deworming.


Milbemax tablets are well compatible with selamectin. At the same time, do not forget that when working with them, you must follow the general safety and personal hygiene rules that are provided for when working with any medicines. This is especially true for people who are hypersensitive to the components of this remedy. If you are looking for an analogue of Milbemax, then check out the list:

  • Drontal;
  • Pratel;
  • Prasimek-D;
  • Profender.

Price for Milbemax

The cost of this anthelmintic drug can vary greatly, so it is recommended to visit several veterinary pharmacies. In order not to leave your home, it is best to familiarize yourself with the current prices in specialized online stores, where you can also make a purchase - this approach will help you save on the purchase of the drug. Below is the cost of medicine for adult cats in several different places:


A drug intended for the prevention and treatment from helminths of kittens and puppies, as well as adult dogs and cats. It includes:

According to the degree of impact on the body of cats and dogs, Milbemax is a moderately dangerous drug. When using it, it is recommended to strictly observe the dosage.

Instructions for use

milbemax used for pets all breeds and ages. Before using it, you do not need to put pets on a starvation diet. It will be enough to add tablets to the morning feed or force feed. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal.

Milbemax dose for kittens and cats:

  • kittens weighing 0.5 to 1 kg are given half a pink tablet;
  • kittens and cats weighing 1-2 kg - one pink tablet;
  • cats weighing 2-4 kg - half a red tablet;
  • if the animal weighs from 4 to 8 kg - one red tablet;
  • large cats weighing from 8-12 kg - one and a half red tablets.

Pets should take the drug strictly according to the instructions. Before vaccination for cats and kittens deworming is carried out two weeks before vaccinations. As a preventive measure, Milbemax is recommended to be taken by pets every three months.

Dose for puppies and adult dogs:

For treatment Milbemax is used once a week within a month. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is taken once before the start of the summer season, and then monthly until the end of the season.

Contraindications and side effects

Medication Milbemax is contraindicated with the following conditions and diseases:

Bobtail, Collie and Sheltie puppies have increased sensitivity to macrocyclic lactones, so Milbemax is not recommended for them.

Complications and side effects when using this drug strictly according to the instructions does not occur in most cases. With a slight overdose in animals, there may be:

  • nervous gait or trembling;
  • depressed state;
  • salivation;
  • muscle paresis.

These symptoms disappear without a trace during the day.

Reviews of cat owners

My review will be devoted to the anthelmintic agent Milbemax. Quite recently, purely by chance, a cat appeared in our house, which was dirty, skinny and flea-ridden. Breaking a bunch of information, I opted for a low-toxic, modern and effective drug Milbemax. After calculating the dosage, I bought one tablet for adult cats. Half a tablet is enough for my 2.7 kg pet. Manufacturers claim that the medicine is beef-flavored. But my cat refused to eat the pill herself, I had to force-feed the medicine.


For our kittens we use only Milbemax. We give it once every six months along with food. The kitten eats the pill without any problems. Analyzes after admission are always clean. We rent them even before Milbemax - there are almost always worms. The drug really works! The size of the tablets is very convenient. They are very small, so our pets eat them with food, and do not even notice. After taking this remedy, the stomach does not hurt, there is no foam, and the animal does not scream, as after other anthelmintic drugs. I also want to say that if you do not see worms in your pet’s stool, this does not mean at all that they are not there.

The fact that Milbemax is a good antihelminthic drug has been heard for a long time. But its price scared me all the time. And yet I decided to buy it, because our old cat after Kanikvantel and Cestal Ket did not feel well. In young cats, after taking these drugs, everything was fine, but Anisius lost his appetite and vomited.

For two tablets of Milbemax I paid as much as 750 rubles! Anisiy drank one pill, and the second, along with canned food, she barely fed to another cat of mine, which is very capricious. Zhulka ate the medicine and did not notice, although he always left other pills on the plate. The tablets are small, so it is very convenient to give them to animals. After taking them, my cats showed no signs of intoxication. The only negative is that the drug is very expensive.

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