Affectionate kitty. What breeds of cats are the most affectionate and kind. place - Scottish fold cat

One of the main qualities that the future owner is guided by when choosing a cat of a particular breed is the character of its representative.

What breed of cat is the most affectionate

The assessment criterion was the relationship of a pet with people around him, attitude towards children and livability with other animals. So, 15 breeds and 15 places in our rating.

15th place was taken by the breed - Siberian cat

Bred from wild forest breeds, this cat is distinguished by great independence. It is about them that they say "a cat has nine lives." An animal that senses danger very well will never leave its owner in trouble.

  • attitude towards the owner: rather respectful, does not like manifestations of feelings, and is unlikely to purr on his lap for a long time. Grateful for caring and devoted, but in no way suitable for the role of a sofa cat;
  • attitude towards children: tolerant;
  • attitude towards animals: the Siberian cat vigilantly guards its territory, therefore it does not tolerate strangers on it. Although, if she grows up with other animals from childhood, she is ready to tolerate their presence and even be friends with them.

14th place - Siamese cat

Temperamental, jealous and stubborn - these are the main characteristics of this breed. Contrary to popular belief, they are not vindictive. They always choose one member of the family as the owner, and when they choose, they show him selfless devotion.

  • attitude towards the owners: love and devotion to the owner - no doubt. They are quite wary of strangers. They like to "talk", and do it quite loudly. They gladly accept affection and respond in kind;
  • attitude towards children: the main condition is that the child will not harm the cat. However, there are many cases when Siamese cats become real nannies for babies, protecting their night sleep and allowing them to play with themselves. Of course, all this is individual and should be done under the supervision and permission of adults;
  • attitude towards animals: Siamese are born hunters, so the joint keeping of parrots, hamsters and other small living creatures is excluded. With dogs, they establish a relationship on an individual basis - it all depends on the nature of a particular cat and a particular dog.

13th place - Russian blue cat

Delicacy and friendliness are the main character traits of the Russian blue cat. On the other hand, she is secretive and independent. She chooses her territory at her discretion, as well as the owner of all the people living in the house.

  • attitude towards the owners: loves, but without fanaticism, although very devoted to them. Dislikes strangers and big companies. If such a cat in a strange house honored you with attention - this is unspeakable luck;
  • attitude towards children: patient, but will not become a participant in children's games;
  • attitude towards animals: gets along well with other pets, equal to it in size or larger. Anything smaller than it is regarded as prey. So you should not keep hamsters and birds along with the Russian blue.

It tolerates loneliness perfectly, does not bother the owner if he is busy. Doesn't like change.

12th place - Exot or exotic shorthair cat

This gentle creature lives solely to be loved, cherished and unlived.

  • attitude towards owners: affectionate and good-natured, and cats have more affection for their owners than cats (these are more independent). They themselves will not ask for affection, but they will gladly accept it;
  • attitude towards children: quite loyal, if they are not touched or offended;
  • relationship with other cats and dogs: the same as with children - "we do not offend each other."

Exotics do not tolerate loneliness. In the absence of a beloved owner, they can lose their appetite.

11th place - Persian cat

The Persian rightfully has a reputation as one of the laziest creatures among cats. As much as the owner will love his cat, the same will reciprocate. But if you love, then forever.

  • attitude towards the owners: to their family with love, to strangers distrustfully, but without aggression;
  • attitude towards children: he will calmly transfer all children's games to daughter-mothers with his participation;
  • attitude towards animals: the maximum that can attract his attention is a butterfly or a fly. The rest are of little interest to him.

The Persians are so devoted to their master that they often take on his negative states, which causes them to suffer greatly (physically).

10th place - Abyssinian cat

An amazing combination of a beautiful exterior, sociability and intelligence make this breed extremely popular with connoisseurs of true feline intelligence. A lively, curious, cheerful animal treats all children and households with love, however, only one person will be considered the “leader of the pack”.

  • attitude towards the owners: life without society is impossible for an Abyssinian, therefore he is always in the thick of things next to a person, invariably hospitable and loving;
  • attitude towards children: gets along well, but loves older children;
  • attitude towards animals: he will accept any company - dogs, cats, their children - he will be glad to everyone.

This breed is more suitable for people who are looking for a companion rather than just a pet.

9th place - Maine Coon

Good-natured and very emotional giants, friendly favorites of the whole family. The Maine Coon will never show his feelings to a person until he takes a closer look at him and finally becomes attached.

  • attitude to the owners: Maine Coons are affectionate and devoted animals. Moreover, the cat will show more affection, and the cat - devotion;
  • attitude towards children: they treat children calmly, they are not able to offend them. However, given the solid dimensions of cats, it is not recommended to leave them alone with children, especially very young ones;
  • attitude towards animals: it will be mainly the cat that hunts, not the cat. There is an opinion that Maine Coons are so smart that only street small animals are game for them. But it’s still not worth checking this statement on small pets, it’s better to keep them safe. Maine Coons get along well with dogs and other cats.

8th place - British shorthair cat

The British Shorthair is a solid cat for solid people who spend a lot of time at work. She will not be offended at all by the long absence of the owner, and will meet him with joy and love.

  • attitude towards the owner: it will unobtrusively follow him throughout the apartment, waiting for the moment when you can sit next to him and purr, showing him your love and devotion;
  • attitude towards children: loves children, never offends them. But don't make a child's toy out of it;
  • attitude towards animals: calmly gets along with the entire domestic flock, if it exists, and can even lead it.

7th place -

Ragdoll completely refutes the assertion that cats are attached to the house, and not to the owner.

  • attitude towards the owners: the ragdoll is loving, patient and unobtrusive. Feels good both with the owners alone and in a noisy company;
  • attitude towards children: it would seem that due to its impressive size it can be dangerous. Not at all, he gets along well with children, never offends, takes part in games with pleasure. If he feels threatened by the child, he will not defend himself, but hide;
  • Attitude towards animals: gets along equally well with everyone, including dogs and small pets.

6th place - Manx

Funny tailless Manx cats are a great acquisition for those who live in their own home. Inveterate mousers will not leave rodents a single chance. Very gentle, kind and affectionate, they will love the whole family, if only they will be reciprocated.

  • attitude to the owners: they love and are ready to spend maximum time with them. For them, reciprocal love and affection from the owner is very important;
  • attitude towards children: the more children in the family, the better. Manx will certainly be a participant in all children's fun. However, children need to be explained that it is impossible to pull the short stump of the cat's tail, this can cause him severe pain.
  • attitude towards animals: he is friends with everyone who is ready to keep him company for games. It does not lose its hunting passion throughout its life, therefore it can be dangerous for small pets.

5th place - Scottish fold cat

Funny appearance, "plush" fur and a lot of friendliness - this is a Scottish fold. Surprisingly accommodating character makes her the favorite of all households.

  • attitude towards the owner: she prefers to lie down next to, and not in the hands of the owner, which does not prevent her from literally adore him. She is equally good both in a noisy company and alone with the owner. He loves to cuddle very much, he can lick the owner's face or hands.
  • attitude towards children: plays with them with pleasure, never allows himself to scratch them;
  • attitude towards animals: get along even with a hamster and a rabbit.

4th place - Burmese cat

If you want to be loved - get a dog, if you want to love yourself - get a cat, if you want to give love and receive it twice - get a Burmese.

  • attitude towards the owners: very affectionate and affectionate, almost never releases claws in games. He likes to "talk" with the owner and caress him. He treats strangers with benevolent curiosity, he is not "shy" in large companies;
  • attitude towards children: will endure everything, even the not very delicate attitude of the smallest family members;
  • attitude towards animals: he loves the company very much, so that he has someone to frolic with.

If the owner is often absent, it is better to take another cat into the house, ideally another Burmese.

3rd place - Neva Masquerade Cat

Tender affection and at the same time restraint are the main character traits of cats of this breed. They will be a friend and companion to their master.

  • attitude to the owner: the Neva Masquerade cat is affectionate, but without obsession, subtly feeling the mood. He is quite tolerant of strangers. Attached more to the person than to the place;
  • attitude towards children: he loves babies very much, can play with them and endure their antics to certain limits. If it becomes very difficult, she will never scratch, but will run away and hide so that the child does not get it. Can help soothe a crying baby and will even call adults if something is wrong.
  • attitude towards animals: they are friends with everyone, even with small rodents, if they are also pets.

Absolutely not vindictive and will not take out the insult on the master's slippers or carpets.

2nd place - Sphinx

The sphinx's love for its master is boundless, as is its patience. These amazing cats are incapable of harming anyone.

  • attitude towards the owner: sphinxes are very kind and delicate, they can be around for hours, they will be happy to caress and caress themselves. The sphinx will definitely get acquainted with strangers, and will not hide in the far corner. Friendly to all family members;
  • attitude towards children: little naughty ones are allowed to do anything - drag, squeeze, and even paint the skin of a patient cat. And only if the sphinx really gets it, he can call for the help of the owner with a loud meow;
  • attitude towards animals: not only gets along well with any other animals, but is also ready to take on the role of the leader of the domestic pack and the protector of its smaller and weaker members.

Very badly tolerates parting with his beloved master. Leaving one for a long time is generally not recommended.

1st place - Birman cat

Very friendly, intelligent and well trained cats. For those who are looking for love in a pet and are ready to give him their own in return - this cat is a real find.

  • attitude towards the owners: they become attached to all family members. They intuitively feel the mood and state of the owner, and, depending on him, they are ready to caress and comfort or, conversely, leave them alone. They don't mind if they are picked up. They are ready to meet strangers, but they don’t really like noisy companies;
  • attitude towards children: Burmese cats are always ready to take part in their outdoor games. They can relieve stress in children after a big school load, and in general become their true friend;
  • attitude towards animals: very friendly, both to other cats and to dogs. They are Burmese playmates. Not aggressive.

They perfectly know the boundaries of what is permitted and never cross them.

The most kind and affectionate will be Sphynx, Regdoll, Neva Masquerade, Manx, Burmese and Scottish Fold cats. They will also be good in a family with children.

If you need an active companion and a loyal friend who will not let you and your loved ones get bored, you should pay attention to the Burmese, Abyssinian, Siberian, Russian Blue or Siamese cat.

Maine Coon and British Shorthair cat and will please the owners with exceptional devotion and restraint.

If you are looking for a lazy couch potato who is always ready to turn his back and belly for caress, choose Exot or Persian.

What breed of cat is the most affectionate

Siberian cat. They are considered the most affectionate, they are stronger than others attached to their owner. They have long hair and are quite large in size, they can reach up to 20 kilograms.

Sphinx. Most studies have shown that this breed is considered kind with other people. Due to the unusual cover of the skin, they quite often need the warmth and love of the owner.

Maine coon. They have a formidable appearance, these cats are very friendly. This breed is suitable for any family.

Manx. These cats from birth have such a quality that they do not have a tail. But they are very affectionate with their owners. Manx love to spend a lot of time with his master.

Burmese cat. These cats have unusual traits that are more like a separation of personality: these breeds can frolic, and in just a few minutes they can rest on the handles of the owner.

Regdoll. These cats are considered imposing, affectionate and attached. This breed is great for people who are fairly lonely or have children.

Siamese cat. Siamese are just a find with the best qualities. The best of them is curiosity.

Burmese cat. Cats of this breed are very sociable and gentle. They show a lot of attention to their owner. For the caress of the owner, they pay the same.

Russian blue cat. Russian Blues may watch their parents for a long time, but they also fall head over heels in love with them. Pets of this breed will tail you, like to play active games and sleep next to the owner at night.

Persian. Persians, like exotic ones, are quite tame and have calmness.

Abyssinian cat. These cats are active and smart. They are quite sociable with strangers.

Exotic. This breed is distinguished by tenderness and slowness. Exotic cats will be glad that the owner will show affection.

Manual and calm breeds of cats

Undoubtedly, the Maine Coon will be in the first place. This breed is distinguished by sociability, affability and friendliness. They love society in the presence of a person, often meet their owners with the help of purring, which means that the animal really wants to make contact.

Maine Coon

The second breed is the Bombay. These animals are so similar to panthers, they are active and sociable. These cats love warmth and companionship. They are tame, love affection and hugs with the owner.


Good Breeds

Toyger breed. They look like real domestic tigers due to their appearance and size. However, despite this appearance, they are kind and funny.

Devon rex. They are considered merry, elusive acrobats.

Egyptian Mau. This breed has such a trait that they choose chosen people and show special devotion to them.

American Curl. An important factor of this breed is the mystery. They show reliability and loyalty.

The smartest cat breeds

Bengal cats. They try to understand and use the words of people, and they can also fulfill the requests that the owner gives.

Munchkin cat. The owners of these animals have noticed that their pets are trying to strive to win equality. Trying to issue commands will get you nowhere, so you don't even have to try.

Oriental cat. The main feature is emotions. These are the most vulnerable and sensitive animals. Try not to offend them.

British cat. A beautiful and magnificent creature. They have exceptional fidelity, which is very much appreciated. You won't find a more devoted pet anywhere.

Scottish fold cat. Considered an intelligent breed. It was this breed that entered the top three, which is very cool.

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There are many different breeds of cats in the world. No one will say the exact number, but from the total number, 10 of the kindest and most affectionate cat breeds can be distinguished. To figure out which breeds are the most affectionate, you need to carefully look at the behavior of the animal among the surrounding people and pets, and also pay attention to the cat's attitude towards them. There are several signs of kindness in a pet of a particular breed. This is the attitude towards all household members, and the character of the cat, as well as behavior when meeting strangers.

The leading place in the rating was occupied by sphinxes - the most affectionate cats in the world. According to recent studies, this breed is not afraid even of strangers. Sphinxes do not like to be alone. They have no fur. These cats require warmth from those around them. They are smart. As for cats, sphinxes have a well-developed memory. They do not like the cold, when the temperature drops, they must be dressed in the literal sense. Smart and trainable. They experience great patience and love for the inhabitants living with them. Friendly sphinxes can play for a long time with both children and adults. Yes, and with unfamiliar guests, these cats will try to get to know each other and will never hide under the sofa. They love attention and care.

Second place rightfully went to the Maine Coon. It is a playful and affectionate family friend. Semi-longhaired big cats are elegant and easy to train. They do not like to play pranks and climb cabinets, do not spoil objects, but carefully bypass them. They like to meet the owner, sit next to him, and also sleep on their knees. Maine Coons are very affectionate. Prolonged loneliness may not be endured, because during a long absence of the owner they stop eating and become depressed. Cats of this breed should not be left alone.

The third line of the top 10 is occupied by the Manx. In a friendly animal, you first need to gain trust. The Manx has a very dense coat that needs to be brushed up to 3 times a week. Cats of this breed are just as easy to train as dogs. Kittens are very playful and make great friends for children. Often flattering, hardy enough for cats. They love to be close to the owner and spend time with him. The Manx has a very short tail. Sometimes it seems like it doesn't exist at all. But occasionally, in some individuals, the tail reaches a normal length.

The ash-colored cat takes fourth place. She has a thick and fluffy coat, which needs special care. Burmese cats love to meet everyone - both owners and guests. Affectionate - they follow the owner literally on the heels. The cat has a calm character, submissive and devoted. It is often between states: either to play, or to fawn. She likes to lie on her knees, at the same time rub her hands together. The blue-eyed beauty of the ancient breed is worth getting for the sake of children, whom such an affectionate animal will never offend.

The fifth line of the rating is occupied by the redgall - a meek, as well as an obedient animal. The translation of the name of the breed sounds like "carpet doll". Redgalls hate to be alone. They are attached to people with all their hearts. These tactful cats even meow softly. And if the owner is busy, they politely wait to be played with, and then sit down on their knees and fawn. They like to meet guests and are not afraid of strangers. The semi-long coat needs to be brushed frequently.

The sixth line of the rating was occupied by Siamese cats. These are active and emotional, playful and affectionate animals. When meowing, they use different intonations, showing them what they want and expressing their feelings. Thus, they "talk" with people, demanding constant attention. Often they choose one owner and jealously protect him from strangers. The undercoat is absent, and the coat is short and does not require special care. Thai beauties sometimes show independence, but they are completely non-aggressive, as many people think. Strangers are treated with some caution.

In seventh place in the top 10 are Burmese cats. Affectionate and smart pets. They love attention and care. They easily get along with other pets. The coat of the Burmese is short and soft. Therefore, these cats only need to be brushed once a week. Graceful creatures love company, easy to train. Burmese is not one of those types of cats that can lie on the windowsill for hours. She will always be in motion and in sight. And if the owner is busy working at the computer, he will settle down on the keyboard. After all, it is important for a Burmese cat to be closer to the owner.

One of the most affectionate breeds is ranked seventh. The Russian Blue will not scratch the owners, because this cat is docile and graceful, well-mannered and restrained. Beauties with silver fur are very affectionate and friendly. They try to study the habits of the owner. Very curious creatures. Cats of this breed do not like to impose their attention, but are always ready to play. True, they often hide from outsiders. The Russian Blue is easy to care for - it has a short and soft coat.

On the ninth line of the rating are Persian cats. Kittens of this breed are trusting and playful. Adults like to lie down with the owner on the couch or just sit on their laps. Rarely vote. Owners of luxurious long hair need to be combed often. Caring for them is not easy. With supple, not showing resistance and aggression, children love to play with cats. Calm Persians are not overly playful, but are quite affectionate and love to keep company by sitting next to people.

Abyssinian cats close the rating. They are very active, love to play and are smart. Cats of these breeds easily contact with all the inhabitants of the house and even with guests, as well as with strangers. If there are children in the family, the Abyssinian cat is an excellent choice. Abyssinians simply radiate energy. They have beautiful red hair. Although the nature of these cats is changeable. From bored, they instantly turn into playful ones and begin to flirt. They never sit idle.

When deciding to get a cat, many people dream of an affectionate and intelligent friend. One that will purr in its arms for hours, will let itself be stroked at any time and will generally behave like a plush toy. It is especially important to choose the right breed if there is a child in the family. After all, a freedom-loving and aggressive kitten is absolutely not suitable for children. What kind of cats can live up to such expectations? We offer a rating of the most affectionate pets with photos and breed names.

The breed, obtained by crossing the Persian and American Shorthair, initially disappointed breeders. The appearance of such a kitten was very unusual: it resembled a thick-legged teddy bear. It would seem that there is no grace, grace and mannerism inherent in ordinary cats. However, after 7 years, the breed was recognized and, thanks to the affectionate nature, exotics began to quickly gain popularity.

These cats are affectionate and patient, cheerful and devoted. They are attached to their owners, so when leaving on vacation, do not leave the exotic alone. It will be easier for him to endure the journey than separation from his family.

The price of a kitten starts from 10,000 rubles.

The behavior of graceful Abyssinians, similar to antique, sacred cats, is actually far from regal. The owners of these breeds note that these are the most devoted, affectionate and intelligent animals with a good disposition. They are mobile, inquisitive, love to play with family members, entertain themselves with some harmless games on their own, or just sleep on the owner's lap. A confirmation of their intelligence is that Abyssinians can easily learn simple commands (such as "come", "in place", "jump" and others) or tricks (catch soft balls on the fly).

The price of "club" kittens starts from 25,000 rubles.


Concerning this breed opinions differ. Not everyone considers Persians to be affectionate, because the behavior of a pet depends not only on the breed. According to breeders, they are often wayward and stubborn. However, thanks to the calm, docile and phlegmatic character, the Persians easily get along with children. They become attached to only one member of the family and can follow him everywhere, gazing into the eyes and insistently demanding attention.

The price starts from 10,000 rubles.

In the ranking of the most affectionate cats, one cannot do without the Russian Blue. Loyal, kind, gentle, intelligent and completely unobtrusive - these are the main characteristics of this breed. Russian Blues become attached to the owner and tend to take an active part in family life. They always respond to gestures and voice and do not require tenderness when the owner is not up to them.

You can buy a Russian blue for 5,000 rubles and more. "Club" kittens will cost from 25,000 rubles.

Descended from crossing Siamese and Persian. One of the most gentle semi-longhaired cats. Restrained, proud, mannered and affectionate Burmese gladly accept the delight and admiration of guests and family members. They can be squeezed and stroked indefinitely. They love children, they are happy to take part in mobile, active games.

The owners claim that temple cats intuitively feel the mood of the owner, they can climb on their hands and purr soothingly.

You can buy such a miracle for at least 20,000 rubles. For a kitten from the cattery, which will subsequently take part in exhibitions, you will have to pay 50,000 rubles or more.

The breed combines the Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg Sphynxes, but they all have a common quality - the need for affection and human warmth. Sphynxes are very good-natured and gentle animals that love to be the center of attention. Easily socialized and get along with other animals.

The price varies from 7,000 to 75,000 rubles, depending on the purity of the breed.

These long-haired cats are playful and affectionate, gentle and devoted. They have a calm temperament. They are tolerant of children and children's "tenderness", they will never release their claws. They do not remember insults and do not avenge them. They are smart, perfectly feel the mood of the owner, distinguish intonations. They know how to respond to a nickname. It is easy to get along under the same roof with other animals.

The price of the Neva Masquerade with a pedigree starts from 18,000 rubles.

The origin of the breed is shrouded in many beautiful legends. Some argue that the cat was the last to run into Noah's ark and the closing door pinched her tail. According to other legends, she was a pirate companion, a ship rat catcher and escaped from a sunken ship near the Isle of Man. Be that as it may, the Manx love to watch the water, listen to its murmur. These are affectionate, obedient and moderately playful pets that treat all family members equally well. Friendly to strangers.

Buying a Manx in Russia is very problematic, because. This is a rare and quite expensive breed.

In the list of the most affectionate breeds, there must be a place for the Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold. Thanks to a balanced temperament, calm disposition and high intelligence, this cat is considered one of the most popular. She is gentle with all members of the family, but she chooses only one owner and all her love is intended for him. Folds are by nature very active and playful, they are happy to take part in children's games, but with age the playfulness fades and later they prefer spending time on the owner's lap.

The price starts from 5000 rubles, the exhibition class costs several times more.

Despite their impressive size (Maine Coons can reach a weight of more than 12 kg), these cats do not tolerate loneliness. They love their family and enjoy playing with children. At first, they are wary of strangers, but having “acquainted themselves” with joy, they will climb onto the guest’s knees for a portion of affection.

Maine Coons get along well with other cats and dogs, they are extremely rarely aggressive.

The breed has an unusual feature: the ability to communicate in the language of sounds and body language. Surprisingly, they can do more than just purr. Some pets, if desired, can make sounds similar to squeaking and even chirping.

An interesting fact: in the Finnish city of Tuusula lives the world's largest Maine Coon named Bond. Its weight reaches 16 kg, and its height is 118 centimeters. Jan-Erik Bruun, the owner of the cat, notes that Bond is the most affectionate and kind in the world. His family lovingly calls him "Pikkis" (Baby, Baby).

Pickis with his master


The Ragdoll is the leader in the ranking of the most affectionate breeds. They are very popular in Europe precisely because of their calm, "amorphous" character. These "rag dolls" are simply made for endless squeezing. Affectionate and docile, they love to sit in the arms of the owner. The owners note that as soon as the cat gets into their hands, it immediately relaxes and seems to go limp, taking unimaginable poses. However, in this relaxation lies a threat to the health of the cat: falling, they do not always have time to group, which is fraught with injuries.

Regdolls need constant companionship and are great with children. However, due to the peculiarities of selection, ragdolls have a lower pain threshold. Therefore, it is not recommended to have this affectionate cat in families with very small children. A child, not controlling his strength, can injure a pet.

The cost of a kitten from a cattery can be from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. However, there are also much more affordable prices. True, the purity of the breed is out of the question.

Of course, this rating is rather arbitrary, since the nature of the pet depends not only on the genetic predisposition or breed. How kind and gentle a cat will also depend on upbringing, on the behavior of the owners themselves. Pets will always reciprocate the respectful and kind relationship.

funny video about ragdoll cat Bowie:

If you decide to get a cat, a cat or a kitten and want it to be the kindest, smartest, calm and affectionate cat, then this article is just for you.

Here we will consider the most affectionate breeds and answer the question: a cat or a cat, who is the most kind, affectionate and owner-oriented.

We hope this information will help you decide on the choice of cat breed.

Who is more affectionate: cats or cats?

If you decide to get yourself a cat or a cat, you should know one simple truth: each animal has its own and unique character. There are no absolutely spineless or, conversely, completely stubborn animals. Of course, the behavior of cats and cats largely depends on their belonging to a particular breed, but it is the lifestyle of the owner, his life and individual personality traits that are fundamental factors in shaping the character of pets. This is most pronounced when the cat is no longer young and has been living with the same person for a long time.

Most cat owners claim that cats are much more affectionate towards their owners than cats. This is because females are not individualists by nature, they do not need to assert their rights to the territory or fight for a place at the top of the family hierarchy. Somewhere we can agree with this: indeed, cats are more attached to their owners, less stubborn and more gentle. However, this does not appear always and everywhere.

If a cat lives in good conditions, is always fed and warm, it has enough living space and nothing threatens it, then it has no reason to be unkind to a person.

If, however, the animal is in constant tension, constantly does not eat up, it is treated badly or not treated at all, then there is no need to talk about love for its breadwinners.

In the case of cats, everything is much simpler. The cat does not need any special tenderness from the owner, he has a more or less even and stable character, his main life credo is to be less disturbed, fed more, and always considered the most important thing. He is what he is and nothing else is given. In this regard, it is the personality of the owner and how he raises his pet that comes to the fore.

That's why, the question "Who is more affectionate: cats or cats" remains purely philosophical and needs no further discussion. Everything is completely individual and depends on many factors.

Now let's talk about the most affectionate cat breeds. Below is a ranking from the least affectionate cats to the most affectionate breeds.

TOP 13 affectionate cat breeds

№13 - Siamese cat

These cats are distinguished by intelligence, curiosity and quick wit, but they have an unbalanced character, sometimes they are prone to jealousy and a certain amount of aggression. In general, they are friendly, playful and moderately affectionate creatures. If the owner regularly demonstrates love and respect for his animal, then it always reciprocates.

  • they are wary of strangers, but they pay a lot of attention to the owner, Siamese cats are affectionate and friendly.
  • Attitude towards children: ready to play, but if something does not like it can scratch.
  • Relationship with other animals: He perceives birds and rodents only as prey, he can make friends with dogs and cats.

№12 - Abyssinian cat

Animals of this breed do not like to be alone and always strive to be close to people. They are very loyal, sociable, non-capricious and get along well with all family members. Despite all these qualities, the Abyssinians do not like to be in the hands of a person for a long time and prefer to simply follow him everywhere. They can be compared to loyal playful and very active dogs.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: owner oriented. They do not tolerate loneliness and can get bored. They treat strangers well.
  • Attitude towards children: friendly, ready to play all day long.
  • Relationship with other animals: get along with dogs and cats of all breeds and ages.

№11 - Manx

Cats of this breed do not really need tenderness on the part of a person, but they themselves, at the same time, show extreme affection and devotion, like to sit on their owner’s lap for a long time, play with him, observe all the actions and movements of the household. Menks get along well with children.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: quite affectionate and focused on the owner. They don't handle loneliness well. They are wary of strangers, but then they are friendly and sociable.
  • Attitude towards children: friendly.
  • Relationship with other animals: get along with dogs and cats. But dangerous to birds, rodents and fish.

№10 - Burmese cat

These cats are distinguished by outstanding calmness of character, prudence and ingenuity. They are very gentle to people, obedient and executive, attentive to the instructions of the owner, sociable, but not very talkative. Their voice is soft, melodic and unobtrusive.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: quickly become attached to all family members, without choosing one owner. Strangers are not afraid. Intuitively feels the mood and physical condition of a person.
  • Attitude towards children: good, caring. Ready to play active games, run and fool around.
  • Relationship with other animals: get along with dogs and cats.

№9 - Maine Coon

Maine Coons are very attached to their family and love everyone without exception. These are born good-natured people and jokers. They have a balanced character, they are non-aggressive and absolutely forgiving. However, these cats do not particularly like being picked up. They prefer partnerships where all family members have a bit of their own personal living space. Maine Coons are more like dogs in character, but self-willed and independent of the owner.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: Maine Coons lend themselves well to training, they can be taught to bring a ball, slippers, a newspaper. But still, this is not a dog, and therefore it will not look into the owner’s eyes and wag its tail. These are more partners with their own interests and habits. They communicate well with others.
  • Attitude towards children: smooth, but they can play.
  • Relationship with other animals: good, can be friends with dogs and cats.

№8- Burmese cat

These cats are very active and artistic. You will never get bored with a Burmese: if no one plays with her, she herself begins to invent something and thereby attracts attention to herself. Burmese love to take a nap in the owner's arms and purr something to him with his "angelic" voice.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: they love to communicate and play not only with the owner, but also with any other person.
  • Attitude towards children: good. Burmese are excellent companions for noisy and active games.
  • Relationship with other animals: can make friends with a dog or a cat to play together.

№7- Russian blue

It has an almost perfect feline character, is smart, attentive, loves its owner very much and is a great friend to him. Russian Blues know how to adapt to the mood of people, to be unobtrusive and executive, if necessary. Very kind and patient.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: devoted, but not intrusive. Fear of strangers. Prefers the company of one owner or loneliness.
  • Attitude towards children: neutral.
  • Relationship with other animals: also neutral, can make friends with the dog.

№6 - Neva Masquerade

These animals have a stable and balanced character, they never give their owners a reason to worry, they are very predictable and accommodating. The Neva Masquerade cat is always cheerful and playful. Shows great tenderness and love for people.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: calm and unobtrusive, loves affection, but will not bother with his presence.
  • Attitude towards children: patient and caring. Can take part in games, but not always. Will tolerate any childish antics.
  • Relationship with other animals: normal, friendly. Defend your place and command, will not.

№5- Persian cat

In these animals there is an amazing combination of tenderness and self-esteem. Persians are very trusting of people and are distinguished by great devotion to their masters. If a person is affectionate with a cat, then she will certainly respond to him in the same way. This is one of the most tame cat breeds, loving warmth and affection.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: trusting and empathetic. Persians capture the mood of the owner well, they are ready to be a friend and a soft pillow. Shy towards strangers.
  • Attitude towards children: the most patient cat breed. They withstand any games and pranks of little mischief-makers. Never hurt a child.
  • Relationship with other animals: Persians are indifferent to other animals.

№4- Exotics

Exotic cats are a great combination of calm nature and extremely cute appearance. These are sofa cats that will be happy to lie on the bed or on the owner's lap.

Animals of this breed are very affectionate and good-natured.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: they just love being close to people, sleeping in the same bed with the owner and watching his actions.
  • Attitude towards children: alertly calm. Of course, they will not start and participate in noisy games.
  • Relationship with other animals: with other cats and dogs they always keep neutrality, they can live side by side, but not be friends.

№3- Ragdoll

Very obedient, neat and accommodating creatures. Regdolls are easy to train, very smart, quick-witted and reasonable. Their playfulness and tenderness is well known. Affectionate with the owner and love when it is manifested on the part of the person.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: loves to soak up her knees, purr and get a portion of affection.
  • Attitude towards children: restrained towards children, sometimes wary, but can participate in games. Ragdoll will never offend a child, and if he feels danger, he will hide, but do not attack, and even more so - do not scratch.
  • Relationship with other animals: can make friends with any animals, with cats, dogs and even rodents.

№2- Sphinx

Loving and friendly animals, adoring their owners, loyal and reliable friends. Despite their "cosmic" appearance, sphinxes are very gentle and sensitive creatures that need affection and, in turn, are affectionate with people.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: the sphinx will always accompany its owner, even on trips and walks it will be happy to sit in the owner's arms. These cats trust not only the owner, but also strangers.
  • Attitude towards children: very patient and humble. The Sphinx will never offend a small child and will steadfastly endure any pranks.
  • Relationship with other animals: this breed can make friends with almost any other animal and even take "patronage" of their friends.

№1- Siberian cat

The Siberian cat breed takes an honorable first place in our ranking. These are extremely friendly and docile creatures. Siberians are very responsive and playful, active and unobtrusive. Their ingenuity is at the highest level. Respects himself and all household members. Harmonious, polite, affectionate. Siberian cats are also very traditional, they always need to follow their favorite rituals every day, but if this ritual is sitting on the owner’s lap, then get ready for cute gatherings with your pet.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: trusting, Siberians well feel the mood of the owner and his well-being. They love to sit on their laps or lie next to them. Siberians love to take part in all things: cleaning, rearranging things, watering flowers, etc. At first they are always wary of strangers, but then they quickly make contact.
  • Attitude towards children: Siberian cat does not like children, especially small ones. At best, she will tolerate childish games and allow (when she feels like it) to play with herself.
  • Relationship with other animals: Siberian is a sole owner, she does not get along well with other animals, friendship with a dog is possible, but on condition that they grew up together.

Thus, if you want to get yourself an affectionate cat or a cat, you now know which breeds of cats you should pay attention to first.

But do not forget that the character of a cat largely depends not only on the breed, but to a greater extent depends on the attitude of people towards it. Love and take care of your pets, and they will definitely reciprocate.

Svetlana Abramova is a breeder of Siberian cats.

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