How to lose weight in the hips and buttocks, effective tips? Tips for those who want to lose weight in the legs and hips

Greetings, my dear readers. We have talked a lot about weight loss. But what if you don't like a certain body part? Those. on top, the figure is slender, but the buttocks and hips are plump. If you start to lose weight, the upper part will also lose weight, and again the figure will be plump at the bottom. Actually there is a way out. You can do exercises that will be aimed at losing weight in a certain part of the body. So, consider how to lose weight in the legs and hips.

Such classes will be of interest to those who want to have slender legs. The complex is aimed at tightening the ass and thighs without pumping up the muscles. And also make the legs thinner in the calves.

I want to say right away that the distribution of fat in our body should be uniform. If a woman is on top of medium fullness, and at the bottom of a donut - there are problems. And these problems are related to the hormonal background. Especially if the difference between the bottom and the top is very significant.

The thing is that estrogen is responsible for full legs and hips. This is a female hormone, the excess of which leads to fullness in general. Or just to the fullness of the lower body. With hormonal imbalance, losing weight is more difficult. Therefore, it is better to bring the hormonal background in order. And only then engage in the improvement of the figure.

And of course, improve your diet. Indeed, in losing weight, it plays one of the most important roles.

It turns out that we are striving to get rid of waist fat for a reason. And also to make the ass like a nut, and the legs are slender. It has long been proven that the buttocks are the most attractive part of the body.

And women and men, she excites and excites. When we meet the opposite sex, we pay attention to the width of the shoulders and buttocks. Men, first of all, evaluate our chest, as well as the buttocks.

You are probably wondering why the buttocks are so important to us? Anthropologists have found an explanation for this. Well-developed buttocks indicate our ability to run long distances. It was very important for the survival of our ancestors. On a subconscious level, we are looking for a genetically strong partner.

A little over a year ago, scientists from London proved the link between strong legs and brain function in old age. Those. people with physically strong legs showed better brain health in old age. So you need to practice to be smarter 🙂

In order to bring the legs and buttocks in order, there are few exercises. Other recommendations should also be followed. Ranked tips in order of importance.

If you are overweight:

  • Adjust your diet. To lose weight buttocks and legs will need a diet. Nutrition in this case is 90% success.
  • Choose aerobic exercise. It can be interval cardio complexes. Be sure to do strength training a couple of times a week.
  • Use fat burners. It can be sports nutrition or specially selected food products. Read the details in the article "fat burners for weight loss".

If you have a thin body:

  • In order for the legs to become a beautiful shape, it is necessary to increase anabolism. Those. for muscle growth, give preference to protein foods.
  • To stimulate the growth of the gluteal muscles, strength training should be present in daily exercises.
  • It makes sense to check the hormonal background. And stimulate fat deposition on the buttocks by taking estrogens.

I also advise you to use slimming breeches during classes for weight loss of the buttocks. They will not only speed up the fat burning process. Breeches will favorably affect skin tone, as they have a slight anti-cellulite effect.

It is no secret that the female figure can be conditionally divided into several types. The main ones are the figure of a pear, an apple and a rectangle. For the best effect from classes, you need to know some of the nuances. Depending on your type.

Pear - thin top and full bottom

This type of figure implies a "heavy bottom". For the proportionality of the figure, the main task here is not just to lose weight from below, but to pump up the top. Walking, cycling, are best suited. A treadmill is also suitable. Aerobic exercise will help you lose weight at the bottom.

Don't get carried away with weight training. The pace is better to choose a weak or moderate. But the stepper should not be used at all. Otherwise, build muscle in the lower body. It is important not to pump your legs here. With this type of figure, on the contrary, you need to make your legs and buttocks thin, and not pumped. Be sure to swing your legs to lose weight. Very helpful video to help you.

Apple - no waist

Representatives of this type of figure fit cardio loads. Workouts should be complex, it is better to make intervals between sets short. Approaches should be at least 4-5.

In general, with this type of figure, the most effective way is power aerobics. It will allow you to burn fat as efficiently as possible. The key to success is a high pace in the classroom, which should not be slowed down. For clarity, watch this video.

Rectangle - slender legs

This is true, the owners of this figure can boast of beautiful legs. Therefore, choosing a complex for weight loss, it is important not to spoil the dignity of your figure. Exercises should be aimed primarily at burning fat from the abdomen and sides. And also to maintain the harmony of the legs.

It is ideal to do a complex for the legs and buttocks twice a week. Squat, do swings and lunges. An excellent load will be given by a treadmill with a slope and a stepper. But complexes with the study of the lumbar zone should be avoided. In no case do not use heavy deadlifts, twists and tilts to the side with weighting. And of course, a diet to get rid of belly fat. I hope you find this video helpful.

10 best exercises for legs and buttocks

These exercises can be done at home. Do not forget about the warm-up, warm up the muscles for 10-15 minutes. When you feel that classes no longer give the proper load, complicate them with weights. You can add new elements, increase the number of repetitions, etc. For 2 weeks of intense exercise and a low-carb diet, you can easily lose 2-4 kg.


It is difficult to find a simpler, yet very effective exercise for the legs. Stand so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. When you squat, take your pelvis back. Imagine that you want to sit on a chair. The back should be kept straight, and squat as low as possible (but without arching your back). As you return to the starting position, tighten your buttocks and leg muscles. Start with 10 squats and gradually increase the number. Optimal - 3-5 sets of 15-20 times.

Squat and leg abduction

Let's just say - this is a classic squat with an additional element. Those. the basic exercise is a little more complicated. The leg is retracted to the side when returning to its original position. At the same time, it is important to keep the body straight, without tilting to the side of the limb.

This abduction connects the muscles of the buttocks. You need to raise your legs alternately 15 times. In addition to the gluteal muscles, during the lift, you will use the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Now you know how to squat correctly to lose weight in your legs.

Simple lunges

This type of exercise perfectly tightens the back of the thighs. Helps get rid of cellulite. Especially if you do lunges with weights. But we will consider the classic version, without complications.

Starting position, as in the squat, only we keep our hands on the waist. Step forward with your left foot, the step should be large. Your lead foot should be at a 90 degree angle to the floor. And the knee of the second leg, almost touching the floor. Then take a push with your supporting leg and return to the starting position. Do the same with the second leg. Keep your back straight. Do 10-15 lunges.

Squat "feet together"

As you can see, for the priests and hips, the exercises are based on squats. Starting position - legs together. Your knees should be slightly bent and your feet should be parallel. During the sitting, the back is straight. Unlike classic squats, you don't have to squat deep. In the knee joint during the sitting, the angle should be right. Do repetitions 10-15 times.

Raise your arms and legs while lying on your stomach

You should lie face down on the mat. Stretch your arms out in front of you and raise them at the same time as your legs. You need to stretch with all the limbs, as high as possible up. Repeat the exercise 15 times. During its execution, the muscles in the buttocks will contract.


Thanks to this exercise, the muscles in the hips and in the pope will contract. Starting position - kneeling, focus on straight arms. Raise slowly up alternately one then the second lower leg. For each leg, 10 times in 2-3 sets is enough. Try not to take your hands off the floor.

Plie squat

Plie will help tone and make thick legs thinner. This exercise will strengthen your back and buttocks. Spread your legs wider and spread your socks to the sides as much as possible. When you squat, watch your socks, they should “look” to the sides.

Try to tighten your abdominal muscles, keep your back straight. Lower into a squat slowly, thighs should form a parallel line with the floor. Having reached the desired point, slowly rise up. It is not necessary to fully straighten the legs, they should be slightly bent at the knees.

Muscle tone exercise

Perfectly tightens the hips and makes the legs slimmer this exercise. Get on your knees and do a handstand. Straightening the left lower leg, pull the right arm forward. Alternately do the same with the other leg and arm.

Lifting the pelvis from a prone position

The gluteus maximus muscles are very well involved. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands along the body. The feet should fit snugly on the floor, the emphasis will be on them. Inhale and lift your ass off the floor. In this position, you need to linger for a couple of seconds.

Then lower your ass, do not touch the floor with your buttocks. Enough two sets of 10 times.

Hip lift

You need to lie on your stomach and bend your knees. Socks should look apart, and vice versa, bring your heels together. Keep your legs at a right angle. Bend your arms at the elbows, put them in front of you, you can put your head on your hands.

On the inhale, tighten the muscles of the buttocks, and on the exhale lift the hips up. Try to keep your hips slightly elevated, then you can return to the starting point. Repetitions should be at least 20. Gradually, you need to reach the number 50.

Increase the load. You should go for 2-3 rounds of 10 exercises. After the first complex, you can relax for a couple of minutes.

Now you know what you need to do to lose weight legs - the main thing is regular exercise. This complex for 30 days allows you to lose up to 8 kg. Yes, as long as you follow a low-carbohydrate diet.

Of course, everyone is interested in how to lose weight in the lower body quickly. I can say that in a week of daily classes, the result will already be visible. But you won't achieve meaningful change overnight.

Now you know how to properly perform lower body weight loss exercises. The most important thing is not to abandon them, even when you achieve results. You can reduce the frequency and duration. But in order to maintain a figure, sport should become a part of your life.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and slim. But the Almighty does not always reward the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with what they dream of. That's what you have to work to achieve the desired goal. There are many different ways to get organized. At the moment we will talk about how to quickly lose weight in the hips and legs.

There is such an opinion: if you work out to the point of exhaustion in the gym or at home (an incredible number of times to squat), then the beauty of the lower limbs is guaranteed. There is a second option - go on a diet. Both assumptions are misleading. How to quickly and effectively lose weight in the hips and legs, keeping the result for a long time? We will talk about this now.

To begin with, remember: everything must be done in a complex (observance of proper nutrition + physical activity). It is also desirable to add wraps and massage to them. Using all these methods, you can restore beauty and elegance to the hips, buttocks and other parts of the body. Therefore, do not despair. It is necessary to go to the goal with a confident, but not very fast “step”. And then surely the desired will be achieved. And no longer you, but the people around you will admire you.

Proper nutrition

To get the desired result, start with a change in diet. Try to give up any diets, just follow a few rules. And the problem of how to quickly lose weight in the hips and legs will be solved by itself. But this will not happen immediately, but after a while. Now let's move on to the recommendations themselves:

  • Meal schedule. It must be adhered to. Eat 5 times a day, at certain times and in small portions (200-250 g).
  • Eliminate or at least slightly reduce the amount of salt in the diet.
  • Nutrition must be balanced.
  • Carbohydrate food is desirable to eat in the morning.
  • For fats, take lunch.
  • For dinner - only proteins.
  • Do not exclude light snacks from your diet.
  • Be sure to drink at least two liters of fluid per day, of which 1.5 liters of pure water. It will help to adjust the metabolism, quickly remove the products of fatty decay from the body.

Difficult? Of course. But this is only the first time. Then the body adapts and it will be very easy and simple. The main thing is not to give up, to confidently go to the intended goal.

Let's talk about diet

It was said above that it is advisable not to adhere to any diet. But it is not so. In the understanding of many people, diet is a restriction. It also exists in proper nutrition. In both cases, one goal is pursued - burning a layer of fat. In order for the desired to be achieved, it will be necessary to completely abandon concentrates and semi-finished products.

The menu should not contain:

  • baking;
  • sweets;
  • fast foods;
  • oils.

We remove from our refrigerator everything that contains harmful fats. This is the only way to quickly lose weight in the legs and hips. The diet should be based on protein foods (fish, cottage cheese, lean meats) and fiber. This is how the organism is created will have to expend its reserves.

A sample menu that can be taken as a basis.

In the morning - an omelette, one hundred grams of meat, a little vegetable salad and a small piece of rye bread.

Lunch - low-fat hodgepodge or pickle. We eat bread instead of bread.

Dinner - lean beef or fish (all steamed). Baked vegetables and tea.

Giving preference to such a diet, you can reduce the volume of the hips by five centimeters in ten days. This does not mean that you must strictly adhere to this menu. Choose products yourself, but consider the recommendations above.

Movement and more movement

Dealt with food. Now let's talk about how to quickly lose weight in the hips and legs using physical activity. Without them, it will not work to make a beautiful figure. This issue should be taken seriously. Not all workouts can be effective. Great options are:

  • walking;
  • jumping rope;
  • cardio loads;
  • special exercises.

You don't have to spend time and money going to the gym. Exercises can be done in your apartment. No one bothers you from work to return home on foot, Add a few extra miles. Take the stairs to your floor without using the elevator.

Do you have a small child? So it's wonderful! Stroller in hand and for a walk. It's good for the baby and good for you. Do you have a free minute at home? Walk past the sofa. Better yet, do a couple of lunges or push-ups.

As you can see, everything is in your hands. Stock up on desire, “squeeze all your willpower into a fist” and act.

Special exercises

To quickly lose weight in the legs and hips, special exercises will help. Let's talk about them.

  • Mahi leg. Lie down on your side. The palm of the left hand and the forearm of the right rest on the floor. Swing up with your left foot. You need to do thirty repetitions. The same exercise, but with the right leg.
  • Swing your foot back. Get on all fours. Rest on the floor with your knees and hands. Do swings with your bent left leg up, thirty times. Then the same amount with the right foot.
  • Lunges. Stand straight. Hands on the belt. Take a big step forward with your right foot and sit down. The bent knee should be at a ninety degree angle. Do thirty repetitions with each leg.
  • Squats. A very effective exercise for those who want to get in shape, but do not know how. It is it that will help you quickly lose weight in the hips and legs at home.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, weighting agents can be used. Doing these exercises, do not forget that without proper nutrition, their effectiveness will be small.

Additional procedures

Getting your figure in order is not easy, but it is possible. If you need to do this in a short period of time, then you can’t do without additional procedures.

  • wrapping;
  • massage;
  • cold and hot shower.

Thanks to them, metabolism improves, tone increases, the skin becomes toned, elastic. If you are interested in how to quickly lose weight in the hips and legs, in just a week, then listen to these tips. They will help enhance the effectiveness of procedures.

  • During the massage, apply an anti-cellulite cream or gel.
  • A contrast shower is not allowed for everyone, first consult a doctor.
  • Wrap using clay and mustard. After the procedure, the skin will become firm and elastic.

Another important piece of advice. Avoid high heels. Otherwise, the process of losing weight may stop.

Once and forever

You already know how to quickly lose weight in the hips and legs, but that's not all. You need to know how to fix the result and keep it with you for a long time. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity after a while return to their former "forms". In order for a beautiful figure to stay with you forever, try to lead

And lastly

Let's sum up all of the above. How to quickly lose weight in the hips and legs, you know. Here are some more recommendations:

  1. Practice regularly. Choose a set of exercises that you can do every day at home.
  2. Start performing a set of exercises at the same time. The body will get used to this regime, and the efficiency of physical activity will increase.
  3. Do exercises on an empty stomach. The best time to practice is in the morning. Get up, drink some water and go.
  4. Do not forget to warm up the body before performing a set of exercises. You can just jump in place or dance.
  5. Supply your body with oxygen. Inhale deeply, exhale stretch.

By following these points, you will soon admire yourself looking in the mirror.

Today, the weight loss portal Let's lose weight without any problems will tell you about how to lose weight in the hips in a week. A few helpful tips will help you achieve good results.

Drink water!

It is water, and not all kinds of juices and carbonated drinks. Drink a glass of water in the morning to replenish your strength, improve blood circulation and enable your entire body to wake up quickly. During the day, also try to drink water, because it has a positive effect on metabolism.

But remember, if your legs are prone to swelling, then the use of water and other liquids, despite the desire to lose weight in the hips in a week, will have to be limited.

Wear slimming clothes!

If you decide to buy corrective underwear to lose weight urgently in the hips in a week, then you will not regret it at all. The fact is that such underwear is made from special materials that contribute to weight loss and volume reduction. Some models are more advanced: they are impregnated with special substances (caffeine, guarana), which also help to get rid of extra pounds.

Eat right!

To lose a few centimeters in the hips in a week, be sure to adjust your diet. Give up sweet, floury and fatty foods, include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. In the morning, you can eat oatmeal, it, like water, fills you with vital energy and perfectly saturates. If oatmeal does not seem very tasty, you can diversify it with dried fruits or nuts. By the way, instead of coffee in the morning, it is best to drink a glass of delicious orange juice - that's where the charge of vivacity for the whole day is.

If you want to lose weight in your thighs in just one week, make sure that every meal includes whole grains and proteins (meat, fish, eggs). If after the main meal you want to eat, drink a glass of kefir or eat a handful of nuts. can also be effective, unless, of course, you violate its rules.

And yet, remember that you can’t eat after 18.00. This is a taboo, and it is not worth breaking it for the sake of beauty.

Give up salt!

Salt is a product that retains fluid in the body, which may cause swelling of the legs. Whether you're prone to puffiness or not, it's best to limit the amount of salt you add to your food anyway. Instead, add aromatic spices to your dishes, which will also prevent the food from being bland.

Do hip exercises!

Well, what is weight loss without sports? In order to lose weight quickly in the hips in a week, do cardio training several times a week, i.e. walk, run, ride a bike, dance, in a word, move more. This will help to force the gluteal muscles and leg muscles to work. Do not overdo it, choose for yourself those cardio workouts that you like best. Start small, gradually increase the load. Getting rid of centimeters on the hips and a good mood will be provided to you.

A few words about morning exercises. Do not like to physically load yourself early in the morning? Then do not force yourself, do exercises for the buttocks in the afternoon or even in the evening. Some experts even express an opinion that doing exercises in the evening is even very useful for the general condition and getting rid of extra pounds.

What exercises can you do to lose a few pounds in your hips in a week? Lying on your back, spin the “bike”, do “scissors” and swing your legs. Be sure to squat and lunge on one leg several times. To help you - here are the video exercises:

Take a contrast shower!

An excellent method to improve blood circulation in problem areas and maintain muscle tone. During the shower, knead the thigh area, you can even massage with a vacuum jar, which breaks up fat deposits and promotes their removal. By the way, vacuum massage will help you get rid of orange peel, which means that the skin of your legs can again become smooth and tender.

Use anti-cellulite cosmetics!

On sale you will find various means that prevent the formation of fat on the thighs and contribute to its removal. If you need to lose weight in your thighs in a week, then buy a cream that contains ivy extract as well as caffeine. By the way, this cream also fights cellulite very well. Having rubbed a slimming cream into the skin of the thighs, and then putting on a special corrective underwear for women, in a week you will be able to say goodbye to a few extra centimeters.

Do not rely on cosmetics alone to help you lose weight. Do everything that is described above, and you will definitely succeed.

Thick thighs and legs. Different diets, depressive conditions, rejection of favorite foods, repeated depressions, dietary failures lead to the fact that excess weight does not disappear, but increases at a high speed and several times. Let's take a closer look at how to lose weight in the hips quickly, but without harm to the body.

What should be the food

If you need to lose weight in the hips in 1-2 weeks, then first of all try to change your usual diet. A properly selected diet menu will help not only reduce volume and burn excess fat, but also improve overall well-being.

Nutrition rules:

  1. Try to eat at the same time, in small portions, 5 times a day.
  2. Be sure to include in your daily diet foods rich in proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and fiber. Be sure to control their volume.
  3. Carbohydrates - in the morning. For breakfast, cook porridge or muesli without sugar with skim milk.
  4. For lunch - first courses with lean meat. It can be: Bonn, vegetable, cabbage, pumpkin soup.
  5. For dinner - protein foods (100 grams of boiled chicken will saturate the body with the necessary amount of protein), since protein is better absorbed in the evening and at night. Eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. It is also important that there is a second breakfast and an afternoon snack, which will prevent frequent snacking on harmful chips or crackers. Eat fruits, fresh herbs. Do not get carried away with tomatoes, they complicate digestion and cause excess fermentation, which starts the process of fat deposition.

A balanced diet will help keep the body in good shape, saturate it with the necessary nutrients. In this case, the fat layer on the hips and buttocks will not accumulate.

fast diet

To reduce the volume of the hips in a short time, it is recommended to follow a special diet.

Basic rules and requirements:

  • Try to eat at the same time. Make a convenient schedule for yourself. For example, woke up, drank a glass of warm water, had breakfast in 15-30 minutes. Schedule meals every 3 hours, set an alarm so you don't miss it.
  • Prepare dishes from eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken, buckwheat, rice, vegetables (except potatoes), fruits. Drink plenty of non-carbonated mineral water, freshly squeezed juices, herbal tea, rosehip infusion. The simpler the menu, the better. Prepare everything in advance and arrange in containers in small portions.
  • You can allow yourself a small amount of pickled vegetables to add a spicy taste to lean dishes.
  • Try to completely or partially eliminate salt for the time of weight loss. After 1-2 weeks, your body will stop demanding and forget this taste.
  • Nuts, chips, bakery and other confectionery products, fried, smoked foods, dairy products with a fat content of more than 1.5% are prohibited. Do not add ketchup, store-bought sauces, mustard, horseradish, sugar to dishes.

Read also:

How to lose weight by 15 kg

sample menu

You yourself can create a convenient menu for a week, 2 weeks, a month, following the recommendations. You can change vegetables and fruits. For example, an apple - replace with a pear, orange, grapefruit. Figs - for prunes, dried apricots. Chicken - lean fish, beef.

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals. And also during the period of weight loss, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin complexes.

Physical exercise

To reduce body volume, especially in the hips and abdomen, it is necessary to perform special exercises daily. Do not force yourself and train for days. Start with a light morning exercise, an evening walk home from work, climb the stairs at a fast pace instead of the elevator.

Consider in detail the best, most effective exercises for burning fat on the female thighs.

Squats near the wall

Tighten the upper thighs and abdomen:

  1. Stand along the wall, firmly press your back against it.
  2. Keep your posture straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
  3. Distribute body weight equally on both legs.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle.
  5. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and slowly rise.

Do 10 times in several approaches.

Multilevel squats

This exercise will tighten the inner thighs:

  1. Place one foot on a small hill. Try to turn your knees outward. Slowly lower your body until it is parallel to the floor.
  2. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Perform squats 10 times on each leg.


To tighten the front of the thigh, for a quick result, you can additionally take small dumbbells in your hands. Can be replaced with bottles filled with water or sand.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Put your right hand in front of you, while keeping your back straight.
  3. Lower your torso by bending your knee. You need to lower yourself until the left knee lightly touches the floor.
  4. Hold for a few seconds, take the starting position.


Take a close look at your figure. You should not try to bring it to the model standard - perhaps your body has completely different proportions. However, any hips can be made more toned and beautiful by getting rid of excess fat and tightening muscles.

Develop a healthy nutrition program. Exclude “fast” carbohydrates from the menu - high-calorie pastries, chocolate bars, caramel. It is worth abandoning breaded semi-finished products, fatty meats, sausages and fried foods. The basis of the diet should be raw and boiled vegetables, lean meat and fish, complex carbohydrates - cereals and whole grain bread. Eat small meals 4 times a day to help keep you feeling full and prevent overeating.

Increase activity. Walking on rough terrain, cycling, jumping rope will help to quickly and strengthen muscles. Walk for at least an hour, and at a fairly fast pace. Master the techniques of self-massage and rub firming and moisturizing creams into the skin twice a day. They will help tighten the skin, and massage will improve blood circulation and speed up the process of fat burning.

Take up gymnastics. To make the hips look perfect, it is necessary to strengthen all the muscles - the front, back and inner thighs. If the former work more or less actively, then the muscles of the inner and back surfaces must be maximally loaded during training.

Start with one set and gradually increase to three. Perform exercises at a fast pace, doing each 10-20 times. Start with simpler tasks and gradually move on to exercises with weights - barbell, dumbbells. Squats will help to develop the muscles of the front surface of the thigh, the back ones will put in order the slopes with weights, and the internal ones - leg swings with different amplitudes.

The complex begins with a warm-up. Dance at a fast pace for five minutes. Then stand at the support with your left side, and describe semicircles with your right foot, keeping the toe extended. Do 20 repetitions, then do the exercise with the other leg. Stand in the starting position, holding on to a support with your right hand - for example, the back of a chair. Raise your left leg, bending your knee at a right angle and keeping your foot parallel to the floor. Helping with your left hand, describe a semicircle with your hip, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do the same exercise for the right leg.

Lying on the right side, lean on the arm bent at the elbow, stretch the straight legs. Raise your left leg without pointing your toes. Don't roll over on your back or bend your knees. Do 20 quick swings, first with one and then with the other leg. This exercise perfectly strengthens the inner surface of the thigh. After a month, training can be complicated by performing swings in heavy shoes.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet flat on the floor. Alternately tilt your legs to the left and right, keeping your knees together. Tension should be felt in the thighs. When bending over, your knees should touch the floor. Tear off your lower back and do not turn on your side - only your legs should work. This exercise stretches the muscles of the lateral thigh.

Weighted squats will help to form a beautiful line of the back surface. Grab a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. Slightly spread your legs, keep your feet parallel. Do deep squats, moving as fast as possible. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. Then stand on a small platform with your heels hanging off it. Perform a deep bench press, repeating the exercise 12 times.

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