Class hour "Health is the only treasure." Class hour "Secrets of health Physiology healthy lifestyle class hour

Goals: To form a stable rejection of students of alcohol, drug addiction, smoking. Promote a healthy lifestyle.

The form: Competitive program.

Members: Class students, teacher.

Preparatory stage: In preparation for the class hour, you can prepare a photo exhibition “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “The world of my hobbies”, “Healthy children should be on the planet”, etc., as well as invite students to answer questions from an anonymous questionnaire that will help the teacher to determine their attitude to the problem under discussion.

Opposite the statement with which the students agree, it is necessary to put the sign "+", disagree - the sign "-".

Alcohol. Cigarettes. Drugs:

Raise the mood.

They give confidence.

Promote communication.

Get rid of boredom.

They lose control over their actions.

Shorten life.

They lead to severe illness.

Weaken offspring.

They harm the family, society, the state.

They give a feeling of freedom.

Helps grow up.

It is also necessary to select a jury, which may include a biology teacher, a psychologist, parents or students from other classes.

Class hour progress

Given that high school students have some information about the harmfulness of bad habits to human health, the teacher invites them to explain for themselves what is the relevance of the topic of the class hour.

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular among young people, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he treats himself, his future.

You can discuss the problem in groups. After the discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

To give up smoking.

Refusal of alcoholic beverages.

Refusal of drugs.

Physical education and sports, physical activity.

Social poster competition on the topic “No to bad habits!”

Poster Evaluation Criteria:

The relevance and importance of the depicted situation within the framework of a given topic.

Correspondence of the text to the depicted situation.

Conciseness and literacy of the text.

The composition of the poster.

The quality of the poster.

The jury has the right to reward originality in the approach to the competitive work with additional points.

Erudite Competition

1. A.P. Chekhov said: "Kissing a woman who smokes is the same as..." (...kissing an ashtray).

2. One of the fire safety rules in Bulgarian sounds like this: “Do not push into legloto!” Translate it into Russian. (Do not smoke in bed.)

3. What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the torpor drive? (A drug addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction.)

4. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city for the first time in the world adopted the most stringent smoking law prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a $1,000 fine. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York.)

5. Finish the English proverb: "The smoker lets in his mouth the enemy who kidnaps ...". (Brain.)

6. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth, these are natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water.)

Competition "The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to give the most convincing argument in the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Information lecture

1. Components of a healthy lifestyle

a) Proper breathing.

It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is cleaned, warmed, moistened. In health gymnastics called “yoga”, it is commonly believed that “one generation of properly breathing people will revive humanity and make disease so rare that they will be looked upon as something extraordinary.”

Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b) Rational nutrition.

Well-known Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: "Change the food of a person, and the whole person will gradually change." Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food, diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a large consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is the ally of nature,” said the ancient Greek physician, the father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, food should be moderate, but varied and complete.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are the products that increase the vital activity of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from fine flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, fried potatoes are deprived of most of the biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that foods that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and colors are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

c) Motor activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

It should be added that the components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. There can be no health without exercise. “If you don’t run while you are healthy, you will have to run when you are sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and affordable sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness.

Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, longing, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect those around you from them.

2. Factors that negatively affect human health

a) Tobacco smoking.

It is often referred to as bad habits, but this is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical addiction. According to world statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely among smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. can cause cancer. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210.

Smoking is especially detrimental to a woman's body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, then the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman is often sick. If a woman smokes during breastfeeding, then the child becomes weak, painful, lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is in adolescence that an organism is finally formed, which should serve all its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker, but also for the people around him. The so-called "passive smoking", when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

b) Alcoholism.

"Alcoholism does more havoc than three historical scourges put together: famine, plague, war."

W. Gladstone

In ancient times, people got acquainted with the unusual amusing effect of certain drinks. The most ordinary milk, honey, fruit juices, standing in the sun, not only changed their appearance, taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, well-being. People did not immediately notice that the next day a person pays with a headache, weakness, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what a terrible enemy they had acquired.

The main constituent of most alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol. Taken inside, after 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. Alcohol is a poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it robs tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disturbed, and this can lead to serious illnesses. The fastest and most destructive effect of alcohol is on brain cells, the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is reborn.

The blood vessels under the influence of alcohol first dilate, and the blood saturated with alcohol rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunk person comes from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, there comes a sharp weakening of the processes of inhibition. The cortex ceases to control the work of the (lower) subcortical regions of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say and would not do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely lightly ... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and induce more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by upbringing, decency skills, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, ceases to be careful. It is not for nothing that they say: "What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunkard has on his tongue."

Beer is not as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from a useful product - barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all the beneficial components, so there is little benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer correspond to 60-80 grams of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of drinking beer regularly and a lot. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer drinkers quickly get fat.

c) drug addiction.

Often the first step to drugs is taken out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs in this way. Drug addiction is formed very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. From psychological addiction to physical dependence takes only 2-3 months.

Narcotic substances have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, the protective functions of the body are sharply reduced. A defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstone and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur.

All types of metabolism are disturbed: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.

Open class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle"

Goals : expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle;

to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value; encourage children to follow healthy lifestyle habits; to promote instilling in children a sense of responsibility for their own health, the health of the family and society.


  1. Mini-lecture "What is health?"
  2. Compilation of the table "Healthy lifestyle"
  3. Speech by students on the topic "Bad habits"
  4. Game "Lucky chance"
  5. Final word.
  6. Summarizing.

The course of the classroom.

  1. Interactive conversation "What we have, we do not store, having lost, we cry"

The theme of our class hour is a healthy lifestyle.

Every adult will tell you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason, modern youth names money, career, love, fame among the main values, and puts health only in 7-8 place.

A wise proverb says: “What we have, we do not store, having lost, we cry.” What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?

We know how to keep money, how to save things. Do you know how to keep healthy?

Today we will talk about what needs to be done in order not to regret the lost health.

2. Mini-lecture "What is health?"

So today we are talking about health. For many years, health was understood as the absence of disease and physical infirmity. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.

physical healthis the state of proper functioning of the whole organism. If a person is physically healthy, then he can do all his current duties without undue fatigue. He has enough energy to succeed in school and do all the necessary things at home.

mental healthmanifests itself in the fact that a person is pleased with himself, likes himself the way he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. To maintain mental health, you need to relax, get new experiences, communicate with friends.

social healthmanifested in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect the rights of others and can defend their own. They maintain good relations with relatives, know how to make new friends, know how to express their needs and needs so that they become clear to others.

Only a person who possesses all three types of health can be called healthy.

  1. Drawing up a table "Healthy image of a person"

So, health is a great value, but many begin to understand this when they get sick. Scientists say that the human body is designed for 150-200 years of life. And now people live 2-3 times less in our country. What prevents people from living long?

The main thing for health is the ability of a person to work on himself, on his health. All scientists agree on one thing: to be healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, we will find out when compiling the table. I will guess 5 riddles, each of which is a health factor.

1. Uniform alternation of work and rest during the day. (Daily regime)

2. Constant training of one's physical endurance, resistance to cold, to diseases. (Hardening)

3. Measures aimed at maintaining cleanliness and health. (Hygiene)

4. The order of eating, its nature and quantity (Proper nutrition)

5. Active actions in which different muscle groups participate. (Movement, sports)

So, what have we got. What makes up a healthy lifestyle that gives a person health and longevity?

I propose to add one more item to this list - the absence of bad habits. You agree with me?

Indeed, a person can fulfill all the points of a healthy lifestyle, but one bad habit, for example, smoking or alcoholism, will nullify all his efforts. What other bad habits does a person have? Let's listen to our classmates.

4.Speech by students on the topic "Bad habits"

Smoking, Alcoholism, Addiction , Gambling , foul language.

These bad habits can ruin a person's health, cause enormous harm to the body.

5. The game "Lucky chance"

I have prepared a game for you. We have 2 teams in the game.

1 round. "Yes, no, I don't know»

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? Yes

1. Is it true that lack of sun makes people depressed? Yes

2. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? Not

2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? No

3. Is it true that chocolate bars are in the top 5 most unhealthy foods? Yes

3. Is it true that you should drink 2 glasses of milk every day? Yes

4 Is it true that bananas cheer you up? Yes

4 Is it true that sugary drinks are in the top 5 most unhealthy foods? Yes

5. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die each year from smoking? Yes

5. Is it true that a minute of laughter equals 45 minutes of passive rest? Yes

6. Is it possible that carrots slow down the aging process? Yes

6. Do you agree that stress is good for health? Not

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? Not

7. Do you agree that potato chips are good for health? Not

8.Is quitting smoking easy? No.

8 Is it true that you can become a drug addict from one injection? Yes

9.Is it true that most people don't smoke? Yes

9.Is it true that a young growing body needs 30 kinds of various products every week? Yes

10. Is it true that "owls" like to work in the morning? No

10. Is it true that sausages are good for health? No

Round 2 "Troubles from a barrel»

1. Name a houseplant that: firstly, is edible - you can put 1-2 leaves in a salad or eat it just like that, without seasonings; secondly, it heals the throat, vocal cords, heals wounds, and its juice improves digestion (kalanchoe)

2. What medicinal animal was promoted by Duremar - the character of the fairy tale by Alexei Tolstoy? (Medical leech. They suck blood, lower blood pressure, produce hirudin, which prevents blood clotting)

3. Why is it impossible to pick berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants along highways? (They accumulate harmful substances)

4. In the Arctic and Antarctica, despite the cold, people rarely get colds, and in the middle lane - often. Why? (The air there is practically sterile, since pathogenic bacteria and viruses die. In the middle lane, there are many viruses in the air that cause diseases)

6. Final word.

Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Our health is influenced by many factors: climate, politics, economics, and much more. Something we cannot change. But a lot depends on us. To be healthy, to live happily ever after, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is for everyone


Tobacco smoking originated in ancient times. Having landed on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw natives who held bundles of smoking grass in their mouths.
Tobacco came to France from Spain, it was brought by Ambassador Jean Nicot as a gift to Queen Catherine de Medici. From the name "Nico" came the word "nicotine".


  • In China, a student caught smoking is in for a grueling punishment - training on a stationary bike;
  • At the end of the 16th century in England, they were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouths were put up in the square;
  • In Turkey, smokers were impaled;
  • During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking was punishable by death. Everyone who has tobacco found “should be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until he confesses where he got it from ...”

In our humane society there are no such punishments, but tobacco smoking is equated with drug addiction. Thanks to nicotine, a person experiences a kind of euphoric state and a decline in hunger. Either way, this is an anomaly. Let's think about such a terrible figure: smoking and the diseases caused by it annually cause the death of at least one million citizens of our country.

According to the World Health Organization, 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% from chronic bronchitis and 25% from coronary heart disease are due to smoking. Smoking negatively affects:

to the nervous system

Adrenal medulla

Arterial pressure

respiratory center


Malnutrition of the subcutaneous vessels leads to premature aging and yellowing of the skin of the face. The mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi becomes inflamed. Mucus builds up in the lungs, resulting in a persistent cough. Immunity in smokers is weakened.

Since teenagers have not yet developed lungs, they are especially affected by smoking. In young smokers, the process of memorization and attention deteriorate. Violated performance, vision, hearing, smell.


Chronic disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages. Manifested by physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system. Often there are alcoholic psychoses.

There is a myth thatmoderate consumption the amount of alcoholic beverages does not cause serious physical and psychological problems and is even beneficial to health. But often even moderate drinking ends in the development of alcoholism.

Drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous for children and teenagers. Children's alcoholism develops much faster than an adult. The liver of a teenager decomposes faster than that of an adult. The development of the organism stops, memory, vision, and the state of the whole organism as a whole deteriorate. The risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension is increasing.

How is alcoholism treated?

The first step to treatment for an alcoholic is admitting that they have an alcohol addiction problem. The next step is to get help from a public or private facility that specializes in the treatment of alcoholism.


The official statistics regarding drug addiction are very alarming. Over the past 6 years, the prevalence of drug addiction among adolescents has increased 10 times. The term "drug addiction" itself is associated with the concept of "drug" (from the Greek narkotikos - sleepy).

According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting of a strong desire to take a certain substance at the expense of other activities and the persistence of using the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of "addiction".

Speaking of drug addiction, we mean substances that form a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, at present, the term "narcotic substance" (drug) is used in relation to those poisons or substances that can cause euphoric, hypnotic, analgesic or stimulant effects..

A novice drug addict simply does not have a thought about harm, but there is an idea that he can apply all his efforts, gather all his will into a fist and quit this addiction when he wants to. However, this is the biggest mistake.

The harm of drug addiction does not reveal itself spontaneously. Initially, in the early stages, it seems to a person that all the “tales” about danger are too hypertrophied, while in fact the brain is in a pleasant prostration, and the body is as if in weightlessness. Such a belief is so firmly fixed in the mind of a drug addict that he does not listen to all the reasonable arguments of loved ones and doctors.


the form psychological dependence , manifested in obsessive infatuation

Computer games are often the object of criticism. A number of scientists believe that they are addictive, along with alcohol and drugs, although such claims are largely controversial. Many people are fond of computer games, but not everyone becomes a gamer.

Causes and symptoms of gambling

Among the main reasons for the development of gambling addiction are:

  • lack of bright moments in real life;
  • unformed psyche (fixation in childhood or adolescence);

The following symptoms indicate the presence of gambling addiction:

  • the unwillingness of an addicted person to be distracted from a computer game, the appearance of pronounced irritation with a forced removal from the game, an emotional upsurge is observed when the computer game is resumed;
  • inability to predict the end time of a computer session, postponing this moment for a long time;
  • constant conversations of an addicted person about his favorite computer game;
  • lack of interest in food (taking any food without leaving the computer);
  • irrational day regimen, reduction of time for sleep in order to lengthen the computer session;
  • forgetting about official, household chores, lack of interest in them;
  • neglect of personal hygiene.

Foul language

Foul language is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable expressions, obscene language, etc.

In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a group of peers, speech fashion. Sometimes this is an imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because to discover weakness and insecurity at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, teenagers try to hurt their parents with swear words, to shock them, to piss them off in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

Swearing is not only a set of obscenities. Such vocabulary testifies to the spiritual illness of a person. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds expressing an idea. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: "What a man is, such is his speech"

Target: formation of a healthy lifestyle.

  • help students think about the need to be healthy, familiarizing themselves with a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop creative abilities, memory, attention, cognitive interest;
  • educate students to take responsibility for their own health.

Lesson progress

Teacher: Read the topic of our lesson. (slide number 1)
What are we going to talk about today?
Today we will think about what you need to do to be healthy.

Teacher: What do you see on the slide? (Slide #2)
What kind of work can be done with these letters?
- You have exactly the same letters on the tables. Make a word out of these letters. Let's check what happened.

You have sheets on the tables. Write down a few phrases that come to your mind, you can write down the most fantastic, implausible. (D. write down their thoughts)
- Voice your notes.
- And now let's read the meaning of this word in Ozhegov's dictionary. (Slide #3)
What value are we working on today?
- And now let's get acquainted with the thoughts of some prominent people. How do they understand what health is?
(Slide number 4)

“Health is the only treasure! (Montaigne)
- Think about this statement.
(Slide number 5)

“When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, strength does not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless” (Herodotus)
- Explain this statement.
Teacher: What is the difference between a healthy person and a sick person?
Students give a variety of answers
Teacher: I think that, first of all, with my mood, since a sick person is oppressed by his condition and thinks only about how to get rid of his illness.
Teacher Q: Do you get sick often?
- Guys, you know that medical workers annually examine children at school. Why do you think they do it?
- Of course, in order to assess the state of your health and prevent the development of diseases. The matter is that doctors assert, that recently health of children began to worsen sharply. Today, 1 student out of 10 is perfectly healthy. And the remaining 9 children have any diseases.
- Let's get acquainted with the results of the test that I conducted among you “What is your health?
(See slide number 6)
- What can be the conclusion? Is everything healthy

- But the ancient Greeks, for example, were a little sick and lived long. Why were they so lucky? And everything is very simple: they ate vegetable food, ate little meat, did not know tobacco at all, drank wine only after 30 years, and then diluted and in small quantities. But the most important thing is that from early childhood to old age they were engaged in hardening their body and were tirelessly in motion. The children of the ancient Greeks spent half a day in the gymnasium in the sciences, and half a day in physical education. Everyone took care of their health from an early age.
- Guys, what does human health depend on?

Teacher: Yes, it depends on many factors, for example, on the state of the environment, nature, on human nutrition, but to a greater extent, on himself, on the lifestyle that the person himself leads. Now N will read you a poem, and you will try to answer the question posed in it.
student reads a poem

The little son came to his father, and asked the little one:
"What is good and what is bad?"
If you do exercises, if you eat salad,
And you don't like chocolate
Then you will find a treasure of health.
If you don’t want to wash your ears and you don’t go to the pool.
You are friends with a cigarette - you will not find health.
You need to practice in the mornings and evenings.
Wash, temper, boldly engage in sports,
Try to be healthy. This is just what we need!
Teacher: So guys, based on this poem, what is good and what is bad in relation to a healthy lifestyle? Students give a variety of answers.
Teacher: I want to introduce you to the results of another survey on the topic “Do you care about the interviewed person. The results are on the board.
(See slide number 7)
Teacher: Guys, what is the conclusion
Fizkultminutka.(stress relief exercises, slide number 8)
We raise the bar from the floor,
Hold tight and throw.
Our muscles are not tired
And they became even stronger.
"Curious Barabara"
Curious Barabara
Looking left, looking right
And then forward again
Get some rest here.

And Barbara looks up
Higher up, further up.

The neck is not tense and relaxed.
Now look down
Neck muscles tensed.
Comes back, relaxation is nice.
The neck is not tense and relaxed.
"Wooden Rag Doll"
Wooden doll (we depict a motionless wooden doll)
Rag doll (relax muscles)
Teacher: At the lesson of the world around you, you worked with the text "Healthy lifestyle".
Let's remember this text.
- If the information in the text is familiar to you, then you ticked the box,
If it’s new, then “plus”, if you think about it, then “question”.
Now let's fill in the table. (Slide number 9)

- It turns out that you know the rules of a healthy lifestyle? This is good!
- Do you always do them? Why don't you do them?
- A fairy tale will help us understand this issue.
Well-prepared students read the fairy tale in advance.
“Once Masha woke up at night because something was tickling in her throat. She opened her mouth - little people began to jump out of her mouth one by one. Jump-jump and to Masha on the stomach.
- Come on, shoo from my stomach, - shouted Masha, - my stomach. I won't let him trample!
So we are yours, - the little men squeaked
- How are mine? - Masha was indignant, - I don’t I know.
“But look at me carefully,” said one little man, “I am your
Angry. When you are angry with your mother, it is I who control your thoughts, you by the tongue I pull, I say words ...
- And I am your Boyalka. When you don’t want to fall asleep alone, you crawl into bed with your mother, I am commanding you.
- And we, twin sisters, we are nowhere without each other, - somehow nasty two little men with gloomy muzzles sang in a voice.
“I don’t like you very much,” whispered Masha.
- Well, you're not right. you say. On the contrary, you love us very much and often call for help. Because they call us Kaprizulka and Nasheyumamesadilka. Remember how you love to show off and love your mother force you to do what you want. And your face is the same as ours always happens when you have to get ready for school, go to bed... When else?
- Tired of all! squealed Masha.
- I never get angry, I'm not afraid, I'm not capricious, I don’t command my mother, on the contrary, I do the opposite!
“At least she confessed honestly here,” the little man resembling a hedgehog sighed.
- I, On the contrary, almost always with you, we are good friends.
Couldn't do anything answer Masha, she cried loudly.
- No one loves me, no one pities me.
And then I heard a voice sarcastically affectionate;
- I'm sorry, you don't have to do anything. The bed was not made. Don't solve problems. Do not write the exercise. Better be lazy more often. You will be healthier.
Masha opened her mouth in surprise, and some more little men fell out of it.
Cheerful people. They dance. They sing. Rejoice.
- We are parts of our Masha Hostess.
I am Dobrushka-Laughter.
I am StarletHelper.
ISweetie Lover.
Masha smiled at this and said:
- Yes, I see, all of you are my little men. But with someone I meet more often, and with someone I meet less often.
So let me take you to someone closer to me, someonethen I'll put it on.
You, Boyalka, stand by the wall, I'm only afraid in the evenings.
And here you are, Lenyuchka, stand next to me, I’m too lazy to do my homework at home, and sometimes at school I don’t write in class I want to.
And you, Lyublyushka-Prilaskushka, stand nearby. I love my mom, teacher I love my class."
Our Masha arranged her little men, arranged and thought:
- Yes, you are mine. man, that's right.
My boyalka and Conversely mine.
My caprice and My Dobrushka.
I am not my Boyalka - I am not always afraid.
I am not my Lenyuchka - I am not always lazy.
I don't eat and LaughingI don't always laugh.
And not any Zlyuchka - I'm not always angry.
Who am I?
And I am I.
A Boyalka and Dobrushka
Kaprizulka and Lyublyushka
These are all my friends
But I'm in charge here
I'm Masha,
I am human.
I am an inhabitant of the planet Earth.
- What did the fairy tale teach you?
- What will help us get rid of negative character traits? (The ability to manage yourself)
- What conclusion can be drawn?
Conclusion: To live according to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, you must be able to manage yourself.
(Slide number 10)

Teacher: Imagine that exactly the same thing happened to you.
- Think, what would your little men be called? Try and you arrange your little men in relation to yourself. Some are close, some are further, and some are far away.
Practical work of children.
(The guys have cards and circles. They do practical work)

Exhibition of works.
Micro-withdrawal: What was the purpose of doing this work? (To identify negative qualities in yourself and get rid of them.)
- And what health factors help us get rid of the negative qualities of character? Let's remember them by listening to the children's poems and make a cluster?
(Slide number 11)

Student 1.

So that you are not frail, lethargic,
Didn't lie under the covers
Didn't get sick and was fine
Do exercises every day!
Forget the TV
March to the street for a walk -
It's better for health
Breathe fresh air.
No bad mood!
Don't be sad, don't whine, don't cry!
May you always be helped
Skis, jump ropes and a ball!
Even if you don't become an athlete,
This right does not matter -
A healthy mind in a healthy body
May it always be present! (Movement, sports)

Student 2.

No - to diseases, no - to infection,
I drink a vitamin complex!
Heal our ailments
Delicious, children's “Complivit”
There are calcium and iron
So good for health!
Both in winter and warm summer
Vegetables and fruits, eat everything.
After all, they often say:
“Health is close -
Look for it in a bowl." (Food)

Student 3.

You are friends with the red sun,
Cool wave glad
You're not afraid of the rain
You are not afraid of the wind
You don't get tired in the game
And you go to bed early.
And you get up with the sun.
You go skiing in winter.
You frolic on the skating rink,
And tanned in summer
Swimming in the river.
Do you like to jump, run,
Play with a tight ball
You will grow up healthy!
You will be strong! (Daily routine and hardening)
(Slide number 12)

(Slide number 13)

And in conclusion, get acquainted with the best recipe for health and happiness:
Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it, add 2 handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, splash some humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix it all well. Spread on a piece of the life allotted to you and offer to everyone you meet on your way
5. Bottom line Q: Why do we need this activity? (To remember what you need to do to be healthy)
Continue: It was interesting…
I understand…
I want to commend...
Teacher: So learn, guys, to control yourself, get rid of the negative qualities of your character.
- Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's event was not in vain, and you remember a lot for yourself. So be healthy! (slide number 14)
Health is a treasure.
It cannot be bought.
Once lost,
Do not return it.

Don't borrow from a friend
Don't win the loto
After all, happiness without health
Believe me, it's not.
Sea of ​​happiness without health
Won't fill your soul.
Doesn't make you feel good
Neither you nor your friends.

Work will not please
And don't save money.
In general, without health it is bad,
Life is very bad for people

And in memory of our lesson, I give you bookmarks with the daily routine.
which we have compiled for this academic year


1. Salataeva R. V. "Some methods for the development of critical thinking in the classroom in elementary school" article.

2. Myasnikova O. V. Application of the technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing” on the topic “Healthy lifestyle.

3. A. A. Pleshakov "The world around us" part 1, a textbook for the 3rd grade of elementary school.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary school No. 18
named after the Hero of the Soviet Union E.D. Potapov"
city ​​of Michurinsk, Tambov region

Class hour on the topic: "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"


Classroom teacher

7 "g" class
Dorokhova Elena Olegovna

Michurinsk, 2016


    formation of beliefs about a healthy lifestyle and about health as the most important value.


    to develop in children the ability to conduct a discussion, to argue their own point of view;

    to form a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, learn to be healthy in mind and body, strive to create one's health, applying knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of nature, the laws of being;

    develop cognitive interests, search activity of children, creativity, speech;

    cultivate love for yourself, for people, for life.

Class time course:


When there is no health, wisdom is silent, not

art may flourish, forces do not play,

wealth is useless and reason is powerless. / Ancient Greek historian, "father of history" Herodotus /

1. Org. moment.

Hello dear guys and guests! Close your eyes and listen

Imagine that you and I are on an island where dreams come true. Each of you can choose only one dream from the list: Love, Friendship, Health, Wealth, Fame, Family, Happiness. The choice is yours!(Children take turns saying what they choose). It summarizes what and how much the guys chose.

Most of you have not chosen Health. And without health there can be neither glory, nor love, nor wealth, nor happiness.

When we meet, we say “hello” to each other. This means that we wish everyone good health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people is based on wishing each other good health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health only when we lose it.
- I suggest you listen carefully to one fairy tale, and answer some questions?
STORY Problem situation
In one fairy-tale country, on the shores of a beautiful sea, there was a palace. It was inhabited by a ruler who had three sons. The father loved his sons, and they responded to him in return. Children grew up kind, obedient and hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - the sons were often sick for a long time.
The ruler invited the wisest people of the country to the palace and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done so that people live happily ever after? The wise men conferred for a long time...
What the wise men said, we will find out later, but for now you tell me:
Why do you think people get sick?
(do not play sports, do not harden, do not eat properly, do not lead an active lifestyle, do not lead an active lifestyle, bad habits)
- What should be done in order to be healthy?

And now let's hear what the wise men answered the ruler.

The oldest of them said: "A person's health depends on his lifestyle, behavior and ability to help himself and others in difficult situations." The ruler listened to the sage and ordered to build a health house for all the children of his country.

- What do you think was in this school of health, what health factors were observed in it? movement, hardening, nutrition, regimen, sports.

And now we will conduct a small test about our health, you are offered a list of statements, each of which requires a yes or no answer. This information will be useful, first of all, to you.


1. I often have a poor appetite.

2. After a few hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and sullen.

4. Periodically, I have serious illnesses when I have to stay in bed for several days.

5. I hardly go in for sports.

6. Lately I have put on some weight.

7. I often feel dizzy.

8. I currently smoke.

9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10. I have poor sleep and discomfort in the morning after waking up.

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the amount.


1-2 points. Despite some signs of deteriorating health, you are in good shape. In no case do not give up efforts to preserve your well-being.

3-6 points. Your attitude to your health can hardly be called normal, it is already felt that you upset him quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to get yourself to this point? It's amazing that you're still able to walk and work. You need your habits immediately, otherwise...

Look at the results and draw your own conclusions.

Of course, you have the right to disagree with the results, but let's better think about your lifestyle and highlight the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.


To make all our dreams come true, we all need what is hidden in the crossword puzzle.

Crossword "Health"

Get up early in the morning.

Jump, run, push up.

For health, order

People all need ... (Charging.)

The rain is warm and thick

This rain is not easy:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day long. (Shower.)

Do you want to break the record?

So it will help you ... (Sport.)

He is with you and with me

Walked forest stitches,

Friend walking behind

On belts with fasteners. (Backpack.)

In the new wall

In the round window

Broken glass during the day

Inserted overnight. (Hole.)

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (Bicycle.)

I have guys

Two silver horses

I drive both at the same time

What kind of horses do I have? (Skates.)

To become a great athlete

There is a lot to know.

And dexterity will help here

And, of course, ... (Workout.)

At the intersection of words, a word was obtainedhealth. And this is no coincidence, because the result of a healthy lifestyle will be good health, which will help to cope with many of the troubles of life.

HEALTHY FOOD One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is a healthy diet. Let's try to make a menu for one day.

Divide food into two groups: healthy and unhealthy.

Healthy Foods Harmful Foods

Fish, kefir, chips, oatmeal, Pepsi, Fanta, sunflower oil, fatty meat, carrots, cakes, onions, cabbage, Snickers, apples, pears, chocolate, Kirieshki.

Yes, you're right, you can't eat chips, drink sparkling water, as these are all products containing various chemical compounds that destroy our body. To be healthy, you need to eat right, eat foods containing vitamins, minerals, calcium, iodine, etc.

And I want to introduce you to the best recipe for health and happiness:

“Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, splash a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix it all well. Spread on a piece of the life allotted to you and offer to everyone you meet on your way.

BAD HABITS And now the question to everyone: what bad habits have a negative impact on our health? (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction)

Nicotine affects the work of the heart - it wears out quickly. Carbon monoxide makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the body. Tobacco tar clogs the lungs.

Alcohol is dangerous at any age, especially in childhood and adolescence. It makes a person dependent, they quickly get used to it. The body is gradually destroyed. The liver is destroyed, it ceases to purify the blood of harmful substances.

But we will talk about this in more detail in the next class hour.


Guys, I suggest you work in groups. I suggest you create a collage on the topic of our class hour from the material lying on your tables. And also come up with a little quatrain to defend your project.

The result of our project is the following rules that you took into account when compiling your projects. Booklets with the rules of a healthy lifestyle are distributed.

Closing remarks by students.

1st. We are born to live in the world for a long time:

2nd. Sad and sing, laugh and love.

3rd. But to make all dreams possible,

5th. Ask yourself: are you ready to work -

6th. Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

7th. Throw away the cigarette? Throw away a cigarette butt?

9th. Take a look around: beautiful Nature

10th. We are called to live in peace with her.

11th. Give me a hand, friend! Let's help you

I wish you good health!

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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