Juicy, sweet, but healthy: watermelon, its glycemic index and consumption rates for diabetes. Watermelon: Can diabetics eat it? What to Consider

Greetings to all readers! And although the summer time will not come soon, you need to prepare for it, as in the famous proverb, that is, now it is winter.

Watermelon and diabetes: can it be eaten by patients with type 2 diabetes, the benefits and harms of gestational diabetes, how to eat watermelon with type 1 diabetes is the topic of this article.

The information provided is intended for any patient with any kind of sweet disease, so read to the end or use the content.

watermelon for diabetes

When I am preparing to write any article, I always look at the first page of the search results, that is, the first pages that Google or Yandex gives me for the desired query. And this article is no exception. Although I foresaw that I would not find anything worthwhile, I nevertheless decided to see what other sites offer.

After studying these pages, I realized that my article should be in the first place, because people need to know the truth about the use of sweet berries for sweet illness. So, before handing out ready-made answers, let's figure out what a watermelon is and what it consists of. And the answer to the question "Is it possible to eat watermelon with this type of diabetes?" will float by itself.

Probably even losers know that watermelon is not a fruit, but a berry. And to be more precise, the watermelon is ordinary ( Citrullus lanatus) comes from the genus Watermelon ( citrullus) gourd family ( Cucurbitaceae).The fruit is correctly called not a berry, but a pumpkin, which is similar in structure to a berry.

The chemical composition of watermelon

Most of the pulp of a watermelon is water. Depending on the degree of maturity and variety of the product, the content of mono- and disaccharides ranges from 5.5 to 13%. Let me remind you that mono- and disaccharides are easily digestible carbohydrates, which are represented in watermelon: glucose, fructose and sucrose (glucose + fructose). Moreover, fructose in watermelon is more than other carbohydrates.

The rest of the mass is:

  • pectins 0.68%
  • proteins 0.7%
  • minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus)
  • vitamins (B1, B2, folic acid, carotenoids, vitamin C)

The total calorie content also depends on the sugar content in the berry.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with type 2 diabetes

In this article, I will not describe the beneficial properties of watermelon, since everything is relative. Any edible product will be at least somewhat useful, but if you compare it with another product, then against its background the first product fades and seems not so useful. As I showed above, watermelon is almost water (90%) and sugar. Just imagine how useful water and sugar can be.

And another question arises: “Is it possible to eat watermelon with type 2 diabetes?” and “Won’t this product do more harm than good?”

To do this, let's remember what will happen if a healthy person eats a few pieces of sweet, juicy watermelon. And the following will happen.

All carbohydrates freely and almost instantly penetrate into the blood. Due to glucose and sucrose, the level of sugar in the blood and tissues rises, in response to this, a massive release of insulin by the pancreas occurs in order to quickly drive glucose into the cells.

Fructose rushes to the liver, where it immediately lingers (some will turn into glucose, and some into fatty acids). For a healthy person in the short term, this does not threaten anything.

For a person with type 2 diabetes, you should expect an increase in blood sugar levels for a long time, and all because he has a slow response of the gland to a carbohydrate load and insensitivity of cells to insulin. It can be argued that they say there are no watermelons all year round and you can afford it during the season.

Yes, you are right, watermelon is a seasonal product, but all fruits and berries are seasonal, it's just that every season replaces another. After the watermelon, grapes and persimmons will go, and before the watermelon there were cherries and strawberries. Thinking about it this way, normal blood sugar can only be expected in the winter months and early spring, before anything is ripe. And time does not wait, your body does not get younger, the destructive effect of hyperglycemia continues.

What then to do? Really absolutely in any way without a delicacy? The answer will be harsh. Until you fully compensate for your diabetes, until you have good numbers on the glucometer on an empty stomach, and after eating, until you get a normal result for glycated hemoglobin - forget about watermelon, and if the craving is very strong, then no more than 100 g pulp at a time, which already contains an average of 10 g of carbohydrates (read pure sugar).

Those who have achieved excellent results, reduced weight and doses of drugs, or even canceled altogether, can afford some of the product, but under glycemic control. If the sugar level exceeds 7.8 mmol / l 1.5-2 hours after eating watermelon, a review of the volume of food is required.

For those on a low carb diet, I recommend counting carbs so you don't go overboard with your carb intake.

Watermelon for type 1 diabetes: is it possible or not

With the first type, everything is much easier. Those who do not adhere to a low-carb diet can freely eat watermelon in an adequate amount. At the same time, the use of watermelon requires a mandatory injection of insulin. It must be remembered that for 100 g of the edible part, there are from 5.5 to 13 g of carbohydrates.

I usually take the average value - there are only 8 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. And note that we do not take into account the peel from the watermelon. How do I give watermelon to my son? Usually we cut off some piece of watermelon, weigh it, calculate insulin by this weight and pin it up, after which the child eats it, and we weigh the peels again, subtract the weight of the peels from the total weight of the watermelon piece and give an additional amount of pulp to the resulting figure.

Note that watermelon requires a certain amount of exposure time because watermelon has a very high glycemic index and it takes time for insulin to release its action and keep the sugar from rising too high.

Nobody knows exactly how long to wait, because everything is individual, and also depends on the initial blood sugar, the higher it is, the longer it will take to wait.

Is it possible to watermelon with gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes or diabetes in pregnancy requires a competent approach in nutrition and treatment methods, since we are talking about the life of both the mother and the child.

If a woman does not receive insulin therapy and controls blood sugar only by diet and exercise, then I would not recommend eating watermelon, since sugar after such a meal will be very high, as well as the temptation to repeat it too. I think that you can skip one season and enjoy the delicacy after giving birth.

If a woman receives insulin therapy, then in this case the restriction is only due to the correct calculations of carbohydrates and insulin doses. If a woman is confident in the calculations and she is good at compensating for sweet fruits and berries, then she will succeed with watermelon too. You also need to monitor your total carbohydrate intake so as not to cause rapid weight gain, which can also harm the course of pregnancy.

What else can be dangerous watermelon

By the end of summer, people begin to miss watermelon so much that they forget elementary things. The most common mistake is to buy a watermelon when the season has not yet begun (before August 15), but even at the beginning of the season, I would not recommend rushing into a purchase.

And the whole point is in the watermelons themselves, or rather, what dishonest sellers do with them. Watermelons accumulate nitrates very well and it is not realistic to distinguish good from bad. In order for a watermelon to have an attractive presentation, they just don’t pump it up. After such a vaccination, the berry becomes dangerous to human health, especially children.

Therefore, it is better to buy at the very end of August, when the precocity becomes much less and real watermelons appear on the market.

The second and third mistake is the poor washing of watermelon before cutting and buying already cut pieces. In both cases, there is a high probability of seeding of pathogenic bacteria that can affect the gastrointestinal tract and cause its disorder. I recommend washing the watermelon with soap and hot water and then blanching it with boiling water and never buy sliced ​​watermelon.

That's all for me. Control your emotions and be friends with your head.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

Diabetes mellitus is a severe pathology of the endocrine system. The main feature of the disease is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. In almost all types of diabetes, a low-carbohydrate diet is recommended, completely excluding beetroot, cane and all other types of sugar. Of the fruits in limited quantities, those with a glycemic index within the normal range are allowed. One of the controversial foods with a high enough glycemic index for a diabetic is watermelon.

Before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to understand the composition of the fetus, and then the answer to the question “Is it possible to have a watermelon with diabetes?” will appear on its own.

A little about the chemical composition of the berry

Probably, even children are aware that biologists refer to watermelon as a berry, not a fruit. She comes from Pumpkin, and in terms of its properties, pumpkin is similar to the berry group.

A significant proportion of watermelon pulp is water (up to 92%). Varieties and ripeness of the fruit determine the concentration of sugars: 5.5-13% of mono- and disaccharides. These quickly digestible carbohydrates, on which the calorie content of the product depends, are represented in the berry by glucose, sucrose, fructose, the latter being the most there.

The rest of the mass is distributed as follows:

  • Proteins and pectins - approximately equally: 0.7%;
  • Trace elements (Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, K, P);
  • Vitamin complex (B1, B2, folic and ascorbic acids, carotenoids).

Due to its unique composition, the berry has diuretic capabilities, removes excess harmful cholesterol, improves the condition of the joints, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle, and facilitates the work of the liver.

Is it possible to watermelon with type 2 diabetes

You can talk about the healing possibilities of watermelons for a long time, but for a diabetic, it is, first of all, sugar and water. What more to expect from such a product - benefit or harm?

If a healthy person eats a ripe watermelon, carbohydrates will instantly appear in his blood. Sucrose with glucose will immediately raise the level of sugar in the tissues and blood. To drive it into the cells, the pancreas must respond with a powerful release of insulin.

Fructose enters the liver, where it is processed into glycogen (the body will then receive glucose from it when it does not come from outside) and partially into fatty acids. In the short term, such processes are not dangerous for an ordinary person.

With non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, blood plasma sugars rise for a long time, since the pancreas responds slowly to such a powerful carbohydrate load due to the low sensitivity of cells to insulin.

You can reassure yourself that watermelon is a seasonal berry, we don’t eat it all year round, so you can afford a treat.

But before the watermelons there will be cherries, and after - grapes, and you will have to rely on normal glucometer readings only in winter. But the body of a diabetic is not getting younger, and the aggressive effect of hyperglycemia is bearing fruit.

So, we should forget about watermelon in type 2 diabetes? The verdict is categorical: until it is possible to normalize sugar - both before meals and a couple of hours after, until glycated hemoglobin returns to normal, it is better not to tempt fate. When the craving for this particular berry is irresistible, you can eat 100 g of the product separately from other food. In such a slice there will be 10 g of carbohydrates, that is, pure sugar.

If a low-carbohydrate diet gives a good effect: the glucometer readings are normal, it was possible to lose weight and even reduce the proportion of pills, or even cancel it altogether, then you can treat yourself to a certain amount of sweet berries. The serving size will depend on the information on the glucometer after one and a half to two hours. If the indicator exceeded 7.8 mmol / l, it is necessary to reconsider both the general diet and the volume of the dessert. To keep within the limits of the norm, it is necessary to count carbohydrates.

Is watermelon good for type 1 diabetes?

This category of diabetics make the choice easier. Anyone who does not adhere to a low-carb diet program can enjoy such a dessert freely in reasonable quantities. Of course, with the appropriate dose of insulin. When calculating medicines, it should be taken into account that 100 g of watermelon pulp contains 5-13 g of carbohydrates (9 g on average), while the weight of the peel is ignored.

It is important to understand that watermelon has a high glycemic index, and insulin does not start working immediately, so you need to pause after the injection. How long to wait will depend on the initial readings of the glucometer.

How do berry processing products affect the body of a diabetic? Drinking watermelon juice is not recommended, the same restrictions apply to nardeka (watermelon honey), which contains up to 90% glucose and its analogues. Watermelon oil (Kalahari) can be consumed without restrictions, it is better if it is unrefined, first cold pressed.

Gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, requires a special approach in both treatment and nutrition, since we are talking about two lives. If diabetes in a pregnant woman is not insulin-dependent, and normal sugar levels are maintained solely through thoughtful nutrition and muscle activity, endocrinologists do not recommend eating watermelons. Sugar will jump freely, and at the same time the desire to repeat the experiment. Missing one season is not a problem, you can enjoy plenty of watermelons even after childbirth.

With insulin therapy in a pregnant woman, restrictions apply only to the correct compensation of the calculated amount of carbohydrates by insulin. If a woman has already acquired the skill of compensating for sweet fruits with medicines, there will be no problem with watermelon. It is also important to control the total amount of carbohydrates in the diet, since excess weight gain is not good for either the mother or the child.

How to calculate your portion of watermelon

The diet of a diabetic is made up of two parameters: the glycemic index (GI) and the bread unit (XE). GI is a relative indicator that characterizes the rate of entry into the blood and glucose processing. The calorie content of meals is not taken into account here. The GI of glucose is taken as a starting point - 100 units, which means that when using a pure product, sugar will jump by 100%. Even more changes the readings of the glucometer, for example, dried apricots.

Theoretically, GI characterizes the response of the endocrine system to a specific product with any amount of food. But it is the volume of food that affects the duration of the rise in glucose levels and the dose of insulin needed to compensate for it. Now it is clear why overeating, including a representative of gourds, can bring real harm to a diabetic.

Bread unit characterizes the glucometer readings after eating specific foods with carbohydrates. Here, a slice of bread 1 cm thick (if the roll is standard) weighing 20 g was taken as the standard. To process such a portion, a diabetic will need 2 cubes of insulin.

Norm of bread units per day:

  • With a sedentary lifestyle - 15 units;
  • With diabetes - 15 units;
  • Overweight - 10 units.

  • With compensated diabetes, a limited amount of watermelon can be useful: the body is saturated with folic acid, trace elements and other valuable substances. Failure to comply with the norm will cause a jump in sugar, excess fructose will be processed into fat.

    For diabetics who are forced to control their weight, the high GI of watermelon is serious food for thought. An instantly digestible product causes only a feeling of hunger. The hand reaches for the next piece, and common sense reminds of the limitations. Such stress will definitely not help patients fight obesity.

    To add a new product to the diet, even for a while, it is worth consulting with an endocrinologist. It is necessary to balance the GE and CI, for this the diet is being revised, excluding some of the products with carbohydrates.

    1 XE is equal to 135 g of watermelon. This serving contains 40 calories. The GI of watermelon dessert is quite high - 75 units. (the norm is 50-70 units), so it is better to eat your portion in parts.

    How to take advantage of the product

    In the summer, we are so looking forward to the watermelon season that we often lose our vigilance. It starts no earlier than mid-August, but even at this time you should not buy the first fruits. It is known that the berry perfectly retains nitrates, and it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish a pumped up watermelon from an environmentally friendly product. It is especially dangerous to give watermelon to children after such a vaccination. At the end of summer, instead of early ripening, full-fledged watermelons will appear and the risk of poisoning will be much lower.

    The next mistake is a poorly washed fruit before cutting or acquiring already cut parts of a watermelon. The probability of infection of sweet berries with pathogens is very high. To avoid gastrointestinal upset, experts recommend washing the purchase with soap and hot water, then pour boiling water over it and never buy watermelon in parts.

    Summer is the season for watermelons and many people will want to enjoy their favorite dish. The allowed serving of watermelon for diabetes depends on the type of disease. After eating a summer dessert, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels.

    Summer pleases with amber bunches of grapes and the sugary core of ripe watermelons. One has only to try them once, so that the sunny warmth of hot days is always associated with the aroma of these gifts of nature. Doctors do not recommend eating sweet berries for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, because they can contain up to 50% of glucose that is harmful to them. And what about watermelons? Can diabetics use them?

    Miracle berry watermelon

    More than 50 substances useful for the human body are found in sweet watermelon pulp and seeds. This composition makes this fruit a real natural pharmacy:

    • vitamins - A, C and group B;
    • trace elements - Ca, Na, K, organic iron, Mg, P, as well as alkaline substances;
    • proteins - 0.7%, including citrulline;
    • fats - 0.20%, including linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids in seeds;
    • carbohydrates in the form of sucrose, GLUiFRU - about 8.8%;
    • water - up to 90%.

    There are practically no contraindications prohibiting eating watermelons. But there are many benefits from them.

    1. Vitamins and trace elements have a beneficial effect on the function of the digestive system and hematopoiesis. The internal secretion of glands increases.
    2. Diuretic and choleretic action allows us to talk about the benefits of watermelon in cholelithiasis and the danger of the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. Does not irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary system.
    3. Anti-inflammatory, strengthening and vasodilating effect has juice and pulp on the cardiovascular system. Useful for anemia.
    4. Helps with liver diseases.
    5. Watermelon fiber enhances intestinal motility, giving a mild laxative effect.
    6. Normalizes thermoregulation and acid-base balance.
    7. Watermelon diet promotes weight loss.

    These factors make it possible to consider watermelon as a very effective remedy for metabolic disorders. But the high content of sugars in it causes concern in people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. What aspects of pathology make patients think about whether they can eat watermelon?

    Can a diabetic have watermelon

    Watermelon contains easily digestible carbohydrates that dramatically increase the level of glucose in the body. Such "sugar jumps" are contraindicated in diabetes of any severity. At the same time, the fruit contributes to the normalization of metabolism and contains a lot of useful elements that are so deficient in diabetics. So is it possible to pamper yourself with a watermelon for a diabetic patient without harming the body? The answer is unambiguous - you can. You just need to know the measure and nuances of the disease.

    Type I diabetes

    You can monitor your blood glucose levels with a personal glucometer. Therefore, patients with experience can independently adjust the dose of short-acting insulin based on the carbohydrate content in the consumed products and instrument readings. Without such experience, it is better to adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor, the injection scheme. Before eating watermelon with type 1 diabetes, you need to know how to calculate the mass of the product.

    Be sure to remember: 260 gr. watermelon with peel corresponds to 1 XE!

    The permitted amount of the product in insulin-dependent diabetes is 800 g. per day. You can use this amount under the "cover" of insulin.

    Type II diabetes

    The lack of "insulin safety net" in type 2 diabetes makes it necessary to pay maximum attention to the diet. Glucose and sucrose, contained in the fetus, upset the precarious balance, causing a sharp, but short-term jump in blood sugar. Therefore, the presence of watermelon in the diet of such patients should be compensated by reducing the proportion of other carbohydrate-containing products.

    Be sure to remember: with type 2 diabetes, you can eat no more than 300 grams per day. watermelon!

    Should be considered

    Before you start eating watermelon, a diabetic needs to know the following.

    1. of this berry is 70, and this is a significant figure. He says that very soon the feeling of satiety will pass and the person will again go to eat. Simply put, the higher the glycemic index, the faster the appetite awakens.
    2. Mandatory is the control of sugar and dose adjustment of insulin.
    3. Diabetics should not switch to popular watermelon diets! This can lead to dire consequences.
    4. Do not use more than the allowed daily portion: 800 gr. – SD type 1, 300 gr. - Type 2 diabetes.
    5. The diuretic effect of this product should be taken into account. If dehydration is noted, then it is better to refrain from watermelon.
    6. At the time when watermelon is included in the diet, other carbohydrate-rich foods should be excluded from it.
    7. One serving should be small. You should not eat the daily amount at once.

    Watermelon with diabetes of any type also becomes a worthy replacement for a lactic acid diet during fasting days. After all, it activates the metabolism of fatty acids, which contributes to weight loss. Nourishing the body with useful nutrients and flushing out toxins, this miracle berry pleases with a sweet taste and a feeling of satiety.

    One of the serious diseases of the endocrine system is diabetes mellitus. Its main symptom is a metabolic disorder in the human body, mainly carbohydrates. For all types of diabetes, a special diet is prescribed, which practically eliminates the use of sugar. Patients are allowed to eat fruits and berries that contain natural sugar and have a low glycemic index. Watermelon for diabetes is one such healthy food.

    What is in the watermelon

    Many doctors are still arguing whether it is possible to use this product in diabetes mellitus? After all, it was this representative of melons that became familiar on the table of many people in the summer. If you include this juicy product in the menu for diabetics, then you need to know what positive properties it has.

    The fruit consists of proteins, carbohydrates, pectin, dietary fiber, fats, water. Of the valuable components of this useful delicacy, we can distinguish:

    • magnesium,
    • phosphorus,
    • potassium,
    • iron,
    • calcium,
    • thiamine,
    • riboflavin,
    • pyridoxine,
    • vitamins E and C,
    • folic acid,
    • lycopenes,
    • beta-carotene and other substances.

    How useful is the product

    For patients with diabetes, this product will be very useful because it contains sugar, but only a special one, and its amount is not very large. Carbohydrates, which must be counted in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, are much less than in oranges, green peas and apples. Their number is equal to those contained in raspberries, currants, blueberries and gooseberries.

    Fructose, which is found in watermelon and takes precedence over carbohydrates, is useful in small quantities. It will be absorbed without any special consequences if its rate does not exceed 40 g per day. This amount can have a beneficial effect on the body, since when consumed in such a quantity, insulin is not spent, and the sugar contained in the pulp is not harmful.

    The patient can eat up to 700 g of pulp per day without any special consequences.

    The fruit is useful for patients of both the first and second types.

    Use in type 1 diabetes

    The first type of diabetes is insulin dependent. Therefore, you can use this berry, but only if you follow the general recommended diet for diabetes. As part of the diet, this product is recommended subject to the calculation of the bread unit.

    Patients who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are always prescribed a special diet. As part of such a diet, it is recommended to use low-calorie foods, which include gourds. With diabetes of this type, you can eat up to 200 g of this product at a time. And there can be three or four such methods. In case of complications when taking this product, insulin injection is always the insurance.

    Is it possible to use with type 2

    In type 2 diabetes, doctors also allow the use of watermelon in food. After all, patients with the second type often suffer from obesity. But at the same time, again, the daily norm for a diabetic patient is much less than a perfectly healthy person can consume.

    For patients with type 2, the daily intake is determined at 250-300 g, while taking into account all the calories in the consumed products and the bread unit. In type 2, an increase in the daily allowance of this treat may be due to the rejection of other foods that have carbohydrates.

    What must be taken into account

    In order for watermelon not to cause a deterioration in diabetes, the following must be considered:

    1. With a low calorie content, it has a high glycemic index. When this fruit is consumed, blood glucose levels rise very quickly. Healthy people at the same time quickly begin to feel hungry. And with diabetes, diets that a healthy person can use are not recommended. A diet based on this product leads to weight loss and at the same time stimulates appetite. Therefore, in patients with type 2 and those suffering from overweight, hunger stress may occur.
    2. You can use this product, taking into account all the features of the prescribed diet. This applies to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
    3. Do not get involved in such diets. Instead, you can make a balanced diet.
    4. The amount of product consumed in type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be gradually increased in excess of the recommended rate.
    5. It should be borne in mind that the use of watermelon, even in small quantities, increases the excretion of urine from the human body and causes its alkalization.
    6. Since the season lasts only two to three months, then at the time of including this fruit in your diet, patients should review their daily menu and exclude those foods that contain an increased amount of carbohydrates.
    7. This product should be introduced into the menu for patients of any type gradually, in small portions.

    Despite the fact that the fruit is very tasty and healthy for ordinary people, for those who have diabetes, it does not contain enough vitamins, so necessary to support a sick body. In any case, before including watermelon in your diet, you should consult with your doctor.

    Watermelon perfectly quenches thirst, “washes out” all harmful substances from the body and just tastes exceptionally good. Many people love watermelon. For some people, it is a real pleasure to eat a few slices of this berry in the summer heat.

    Everyone knows the properties of watermelon - it perfectly quenches thirst, “washes out” all harmful substances from the body and is simply exceptionally pleasant to the taste. Unfortunately, some diseases suggest partial or complete rejection of this fetus.

    People who are diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes have to live with the disease for many years, taking insulin injections as needed and limiting themselves to certain foods. Watermelon is a sweet berry, so a reasonable question that a diabetic may have is whether it can be eaten?

    The diet for those suffering from this disease is based on the almost complete rejection of foods containing sugar. These include some fruits and berries - for example, bananas.

    Can you eat watermelon

    The berry contains sugars, but their amount is small, and they are of a special type - not one that is considered harmful. The edible part contains much less carbohydrates compared to apples, oranges or green peas. Their number roughly coincides with that of raspberries, blueberries and currants.

    And the type of carbohydrates that diabetics need to control is negligible in watermelon, and even less glucose, which also needs to be carefully monitored./p>

    The sweet taste of the berry is due to the presence of sucrose and fructose in it. The latter substance is often recommended for diabetics, because if the correct consumption rate is observed, it does not affect the sugar level in any way, and can be used as a substitute for "white death".

    For the normal absorption of fructose, insulin is not required by the body. Its optimal size is from 30 to 40 gr.

    So, to the question, is it possible to eat watermelon with diabetes, the answer, to the delight of many patients, is positive. But, before feasting on juicy pulp, several aspects should be taken into account so that the condition does not worsen later:

    Watermelon is low in calories, but its hypoglycemic index is high, and it can make you feel very hungry after consumption. Therefore, patients with type 2 diabetes who are overweight may experience stress on this basis;

    You don’t need to get too carried away with it, nutrition should be balanced and complete, provide the body with energy, as well as vitamins and elements;

    It is necessary to adhere to the consumption rate established by the doctor - it can be increased in the future, with positive dynamics;

    Watermelon promotes increased urine output;

    Introduce the product to the menu gradually, do not immediately start with large portions.

    The watermelon season is short, even shorter is the time when this product is most suitable for consumption and devoid of all nitrates. Therefore, if you eat it periodically, review the menu with your doctor and exclude other foods high in carbohydrates from it for a while.

    Does watermelon raise sugar

    Along with the question of whether this product can be eaten, diabetics are interested in whether the level of glucose in the blood increases from its use.

    If you ask the opinion and experience of diabetics themselves, many who ate watermelon then checked their blood sugar and did not notice too much increase. Usually by the morning everything was back to normal.

    When including this product in the menu, the following characteristics should be considered:

    • 135 grams of pulp equals one bread unit;
    • There are only 38 calories in 100 grams;
    • 75% - glycemic index;
    • Small amount of potassium.
    • The berry also has folic acid and magnesium.

    Watermelon for diabetics can in certain amounts, which are determined by the doctor.

    For example, for patients with the first, insulin-dependent, type of disease, it is recommended to eat a berry, only in conditions of strict and careful observance of other dietary prescriptions.

    As you know, for such patients, doctors count all the products consumed in bread units, and watermelon should also be taken into account during the overall calculation.

    The consumption rate is 200 grams, per meal, in general there can be three or four. If complications arise, insulin injection is a kind of "safety" means.

    Diabetics suffering from the second type of disease can eat about 200-300 grams of the product per day.

    Be sure to take into account all the calories eaten, as well as count the bread units. If you start to increase the norm, it is worth giving up other dishes that contain carbohydrates.

    Useful material

    Watermelon is a storehouse of such useful substances:

    • Magnesium - a person cannot do without it, and if it is not enough in the diet, this can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Magnesium is responsible for the optimal functioning of the heart by improving the patency of blood vessels. It is also good for the human muscular system, improves the absorption of vitamin D and milk sugar, and is also a kind of prevention of kidney stones;
    • Calcium;
    • Potassium;
    • Sodium;
    • Iron;
    • Phosphorus;
    • Calcium.

    Lycopene allows the berry to fight cancer cells. The product helps to improve visual functions. The pulp perfectly absorbs toxic substances in the intestine, improves its microflora.

    Watermelon is also useful for the kidneys - with urolithiasis, it is often prescribed as a remedy.

    If there are too many nitrates, the berry can be poisoned, and there will be no positive result from its use.

    Learn more about watermelon in diabetes from the video:


    Product Features

    Speaking about the features of the use of watermelon in type 2 diabetes, I would like to draw attention to its main characteristics. In particular, we are talking about the fact that in 135 gr. pulp contains exactly 1 bread unit - XE. No less significant are such characteristics that indicate low caloric values, namely 38 kcal per 100 g. berries. Given this, it can be used in this pathological condition and included in a possible diet (although sometimes it is not possible to eat it like that).

    Watermelon in diabetes is also acceptable because it has one of the lowest glycemic loads, namely 6.9 g. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to some other characteristics. In particular, what contains predominantly disaccharides, namely fructose or sucrose, which must be taken into account in the total amount of carbohydrates used in order to establish a diabetic diet.

    We should not forget about the presence of leukopine (in a serious condition it increases sugar), namely, a carotenoid pigment that takes part in the antioxidant algorithms of the human body in type 2 diabetes. In addition, the berry can be eaten due to the high content of folic acid and an element such as magnesium.

    However, the presented component, which affects the glucose ratio, must be used with extreme caution, exclusively within the framework of its seasonal ripening, and it is advisable to consult a specialist.

    It is in this case that it will be possible to avoid the development of complications in type 2 diabetes.

    More about features

    Despite the low calorie content, the name is characterized by a fairly high glycemic index - GI.

    That is why this product provokes a rapid but short-term increase in blood sugar levels, which can rise. In people with a normal state of health, as a result, the production of a hormonal component by the pancreas is noted. At the same time, the glucose ratio sharply decreases and hypoglycemia is formed, which is associated with a feeling of hunger, which affects the overall well-being, and therefore watermelon can and is not always beneficial to use.

    In other words, introducing a diet based on watermelons (or eating them in significant quantities with the restriction of any additional sources of calories) will provoke a decrease in body weight. However, this is what will affect the additional stimulation of appetite, which is far from always necessary for diabetics. It should also be noted that:

    • in people with the presented pathological condition, especially in obesity, weight loss is characterized by positive results. While there are also negative factors, in particular, stress, which is provoked by a feeling of hunger (increasing pressure);
    • use in patients with type 1 diabetes is acceptable on the general principles of nutrition, that is, it should not be taken as a separate drug that helps to increase or decrease indicators;
    • watermelon is in the category of those foods that are recommended within the acceptable energy ratio, but at the same time with the calculation of the XE ratio, which keeps the effect on sugar under control.

    Given that in the vast majority of cases, such patients do not require weight reduction, the diet should remain low in calories. The ratio of carbohydrates in the food consumed should be in accordance with the amount of insulin introduced and physical activity in order to affect blood sugar.

    In those patients who have experienced type 2 diabetes, the product is also acceptable for introduction into the diet. The most useful, and therefore recommended, are off-season, as well as early or unripe fruits. Only a specialist can resolve them, but I would like to draw attention to the fact that the flesh in them is characterized by a pink color, while the presence of sugars is minimal. For patients with the described disease, the most useful should be considered the use of up to 700-900 gr. in 24 hours. In this case, the calories used or XE should be recorded.

    Provoking an increase in the degree of urination and even alkalinization of urine should be considered no less significant characteristics. In addition, experts draw attention to the fact that a high fiber ratio subsequently provokes the stimulation of intestinal cleansing algorithms, which can become quite a dangerous phenomenon. In addition, the formation or intensification of flatulence is acceptable, especially within the framework of the simultaneous use of a significant amount of the product. That is why in the vast majority of cases it is recommended to consume watermelons in the morning on an empty stomach in order to exclude co-digestion with other foods.

    The number of carbohydrates used needs to be accounted for with increased sugar.

    In patients with diabetes, the introduction and active use of the so-called "watermelon diets" is acceptable, but not everyone can eat watermelon in this way (especially twice a day). A therapeutic diet is recommended with the exception of meat, dairy and flour items in order to improve the functioning of the body.

    Thus, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the use of watermelons in diabetes is permissible in the vast majority of cases, but subject to certain norms and characteristics. It is strongly recommended to consult with a specialist and follow all his recommendations. With moderate blood sugar levels and compensated diabetes, watermelon days can be used quite often.


    Features of type 2 diabetes

    To understand the question “Is it possible for patients with type 2 diabetes to eat watermelon?”, You need to know the features of this disease.

    Type 2 diabetes manifests itself in the destruction of pancreatic cells. These cells produce insulin, a peptide hormone that affects almost all metabolic processes in the tissues of the human body. And the 2nd type of this disease is called insulin-dependent, since hyperglycemia has already passed into a chronic form.

    Also Read: Low Glycemic Foods

    In this regard, people suffering from type 2 diabetes are prescribed a special diet. With this diet, you can eat both fruits and berries (watermelon is also included), but they should contain natural sugar in a minimum amount.

    Nutritional value of watermelon

    Watermelon is known to many as a very healthy food product. And doctors agree with this opinion, since it contains many minerals and vitamins. Here are just a few of them:

    • folic acid (stimulates appetite, promotes the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, is needed for the growth and development of the immune and circulatory systems);
    • vitamin E (necessary for tissue respiration, has an antioxidant effect on fatty acids of cell membranes);
    • ascorbic acid (supports immunity and hormone synthesis, as well as homeostasis of the human body);
    • pyridoxine or B6 (affects carbohydrate metabolism);
    • thiamine or B1 (participates in the processes of cellular and tissue metabolism);
    • niacin or B5 (also known as nicotinic acid, dilates blood vessels, eliminates delays in the blood circulation process);
    • carotene (acts as an antioxidant, synthesizes vitamin A);
    • riboflavin or B2 (normalizes metabolism);
    • phosphorus (accumulates energy);
    • calcium (performs a regulatory and structural role);
    • magnesium (affects the energy metabolism of the human body, activates a number of useful enzymes, protects against ionizing radiation);
    • iron (affects the formation of red blood cells of erythrocytes);
    • potassium (maintains optimal intracellular pressure, normalizes sodium-potassium balance, ensures the constancy of the liquid composition inside the cell).

    But with type 2 diabetes, something else is important, because this berry contains a minimum of sucrose and fructose. What makes her so pleasantly sweet? The predominance of fructose! That is why this product is perfectly absorbed by the human body, and (which is important for diabetics) insulin is spent on its processing in a minimal amount.

    Also Read: Foods High in Cholesterol

    Is it possible to eat watermelon with type 2 diabetes

    Experts answer the question unequivocally: yes, with type 2 diabetes, you can eat watermelon. This product contains dietary fibers that allow you to speed up the process of splitting sugars, expel them faster from a sick body without absorption. But still, there are some rules that must be observed when consuming watermelon, especially those suffering from a disease such as type 2 diabetes. Here they are:

    1. The daily norm of its consumption is 200-300 grams.
    2. On this day, you should exclude other carbohydrate-containing foods from your diet.
    3. Be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the therapeutic diet prescribed by the attending physician.

    Why adhere to these rules, and what is dangerous in such a healthy watermelon for type 2 diabetes? The danger exists. With excessive use of this product in diabetics, the following consequences may be observed:

    • frequent urination;
    • leaching of urine;
    • fermentation in the intestines;
    • flatulence;
    • violation of the digestive process.

    And, most importantly, a sharp, albeit short-term, increase in blood glucose levels. Of course, such an increase will be blocked by the body's production of additional insulin. That phenomenon is directly related to the fact that watermelon has a high GI - glycemic index, about 75%. Therefore, its consumption in food, especially in type 2 diabetes, should be limited.

    See also: What is the glycemic index of foods

    Expert advice: how to eat with type 2 diabetes watermelon

    Watermelon is a very tasty product. Many people like to eat it as an independent dish - a dessert. But experts recommend eating watermelon with ... bread for type 2 diabetes! This is due to the fact that when it is used, after a while, a feeling of hunger arises again, since when the level of glucose in the blood rises (albeit for a short time), a certain amount of insulin is produced to block it. And after eating a watermelon with bread, you can get enough and dull the feeling of hunger for a long time.


    Watermelon: benefits and harms in diabetes

    Along with bananas, grapes, melon and pineapple, watermelon is on the list of fruits that should be strictly limited in diabetes.

    This is due to the fact that the listed fruits significantly increase the level of glucose in the blood, and a lot of insulin is required for its utilization.

    There is an important issue for a diabetic when it comes to including high glycemic foods on the menu. What else will watermelon bring into my life, besides dangerous jumps in a sick metabolism?

    Watermelon is water, vitamins A, C, group B, potassium, magnesium and, of course, lycopene, praised by nutritionists, is a strong natural antioxidant.

    Let's think about what foods can replace watermelon to get the same nutritional benefits, but not risk a high GI.

    1. Lycopene is a tomato paste available all year round and tomatoes (low GI!) that are on sale throughout the melon season.
    2. Vitamin A is pepper, pumpkin, apricot, raw carrots - gifts of nature with low and medium GI, as well as animal products (liver, caviar, egg yolk and dairy products of medium and high fat content).
    3. Vitamin C: and again we see a wide range of vegetables and fruits with low GI - rose hips, various types of cabbage, currants, strawberries, greens.
    4. Vitamins of group B are presented in watermelon relatively slightly. Most of all - folic acid. You can get it without high GI from liver, leafy green vegetables, or in cheap tablet form.

    But easily digestible sugars in watermelon are from 5 to 10.5%. The amount varies by variety and growth stage. In favor of watermelon, only the fact that at the first stage of maturity and in early varieties of fructose is 2 times more than the other two sugars.

    However, as watermelons mature and approach the peak of the season, there is more and more sucrose in watermelons. As we remember, it is glucose with sucrose that should be limited to diabetics.

    And fructose itself is not as useful as it seems. In simple terms, its assimilation is due to overstrain of the liver - the very organ that is extremely important for any healthy person, not to mention the sick. Moreover, in type 2 diabetes, in addition to obesity, steatohepatosis often develops - a condition in which healthy liver tissue is replaced by fatty tissue.

    The question is logical: is watermelon useful in the diet of a diabetic? Isn't it obvious that the strict restriction of watermelon on the menu should not darken the life of a sober-minded person?

    The use of watermelon by type 1 diabetics is possible on the general principles of the diet - with the calculation of bread units (XE). On average, one watermelon slice with a peel weighing 250-270 grams corresponds to 1 XE. This applies to ordinary varieties, with moderate sugar content, plucked from the garden in time.

    Since the amount of carbohydrate in the diet should be consistent with the dose of insulin administered and physical activity, it makes sense to pay attention to early watermelons with low sugar content and carefully monitor the XE, avoiding very ripe fruits in the high season.

    watermelon for type 2 diabetes

    For type 2 diabetics, strict glucose restriction is the main goal of the diet and the most important factor in stable blood sugar levels. Watermelon, which has a high GI, is not easy to fit into this dietary picture (75).

    However, you can use watermelon for diabetes if you use methods to lower the glycemic index. The main thing is to combine watermelon with other products correctly.

    1. First, don't eat watermelon on an empty stomach!
    2. Second, don't practice the watermelon diet!
    3. Thirdly, eat watermelon just before the main meal, where there will be a lot of fiber or protein. These can be the following combinations:
    • Watermelon + cottage cheese (0-5% fat content);
    • Watermelon + vegetable salad with cabbage;
    • Watermelon as an appetizer for a lean meat dish (boiled brisket, steam meatballs, etc.).

    It should also be borne in mind that it is better to opt for a just-ripened watermelon, where there is no high content of sucrose and glucose, and the usual sweetness is achieved due to fructose.

    Gestational diabetes is one of the complications of pregnancy. Due to the risks for 2 people at once, this condition requires a strict diet.

    Complicating the control of the condition is the fact that most of the substances from the pills that lower blood glucose levels cannot be taken during pregnancy due to harmful or unclear consequences for the child.

    Therefore, a reasonable woman should think 100 times if she should break her diet with gestational diabetes, often eating high GI foods such as watermelon.

    On an average day, a type 1 diabetic can eat:

    • up to 150 grams of red pulp of watermelon.

    How much watermelon you can eat with type 2 diabetes depends on the degree of overweight and the stage of stabilization of diabetes. A person who has said goodbye to most of the excess kilograms can afford several times a season if he eats a watermelon before the main meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner), where fiber and protein will be present:

    • up to 3 times a day for 150-200 g.

    However, for a type 2 diabetic, whose weight requires correction, it is better to limit yourself to:

    • up to 300 g of watermelon per day.

    In addition, you should not follow the so-called watermelon diet - with the intake of only watermelons and black bread.

    Otherwise, a sharply jumping level of insulin in the blood guarantees you stress, poor health and a deterioration in metabolism. You will have to take more drugs and deal with the yo-yo effect: the more weight you lose, the more you gain back.

    While voicing the above warnings, we must not forget about nitrates. An excess of nitrate compounds in the red pulp of watermelon is very dangerous for diabetics. After all, the liver will fight harmful compounds, which is often compromised by steatohepatosis in type 2 diabetes, or very stressed in type 1 diabetes, which is often accompanied by dyslipidemia.

    After examining the topic, we come to two important conclusions. Is it possible to eat watermelon with diabetes? Yes, you can, but be careful.

    But if you react to taking watermelon with a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, or the average norm is too big for you, then the moderate nutritional value of watermelon is not worth the increasing risks of destabilizing the condition and the accelerated onset of complications of diabetes.


    Is it possible to eat watermelon and melon with diabetic disease

    Recent medical research has shown that this view was wrong. Fruits and berries allow you to stabilize glucose levels, and also supply the body with many useful substances: fiber, trace elements, vitamins. The main thing is to take into account the glycemic index of each individual fruit and follow some rules, which we will discuss below.

    Watermelons and melons- seasonal delicacies that are loved by adults and children, and which are so hard to refuse. Is it necessary? They certainly include sugar, but they are also low in calories, rich in minerals, and have many healing properties, so they are quite successfully used in the diet of patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes. When using these gifts of nature, doctors advise paying special attention to the individual reaction of the body and the type of disease. Before you start eating watermelon and melon, be sure to consult your doctor.

    Useful properties of watermelon and melon for diabetics

    Many diabetic patients noted that even after 800 g of watermelon pulp, glycemia remained normal. This is not surprising - it has a lot of water and fiber, few calories, it is rich in:

      1. Vitamins:
    • C - strengthens the immune system, is a natural antioxidant
    • A - normalizes liver function
    • PP - restores the walls of blood vessels, nourishes the heart
    • E - supports the restoration of skin cells
      2. Minerals:
    • potassium - normalizes cardiac activity
    • calcium - provides strength to bones and teeth
    • magnesium - has a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieves spasms, improves digestion, lowers cholesterol
    • phosphorus - improves metabolic functions in cells
      3. Leukopin:
    • provides an active antioxidant process in tissues and organs

    You need to start eating watermelon with small slices, then monitor glycemia, well-being and gradually increase the portion. Patients with type 1 diabetes, with the correct calculation of insulin, can consume about 1 kg of pulp per day.

    Melon is also a low-calorie product, but contains a lot of “fast” carbohydrates, for this reason it is recommended to replace other high-carbohydrate dishes on the menu with it. It is desirable to choose unsweetened varieties of melon.
    The fruits contain a lot:

      1. fiber
    • normalizes the concentration of glucose and cholesterol
    • regulates body weight
    • revitalizes the intestinal microflora, cleanses it
    • removes harmful toxins
      2. cobalt
    • significantly improves metabolism
    • activates the pancreas and insulin production
    • restores bone tissue
    • regulates the CNS
      3. folic acid (B9)
    • helps to reduce stress, evens out the emotional background
    • affects liver health
      4. Vitamin C
    • improves blood composition
    • enhances the body's defenses
    • activates the endocrine system

    And thanks to the tenderness, this berry brings pleasure and promotes the production of endorphins - “happiness hormones”. Moreover, seeds that can be brewed as tea also have healing qualities.

    What should be considered when using?

    Before eating watermelon and melon, you need to remember about the relatively high glycemic index of these products. Watermelon contains 2.6% glucose, almost twice as much fructose and sucrose, and with the degree of ripeness and storage time, the amount of glucose decreases, and sucrose increases. When choosing a dose of insulin, this should be remembered.

    A watermelon slice can cause a short-term, but noticeable jump in sugar.

    After the watermelon falls into the body, hypoglycemia occurs. For people with type 2 diabetes, this will be a real torment, because the process is accompanied by an excruciating feeling of hunger. That is, the use of watermelons will help to lose weight, but at the same time awakens a truly brutal appetite and can provoke dietary disorders. Even if a person manages to resist, he will receive severe stress caused by acute hunger. To minimize negative feelings, it is better to use unsweetened or slightly unripe fruits. Average it is recommended to eat about 300 g of this delicacy per day.

    In the first type of illness, watermelon can be consumed as part of an approved diet and taking into account bread units. 1 unit is contained in 135 g of watermelon pulp. The amount of treats eaten should match the amount of insulin administered and the patient's physical activity. Some diabetics can consume about 1 kg per day without negative consequences.

    Melon will be a great addition to the menu if the diabetic is not obese. Its effect on the body is similar to watermelon: body weight decreases, but blood glucose levels fluctuate and, as a result, appetite increases. Not everyone can overcome such a strong feeling of hunger. For type 2 diabetics, the maximum amount of melon pulp in the daily menu is 200 g.

    With an insulin-dependent disease, it is included in the diet along with other products. 1 bread unit corresponds to 100 g of fruit pulp. In accordance with this, physical activity and the amount of insulin, a serving is calculated.

    A large amount of fiber can provoke fermentation in the intestines, so you should not eat it on an empty stomach or along with other dishes.

    momordica, or, as it is also called, Chinese bitter melon has long been actively used by traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases, including diabetes.

    This plant is a guest from the tropics, but is able to grow in our latitudes. The flexible curly stem is studded with bright green leaves, from the axils of which flowers emerge. The ripeness of the fruit can be easily determined by the color. They are bright yellow, dotted with warts, with purple flesh and large seeds. Ripening, they are divided into three segments and open. Without exception, all parts of the plant have a characteristic bitter taste, reminiscent of the bitterness of cucumber peel.

    Momordica is rich in calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, as well as alkaloids, vegetable fats, resins and phenols that break down sugar.

    Active substances successfully fight against oncological diseases, pathogens, especially the urinary system, and also improve the well-being of patients with hypertension, promote proper digestion.

    Leaves, seeds and fruits are used to treat diabetes. A number of studies and experiments have shown that preparations from this plant improve the production of insulin, the uptake of glucose by cells and reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

    Medicinal products prepared from fresh and dry parts of momordica underwent laboratory testing, during which it was found:

    • unripe fruit extract taken on an empty stomach can lower glucose levels by 48%, which is as effective as synthetic drugs
    • melon preparations enhance the effect of hypoglycemic drugs
    • the active components of momordica have a beneficial effect on vision, the development of cataracts is significantly slowed down.

    How to use correctly?

    The easiest way is to cut into slices, fry with onions in vegetable oil and use as a side dish for meat or fish. During heat treatment, a significant part of the bitterness is lost, and although the dish can hardly be called tasty, it is definitely very healthy. Also, Chinese melon can be pickled, added a little to salads, vegetable stews.

    The leaves can be used to make a medicinal tea or drink similar to coffee. Tea is prepared as follows: pour a full spoonful of crushed leaves into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. For the treatment of diabetes, such a drink should be drunk 3 times a day without sweeteners.

    Fresh juice is also a very effective remedy for diabetes. Usually it is squeezed out and immediately taken. The daily portion is 20-50 ml.

    From dried crushed fruits, you can make a drink that resembles coffee. One teaspoon of seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand for 10 minutes.

    More from the fruits of Chinese melon you can prepare a healing tincture. The fruit must be freed from seeds, cut into slices, tightly fill the jar and pour vodka so that it completely covers the berries. Infuse for 14 days, then use a blender to turn the mixture into gruel and take in the morning before meals from 5 to 15 g.

    Crushed fruits and leaves can be harvested for the winter, when, as a rule, an exacerbation of diabetes occurs.

    Use the forces of nature to fight disease and maintain good health.


    Miracle berry watermelon

    More than 50 substances useful for the human body are found in sweet watermelon pulp and seeds. This composition makes this fruit a real natural pharmacy:

    • vitamins - A, C and group B;
    • trace elements - Ca, Na, K, organic iron, Mg, P, as well as alkaline substances;
    • proteins - 0.7%, including citrulline;
    • fats - 0.20%, including linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids in seeds;
    • carbohydrates in the form of sucrose, GLUiFRU - about 8.8%;
    • water - up to 90%.

    There are practically no contraindications prohibiting eating watermelons. But there are many benefits from them.

    1. Vitamins and trace elements have a beneficial effect on the function of the digestive system and hematopoiesis. The internal secretion of glands increases.
    2. Diuretic and choleretic action allows us to talk about the benefits of watermelon in cholelithiasis and the danger of the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. Does not irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary system.
    3. Anti-inflammatory, strengthening and vasodilating effect has juice and pulp on the cardiovascular system. Useful for anemia.
    4. Helps with liver diseases.
    5. Watermelon fiber enhances intestinal motility, giving a mild laxative effect.
    6. Normalizes thermoregulation and acid-base balance.
    7. Watermelon diet promotes weight loss.

    These factors make it possible to consider watermelon as a very effective remedy for metabolic disorders. But the high content of sugars in it causes concern in people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. What aspects of pathology make patients think about whether they can eat watermelon?

    Can a diabetic have watermelon

    Watermelon contains easily digestible carbohydrates that dramatically increase the level of glucose in the body. Such "sugar jumps" are contraindicated in diabetes of any severity. At the same time, the fruit contributes to the normalization of metabolism and contains a lot of useful elements that are so deficient in diabetics. So is it possible to pamper yourself with a watermelon for a diabetic patient without harming the body? The answer is unambiguous - you can. You just need to know the measure and nuances of the disease.

    Type I diabetes

    You can monitor your blood glucose levels with a personal glucometer. Therefore, patients with experience can independently adjust the dose of short-acting insulin based on the carbohydrate content in the consumed products and instrument readings. Without such experience, it is better to adhere to the dose prescribed by the doctor, the injection scheme. Before eating watermelon with type 1 diabetes, you need to know how to calculate the mass of the product.

    Be sure to remember: 260 gr. watermelon with peel corresponds to 1 XE!

    The permitted amount of the product in insulin-dependent diabetes is 800 g. per day. You can use this amount under the "cover" of insulin.

    Type II diabetes

    The lack of "insulin safety net" in type 2 diabetes makes it necessary to pay maximum attention to the diet. Glucose and sucrose, contained in the fetus, upset the precarious balance, causing a sharp, but short-term jump in blood sugar. Therefore, the presence of watermelon in the diet of such patients should be compensated by reducing the proportion of other carbohydrate-containing products.

    Be sure to remember: with type 2 diabetes, you can eat no more than 300 grams per day. watermelon!

    Should be considered

    Before you start eating watermelon, a diabetic needs to know the following.

    1. The glycemic index of this berry is 70, and this is a significant indicator. He says that very soon the feeling of satiety will pass and the person will again go to eat. Simply put, the higher the glycemic index, the faster the appetite awakens.
    2. Mandatory is the control of sugar and dose adjustment of insulin.
    3. Diabetics should not switch to popular watermelon diets! This can lead to dire consequences.
    4. Do not use more than the allowed daily portion: 800 gr. – SD type 1, 300 gr. - Type 2 diabetes.
    5. The diuretic effect of this product should be taken into account. If dehydration is noted, then it is better to refrain from watermelon.
    6. At the time when watermelon is included in the diet, other carbohydrate-rich foods should be excluded from it.
    7. One serving should be small. You should not eat the daily amount at once.

    Watermelon with diabetes of any type also becomes a worthy replacement for a lactic acid diet during fasting days. After all, it activates the metabolism of fatty acids, which contributes to weight loss. Nourishing the body with useful nutrients and flushing out toxins, this miracle berry pleases with a sweet taste and a feeling of satiety.


    What is in the watermelon

    Many doctors are still arguing whether it is possible to use this product in diabetes mellitus? After all, it was this representative of melons that became familiar on the table of many people in the summer. If you include this juicy product in the menu for diabetics, then you need to know what positive properties it has.

    The fruit consists of proteins, carbohydrates, pectin, dietary fiber, fats, water. Of the valuable components of this useful delicacy, we can distinguish:

    • magnesium,
    • phosphorus,
    • potassium,
    • iron,
    • calcium,
    • thiamine,
    • riboflavin,
    • pyridoxine,
    • vitamins E and C,
    • folic acid,
    • lycopenes,
    • beta-carotene and other substances.

    How useful is the product?

    For patients with diabetes, this product will be very useful because it contains sugar, but only a special one, and its amount is not very large. Carbohydrates, which must be counted in both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, are much less than in oranges, green peas and apples. Their number is equal to those contained in raspberries, currants, blueberries and gooseberries.

    Fructose, which is found in watermelon and takes precedence over carbohydrates, is useful in small quantities. It will be absorbed without any special consequences if its rate does not exceed 40 g per day. This amount can have a beneficial effect on the body, since when consumed in such a quantity, insulin is not spent, and the sugar contained in the pulp is not harmful. The patient can eat up to 700 g of pulp per day without any special consequences. The fruit is useful for patients of both the first and second types.

    Use in type 1 diabetes

    The first type of diabetes is insulin dependent. Therefore, you can use this berry, but only if you follow the general recommended diet for diabetes. As part of the diet, this product is recommended subject to the calculation of the bread unit.

    Patients who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes are always prescribed a special diet. As part of such a diet, it is recommended to use low-calorie foods, which include gourds. With diabetes of this type, you can eat up to 200 g of this product at a time. And there can be three or four such methods. In case of complications when taking this product, insulin injection is always the insurance.

    Is it possible to use with type 2

    In type 2 diabetes, doctors also allow the use of watermelon in food. After all, patients with the second type often suffer from obesity. But at the same time, again, the daily norm for a diabetic patient is much less than a perfectly healthy person can consume.

    For patients with type 2, the daily intake is determined at 250-300 g, while taking into account all the calories in the consumed products and the bread unit. In type 2, an increase in the daily allowance of this treat may be due to the rejection of other foods that have carbohydrates.

    What must be taken into account?

    In order for watermelon not to cause a deterioration in diabetes, the following must be considered:

    1. With a low calorie content, it has a high glycemic index. When this fruit is consumed, blood glucose levels rise very quickly. Healthy people at the same time quickly begin to feel hungry. And with diabetes, diets that a healthy person can use are not recommended. A diet based on this product leads to weight loss and at the same time stimulates appetite. Therefore, in patients with type 2 and those suffering from overweight, hunger stress may occur.
    2. You can use this product, taking into account all the features of the prescribed diet. This applies to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
    3. Do not get involved in such diets. Instead, you can make a balanced diet.
    4. The amount of product consumed in type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be gradually increased in excess of the recommended rate.
    5. It should be borne in mind that the use of watermelon, even in small quantities, increases the excretion of urine from the human body and causes its alkalization.
    6. Since the season lasts only two to three months, then at the time of including this fruit in your diet, patients should review their daily menu and exclude those foods that contain an increased amount of carbohydrates.
    7. This product should be introduced into the menu for patients of any type gradually, in small portions.

    Despite the fact that the fruit is very tasty and healthy for ordinary people, for those who have diabetes, it does not contain enough vitamins, so necessary to support a sick body. In any case, before including watermelon in your diet, you should consult with your doctor.

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