Everything you need to know about kittens. What every cat owner needs to know about their pet? What you need to know about cats and kittens

If you ever thought that a cat is a cunning, complex creature that probably has a couple of secrets from you, then ... you were right. We can list at least 20 amazing facts about your pet. And many of them you never knew. So read on!

Female cats are most often right-handed

Psychologists D. Wells and S. Millsopp from the Queen's University in Belfast tested 21 male and 21 female cats and determined that the dominant paw in this animal correlates with sex. For example, female cats are right-handed.

Cats have over 20 muscles that control their ears.

Our pets can hear even the slightest rustling because they have over twenty muscles that control the outer part of the ear. Cats are able to move their ears in the direction of the sound, while one is independent of the other. Interestingly, the animal can better identify the source of a sound while stationary, which explains why a cat often stops and listens without moving.

Almost 70% of a cat's life is spent sleeping.

Everyone's favorites can be observed at home only in four states: while sleeping, eating, running around and playing. It turns out that sleep takes them much longer than the other three activities. As it turns out, cats are the champions of sleep-loving animals. And all this is because in the wild they must expend a lot of energy for hunting.

Cats can't eat sweets

Cats are well versed in different tastes. They distinguish between bitter, salty and sour. True, most of all these animals are interested in meat, but they are not tempted by sugar or spices. As it turned out, due to a damaged gene, they, unlike any other mammal, do not perceive the sweet taste.

Having a cat may lower your risk of heart attack or stroke

If you have a purr at home, you have probably noticed that her presence helps to relieve stress and anxiety. And this, in turn, normalizes blood pressure and helps protect you from heart problems.

Purring is a sign of "self-healing"

Pet purring is often taken as a sign of contentment, but sometimes its causes can be more complex. It turns out that purring is not always associated with pleasure - in some cases, it reflects pain or nervousness. Some experts believe that these sounds made by an injured animal are a sign that its muscles and bones are recovering.

Cats can be lactose intolerant

Although cats generally love milk, this does not mean that all of them easily digest it. Our pets often have problems digesting lactose. In most of them, the named substance can upset the work of the stomach and lead to diarrhea.

Raw fish can be dangerous for cats

Of course, we find it hard to believe that a cat's favorite food, raw fish, according to the cartoons, can be quite dangerous for her. As it turned out, the named product may contain bacteria that are harmful to our pets and can cause food poisoning. In addition, the enzymes found in raw fish destroy thiamine, an important B vitamin, which can result in neurological problems.

Cats can make over 100 different sounds

Cats are able to hiss, meow, purr, snort, grumble, howl, and during the annual cat concert, dozens of variations of other sounds can be safely added here. By comparison, dogs make only 10 different sounds. Cats, on the other hand, can also communicate through body language, bite, and give signals with the help of smell.

We have more in common with a cat than we can imagine. It turns out that both human and cat brains are made up of gray and white matter, and our pets tend to think along the same lines as humans. In addition, they, like us, have long-term and short-term memory.

Cats are smarter than dogs

Studies have shown that the cerebral cortex (the part responsible for processing cognitive information) in cats is much more complex than in dogs. In addition, their brain contains twice as many neurons, which makes cats much better adapted to solve any problems, and can also retain information for a longer time than their dog rivals.

A cat can jump up to 6 times its body length.

Cats have powerful muscles on their hind legs that help them jump very far (fun fact: they use their tail for balance). That's why your pet will easily jump from the floor to the countertop, and in some cases even to the top of the refrigerator.

If cats leave their feces exposed, this is a sign of territorial dominance.

Cats are social animals by nature. They use urine and other signals to show a higher position in the hierarchy. So, in colonies, subordinate cats drop their feces, while dominant ones leave them open.

Cats have sweaty paws

Like dogs, sweat glands in cats are found only on the paws, between the toes. You've probably found wet paw stains when your pets sweated during the hot months. But these glands are not intended for cooling, but for marking with smell. Therefore, hot cats have to look for a cool place for themselves to cool down there.

The cat's nose is unique

The noses of cats are equipped with unique skin patterns. They are as unique as human fingerprints.

Cats lick themselves to get their scent.

Cats are able to detect odors even when diluted to one part per million. And they rub against other cats or people in order to convey their smell and collect someone else's. When purrs lick themselves, as it turns out, they are carefully removing your scent from their fur - nothing personal.

Cats see better than humans

Cats have a large number of photoreceptors in the retina. There are 25 times more rods than cones. Due to this structure, their organs of vision are very sensitive to dim light. And in order to see something, they need only a sixth of the illumination that people need for the same purposes. But this property is also associated with disadvantages: as it turned out, cats are not able to distinguish between finer details or rich color.

Cats rub against people to mark their territory.

When cats rub against people or objects, they leave their personal scent on them. Thus, they make it clear to other cats that they are the owners here, and you are only on their territory.

Changes in the rhythm of life are painful for cats

When our pets are forced to change something in their routine, such as eating schedule, owner or place of residence, they can get sick. The unfortunate animal in this case may suffer from vomiting or refuse to eat. The fact is that purrs are strongly attached to the place and to a certain rhythm of life, and any violation in this can cause them depression or cause unusual behavior.

Cats use their whiskers to navigate tight spaces

Cat whiskers (also called vibrissae) are longer and thicker than ordinary hairs. The longest of them are located near the nose, and the shorter ones are located above the eyes, on the chin, cheeks and even paws. They are covered with nerve cells and blood vessels, which help to detect any changes around and navigate in space. Whiskers tend to grow the width of an animal's body, so cats use their whiskers to determine if they can fit into a space. In addition, these hairs help animals to avoid obstacles in complete darkness.

Do you want to get a cat? This is amazing! But, do you know what you need to know about cats and what rules to follow so that your pet never disappoints you?

What you need to know about cats before getting one

Modern people very often began to get themselves pets. The most common pet is the domestic cat. After all, a cat is a very ancient and sacred animal, and some feline representatives can even save us from various diseases.

Hair problems

But what should the owner do when? The ancient Egyptians were concerned about this problem. But now I'm talking about you and me, about the inhabitants of the modern world. So, in order to solve this problem, you need to know a number of certain rules and follow them in a strict order. There will be several rules and they sound like this.

First rule
Before you get a cat, make sure that her mother was not sick with any serious illnesses.

Second rule

Buy a medium-hard comb for your cat. It will be needed in order to comb your pet almost every day and take care of the cat's hair with convenience.

Third rule

Bathing a pet is the key to healthy hair and coat. Buy a special shampoo that will strengthen the structure of the cat's coat.

Fourth rule

And, of course, do not forget about food. Feed your cat only quality food. After all, high-quality food is the key to good cat health, which affects the growth and health of your pet.

Knowing all this, you will never have problems with the health of your cat, and she will be very grateful to you for this. After all, sometimes cats, like people, need close attention from others.

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What you need to know about cats or 10 misconceptions It would seem that we do not know about domestic cats - perhaps the most popular creatures on the planet after people? Meanwhile, there are many misconceptions about these animals. In particular, they relate to feline health and behavior, and can lead to serious problems with the pet. Let's look at the most common of these myths 1. The best drink for cats is milk. In fact, milk should always be given only to kittens up to three months. Although it is rich in nutrients such as protein or calcium, it does not contain vital elements for the cat, such as iron or taurine. In addition, many cats are lactose intolerant, so consuming milk can lead to an upset stomach. It is better to use fresh water as a drink. 2. Cats need to eat fish. Indeed, fish contains a large amount of taurine and vitamin A, which the cat really needs. But they are also found in meat products. And fish can be harmful and even deadly to cats. Since, if a cat eats spoiled fish, it may develop thiamine deficiency, which leads to death. And the consumption of oily fish can lead to steatitis, also a fatal disease. In addition, feeding fish contributes to urolithiasis. It is better to give special food with a taste of fish. 3. Domestic cats do not require vaccinations. Many cat owners are convinced that if their pet does not go outside, then they cannot get infected with anything and vaccinate him unnecessarily. But that's not the case at all. You can bring the infection into the house yourself, for example, on clothes or shoes, and it can also get into the cat's body with food. Therefore, it is advisable to install a disinfection chamber at the entrance to the apartment, or still regularly vaccinate and give your pet anti-worm preparations. 4. Spayed cats become fat and lazy. In fact, all cats sleep 16-18 hours a day, and in winter they get up only to eat and do their business. It is clear that the lack of physical activity contributes to the accumulation of weight. And sterilization just makes the cat more calm and docile. 5. Cats are able to fall from a height without any harm to themselves. It is believed that when a cat falls, it lands on all four paws and therefore cannot hurt anything. But this is if the animal has time to group. And then, if the height is too high, then the cat can easily die or at least break its bones 6. Cats see perfectly in the dark. It's not exactly a myth. The fact is that cats are able to navigate in the dark not so much with the help of their eyesight, but thanks to vibrissae - whiskers-antennas that serve as "locators" for them. In addition, they have very sensitive hearing. But with eyesight in cats, by the way, not very much. They suffer from farsightedness and cannot even see the food that is under their nose, identifying it only by smell. 7. Cats are color blind. This is not so, they do not see the world in black and white at all. For example, cats distinguish red from green, blue, or grey. Just among cats, as well as among people, there are color blind people who, say, confuse red and green. 8. Cat misbehavior is intentional Not at all! If the cat shat in the wrong place, this is most likely caused by a stressful situation. Such a situation can be a master's quarrel, repairs in the apartment, a change in the usual routine. The cause of "bad behavior" can also be illnesses, such as kidney disease. If the cat began to behave this way all of a sudden, and before everything was in order, then it is worth looking for the cause. 9. A cat and a dog will never make friends. There is even a saying - "like a cat with a dog." Not every person will decide to take a kitten into the house if a dog lives there. And vice versa. But in fact, pets often get along with each other, especially if one of them got into the house while still young. It is best to first let the animals "talk" and see if they show aggression. 10. Cats communicate with meows. Yes, but only with people! They meow specifically to attract the attention of the owner (or a person in general). For example, in order to be fed... But for communicating with each other, they have other "signals". As for purring, in this way the cat expresses its emotions.

If you need a thoroughbred kitten, it is better to take him through the club. This will save you from deception, you can make documents for him and get expert advice.

If the breed is not important to you, take a simple cat, you can buy it on the market or find it in the newspaper, because often ordinary kittens are given to good hands.

First of all, about the age - he must be at least two months old. A kitten weaned from its mother earlier can get sick or simply grow weak, because mother's milk is very important during the first 7-8 weeks.

When choosing a kitten, make sure that he is not sick. How? Check if he has fleas and skin diseases - it should be clean, without redness and peeling, without scratching. If there are fleas, there will be grains that look like black sand.

The ears should also be clean - without plaque, dirt, secretions. Such indicators occur in the presence of a tick.

The eyes should also be clean, without a white film.

The mouth is usually pink in healthy kittens. There should be no sores or inflammation on the gums.

Do not hesitate to look under the tail - it should be clean and dry there, the anus is light, without inflammation and swelling.

A healthy cat is usually playful, lively, curious. He walks with his head up, jumps easily, fatness is average.

Lifting, take it easily, under the front paws, holding the hind legs, because it is so fragile!

But getting a kitten is not all. After all, you need to know a few important things about care and nutrition. Next time we will continue the topic of little kittens.

Such a question is asked by responsible people who understand that “..we are responsible for those whom we have tamed..” Or rather, for those whom we take into our home. And if it is customary to consider them our smaller brothers, let's take care of them accordingly! Which kitten to choose? It all depends on your capabilities, wishes and willingness to care. There are breeds that are more demanding, more expensive in everyday life. There are show class kittens. As you can see, there are a lot of nuances in buying a kitten. So let's get into the details!

Buying a pet is a very serious and responsible business. First, you're buying a living creature, so the option to play for three months and throw it away should already be out of the question. Secondly, the cat is not only an affectionate and purring creature, but also your companion for many years, and thirdly, you yourself wanted this due to some irresistible desires and circumstances.

In this regard, it is necessary to think about a number of things that will further accompany such a purchase.

  1. When is the best time to buy a kitten?
  2. In addition to the cost of the animal itself, certain funds are needed for its maintenance: food, filler, accessories, toys, etc., which, given a certain quality, is quite expensive.
  3. Taking care of your kitten's health
  4. Proper upbringing.
  5. Choosing a place to buy a kitten.

Let's start in order:

It is best to take a kitten home after the holidays, because you still have a whole year ahead of you so that the pet grows up and your subsequent departure is painless for him. The best time of the year for this is autumn, because in the summer, with constant heat and open windows, your curious pet, to the extent of your lack of experience, can simply fall out of the window, which ends very badly.

The second point is maintenance costs. If you think that your kitten will delight in eating Whiskas mixed with soup and walking from a bowl to newspapers, and at the same time live up to fifteen years beautiful and healthy, you are deeply mistaken. Only premium food will give your pet a healthy and beautiful appearance. The same goes for the filler and the toilet. If you do not want your child to shit anywhere, you will have to spend money on expensive accessories. Therefore, before you start a pet, think about whether you can afford it in the future.

Kittens need to be vaccinated several times a year. This is an essential factor in raising a healthy animal. In addition, if your kitten will not participate in breeding activities in the future, take care of the timely castration so as not to spoil the life of yourself and him.

Do not scare the kitten, do not play aggressive games with him. Do not forget that a cat in the first place is a beast with predatory instincts. Therefore, in order for your Murka to be always affectionate, choose the right games, or rather buy toys for development.

And finally, where is the best place to buy a treasured pet. In large cities of Russia, with the assistance of clubs of cat lovers, special units are being opened to agitate the population in the fight against bird markets. In 90% of cases, a kitten bought on the street will die in the next 2-3 weeks and there are a number of reasons for this.

First of all, very small kittens aged from 2 months are sold on the “birdies”. At this time, the child's immune system is weak, and with daily exposure to the open air, the kitten develops a number of inflammatory diseases.

As a rule, animals in the markets are not vaccinated, which is another indicator of a large number of deaths. In addition, you will never know what environment the kitten was kept in, which is another risk factor.

Therefore, there are only two options where to buy a kitten.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a kitten in a cattery from a breeder, just ask if your friends have kittens, perhaps this is how you will make a friend for many years.

But, the most correct option is to buy a kitten in a cattery, since a kitten is sold no earlier than 3 months, he eats certain food, is accustomed to the tray and is absolutely adapted to later life.

Of course, the price of such kittens is quite high, but there is no point in knocking it down. Since the breeder puts his soul, strength and means into each kitten, and the work of other people must also be respected. We have sorted out the most important points when buying a kitten.

For small kittens up to 3 weeks old, the only proper nutrition is cat's milk. And in the fourth week, you can try giving him cow's milk. Don't forget to dilute it 2:5. If a kitten cannot drink from a saucer, try drinking it from a small nipple.

In the second month, grated meat can be introduced into the diet. It is best to give meats such as chicken, beef. And be sure to start feeding fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, sour cream.

A two-month-old cat can already eat completely on its own, so at this time its diet can be expanded. However, do it gradually, without mixing the products together. Offer your baby porridge from cereals and vegetables, alternating them with meat and fish.

How to feed a kitten at 3 months: dry food and canned food can be introduced into the diet. Do not forget to soak the food in water at first so that the baby chews it, and does not swallow it whole.

By the age of six months, a cat (cat) is gaining about 80% of its adult weight, so by this time you can already choose the diet that adults are fed.

It will be useful to give the pet to gnaw the bones, since at this time the molars are cut, but sweets are not worth it.

So, you have decided on the breed and took a small kitten. It is important to remember that this is not a toy - this is a small child of a cat, it requires attention, care, love.

In the early days, he may just be lonely, sad, scared, he may cry, look for his mother, not understand where his toilet is. Try to give him maximum attention in the first days, in no case scold him for something, talk to him more often, stroke, caress.

It is advisable to give a name right away, because cats remember it quickly. At first, associate it with food, affection and something else pleasant. Try not to let small children frighten or torment him. Remember that relationships with a cat are built on mutual respect, because this is a very proud animal, noble and fair. If you treat him accordingly, he will be just as affectionate and gentle with you. Cats do not tolerate violence, screaming, rudeness. A kitten that is shouted at will be shy, wary, grow up - will defend itself at any pretext, and may even become vindictive and distrustful.

It is often impossible to wash cats - the protective layer of fat from the hairs is washed off, deteriorates, and the cat can simply catch a cold.

If the kitten will go outside - be sure to do all the necessary preventive vaccinations in the vet. clinic, put on a flea collar - it will protect against both fleas and ticks. It is better to put a medallion on the collar with your address and phone number, so that if the cat gets lost, they can return it to you. If you do not want to cling to the medallion, you can write directly on the collar with an indelible marker.

The question is one of the most important. After all, none of us wants to have an unpleasant smell in the apartment.

This question is solved by itself, if your cat has kittens, she will teach the kids to go to the toilet where they need to. When the cat relieves its needs, place the kittens next to it, which are already leaving the house. And the issue will be resolved.

When you take a kitten from the side, then you need patience and attentiveness. As soon as the kitten got into your house - treat him with something delicious, caress him, let him understand that it is good and calm here. Let him examine the house - this is what all cats do, it is necessary for them. And then show him the tray.

It will, of course, be a miracle if your baby understands everything from the very beginning. Your kitten does not go to the tray from the first day? But it's not worth hoping for. If somewhere in the corner he leaves a puddle - blot it with toilet paper and take it to the tray. And then show the kitten. It will become clearer to him where to “spill” the next puddle. Do not remove the papers immediately, the way this smell lets him know about the place of defecation. He will come back here on his own.

If he didn’t understand the first time, in no case do not shout at him, do not poke his muzzle - he will be frightened, offended. And if you caught him at the "case" - take it and carefully take it to the tray.

When cleaning the tray, never use strong-smelling substances containing bleach or acid. This will repel the baby, and you will have to catch it for a long time in the corners with its piles and puddles, wondering why the kitten does not go to the tray.

The filler for kittens is better to choose small.

Usually kittens are very intelligent. A little patience - and your fluffy will only please you!

A kitten is care and joy. The cat family is, of course, cleaner people, but you can’t do without hygiene. The sooner you start potty training your kitten, the better. A kitten is the same child, take care of its upbringing as soon as its paws are more or less stronger. There is no need to delay the lessons on such a delicate topic. If you slow down, the kitten will get used to independence and freedom. He will consider himself the master of all living space and will do what he pleases. Then the lessons of upbringing will be more difficult for you.

From the mother - a cat, such questions also completely depend. After a month and a half, the cat herself leads the kittens to the tray and explains what she wants from them. Get to know the cat family early if you want to adopt a kitten. Kittens will be smart if the cat is smart.

Having brought a kitten, from its mother, to your house, feed it. After his meal, holding the kitten by the belly, put him in the tray, which must be prepared in advance. Basically, after feeding, the kitten has a desire to go to the potty. If you notice that the kitten's eyes are wandering, and he is looking for a place to sit, carefully and carefully, but quickly put him in the tray and wait until he finishes his business.

At first glance, everything seems clear and simple! But not every kitten understands the first time what a tray in the corner is for. To consolidate the “lesson learned”, perhaps more explanations will be required. This is required for very young kittens who have not left their mother. There is only one way out for you - be patient.

If the kitten has lost its way or has not reached the tray and has done its business, still carefully pick it up and take it to the tray. Put a piece of paper there, from which his smell of a puddle will come, well, or a bunch. It will be easier to cope with the kitten, which the mother cat managed to teach such things. And the kitten understands that the tray is intended to do their business in it.

Where should the tray be placed? This is a very interesting question. The cat litter box should always be in the same place. It is better if he stands in a corner where no one can interfere with the process of the kitten. But every cat has its own character. Some of them like to manage their affairs discreetly and quietly so that the attention of those present is not attracted. And some will do it without a drop of embarrassment, sometimes they will even sit noisily in the tray for demonstration. So if your kitten is shy, put the litter box in a secluded corner, not in the aisle and out of public view. But do not, and hide the tray. The most convenient if the tray will stand in the bathroom or toilet. It will be convenient for both the kitten and you. In this case, you can remove it faster.

But do not forget, if the tray is in the toilet or bathroom, then the door should be constantly ajar or, in extreme cases, make a hole at the bottom of the door for the kitten.

But such a nuance may arise, you liked the place for the tray, but the kitten does not. He starts ignoring him. In this case, put the tray in the place that the pet has chosen for itself and start slowly moving it in the direction you need, step by step. Of course, this procedure will take a lot of time, it may be a month, but believe me, you will achieve the desired result.

Before you get a kitten, you need to know how to care for him.

If you decide to get yourself a kitten, it is important to know what you need to have to meet him in order to quickly accustom him to a new home. You need to have: carrier, tray, toilet filler, feeding utensils, scratching post, comb, toys, sprays, toothpaste and brush, food. How to choose the right one and what it should be, we will analyze further.

What is a carrier and how to choose the right one

Carrying - a basket, a box for carrying and transporting a baby.

Carry Requirements:

  • It is necessary to pay attention to the seasonality of carrying, it can be both winter and summer, and combined;
  • It should be made of durable materials, it is good if it is collapsible so that it can be washed;
  • Mandatory in carrying should be a viewing hole, this reduces the feeling of fear in the animal. A hard bottom will also be a plus, as the kitten likes to feel solid ground under his feet;
  • Fasteners must be strong, some animals like to try to open the carrier, so as not to lose your pet, it is better to take into account this fact;

Choose the size according to the breed of the cat, it is better to buy a large one right away, because when the kitten grows up you won’t have to change.

Types of carriers

There are several types of cat carriers on the market.


They have strong walls and a bottom that allows the animal to feel comfortable. Keep in mind that the cat basket must be tightly closed.

  • The advantages of the baskets are that they are made of natural materials and are quite light.
  • Cons of baskets - not airtight, absorb odors. It is not recommended to wash it, it is better to wipe it with a slightly damp cloth, so pollution is not always eliminated.

Fabric Cat Bags

  • The advantages of bags are that they are very light, do not take up much space, can be folded, and are inexpensive.
  • The downside is that they can get wet, do not have a frame, this leads to irritation and discomfort for the cat.

Containers for transporting cats

One of the safest ways to transport your pets. The advantages of containers are that they use durable plastic in their manufacture, which is convenient to care for: wash, clean. Such a container is well suited for transportation in a car, but if you are transporting a cat in public transport, it will be inconvenient, as it takes up a lot of space and is quite heavy.

Please note that it is better to choose a container with metal doors, plastic ones are not entirely reliable.

Tray or toilet for a kitten

Choose the right tray for your pet

A toilet (tray) is a mandatory attribute when keeping an animal. It is better to immediately purchase a medium or large size.

Types of trays:

A tray with rectangular sides, the simplest type of cat litter. Suitable for small cats. Cons - if the cat likes to bury, most likely it will scatter the filler. Pros: Inexpensive, lightweight.

  • Tray with sides and with a grid. Similar to the previous tray, but the advantage is its easy cleaning.
  • Tray with high sides. It is convenient, because the kitten does not scatter the filler when rowing, but when washing this toilet, the filler can remain on the sides.
  • Toilet for a cat. A special toilet is designed specifically for the convenience of the owners. Very comfortable and practical. It has high sides on which the seal is located, this allows the toilet to be covered with a bag or paper and fix it.
  • The tray is a house. An innovation that will greatly facilitate the care of your pet. The toilet has the shape of a house, with a transparent door. It is collapsible, which is convenient for washing it. Many models are equipped with a carbon filter, it removes odor. This toilet model is very convenient, it can be placed even in the smallest apartment, and it will not spoil the view.
  • Toilet - a tray with a cleaning system. The design of the tray is made in such a way that it contains a sensor that reacts to the approach of a cat. After a couple of minutes, a rake leaves and removes the waste into a special container. The container must be cleaned periodically.

Each owner chooses independently what type of filler is best for him for his pet.

It will be up to you to decide how it will be, but it is better to buy one that the kitten is already used to. Many prefer the old methods: newspaper, sawdust, sand. But such a filler gets wet quickly and does not eliminate the smell. Better to use :

  • granulated, made from small lumps of clay. It absorbs moisture well, but does not eliminate all odors. You can not flush such a filler into the toilet. You need to change every 3-4 days;
  • woody– granular, copes very well with odor, can be washed down the drain. But the downside is that when wet, it can flow to the animal's coat;
  • clumping filler, very popular, when wet, it forms a lump, which is easily removed with a spatula. But it sticks to the paws and does not hold the smell very well;
  • silica gel filler. A new type of filler, which consists of quartz sand, its very big plus is that it needs to be changed every 2 weeks. Eco-friendly and absolutely harmless. Minus - high price.

food bowl

Choose Comfortable Bowls

It is better if the bowl is stable, what material it is made of is not so important, the main thing is that it would not be harmful to the kitten. There are many types from single to triple bowls. Colors and material can also be chosen according to your wishes. Some owners sometimes even write the name of the kitten on the bowl, this is convenient if you have more than one animal in the house, so you definitely won’t mix up the bowls.

It is worth considering the anatomical capabilities of your pet when choosing a bowl, since a bowl that is too deep cannot be bought for the British and Persians. Due to the flattened muzzle, it is inconvenient for them to eat from such dishes. For large breeds of cats, it is recommended to use coasters for bowls so that in the future the cat does not have back problems.

scratching post

All kittens love to scratch their claws, so it is important that he can do it not on furniture, but on a special stand for scratching claws - a scratching post. They come in different sizes, when buying a scratching post, you need to take into account the approximate size of an already grown kitten. If this is a cat, for example, then it is better to immediately buy a large scratching post so that the cat, even when it grows up, can stretch out and scratch its claws. More often claws entwined with sisal and twine, when choosing, keep in mind that it must be reliable.

Types of claws:

  • Flat, the simplest form, they are a flat wooden base wrapped with twine. This scratching post can be placed on the floor or hung on the wall.
  • column. This is a stand on which the scratching post is located, more often in a column or cylinder. The advantages of this stand are that it does not need to be hooked anywhere, and it will fit into any interior. Sometimes different toys are tied to it.
  • House shaped scratching post. Represents various options for the location of the top or bottom, then the scratching post. It is convenient because the animal can play and relax. The disadvantages of the house are the high price and dimensions, most often it takes up more space than a regular scratching post.

How to choose a comb for your pet

Furmitator can comb a cat well

Many types of combs are now available in pet stores, they come in different sizes, materials and with different features. When choosing, you need to consider such features as:

  • comb bristle type;
  • the material from which it is made;
  • convenience and durability;
  • safety, environmental friendliness;
  • cleaning.

It is better when you have several combs in your arsenal, for simple combing, for combing wool.

Before cutting your nails, you need to know that only the rounded tip of the nail is cut off, since the vessels are located further, if you get on the vessel, your animal will be hurt. When cutting, take the cat's paw and carefully separate one nail, cut it off to the line of vessels.

In order not to cause discomfort to your pet, it is better to periodically accustom him to this, slowly, even one nail at a time.

We clean our ears

For cleaning, you will need a cotton swab and boiled water at room temperature. It is necessary to carefully clean the auricle from excess pollution and sulfur, do not try to penetrate deep into the ear. We recommend reading the full information.

You don’t need to clean your ear more than once a month and you don’t need to achieve sterility, just remove the dirt. If you suspect that your cat often scratches his ear, you should take him to the doctor.

Combing wool

Brush your cats regularly

An obligatory element of cat care is combing the coat. Combing the skin, we massage it, stimulating blood flow. Long-haired cats need to be combed out to prevent the formation of tangles.

Features of care for different breeds of cats are almost the same. For example, for Scottish cats, you need to take into account their curiosity and hide all things that are harmful to him, medicines. They are quite painful, you need to comply with all vaccinations and be constantly examined by a doctor.

For long-haired and large cats such as Maine Coon, you need a special large toilet, and your own place to sleep, constant hair care.

For a Siamese cat, it is worth remembering that she is very sociable and attentive, it is worth giving her time, this breed has a predisposition to liver diseases and dental problems.


This procedure should be carried out for prevention once every 4 months. Or 2 weeks before vaccination.

Flea control

Collar. It is also used for prevention and control. Put a collar on the cat, the wearing period depends on its type and on the number of fleas. Cons - not all cats are comfortable in a collar.

Drops or sprays. They are applied between the shoulder blades of the cat and are very effective.


It is up to the owners to decide whether or not to vaccinate cats, but it is worth remembering that unvaccinated cats do not have immunity against diseases. Kittens can be vaccinated as early as 3 months of age. Vaccination is carried out in the future every six months, a year, three years, depending on the vaccine. Vaccination can only be carried out after deworming. Only a doctor can determine exactly when and how to vaccinate your pet, but one manufacturer is better.

It is better to castrate and sterilize domestic cats and cats

This is either ligation of the ovaries, or removal of the uterus. If you remove the uterus, the cat does not stop estrus, she can knit, but she cannot give birth. When ligating the ovaries, the cat's body sometimes deceives everyone and eats the opportunity to become pregnant.

When a cat is castrated, both her ovaries and uterus are removed. Her estrus stops, the hormonal background does not change, the risk of oncological diseases decreases many times if the cat was castrated before the first estrus or immediately after it.

This is the removal of the testicles. This procedure can be performed on absolutely all cats. The disadvantage of this procedure is: the risk of urolithiasis, obesity increases.

Before and after the castration operation, it will be necessary not to feed the cat for 12 hours. Remove the filler so as not to infect the seam. Once every six months, you need to take urine for analysis in order to track changes in the animal's body.

And also watch the video.

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