Why a person can not be photographed when he sleeps. Why you can’t photograph sleeping people: prejudices and hard facts. Evil eye or damage

There are several reasons that they try to explain why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person:

  • so you can steal fate or health;
  • the person being photographed may not wake up;
  • suddenly waking up, a person can be very frightened;
  • the person being photographed will have a bad rest or will not get enough sleep;
  • the person depicted in the photograph sleeping resembles a dead man;
  • in a photograph, a sleeping person may turn out badly;
  • according to the photograph of the sleeping person, it is easy to cause damage or the evil eye;
  • you can scare the guardian angel and he will leave the sleeping man forever;
  • associations with post-mortem photography and the tradition of photographing the dead;
  • images and photographs of people are forbidden by the religion.

Let's divide them into groups and analyze in more detail.

mystical reasons

Unexpected health problems

There is an opinion that it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person, because the energy field of a sleeping person is somehow similar to the energy field of a dead person. Therefore, by photographing a sleeping person, this state can be confirmed in reality, after which a person may suddenly fall ill or die.

Sudden death

Another, more common opinion says that the soul of a person who is in a dream goes to another dimension, and during awakening returns to the body. Therefore, if a person suddenly wakes up from the clicks of the shutter or the flash of the camera, then the soul may not have time to return and the human body will die.

There is also an opinion that in photographs the facial expressions and closed eyes of sleeping children or adults may outwardly resemble the faces of the dead. It is because of these associations that some superstitious people believe that the picture can bring death to the sleeping person depicted on it.

Evil eye or damage

Magicians, healers and bioenergy therapists claim that the photo shows the ego energy field along with the person. And since during sleep this field is considered weaker than during wakefulness, this means that it will be easier for an ill-wisher or sorcerer to put damage, evil eye or other curses on the photographed person from a photograph of a sleeping person.

For the same reason, it is believed that it is impossible to photograph sleeping children, especially small ones, because their biofield is much weaker than that of adults, so they are more susceptible to the "evil eye". There is an opinion that a baby can be jinxed even just by admiring him sleeping in the cradle.

Loss of a guardian angel

There is also a religious belief that explains why sleeping people cannot be photographed. It is believed that in this way you can scare away the Guardian Angel, and he can leave the sleeping one forever.

Religious reasons

Followers of Islam argue that it is forbidden to photograph sleeping people because the creation of sculptures and images of people and animals (which includes photography) is prohibited by Sharia. This is explained by the fact that by creating a man-made image, a person is trying to become like Allah, which is a sin and which is followed by severe punishment and torment in Hell.

Another reason for the ban is that man-made images and sculptures can lead to polytheism. Also, according to Islam, the creation of images can be interpreted as disbelief in Allah.

More realistic explanations

Fright due to abrupt awakening

The most understandable and logical explanation, according to which it is not advised to photograph sleeping people, and especially children, is a possible strong fright in a suddenly awakened person or child.

Sleep disturbance

There is also an explanation from the point of view of biology, which claims that melatonin is synthesized in the human body during sleep, which regulates circadian rhythms. For the proper production of this hormone, complete darkness is necessary, so camera flashes can interfere with the full recovery of the body during sleep and, upon waking up, a person will feel sleepy or overwhelmed.

Appearance in the photo

In addition, a person who was photographed sleeping may come out unattractive and remain unhappy with their picture. This situation may occur because during sleep, the human face and body are usually relaxed, and the position in which a person sleeps is sometimes not quite suitable for shooting.

Some note the similarity of the photographs, which depict sleeping people, with photographs in the medieval style "post-mortem", which are hunted by collectors today. The appearance of this style in the middle of the nineteenth century was associated with the invention and development of photography, which made it possible to take photographs in memory of a deceased relative. The people in the post-mortem photographs turned out to be very realistic, really like they were alive.

It took about 30 minutes to take a picture in a stationary state, which was quite difficult for living people, and especially for children, so they photographed mostly the dead, and the deceased was seated or laid down in such an environment as if he were alive, and just sleeping or , for example, reading a newspaper over a cup of tea. Later, in the USSR, there was also a tradition of photographing the dead as a keepsake, which lasted until the 60s of the 20th century.

And since for a long time images of a person with his eyes closed have been strongly associated with photographs of the dead, some superstitious people argue that it is impossible to photograph sleeping children and adults in order to avoid such associations, because such thoughts, even involuntarily appearing, can materialize and cause harm.

80% of photographers answer the request to photograph sleeping people or babies - a bad omen. Clicking camera lenses will wake up a child and an adult, in addition, there are prohibitions and superstitions that explain why it is impossible to photograph sleeping people. This is the fear of imminent death or illness, and the unwillingness to disturb the psyche, and the fear of bringing trouble. Many rituals are connected with magical actions, ancient rites. To destroy prejudices, let us study the history of these fears, consider ancient signs.

Signs and superstitions

Signs on the prohibition of photographing sleeping people date back to the 19th century. At the dawn of the development of photography among Europeans, it became fashionable to take photographs of deceased relatives. Close people during their lifetime did not have portraits, since this service was expensive. But after the death of relatives hired a photographer to capture for the descendants of the untimely deceased grandfather or father.

The deceased was washed, dressed in festive attire, seated at a laid table among children and grandchildren. Such a photo "for eternal memory" differed from the usual picture in one detail - the dead man's eyes were closed. Sometimes the deceased was photographed in bed, giving him the appearance of a sleeping person. Each wealthy family had its own album of such photographs, called by photographers among themselves "books of death." About the deceased, the family said: “He just blinked at the photo” or “He is sleeping.” This is where the sign that forbids taking photographs of those who have fallen asleep leads to the roots.

There is a fear that a sleeping person imprinted on photographic paper will no longer wake up. The fear of possible death acts as a taboo. People of the old generation and young mothers believe in this sign.

There are also signs associated with magical rituals. They are based on the fact that the soul of a person is vulnerable during sleep, and a photograph of a sleeping person keeps an imprint of his aura.

Basic magical superstitions:

    Photographs of people, especially infants and children under one year old, store information about the sleeping person imprinted on them. This property is used by magical sorcerers during the rituals of inducing damage from a photograph. Vulnerable in a dream, a person becomes an easy target for the evil eye, amenable to suggestion. This version is common among the adult population, so sleeping people are rarely photographed.

    Human protection during sleep weakens, so pictures of sleeping people need to be hidden from prying eyes, stored in a family photo album. When viewing photos of sleeping babies or relatives, strangers can accidentally jinx them, damage the fragile aura with a careless word. Therefore, parents do not show photos of children to strangers.

    There is a belief that photographing a sleeping person brings a quick death. In a dream, the eyes are closed, the sleeper looks like the deceased. Even worse, if the printed picture is blurry, fuzzy. This indicates a possible illness, sudden death, various troubles in life. This superstition is common among older people.

    You can take pictures of sleeping people only for home viewing, it is strictly forbidden to show photos on social networks and on forums. for fear of the evil eye. Through the Internet, people find pictures, and magical rituals are carried out even on an electronic image. It is necessary to restrict access of unauthorized persons to virtual photo albums, profile pages, protect data with passwords.

The signs associated with the rituals of the evil eye, inducing illness or damage, are based on the relationship of the image with the energy biofield of the sleeping person. During sleep, the protective field weakens, opening up the opportunity for adherents of black magic to weaken the health of the sleeping person, send him a disease, a curse, a conspiracy. Children are vulnerable in this regard, so photographing them during sleep is strongly discouraged.

Prohibition in terms of energy and religious teachings

Adherents of religious movements and scientists studying the energy fields of people put forward other versions of why a sleeping person cannot be photographed. Their explanations have the same meaning, the difference is only in names and concepts. Churchmen call the protective field of a person his soul, scientists are inclined to the phrase "energy biofield". Representatives of both teachings believe that during sleep, a person’s protection weakens, health and mental state are at risk.

A person who has fallen asleep cannot be photographed for the reason that the body of a person and his aura appear in the picture. The imprint of the soul (or energy field) carries information about the type of spiritual achievements, activities and plans for the future. Religious beliefs suggest that during sleep the soul is without the protection of a guardian angel, is an open book for evil spirits. A photograph taken at such a moment captures the subtle, defenseless spiritual matter.

Scientists studying the energy biofield supplement this explanation. If during the day the aura protects an adult or a child at a distance of at least 1 meter around him, then in a dream the protection dissipates, weakens. This phenomenon is confirmed by studies of special cameras capable of photographing the invisible aura of the biofield.

The photographs clearly show a luminous dense aura, which, when immersed in sleep, practically disappears and turns pale. This property is used by clairvoyants, white magicians and sorcerers, reading the necessary information from a photograph.

Why you can’t take pictures of sleeping people and show pictures to strangers:

    Clairvoyants and magicians get the most complete information from photographs showing people with open eyes and sleeping. The data that fell into the hands of sorcerers can change the fate of a person, allow you to jinx him through magical rituals.

    Photographs of unbaptized people during sleep are not protected by any amulets. After the ritual of Baptism, the sleeper is protected by a guardian angel, however, his protection is weakening.

    If a lot of people view the picture, the bioenergy changes in an unfavorable direction for the picture on the card. His health deteriorates with every negative comment or statement.

If the person being photographed sleeps while the photographer is working, the resulting pictures must be stored in a personal family album. It is impossible to show them to outsiders, so as not to damage the fragile biofield. It is forbidden to put on display images of sleeping children or adults, because it is very difficult to predict the reaction of others.

Psychological perspective on prohibition

Psychologists, when asked whether it is possible to photograph sleeping people, answer evasively. They do not put forward a categorical ban, but they warn of possible negative reactions. From a psychological point of view, photographing sleeping people is not recommended for the following reasons:

  • Suddenly waking up from the click of a camera or a bright flash, a person is frightened.
  • The careless sound of a shutter or footsteps will disturb sleep, wake up the sleeper, he will not get enough sleep.
  • In the photograph, the sleeping person looks like a dead man, especially if he lies on his back with arms extended along the body.
  • Sleepers often do not look aesthetically pleasing, lie in funny or strange positions, with their mouths open. It is rare for someone to then be pleased to look at unsuccessful photos and show them to others.
  • Some Islamic religions forbid photographing sleeping people.

Photos of sleeping people are rarely successful, more often they are taken by friends or relatives to save a funny, comical moment. Psychologists do not recommend showing images to friends and posting such photos on social networks. This is contrary to ethical norms, puts people in an awkward position.

Several signs are connected with the psychological aspect. Some impressionable individuals believe in the aura, the energy of the saved pictures, attach importance to the situations imprinted on them.

Here are some of the superstitions:

    In a dream, the soul leaves the body, flying away. The pictures taken at that time capture a person without a soul, so looking at the image is scary, unpleasant.

    If you keep photographs of loved ones in a conspicuous place, their bioenergetics will harm others, change fate.

    If the image is taken near destroyed houses, in scary places or in the dark, it affects the health and well-being of the person being photographed.

    If you take a picture of a sleeping pregnant woman, the baby will not be born. You can’t take photos of sleeping lovers, otherwise the young are threatened with parting. What explains such a superstition, scientists have not fully figured out, there is no evidence of this version.

    You can not burn, destroy or tear photographs, otherwise those depicted in them are in danger of misfortune. However, there is also an opposite sign. If a relative falls ill, they burn his photo, destroying the disease with fire. Versions contradict each other, but 50% of elderly parents believe in them.

    You can not store photographs of the living and the dead in one place, so as not to confuse their biofield, energy aura. Such confusion will lead to the imminent death of those depicted in the pictures.

    If a person fails in the photo, he will die soon.

To believe or not to such signs, everyone decides for himself. Psychologists say that most superstitions have no proven basis, are a relic of the past. But for your own peace of mind, it is better not to photograph sleeping people too often, especially if they are against such photo shoots.

Explanation of the ban on photographs of sleeping children

There are several reasons why you shouldn't photograph sleeping children. The main reason is connected with the belief in the energy biofield, the fragile children's aura. After the birth of a baby, the first 40 days it is forbidden to show it even to relatives and friends. After this time, the rite of Baptism of the baby is carried out so that he has a personal protector angel.

It is impossible to photograph a newborn before the date of his Baptism, until the Lord has appointed him an angel guarding peace of mind. A careless word or someone else's look, even from a photo, harms a baby. At the time of photographing the crumbs, the angel flies away from fear, so the baby remains defenseless, exposed to the forces of evil. Representatives of the older generation believe in this sign.

The second version is rooted in magical rituals and witchcraft rites. Sleeping children in the photographs do not have protection from the forces of psychics, magicians, sorcerers, they are subject to the evil eye and damage. Therefore, it is recommended to store pictures of babies in family albums, keeping them away from prying eyes.

Modern parents do not believe in this sign, posting hundreds of images of babies on social networks and forums. However, such an action can weaken the fragile health of the baby, harm his psyche. It is better not to abuse the demonstration of photos on the Internet.

A terrible sign is associated with torn or destroyed photographs. A baby in a dream closes its eyes, becomes like a dead one. If such a photograph is torn up, it attaches to the child the danger of imminent death. To believe or not to believe such a prejudice, only parents decide. Didn't receive confirmation.

Superstitions associated with the ban on photographing sleeping people have ancient origins. They were invented at a time when images were made only by artists through drawings. You should not take omens to heart, but showing family pictures to others is also not recommended. They are kept in personal albums, showing only to close family members.

Children grow and change quickly, so parents (especially if there is a first child in the family) want to stop the moment, capture almost every minute of their baby's life.

And it seems that modern technologies allow you to do this, but ... Many mothers (most often at the suggestion of their parents or grandmothers) are afraid to photograph their babies, especially if the child is sleeping sweetly. Can I take pictures of sleeping newborns? If not, why not? Bad sign! Oddly enough, but many do not even know what exactly is the popular sign regarding photographing children in a dream, but since it says “no”, then it’s better not to risk it. And it does not matter that the age of high technologies and the era of space discoveries are in the yard.

So, Can I take pictures of sleeping children? Let's discuss this issue in detail.

The sleeper won't wake up

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? The short answer "no" confuses many. But why? Usually, folk omens are associated with long-term observations of people over various phenomena and identified patterns. But there are those that appeared due to a lack of knowledge of human nature and ancient superstitions. The ban on photographing in a dream can, perhaps, be categorized as the latter.

So, for many centuries people believed that during sleep the soul leaves the body and returns to it only at the moment of awakening. While a person is sleeping, his soul allegedly visits his previous body (reincarnation). Accordingly, if you try to wake up a sleeping person, then the soul will not have time to return to his body and the person simply will not wake up.

It's the same with photography. According to this sign, while photographing the soul, due to a characteristic click when pressing the button, it may not return in time, or it may “spoil” and never return to its body. Especially for children, because they themselves, and their soul is still small and “untrained” - it still has a strong connection with the previous incarnation, and the speed of a quick return has not been “worked out”.

In this regard, the baby may not wake up at all or wake up without a soul, which is also very, very bad.

Sleep quality disorder

Inadequate sleep and, as a result, irritability and even deterioration in health. All this, according to many older people, can be the result of photographing a child in a dream.

Loss of an angel

Why can't you take pictures of a sleeping newborn baby? By analogy with the soul, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, even an angel could be “scared” by a flash and a click of a photographic shutter. And frightened, he flies away, leaving his little master without protection.

After that, the baby, of course, does not die, but begins to get sick, and misfortunes literally haunt him.

It is noteworthy that in Christianity there are no prohibitions on photographing, even in a dream, even while awake. And the fact that an angel can leave his little client because of the click of a camera is also highly doubted here.

But in Islam there is a ban on photography. But it is completely unrelated to various kinds of prejudices and objects. It's just that in Islam it is forbidden to draw portraits, moreover, a taboo is imposed on all images of living beings.

"Stolen Destiny"

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? Answers have been sought since ancient times. And now there are so many of them that it is difficult to figure out what is true and what is fiction. Among the superstitions, one can also hear such that, by photographing a sleeping child, health and fate are stolen from him. The more shots, the bigger the “theft” is. This is especially true for newborn unbaptized children who still do not have any protection, who cannot withstand external negative influences.

By the way, it was forbidden to photograph unbaptized children not only in a dream, but also at any other time. The rite of baptism took place on the 40th day after birth, when the mother was allowed to attend church.

But even after that, the older, wiser generation forbade inviting strangers into the house - photographers, so that they would not steal the fate of the baby.

Damage, evil eye and other troubles

Another interpretation of the sign about the prohibition of photographing sleeping children is that with the help of the resulting picture, the baby can be easily jinxed, spoiled, etc.

It is no secret that many fortune-tellers, shamans and sorcerers use photographs for their rituals. It is believed that a photograph carries not only visual, but also deeper information about a person, keeps an imprint of his aura. At the same time, the aura of children is clean, bright, but absolutely defenseless - easy prey for various sorcerers and magicians. Therefore, even a novice sorcerer can damage him from a photograph of a sleeping child.

In general, any person, even the closest one, who looked at a child's photo, can jinx a child.

By the way, for this reason, according to popular signs, it is impossible not only to photograph sleeping people, but also to show children's photographs to strangers in general. And you can’t throw away or burn photos, as this can also negatively affect the fragile children’s aura.

Hypnos and Thanatos - twin brothers

In ancient Greek mythology, the god of death Thanatos and the god of sleep Hypnos were twin brothers. Yes, and the Slavs for a long time believed that sleep and death are very similar and have a number of similar features. And the deceased person is very similar to the sleeping one (the same closed eyes, the same real estate).

In this regard, it was believed that photographing a child in a dream brings his death closer. Especially if the picture is blurry. Such indistinctness was considered evidence of some hidden fatal illness, the approach of trouble and a speedy death.

Where do legs grow from?

To believe or not to believe in all these superstitions is everyone's business. But still, it is interesting what caused such a negative attitude towards photographing in a dream.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children and adults? Many researchers are sure that these prejudices began almost immediately after the invention of the camera - in the 19th century. Photography in those days was very expensive. And as a rule, only rich people ordered pictures, and only at the very last moment - when a loved one died.

Moreover, the deceased was not just photographed for memory, but arranged a real photo shoot. Adults were dressed in the most beautiful outfits, seated on a chair or even at a table, toys, books, etc. were laid out around the children.

Often living family members were photographed next to the deceased. In the photo, it seemed that the person was just sleeping, but still the impression was eerie. However, this did not prevent the creation of entire albums with photographs of deceased relatives, which were replenished with each new deceased. Almost every family had its own "book of the dead."

Subsequently, on the closed eyelids of the deceased, some painted pupils, and the impression was created that the person was alive. But even in black-and-white photos of that time, his deathly pallor was visible, which made the picture downright ominous and scary.

A similar custom has been widespread for a long time in European countries and on the American continent.

As time went on, the fashion for photographing the dead was becoming a thing of the past, and instead, prejudices began to appear about the ban on taking pictures of sleeping people.

And again the ancient Greeks, or From the depths of centuries

According to another theory, the ban on depicting sleeping people is much older and has its roots in ancient Greece. All because of the same twin brothers Hypnos and Thanatos, ancient artists never painted portraits of sleeping people - this was one of the main taboos that no one dared to break.

The Greeks believed that paintings depicting sleeping people would bring misfortune, ruin, separation, illness of loved ones and even death to the house.

Perhaps later this ban was simply smoothly adapted to new realities and moved from portraits to photographs.

What is it really?

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping children? Signs are one thing, and modern scientists and simply educated people consider all folk signs regarding photographing in a dream to be ordinary fiction and do not take them seriously.

At the same time, many of them do not deny that there are a number of reasons why photographing a sleeping baby is still not worth it. Among the most important:

  1. In a dream, little children are relaxed, but at the same time they sleep quite sensitively and can wake up from any sharp, even quiet, sound or bright light from a flash. And not just wake up, but also get scared, which can provoke a number of problems from hysteria to real phobias, which young parents certainly do not need.
  2. Even serious scientists have come to the conclusion that an outbreak can affect the quality of a baby's sleep. Of course, this does not mean at all that because of a couple of shots taken by mom or dad to capture their baby sweetly sniffing in the crib, the child will certainly not get enough sleep. Not! But serious changes can really occur in his biorhythms.
  3. Another argument "against" is a bright flash, especially at night. The light flux has a negative effect on the vision of the child. At the same time, closed eyelids do not reduce this effect at all.

You can if you are careful enough

Summing up, we can say that it is, of course, possible to photograph a baby sleeping, but with extreme caution. It is even better to capture the child during his wakefulness: when he collects his first pyramid, takes his first steps or tries to bring a spoonful of porridge to his mouth. And then all the important moments of the baby will be captured for history and all this is absolutely without harm to his health. As well as souls, auras and a guardian angel.

If you ask photographers if you can photograph sleeping people, then nine out of ten will answer that this is not recommended. At the same time, not everyone will be able to explain why it is impossible to do this. They've heard about it somewhere, it's a word of mouth superstition, a bad omen. Let's see what lies behind these prejudices and find the answer for ourselves.

No one remembers when and why people began to believe that it was impossible to photograph sleeping people. In the 19th century, when photography was in its infancy, most families could not afford this luxury. The purpose of the photographs was to leave a piece of myself and some kind of reminder to the descendants. In those distant times, people began to capture the dead. Only here such photos differed from today's. The deceased was dressed in the best outfit, seated on a chair or at a table with relatives and photographed as if he were alive.

When asked why the eyes were closed, they usually answered: “I blinked, but it’s very expensive to retake the picture.” Wealthy families even had special albums with photographs, which depicted relatives who had passed away at the time of photographing.

At that time photography became almost an association with the word "death". Much later, at the beginning of the 20th century, photographing sleeping people began to be considered a bad omen. After all, the person in such a photo will also have his eyes closed. People began to believe that a photograph of a sleeping person could bring the day of his death closer or bring illness to him.

People also believed that if you put a photograph of a sleeping person near his head in a coffin, then the soul of the deceased will turn into a photograph and will live in it forever.

Once, in a village, a woman in labor and a baby died during childbirth. To keep them in memory, the head of the family ordered their photograph with him. Less than a week after the funeral, he died of an unknown cause. Superstitious people began to believe that two biofields, the living and the dead, mixed up in the photograph. Since two dead people were captured in the photograph, their biofield won.

There was also another story. An old woman died in the village. When her son arrived at the funeral, he asked to take a picture of his mother, as if she were sitting at the table with him alive. When the woman was photographed, she woke up from the flash of the camera. It turned out that she fell into a lethargic sleep, and during the flash of consecration, she came to her senses. After this incident, for several years they again began to photograph the dead in hope. Hoping they will come to life. But history did not know a second case.

Can sleeping children be photographed?

People at all times believed that there is always a guardian angel next to a person. For the first forty days of life, it is customary not to show babies to any stranger until baptism has passed. At the time of baptism, it was believed that the child acquires his guardian angel. Until the rite of baptism was completed, the children were not photographed at all. Now, in almost every family, parents try to capture both the moment of discharge from the hospital and the first days of the child.

Well, how not to photograph the cute face of a baby while sleeping? But after all, when a child has not yet been baptized, the guardian angel cannot protect him from evil. People also believed that small children in a dream can play with their angel and at that moment they are not protected. Representatives of the older generation believed that at the moment of photographing a child, his guardian angel flies away from fear. Therefore, the baby is left without protection and is exposed to the forces of evil.

There is another version. It was believed that the sleeping children in the photographs do not have protection from the forces of sorcerers and are more prone to damage and the evil eye than other people. From here, pictures of children were recommended to be stored in family albums and kept away from prying eyes.
Nowadays, parents do not believe in this sign and post photos of babies and sleeping babies, and newborns on social networks.
There is a sign about the damage to the photograph with the image of a sleeping child. The baby in a dream is with his eyes closed, becoming like a dead one. If you spoil, tear or burn such a photo, then you can call trouble on the child. To believe or not to believe this kind of prejudice, of course, only parents decide. But it is always better to foresee the onset of danger than to deal with it later.

Why can't photos with a sleeping person be shown to outsiders?

On the one hand, if you can’t photograph sleeping people, then, accordingly, you can’t show such photographs either. But what if there are such photos and they are part of a family album? Many magicians, fortune-tellers and clairvoyants promise to carry out all sorts of rituals based on photographs. At the same time, people at all times believed that a sleeping person is the most vulnerable. This means that a ceremony performed with a photograph of a sleeping person will bring the greatest efficiency. When people look at pictures, their thoughts are mostly out of control. Thinking badly about a person, you can call trouble on him. Once upon a time, people believed that you could even jinx it from a photograph. Some hold this view even today. Old women in villages, when looking at photo albums, can often tell what the future holds for a person. Or, having nothing bad in your thoughts, somehow think wrong about a person. And as you know, thoughts can come true. Therefore, it is not recommended to be taken lightly and photograph sleeping people. In order not to invite trouble on them, you should not show such photos to strangers. After all, a person in a dream is weak and not protected, which means that such a photograph may be most susceptible to the evil eye.

What superstitions about photographing sleeping people can be found?

  • The human soul is not always in the body, during sleep it flies away. If you take a picture of a person sleeping, then the photograph captures the body without a soul. And there is no soul only in the dead.
  • Any look at a photograph can change the fate of a person. When looking at a photograph of a sleeping person, something bad can happen to him. Often people do not think when looking at a photo they say that a person has something better than others, how strong and beautiful he is. But in this way they can deprive him of precisely this distinctive feature.
  • If the photo was taken in a dark room, in a destroyed building, or next to dead people, then it may not have the best effect on the health and well-being of the person being photographed.
  • Pregnant women love to be photographed. Moreover, if you photograph a sleeping woman in a position, then the child will not be born. This statement is not supported by any medical facts, but pregnant women are the most superstitious.
  • You can not tear photos of people, spoil them. Otherwise, the people who are depicted on them cannot escape death or deterioration in health. However, there is another side to this assertion. Many people believe that if you burn a photograph of a person who is suffering from an illness, the illness will go away, because it will be burned by fire.
  • If the sleeping person turned out to be fuzzy in the photo, then he will die soon.

There is also another side of the coin. A long time ago, people performed various kinds of rituals, piercing a person’s eyes in a photograph. At the same time, it was believed that closed eyes could not be pierced. So the person will be protected. In houses where this was believed, people in the photographs deliberately closed their eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Superstitions associated with the ban on photographing sleeping people are rooted in the distant past. True or false - everyone decides for himself. But it is better not to test them for yourself and avoid photographing while sleeping.

Ecology of knowledge: Although the superstition is very old, and no one knows exactly when the sign that it is impossible to photograph sleeping people entered our modern world. But maybe because of some events and coincidences, this superstition appeared.

Why not take pictures of people who are sleeping?

It is the 21st century, the century of advanced technologies, when all modern houses have everything you need for a comfortable and wonderful life. Starting from electricity, plumbing with cold and hot water, gas pipelines, heating, all kinds of kitchen gadgets, cars, and for fast movement from one point of the planet to another - airplanes. Of all this, our ancestors had nothing. But superstitions continue to replenish our lives. Strange, but true! A man from time immemorial believes in mysticism and otherworldly forces. It has already been said why newborn babies are not shown until 40 days, or why they don’t give watches, now it’s the turn to talk about Why you shouldn't take pictures of people while they sleep.

Although the superstition is very old, and no one knows when this sign entered our modern world. But maybe because of some events and coincidences, this superstition appeared.

photo: mariafriberg.com

Priority Prohibitions

  1. According to the theory, the picture contains all the information about the photographed subscriber. Therefore, any psychics can read all the information from a photo about a person. Using a photograph to induce damage with the help of magic. Adults are more protected from the evil eye, but for young children this is a great danger. Therefore, children's photos should be removed from other people's prying eyes, children's pictures should not be given even to the closest people, and even more so, photos should not be put on various social networks for everyone to see. After all, it is easy to print a photo of interest to someone from the site.
  2. It is believed that the superstitions of our ancestors from distant centuries, and survived to this day, that when a person sleeps, the soul leaves the body. A person at this time becomes much more defenseless in the face of all kinds of evil spirits and magic. It is also believed that during sleep, it is dangerous to scream or scare, a person should wake up gradually so that the soul has time to return to the body. Otherwise, death in a dream may occur. Maybe this is an exaggeration, but from a sudden awakening, you can remain a stutterer for the rest of your life, or you can have a heart attack or stroke. Imagine, deep night, silence, someone is fast asleep and suddenly a bright flash, a person can be very scared, not understanding what is happening, at such a time a person can lose his mind.
  3. The first cameras appeared in Europe in the 19th century, they cost a lot of money, of course, only a few could acquire such a luxury. Based on this, the cost of one photo was very high, only wealthy people could afford it. Losing a close relative, rich people found a way for a relative or close person who had gone to another world to remain in their memories anyway. For this purpose, the deceased was washed, dressed in expensive clothes and photographs were taken. There are photographs in which the deceased is sitting at a table with his relatives. Looking at such a photo, it is impossible to determine that a deceased person is depicted in the photograph along with living people. For our time, these are creepy pictures that cause mixed feelings, but for that era, they are in the order of things.
  4. A photograph of a sleeping person does not look hygienic. Indeed, in a dream, a person does not control his behavior and movement. In sleep mode, a person spins, changing body position, some people drool, hair is most often disheveled, it even happens that a person sleeps with his mouth open. Who would want to have such photos as a keepsake? Or in our time, to see your own photo on the pages of social networks? Therefore, before taking such a picture, ask until the person has gone to bed if he will be against taking a picture of him sleeping.

photo: www.rossoanticoaperitivo.it

Can adults and children be photographed while sleeping?

Everyone has different opinions on this. An adult, as was written above, can be scared by his act. If you want to take a picture of a person you do not know, he may not allow you to take a picture, and if this has already happened, then he has the right to force you to delete the picture.

If we are talking about kids, then permission to take a photo should be asked from the parents of the child. Nowadays, the service of a photo session of a baby, for a moderate fee, is very popular. And many parents enjoy shooting. As practice shows, nothing bad happens to kids after photo services.

There is an opinion among the people that it is not necessary to photograph a child during sleep. That when you photograph a baby who is sleeping soundly and sweetly, then from a bright flash his Guardian Angel is frightened, offended and leaves the child forever. This leads to serious ailments of the baby.

Another opinion is more realistic - the baby can be very scared, because of every sharp sound he will startle and show anxiety. Just imagine, the child sleeps soundly and sweetly. You decide to take a photo for memory, scare the child with a blinding flash, waking up, he does not understand what happened, he starts hysterical with a wild cry. You cannot calm him down and explain that it is you, and you just took a picture of him. Would you like this for your baby? Therefore, think ten times what this can lead to, your dear, what do you think is fun.

Some photographers find that sleeping babies are easier to photograph, here are the reasons why:

  • First, if you approach this issue correctly, carefully prepare everything, you will get original and interesting photographs. Even better, if this is done by someone your child knows. But at the same time, he is a true professional. Even if the child wakes up, so that he is not afraid of someone else's uncle.
  • Secondly, the pictures of sleeping kids are incredibly beautiful, look amazing and carefree gentle.
  • Thirdly, the photo session will take its rightful place in the baby's album, when the child grows up, it will be nice to look at photos with him from birth to the day at which he is. Of course, even at the age of 20, 30, interest in your childhood photos will appear. Then your child and grandchildren will have something to show.

And finally, although it is believed that taking a photo when the child is fast asleep is not recommended. Superstitions say that it brings trouble, the evil eye, spoilage and illness, but in fact, photos bring joy, and memory remains for posterity. How many people, so many opinions. Each person makes his own choice. published

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