Why does a cat stomp on you? Milk step. Massage like a cat: why a cat tramples on a person. Are there cats that don't have this habit?

Any cat lover who has these beautiful creatures in the house has no doubt noticed how they actively trample on their front paws, carefully massaging their bedding, blanket or the owner himself. Why a cat tramples on its front paws is of interest to many. There is no version that answers this question. All of them talk about the natural instincts inherent in the pet from birth.

Having learned more about them, the owner will better understand his fluffy pet and explain to himself why the cat is trampling on its paws. This will allow you to establish the closest relationship with the cat, which will make living in the same house especially interesting.

A number of false explanations for the seemingly unusual behavior of a pet that tramples on its front paws, and if the owner is guided by them, then he will not be able to understand his pet. In such situations, it is likely that the relationship with the animal will become strange, and the cat will get chronic stress from feeling vulnerable and helpless.

It is also unacceptable to punish an animal for its natural behavior, even if the cat is trampling and accidentally launched a claw into the owner. This is tantamount to scolding a person because, having frozen, he begins to shift from foot to foot and shudder. The answer to how to change without hurting the cat psychological trauma, the pet's behavior, if it starts to dislike, is. Several recommendations are given in this article, it remains only to choose one method that is suitable for a particular situation.

Reasons why trampling

A cat is a unique animal that, having accepted a person’s offer to live in his home, has retained its wild roots. Because of this, the instinct, due to which the cat tramples on the litter with its front paws or sorts them out, sitting in the hands of the owner, from time to time manifests itself in many domestic, even the most decorative, pets. It turns on in an animal for several reasons..

  1. Memories of wild life. The ancestors of domestic cats were forest dwellers, who eventually agreed not only to be close to humans, but also to close friendship. The cat has retained some of the habits of its former life to the present day. In nature, there are enough poisonous insects and snakes that are not averse to resting in the cozy bedding of a cat's den, therefore, after returning from hunting, the cat will definitely trample on it with its front paws, driving out uninvited guests. It also helped to check the litter for sharp branches that could hurt the animal. Domestic cats play den preparation, remembering their wild past, and begin to rhythmically stamp their paws on the place where they are going to lie down.
  2. Childish instinct. Some cats have a childish instinct, which they retain from birth until their last days. While still blind, kittens, starting to suck mother's milk, actively crumple the cat's stomach with their paws, stimulating her lactation. At this moment, babies do not yet have contacts with the outside world and therefore do not experience this. unpleasant feeling like fear. They are confident that they are completely safe next to their mother. Domestic cats trample their owners with their paws and begin to purr with pleasure, returning to childhood because of complete security.
  3. hunting period. This behavior is typical of both cats and cats. When a pet has a desire (a cat is in heat, and a cat is chaotic), he begins to behave more playfully, and also often and loudly meows, calling his partner. The trampling of cats with their paws is characteristic of them during this period, even when the animals are kept alone, since the feline instinct dictates their behavior. The cat tramples on the litter or the owner with its front paws, since at such a moment it is natural for the animal. Most often, while working with their paws, cats strongly arch their backs, and cats can imitate mating.
  4. The manifestation of the full recognition of a person as his property. Cats, living next to a person, can still remain independent and accept him only as a source of food. However, if a close relationship is established between the owner and his pet, then the cat accepts the person as its property. The owner for the animal, in the understanding of man, he will never be. The cat, caressing, begins to actively mark its owner and for this it tramples with its front paws, on the pads of which there is a large number of special glands. Also at the same time, the pet often leaves marks with saliva.

Whatever causes a special cat massage, the owner must know how to stop such a phenomenon if it causes discomfort.

How to stop a cat when it's trampling

When the cat begins to purr and tramples on the owner with its paws, then the massage is usually pleasant for a person, but only until the moment when the pet, carried away, begins to release its claws. The cat with such force presses them on the skin that it begins to pierce it, causing pain to a person. Scolding an animal in such a situation is unacceptable, but it should not be tolerated when the pet tramples, releasing its claws. If you just scold and drive the cat away, then he still won’t understand what caused the owner negative emotions, and at the same time, holding a grudge, will change a trusting attitude towards a person to an alienated one.

In order to stop him without harm to the pet, if he tramples, prickling the skin with his claws, you need to know how to do it correctly. You can apply in one of the following ways:

  • stroking the paws - such an action when the cat tramples, stimulates her to remove her claws and continue the massage without them. If the owner, every time the pet gets carried away, will do just that with him; then soon the cat becomes so accustomed to the ritual that if at the very beginning of his trampling on his paws, he will not release his claws;
  • laying the cat down - when the pet is trampling, as soon as its claws are released, you should start stroking it more actively and gradually lay it on its side. This action allows you to quickly stop the massage and at the same time do no harm. psychological state pet;
  • distraction - just change the nature of the caresses, and the cat, due to new sensations, will stop the massage for a moment, and resuming it, it will no longer work with its claws.

In all cases, if a cat tramples with its front paws, this is an instinctive behavior natural for him, which allows the pet to show natural properties. Scolding for this is unacceptable.

Surely every cat or cat owner who watches their pets notices something interesting or mysterious in their behavior. One of the most common questions that occupies the owners of these animals is why do they often trample on a person with their paws, while making a loud purr? What does it mean? What is it connected with?

Why do cats trample us with their paws and purr?

The main reason why cats and cats wrinkle their owners with their paws is an instinct inherent in them from birth.

During the feeding process, when kittens suck mother's milk, they crush her with their paws in an effort to improve its flow. At the same time, they feel a sense of comfort, safety and security.

In the process of feeding, when kittens suck their mother's milk, they crush her with their paws.

Not only small kittens always need this feeling, but also adult cats and cats. That is why, wanting to communicate with the owner, they not only jump on his knees and enjoy stroking. In an effort to surround themselves with an atmosphere of safety, animals begin to lightly trample human skin with their paws, and at moments of the highest pleasure they publish.

Very often, at such moments, cats cease to control themselves and use not only paws, but also claws. This is also associated with instinct, and you should not scold the animal if it is too carried away by “meditation”. If the owner of the cat felt pain and discomfort due to the fact that the pet has released its claws, it is enough to lightly stroke his paw so that he removes the claws back.

Massage and treatment

AT healing properties You may not believe cats, but in fact, their close contact with the owner helps to improve well-being not only in humans, but also in the animal itself.

Kneading its paws on the skin of the owner, the cat seems to be giving him a special massage. Many owners of kittens have noticed that their pets trample on their paws not in any place of the body, but exactly where the owner is worried about something. Accompanying its actions with a loud purr, the animal promotes the speedy regeneration of cells in human body and pain reduction.

Cats stamp their paws on the place of the body, where something bothers the owner.

Most often for one session such treatment for cats is enough for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, they curl up in a ball on their knees or on the host's stomach and fall asleep, warming him with their warmth.

Desire to express love and gratitude

In an effort to express love to their pets, cat owners can use ways such as:

  • stroking;
  • combing;
  • conversations with a pet;
  • serving delicious food;
  • games.

By stroking, the owner can express his love for the cat.

A cat, on the other hand, cannot express its love and trust in the owner with words or some actions.

That is why she tries to “caress” him in response, and the only way available for this is to stamp her paws on her knees. Thus, the animal establishes non-verbal contact with its owner, as if telling him: "I love you, I trust you, I feel good with you." A loud purr at the same time indicates the complete appeasement of the cat.

What does it mean when a cat stomps on you?

Why does a cat trample on its owner with its paws?

In addition to the reasons described above for which cats and cats trample their paws, there are other versions that explain this behavior. Many of them are based on many years of experience in observing felines in different conditions: in the wild, in an apartment, in a nursery.

Trampling the place of lodging for the night

Many experts believe that the habit of trampling soft surfaces with their paws, whether it be a pillow or the owner's hand, has been attached to these animals since the time when cats were wild predators.

Then they with similar movements trampled down for themselves the place of their lodging for the night , trying to crush the grass and make it softer and more comfortable. If the owner watches his pet, he will surely be able to notice that he almost always, before going to bed, will work with his paws on sleeper. If the pet is going to sweetly fall asleep on your lap, then you will also have to endure a few minutes of forced cat massage.

Almost always, before going to bed, the cat will work with its paws on the bed.

The cat marks the territory and the owner

And also experts say that with the help of kneading their paws, cats mark their territory.

On the pads of each paw, cats have sweat glands that release a specific substance. Trampling in one place, the animal, as it were, makes this territory its own, marking it with its smell. The same applies to kneading paws on the human body - the cat not only shows its owner its love and devotion, but also "marks" him.

Cats have sweat glands on their paw pads that secrete a special substance.

What not to do when a cat gets too carried away and releases its claws

If a cat stretches its paws without releasing its claws, then such a massage may even seem pleasant to a person. But what if the animal is too carried away, and her kneeling begins to hurt the owner?

Here are a few tips to help subtly show your cat that it's best to remove the claws:

  • if the animal has released its claws and digs them into the skin, then you can lightly stroke his paw from above . This will cause the cat to retract its claws;
  • you can, stroking the pet, pull him down and lay him down . This will help him calm down and stop stretching his paws;
  • can distract the cat with petting or toys.

Caress from the owner will help distract the cat from releasing its claws.

In no case, even if the cat's daily exercises cause you pain, do not scream or punish the animal.

You can not sharply push the pet away from you, drive it off your knees or beat it on the paws. This behavior can seriously undermine the cat's trust in the owner and even cause her severe stress. After that, the pet may stop caressing or begin to take revenge, for example, marking the territory in the wrong place.

Video about why a cat tramples its owner with its paws


If the trampling of a cat is accompanied by the release of claws, then it is better to cut them.

If the trampling of a cat is accompanied by a constant release of claws, then it is better to cut them slightly with special scissors or a typewriter. This will help the owner avoid discomfort without hurting your furry pet.

Almost all people have noticed that the cat, having jumped on the owner, begins to walk on it, as if dancing, marking time in one place. He always starts gently, then accelerates, moves more abruptly, then, as it were, is forgotten and, at this time, he can release his claws. Many people wonder why the cat tramples you with its paws and what does this ritual mean, does it have any meaning for the pet or for the owner?

Of course, no one can accurately answer the question why a cat tramples you with its paws. People have only some assumptions why she does this:

  • Childhood memories. According to natural data, in order for a kitten to receive mother's milk, he is forced to press on the mammary glands. This is how the stimulation and release of nutrition for the baby occurs. Childhood memories settle in the mind of a kitten, and already in adult life, he, in moments of calm, by inertia makes similar actions. After all, he feels the same warm feelings for the owner, and the cat is awarded such signs of attention only to loved ones, and not to everyone living with him in the same house.
  • The next assumption why cats trample is a natural instinct. In ancient times, when cats were wild animals, they made their own den. To do this, they trampled down the vegetation, thereby giving softness, and at that time they were observed walking in a circle. Now they do not need such movements, but the instinct is passed down from generation to generation.
  • Another version is the sense of ownership. Zoologists say that cats have special glands in their paw pads that secrete sweat, and it smells so subtle that only cats can smell it. In a similar way, the pet marks the owner from other cats, thereby saying that he is busy.
  • Another suggestion for why cats stomp is to check territory. That is, with such movements they check whether everything is in order for comfort. It is with their paws that pets check for the presence of cold, sharp objects.
  • Another version of why cats trample, which people love very much, is that a person and his pet understand each other so well that they feel an emotional mood, whether there is any disorder or even depression. If cats trample us with their paws, then in this way they want to fix internal state at the owner. During these actions, the pet releases a hormone of joy: endorphin, which has a calming effect on the owner and pet.
  • Another suggestion is that the cat at this time feels a hormonal surge and the need for a cat. Castrated cats also suffer from this, they have needs for opposite field do not disappear immediately, but after some time.

How to behave when cats trample on the body of the owner

Many do not understand how to behave if cats stamp their paws on a person, when they jump on us with a tender muzzle, arrange themselves in a businesslike way and begin to stomp, as if kneading the dough. Moreover, cats at this time can calmly release their claws, but their reaction shows that these actions were not part of their plans.

Sometimes we have an ambiguous reaction to this, especially if sharp claws pierce the soft part of the body. You do not need to drive the pet, you must remember that in this way he shows trust and love. If the cat is driven away at this time, then she will receive emotional stress and may even hold a grudge.

When cats, trampling their paws, put their claws into the skin of the owner, then for the purpose of safety, you can try to cut their nails. It is better to carry out this procedure with a specialist so as not to injure the animal. You can also use a special machine for this, which trims the claws a little, literally by 1-2 mm. It is better to carry out this procedure together, so as not to injure the animal.

When the owner knows that his pet is prone to actions that cause him discomfort, then some tricks can be used to pacify the ardor of the animal. When the cat begins to trample the owner with its front paws, then you need to hold them a little and try to distract the pet with a pet or a toy. Another maneuver during unwanted behavior is to gently pull the cat down. This way he will calm down and go to sleep. As an option to distract from unwanted cat actions, this is a change in the timbre of the voice, when the owner changes the intonation a little, the pet becomes alert and changes its behavior.

Popular opinion

When asked why a cat tramples on its owner, traditional healers give a different interpretation. It is likely that the mustachioed magician finds a place that has less vital energy. Carrying out a massage with their front paws, they heal us, as it were, bringing energy balance. When a cat, as it were, enters the role, trampling on the human body, it seems to be in a misunderstanding of what is happening at that moment. It is at this time that the exchange of bioenergy between the animal and its owner takes place.

Eastern sages, studying this phenomenon, argue that the feline energy is closest to the human one. This phenomenon is not found in any other animal. During bioenergetic contact, healing takes place. Oriental medicine claims that 15 minutes of cat massage can relieve depression, and it’s not at all scary when a kitten sticks its claws into the skin, thereby stimulating the active zones of the body. They act like needles during acupuncture.

Experts believe that there is no difference whether a massage is done by a thoroughbred pet or a yard cat. The main thing is that the pet is imbued with the owner, so that the person likes him. Cats have an amazing ability to lie down and massage the place where there is a problem.

Are there cats that don't have this habit?

Artificially raised kittens that have never been fed mother's milk devoid of this habit. For this reason, they did not develop conditioned reflex. Sometimes, when a mother cat has a large amount of milk and few kittens, then her babies also do not need to trample on a person, because they receive food in excess. They did not need to obtain additional food.

There are many versions of this question, but the only ones who can reliably answer it are our tailed pets. But they still do not let people into their secret world.

Happy owners of cats and cats have repeatedly noticed in their pets such an original expression of affection as “kneading” a person. The animal jumps on the stomach or chest, tramples with its front paws, slightly releasing its claws, and actively purrs. Despite the fact that such a “cat-like massage” may not always be pleasant for a person dressed in light clothes, you should not drive away a tailed pet: in this way he expresses sympathy and trust to a person.

We rejoice at the relaxation massage: the cat tramples with a loud purr

A cat tramples on a person: a sign of problems or a “mark on the owner”?

Since ancient times, it has been known that cats are excellent "healers", somehow incomprehensible traditional medicine In a way, they manage to identify a person’s ill health and “treat” him by going to bed on a sore spot, licking the skin or “massaging” a certain area. Not everyone believes in the healing properties of such a massage, but there is a lot of evidence that in this way the animal really alleviates the condition of a person or indicates an existing, but not yet externally manifested problem.

However, given the possessive manners of "ideal creatures", many of whom consider bipeds not at all masters, but rather service personnel, we can assume another meaning of the action "the cat tramples on its front paws."

  • The fact is that on the paw pads there are microglands that release an odorous substance.
  • A person with his weak sense of smell does not feel this smell, but cats hear it perfectly.
  • This smell on the owner unambiguously says: “Mine!”, which allows the tailed beauties not to worry about the loss of valuable property and better feel their importance.

A bright expression of affection

Even apart from theories about medicinal properties cats and their desire to mark territory, those who like to wonder why a cat is trampling around can have no doubt: in any case, this is a sign of affection, trust.

  • A cat will never voluntarily go into the arms of a person that he does not like, causes rejection or scares!
  • So if your pet or a mustachioed resident of the apartment where you came to visit or on business, settled on his chest and rumblingly crushes you with his paws, rejoice: he definitely likes you!

By the way, cats can express sympathy not only to a person, but also to a place: in the same way they trample down the future place to sleep, choosing people's clothes, blankets or blankets, any things made from natural materials for this. So, if a cat is stomping on the corner of the sofa or in a newly emptied shoe box, there is no doubt: this is where she intends to sleep.

Cat lovers know that sometimes a cat will start stomping on its owner or a toy with its paws closed, while its eyes are closed and it purrs loudly. Sometimes cats trample each other in this way. Not everyone understands why a cat tramples you with its paws and behaves in a similar way? What is the meaning of this cat behavior? Why does a cat massage with its paws and why does it give her pleasure, because it is quite obvious that your cat is very pleased with this.

Everything is very simple. This behavior of a cat is easily explained and is the norm for a cat. The owner should be aware of this.

Why do cats trample us with their paws?

From birth, instincts govern the behavior of a living being. Kitten activity is no exception. Immediately after birth, the instinct of the newborn animal drives him to seek out his mother. By smell, a blind newborn kitten finds milk. From that moment begins his life outside the womb. Now he must feed himself and gradually learn to be independent. But for now, during the first weeks of its life, the kitten is under the protection of its mother. good cat very attentive to her children.

I must say that the process of obtaining food gives the kitten great pleasure, although it makes him work hard. well developed sucking reflex allows healthy kitten quickly receive warm and optimally suitable mother's cat's milk. In order to get full faster and overcome the resistance of the mother's flesh, the kitten instinctively begins to massage the mother's stomach, thus getting more milk.

The most active kittens spread their paws wide and alternately press strongly with their front paws on the mother's stomach. This behavior is accompanied by faster milk production, which gives the kitten great pleasure. In the future, such a relationship: massage with paws - getting pleasure, is tightly fixed in the mind of a kitten. As cats grow, the habit of trampling with their paws does not go away. On the contrary, they are happy to massage you with their paws, trample on their favorite soft blanket, closing their eyes and purring loudly.

milk step

This behavior of cats is called "milk step", i.e. an instinct fixed from the moment of birth, when trampling helped the kitten to get mother's milk. The milk step is retained in cats for life. Cats love to massage their beloved owner, or soft toy, or your playmate if there are several animals in the house.

Milk step in a cat - special form confidential communication between the owner and his pet. If the cat trusts you, he will trample you with his paws, while purring enthusiastically. This behavior is not always clear to cat owners. Some people don't like it. This is due to the fact that some cats like to massage their paws in the chest or neck of the owner. At the same time, they release claws and leave traces and even scratches on the delicate skin of a person. But you should not scold the cat for showing love. If the cat is practicing the milky step on your skin, then at that moment you need to carefully move him onto a blanket or sofa arm, where he can calmly continue his trampling and will not hurt you. At the same time, the cat gets great pleasure, you should not prevent this, and even more so scold the cat for the milky step. At this moment, he feels like the same small and beloved mother's kitten, which is full, satisfied and completely protected from the vicissitudes of fate.

Love your cat the right way, let him exercise his natural instincts, including the milk walk. A cat that is scolded for stomping can become nervous and aggressive. Such a cat will stop trusting you if you pull him back when he is trampling with eyes closed. A milk step for a cat is a kind of psychological release. A cat may practice the milk walk several times a day. This is considered normal and does not require adjustment. Some cats are very fond of climbing into the hands of the owner and trampling him in the stomach or chest. Most owners are delighted with this display of love and enjoy hugging and stroking their cat while it stomps and purrs. This cat is really happy. He knows that he is loved and appreciated, and calmly shows the owner that he can please him.

At the same time, there are cats that do not have a milky step. This may be due to artificial feeding kitten or with it psychological features. As there are cats that do not purr, so there are those that do not remember the milk step and do not trample on the owner. This is also normal behavior for your cat. All animals, like people, are individuals. It is necessary to respect their habits, to know the behavior of cats and not to make unforgivable mistakes in their maintenance. A cat that is raised, pushed, and kicked will be nervous and will start to defend itself, showing aggression and doing things that will be unpleasant for its owner. But the cat's misbehavior is the result of a misunderstanding by its owner. That is why, before you get a cat, you need to learn more about its psychology and the characteristics of a particular cat breed.

By the way, there is an opinion that when a cat tramples you with its paws and purrs, you also calm down, and your attitude becomes more harmonious. For example, in Britain, there is even a service, communication with a cat for a fee, when a good, calm, sociable cat is brought to a city resident, who actually works as a cat for the customer under this contract: she purrs, tramples him with her paws, talks to him as best she can, most soothing and setting him in a benevolent way. Thoughts at this time are ordered, a person begins to treat everything more thoughtfully and calmly.

A person needs a cat to work as a cat and help shoot Negative consequences urbanized lifestyle. Affectionate trusting cats - great medicine from stress. At the same time, a cat is always a hot live heating pad that will be next to you as soon as you lie down. Love your cat, pamper it, pet it and take it in your arms. Then both you and your cat will be healthy and happy.

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