Good person, bad person. How to know if I'm a bad person or a good person

How to understand who is in front of us?

The peel is the first impression of you. This is what everyone knows about you, from the barista who sold you coffee this morning to the unfamiliar colleague at work. How do you know what it tastes like to you? This is not difficult. Remember if you are polite with waiters, sellers, taxi drivers. Do people like you when you first meet? Will your unfamiliar colleagues call you friendly? If you answer “yes” to all these questions with confidence, then do not hesitate, your skin tastes quite good.

Now let's dig deeper. Pulp. Friends, family, those who know you well, all deal with her. Do you often gossip? Do you judge people? Don't stand up for loved ones? Are you cowardly? Do you rejoice in the failures of your friends? Do you like to talk only about yourself? Can't keep secrets? Are you not paying back your debts? Do not mind lying from time to time? If so, then your pulp, alas, is no good.

Here we come to the core. You open it only to the very closest, some people do not show it to anyone at all. Test yourself: imagine that there is a button next to you that you can press, and then your cherished dream will come true. True, about 1000 random people will die at the same time in the world. But no one will ever know that you pressed it. Click? If your answer is "yes", your core is hopelessly damaged.

If we divide a person into peel, pulp and core, and call each of these three parts "bad" or "good", then eight types of people will be obtained. Let's see what these types are (we go from the peel to the core).


Saints to the marrow of their bones, not losing faith even in notorious villains. Most often make friends among the "bad-good-good".

Advantages: Without such people, we would definitely be lost, and if we really need to trust someone, then only them, they will not let you down.

Flaws: With their arrival, the fun goes away, because what is fun is not always right.


At the first meeting, they make a terrible impression, but dig a little deeper, and you will discover their beautiful inner world. People like to hang out with such people of the “good-good-good” series.

Advantages: They hate hypocrisy and cowardice, they are extremely principled. People respect them and often choose them as their leaders.

Flaws: Some of them are not alien to star disease, because inside they are so wonderful, despite the outer shell.


When they first meet, they seem adorable, but their friends, most of them the same "good-bad-good", know that this is far from being the case. "Good-bad-good" often suffer from low self-esteem.

Advantages: They are always fun to be around and their communication skills are top notch.

Flaws: They can be both hypocritical and cowardly, but, in general, they are harmless.


The list of those whom they offended is long, but their friends will always defend them fiercely. And they are mostly friends with people like them, or with “good-bad-good”, or with completely “bad”.

Advantages: Of course, they can be very unpleasant, but they have a good heart.

Flaws: They can be very unpleasant.


Such people are very dangerous, at first they like them, win your trust and even love, and then ruthlessly break your hearts. They often converge with "good-good-good" and then very painfully diverge from them.

Advantages: Of course, their main goal is only their own success, but while they are moving towards this goal, they manage to do something good, such people often go into politics.

Flaws: They are manipulative and hurt those closest to them the most.


This type of people is very rare. They are often deluded into thinking that their core is actually good.

Advantages: They often become successful in the criminal business. A bad skin produces the necessary intimidating effect, a good pulp helps to establish contacts, and a bad core allows you to go over the heads to your own goal.

Flaws A: They are really very bad.


Everyone has fun with such a person, but only everyone knows that at the core he is complete trash.

Advantages: Excellent contenders for the role in Desperate Housewives.

Flaws: The most hypocritical of all presented.


Here he is, the classic villain in all its glory. They do not understand people with a good core and despise bad people who try to appear good.

Advantages: They are not hypocrites, they are what they are, they make excellent stand-up artists, and also the leaders of the mafia.

Flaws: Here, I think, and so everything is clear.

How do I know if I'm a good person or a bad person?

    You will not be good for everyone, this is probably true. Think about whether you have friends, whether they call when you are sick or just on vacation. Do they support you in difficult times, do they turn to you for advice or help. Do friends share their secrets with you, do they love you, do you love. If all this is present in your life, and even not all but partially, do not think about the bad, you are quite a good person.

    In order to understand whether I am a good person or not, I imagined how many people would mourn and mourn if I suddenly died, it worked out a little, draw your own conclusions. In general, this is very objective and just sit down and write down your actions for today: gave way, lied to your wife, talked to your grandmother, in general, divide it into pros and cons. The main thing is that it doesn’t work out that you are not a person, this is really sad.

    You know, Dolfanika, in every person there is both good and bad. And, probably, there is not a single person about whom one could say with 100% certainty that there is absolutely nothing bad in nm - except for saints, maybe, but there are only a few of them. And the matter is complicated by the fact that we all understand a little differently what is good and what is bad. Therefore, what is good in the eyes of one person may be bad in the eyes of another, and vice versa. Probably the only criterion for determining whether we are doing well or not is the voice of conscience ... although sometimes it is silent ... Forgive me for answering so chaotically. In fact, this is a very complex and deep question, which can hardly be given a simple, unambiguous answer.

    For ourselves, we are always the best, no matter what we do, no matter what we do.

    And to understand what kind of person you are, your relatives and friends will help you, you just need to ask them at the right moment what they think about you, but not just ask a question directly, but from afar. humor, so it will be easier to understand what type they still refer to. As they say from the side, it is always more visible ...

    All this is very subjective. I am sure that any of us is both loved and disliked. But it's not scary. You won't be good for everyone. I think we need to ask relatives: they will not lie. Especially the mother-in-law. 🙂

    First of all, you need to be honest with yourself. And objective, of course! Then you can definitely understand how good or bad you are.

    But what is a good person? For whom should it be good? For yourself or for others?

    Or bad? Who decides he's bad...

    In general, sorry for the water not really)))

    Whether you are a good person or a bad person is a very, very relative concept, since each person has his own thoughts about how a person should be. You never know for whom you are good, and for whom you are nobody ... There is probably only one truth here - as you yourself think you are a good or a bad person, so it will be.

    It depends not only on the person, but also on the appraiser.

    If the worldview of a person coincides with the views of the appraiser, he evaluates him as goodquot ;.

    Well, here are the questions I would ask:

    • Are you an idealist or a materialist?
    • Do you believe in the supernatural or are you an atheist?
    • Patriot or cosmopolitan?
    • An opponent of scientific and technological progress, or a supporter?
    • Do you deny revolutionary methods in politics, or do you recognize them?
    • Hierarchy is closer to you or equality?
    • Domostroy closer, or equality in the family?
    • Tradition or science?

    Well, according to the results, I would decide whether you are good (progressive) or bad (reactionary).

    Firstly, my clear conviction that there are no ideal people!

    Secondly, if you communicate with your friends and acquaintances (if you have them, then you are no longer a bad person) and they tell you that you know how to keep secrets, I talked to you like I went to a psychologist, it’s good that you listened to me.

    Thirdly, if you have not been beaten in the face lately.

    This means that you, if not a very good person, but certainly not a bad one!

    Probably not necessary to divide into only white and black. There are no ideal people. If there are big good deeds in a person's life, he is probably still good, but if bad, then vice versa. Here's an example. Today my daughter went to school, her classmate did not come. The teacher asked my daughter to ask a classmate the reason for his absence from school. On the way home, she met his mother and asked why Dima didn't go to school. In short, the daughter came all in tears, kind; Mom scolded my child, saying that it’s none of your business, snot, I haven’t reported to you yet, and well, and in that spirit. I have nothing bad to say about this woman. He always says hello, if you ask for help, he does not refuse. Well, what kind of person then consider her? Therefore, I think each person decides for himself whether he is good or bad.

    Maybe you need to see how people treat you. Yes, they say that you will not be good for everyone. But it is not so. Depending on the reputation of a person, they treat him, if people are confident in your honesty and decency, indifference and kindness, intelligence and tact, then even in a difficult life situation, the attitude towards you will be appropriate. People are instinctively drawn to good people. So you just need to look at your surroundings.


A bad person or a good person is a relative term. I am convinced that there are no bad people. There is a perception of a person because of his bad deeds, which others evaluate as bad deeds, since these actions are on the scale of their value system as bad.

For example, for my children, I am the best dad in the world. If they lose me, then their loss will be commensurate with the loss of the most that can be lost. For my enemies, I am a bad person, since my actions are evaluated by them as unacceptable by good people.

Are enemies bad? Why bad? They are people who are the best for their loved ones. Those close to them know their heart and perhaps understand their intentions. They accept them for who they are.

And what about those who kill another person? He does not kill by chance, but consciously approaches this decision. He is definitely a bad person. Yes, for our value system, he is a very bad person. But we do not know what he is guided by in his decision. Every decision has its own story. There are reasons why people act the way they do.

All people live on the full machine of their habits and beliefs.

For example, a mother beat her son as a child. She humiliated his manhood. As a result, he grows up very cruel and merciless. Perhaps not only his wife suffers from his actions, but also the fate of many other people. So who is to blame for the actions of this man? Mother? But why did she allow herself to humiliate this future man? Because, in turn, her mother was an abandoned woman and raised her daughter with the belief that all men are "goats." The girl grew up with an already subconscious perception that her future chosen one would definitely leave her or offend her. And so it happened. He quit, which broke her heart. She humiliated her son, deceiving herself with "love", i.e. I thought that she would bring him up good, not like his father's "goat".

How to judge the killer of many lives? Evil must be punished on its basis. Why do we punish only the one who finally committed the act?

I helped my father in our gardens for many years. Almost every day after school, I went with my father to cultivate the land. It is pointless to cut weeds with a hoe, they must be uprooted otherwise they will sprout again. To be honest, I was very proud when all the neighbors praised my father for the fact that our garden has always been the best. For the fact that the father's harvest was 2 times more than that of the most diligent summer residents.

Let's go back to the "murderer" who is on trial for the crime. Guilty. Maybe we'd better send his mother, or grandmother, or great-great-great-great-grandfather to prison? Of course not, because he died a long time ago. Therefore, we rely on a set of laws that punish deeds (crimes).

Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, etc. All of them bathed in the blood of millions of people. Violence boils up in us when we read historical books or just talk about their atrocities. But let's think, because they were all boys who played cars, ran with a ball in the garden, or simply experienced immense joy, swimming in the sea on a hot summer day.

Who is to blame for their actions?

Perhaps you will ask me: “So why not judge by actions now?”

Are you sure that you deserve to judge someone? Isn't your "evil" that you hide, or maybe you don't even know about it yourself, will cause even more evil. The fact is that you certainly consider yourself a good person, because you know all the reasons, motives why you act the way you do. Knowing the truth, you justify yourself.

Perhaps you will say: "I'm not a murderer." I agree, you are a very nice person...

The Bible - a book that is recognized by billions as a set of rules that a person needs to do, says: "Do not judge." Do you know why? Do not judge, because, firstly, you do not know the real reasons and the real perpetrators of actions, and secondly, because you yourself are not much better than those who act this way.

Judges, prosecutors and all those who pass a guilty verdict. Who are these people? I believe that they should be the most worthy of the most worthy, so as not to succumb to the great temptation of power. But the reality shows us something completely different ...

Precious friends, don't judge other people, don't label them as bad. There are no bad people. There are reasons that led to bad deeds. But if you did this bad deed, you would surely be able to justify yourself, try to do the same in relation to another person.

We live in a world where everyone judges each other and I am no exception. I also judge and get upset because of the bad deeds of other people, calling them bad. But silence comes when I start to think and it becomes sad that I did not try to justify the other.

Give people another chance. Not the last, but one more chance. Give each time one more chance, but do not raise an ax to cut off the head ...

Perhaps someone will say: "Let's see how you speak when evil is done against you." Yes, it is possible and you will hear from me, "Judicial" verdict, spoken in the hearts. But I will come to my senses and still I will look for the strength in myself to give another chance.

So why not punish? Do what you know. Everyone is responsible only for himself. If you are worthy to punish, then who will forbid you.

Do you think there are bad people?

A bad or good person is a subjective opinion and a relative concept.

Perhaps it will be easier not to judge other people if we understand that everything good or bad that is in our life, we have attracted to ourselves - like a magnet. Read my article "", where I talk about the force of attraction of energy. Simply put, only I am responsible for the events that are now taking place in my life.

When you take responsibility for yourself, you do not raise your hand to blame another.

This article, like all the others, I write for myself, since this is my personal blog, i.e. personal diary. By writing down your thoughts, you better understand what you are doing, how and why, and if there is an edifying tone, then forgive me. I create my world around me the way I want and maybe you are in my circle. If our thoughts are similar, then most likely we will be comfortable together, and if not, then there are many circles, as many as there are people on earth.

Good or bad?

Hello, visitor of my page, today we will carry out laboratory work on measuring the qualities of a person, and we will take you as a laboratory sample. And put down the ruler, we won't need it)

How do you know if you are a good person or a bad person? Since this question is complex, and rather philosophical, let's approach philosophy in an engineering way and break the complex question into a group of simpler ones, which are easier to answer, and then put them back into a big one and see what happens :)

I have divided the essence of a person into 73 qualities, and to make it clearer, they are provided with quotes from the teachings of the living ethics of N. Roerich (thanks to Yu. B. Dvornikov and I. S. Dyadenko for a selection of quotes). It remains only to note whether they suit you or not, just be honest! I don't promise prizes for correct answers, anonymity...

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Some wear kilograms of gold and loud labels on their clothes in the hope that they will be accepted as “their own” by certain people. Others play the role of sociable and socially oriented individuals, just not to be left alone with their problems.

How do you know who a person really is? How can you understand what it is inside? What are his goals in life? What are his true values ​​and beliefs?

Can this be determined by the words he speaks? Well, I do not. As the proverb says, never trust anyone - and you will not be deceived. Taking people at their word today is an unaffordable luxury. How many broken hearts, how many deceived investors, how many bankrupt businesses today we see for this common reason.

Is it possible to know who a person is by what other people say about him? Basically, you can. But also not always. Here an important role is played by the fame and authority of a person. And the more famous and “weighty” the figure, the more ...

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Decide what the term "good person" means to you. Someone likes generous, someone - economical. Some are delighted with charismatic slobs, others like reserved pedants. You need to understand who you want to see in your environment.

Find a way to tell your good people from your bad ones. Just write a list of the most common behaviors or traits of those you like. Learn it by heart and always use it when you meet in order to analyze even by the first impression whether this is your person.

Trust your intuition. It is especially worth trusting the inner voice when it is in conflict with the mind. Try to understand what he is telling you. If you feel a subconscious distrust of a person, check your concerns. Just do it carefully, tactfully and unobtrusively.

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How often, in order to understand whether it is worth communicating with a particular person, just a few minutes are enough! And let them say that very often the first impression is deceptive, it is the initial communication that helps us determine our attitude towards the person that we see in front of us.

Sincere feelings and actions

In most cases, a good person is one who helps those around him. But here the question arises of whether he really does everything from the bottom of his heart, or simply benefits for himself by helping others. Just as an option, such a person can help people so that everyone considers him good and kind.

It can be said with absolute certainty that a good person is a person who is unfamiliar with such feelings as envy, anger and hatred. Even if someone does something bad to him, he will not hold a grudge, and even more so he will not take revenge.

It is also worth noting the fact that for a good person everything ...

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After all, we do not notice ourselves from the outside and often condemn people's behavior and life, which is better than ours. And we do this not intentionally and not hypocritically, but simply do not notice ourselves from the outside.

---Great Architect of the Universe (Viktor Filippov)

Yes, I'm not talking about pride, but more about condemnation.
31 For if we judged ourselves, we would not be judged.
(1 Corinthians 11:31)

Any self-interpretation, such as "how many good deeds I have done", "how smart I am", "how impassive I am", "how I differ from others", this is a very strong psychological attachment based on self-interest, in relation to one's deeds, to actions, then there is a desire to get something for it. Pride. True piety is completely disinterested, it is done to help others, it is done simply because it is done. In general, there is no piety "for oneself." Need naturalness, like children. I, unfortunately, do not know the objective criteria for evaluating "Good-Bad". It's all subjective and...

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Yes, you know how to analyze :))) At the beginning of the letter, you raised the question of what to choose: physical attractiveness or the ability of a person to communicate. If you choose the first, then with this person, it turns out, you are promised a good "fuck-tibidoh", passion, rapid pulse, and if the second - intelligent conversations, jokes, common interests ... I.e. this is how it was severely divided. Until now, I believe, you have come across instances of "peasant": masculine, shameless, sexy - but on the other hand, they were drawn to them, there was a physical attraction with them. Then, having matured and analyzed your life, you, -Sun-, realized that you lacked male "goodness". And here He is - serious, well-mannered, prudent. But he is completely devoid of any attractive masculine features ("... you don't want any physical contact with a person, even just a touch"). Well, thoughts materialize. You set yourself a task: I must have a good boyfriend, I don't need "animals". Life...

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Essay: " Good man " and " bad person ": criteria differences .

Since ancient times, the question has been: who can be considered a good person, and who is bad? And what are their differences? How do you know if a person is good or bad? In order to answer these questions, people turned to fortune-tellers, sages. And even now, in order to understand what kind of person is next to you, people resort to esotericism, psychology, or ask for the advice of elders. But my reflection on how to recognize a bad person or a good one, I would like to turn to ancient wisdom, namely, to proverbs, sayings, winged expressions, etc.

I will begin my reflection with an aphorism. "A bad person differs from a good one in that he repents of what he has done, and the second - in what he did not do."

That is, let's think about what the author wanted to say with this reflection? For example, a bad person committed an act that does not correspond to the norms of behavior in society, other people may condemn his actions, but at the same time he may repent or not, it will depend on his choice, in any case, he will be responsible for his actions himself. And who is the second person? If we continue this antonymous series, then for the second we will consider only a good person. But why should he repent for someone else when he did nothing? The fact is that a good person will think in advance whether my act is bad. The ancient philosopher Democritus said: "Being a good person means not only not doing injustice, but also not wanting it." The thoughts of a good person cannot fit the circumstances and actions that a bad person has committed. He needs everything to be fair.

He will worry about this person as for himself, it is possible that he will even take his guilt, although he did nothing. Why would a good person do this? Because this is a man of a wide soul.

All good qualities are gathered in it, for example, kindness, honesty, responsiveness, the ability to sympathize with another, tolerance, etc. One of the English catchphrases says: "A good person is kinder to his enemies than a bad one to his friends." From this expression, we can say that a good person will treat everyone kindly, even if he is your enemy, and a bad person will treat badly even his friends. Similar in meaning to this saying is the Japanese catchphrase that "It is better to be the enemy of a good man than the friend of a bad one." And, indeed, it is easier to be an enemy of a good person, since he is not vengeful, does not commit evil, and will lend a helping hand at any moment. And if a bad person is next to you, and he is also a friend, then still expect trouble from him, since he can betray, do something on the sly. Perhaps just out of jealousy or some other reason. And if you think about it, why are there bad people in our society? And what is the reason for their appearance? Perhaps this will depend on the upbringing of the parents, in which family he lived, in what environment. Or it depends on the temperament and character of a person what he is. There can be many reasons, as everyone has their own truth. Maybe he was just disappointed in people, he was surrounded by only bad people, and he had no one to take an example from. Perhaps he made such an attitude for himself that good does not triumph over evil and it is beneficial to be a bad person. Since there is a lot of injustice, anger, etc. around. It can also be assumed that this person has some mental disorders, he is an incurable person, therefore he commits immoral acts and was not punished.

Uvarov Nikolai said that "a good person is not afraid of anyone, a bad person is afraid of everyone." Why does it happen this way? Because a good person has a clear conscience, and a bad person will be in constant fear that he will be punished for his actions.

So, to sum up, what is the difference between a bad person and a good one. As I think, a good person, he will always radiate light and joy, kindness and warmth emanates from him, at any moment this person will support, give advice, be honest with another person and not do evil. There is no envy, deceit, no desire to hurt someone, he lives in complete harmony with himself. It is more dominated by good qualities. Sincerely rejoices in other people's achievements. And a bad person lives in the darkness of his evil, this is the only source of life for him. Because in another way he cannot, does not want and does not know how. He enjoys hurting others. He does not wish well for anyone. This is a selfish person. It is not that he does not think about others, he thereby destroys himself and his life.


Democritus "New Acropolis" philosophical school

http:// www. newacropolis. en/ alexandria/ aphorism/ chelovek

Underwater A. Aphorisms and quotes.

Fomina N., Book: Japanese proverbs, Genre, 2010

http:// www. litmir. me/ br/? b=226803& p

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