Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people. So is it possible or still not possible to photograph a sleeping person? Mystical reasons for the ban on photography

In ancient times, it was believed that a portrait of a person has with him inseparable bond. Sorceresses told fortunes on portraits, sending love, death or illness to a person. Some portraits had such a strong influence on their double that after they were written, the person lost strength, health, and a series of troubles and misfortunes fell upon his fate. Are there any differences in the photographs of a waking and sleeping person? Scientists are sure there is. And to the question of people about why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, there are several answers.

Some scientists call photography an astral double of a person, since it has a sharp connection with a person, and a negative impact on a photo can affect the fate of a person, distorting his fate. It is believed that photographs of sleeping people are especially tasty for magicians and sorcerers.

Each photo of a person reflects not only a person, but also his bioenergetics. People who are able to see the human biofield see it in the photograph. Thanks to this, clairvoyants can easily determine from just one photograph whether a person is alive or not, healthy or sick.

The maximum information can be obtained from a photograph of a sleeping person and a person with wide eyes. These same photos can change the fate of a person in their hands knowledgeable people. In this regard, children of the first days of life are especially vulnerable, because they still do not have a connection with God, and their connection with this world is very fragile. Exposure to photographs of newborns can be extremely dangerous to the health and psyche of the child, which is why sleeping children should not be photographed. and therefore young mothers are often not allowed to photograph their child until the moment of Baptism. After Baptism, the child acquires an Angel who will protect him throughout his life and it is not so easy to jinx the child.

Bioenergy that continues to live in photographs can find a very unexpected effect on its owner, even in cases where a person is simply admired or strives to have something that the person depicted in the photograph possesses.

Not so long ago, a very interesting experiment was carried out with newly hatched chickens. Scientists chose the three healthiest chickens, took a picture of one of them and handed out his photo a large number of people. These people were asked to ask for strength and help from a chicken when they feel bad, sad, when they get sick and suffer. The results of the experiment amazed scientists. Shortly after its launch, the previously perfectly healthy chick photographed began to get sick and lose weight. At the same time, his brothers were in in perfect order. Because of the photograph, the little creature had a peculiar gap in defensive forces, and when people began to feed on his energy, it was as if through many tubes they began to suck energy out of a small chicken.

This belief is more than 100 years old, and the versions that substantiate it are tragic and incredible. However, all versions agree that not only the image of a person remains in the photograph, but also:

In the literature, you can find several versions of why it is impossible to shoot sleeping people with a camera. Let's consider each of them.

The first version is related to the fact that a sleeping person resembles dead man. In the past dead people photographed for memory. And in this form, as if they had just fallen asleep ... Due to the similarity of a sleeping person with a dead one, some are afraid to take such pictures, as if afraid to call on a person premature death. Although in those days people motivated their actions with completely different reasons.

At that time, photography was quite an expensive service, and an unexpected death often pulled out a person unexpectedly for those who love him. At the same time, relatives did not have a single photograph of a person during his lifetime. Therefore, a photograph often had to be ordered in order to capture him and remember forever what he was like. The tragedy of the situation is especially strong because the deceased was dressed in best clothes, opened his eyes and seated him next to the living ones to create, so to speak, the most lively and natural picture.

Another version explains posthumous photographs by the desire of people to capture the soul of a person, which, as you know, is next to the body for the first 40 days. It was believed that by photographing the soul, you can have at least some opportunity to communicate with this person and have a connection with him.

I must say that in wealthy families of that time there were so-called books of the dead with such photographs. In times of epidemics, when people left the world in huge numbers, these albums were replenished with photographs of entire families who left the world at the same time.

With the spread of photography, this tradition gradually lost its relevance. However, until the 1950s, it was customary in the USSR to photograph the process of funerals, people in a coffin, grieving loved ones. Now this tradition has almost become obsolete.

The second version of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people is explained by the fact that during sleep, the human soul has a very subtle connection with the body, as he goes on a journey to the astral world. And a photograph of a sleeping person without a soul is equivalent to a photograph of a dead person. Taking a picture of a man without a soul real world a picture appears the essence of the dead a person who, having woken up, continues to live. Such photographs can call on a person to premature death, a disease of the soul and body.

In confirmation of the fact that the soul leaves the body during sleep, they cite such a fact. Some people, if they are abruptly awakened, feel a certain push in the chest area. This push is so strong that it simply throws a person out of sleep, making the heart beat faster. Biotherapists believe that such a push during an unexpected awakening is nothing more than a sharp return of the soul to the body.

What is the astral world? Experts believe that the astral world is a subtle world, intangible ordinary person. It is believed that during sleep, the soul of a person goes on a journey through the astral world. If the soul is weak or frightened, then it can get lost and fall into a more subtle world, dangerous for its trauma to the human psyche. When a person has nightmares, they say that the soul is lost.

Some people know how to specifically tune in to travel during sleep and even consciously choose interesting places for these trips - for example, the Maldives, the bedrooms of pop idols, and even the residence of the country's president. True, such trips are aerobatics for astral travelers and are fraught with very dangerous consequences. They say that the first maps of the Moon and Mars appeared in mankind long before the advent of telescopes and satellites. The first maps of these celestial bodies were compiled by astral travelers and later confirmed by satellite images.

As mentioned above, a photograph of a person displays not only his body, but also his energy field. According to a person's biofield, one can not only read information about a person, but also change the biofield, weakening its protective properties. The biofield of a person during sleep and the biofield of a waking person have striking properties: during sleep, not only the human body relaxes, but its protective field is also relaxed and dispersed. For example, during wakefulness, the aura surrounds a person at a distance of 1 meter around him, and during sleep, this field is strongly dissipated and its area increases by 2-3 times. A similar phenomenon has been repeatedly confirmed by scientists with the help of special cameras capable of photographing the human aura.

A person's aura reflects not only information about a person's state of health, but also about what he does, what he cares about. Thus, the aura is a reflection of a person's spiritual achievements. A photograph of the aura of a sleeping person is open wound his soul. Evil people capable of killing a person from a photograph while sleeping.

Photographs of children during sleep are especially vulnerable, because their energy field, as well as their immunity, has not yet been formed and is very susceptible to other people's energy. Aura photography of young children is very thin shell with a faint glow, while the aura of an adult healthy person has a very thick dense layer with a bright glow. Therefore, to the question of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children, bioenergy therapists answer extremely negatively.

Whatever the motives of a person who wants to capture his loved one during sleep, it is better to refrain from this idea. A hundred years ago, the words of clairvoyants that they see a person's aura caused learned people only smiles, and today the aura of each person can be photographed using a special camera. It is not known what other discoveries lie ahead of us. It is quite possible that the fears of those who are afraid of being photographed sleeping people will turn out to be quite justified.

We often don't think at all, and we make the mistake of doing so. Simply because we consider this statement to be an ordinary superstition that has come to us from ancient times. Well, of course, having all the necessary things for a comfortable existence: light, water, car, computer, tablet, phone, train and more, we can’t even imagine how earlier people got by without all that. And the thought comes to mind that all these prejudices arose far-fetched, unreasonable and spontaneous.

You can’t take pictures of sleeping people - a bad omen

But is this really the case? Mankind has always believed in other world. Each of us wants to understand what is really going on there. Therefore, the priceless piggy bank is replenished with more and more signs and prejudices. So, it is worth listening to some of them.

If you search well, you will find hard facts and events confirming the validity of this or that prejudice.

Reasons for the ban

It is believed that a person in a dream is quite vulnerable. If such a photo falls into the hands of ill-wishers, then they can cause a lot of trouble and misfortune depicted on it. Many, therefore, try to avoid such actions, perhaps even because of simple superstition.

Consider the main reasons for the emergence of such a ban.

Why photography is forbidden - what the magicians say

Theory What can happen
Photography is the keeper of information about a person According to this theory, many sorcerers and magicians use photos in their "dirty deeds". They know how to read the information captured in the photo and use it at their discretion.
  • Most often, to cause harm with the help of the evil eye or any magical rituals.
  • Do not forget that more defenseless in this regard Small child. That is why the parents of the baby try to less often show his photo even to the closest ones, being afraid to jinx it.

Modern magicians have reached such heights in their skill that it will be enough for them and electronic version snapshot. And in our time, getting it is not a problem - for this you just need to visit the page social network and download the necessary information.

Beliefs from the past

Previously, people believed that in a dream the soul of a person leaves the body for a while.

  • He becomes defenseless and more accessible to negative impact evil spirits. It was for this reason that it was believed that it was impossible to abruptly wake up a sleeping person.
  • The soul simply may not have time to return to its place, and the person will die. Of course, you should not fully believe such an assumption, but a sudden awakening can really frighten you and leave you a stutterer for the rest of your life.

But how does the photo have an impact? Just in the silence of the night, a bright flash or a click of a camera shutter can frighten a sleeping person, and simply deprive him of his mind.

Pictures of the dead Why you can't take pictures of the dead

A rather surprising and, perhaps, the most unusual hypothesis comes from Europe. In our country, however, it has not spread widely. The first cameras that appeared in the nineteenth century were too expensive. Therefore, only too rich people could afford such a luxury, since the price of the picture was too high.

The terrible truth about the dead

If death took away one of the close relatives, they were very sad about him, but it was necessary to bury in any case. They came up with a tradition to perpetuate the memory by photographing the deceased, sometimes even at the dinner table, in the circle of family members. So they tried to keep the memories of the departed.

They washed him, put on the best clothes and took photos. It was considered the peak of the fashion trends of the time. The photograph was not in the coffin, as is usually the case with the dead. Sometimes it was even difficult to guess that the picture was a corpse and not a living person. It seemed that in the picture he was just sleeping. Many families had so-called "books of death". This is for us it's creepy, weird and sounds like wildness, but used to be considered in the order of things.

That's why you can't take pictures of sleeping people - would the comparison with a corpse be nice? A parallel is immediately drawn with death. And no one really wants to call her.

It was believed that a posing sleeping person could soon die or die suddenly.

The ethical side of the issue Non-photogenic shots

In the process of sleeping, you constantly toss and turn from side to side, perhaps your mouth is open or you are drooling.

Imagine that someone captured this moment. Will you jump for joy in such a situation? Absolutely not.

If such a photo is shown only to you, it’s not so bad, but if it is posted on the Internet in order for it to gain a certain number of likes. It is better to pre-coordinate with the person whom they are going to shoot sleeping, all these actions until the moment he falls asleep completely.

Can I take pictures of sleeping babies?

This issue is extremely complex and controversial. You can wake up a sleeping adult in the process of photographing and scare too much. If, moreover, he is not familiar with you enough, then he may well demand to delete the resulting photo, and he will be one hundred percent right. It may also not be allowed to do so at all.

If a we are talking about small children, then only their mother can decide. Many parents agree to a simple photo shoot for a small fee. The entire Internet is full of such ads. And, according to their stories, their beloved child after being photographed feels just great and is not subject to any bad influences.

How to protect yourself from damage to the evil eye of the curse

However, in this regard it is worth remembering two legends:

  1. It is known that each child is guarded by a Guardian angel. Many believe that a photo session with a sleeping baby can scare him, so he will leave him. Which will lead to various diseases or developmental delay.
  2. The second version is a little closer to real life. After photographing, the baby will become more shy and restless. Why? Sleep in babies is often quite sound. The click of a camera in complete silence, or the bright light of a flash, can suddenly wake him up and scare him too much. He will scream and cry. You don't want this to happen to your child, do you? Well, of course not. Therefore, if you decide to nevertheless carry out such a process, then it must be well planned.

There is another side to the question of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people. And it directly concerns babies. The table lists some of the benefits of this process.

Is it possible to take pictures of children when they sleep

Reason for taking a picture How to photograph correctly
Calm environment It was mentioned above that a loud shutter click or bright flash can wake up the baby.

But, if the process is carefully prepared, then it may not even wake up. Moreover, in our time, silent cameras have already appeared, and lighting can be made natural.

Usually, a photo shoot is ordered from stranger, communication with which the baby may not like it, and he will cry. The whole process of filming in a dream can go quietly and calmly.

beautiful shots Do you always look into the cradle to admire your child? Yes, babies in a dream are very cute.
Memory Children always grow up very quickly. It seems that recently the baby did not even know how to hold his head, but today he speaks and runs in such a way that you can’t stop.

The pictures will be a great memory for long years, both for you and for the participants of the photo shoot.

Agree, we all love to look at ourselves in childhood and after twenty, and after thirty years. In addition, there will be something to show the grandchildren.

Most likely, you are completely confused. On the one hand, one should listen to beliefs and legends. And they unanimously repeat that pictures of sleeping people are undesirable. Since this will bring trouble for the owner of the photo.

But, on the other hand, there is nothing reprehensible in this. Moreover, there is evidence that in a dream you can take a better and more natural photo, even better than in daylight. In any case, only you can decide to shoot or not to shoot.

Is it possible to damage a photo with a sleeping person

According to various superstitions the soul can leave the body of its owner during his sleep. Previously, it was assumed that this state is called "little death." In the process of shooting, an absent soul is not able to protect a person from negative influence from outside. Bad energy freely envelops him and is fraught with trouble.

Young children are especially vulnerable to this effect. From here the belief spread why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people. The information hidden in such a picture can be used against a person posing while sleeping.

How to damage a photo

For magicians and sorcerers, the moment the first photos appeared was extremely joyful. Now they were given endless possibilities inducing damage only with the help of it. At the same time, images with sleeping people were more welcome for use in magical rituals. In that case, why put yourself at risk once again? Even in modern world in many cities there are sorcerers and fortune-tellers who can harm and damage the photo. Although we live in an age of information and technological progress, general enlightenment in various previously inexplicable phenomena.

How to take energy through a photo

It is known that all photographs are endowed certain information and store human energy. The presence of superpowers in some people allows them to use one such image to talk about what you had in past life what events are happening in the present and even what awaits in the future. And more than half of the world's population believes in this.

Any, even the most unsightly or low-quality photograph absorbs the bioenergy of the person depicted on it. And even a small particle of it can cause significant harm to health or life. As we already know, the sleeper is more prone to bad influence, which means that a photo with him can bring considerable trouble.

People in the modern world, of course, are not as superstitious as their distant ancestors. But, nevertheless, not many people allow themselves to be photographed while sleeping. The perception of circumstances and the subsequent reaction to them is different for everyone. That is why, from different category respondents, you will receive a different answer to the question of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people.

Fright how to save a child

Most often, they cannot combine such two concepts as a sleeping baby and a photo shoot.

The main reasons why it is not advised to shoot babies:

  • Loud sounds can not only wake up the child, but also scare him greatly, he will cry and act up.
  • They have not yet formed a biofield and energy. And signs say that these two things are the weakest and defenseless in the hands of ill-wishers.
  • When you try to capture a little one in an interesting pose, you will only wake him up and scare him. And the bright light from the flash, loud sounds will make you cry for a long time. Do you need such a frame?

You can disentangle these consequences for more than an hour or two. It is exactly the same that your child will wake up not in the mood, and even, in addition to everything, he will be too scared and get a fright.

How to protect destiny

You may not be superstitious or not believe in various predictions, but omens are a very powerful thing. They do not appear in a vacuum and not just like that. They are passed down to us from generation to generation, based on certain facts and events that happened in life. various people. You should not be indifferent to your fate or the fate of your loved ones, so take care of it at least as much as you can.

This is especially true for those in whose environment there are envious, evil and unfriendly people who can cause significant damage and inflict a curse or evil eye. You can choose not to take pictures while you sleep or not follow these stereotypes, as you please. But think, become a little more careful and use simple tips. In this case, you will not regret the problems that arose as a result of simple negligence or too pronounced skepticism in the future.

It is not necessary to completely deprive yourself of joy and stop taking pictures. Do it. Do it with pleasure. But maybe just listen to the voice of reason and refuse certain shots that depict you sleeping. Nevertheless, there is some share of truth in the reasons. Study them carefully and decide for yourself what is more important - to lose one good shot or to bitterly regret the incident that happened.

Just yesterday, when my daughter was sleeping, I wanted to take a picture of her, but my husband did not allow it - he said that there was a bad omen in this regard, and I didn’t even know why it was impossible to photograph sleeping people, and especially babies. I'll tell you about what I found out myself - what if someone, like me, is in the dark?

Previously, there was no such problem, cameras were not too affordable ordinary people, and filming was an event. Then, when compact cameras appeared, the process went easier, but still, many did not shoot literally everything they wanted on film - such pictures would hardly decorate a photo album, and they had no other use.

Of course, fashion photographers photographed sleeping people, and there was a bit of art in this, but it did not wear, so to speak, mass distribution. And then, when digital compact cameras came into widespread use, and each mobile phone became equipped with a device for shooting, it became much easier to shoot. And of course, many began to photograph their loved ones in different situations- cute poses, funny outfits, various funny incidents, and of course a dream. However, not everyone knows whether it is possible to photograph sleeping people?

Origins of superstition

Actually, to be honest, today I spent the whole day on the Internet, asking girlfriends and girls on the forum about whether they know about the reasons why people should not be photographed if they fell asleep. I heard a lot of interesting opinions, among which the leaders are:
  • signs;
  • unpleasant associations;
  • real harm to a person;
  • religious prohibitions.
I will tell you about all the reasons in order and whether it is possible to photograph a sleeping person.

The reasons

Naturally, everyone has their own answers to the question of why it is impossible to photograph sleeping children and adults, but with regard to children, I heard one interesting theory.

As you know, we sleep quite sensitively and unevenly, a person wakes up up to two hundred times a night. Of course, he doesn't come out. full state sleep, awakening is very short-term, for a moment.

But if at this moment you scare a person, then the dream will be of poor quality, and it is quite easy to scare during the shooting process - a couple of flashes are enough.

In adults, this is unlikely to cause anything serious, except for mild anxiety, but with children you need to be careful - a child's fear can lead to sleep, speech and developmental disorders. Naturally, not a single frame is worth the peace of mind of a child.

Signs are a powerful rationale why it is better to refrain from photographing sleeping people. So, if you believe the signs, then photographing a sleeping person you can:
  • invite death to him (fix his motionless inactive state);
  • frighten off his guardian angel;
  • take away his health and happiness;
  • capture his soul (as a result of which a person will lose it and may go crazy).
They say that an energetically sleeping person is not much different from a dead one, and when we remove it, we seem to capture this state, which harms a person.

There is another reason that seems more realistic to me. Probably every adult knows that there was a tradition of taking post-mortem photographs - people took pictures of dead babies in their arms, and took pictures at the funeral. A sleeping person is little different from the deceased, so many are afraid to take such pictures.

An interesting theory about the journey of the soul. Generally speaking, our soul travels to other worlds during sleep, and when the body begins to wake up, it returns back. So, on a flash or a shutter click, a person can wake up abruptly, and the soul does not have time to wake up - then the body can die.

The religious reasons for the ban on photography are very interesting. In many world religions, including Islam, they are very wary of photography. This is due to a religious prohibition - for example, very often only a deity can be depicted, and any image of a person can be equated with an attempt to become like a divine essence.

If you have a sleeping person in front of you, and you are not sure that he is loyal to shooting, then it is better not to photograph him in a dream. Also some religions are too great importance photos give - for example, in Asian beliefs there is a belief that a photograph is an imprint of the soul, which then turns into a demon.

Fright and nervous breakdown - frequent companion photographs in a dream, no matter how sad it is to admit it. A person in a dream feels defenseless, and if he is sharply pulled out of this state, he may develop psychological trauma, he will be afraid to sleep, and it is quite difficult to overcome this. And physically fright is almost always associated with a violation of breathing and heart rate, so fright can lead to heart disease, or even a heart attack.

So what to do - take pictures or not

I think you understand why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, but how much is it worth following such signs? Everyone decides for himself. And if even doctors do not advise photographing a sleeping child - a flash can really scare a baby, then there is no such unequivocal opinion with an adult.

If you want to take a picture of a sleeping person with a phone or a regular camera, then try to do the following:

  • turn off the flash on your phone or camera - after all, you are taking a picture not for official documents, but for home use, it may well be fuzzy;
  • turn off the sound and check in another room that the shutter sound does not work;
  • do not lean over the sleeping person and do not bring the phone or camera too close;
  • no need to try to shift the sleeping person into any funny position.
I decided for myself that it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person if you did not agree with him that this is acceptable. Of course, for me personally, it’s not about whether it’s possible to photograph a dozing girl on the subway - I think that this is an interference with a person’s private life, and even more so, you shouldn’t shoot a video.

It is also important for me that the person I photograph (for example, earlier it was my boyfriend, and now my husband) likes himself in the picture. He believes that when he sleeps he is not very handsome, and I do not consider myself entitled to argue with him (although, in my opinion, men in a dream are very touching, much nicer than newborns).

If the person you photograph is unhappy, offer to delete the photo - put yourself in his place for only a brief moment, few people like to photograph people when they are sleeping, but even less do we want to be in the place of the hero of the picture.

Draw conclusions for yourself, and if you are already filming sleeping people, then do it as harmlessly as possible for them - without a flash and the risk of scaring them.

Throughout our lives, we spend about 30 years in a state of sleep, and about 11 years of dreaming.

Where did the belief come from, Why is it impossible to photograph a sleeping person?

This belief originated in ancient times. In prosperous European families in the 19th century, there was a tradition to photograph dead people. They dressed the deceased in ceremonial clothes and, as he looked like a sleeping person, photographed in order to leave a memory of him.

Thus they expressed their respect for him. Not many, at that, a long time ago, had the opportunity to take pictures, so after death, relatives invited a photographer. They could sit the deceased at the table or in the family circle and take pictures with him. Hence the superstition that the person in the photograph with his eyes closed was considered dead.

With the development of society, this tradition ceased to exist. But superstitious people still continued to believe that if you capture a sleeping person on film, then his life becomes shorter. Such photographs can bring trouble and even death.

  • During sleep, the soul of a person leaves the body and he becomes more vulnerable. Such a picture can attract illness and failure. It is dangerous to scream or scare a person in a dream. He must wake up gradually so that the soul has time to return. During sleep, the soul of a person travels in other worlds, so a person in a dream often sees something that he has not yet seen. So the soul shares memories from the past.
  • There are different fables about babies. One of them reports that photographing a dozing baby can serve as a reason for this, that his angel of God will get scared and leave the baby. This, in turn, can cause diseases. Another says that the baby is able to become fearful and restless, simply frightened by noise or flash.

The photo retains a very great amount data. There is nothing good in this fact, since magicians read the data from the photograph well and have the opportunity to use the photo in order to harm the person captured in the picture.

It should be noted that the protection of the older generation is stronger than that of infants. Therefore, their photographs should be kept in secluded places and protected from prying eyes.

I will accept that it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person, many people know. Why? She has several explanations, both mystical and quite materialistic.

Why you shouldn't take pictures of sleeping people

In European countries in the 19th century, it was customary to photograph the dead as if they were just sleeping. When the soul of someone close departed to another world, the body of the deceased was thoroughly washed, dressed in expensive outfits and removed. Sometimes the deceased was seated in the living room for dinner table with all the other family members, and the photographer took a family photo. The picture, of course, is creepy for modern man. But it was customary to see off loved ones on their last journey. Most often, it is because of this tradition that it is believed that it is impossible to take a photo of a sleeping person. If the picture shows a person with their eyes closed, it looks like a photo of a dead person.

According to another version, a photo of a sleeping person can harm him and even shorten his life.

The short answer for cat lovers or dog lovers is that animals should not be photographed while sleeping either. Firstly, you can bring trouble to your pet, and secondly, he may simply be frightened by the sudden click of the camera and the flash. The result is a change in character or even sudden death pet.

In the old days, the dead were photographed as if they were just sleeping.

Why You Shouldn't Take Pictures of Adults

It is believed that when a person falls asleep, his soul can leave the body and move to other spaces of the Universe. It is not recommended to abruptly wake up the sleeping person. They believe that the soul may not have time to return in time. AT best case he will start to stutter. Mental disorders and heart problems are also possible.

Any photograph of a person carries a colossal flow of information about the person that is captured on it. AT black magic in order to make a conspiracy or send damage, it is not at all necessary to see the victim live. A photograph of her is quite enough to apply great harm. It is greatly enhanced if a person is also captured sleeping. The biofield is more vulnerable during sleep, and this greatly simplifies the process of enchanting.

You can point from the photo severe damage, if the picture shows the victim sleeping, the harm will be much greater

There's also a more mundane reason why adults don't like being photographed sleeping. In a dream, a person cannot control himself, and the photo can turn out to be very bad. Would you like it if you were captured in an unnatural pose, and even with open mouth? Most likely, you will be very unhappy when you see such a picture.

It is unlikely that a person who was captured sleeping in an unnatural position or with a strange expression on his face will be happy with such a photo.

There is an opinion that it is forbidden to photograph a sleeping person also due to the fact that you can leave a person without his guardian angel.

Other signs about photographing sleeping adults:

  • a picture of a sleeping spouse can bring discord into relationships, in the best case, the husband and wife will quarrel a lot, and in the worst case, the marriage may simply fall apart;
  • if a girl is photographed sleeping best friend, it is possible that in the future she will break your family;
  • it is believed that if a husband takes a picture of his wife in a dream, he will deprive her of her attractiveness;
  • if you capture a sleeping person who is sick at this time, you can thereby slow down the process of his recovery.

What can happen

There are several implications:

  • you can frighten off the protective angel and forever deprive a person of the support of higher powers;
  • with such a picture, it is easier to cast magic spells on the victim, firstly, due to the decrease in the natural protection of the aura during sleep, and secondly, due to closed eyes- the look is considered a mirror of the soul and has the ability to protect from negative impacts. If the eyes are closed, there is no protection;
  • the picture may turn out to be unaesthetic due to the fact that the model does not control itself;
  • you can bring on the photographed insomnia or he will wake up not rested and lethargic;
  • flash during shooting can lead to severe fright;
  • it is possible to deprive a person of happiness or to bring on a severe illness.

The most terrible sign - photographed sleeping can even die in a dream.

Video: what happens if you take a picture of a sleeping person

Taboo in the photo of sleeping newborns, babies, older children

The picture shows and physical body baby and his energy. Even in the normal state, the child's biofield is rather weak, what can we say about its protective properties during sleep? Touched by a sleeping baby on a photo, you can even inadvertently cast an evil eye on him. If the photo falls into the wrong hands, it provides an opportunity for powerful negative magical influences. Therefore, it is better not to upload such pictures to the public, for example, on social networks.

There is one more important reason, which is better not to photograph a sleeping child. A baby can also be frightened by a sudden click of a camera or a flash. Because of this, in the future, the baby will startle and wake up from harsh sounds, and in the waking state - nervous and crying.

No matter how touching the sleeping child looks in the photo, the picture can be an excellent tool for inducing damage in the hands of unkind people.
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