Linguistic examination revealed that Yoda's native language is Hawaiian. Yoda Star Wars Chronicles

In a selection of quotes and phrases from Yoda, the Jedi Master from the Star Wars films:

  • I must go into exile, I failed. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • Knowledge light - the way will show us. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • The dark side hides everything. It is impossible to predict our future. (Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones)
  • Aggression, anger, fear - the dark side of this force. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • Fear of loss can lead to the dark side. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • Fear will lead to the dark side. Fear breeds anger; anger breeds hatred; hatred is the key to suffering. I feel a strong fear in you. (Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace)
  • The Force is with me, but not much. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • Once you step onto a dark path, it will forever determine your fate. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • We must destroy the Sith. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • Yes R2. We fly to the Dagobah system. I promised something to an old friend. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • Only the Dark Lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If we notify the Senate, our enemies will increase in ranks. (Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones)
  • You have become stronger, Dooku. I feel the dark side of the force in you. (Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones)
  • One more remains. Vader. You must fight Vader. Then, only then will you be a Jedi. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • Victory? Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, this is not victory. Our world is shrouded in the networks of the Dark Side. The clone war has begun. (Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones)
  • Master Yoda's famous quote: The dark side of the force will consume you...
  • The corruption of the dark side young Skywalker succumbed to. The boy you taught is no more. Devoured by Darth Vader. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • You are self-willed, as is Qui-Gon... There is no need for this at all. The Council gives you its permission. Let Skywalker be your student. (Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace)
  • The prophecy... could have been misinterpreted... (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • An old friend managed to open the path to immortality, the one who returned from another world of the Force, your former teacher. I will teach you how to contact him. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • If Count Dooku escapes, he will find new accomplices from other systems. (Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones)
  • You should rather let go of everything that you are afraid of losing ... (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for your loved ones who have been transformed into the Force. Do not mourn for them and do not grieve for them. After all, attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is a shadow of greed. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • Luke, you will learn that many of the truths we hold depend on our point of view. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • Yoda quote about his age: I was sick. Old and weak. When you're 900 years old, you won't look good, will you? (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)
  • Your reign is over. And it's a pity that it was long. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • Do you think the war is over? No, this is just the beginning. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • The future of this boy is cloudy. (Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace)
  • Truly, the mind of a child is like a miracle. (Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones)
  • I will try to prevent this. (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
  • One more remains. Vader. You must fight Vader. Then, only then will you be a Jedi. Fight him. Remember, all of a Jedi's power comes from his Force. But be careful. Aggression, anger, fear - the dark side of this force. Once you step onto a dark path, it will forever determine your fate. (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi)

The collection contains: memes, sayings, sayings, phrases and quotes of Master Yoda (Grand Master Jedi). Yoda (Yoda) - one of the main characters of the Star Wars film series, the wisest and most powerful Jedi of the entire Jedi Order.

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I wonder what they are waiting for more now: the new year or the new Star Wars? Leo decided to take advantage of this pre-Star Wars turmoil and use it for the good of your English.

For example, watch a video about how Star Wars influenced culture and the English language

Today we will repeat one important thing: the correct word order in an English sentence using the example of Master Yoda's speech. And at the same time we learn a lot of interesting facts about this character. So, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Word order in an English sentence: scheme

Let's remember the well-known truths from school: English has a strict word order. Swap the words - the meaning of the statement will change. Classic example:

Jane loves John. (Jane loves John).
John loves Jane. (John loves Jane).

While in Russian you can rearrange words, and the meaning will not change, fortunately we have cases:

Jane loves John.
John loves Jane.

In an English declarative sentence, the word order is:

This scheme requires three comments:

Yoda inversion

So Yoda violates this English order, and violates "impermissibly". Many believe that he says the opposite. But it is not so. For example, a proposal "I am looking for someone"Yoda won't say" Someone for looking am I.”

Yoda has his own special patterns (=models) of speech. The best known is O S V or "object-subject-action".

Let me explain: in English, the word order is S V O, where the subject is the subject, the action is the predicate, the object of the action is the addition, what the action is aimed at:

So Yoda would say this:

That is, what should be at the end, he transfers to the beginning of the sentence.

Why is it Yoda?

Oh, how many different theories I found on the Internet. 🙂 Here is one of the popular ones: Yoda's prototypes were Japanese martial artists, so Yoda took this word order from his "native" Japanese language. He uses English words, but superimposes them on his familiar grammar. According to this version, Yoda is similar to our compatriots who speak Runglish:

More about runglish in the video

But there's a catch with this version: Japanese word order isn't exactly "Yodian." Their schema is:

And the Yoda O S V word order exists only in some real languages: in the Amazon region of Brazil. It turns out that the version with Japan is out of the question.

Also, O S V is not Yoda's only speech model. For example, he often composes sentences in such a way that the predicate “breaks” and at the end only an auxiliary verb remains:

Lost a planet , Master Obi-Wan has .

Or puts negative particles at the end of the sentence, which is typical of obsolete English:

Size matters not. (Instead of: Size doesn't matter).

And sometimes he says in the normal order for modern English:

A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

Yoda has other options for constructing phrases. At the same time, in episodes from I to III, Yoda's speech is more "broken". Another version follows from this: later he simply “pulled up” the language (still, for 900 years), but sometimes he returns to his native order, albeit not Japanese.

Other versions?

I have already said that there are a lot of theories about the origin of Yoda and his unusual speech. Still: the creators of the saga let in so much mystery! These are the versions:

1. Since Yoda is very old, he speaks an old version of the language that was spoken long before the events of the saga. This version is consistent with the fact that some of his speech patterns are similar to obsolete English.

2. Yoda simply "draws attention" to his speech in such an unusual way. And the more important part of the proposal puts forward. As we do in Russian, only we put the important at the end:

I wrote a song.
The song was written by me (it is important that it was me and not someone else).

3. Such "Yodian" sentences are rather difficult to construct. Yoda spends a lot of time composing each sentence, which means he has time to think carefully about his thought. Thus, fewer thoughtless, stupid, bad thoughts come into the world.

There are also more crazy unusual versions. Moreover, linguists have already written entire studies on this topic, showing the percentage of his speech patterns from film to film! That's right, size doesn't matter. 🙂

And may the force and the correct order of words be with you!

In the section on the question Inversion of the Master's words. Yoda. hello to everyone who knows how to build sentences like yoda, teach me and show me in an example! given by the author Necs the best answer is Master Yoda, aka Cheburan Vissarionovich
the word order he uses in sentences is "object-subject-verb", OSV
This roughly corresponds to the rules in Japanese:
Rule number 1. The subject precedes the predicate, which takes place at the end of the sentence.
Rule number 2. The definition precedes the defined.
Rule number 3. Additions and circumstances precede the predicate. The order of location of the circumstances of place and time is dictated by the semantic division of the sentence.
In English: Learn to speak like Yoda?
According to Yodowski: How did Yoda learn to speak?
In English: It's easier than a steamed turnip
According to Jodowski: A steamed turnip is easier
In English: Learn the Three Rules and You Can Speak Like Yoda
According to Yodovski: Learn the three rules and how you can speak Yoda
For those who are interested, train, but then they say it’s difficult to change into a normal language))

Answer from Anastasia[master]
It's easy to learn, you just need to understand the essence)

Answer from Vladislav Nemov[newbie]
Master Yoda words inversion. You rearrange the words in places, as you like / like more and leave it =)

Answer from Alexander R9AAA Prokudin[guru]
I seem to understand the essence of this. thank you my friends to you, outrage because you taught me the Russian language.
that's better

Answer from 123 123 [newbie]
In English: The mouse under the bed is green.
In Yoda's way: There is a mouse under the bed of green flowers.

Titled Star Wars. Yoda appeared on the screen three years later, in the second part of the trilogy, and has since become one of the most legendary and recognizable characters of all time. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person in the modern world who has never heard of the great Jedi Master, and all kinds of paraphernalia with his image, as well as a great many toys, have continued to go on sale for more than thirty years.

Character characteristic

A characteristic feature of the character is the green color of his body and extremely small growth - only 66 centimeters. However, in terms of his mental and physical abilities, of all the characters in the Star Wars movie, Master Yoda is the most outstanding and many times surpasses many others. The hero owes the creation of his appearance to make-up artists Nick Dudmand and Stuart Freeborn. Thanks to his longevity, accumulated experience and wisdom, Yoda leads the oldest order - the Jedi Council. He first became a member around the age of 100. His track record includes many victories in serious battles, battles, wars, as well as other achievements.

It is known that he was an excellent teacher, perfectly combining strictness and gentleness, but not all of his Padawans managed to become worthy people. Such a fate befell Anakin Skywalker, whom Yoda allowed to train, but did not personally train. However, there are worthy representatives among them, such as Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu and Luke Skywalker. As George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars saga, admitted, Yoda was deliberately presented to the public in such a way that no one would know about his true origin, so his story is still covered in various secrets.


Of course, the main difference between this character and others lies in his manner of speech, which is reflected in numerous jokes and witticisms of fans. In addition, most of the most famous phrases in the film belong to his authorship. Yoda's Star Wars quotes have become somewhat catchy. One of the most famous is the following: “The size does not matter. What about me? Do you judge by size? Almost all of them are imbued with a subtle philosophy that reflects the worldview of the teacher. Like, for example: "We are the creatures of light, not just matter." It is inversions, that is, the mixed order of the members of the sentence, that make his words so memorable. Nevertheless, other characters understand him perfectly and taste these great words. By the way, with regard to the languages ​​of the saga, then, in addition to individual racial languages, as, for example, among the Ewoks, there is also the main galactic language, which all the heroes speak. In fact, this is a kind of analogue of English in our world.

"Hidden threat"

In the Star Wars trilogy, which began in 1999, Yoda was created entirely from computer graphics, which divided fans into two camps: adherents of the old and the new. Acquaintance with the character occurs during a meeting of the Council. In this film, it becomes clear what an undeniable influence on the decisions of the Jedi order the Master has. When under the tutelage of Qui-Gon Jinn, young Anakin ends up with the elders, a request for his further training in power control is rejected precisely on the initiative of Yoda, who feels that the future of the racer from Tatooine is foggy. However, after the death of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan takes over the responsibility of raising the boy and declares to the members of the Council of his firm intention to take him into his Padawans. Thus, Skywalker manages to pass the ranks of youngling and immediately become a Padawan. And this time, Yoda is no longer able to refuse Kenobi, but, as you know, subsequently a subtle instinct will let the master down.

"Attack of the Clones"

In the second part of the Star Wars movie, Master Yoda goes to Genosis, where he rules. There, on behalf of the Republic, he leads a rescue mission in order to rescue the condemned Padme, Eni and Kenobi. Here, viewers will learn that once upon a time, the Master trained Count Dooku, who has now defected to the dark side. When the fire of battle grows, the former student and teacher enter into a duel. Yoda demonstrates the highest professionalism of possession, deftly avoiding blows and skillfully delivering his own. However, the battle ends with Dooku trying to escape and being killed by Anakin in the next part.

"Revenge of the Sith"

In the 2005 film, which completes the new Star Wars trilogy, Yoda is one of the central characters, and quite a lot of screen time is devoted to him. This time he has to make difficult choices regarding the future of the Galaxy and the fate of its individual representatives. His main mistake is trust in Anakin, who has already taken the final step towards evil. However, the master failed to feel the evil, which resulted in a great tragedy. Yoda sends to the planet Kashyyyk, where he finds himself at the very epicenter of the battle of clones and Wookiees with the Separatists. At the decisive moment, the stormtroopers turn their backs on the Republic and begin to kill their own people. At this very time, order number 66 comes from Palpatine, ordering him to kill every last Jedi. The master on a subtle energy level feels the death of each of the students, which turns into unbearable pain for him. He rides back to Coruscant and tells Obi-Wan to end everything by killing Skywalker.

"The Empire Strikes Back"

We will talk about the second part of the saga, since the first film of the old trilogy was the only one where Yoda does not appear. Star Wars (photo from the film is shown below) was filmed in 1977, so the creation of the picture was difficult due to the lack of necessary technologies. Due to the impossibility of large-scale use of computer graphics, Yoda appeared before the audience in a puppet variation. Some fans prefer this old and slightly crazy version of the character. It is known that he did not leave the abandoned planet Dagoba for 22 years, as a result of which he became a little mad. When Luke Skywalker arrives, it becomes clear that the Master retained his former wisdom and skills, and only his behavior and lifestyle suffered. At first, the teacher is not inclined to take the heir of the greatest villain as a padawan, as he feels fear in him, like in his father, but he nevertheless undertakes to train the youngster. However, Luke soon decides to leave Yoda to help his friends, and promises to return and complete his studies.

"New Hope"

In the latest episode of the space epic Star Wars, Yoda meets his student Skywalker for the last time. As promised, Luke returns to Dagoba, but this time the master is in poor health. This is due to the elderly and great age of the master, at that time he had already exceeded 900 years. He tells the Jedi that training is no longer necessary, and now it remains only to meet his father face to face, and he himself needs to go to a well-deserved rest. Before dying, Yoda reveals that Leia is Luke's sister, and the Force also flows in her. After this conversation, he falls into an eternal sleep, but later appears in the guise of a ghost along with Obi-Wan. There is a version that Qui-Gon comprehended the secrets of immortality and passed on his experience to a former teacher, as a result of which the audience saw the astral projection of the great Jedi.

Frank Oz

All of Yoda's lines from Star Wars were voiced by actor Frank Oz. He was born into a family of members of a puppet theater troupe, so it is not surprising that in the future he decided to devote himself to dubbing. From childhood, he was distinguished by an excellent manner of restructuring speech. His voice captivated the creator of the Muppets show, as a result of which Oz was invited to work on television. Over the long years of his career, he voiced hundreds of characters, a good number of which fall precisely on The Muppet Show and Sesame Street. In the 1980s, he is invited to voice Yoda, which he cannot refuse. In addition to all parts of "Star Wars", he participated in some films as a supporting actor, and also voiced the characters of such cartoons as "Monsters, Inc." and "Inside Out". He is currently back with Yoda in the Rebel animated series, which has been on the air since 2014. And this despite the advanced age! Frank Oz turns 72 in 2016, and he continues to work actively, like his on-screen prototype, who devoted his whole life to one cause.

Yoda - Grand Master Jedi from an unknown race of green humanoids.

Born on a distant planet in 896 BBY. From an early age, Yoda did not know that he was sensitive to the Force. Even when he left his home planet with a friend in search of work, no one knew about his abilities. When the ship on which Yoda was flying was hit by an asteroid, he drifted in space for several days, having exhausted almost all supplies. Yoda managed to survive and land a broken ship in the swamps of an unknown planet. A few days later, he was found by a strange being who turned out to be Jedi Master Gormo. Gormo revealed to Yoda and his friend the fact that they were both very Force sensitive. He took both of them to his training and after a while the Republic Ship took the already beginning Jedi Yoda from the planet.

Yoda earned the title of Jedi Knight at the age of 50, and was awarded the rank of Master by 800 BBY. According to the teachings of Yoda, he was assigned to go into self-imposed exile in order to comprehend higher levels of understanding of the Force. He was one of the Jedi Masters who established a traveling academy aboard the starship Chu'unthor during the period 200 BBY; back then, there was a record in the on-board computer data that he went in search of one of the missing passengers of the ship when it crashed on Dathomir.

In 482 BBY, Yoda traveled to Kushibah in search of a Padawan. There he discovered the young Ikrit, who became the first Jedi apprentice.

Fear opens access to the Dark Side. Fear breeds anger, anger breeds hate, hate breeds suffering.

In 200 BBY, along with the other Jedi of the High Council, which now included Yoda, he began to sense that an unknown dark side was emerging in the force. In long meditation, Yoda made sure that the dark force is growing. The Jedi suggested that the appearance of the Chosen One was not far off, which, according to legend, was supposed to bring balance to the Force.

Around 171 BBY, Yoda saved the X'Ting race from disaster. The X'Thing considered Yoda to be a god. In the Hall of Heroes, a statue of a Jedi almost 70 meters high was erected.

In 102 BBY, an infant Count named Dooku was discovered on the planet Serenno. Yoda took an interest in the young, growing Padawan and tried to mentor and teach him.

In 44 BBY, Yoda nearly died when a bomb was planted on him. The assassination plan failed, but this story showed that Yoda had become a symbol of the Order.

Yoda was drawn into combat - a cause he so dislikes - during the Yinchorri Rebellion in 33 BBY. Leading Council members against interfering Yinchorri warriors, Yoda proved that despite his advanced age, he is still the Strongest Council member.

Not all Jedi loved Yoda. Little students who had not yet become Padawans believed that he was the most strict teacher in the Temple. In training his charges in physical exercises and mental control skills, Yoda showed extreme conservatism. Yoda taught even the youngest Jedi the art of lightsabers in a class jokingly called the "Great Bear Clan". It wasn't until they left the Temple that many students began to realize how much they had learned from Yoda.

In 32 BBY, the Galactic Senate passed legislation to tax trade routes in outlying systems in an attempt to weaken the expanding Trade Federation. In response, the Federation began building battle droids to invade the small planet of Naboo, where the Queen rules. The Supreme Chancellor asked Yoda to send two Jedi to negotiate with the Federation.

The Council dispatched Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice. However, upon the arrival of the Jedi, the Federation tried to kill them, the Jedi were able to avoid death, arrive on Naboo in time and save the queen. However, due to a breakdown, the ship was forced to land on the planet Tatooine. When the ship was repaired, Qui-Gon discovered a young Anakin, a force-sensitive boy, on the planet. Arriving again on Naboo, the Jedi and young Anakin were forced to fight for the planet.

In 32 BBY, after the incident on Naboo, upon his return to Coruscant, Qui-Gon Jinn brought in a young slave boy he had found on Tatooine named , claiming that the boy was the Chosen One, capable of balancing the Force, and requested that he be taken into Padawans once he has passed all the necessary tests to become a Jedi Knight. Yoda, as the most experienced teacher on the council and the most respected and honored Jedi Master, played a key role in initially resolving this issue and denied the request. Yoda believed that the years of slavery had not passed unnoticed by the young boy, and his too close attachment to his mother would interfere with successful studies and training. Yoda thought this boy's future was uncertain.

Qui-Gon also reported that the Sith had returned, which further agitated the Council, who did not know if Qui-Gon had seen the student on Tatooine, where he had found the boy, or the teacher.

After Qui-Gon's death at the hands of , the council nevertheless reversed their previous decision, though for unknown reasons. Yoda himself, in part, contradicted his decisions. There is only one possible
the explanation for this rebuttal is that Yoda's trust in Kenobi was far greater than it could be between a mere student and teacher. Another reason was that after Anakin showed such skill in using the Force in destroying the droid control station, the council felt somewhat embarrassed and even ashamed not to make such an outstanding Force bearer a Jedi. Despite the fact that Qui-Gon also asked for Anakin's training, after his death, Obi-Wan asked to be entrusted with his training regardless of past events, and the council finally agreed, noting to himself that this youngster's training would be great risk for Obi-Wan.

You are self-willed, as is Qui-Gon... There is no need for this at all. The Council gives you its permission. Let Skywalker be your student.

Six years later, Yoda travels to Mawan along with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Their goal was to end the civil war among the local gangs. Despite the losses, the Jedi managed to bring peace to the planet.

In 24 BBY. When the reform law came into force, many planets began to secede from the Republic and form an alliance of separatists. Yoda was very disappointed that his former student Count Dooku left the Jedi and became the leader of the rebels.

In 22 BBY, the Senate called for the creation of an army that could fight for the Republic, but was opposed by many, including the former queen of Naboo, now a senator. On Coruscant, an attempt was made on her life and the council assigned Anakin and Obi-Wan to the senator.

Soon, investigating the case of the attempt on the senator, Obi-Wan Kenobi got in touch with the Council, he was on the planet Kamino and said that there, in full swing, the creation of an army of clones for the Republic was going on, the template for which was the bounty hunter Jango Fett, responsible for the assassination attempt to the senator. However, neither Yoda nor Mace Windu, the leading Jedi Masters knew anything about it.

After the message, Yoda meditated, he suddenly heard Qui-Gon's voice and felt the terrible pain that came from Anakin Skywalker. He informed Windu of this.

When Obi-Wan followed the bounty hunter to the planet Geonosis and discovered a Confederate army there, his message was cut short as the Jedi was taken prisoner. Just following Obi-Wan, Anakin and Amidala were captured. The Council decided to go to the rescue. Windu created a Jedi strike force, while Yoda traveled to Kamino to learn more about the clone army.

On Geonosis, Windu and the Jedi faced a huge army of droids led by Dooku, Yoda arrived with an army of clones and practically saved the survivors from complete extermination.

In the midst of the battle, Yoda fought with lightsabers against the Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku, who had once been his apprentice. Yoda demonstrated unprecedented skill with a lightsaber. This confrontation ended when Count Dooku, deciding to flee, put the lives of the wounded Obi-Wan and Anakin in danger.

Victory? Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, this is not victory. Our world is shrouded in the networks of the Dark Side. The clone war has begun

Although the Republic won the battle for Geonosis, Yoda believed that the Clone Wars would drag on. It will be a difficult time for the Republic and the Order. Yoda, like many Masters, became a High General, he participated in many battles on different worlds for the Republic.

At the beginning of the War, Yoda commanded the operations on Axion, he led the clones into battle on his horse. He rescued Commander Brolis and defeated the Fire Droid in battle. During the Battle of Muunilinst, Yoda saved the lives of Luminara Unduli and Barris Offee. He pulled them out of the cave of crystals destroyed by the Chameleons. Yoda soon learned that the destruction of the cave was personally planned by Count Dooku.

Yoda lost a Padawan before the War, but during the War he lost a friend. The King of Trusta, Alaric, wanted to join his planet with the Separatists. Yoda flew to the planet to talk to an old friend, but he was adamant. As a result, Trust was drawn into the War. Unwilling to answer to the planet's citizens, Alaric chose to die by firing his blaster at Yoda, knowing that his friend would be forced to defend himself. With no other choice, Yoda deflected the shot at Alaric. Yoda realized that the longer the War continued, the more creatures would die.

At the end of the War, Yoda traveled to Vyun after receiving a message from Dooku. Although Yoda knew that the Sith could not be deceived, he hoped that the former student would still set foot on the right path. He took four Jedi with him and traveled secretly to Vyun. Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, tracked down the Jedi. She sent her assassin droids into the Knights' ships and killed two. Yoda was able to destroy the droids and escape Ventress. He met with Dooku on Vyuna, and the Sith suggested that Yoda go to the Dark Side. In response, Yoda invited the former student to return to the Order. The Jedi almost succeeded, but Obi-Wan and Anakin intervened. Yoda once again had to fight Count Dooku. Both survived.

"Darkness is growing. I fear the might of the Sith."

Despite the growing power of the Darkness, Yoda remained mainly on Coruscant, from there he controlled the actions of the Jedi. During the Second Battle of Coruscant, Yoda once again led the clones into battle on his horse, befriending Commander Fordow and demonstrating brilliant sword fighting techniques. A little later, he sent his horse back to the Temple, and he continued to fight side by side with Mace Windu on foot.

Despite the efforts of the Jedi, they were unable to prevent the kidnapping of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine by General Grievous. Anakin and Obi-Wan rescued the Chancellor and killed Dooku. Since Yoda was unable to return his student to the path of Light, he ordered the Jedi to find the last Sith.

Death is a natural part of life, rejoice for your loved ones who have been transformed into strength, do not mourn them, and do not grieve for them, because attachment leads to jealousy, and jealousy is a shadow of greed ...

In 19 BBY, Chancellor Palpatine, who at that point was closer than ever to absolute power over the Galactic Senate, appointed Anakin to the Jedi Council as his own representative. Whereupon the Council, wary of this, reluctantly agreed to this decision. However, Yoda and Mace Windu, who still commanded respect from the young Jedi, did not want to disturb the order of Jedi progression and did not give him the title of Master, suggesting that it would give him the opportunity to vote in all meetings of the Council. And that would have meant the same thing as if that voice had been given to Palpatine, which they didn't want to allow.

Just at this time, Yoda is leading a council about the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Yoda, using his incredible sensitivity and command of the Force, senses the presence of the Sith Lord and finally comes to the conclusion that Sidious is one of Palpatine's close associates. But, even with all his skill, Yoda nevertheless did not see Anakin's fall to the dark side of the force.

When Palpatine, now the self-proclaimed Emperor of the Galactic Empire, ordered the execution of Order 66, Yoda was on Kashyyyk watching the battle between Separatist forces and a mixed force of clone troopers and Wookiees. He felt the death of every Jedi who fell at the hands of his own troops. Sensing some kind of warning in this, Yoda killed the clones sent to him with lightning speed, and then, with the help of the Wookiee leader Tarfull and Chewbacca, went to Coruscant. There, he and his team fought their way through the clone ranks to the Jedi Temple in order to neutralize the trap for every Jedi who had not yet fallen victim to Order 66. Upon discovering a holographic recording showing Anakin as a brutal killer, Yoda instructed Kenobi to kill his last student. Kenobi told Yoda that he couldn't fight Anakin and that he would like to kill Sidious instead. But Yoda insisted.

The corruption of the dark side young Skywalker succumbed to. The boy you taught is no more. Devoured by Darth Vader.

Subsequently, Yoda entered into a titanic battle with Palpatine, which almost destroyed the Senate building. The forces of the parties seemed equal, because two patriarchs of both sides of the Force entered the battle, and neither could defeat the other. In an attempt to end this duel, Palpatine moved to a higher position and used the Force to hurl the Senate's heavy stocks at Yoda, who easily dodged them and even sent one Palpatine back, causing him to jump to a lower level. Once again on the same level with Palpatine, Yoda used his acrobatic abilities and activated his lightsaber. Palpatine called upon a surge of the Force and unleashed a bolt of lightning at Yoda, knocking out his lightsaber in the process. Left without his weapon, Yoda began to use his palms to absorb dark energy, and even sent some blobs back at a rather surprised Palpatine. It would seem that Yoda gained a certain advantage in the battle, but the fight ended in a draw, as an explosion of energy collision was caused, throwing Yoda and Palpatine in different directions. Both masters grabbed the edge of the Senate podium, and only Palpatine managed to hold on. Yoda fell to the floor of the Senate Hall. After the killings by the clone troopers and the near destruction of the Jedi Order by the Sith, a weakened Yoda realized that he could not defeat Palpatine. Yoda then went into self-imposed exile to hide from the Empire and wait for another opportunity to destroy the Sith.

At the same time, Anakin lost almost all of his limbs and burned in flames after the outcome of the battle with Obi-Wan - these injuries cost him a significant part of his potential to use the Force, and cybernetic implants, installed with the consent of Palpatine to keep him alive, made him little than human-like. His transformation into a terrible machine was a terrible personification of the fatal words spoken by Yoda to Obi-Wan, who did not believe that his student had switched to the dark side of the force.

Yoda, being in contact with the spirit of Qui-Gon, passed this knowledge to Obi-Wan.

He played a key role in resolving the issue of the Skywalker children after Padmé died in childbirth, advising that Luke and Leia be hidden from and the Emperor where the Sith would not smell their presence. In addition to the aged Jedi Master, Bail Organa, Owen Lars, and Obi-Wan knew of the children's whereabouts. Originally, Obi-Wan wanted to take the children with him to teach them the Jedi arts, like Yoda, but Yoda realized that in addition to the Force, they needed to be taught something else if they were going to destroy the Empire. Moreover, it was necessary to keep the names of the twins secret in order to be able to protect them in case the Sith suddenly discovered the remaining Jedi before Luke and Leia grew up.

“I must go into exile. I failed."

Yoda then traveled to Dagobah, a desolate and marshy planet, where he patiently waited for a new hope to emerge. On the way, he was attacked by three squads of T.I. interceptors, shooting down his ship, but Yoda escaped in a capsule, and rumors of his death spread throughout the Empire.

22 years after Yoda's banishment, in 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker traveled to Dagobah to find Yoda and receive Jedi training, as told by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had died fighting Darth Vader aboard the Death Star. A little stubborn, Yoda finally agreed to teach him the ways of the Force. Before completing his training, Luke nevertheless faced the choice of continuing his training or leaving Dagobah to rescue his friends from Darth Vader and the Empire. Having made a promise to Yoda to return and complete the preparations, he set off.

“Luke, don't underestimate the Emperor's strength. You will fall like a father. I will remain the last of the Jedi."

Returning to Dagobah in 4 ABY, Luke found Yoda ill and severely weakened by old age. Yoda told Luke that he had completed his training but would not become a Jedi until he "meet his father", Darth Vader. Yoda then died at the age of 900 and finally became fully merged with the Force.

In the end, Luke heeded all of Yoda's teachings, which saved him from anger and falling to the dark side: he controlled his emotions even when he was on the verge of killing Darth Vader and becoming the Emperor's new apprentice. When the Emperor tried to kill Luke with lightning bolts, Vader returned to the light side and became Anakin Skywalker again, killing his master to save his son. Anakin died from damage to his suit in the collapse of the Empire around him. Later that night, Luke gazed at Anakin with pride and gratitude, surrounded by Obi-Wan and their eternal mentor, Yoda.

“Size doesn't matter. You judge me by my height, huh?

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