Diagnostics in dentistry. Comfortable and highly accurate diagnosis of dental problems

Works in our center modern method diagnostics in dentistry - computer radiovisiography.

The newest, most modern radiovisiograph to date. Radiation dose is kept to a minimum through the use of advanced high-frequency technology and the use of a constant potential (perfect quality + constant reliability). The radiation dose is 30% lower compared to others. The new sensor installed in the sensor with a fiber optic filter provides larger size pictures by enlarging them diagnostic value. The software, being essentially a standard for similar systems, has all the necessary resources for setting accurate diagnosis, printing and subsequent archiving of images.

radiovisiograph is a sensor that converts x-rays in digital image. The device consists of a sensor and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The image is formed on the sensor, after which it is transmitted to the computer through the ADC. The doctor receives pictures almost instantly and has wide opportunities viewing, processing, storage. Like any digital image, a snapshot can be transferred over the network, for example, to consult with other specialists.

X-ray helps to determine the change in bone tissue, helps to determine the number of roots, root canals, their patency, the degree of curvature, the presence of canopies over the mouths of the canals, the relationship with adjacent formations: maxillary sinus, submandibular canal. Sometimes diagnostic images are taken from different angles to identify an additional channel. X-ray examination is especially important for re-treatment to determine the degree of obturation root canal, detection of possible perforation of the tooth cavity, withdrawal filling material for the top of the root, etc.

In the process of endodontic treatment, the doctor, using the X-ray method of examination, controls the depth and degree of mechanical processing of the root canals, the density of the obturation.

At certain stages of treatment, electrometric method using an apex locator. The device determines the position of the instrument in the canal, its exit beyond the apex, the presence of perforation. The apex locator helps to control the change in working length during the instrumentation of curved canals. The electrometric method can be used in case of difficulties in determining the position of the apex X-ray method. The use of an apex locator, as a rule, allows you to reliably control the passage and expansion of the root canal.

In conclusion of the foregoing about the role of X-ray examination, it is necessary to cite the words of A.G. Predtechensky: "A small snapshot was, is and remains the mainmeans of diagnostics in dentistry in the near future. The number of images per patient that are made today in our country during the provision of dental care, is clearly not enough, based on the experience of organizing dental care abroad. The small number of shots is explained low level responsibility of dentists to the patient and to insurance companies.

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The purpose of any examination is to establish correct diagnosis, after all, on its basis, treatment is prescribed. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then the doctor will select the method that will be effective in a particular case and will not harm the body.

How is the examination carried out?

A few years ago, doctors relied only on x-rays. But the situation has changed. Diagnostics for dental treatment in the NovaDent clinic is whole complex events. One of the following methods is usually chosen:

I use modern equipment that digitizes images of the jaws, the doctor will see complete picture diseases. There is no risk to the health of the patient.

Features of the procedure

Diagnosis usually begins with an orthopantomogram ( digital analog traditional x-ray machine). A picture is taken of the top and mandible. The doctor receives an image:

  • jaws;

    oral cavity.

Since one image is taken, the cost of the examination is quite low. The doctor will be able to see the full picture of the problem and prescribe proper treatment. You can also predict the outcome.

Computed tomography is often done. Its price is slightly higher than the previous method, but the dentist will receive a two- or three-dimensional image and will be able to quickly determine the boundaries of the deformation and the localization of the inflammatory process. This is important when urgent assistance is needed.

The price of dental diagnostics depends on which method is used, and the choice of the latter depends on the extent of the problem, so it is better to consult a doctor before the examination so as not to do several procedures later.

The full rating of Moscow dental clinics is lovely way find clinics that offer all the modern and high-quality examination methods necessary to quickly identify all kinds of problems in oral cavity. Customer reviews in absentia will acquaint you with the professionalism of doctors and help you make the final choice.

Why is timely diagnosis of teeth so important?

First of all, due to the fact that the early stages the disease is much easier and cheaper to prevent than to restore completely destroyed teeth in the future. After conducting a study, the doctor can detect a variety of changes in the mucosa in the mouth, which is a sign of local problems or systemic diseases. Starting the examination, the dentist collects full information on which the diagnosis will be made. In more complex cases, he may need panoramic shot teeth.

The best option is to conduct an examination every six months. The dentist will conduct a detailed examination and identify the current state of the tooth enamel, mucous membrane, and teeth in general. Complex computed tomography in dentistry and radiodiagnosis with such an accurate approach, most likely it will not be required - the diseases simply do not have time to develop. However, if visits to dental clinic are irregular, then, depending on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe the following stages of diagnosis, using a visiograph, which is necessary in dentistry.

What are the methods of dental diagnostics?

Any examination of a patient in Moscow begins with clarification of complaints and anamnesis - the presence pain in the gum or tooth can symbolize pulpitis or deep caries. This is followed by direct examination with percussion and palpation. If necessary, the doctor may suggest doing an orthopantomogram and tomography of the teeth.

You can note the following ways for diagnostics:

  • X-ray of teeth - for selection optimal treatment Your dentist may suggest x-raying your tooth. This allows you to determine in more detail the presence of even the slightest and imperceptible at first glance problems. The most popular is the orthopantomogram (panoramic image). It allows you to make a competent cast of teeth, identify problems with the roots.
  • CT scan teeth are the most modern way diagnostics, which includes scanning even the lower part of the skull. Thanks to a directed beam of rays, the doctor receives black-and-white images of the jaw bones and soft tissues, which are sent through a data-receiving detector to a computer. After processing, an accurate and detailed picture is obtained. This method is most relevant in orthodontics.

« Private practice Irina Zaitseva" offers you full complex diagnostic services. In our clinic, you can undergo an examination of any complexity using the highest quality equipment, namely:

  • radiographic study. This is the easiest thing to do if you're worried. toothache. The Kodak/CS 2100 intraoral x-ray machine will allow us to take the most informative pictures, which, in turn, will allow the doctor to quickly understand the essence of the problem and save you from it.
  • panoramic shot. In many cases, the doctor needs to see the condition of the oral cavity as a whole - for example, this must be done before implantation, surgical, orthopedic and orthodontic treatment. Orthopantomograph Orthophos XG5 allows you to make the most complex images of teeth, jaw joints, oral cavity with highest resolution. These pictures do not require long procedure developments are immediately displayed on the screen and subsequently stored in the patient's medical history.
  • snapshot of a tooth. This study is performed if it is necessary to assess the condition of a particular tooth, adjacent gums and surrounding bone tissue in the presence of caries, cysts, granulomas, gingival and bone pockets or dental trauma. The clinic "Private practice of Irina Zaitseva" uses the IRIX 70 CCX visiograph for these purposes.
  • diagnosis of periodontal disease. Even visible changes not yet in the oral cavity, periodontal disease may already take place - be on initial stage development. The study "in the old fashioned way" - manual probing - in this case does not give informative results. And if the disease progresses and inflammatory process active, then such manipulation will also be extremely painful. The Florida Probe system used in Irina Zaitseva's Private Practice operates differently. Light touches of the electronic sensor are painless for the patient, but at the same time they give an accurate and complete clinical picture.
  • tomographic study. The PaX-i3D dental tomograph will allow our specialists to literally look inside the tooth and thoroughly examine the state of all surrounding tissues. All problems are at a glance - which means that the treatment will be fast, accurate and effective!
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