Demanded professions with higher education. Demanded professions in Russia. List of professions in demand in Russia in the future

For everyone who today is only going to receive either higher or secondary vocational education, the question of the demand for the chosen specialty is very relevant. Indeed, over the past 20 years, priorities have changed significantly and economists and lawyers, popular in the 1990s, are actively retraining and looking for a new job.

We offer our Top 10 professions of the future- this is a dozen specialties, the possession of which will definitely allow you to find a stable and well-paid job.

Gadgets, computers, robots are increasingly filling our lives. But for their creation, qualified personnel are required, whose task is to work on highly complex and precise equipment. A clear advantage for the owner of an electrical engineering specialty is knowledge of English.

9. Marketing and sales

Finding a consumer for a wide variety of products is becoming increasingly difficult, which means that the demand from employers for sales professionals is growing. The most demanded specialists combine education in the field of economics, law and marketing.

8. Chemists

High demand for specialists in the field of chemistry is demonstrated by energy, pharmacological, metallurgical and medical companies. Despite the complexity of the subject, it is chemistry that opens up broad prospects for the future professional.

7. Primary school teachers

The policy aimed at increasing the birth rate is bearing fruit - the number of first-graders is increasing every year. But teachers are sorely lacking. Therefore, it is the primary school teacher who becomes one of the most sought-after specialists.

6. Ecologists

Requirements for the safety of industrial equipment, transport, energy hubs are becoming increasingly stringent. And consequently, the demand for environmentalists is growing, who are becoming more and more familiar in the staff of any large enterprise.

5. Logistics

Traffic flows, information resources, distribution of inventories - any of these areas require the presence of a logistician. For a logistics specialist, analytical skills, systemic thinking, and responsiveness are very important.

4. Engineers

Aerobatics is a combination of technical engineering education with economic or legal education. Because Russian industry is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel in middle management. Also, the capitalization of an engineer will significantly increase the knowledge of English, German, as well as Chinese.

3. Registered nurses

Junior medical personnel are in high demand both in public medical centers and in private clinics. Today, the current workforce is rapidly approaching retirement age, and young skilled nurses are in short supply in the market.

2. Nanotechnologies

People in this profession are engaged in the creation of nano-robots, minimalistic microcircuits, engineering at the atomic level. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find an educational institution that teaches nanotechnology at a decent level.

1. Software and hardware developers

The most demanded profession of the future allows you to realize yourself in many areas - this is the creation and support of websites, work with server systems, and the development of mobile applications. At the same time, highly qualified professionals become truly in demand, because there are more than enough middle-level programmers on the market.

Today I started work on a list of all existing Internet professions, which I am going to talk about in more detail in the future in separate articles.

I can't imagine my life without . Remote is the future! Not a single successful company today can do without its own website, and many modern projects are fully online.

Therefore, there are more and more various vacancies that do not require binding to any place and office.

List of all Internet professions

At this stage, the list is not yet quite correctly and logically formed. We work every day to make it as accurate and categorized as possible.

Work with writing and text processing

  • SEO rewriter
  • Email distribution specialist

Professions related to design and drawing

  • Computer game designer
  • Interior designer
  • landscape designer
  • Clothing and accessories designer
  • Retoucher, collagist
  • Illustrator
  • Visualizer
  • Architect

Programming and website development

  • Application programmer
  • Website layout designer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Flash programmer
  • Web analyst
  • Tester

Work with translations from foreign languages

Management and work with personnel

  • HR manager (recruiter)
  • Project Manager

The easiest professions to earn money

  • (taxi, tow trucks)
  • (employee of the online store)
  • Technical Support Specialist

Other professions with special skills

  • Sales Manager
  • video editor
  • Specialist consultant (doctor, psychologist, lawyer)
  • Financial Consultant
  • Webinar Host, Coach, Mentor

What professions are most in demand on the Internet?

When I started working on the Internet, I thought about what profession to choose, I also asked myself this question and tried to understand what professions are popular, in demand and highly paid? Several times I tried to change direction with the thought that in that profession you can earn more.

Everyone who is now making good money has gone through this stage. Let's think about who makes good money, what does he do? After several months of changing activities, I realized that professionals who like what they do and no matter what profession make good money.

In any profession, you can become a very popular and highly paid specialist, no matter if you are a designer, a programmer or a copywriter.

I even know the administrators of VKontakte groups who earn from $1,000 a month and travel with this money all year round.

To choose your Internet profession, you need to proceed from what you like to do more, what brings you pleasure. If you choose a profession in which you think you will earn more, but it will not be high, then you yourself understand that you will have less desire, inspiration and motivation, and this is precisely what is the main success factor.

If you are just taking the first steps towards switching to remote work, do not know where to start and have a lot of questions, then come to our express training.

Chats by profession

Friends, we thought about it and decided that it would be useful to make separate chats in Telegram for different specialties. So that you can exchange experiences, share useful information, look for employers, and so on.

Join and be useful to each other.

  1. Chat copywriters
  2. Designer Chat
  3. Personal Assistant Chat
  4. Directionist Chat
  5. SMM Chat
  6. Marketing Chat
  7. Chat programmers
  8. Layout Chat
  9. YouTube specialists
  10. VK community administrators
  11. Instagram managers


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In our information age, all professions can be mastered absolutely free of charge through the Internet. But there are also special courses, training, we will talk about them a little later, in the next article.

Of course, time dictates its own rules for everyone, but it has a special impact on the younger generation. But regardless of the year, the choice of a future profession for an applicant is always and will not be an easy task. Few of the guys at the age of 16-17 have a clear idea of ​​who and where they want to work.

In addition, one has to take into account the percentage of unpredictable life factors, namely: a sharp change in the course, both political and economic, the level of social and economic development, and the military situation.

Stopping on a profession that is very relevant today, tomorrow you may be out of luck. And here, everything will depend on the person and his ability to transform into one state or another, his reaction speed and adequacy in assimilation of information.

Now, young people are ahead of previous generations in many of the above: one can only envy their speed qualities and ability to adapt to changes. However, there is still a certain list of professions that are most in demand among employers. Let's take a look at this list.


Top 10 areas in the labor market that were most in demand by employers:

IT specialist

The most demanded now are professionals in the field of information technology. The need for such personnel exceeds all conceivable and unthinkable limits. Thousands of companies are in need of system administrators, developers, programmers and web programmers. And given the degree of development of this area, the demand for IT specialists will only grow every year.

Design engineer

Construction specialists are in high demand in the labor market like no other. Taking into account the high-speed pace and the striking scale of current and planned construction, as well as the relatively low passing score for technical specialties, the development of this promising profession is available to the absolute majority of those who wish. No less in demand in this industry are architects and designers.


Traditionally, there is a shortage in the field of teaching staff. It is still hard for schools to find a qualified and talented teacher. But there is hope that in the future, subject to a revision of the wages of educators and the very structure of educational institutions, this profession will become not only in demand, but also popular among young people.

Lawyer, police officer

Lawyers are in high demand in the labor market, but serious experience is needed here, which comes only with years. This is, so to speak, work for the future. Professionals with a legal education are needed in almost any organization. The profession of a policeman is also gaining popularity. This is due to the increase in salaries and the recent reforms in the field of law and order.


Despite the fact that in the recent past the profession of a doctor was not very popular, now there is an urgent need for truly professional medical workers. At the same time, specialists of a narrow profile are especially in demand: nutritionists, speech therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists. But there is a clear shortage of doctors, as well as teachers, and this industry will gladly welcome a specialist of any profile. The most highly paid remain surgeons, traumatologists and dentists.

Marketer, logistics

Marketers are needed in almost every field of activity. The market, which is oversaturated with goods and services, needs competent professionals, who are now very few. These specialists are called upon to monitor the market and predict what products or services are currently needed. Workers in the field of logistics and customs are no less in demand. These relatively young activities are only gaining momentum every year.

Personnel specialist

The expansion of the staff, the increase in the size of the organization and, accordingly, the increase in the number of employees who need to be selected, tested, concluded labor and other contracts with them, leads to a high demand for personnel workers in each organization.

professional worker

Here we are talking about qualified machinists, locksmiths, electricians, welders, for whom there has been a constant demand in recent years. And it's not a joke. The development of industrial and mining complexes requires truly professional hands. Not everyone is capable of fulfilling what modern design engineers draw and design. The scope serving already existing machines is also wide.

Beauty industry specialist

Stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers are especially needed due to the rapid growth in the number of beauty salons and, in fact, the demand for beauty itself.

In recent years, the profession of an ecologist has become in demand. And this is connected, first of all, with, to put it mildly, the environmental situation in Russia and in the world as a whole that leaves much to be desired.


Experts believe that in the near future, engineers, technicians and production managers will remain the most in demand. Physicians, chemists and biologists will also be required. Nano- and biotechnologies will not stand still, so specialists in these areas will also be needed.

High technologies have not only firmly entered our lives, it is difficult to imagine at least one day without them. So in the future, professional IT specialists, programmers and software developers will be required.

Every year, the tourism sector of the economy and the hotel business are developing more and more, which means that training in these specialties in the present can bring good income in the future.

Experts also believe that there will be a demand for quality service and service professionals will be in demand. And finally, environmental protection issues are relevant all over the world, which means that ecologists will be required.

This is the situation in Russia as a whole. But among other things, you should never forget that true professionals in their field will always be needed, regardless of the specialty and industry.

In order to decide on their life path, young people are increasingly thinking about what professions are now in demand in the labor market. And this is not just a whim of the younger generation. The choice of specialty affects their entire future life. The pattern can be traced quite easily - first, training in a profession in demand, then a highly paid job with the prospect of climbing the career ladder, and then the fulfillment of the plans. For some, this is a strong and loving family, for the creation of which a stable income and prospects for being in demand in the labor market for many years are vital. And for some, this is an opportunity to live for their own pleasure, which is also, in general, not bad.

World labor market

In order to understand what professions are now in demand and highly paid, you can look through specialized paper publications, where the prospects for various specialties in a particular area are regularly discussed. Currently, the medical direction is recognized as the most profitable in the world labor market. But in the first place were, surprisingly, not plastic surgeons, but anesthesiologists. The second place is shared by surgeons of various fields, gynecologists and dentists. In an honorable third place are industry specialists - engineers, as a rule, graduates of prestigious educational institutions with solid work experience. Choosing one of these professions allows you to earn from 140 to 200 thousand dollars.

However, the choice is not limited to these specialties. Managers, lawyers, programmers, logisticians and auditors are always in demand on the labor market all over the world. Even though they are not representatives of the management, they are provided with decent pay and employment.


In order to understand which profession is now the most in demand, you should familiarize yourself with a kind of anti-rating of the lowest paid or non-prestigious specialties. It is given for a dual purpose. On the one hand, it becomes possible to find out what should be avoided, on the other hand, one should not forget that if the position is unpopular, then most likely it is she who is paid more generously. For example, a pathologist is an unappetizing profession, but it is always in demand and with a stable income.

So, in Russia, drivers of public transport, janitors, sales assistants, cashiers, plumbers, loaders and skilled machine operators are considered not prestigious. The highest paid of this list are machinists. Depending on the category, work experience, demand in a particular region, their salary can be 100-150 thousand rubles.

In Europe and the USA, security guards, butchers, salesmen, taxi drivers, waiters and dancers are considered not prestigious. This list also includes politicians and football players - these professions can hardly be called low-paid, rather, such a low rating is due to the attitude of citizens towards individual representatives of these areas.

Professions of the future

Many specialists annually calculate in which direction humanity will move, and always come up with such opposite results that it is difficult to trust them. Especially when it comes to choosing a profession. However, they agree on something. For example, the majority believes that the future belongs to information technology and the social sphere, and all monotonous monotonous work will be mechanized. Since typists once disappeared, drivers of personal and public transport, as well as bank employees, will disappear. But the younger generation will have a chance to prove themselves in the field of biotechnology, new materials and nanotechnology, robotics and mechanical engineering.

What professions are in demand in Russia now

However, let's stop the flight of fantasy and return to the sinful earth. In order to be in demand in the global labor market, especially in areas such as medicine or engineering, you need not only to graduate from a prestigious educational institution, but also to become one of the best in your profession. Not many people can do this, and not everyone is ready to leave the country. Therefore, we will dwell on what professions are now in demand in Russia - these are sales managers, IT specialists, civil engineers, linguists and translators, and not so much in European languages, but in Eastern and Asian ones. Doctors and teachers are also included in the rating of popular specialties, although the issue of high pay is debatable here. Some are content with a modest salary, while others hold positions in private clinics and prestigious schools and receive high salaries.

What professions are now in demand for girls

Gender equality issues have become less acute, and now no one is surprised by women in senior management positions. But, to be extremely honest, there are representatives of the fair sex among the directors of large companies, bankers, and heads of large holdings quite rarely.

So, what profession is now the most in demand for a woman? The weaker sex can claim a lot, including good career growth and a high salary. Moreover, in some areas, women can give odds to men. For example, in the field of advertising, marketing, tax and auditing, the fair half is in the lead. You can also try yourself as a manager, logistician or lawyer.

Rare specialties

A rare profession is an opportunity to become a unique specialist, and therefore in demand, and, most likely, with a good salary. These professions include, for example, bell casters, "ant" farmers, "milkers" of snakes. But it's more of a lifestyle than just a job. You can also become a smell expert, a taster or a professional conversationalist. These specialties are not taught, it is very difficult to get into such a job, but they guarantee a rich and interesting life. The main risk associated with choosing a rare specialty is the loss of a job and the inability to find something in the labor market. If, for example, a lawyer or a manager easily finds a vacancy, even if not in their own, but in a neighboring city, then getting a job as a stylist (wig maker) is almost hopeless.

  1. Understand in which area you would like to work, it is advisable to choose 2-3 options.
  2. Find out what jobs are in demand right now.
  3. Find points of intersection with the list of in-demand specialties.
  4. Determine your strengths and calculate your opportunities to master the desired profession.
  5. Always have a fallback.

These are very simple tips that save time, and more importantly, nerves. After all, you can’t just choose a profession from the list, focusing solely on the level of future income. For creative specialties, you need a certain talent, for working in the field of information technology - good mathematical and logical abilities, for a sales manager - the ability to win over people and have an easy, relaxed conversation, etc.

And as a fallback, it’s worth finding out which working professions are in demand right now. For example, at present, in Russia, enterprises most of all need electric welders, turners, chemists and locksmiths in various fields. And although these specialties are not the highest paid, it is impossible to remain without work.

Professional education is not a sentence

Knowledge about what professions are in demand now does not always remain relevant 5-6 years later, after studies are left behind. After all, the applicant will have to compete with the mass of the same former students who also want a prestigious and well-paid job. And it also happens that after receiving a diploma, a newly minted specialist realizes that he has chosen the wrong direction at all.

In any case, there is always a way out: for an employer, it is often only the presence of a higher education that matters, and not his profile. And many are ready to teach the employee all the tricks themselves, especially since this allows you to save on wages. Well, for a future employee, this is an opportunity to study the profession from the bottom and gradually move up the career ladder, combining it with study.

We offer a list of the most popular and relevant professions today! Read, analyze and implement!

Simultaneously with the start of the holiday season, numerous applicants begin to apply to higher educational institutions.

In most cases, former schoolchildren choose the trends of the outgoing season and do not think about the coming season at all.

Indeed, by the end of training, the demand for professions can change dramatically.

For example, having chosen the profession of a lawyer or an economist, a future graduate may be completely unemployed, since the market for these specialties is too crowded.

However, do not panic in the process of choosing a future profession.

In this article, Success Diary will share with you most in-demand professions that will be relevant for another 5 years.

In just a few minutes, you will know which profession to choose so that you do not face the problem of an “extra specialist” when applying for a job and receive a decent salary!

Most in-demand jobs. List of the most demanded professions

Demanded profession: IT-specialist

Let's start our list of the most sought-after professions with IT people.

In the near future, the demand for IT specialists will only grow, which is not surprising at all.

After all, computers and computer technology have firmly entered our lives.

This niche will be in demand: programmers (especially those who know 1C), system administrators, web designers and other computer specialties.

Occupation in demand: Manager

The second popular most in-demand profession is a manager.

Once upon a time, the concept of a manager meant a manager, and in universities they taught exactly how to manage an enterprise.

However, now this concept has expanded so much that a beautiful word sometimes means an ordinary storekeeper or supply manager.

And since the market for trade and services is developing by leaps and bounds, this specialty will be in demand for another 10 years.

In this segment, the professions in demand are: sales managers, personnel managers, customer service managers, etc.

Therefore, you can safely choose the profession of a manager, you will always find your place.

One of the most sought-after professions: Doctor

Yes, the medical profession has always been in demand.

However, not always doctors.

Having chosen the path of a doctor, you will always be in business, but not the fact that with money.

However, in this case, you can do smarter.

For example, gynecologists are always required in the Emirates.

And the salary in those parts usually exceeds the bar of 5 thousand dollars.

Or you can become a great surgeon or a neuroscientist and go to the States.

Americans always need competent doctors, to whom they are ready to pay more than $100,000 a year.

Job in demand: Engineer

And although a large number of engineers graduate every year, there are not many intelligent specialists among them.

That is why any engineering profession will be most welcome.

You can choose a process engineer, a design engineer, an organization engineer, or a design engineer.

Demanded professions are: Storekeepers and electric and gas welders

Not everyone can be college graduates.

In addition to university specialties, the country has always needed workers.

That is why the demand for storekeepers and electric and gas welders is higher than ever.

All schoolchildren want to go to university, and no one wants to work with their hands.

But at present, the salaries of workers are several times higher than the salaries of university specialists.

For example, the average salary of a storekeeper in the country is at around 30 thousand rubles, while the salary of an office manager does not exceed 12 thousand.

Yes, these are average data.

However, in any city in the country, the salary of a storekeeper will be higher than the salary of an office manager.

Yes, of course, it’s not at all prestigious to work as some sort of storekeepers.

However, earning 30 thousand is much better than 10.

Is not it?

Most wanted job: Editor

And closes our list most in-demand professions- editor.

This profession belongs to the category of creative, but decently paid.

And in addition to the usual editing of the text, editors perform a number of duties.

I also suggest you watch the video

where is a list of professions that will be in demand in the next 5 years:

Summing up all of the above, I would like to advise you to pay more attention to medical specialties.

After all, with the profession of a doctor, you can work in absolutely any country in the world, and not just in your homeland.

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