Why does a person talk in a dream. Somniloquia or why people talk in their sleep. When, how and why people talk in their sleep

To speak or ask for something- soon you will receive an answer to a question that has been worrying you for a long time

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Talk in your sleep- profit; about thin- sadness; with an invisible face- The loss of a loved one.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Hear someone speak- gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Hear a conversation in a dream- to incomprehensible rumors about you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Talk- to a meeting or conference.

Hear a conversation in a dream- see a flock of birds in the sky.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Talk in a dream with an invisible face- in reality, you can lose a close friend as a result of a sudden death.

Talk to the dead- you are in danger and your loved ones- disease.

Talk to a fool- become a victim of a hoax.

Talk in a dream with God- you can get the patronage of influential people if the conversation is friendly; if God is angry- in reality you can be condemned.

A dream in which you are talking to a tree- portends wealth in the future.

Speak in a whisper- suffer from gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Speak to the invisible face- loss of a friend; with the dead- danger, disease.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Talking in your sleep to someone you can't see- disturbing news With a bad person - to a quarrel talk about his death- to health and longevity.

Lie in a dream- to a simultaneous gain in one and a loss in the other, boast- expose the malicious intent of a friend or person you trusted.

Stutter in a dream- to joy.

Tell a story in a dream- to the news fable- to joy.

Talk long and non-stop- means that you will receive confirmation of the correctness of the chosen path.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

talk a lot in your sleep- you will have to be silent in reality exactly when it will be necessary to speak.

Speak in front of the audience- come to an agreement with enemies; speak from the podium- to improve in business; say something "out of place"- actively fight with the enemy, but for lovers- show selfish motives; talk to babies or hear them speak- to the fulfillment of desires; talk to trees- to prosperity, wealth.

If in a dream you are talking to an invisible person- hear about someone's death or lose a friend; talk to the dead- to danger, illness.

Speak in your own country or at home in foreign language - to get into an unusual, extraordinary situation.

Islamic dream book

Interlocutor talking in a dream- means a pleasant person in communication, according to the words of the Almighty: "We will tell you the best story." If someone dreams that he is telling something, he will be freed from fear, for the Almighty said: “And when he came to him and told him a story, he said:“ Do not be afraid. A merchant who sees such a dream will be saved from a loss.

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speak clearly- to profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Talk to a deceased relative- a dream has shades of meaning depending on the dreaming family member. In any case, sleep is unfavorable when the appearance of the deceased is distorted by emotions or illness and even decay, and favorable when the appearance acquires unearthly enlightened features.

Talk to a woman- troubles should be expected from health side. With a favorable option, this is a dream advice to protect health: diseases will try to penetrate through the mouth, eyes, hips and stomach.

When is a mother dreaming- the disease is based in abdominal cavity. For a woman dreamer, the appearance in a dream of mother and grandmother- is of particular importance.

Talk to a man- you need to beware of diseases of the spirit (self-conceit, selfishness, etc.), which secondarily affect any organ (depending on which emotions prevailed in a dream). Diseases can, with this variant, penetrate through the head, feet, ears and hands. Diseases come through the head when the father dreams in an unfavorable way; and this can mean both an internal illness and a threat of head injury. The unfavorable appearance of an irritated (sick) father is especially dangerous, since it means a break with Heaven and the loss of information from the Cosmos, for which only the dreamer can be to blame, because someone else's evil will can steal life, but cannot take away the connection with Heaven granted by the Creator. It is necessary to change the worldview and value system.

Talk to a deceased non-relative in a dream- dependence on particulars is the same as with a relative, but in the absence of a blood connection, such a dream is more a manifestation of energy. The physical impact (illness) is negligible. It is necessary to pay attention to the spiritual side: past relationships, the content of the conversation, which, most likely, will be everyday. People who are not related to us by blood, spiritually close people more often warn in a dream or convey important information for later life.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Talk in your sleep- profit; speak badly- sadness.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Talk to yourself a lot- trouble.

Speak in front of an audience- Significant improvement.

Speak in a foreign language- big inconvenience, problems.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

There is a certain category of people, often children who talk in their sleep. It is worthwhile to figure out what are the reasons for this phenomenon, and whether something needs to be done with this unusual phenomenon, to somehow deal with it. So why do people talk in their sleep?

Statistics show that almost 1 in 25 adults sometimes talk in their sleep. Most often this applies to adolescents and children, because their body is actively developing. If a we are talking about children, then there are much more talkative kids. Accurate scientific explanation there are no reasons for the appearance of talkativeness in a dream, there are only some assumptions, conjectures and hypotheses.

Most psychologists and physicians who study psychological condition man in a dream, are inclined to believe that talking in a dream is a consequence of the experience experienced the day before, stress . Moreover, shocks can be not only negative, but also positive. Too violent feelings cannot calm down in the depths of our brain, therefore they give it signals even during the process of physical rest - sleep.

Children are more sensitive and receptive to new things, so they experience all events more emotionally. This is what causes them to talk more frequently in their sleep. Receiving a portion during the day psychological stress, in children (and in adults) during sleep, the speech centers of the brain are excited. This is what prompts the sleeper to talk a little.

The main reason why people talk in their sleep looks like this:

During the day, a person experiences too much emotional or sensual shock, and sometimes several such shocks. The brain is too excited and the person constantly thinks about the experienced event. At the end of the day or at lunchtime, the human body is physically exhausted and needs rest to recuperate. A person goes to sleep, but the brain continues to work hard. And in the process of sleep, a person willy-nilly begins to talk.

What effect does sleep talking have on the body?

Is it necessary to correct the situation when a person speaks in a dream?

When it comes to a child, parents worry and try to take care of the health of their babies as best as possible. Therefore, many of them have a question - is it necessary to sound the alarm if your child starts talking in his sleep? Everything will depend on the circumstances.

Sleep, as a complex process of human life, has several stages. Most people talk during the slow motion stage. deep sleep . Most often, at the very beginning of a dream, a child can “mutter” something indistinct, or simply make incomprehensible disturbing sounds. This behavior is not considered a problem. According to most scientists, in this way, a person simply lulls himself to sleep. When a person experiences feelings, he tends to respond to them in one way or another.

Some people start talking during REM sleep. At the same time, speech is clear and understandable, and sometimes accompanies movement. eyeballs, getting out of bed and manipulating the limbs. From the outside, this behavior can scare, but most often there is nothing to worry about.

If after such nightly “adventures” a child (adult) gets up alert and rested, then there is no need to go to the doctor . He simply reacted to the events of the day. If you do not want the nightly conversations with body movements to be repeated, then you can simply follow one rule.

How to make sleep easier

Just before going to bed, you need to create calm atmosphere in the house. You should not watch films that cause violent emotions, do not read bad news and do not difficult conversations . Nutritionists do not recommend not eating heavy meals an hour and a half before bedtime, so as not to burden the stomach. If in the evening a person does not receive strong psychological shocks, then the night will pass calmly.

When is it worth to see a doctor?

There are some signs when they still show the need to visit a doctor. For example, if conversations are accompanied by other deviations normal sleep, - crying, shouting or jerky movements. When a child or an adult manifests sleepwalking, enuresis, asthma attacks in a dream or teeth grinding, it is better to visit a specialist who can identify the causes of the disease and prescribe necessary treatment. This behavior may be a sign serious illness nervous system.

Talking in a dream - what is it, a funny habit or a manifestation of some kind of disease? Should they be taken seriously?

There is still no clear explanation for the fact that some people talk in their sleep.

Scientists call this phenomenon somniloquy or sleep-talking.

Who talks in your sleep?

  • Few talk in their sleep, according to statistics, this feature is inherent in only 5% of adults.
  • In children, this phenomenon is much more common. But it goes away with age.
  • It is believed that men talk in their sleep more often than women.
  • There is an assumption that this feature is hereditary. There is a definite connection between somniloquia and somnabulism (sleepwalking).
  • The habit of talking in a dream is more often manifested in emotional people.
  • Somniloquia can become one of the manifestations of excessive nervous excitement or stress.

Child talking in sleep

If a child talks in his sleep, as a rule, there is no cause for concern.

According to statistics, 50% of children aged 3 to 10 speak in their sleep.. Moreover, every tenth child does this several times a week.

Why is this happening? As already mentioned, emotional people tend to talk in a dream.

And the psyche of the child is still being formed. And even the most harmless situations, according to adults, can cause a flurry of emotions in a child.

There is no need to see a doctor if talking in a dream is the only symptom that worries parents.

But it is worth paying attention to emotional sphere child. What situations cause overexcitation? What kind of problems disturb the little man? Help him solve these problems, and sleep will become much calmer!

Note that emotional overexcitation can also be caused by positive emotions. So, in and of themselves, talking in a dream should not be a cause for concern for parents.

What do people say in their sleep?

Scientists believe that everything said in a dream, a person has already said before. So, you should not listen to the words of a sleeping person in the hope of hearing some kind of prophecy or finding out ways to solve a complex world problem.

Most often, a conversation in a dream lasts no more than 30 seconds. However, during one night it can be repeated several times.

  • The speech of the sleeper can be both illegible and very clear.
  • Sometimes it seems so meaningful that it's hard to believe that a person is sleeping.
  • Someone talks in a dream in a whisper, and someone screams.
  • Sometimes it seems that the sleeper is in dialogue with someone or with himself.
  • Some parents note that two children sleeping in the same room can talk in their sleep.

If you wake up the sleeper, he will not be able to remember and repeat what he just said. But it is worth noting that it is at this moment that it is quite difficult to wake a person. Waking up in the morning, he also will not remember either the very fact of sleeping, or the words spoken.

Causes of somniloquia

Many people think that somniloquia is associated with dreams, more precisely, with scary dreams.

According to scientists, there is no clear link.

The fact is that Somniloquia can occur at any stage of sleep.. And dreams, as you know, are possible only during REM sleep.

Although, if a person screams in a dream, the reason for this, indeed, may be nightmares.

But sleepwalking can also be caused by other sleep disorders. Sometimes reasons that are not directly related to sleep lead to it.

Among them, experts distinguish:

  • Reception of some medicines;
  • emotional stress;
  • high body temperature;
  • Mental illness in the acute stage;
  • Abuse of caffeine, alcohol or drugs

Is talking in a dream a repressed aggression?

According to one of the hypotheses, people who are aggressive by nature tend to talk in their sleep.

Since an adult rarely manages to throw out irritation in ordinary life, all the accumulated anger manifests itself in conversations in a dream.

In this case, the person's speech is aggressive or offensive, it may be accompanied by threats or foul language.

Well, this is not the worst and, most importantly, the safest way for others to display aggression.

Should I treat somniloquia?

If talking in a dream does not disturb either the sleeper or his relatives, there is no reason to see a doctor.

If sleep-talking is accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations, for example, seizures inexplicable fear or frequent nightmares, specialist advice is necessary.

The doctor will most likely ask how long ago the problem arose.

Your partner can help answer this question, as can parents who need to remember how often you talked in your sleep as a child.

There are no specific tests or techniques to study somniloquia. The purpose of research in this case- Identification of a more serious sleep disorder or disease that leads to talking in a dream. The main methods for conducting such studies are polysomnography and keeping a sleep diary.

When a person talks in his sleep, it alarms us. After all, we are used to looking for something mysterious or dangerous behind the unknown. If you are faced with sleep-talking, we offer you to figure out why it occurs in adults and children, and how you can quickly and effectively get rid of such a problem.

What makes a person talk in their sleep?

If you talk in your sleep, it means that even during rest, the active work of your brain continues. In medicine, this phenomenon is called sleep-talking or somniloquia - one of the types of sleep disorders that does not pose a health hazard.

Medicine and psychology consider several reasons for such speaking:

  1. Our dreams that are trying to "break" into reality. A person can talk at night if he dreams of something terrible or very emotional. However, speaking can occur not only during REM sleep, but also throughout the night, from which it is worth concluding that it is not only dreams that make us speak.
  2. Sleep disorders. If a person has a REM sleep disorder (when the muscles of the body tense up instead of relaxing) or suffer from nightmares, nighttime talking can be one of the symptoms of the problem.
  3. Sleepwalking, when a person can get out of bed at night, walk around the house, eat and talk, but still continue to sleep.
  4. Taking medications that affect mental activity brain. Drinking alcohol has a similar effect large doses caffeine.
  5. Strong emotional experiences, due to which a person remains tense even after falling asleep. People who are deeply depressed often speak at night.
  6. Regular sleep deprivation.
  7. Diseases, especially if they are accompanied by fever.

How long can a sleep-talking episode last?

Night calls do not last long - about 30 seconds. Some people may have several episodes of talking in one night, which are more like babble, but can sometimes appear as emphatic intelligible speech.

More often, sleepers talk to themselves in a dream, but sometimes such a conversation can be addressed to a specific person.

What determines the duration of the conversation?

The intensity of a night conversation and its intelligibility depend on the stage of sleep at which the sleeper is:

  • if he speaks at the fast stage or superficial sleep, his words will be very clear and understandable;
  • conversation during the deep sleep stage usually resembles gibberish or restless groans.

Night talking is very common, and if you say that every person on the planet at least once in his life said at least one word in his sleep, this would not be an exaggeration.

Doubtfulness is completely harmless, except when the sleeper utters loud curses that prevent others from sleeping.

Why do adults talk in their sleep?

The reasons why adults talk in their sleep may depend on individual characteristics each person - his nervous excitability, the experience from the previous day, the comfort of the bed.

But there are also the most common sleep-talking provocateurs (besides those we mentioned above):

  • genetic predisposition,
  • physical exercise,
  • addictions (alcohol, drugs and even love),
  • non-observance of sleep hygiene - nightly watching movies, irregular rise and departure to bed.

The number of adults who talk after falling asleep is only 5%, while less than half of them talk regularly during sleep.

Why does a child talk in his sleep?

Half of all children between the ages of 3 and 10 talk in their sleep, so if you notice this feature in your baby, don't worry.

But so that sleep-talking does not prevent the little one from getting enough sleep, try to exclude the reasons provoking such a phenomenon:

  1. Active games before bed. The nervous system and brain in children do not work the same way as in adults, and therefore it is more difficult for them to switch from an active type of activity to a passive one. At least an hour before going to bed, the baby should be offered quiet games or activities - bathing, reading books, massage.
  2. Stress. Often children babble in their sleep if during the day something frightened them or made them cry. But stress doesn't have to be negative - kids can talk at night because of happy events.
  3. Watching TV or playing games on the computer. If a child spends a lot of time in front of a flickering TV or computer screen, he can not only talk after falling asleep, but also suffer from insomnia.
  4. The transition from one phase of sleep to another. Going deeper into sleep can cause the baby to feel like falling down, which can be triggered by talking.
  5. Accumulation of new experience. Sometimes 3-year-old toddlers first begin to unconsciously pronounce words during dreams, and then consciously after waking up.

The reason why children talk at night can also be diseases, such as bruxism (teeth grinding). If the baby does not get enough sleep regularly due to this problem, visit a pediatrician with him.

How to know that you are talking during dreams?

When strangers talk in our sleep, we can hear it if we wake up. But how can a person himself understand that he is talking even after falling asleep?

If you do not wake up from your own speaking, then only strangers can point out the presence of a problem to you. But you can suspect somniloquia by its consequences - regular lack of sleep and frequent awakenings.

Do I need to treat this problem and which doctor should I contact?

Usually, even doctors do not consider somniloquia as a disease, but there are cases when, without medical intervention not enough:

  1. If nighttime conversations exhaust you too much, taking all your strength for daytime activities.
  2. If, apart from the dream talk, you have other psychological disorders(depression, addictions) or nervous system disorders (convulsions).
  3. If you have other sleep disorders - sleepwalking or apnea (short-term cessation of breathing).
  4. If you first started talking at night after the age of 25 - in this case, other diseases may be the cause of somniloquia.

Contact your therapist if you have a complaint about sleep-talking. After reviewing your symptoms and assessing your general medical history, he will determine the need for additional examination and, if necessary, will prescribe treatment or refer to highly specialized specialists.

How to get rid of sleep-talking without the intervention of doctors?

If you talk during sleep, but do not have health problems, you will not need treatment.

But in order not to disturb others, use a few tips:

  1. Avoid alcohol, reduce the amount of caffeine in your diet.

  1. Try to eat less at night and choose light meals for dinner.
  2. Before going to bed, devote time only to quiet activities - reading, drawing, needlework.
  3. Create a regular daily routine and come up with evening rituals preparation for sleep (they will tell the brain that it's time to get ready for rest).
  4. Go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  5. Exercise daily to expend excess energy and relax your muscles.
  6. Try to use your daytime sunlight and not electric.
  7. Use the bed only for relaxation and sex.
  8. Make your bedroom and bed more comfortable, control air humidity and room temperature.

What to do if a bedmate is talking in a dream?

If other people talk in your sleep, it can also interfere with your nightly rest. In this case, we recommend resorting to one of the following tips:

  • if possible, sleep on different beds or rooms
  • use ear plugs
  • Create a white noise background in your bedroom to drown out your neighbor's conversations.

We hope that somniloquia will not cause insomnia in you or your loved ones!

Video: somniloquia - a disease or a norm?

Your husband told you that you whispered tenderness to him in a dream, and you about that - neither in a dream nor in a spirit? Or maybe your child talks a lot and loudly at night, and you don't know what that could mean? Or maybe you are listening to what your sleeping spouse is muttering, hoping to find out some of his secrets? You can even go further: try asking a sleeping person who is saying something, and don't be surprised - you may even get an answer, albeit a monosyllabic one. But make no mistake: this answer was not conscious, and it is unlikely that it contains even a shred of truth. And the one on whom you conducted the experiment will not even remember what he told you there.

Sleep chatting can be pretty funny. Maybe you are talking at the midnight hour with non-existent interlocutors. Or a member of your family unknowingly has late-night conversations. What is it - an innocent feature or a sign of some serious disorder? Why do people talk in their sleep and what should (and should?) be done about it? Here you will find answers to your questions and learn both about the causes of this phenomenon and how you can get rid of such a disorder.

Why do people talk when they sleep?

Nobody can say for sure why time from time to time someone starts talking at night. And although there are discrepancies in the statistics, it is still known that about sixty percent of people spoke at least once in their lives without waking up. So what happens to us when we sleep and talk?

Is it normal?

The phenomenon of someone talking in their sleep is called somniloquia. You can come across another term - sleep-talking. Which is, in fact, the same thing. Somniloquia falls into the category of sleep disorders, which includes parasomnia, sleepwalking, enuresis, and night terrors. Sleep talking is harmless to most people and is not usually considered medical problem. As a rule, the “talker” himself does not experience any discomfort; rather, the person who sleeps with him in the same room feels uncomfortable.

First, sometimes lying next to the one who speaks, you have to listen to something that sounds vulgar or even obscene. Agree, you will not be too pleased when you suddenly hear from your husband, even sleeping, such expressions that he never uses in your presence, leaving them for a purely male environment. And secondly, it’s not at all very pleasant to wake up in the middle of the night from someone’s conversation, even if it is the most innocent words.

In general, "talkers" usually speak for no more than thirty seconds per episode. But on the other hand, some people interrupt their conversations restful sleep many times during the night. Such speeches may be extremely eloquent, or they may be inarticulate and unintelligible mutterings that cannot be deciphered. It may not even be words, but just individual sounds. It is generally believed that a sleeping person is talking to himself; but sometimes from the side it seems as if he is having a dialogue with someone. He can whisper, or he can scream. And when you sleep next to such a restless "neighbor", then you risk sleeping no more than when he snored!

Who talks more in their sleep?

As we have already said, many people talk in their sleep. Half of all children between the ages of three and ten talk about something in their sleep; but of adults, only about five percent “love” to talk after they get into bed and fall asleep. Such conversations can occur both from time to time and every night. So, a survey of more than two thousand families showed that every tenth child talks in his sleep more than once or twice a week.

It is also reliably known that girls talk as often as boys, and women are prone to nighttime conversations no less than men. Experts also believe that sleep-talking can be "inherited".

When, how and why do people talk in their sleep?

Somniloquia, as a rule, can occur during two various stages night rest: during the second stage slow sleep when speech is just a stream of thoughts not accompanied by dreams, and during a stage that is accompanied by rapid eye movement (this stage is characterized by active dreams). During the slow stage, the sleeper can be easily awakened (sometimes even the speaker is awakened by the sound of his own voice), while during the fast stage it is quite difficult to wake him up.

When this is nevertheless achieved, the awakened one will not remember what he just talked about. And even during the fast stage, accompanied by dreams, the conversation most often has nothing to do with the plot of his night visions. Of course, talking in a dream can be related to the dream itself. We can talk about what we dream, and we can have a dialogue with the interlocutor, who was invented by our dormant imagination. On the other hand, experts are sure that we could see one thing in a dream, and at the same time talk about something completely different.

Sleep talking can vary in frequency and intensity, which is influenced by many factors. For example, drinking alcohol before bed. There may be more complex factors, such as heat, emotional stress, certain medications, and some underlying sleep problems such as sleep apnea. Well, as we have already mentioned, hereditary predisposition. All this can in one way or another cause you or your loved one to sleep-talk.

How to relate to talking in a dream?

Should not be given special significance what you hear from a sleeping person. It's just cute nonsense! The words of the sleeper are not at all a reflection of what happens to him in life. And you can’t believe the myths that claim that you can find out all the secrets from a sleeping husband by overhearing his unconscious revelations. Like, a person is sleeping for himself, having weakened control over himself, and does not even suspect that at this moment he is betraying himself with his head. Don't be fooled! What your sleeping husband says (if he says, of course) has nothing to do with reality.

And even in his dreams he does not have what he talks about at night! He won't even remember what he was talking about. Moreover, when you tell any disturber of the night's rest that he was talking in his sleep, he will be quite amazed - he has no idea that he has such a habit!

You don't have to worry about what your close person chatting at night, even if he does it in full voice. If it's a child, then just look at it and make sure it's safe. Now you already know that there is nothing wrong with such conversations.

And when can talking in a dream become a cause for concern? Only when you feel too overwhelmed and not rested all day (when you yourself talk at night) or when talking in your sleep is accompanied by other disorders, such as sleepwalking. If you feel sleepy day after day, then you need to contact a specialist who will help you choose the best course of action to correct the situation.

How is this disorder treated?

Before you go to the doctor, talk to the family with whom you sleep in the same bed or in the same room. It will help you prepare for some of the specialist's questions. For example, the doctor will be interested in how often you talk in your sleep and how long ago you started doing it. Don't be surprised if you find out from your parents that you used to talk at night as a child! And do not forget to tell the specialist about it.

At present, it is believed that there is no particular need to conduct any testing that could examine the conversations of people in a dream. However, your doctor may order appropriate testing, such as a polysomnography, when you have signs of a comorbid disorder. Sleep-talking itself rarely requires treatment; however, it may be a sign of a more serious disorder or disease that really needs to be treated.

If there is a person in your family who often disturbs others with night noises or other sleep disturbances, then you should know that there are some things that can reduce the frequency and intensity of unpleasant episodes:

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the family member who talks at night gets enough rest. After all, it is possible that sometimes he prevents himself from sleeping, or, perhaps, he sleeps too little at all, and his body does not have time to restore its resources.
  • Minimize any factors that can cause stress or increase your loved one's level of anxiety. Stress can increase the likelihood and severity of sleep disorders.
  • Stick to a regular rest schedule, go to bed and get up in the morning always at the same time.
  • Don't eat heavy meals right before bed.
  • When a dream-talking loved one or child shows signs of intense anxiety or fear, try to gently soothe them if necessary.

There are no specific drugs or methods by which it would be possible to completely get rid of somniloquia, and there is no particular need for them. But when you consider what is listed a few lines above (the most important thing is to avoid factors that causing stress, and reduce sleep deprivation), you can significantly reduce the chances of restless sleep and talking in the middle of the night.

In addition, keeping a special diary could be of great help to you. This would allow the sleepwalker or their doctor to identify the problems that are causing sleep disturbance. If you're going to see a specialist, start making regular appointments for two weeks beforehand. Record in as much detail as possible when you went to bed, how long it took you to fall asleep, when you woke up in the morning, and whether you remembered your nighttime awakenings.

Be sure to record what medications you took on these days and at what time they drank. What else is worth writing down? Have you been drinking caffeinated beverages, how much and when? Did you take alcohol? Have you ever been nervous? Did you go in for sports, walked on the street? The more information is recorded, the easier it will be to find the irritant that prevents you from falling asleep calmly and without problems.

On the other hand... Well, you talk at night - and talk to your health! Does your loved one utter tirades in a dream? Well, let him speak out, it's a pity, or what? As long as it doesn't disturb your sleep. After all, talking in a dream is not a disease, they do not pose any threat to life and health. So don't worry - you'll sleep better!

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