How to ask for a pay rise. The Tough Conversation: How to Ask for a Pay Raise

In the West, periodic reminders to management about the increase in wages are an element of work culture. In Russia, however, workers who initiate talks about salary increases are often perceived as upstarts. But what to do if the volume of work is growing, and the management is in no hurry to please the news of an increase in wages? The main thing is to cope with emotions and carefully consider the argument.

The research center of the recruiting portal, together with the heads of domestic enterprises and organizations, found out what arguments would help to achieve a salary increase, and also analyzed the most common mistakes made by employees in such a situation.

Calmness and only calmness
Obviously, like any important conversation, . Phrases like: “I work like a slave without lunch and days off”, “I work alone in my department” or “If you don’t raise your salary, I’ll quit”, most likely, will not cause the desire of management to increase your salary. Moreover, they can lead to unfortunate consequences, such as delaying a long-awaited promotion or, which is also not very pleasant, ruin your business reputation.

Choosing the right time to talk is also important. This should be a time period that is convenient for your manager and successful for the company (seasonal increase in sales, etc.).

But the most important thing is a clear understanding of what arguments should be given to prove that not only your personal budget, but also the company will benefit from an increase in your salary.

Merit to the Fatherland
Almost every third manager (32%) is sure that only the employee who has made a personal contribution to the development and prosperity of his native company deserves a salary increase. At the same time, it is important that the employee's opinion about the significance of his own merits coincides with the point of view of his superiors. “A real increase should be based on a person’s real dedication to the cause he serves”; “If an employee documents his contribution to the development of the company, then he can apply for an increase in the amount of remuneration,” the managers explain their position.

I work like a bee
28% of managers consider new responsibilities, an increase in the volume of work and an expansion of the employee's area of ​​responsibility to be good ground for starting a conversation about increasing wages. “If they give me the facts of increasing the functionality, of course, the salary will be revised upwards”; “You have to pay for new duties in a new way,” they comment.

Experience is the son of difficult mistakes
Advanced training, mastering new computer programs, knowledge and experience acquired in the course of professional activity - the presence of such baggage allows you to declare yourself as a more qualified, and therefore more expensive specialist. 17% of managers are sure of this: “Time passes, and the employee becomes more experienced”; “Knowledge acquired during the work is a weighty argument.”

Pro with character
Such personal qualities as determination and perseverance, combined with professionalism, are a serious bid for success. It is not a sin for such a specialist to raise his salary, - 9% of managers believe. “Convince me, which means that it’s worth something in the work”; “I love people who adequately evaluate themselves,” they comment.

Homemade preparations
And finally, an important point: in order for the conversation with the management to increase the salary to be successful, all the arguments that you plan to present to the management during the conversation should be written out on a separate sheet of paper or in a notebook, emphasizing the most important ones - it will be easier to deal with excitement and competently build a dialogue. The "Cheat Sheet" should also contain your initial and extended functionality and the amount of the desired salary. If you strongly doubt your readiness for a conversation, rehearse a conversation with the boss at home in front of a mirror.

But don't expect a pay rise if you:

- did not give serious arguments - in other words, you yourself do not fully understand or are not able to formulate why you should increase your salary;

- they chose the wrong time - the conversation took place at the wrong time (seasonal decline in sales, high employment of the head, etc.);

- overestimated their importance - it is unlikely that the manager will be pleased with inflated salary expectations without existing grounds;

- do not have tangible achievements - unsatisfactory results of work, failure to fulfill the plan;

- not confident in their abilities - a pessimistic and compassionate tone is not at all what your manager wants to hear;

- use blackmail - the ultimatum nature of the request or the threat of dismissal will only set the boss against you;

- refer to colleagues - comparing your salary with the salaries of colleagues, as well as complaints about their allegedly dishonest work - is not an argument for increasing your salary;

- show excessive perseverance - the manager may get the impression that apart from the salary you are not interested in anything else in the company.

What do the numbers say
51% of employed Russians started a conversation with a manager about a salary increase at least once. Interestingly, among the “applicants” there are more men (57% versus 45% among women), but women ask for an increase more efficiently - 32% of the fairer sex achieve the desired increase in salary (against 29% among men).

During the crisis, one cannot count on wage growth, and the situation is aggravated by the fact that due to devaluation and double-digit inflation, real incomes are falling. In such circumstances, a request for an increase in salary can be misunderstood: only those employees who are difficult to replace can count on it. If you think that you belong to them, then you should definitely try, but for starters it is better to reasonably assess the situation.

Make sure the company you work for can afford a pay rise. If you feel that things are not going well - employees are being cut, expenses are being sharply optimized, wages are being paid with a delay - then no one will appreciate your courage. Rather, they will think that a competitor is luring you or that you are preparing an ultimatum. Wait for a more favorable moment.

It is desirable that you work in your current position for at least six months, and preferably a year. The exception is if your range of responsibilities has increased dramatically, you spend more time and energy on work, and therefore you think that you deserve compensation. But first, talk to colleagues who have been in the company longer than you: perhaps you have not yet finalized to that segment of the year when all employees receive an increase in salary. True, during a crisis they usually do not do this, and you have to ask yourself.

Assess what industry you work in. If you are a specialist in the banking or IT industry, then most likely it will be easier to achieve a salary increase. The competition between companies in these areas is high, they like to poach employees from each other. If you are valuable to your leaders, then they will be ready to go for a promotion, even if it was not in the plans.

The most important condition is that you yourself must believe that you deserve to receive more. If you can't convince yourself, you won't be able to convince your boss. When you feel insecure, figure out why it is - you may need to work a few more months before you can admit to yourself that you now deserve a higher salary.

If you feel that the conditions are favorable, then by all means try it. A good boss will appreciate your directness and understand that by increasing your salary, he motivates you to work even better. But to reduce the likelihood of rejection, you need to prepare well before the conversation.

Let's start with the fact that you need to ask for a suitable salary even before How did you get into the company? Often people immediately agree to the first offer - in cases where they can safely ask for more money. But, firstly, you must be sure that the employer is really interested in you, and secondly, it is better to explain why the extra money is needed: for example, you received more at your previous job and do not want to lower your standard of living or Your rent has recently been raised. You can also agree in advance that, having completed the tasks, you will receive an automatic promotion six months or a year later, after the probationary period ends.

You must prepare ironclad arguments why you deserve a pay rise. In other words, first you overfulfill the plan and only then talk to the boss, and not vice versa. To make it easier to collect arguments, keep a journal with your achievements during your work. They should not be abstract, but specific: for example, your actions led to the fact that productivity or revenue increased by 10%. Always note if you have taken on responsibilities that are not covered by the contract - your boss may not know about it, because he already has enough things to do.

Perhaps it's better to ask for a raise, not a salary, and in office - or ask for an increase in salary, provided that the range of your duties expands. Your willingness to do more and get more for it will be appreciated even in times of crisis - especially if you are already doing well in your current duties and the company needs additional resources. For example, a person was recently fired, but a replacement was not found for him - offer your work.

Study the market to decide what salary increase to ask for: compare your salary with the market average, find out how much your colleagues from other companies usually earn and how much salaries are usually increased in your company. Also proceed from the fact that if you ask for a salary increase only for a job well done, then it can be a conditional 5-10% on top, but if you take on additional responsibilities, then you can already talk about a conditional 10-15%. Alternatively, you can not name the desired salary, but leave the choice to the boss - it is possible that he will offer more than you were going to ask.

There are two approaches to when to ask for a raise: either raise the issue during the weekly meeting, or schedule a separate meeting with a clear goal. Choose the approach that is more convenient for you: the first is good for testing the ground, the second - if you have every reason to expect a salary increase.

If you are denied, be sure to find out what needs to be done, to get a pay rise. After fulfilling the conditions, you can ask for a promotion again. If the conditions are not called, perhaps you should think about getting a promotion or changing jobs.

Do you want to know how to ask your boss for a pay rise so that he can't refuse you? Then read on.

No matter how good your manager is, he does not think day and night about raising your salary. For him, this is an extra expense, so your task is to make him think that you are worth the money you ask for. In fact, you need to sell yourself to the company a second time, and this is not easy. Let's talk about how to properly ask for a salary increase from the boss.

Not the best option would be when you, counting on inspiration and catching the boss in the corridor, stun him with this great idea. Most likely, he will refuse you. Let's take a scientific approach.


In addition to your personal and professional qualities, the most compelling arguments in a conversation can be two: the expansion of job responsibilities and the amount of work that exceeds the standard load.

What arguments should be avoided?

  1. Your salary is below the average. You can take a chance and hint to your boss that other companies will pay you more, but then be prepared for the boss to suggest that you look for such a company. You can use this argument only in one case: if you have been working in a company for many years and you have never received a salary increase, while the salaries of your colleagues have noticeably increased in the market.
  2. Training. Yes, the development of professional skills is a good thing, but we must not forget that it is part of your job. The manager cares about quality and timing, not the way you achieve results. Therefore, if you use the acquired skills to perform the same work as before, then the point on advanced training is more suitable for a resume than for a confidential conversation with superiors.
  3. Great experience. If you have been working in the same company for years, and there are not enough stars from the sky, the conclusion suggests itself that your position in the labor market is low. This means that your loyalty may be a plus for the recruiter, but not for your manager.
  4. An invitation to a competing company. It is extremely unreasonable to bring to the attention of the manager that a competitor has made an offer to you. Firstly, the manager will understand that you have “sharpened your skis”, and secondly, he may perceive this information as blackmail. Guess who gets laid off first?

Wrong motives

In an effort to explain your motives to the leader, it is undesirable to use the following arguments:

1. "Sidorov has the same position, but the salary is higher."

If the employee you are referring to is loaded more, the boss may have a question, but is he overpaying you?

2. "I took a mortgage, but there is nothing to pay."

Firstly, you did not consult with your boss when you took out a loan. Secondly, he may advise you to live within your means.

3. Refer to inflation and rising prices.

How to build a conversation?

The main thing to understand for yourself is that asking for a raise is a negotiation with a person whose interests do not coincide with yours, therefore, the question of how to ask for a raise from the boss is quite serious. And you need to prepare for the conversation no less responsibly than for negotiations with a major client.

The first thing you should do is gather information. Try to find out how the salary increase works in your company, namely, whether annual indexation is practiced or, perhaps, salaries increase depending on the length of service and the like. Talk to colleagues about how to ask for a raise from your boss, examples from their personal experience may be useful to you.

In addition, you need to find out who influences the increase in your salary, your immediate supervisor or his supervisor. In this case, you will have to enlist the support of your boss and rely on his skill as a negotiator.

Everything has its place and time

Now about how to ask for a salary increase from the boss on time. Be serious about choosing the time and place for the conversation. It is believed that it is best to raise such issues on Friday, after the lunch break. At this time, the level of complacency of the authorities usually rolls over.

This is, of course, a joke. Well, seriously, probe how things are going in the company. If the results of the last quarter leave much to be desired, or your department did not meet the plan, asking for a raise at such a moment is the height of imprudence.

The mood of the chef is also important. If in the morning there were three separations and two dismissals, it is better to wait out, otherwise you risk running into rudeness.

Development of a conversation script

Write a conversation script. It is clear that it is impossible to predict all the scenarios for the development of events, but it is necessary to think over the main ones. Write down all the possible objections that your boss will try to turn the tide of negotiations and prepare counterarguments for them.

Most likely, you can guess that in response to your proposal, the boss will not throw himself on your chest with an enthusiastic cry: “How did I not guess it myself ?!”.

Most likely, this will be an evasive answer, the purpose of which is to delay time. Perhaps your boss is the type of person who likes to think things through before making a decision. Perhaps the decision depends not only on him and he cannot solve the problem on his own. In any case, you need specifics, “yes” or “no”, so specify when you can come to him for an answer.

What's next?

Suppose, after thinking everything over, the manager refused you. Think about how you will act in this case: will you try to return to the conversation later, leave everything as it is, or look for happiness elsewhere?

Typical situations

Let's consider the situation on concrete examples.

First example. How to ask for a raise from your boss if you do not affect the results of the company.

An ordinary employee who performs normal routine work. An experienced professional, and a very good one. The specifics of his work is such that he does not have a special impact on the financial performance of the organization. How to ask for a salary increase from the boss in this case and what arguments should be given?

Each specialist has tasks that characterize the success of his work. These can be personal results or the results of the work of the entire department. Use this information to your advantage as an argument in negotiations.

If you haven't had a pay raise in a few years, you have every right to demand a raise.

Second example. How to ask for a pay raise from the boss if the responsibilities are blurred.

A lot of other people's duties were put on the employee, he, as they say, “drags”, but, thanks to his skills, experience and intelligence, he manages to do all this during the working day. What arguments to use, even if the length of the working day has not changed.

Unfortunately, the situation is typical. An employee loaded with someone else's, moreover, not officially formalized functionality, in fact, has no rights, because. there is no such additional work.

In this situation, it would be ideal to think about how to ask the boss for a salary increase even at the stage of distribution of duties, but if the moment is missed, you need to try to secure the support of the management, especially since most often the boss knows perfectly well how busy a person is and appreciates it .

Now imagine that you do not have the opportunity to talk to the head face to face. For example, as is often the case, you are in different cities or you do not feel confident when meeting with him and are afraid that timidity will not allow you to argue your position with arguments.

Third example. How to ask for a raise if there is no way to meet in person.

Let's talk about how to ask for a salary increase from the boss in a letter. This option has both undeniable advantages and serious disadvantages.

The main disadvantages are the lack of eye contact, the ability to see the reaction of the interlocutor and influence it during the conversation.

However, if you take the matter seriously, all these disadvantages are offset by undeniable advantages. And the first of them is the opportunity to think over the argument and use it to the fullest without the risk of being obscured, forgetting or confusing something. In addition, there is no danger of coming at the wrong time, because no one reads the mail if they are overwhelmed with business.

Moreover, you will save your nerves, because after the letter is sent, nothing will depend on you and you will just have to wait for an answer. Needless to say, how important preparation is in this case.

Start with gratitude. But only sincerely, you probably have something to thank for the person who hired you and, perhaps, spent a lot of time and effort on your training or adaptation.
You can move on to the main thing - the reasons why you should increase your salary. List all your achievements and be sure to write how it affected the work of the department or the company as a whole.

You can do this in the form of tables or graphs. The main thing is that the manager sees that thanks to you, the business success indicators have really increased. Keep in mind that all the taboos in the argument that were mentioned above also apply to letters.

In conclusion, it would be useful to mention your desire for professional growth and the opportunity to develop in the company. This will create a favorable impression for the boss and he will not think that you only care about money.

Now a few words about how to ask for a salary increase from the boss by phone. The same rules apply here as in personal negotiations. Write a conversation script, in this case you can put it in front of you and peek into it as needed. And don't forget to make an appointment ahead of time.

And now a little information about what bosses are like, perhaps it will entertain you and help you in preparation.

Fake Democrat

As a rule, he tries not to interfere with the work of subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action, which makes him very similar to a true democrat. But, do not relax, such a boss, as a rule, does not explain what he really wants, and no matter what you do, it will turn out in the end that he did not want this at all.

If a subordinate is suspicious and unsure of himself, such a boss can become a real punishment for him, and work will turn into a source of constant stress.

How to behave? The first and easiest option is to change your boss and find a new job. True, in this case there is a risk that the next leader will be even worse than the previous one.

The second, more difficult, but also the most reliable - strengthen the nervous system, increase your self-esteem, work on yourself.

Man of moods

Yesterday he was the standard of an ideal boss, and today he throws lightning, reprimands, swears dirty and is looking for something to complain about. But, the storm will pass and he will meet tomorrow morning in a state of melancholic calm.

Such antics of the authorities do not contribute to the establishment of a favorable psychological environment in the team. Yes, and this only harms the work process, since it evaluates the work of subordinates not by their abilities and results, but depending on their mood.

How to behave? A person of mood is not the worst version of a leader, and all that can be done is to abstract in moments of outbreaks, do not start, do not argue, but calmly listen, take into account and forgive.

Energetic vampire

In ordinary life, this is an erudite, witty intellectual. He opens a conversation with a subordinate in a quiet voice, gradually increasing the pace and volume of speech, then gets a taste and begins to scold the employee, preventing him from inserting a word.

After a conversation with such a boss, subordinates usually experience a breakdown and emptiness. But the chef is transformed, his mood rises, his cheeks turn pink, a sparkle appears in his eyes.

How to behave? The first and most important rule is not to succumb to provocation. In no case do not reciprocate the vampire, do not start and do not scream. That is what he expects from you. Your weapon is calm and poise. As a result, he will break his teeth about you and fall behind, such people do not like hard food.

A few simple tricks will help make things easier. “Close”, just lock your fingers together, this will help save your energy potential. And at the most tense moment, just lightly bite the tip of your tongue seven times. No doubt it helps.

Ideal Boss

If you get lucky you are lucky. This leadership style distinguishes smart, tactful, fair and competent people with a good sense of humor. It is a pleasure to work under the wing of such a person, he helps each employee to reach their potential and provides everyone with a decent reward.

How to behave? Work, improve and appreciate what you have.

It remains to be hoped that you understand how to properly ask for a raise from the boss. We wish you personal and career growth!

Favorite business, wonderful colleagues, convenient office location - everything seems to suit you ... Only the salary that was when applying for a job a couple of years ago has remained the same. In contrast to the markedly increased volume of job responsibilities. Let's not talk about inflation...

Familiar? Most employees of Russian companies find themselves in a similar situation, in which there is no regular salary indexation and a clear bonus system. At the same time, paradoxically, many people who are dissatisfied with their salary prefer either to silently wait until the boss himself guesses to appreciate their labor enthusiasm, or to look for a new job. Only a few dare to talk about the increase. The rest consider such a conversation humiliating or obviously hopeless. And very in vain! After all, most managers sincerely believe that since a person works with full dedication and does not complain, then everything suits him, including financial conditions. And let's not forget that neither water nor additional banknotes flow under a lying stone.

However, a conversation with superiors, and even on such a delicate topic, is not an easy task. Our advice will help you to properly tune in and competently build this dialogue.

Preparing for a conversation

TIP 1. Tune in to negotiate, not to persuasion

In our time, labor power is as much a commodity as anything else. At work, we sell our knowledge, abilities, professional experience for a salary. All this has a corresponding price. Therefore, in anticipation of a raise, it is very important to cast aside false shame and realize that you are not going to beg or beg. You just want to offer your boss to pay for your work in accordance with the "rates" that currently operate on the labor market. “We have goods, you have a merchant” - a conversation should be based on this principle.

TIP 2. Stock up on arguments in your favor in advance

Surely the manager will want to hear, and, in fact, why he should raise your salary. After all, this automatically entails an increase in the financial costs of the organization. And your task is to confidently justify your request. Therefore, formulate your arguments in advance, preferably in writing, so that at the time of the conversation you do not forget everything that you wanted to say.

Here are some examples of "salary" arguments (in descending order - from the most convincing to the least):

  • personal labor feat. For example, you with honor withstood a large-scale tax audit, repelling almost all the claims of the inspection, thereby saving a lot of money for the company;
  • increase in work volume for example, in connection with the departure of a colleague on maternity leave;
  • expansion of the area of ​​responsibility;
  • new job responsibilities for example, training new employees;
  • significant improving personal performance(compared to colleagues working in similar positions);
  • the size your salaries have not been reviewed for a long time, therefore, it does not correspond to the level that currently exists in the labor market. But if this is your only argument, there is a danger that the boss can easily send you to this very labor market;
  • acquiring new skills For example, mastering a new accounting program. But let's be honest with ourselves: as a rule, to a certain extent, management does not care in what ways we do our job. The main thing is to get things done;
  • great work experience in the company. But again, if there is nothing more to add to this, you sit in the same position year after year and your functionality has not changed in any way, this argument is very doubtful.

If your labor achievements can be clothed in some kind of numerical values, be sure to do it. Numbers are much clearer than words to demonstrate your merits to the company.

But what is undesirable to refer to is regular processing, delays after work and general fatigue. Unless, of course, you are the only one doing the work of an entire department. The director may well judge as follows: you are constantly late - it’s your own fault, which means you plan your working time poorly. You get very tired - it means that you are not competent enough and stress-resistant.

Well, now three so-called anti-arguments to which absolutely not recommended appeal:

  • financial difficulties(“took a mortgage”, “my son has to pay for his studies at the university”), including those caused by various life troubles (“divorced her husband and now she has to rent an apartment”, “grandmother is sick, I need to hire a nurse”). The boss may well answer in the spirit of “who is now easy” and will be right. The maximum that you can achieve is the allocation of one-time financial assistance to you and nothing more;
  • your colleagues have higher salaries. It is likely that this is a natural result of some of their work merits, which you simply do not know about;
  • your dismissal in case of refusal of the boss give you a raise. If you put the question to the head with an edge: “Either increase my salary, or I quit,” in the vast majority of cases, be prepared to hear: “Fire.” And all because the ultimatum narrows the range of possible reactions of any person and causes a boomerang effect. In addition, the ultimatum form of posing the problem shows that your ability to negotiate is extremely limited. And this automatically reduces your level as a professional and, accordingly, the value for the company. Therefore, you can resort to outright blackmail only if you really have somewhere to go. Otherwise, you will be left with nothing.


General Director of REMA Company LLC

“ A manager's refusal to raise a salary can lead an employee to start looking for a more profitable job and eventually quit. So in each specific case, I have to decide what is more profitable for the company - to raise wages and keep the old employee or to hire a new specialist for less pay, but to train him, bring him up to date, check for reliability.

I believe that an employee's salary can be increased if he performs more work or more complex work, or improves his qualifications. I also collectively evaluate the personal qualities of the employee, for example, responsibility, punctuality.

And of course, the financial capabilities of the company matter. In a number of situations, instead of a salary increase, an employee can be offered such a scheme of earnings, which directly depends on the amount of work performed. When, for example, part of the earnings is a percentage of sales” .

Be prepared to clearly and distinctly tell your boss exactly how much your salary should increase. As a guideline, you can take, for example, the rate of inflation or the salary of specialists of your profile and level in other organizations. Also, consider in advance from what date you would like to receive an increased salary.

TIP 4. Wait for a favorable moment to talk with your superiors

When the company is doing great (and the accountant knows this for sure), a major tender has been won, a large-scale project has been implemented, which is why the management is in high spirits, it's time to seize the moment to improve your own financial situation.

And vice versa, if the company's profit situation is terrible, for example, due to a seasonal decline in sales, it is useless to start a conversation about an increase, as you understand. Also, the wrong time for such a conversation is when the company, as they say, is in a fever. For example, a period of general rush, or some kind of check is underway in the company, or restructuring is coming in general.

If your company is drafting and approving a budget for the next year, including, in particular, a payroll item, it makes sense to outline a conversation long before the budget is drawn up. Otherwise, you will probably hear a phrase like “Sorry, but the budget has already been approved. We can’t increase your salary by cutting other employees!”

If you have an immediate supervisor who does not solve salary issues, but much more often communicates directly with the head of the company, it makes sense to first discuss the issue of salary increases with him. By his reaction, you will understand how real your chances are. And if he also believes that you are worthy of a salary increase, then, most likely, he himself will volunteer to convey your request to the chief boss.

actual conversation

Place. It is best to start a conversation about the increase in an official setting, namely, in the boss's office, where he is, as they say, on his territory. And certainly face to face, and in no case in the presence of other employees. Talking about it somewhere at a corporate party is not the best option. It may turn out that the boss will either forget about your conversation in the morning, or hold a grudge against you for not letting him relax, forcing him to discuss work issues. Although it all depends on the degree of freedom in the relationship between the boss and subordinates. After all, each company has its own.

Reader's opinion

“For 3 years of work, we have never received a salary increase. Somehow I persuaded my colleagues to meet with the general, but at the last moment everyone got scared. Yes, this is not surprising, because our director’s favorite phrase is: “I need exactly 5 seconds to find a reason for your dismissal””.

manager, Samara

Time. It is intuitively clear that you should not start talking about a raise when the boss is very busy, in a hurry somewhere, or just in a bad mood. Observe for yourself or consult with the secretary, what is the best time to contact management with your problem.

Psychologists also agree that having such a conversation on payday is not a good idea.

your behaviour. Let go of emotions, stay calm, confident and friendly. No begging, compassionate, ingratiating intonations. Try not to lose the thread of the conversation. It will be better if you think over the possible options for the development of the dialogue in advance, and maybe even rehearse it at home in front of a mirror.

When citing your arguments in favor of raising your salary, use the so-called Stirlitz technique “The last is remembered”. That is, voice the most weighty argument at the end of the conversation.

And yet - try to get a specific answer from the boss. If he evades him, citing, for example, the need to consult with someone, ask him to set a date for your next meeting.

But what if the boss refused to give you a raise? It all depends on the form in which the refusal was made. If the director justified why you cannot count on a promotion now, and told what you need to do, what indicators to achieve in order to achieve a higher salary, this is one thing. In this case, be sure to ask when you can return to this conversation again. But if the leader did not give any reason for his categorical “no”, then perhaps you should look for your professional happiness in another place where you will be appreciated.


Editor-in-Chief of the Glavnaya Kniga magazine

“If an employee is really valuable to the company, then the manager will certainly meet his request for a salary increase. At the same time, the category of “valuable employee” for me personally includes those who:

  • actively involved in new projects, not afraid to take responsibility for their implementation;
  • focused on the result, and not just sitting in the office for the allotted time;
  • puts maximum effort into his work, enjoying both the process and the end result a” .

Choosing a professional direction for himself, a person focuses on his own interest in the field of activity. This at the initial stage helps to put up with an insufficient level of wages. Over time, not only the required, but also additional skills are acquired. The issue of salary increases comes to the fore. How to ask for a salary increase from the boss in order to get approval and a positive result?

moment of truth

Before you set yourself the task of asking your boss for a raise, think about how ready you are to take responsibility for your decisions. This is the key point. Analyze your achievements. principles you rely on. Existing shortcomings, the accuracy of their understanding and ways to correct them.

At the same time, check for yourself the availability of characteristics:

  1. The tenure of the position is at least one year. The first six months are spent on training. After a year of work, the necessary skills are acquired. A year and a half later, the employee is able to solve key tasks, the professional level allows him to cope with multitasking.
  2. Are you completing your assigned tasks on time? This speaks of organization, competent distribution of time, attentiveness.
  3. You have the skills to quickly and efficiently correct errors. Accepting criticism from management and taking responsibility for failure.
  4. The employer is interested in your candidacy. This is expressed in the joint discussion of issues. Delegation of additional powers to you to jointly improve the quality of the organization.
It is interesting! In 70% of applications, the boss is already ready to increase the employee's salary. He waits for the employee to demonstrate independence and perseverance in the decision.

If you were able to positively cover your activities, are confident in your own abilities, you can proceed to the next stage. How to ask for a salary increase from the boss, choosing the right moment?

"Execution cannot be pardoned"

No matter how determined a person is, being in the right place at the right time is more reliable. To do this, it is enough to follow the rules in work and interpersonal communication. Having painted all your advantages point by point, you can go with a firm step, considering the following:

  • the development of your company is on the rise, which contributes to its financial growth. Otherwise, she will not be able to afford a salary increase for employees;
  • the domestic market is not experiencing a crisis that contributes to a critical decrease in the growth of the company's income. This can be seen in the reduction of services, range, falling sales volumes;
  • the main planning of the budget for the next year falls on the fourth quarter. Discussing the pay increase should take place before planning. This allows the manager to make a decision based on the main possibilities;
  • the ability to correctly assess the cost of their services, the second step to victory. The increase is announced in a rational financial equivalent, taking into account the determination of the increase period;
  • state the purpose of the conversation when the manager is in a good mood and not busy with other duties. Don't try to fix the issue right away. Allow time to be coordinated so that the leader can bring the discussion into the main schedule.

A good example of how to ask for a salary increase from the boss

How to ask for a raise from your boss and get a 100% refusal

It's simple - just do the following mistakes:

  1. Transfer difficult personal situations to work. Personal life and work have no common ground. The head of the organization, first of all, is interested in effective work. The problems of the employee's personal life do not fall into the sphere of priority interests. At the workplace, professional achievements are evaluated.
  2. Evaluate the quality of your work, underestimating the efficiency of your colleagues. Evaluate the results in the competence of the manager of the composition, who has complete information about the activities of employees.
  3. Constantly stay at work. The situation cannot be assessed positively. The position involves the performance of duties during the working day. Delays in excess of the norm indicate an illiterate distribution of time and an inability to calculate one's capabilities. In this case, the question of how to ask for a salary from the boss becomes irrelevant.
  4. Try to resolve the issue bypassing the direct manager. Appeal to higher authorities is effective if the structure of leadership is respected. If there is no constructive consideration at the initial level, there is confirmation of achievements, you can apply above.

The threat of being fired cannot be categorized as a positive or negative factor among examples of how to ask your boss for a raise. This is where the surprise effect kicks in. The method carries a significant risk. If the employer is interested in the employee, sees his confidence in his qualifications, then he agrees to consider an increase in wages.

There is another side. An employee who possesses all of the above qualities is perceived as a threat to the system. He is right, but in the transition to the personal aspect, he is fired as a talker, as a warning to others. Taking such a step, a person must have strong personal qualities and be ready to move to another job while maintaining respect for himself and others.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes clear boundaries for wage payments. In particular, art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that payments are made according to the established schedule from 2 times a month. Employees must be warned about the delay with the fixing of deadlines. For the period of postponement of payment of wages, the employee has the right to apply for compensation (Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, an urgent question arises, how to ask for a salary from the boss when she is delayed.

It is interesting! A competent employee builds relationships with the team on the basis of courtesy and mutual assistance. His work is always aimed at obtaining a quality result. It brings the respect of others. The issue is resolved positively at the level of higher management in case of refusal of the immediate supervisor.

An employee of the organization should always remember that he provides services for a fee. Delays in payments reduce the quality of life and increase the psychological burden (More: What to do if?).
When analyzing the situation, key questions are clarified:

  • terms of delay, taking into account the clarification of the situation;
  • compensation for the delay period (an employee takes borrowed funds to maintain the level of family support);
  • suspension of work in the absence of payments within the agreed time frame.

How to properly negotiate and ask for a delayed salary from the boss in order to get a result without going to court.

A competent manager of a company that is in a temporary financial crisis is interested in constructive negotiations. During the discussion of the situation, you can only operate with facts, you can not get personal. Endurance, a statement of facts, the ability to keep emotions under control - the key to success.

Steps to take after salary increase

When the question of how to ask your boss for more salary is resolved in favor of the employee, you need to correctly distribute your activities. The boss expects that his decision will bring results.

How to behave if the issue was discussed, the authorities agreed to a salary increase with a probationary period.

  • take into account the critical remarks of the head and eliminate shortcomings in the work;
  • not be afraid to make decisions. Take responsibility for their results;
  • improve the quality of work. In case of errors, eliminate them independently, taking into account the opinion of the head;
  • be polite, approach consideration from an objective side, and not from the position of a personal reaction.

There are many reasons for increasing wages. This is not only professional growth, but also the economic environment. Indexation of prices, services. The main part of organizations takes into account the situation and indexes the salary of employees according to the schedule.

If the dilemma of how to ask for a raise from the boss was resolved, but did not bring the expected results, do not despair. Step back from the situation and ask for reasons for the refusal. Listen and take note of all recommendations regarding the characteristics of your work. Fix the negatives. After a few months, approach the manager again for a discussion. Persistence based on the result, self-confidence are the best helpers.

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