Read the white bim black ear summary. Extracurricular reading based on Troepolsky's book White Bim Black Ear. The book "white bim black ear"

The little Scottish Gordon Setter was not lucky to be born with an awkward appearance for his breed. He did not meet the standards by which breeders judge the thoroughbredness of a dog. A descendant of almost royal canine blood, Beam became an unfortunate misunderstanding for the breeder. Inevitably, he would have died, cold-bloodedly rejected because of his atypical appearance for a setter, but the owner Ivan Ivanovich took him to him. This is how the story "White Bim Black Ear" begins. The summary of the book, set out in the article, will make you experience amazing story friendship.

Carefree puppyhood

Troepolsky wrote the book "White Bim Black Ear" in order to educate the new generation true love and compassion for all living things.

The owner is a former front-line soldier, once worked as a journalist. Now he was a simple lonely pensioner, and the rejected puppy became for him best friend, interlocutor and pupil at the same time.

The kindest Ivan Ivanovich quickly realized that his pupil, despite his atypical appearance, has the best dog qualities. Beam was smart, affectionate and even intelligent in the truest sense of the word. Having no chance of becoming a recognized medalist at dog shows, Bim turned out to be a real aristocrat of the spirit inside.

Surrounded by the love of his master, Bim grew up affectionate, trusting, well-bred dog. Together they whiled away the evenings for exciting activities, walked through the forest and hunted. Bim was still a real hunting dog, and the Owner did not want to deprive him of his natural hunting instinct.

Unforeseen blow of fate

White Bim Black Ear does not know anything yet about life. The summary of Troepolsky's book tells about the complex ups and downs of the fate of the dog and its owner.

Against the backdrop of a complete idyll, the Owner fell seriously ill. The wound received in the war had an effect. Ivan Ivanovich was urgently hospitalized for surgery and taken to Moscow. Bim was left alone in an empty apartment under the supervision of an old neighbor. He remained waiting for the owner, unable to understand where he had disappeared and why he did not come.

Bim became homesick, refused food. He could not do anything except one thing - wait! Waiting in an empty apartment turned out to be unbearable, and Beam decided to personally go in search. After all, he was a born hunter and knew how to follow the trail.

Alone at home.

The story "White Bim Black Ear", summary which conveys the story of a dog who has lost a friend, will touch the most callous heart.

Days passed one after another, but nothing changed in Bim's life. Every morning he went in search of a missing friend and by evening he returned to the door of his apartment. He timidly scratched at the neighbor's door, and Stepanovna went out to let him in.

On the streets of a big city, the naive Bim, who believed that almost all people are kind and sympathetic, has to face the cruel realities of life.

In endless wanderings around the city, Bim gets acquainted with a mass of people of various persuasions and gains a gloomy life experience. It turns out that not all people are kind and ready to help.

Before the Master's illness, Bim had only one enemy in the face of the "free Soviet woman» Aunts. My aunt openly hated the whole world, but for some reason, a well-mannered, affectionate dog aroused a special hatred in her. Aunt, being a born brawler and squabbler, spread rumors everywhere that Bim was dangerous to others. Even assured that he wanted to bite her. The story "White Bim Black Ear", a brief summary of which tells about such "instances", will make you despondent.

Bim was afraid of the evil Aunt and tried to stay away from her. There was no longer any intercessor in the person of Ivan Ivanovich, and in the face of danger he was now completely unarmed. The aunt, in the end, will become the culprit of his tragic death.

Such different people

In search of the missing Master, Beam experiences a feeling of hatred for the first time. Collector of "dog signs" Gray takes him home in order to remove a plate from his collar for his collection. Information about the dog and its number were written on the plate, by which the dog can be identified and not confused with stray dogs. outbred dogs. With Gray and goes White Bim Black ear. The breed of the dog, the Scottish Gordon Setter, made him visible on the streets of the city.

After depriving Bim of his "regalia", Gray beats him severely with a stick for the fact that the dog did not let him sleep with his plaintive whining. The kind and peaceful Bim, having come to his senses after the beating, furiously attacks the tormentor and sinks his teeth into his “soft spot”.

The beaten dog cannot recover from his injuries for a long time, but continues to travel around the city, hoping to find the lost track of his friend. He learned to distinguish between good and evil people. Both of those and others met him enough on the way. Someone will drive away and scold, and someone will feed, caress, help heal wounds. "White Bim Black Ear" is a summary of not only the book, but the entire Soviet era.

New friends

In his masterpiece "White Bim Black Ear" Troepolsky talks about kind and helpful boys who tried to alleviate Bim's fate.

In his wanderings around the city, Beam meets not only selfish, vicious Grays and shrill Aunts. He finds real friends in the person of the kindest girl Dasha and the "boy from a cultured family" Tolik.

It was Dasha who forced him to start eating, forcibly fed him, realizing that the dog would die of starvation from anguish. She built a sign for him explaining his name, why he wanders the streets, and asked people not to offend him. It was on this tablet that the unlucky "collector" coveted, depriving Bim of both his name and Dasha's appeal to people written on the tablet.

Tolik fell in love with Bim at first sight and helped him as much as he could. Since rumors about a “homeless, rabid dog” were spreading around the city, Tolik personally took the dog to the veterinarian for an examination. The veterinarian wrote out a treatment for him and confirmed that the dog is absolutely healthy. The dog was not mad. He was just a sick, miserable, crippled creature.

The boy visited him, fed him, walked him on a leash so that something would not happen to Bim again. Beam came to life and perked up from the care and love of a new friend. Stepanovna gave Bim a letter from the Boss. The sheet of paper kept the smell of Ivan Ivanovich's hands. The dog laid his nose on the letter and for the first time wept with happiness. Real tears of newfound hope rolled from his trusting eyes.

Anxious changes

Suddenly, Tolik stopped coming. Snobbish parents forbade him to spend time in the company of a semi-literate old woman, her granddaughter and a sick dog. Bim again yearned and again escaped into the open spaces of the street. Wandering around the places where he once walked with the Boss, Bim ends up in a village and stays with a shepherd's family. He likes the open spaces of fields and meadows, which he got used to while hunting with the Master. He became friends with the shepherd's son Alyosha.

But then a new misfortune happens: taken on a hunt by a neighbor of the new owner, Bim infuriates the hunter by the fact that he cannot finish off the wounded animals. The enraged hunter severely beats Bim, after which the dog, who has lost faith in people, returns to the city. He is afraid to stay in the village.

In the city, he accidentally finds Tolik's house and scratches his paw at the door of his house. The happy boy persuades his parents to leave Bim at home. But at night, Tolik's father takes the dog to the forest, ties it to a tree, leaves a bowl of food and leaves.

Helpless in his position, the crippled dog almost becomes a victim of a she-wolf. Hunting dogs are not trained to fight wolves. They can only follow their trail during the corral.

Bim gnaws through the rope and gets out of the forest. But on the way to the cherished goal - to the door of his native home - he accidentally finds himself squeezed in the grip of railway arrows. He was saved by the fact that the driver in the dark noticed a dog trapped on the tracks and stopped the train.

Finally crippled, emaciated, barely alive, Bim, at the cost of incredible efforts, finally gets to his street. And then the last chord of the tragedy rumbles. The aunt, who noticed a dog sitting in the middle of the street, assures dog owners who catch sick and homeless animals that she knows Bim. He belongs to her, is sick with rabies, and she persuades the dog owners to take Bim away.

So he ends up in a dog boarding school, locked in an iron van. He furiously scratches and bites the door in an attempt to get free, but in vain.

Long-awaited meeting.

Ivan Ivanovich, who arrived after the operation and is looking for his pet along with Tolik and Alyosha, attacks Bim's trail.

But when he opens the van door to free his friend, he sees that everything in this world has already ended for Bim. The dog, with bloody paws and torn lips, lay with his nose against the door. Beam was dead. He almost waited for the Master.

Ivan Ivanovich buried his friend in a forest clearing and fired four shots into the air. This is the custom among hunters: they shoot as many times as the age of the dead dog. Therefore, the Owner fired 4 shots: that is how many years the good and faithful dog lived in the world.

Troepolsky wrote his book "White Bim Black Ear" in his hometown Voronezh, where a monument to the hero of the story was subsequently erected.

One of the most famous works of Soviet literature is the story "White Bim Black Ear". Reviews of the book by Gavriil Troepolsky are very positive: this work immediately brought the author all-Union popularity and fame. Based on his motives, a famous film was shot, which received international recognition. Simple a touching story The friendship of the owner and the dog immediately fell in love with everyone, so the story deservedly entered the golden fund of Soviet prose. The author was awarded the USSR State Prize, and the film was nominated for an Oscar.

About plot twist

Troepolsky wrote "White Bim Black Ear" in 1971. Reviews of the book show that readers liked the touching image of the dog the most. At the beginning of the work, we learn that they wanted to drown the puppy, but the writer Ivan Ivanovich took him to him. He left the puppy and left it with him. Most readers note a successful plot. According to them, with the apparent simplicity of the storyline, the author was able to masterfully convey the feelings and experiences of the protagonist, his gratitude and affection for the owner, as well as his attitude towards the world around him. From this point of view, many readers rightly compare the beginning of the story with famous work American writer D. London " White Fang”, which also tells about the formation of the personality of a wolf cub in the wild.

About the character of Bim

Perhaps the most touching story about animals in Soviet literature is the work "White Bim Black Ear". Reviews of the book show how much this essay was to the liking of the readers. Of course, they focus on the main character in their reviews. In their opinion, the writer managed to very truthfully reproduce inner world Bim and traits of his character. The dog grew up very smart, quick-witted, he grasped everything literally on the fly. After two years, he already knew how to distinguish about a hundred words related to the house and hunting. But most of all, readers like the way Troepolsky portrayed the relationship between Bim and his master. smart dog by the expression of his eyes and face he knew how to guess the mood of Ivan Ivanovich, as well as his attitude towards the people around him.

About the beginning of the conflict

The work “White Bim Black Ear” is distinguished by a rather simple plot. Reviews of the book, however, indicate that readers liked, first of all, the idea carried out by the author in his story: the theme of friendship, devotion, fidelity, and at the same time denunciation of evil and betrayal. Toward the middle of the story, Beam meets with an evil aunt who immediately took a dislike to the poor dog. She unfairly complained about him, despite the fact that even the chairman of the house committee himself admitted that the dog was not at all dangerous to society. This first encounter of Bim with an evil woman subsequently led to a sad ending.

The search for the owner

One of the famous Soviet writers is Gavriil Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" is his most famous work. The main part of the story is occupied by the story of a dog searching for its owner, who was unexpectedly taken away to complex operation. According to most readers, this part of the story is the most dramatic and heartbreaking. During the search, Bim experienced many hardships, met both good and bad people. bad people who treated him differently. For example, student Dasha and a little boy Tolik treated him very carefully. The latter even managed to feed the dog, which refused to eat during the absence of the owner. BUT kind girl brought him home and attached a sign to the collar explaining the history of the dog. However, after some time, he got to the collector of dog signs Gray (a man in gray clothes), who treated him very rudely and kicked him out of his house.


One of the most soulful and touching stories was presented to the Soviet reader by Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear" is a work about the complex relationship between a dog and people. Very soon about devoted dog schoolchildren and residents of the city learned. Beam began to look after his friend Tolya. Many children sympathized with the hero, who has changed a lot during the absence of the owner, lost weight. According to readers, this is one of the saddest parts in the story. However, Beam was still looking for the owner. These searches remained fruitless, moreover, one day, having smelled Dasha, he rushed after the train and accidentally hit the rail with his paw. And although the driver braked in time, the dog badly injured his paw. He had a new enemy - Gray wrote to the police a complaint that Bim had bitten him.

At the new owner

In the work "White Bim Black Ear", the main characters of which are the subject of this review, actors are the people of the most different characters. After some time, the driver sold the dog to the shepherd Khirsan Andreevich. He fell in love with the dog, learned his story and decided to take care of him until the return of Ivan Ivanovich. The shepherd's son Alyosha also became attached to Bim. And Bim fell in love with his new free life: he began to help the owner graze his sheep. However, once the dog was taken hunting by the neighbor of the shepherd Klim, who beat Bim painfully because he did not finish off the wounded rabbit. According to readers, in these parts the author skillfully compared the good and evil characters of people through the perception of the protagonist. He fled from his new master, as he was afraid of Klim.


The story "White Bim Black Ear" ends very sadly. The main characters of the work were both kind and evil people. The boys Tolik and Alyosha began to look for the missing dog and became friends. However, Tolya's father did not want his son to be friends with ordinary people and had a dog, so he interfered in every possible way with the search. Meanwhile, the aunt gave Bim to the dog-catchers, and he died in the van, trying to get out. Ivan Ivanovich soon returned after the operation. He learned about the loss of the dog and found him already dead in the quarantine yard. The real master of the image of characters is Troepolsky. “White Bim Black Ear” (you learned a summary of the work from this article) is a touching story that, despite the sad denouement, nevertheless leaves readers with bright feelings. Many of them note that the sad ending is partly brightened up by the description of the children's friendship with Ivan Ivanovich. After some time, he adopted a new puppy, which he also gave the nickname White Bim Black Ear. The breed of the dog also coincided - the Scottish Setter.

- The words of the author of the book Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky to all readers of "White Bim Black Ear"

The circumstances of the creation of the story and the film of the same name have already become history. The Regional Archive stores the issue of the Kommuna newspaper for September 23, 1977. Here is placed an enthusiastic article by the writer Viktor Popov - in fact, the first review of the film. This was six years after the first publication of the story in the magazine Our Contemporary. And "White Bim - Black Ear" became, as they say now, a bestseller.
The first book edition of the famous story. The text was handed over to the Soviet Writer publishing house in March 1972. The author dedicated the story to Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky, in most subsequent editions this dedication is missing.

The masterpiece of Russian cinema, the film "White Bim Black Ear" turns 37 this year. In the book, the dog is described as a mis-colored Scottish Setter, and English Setters of the correct color were used in the film. Vyacheslav Tikhonov, who played the main role, had to go hunting with them many times in order to make friends with four-legged actors.

From book to movie

In 1971, a book by the Voronezh writer Gavriil Troepolsky was published, in which he told the sentimental story of a dog devoted to its owner, who unexpectedly got into trouble. The owner, Ivan Ivanovich, a former journalist, and now a philosophizing hunter and military man, is suddenly taken to a Moscow hospital for an operation due to a disturbing fragment in his chest.
The dog in search of the owner meets many people, good and evil, old and young, and all of them are described through the eyes of the dog, through the prism of its perception.
The end of the story is tragic: after going through many trials and almost waiting for the return of his master, Bim dies, becoming a victim of betrayal and slander by a neighbor.

On the set of the film "White Bim - Black Ear"
Immediately after the first publication of the story in the magazine Our Contemporary, it became, as they say now, a bestseller. And the director Stanislav Rostotsky became interested in her, having shot by that time such famous films as “It was in Penkovo”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”.

Stanislav Iosifovich himself wrote the script based on the book and soon began shooting on location, which, by the way, took place in Kaluga.
However, preparing for the filming of "White Bim", the director had to face difficulties.

The start of filming was postponed for three years - then at the studio. M. Gorky was required to make changes to the script, then he had to wait until the actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov was released (in the role of Bim, Ivan Ivanovich, Rostitsky saw only Stirlitz), then the director suddenly felt sorry for the dog actors ... An entertaining story is connected with the last fact.

"White Bim Black Ear" is the only Soviet film of those years that was completely filmed on expensive Kodak film. The domestic "Svema" had an extremely low sensitivity, and in order to have a clear image on the screen, the actors were "fried" with powerful spotlights.

But the artists got used to it: “They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to act,” Rostotsky sharply cut, but the director turned out to be sorry for the dogs. In order for the four-legged performers not to suffer on the site from the heat and bright light, Stanislav Iosifovich for a long time beat out money from his superiors to buy sensitive Kodakov film. And he knocked out - as much as a fourfold margin. Only after that did the shooting begin.

Stirlitz changes shape

For roles in a two-part film, Rostotsky invited famous actors. Vyacheslav Tikhonov agreed to act in film with great pleasure, because by that time he was already tired of the firmly stuck label of Standartenführer Otto Stirlitz. And the image of a good-natured dog owner came in handy.
Tikhonov agreed to act with great pleasure

On the set of the film "White Bim - Black Ear"

But with the image of Bim, the director had to suffer. In the book, the dog is described as a Scottish Setter born "married", the wrong color - instead of black, he was white with a red speck, only the ear and one paw are black. Expert cynologist Viktor Somov, who worked in the film, suggested replacing Scottish Setters English, suitable color.

Styopka turned out to be especially capable, who participated in the most important scenes. The most difficult scene on the set was the episode in which Ivan Ivanovich happens heart attack. The dog had to play affection, care, sympathy for his sick owner, anxiety about his health. Even Stanislav Rostotsky, who was delighted with Styopa's acting talent (“He is so smart that he seems to be reading the script,” the director once mentioned), doubted that the dog could do it.

The task was complicated by the fact that the shooting had to be done in one take - a dog, like a person, cannot play feelings on demand over and over again. The solution was proposed by the cynologist Viktor Somov.

Dogs are always truthful in their actions, - he said in an interview. - Therefore, it was necessary that Bim truly loved and worried about his "master" - the actor Tikhonov.

On the set of the film "White Bim - Black Ear"

The fact is that dogs cannot play or portray something. They are always truthful in their feelings and actions. Therefore, it was necessary that Bim truly love his master, the artist Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Tie, fall in love with a hunting dog for short term can only be hunted. To do this, Tikhonov had to spend considerable time hunting with Bim, walking through forests and swamps, shooting game from under him, sharing hunting joys together.

Then on a short time they were separated and Bim was not taken hunting. Now the moment of Bim's meeting with V. Tikhonov was supposed to throw out all his canine feelings. The shooting was responsible, as it is impossible to get a double. The scene was rehearsed without Beam, and when everything was ready, the dog was let in. How it all turned out, you saw on the screen.
In this film, many scenes were made without rehearsals, since for them the dog had to be specially prepared for a long time and trained only once. It was an interesting job. I had to constantly show ingenuity and resourcefulness based on knowledge of the psychology of dogs that I had to meet during my life. It was also necessary to take into account the character traits of the protagonist, Bim.

The main character of the tape was, of course, a dog. And it was the setter that Rostotsky chose for a long time and carefully, arranging many hours of auditions. As a result, two applicants were selected - the English setter Steve (aka Styopa) and his understudy Dandy.

Dandy appears on the screen for a very short time, but very brightly: in the scene where Beam gets his paw stuck in a railway arrow and desperately looks at the lights of the train rushing towards him. They say that two years later, when "White Bim" was nominated for an Oscar in the nomination "Best Foreign Film", the Americans gave this episode a standing ovation.

On the set of the film "White Bim - Black Ear"

Stanislav Rostotsky offered Vladimirova the role of a villain in the film "White Bim Black Ear". The actress was to play the aunt who brought poor dog to death. As if anticipating something bad, Valentina Kharlampievna refused for a long time, but then she took pity on the director. He hit the mark with the choice, she really brilliantly played this role. But no one imagined that the film would become a box office hit, and White Bim would turn into a four-legged hero and millions would sob over his fate.
- After the release of this tape, even the neighbors stopped greeting me! – bitterly recalled the actress. - There were a lot of letters from viewers who asked why I dislike dogs so much. And once, when I came to a creative lesson with students of one of the schools, they flatly refused to meet with me. Unfortunately, people began to impersonate me with this villainess, they thought that I was really torturing dogs!

On the set of the film "White Bim - Black Ear"

When the persecution of neighbors and acquaintances began to resemble persecution, Valentina Kharlampievna, in order to prove that she really loves animals, got a dog. Then I decided to play negative roles. But the directors have already understood that Vladimirova is a master of reincarnation.
And in the role of Dasha, who almost became the new mistress of Bim, Irisha Shevchuk starred - a young actress, familiar to the director from her role in his own “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...” (where Irina played Rita Osyagina).

In 1978, the film "White Bim - Black Ear" was nominated for an Oscar in the category "Best Film for foreign language"and won the Grand Prize at the IFF in Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia).

Monument to Bim in Voronezh

In 1980, the creators of the tape - director Stanislav Rostotsky, cameraman Vyacheslav Shumsky and performer leading role Vyacheslav Tikhonov - were awarded the Lenin Prize. In 1977, the picture "White Bim - Black Ear", which was watched by more than 23 million viewers, providing it with 15th place in attendance, was named the best film of the year according to a poll by the Soviet Screen magazine.

How was the fate of "White Bim" - Styopa after the completion of filming, alas, is unknown. There were rumors that the real owner more than once rented out the pet "for rent" - to film studios, hunters. Styopa yearned, then became attached to new owners, then again yearned for separation .. And one day he simply died, in the prime of his dog years. The heart couldn't take it.

However, this is just the bottom of the near-cinema legends. Be that as it may, "White Bim" has become one of the most poignant children's and at the same time adult films. Soviet cinema. “But life goes on, goes on because there is hope, without which despair would kill life. It is winter now, but I know that spring will definitely come, and there will be snowdrops. I know, I believe…” (Ivan Ivanovich).

The monument to Bim in Voronezh was erected in front of the puppet theater "Jester" in the fall of 1998 in honor of the literary hero White Bim from the book of the Voronezh writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". The authors of the monument to Bim in Voronezh are Voronezh architects I.P. Dikunov and E.N. Pak.

The monument to Bim in Voronezh has neither a pedestal nor a foundation, it simply stands on the pavement. Despite this, around him gathers great amount children and adults in order to approach the dog, hug him, stroke his head and take a picture. For an absolute resemblance to Troepolsky's dog, the literary hero was made of stainless steel with a bronze ear attached. Metal dog sits in a pose in which kind, smart and faithful dogs waiting for the owner who has departed for a while.

The "intelligent" and devoted Bim lived with his owner, writer and war invalid Ivan Ivanych. "Defective" Scottish setter Ivan Ivanych saved from death and fed. The puppy has become a real family member for a lonely writer. Although Bim is a serious hunter, he has never bitten anyone.

The aunt from the entrance slandered the dog, accusing him of attack, but Bim was acquitted. However, since then he has become an enemy for the "free Soviet woman".

Old wounds made themselves felt, and the owner had to hastily leave for Moscow for a heart operation. He entrusted the dog to his neighbor, the old woman Stepanovna. Having let Bim go for a walk, the grandmother did not suspect that he would rush in search of Ivan Ivanovich. Nobody opened the ambulance doors. In desperation, wandering the streets, the dog met many kind-hearted and cruel people. The girl Dasha brought Bim home, having learned the address from the inscription on the collar. She attached a brass plate to the collar with a request not to offend the animal. Collector Gray coveted this plate, promising the boy Tolik, who plays with Bim, to take the dog home. In addition to stealing the record, the man beat Bim. While running away, the setter bit a human for the first time.

Since then, Bimka has remained on the street. Passers-by called him Black Ear. Once, smelling the smell of Dasha, Bim pulled "from all paws", being at the station. The girl did not notice her old friend and got into the car. The dog's paw got stuck between the rails. Only by a miracle did the driver manage to slow down the locomotive and free Bim. Limping, he managed to get to Stepanovna's apartment. The old woman began to take care of the dog.

Rumors of a wonderful dog spread throughout the area. At school, Tolik found out the address and went to visit Bim. The boy guessed that Gray stole the tablet and offended the man's friend. Present it to the collector. At the same time, Gray meets Black Ear's first enemy. Together they "warn" the citizens through the newspaper about the rabid dog.

Bim accidentally gets to the shepherd Khrisan Andreevich. The dog felt safe. But one day, neighbor Klim asks the dog to go hunting with him, and there, furious, he beats Chernoukh painfully and leaves, deciding that he is dead.

Strong Beam survives and returns to the city to Tolik's house, unaware of new troubles. The boy's father late at night takes the animal to the forest, ties it to a tree and leaves. The dog gnaws through the rope and goes to Stepanovna. In the morning, the children throw all their strength into the search for the Black Ear. And the aunt, noticing Bim in the yard, calls the dog-catchers, who rudely seize the dog and send it to other captured ones.

The guys get acquainted with Ivan Ivanych, who has just arrived after treatment. The man guesses what happened, who the author is, and comes to the quarantine area for dogs. The watchman opens the van for him. But this happens too late - Bim scratched at the door all night. But she was tightly locked.

The owner buries a friend in a clearing in the forest, where their most the best walks. Tolik's father becomes ashamed, he buys a dog for his son. And in the spring, Ivan Ivanovich also has a replenishment in the apartment - a Scottish setter Beam, a small and happy puppy.

Picture or drawing White bim black ear

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Pitifully and, it seemed, hopelessly, he suddenly began to whine, awkwardly waddling back and forth, looking for his mother. Then the owner put him on his knees and put a nipple with milk into his mouth.

And what was left to do a month old puppy, if he still did not understand anything in life at all, but his mother is still absent and absent, despite any complaints. So he tried to ask sad concerts. Although, however, he fell asleep in the arms of the owner in his arms with a bottle of milk.

But on the fourth day, the baby has already begun to get used to the warmth of human hands. Puppies very quickly begin to respond to affection.

He did not yet know his name, but a week later he established for sure that he was Bim.

At two months old, he was surprised to see things: a desk high for a puppy, and on the wall - a gun, a hunting bag and a face of a man with long hair. I quickly got used to all this. There was nothing surprising in the fact that the man on the wall was motionless: since he did not move, there was little interest. True, a little later, later, no, no, yes, and he will look: what would it mean - the face looks out of the frame, like out of a window?

The second wall was more interesting. It all consisted of different bars, each of which the owner could pull out and insert back. At the age of four months, when Bim was already able to reach out on his hind legs, he himself pulled out a block and tried to examine it. But for some reason he rustled and left a piece of paper in Bim's teeth. It was very funny to tear that leaf into small pieces.

– What is that?! shouted the owner. - It is forbidden! - and poked Bim's nose into the book. - Beam, you can't. It is forbidden!

After such a suggestion, even a person will refuse to read, but Bim - no: he looked at the books for a long time and carefully, bowing his head first to one side, then to the other. And, apparently, he decided this: since this one is impossible, I'll take another. He quietly grabbed the spine and dragged it under the sofa, there he chewed first one corner of the binding, then the second, and forgetting himself, dragged the unlucky book to the middle of the room and began to torment it with his paws playfully, and even with a jump.

It was then that he learned for the first time what “it hurts” and what “impossible” means. The owner got up from the table and said sternly:

- It is forbidden! and patted his ear. - You to me, your stupid head, tore the "Bible for believers and unbelievers" to pieces. - And again: - You can't! Books are not allowed! He tugged at his ear again.

Beam squealed yes and raised all four paws up. So lying on his back, he looked at the owner and could not understand what, in fact, was happening.

- It is forbidden! It is forbidden! - he hollowed deliberately and thrust the book to his nose again and again, but no longer punished. Then he picked up the puppy in his arms, stroked it and said the same thing: - You can’t, boy, you can’t, silly. - And sat down. And put me on my knees.

So in early age Beam received morality from the owner through the "Bible for believers and unbelievers." Beam licked his hand and carefully looked into his face.

He already loved it when the owner talked to him, but so far he understood only two words: “Bim” and “no”. And yet it is very, very interesting to watch how white hair hangs on the forehead, kind lips move, and how warm, gentle fingers touch the fur. But Bim already absolutely knew how to determine whether the owner is now cheerful or sad, whether he scolds or praises, calls or drives away.

And he was also sad. Then he spoke to himself and turned to Bim:

“That’s how we live, fool.” Why are you looking at her? He pointed to the portrait. She, brother, is dead. There is no her. No ... - He stroked Bim and said in full confidence: - Oh, you are my fool, Bimka. You don't understand anything yet.

But he was only partly right, since Beam understood that they would not play with him now, and he took the word “fool” personally, and “boy” too. So when his big friend called out a fool or a boy, Bim went immediately, as if to a nickname. And since he, at that age, mastered the intonation of his voice, then, of course, he promised to be the smartest dog.

But is it only the mind that determines the position of a dog among its fellows? Unfortunately no. In addition to mental inclinations, Beam was not all right.

True, he was born from thoroughbred parents, setters, with a long pedigree. Each of his ancestors had a personal sheet, a certificate. The owner could, using these questionnaires, not only reach Bim's great-grandfather and great-grandmother, but also know, if desired, great-grandfather's great-grandfather and great-grandmother's great-grandmother. This is all good, of course. But the fact is that Beam, with all his merits, had a big drawback, which later greatly affected his fate: although he was from the breed of Scottish setters (Gordon Setter), the color turned out to be absolutely atypical - that's the point. By standards hunting dogs Gordon Setter must be black, with a brilliant bluish tint - the color of a raven, and always with clearly demarcated bright markings, reddish tan, even white markings are considered a great vice among Gordons. Bim degenerated like this: the body is white, but with red tan marks and even a slightly noticeable red speck, only one ear and one leg are black, really - like a raven's wing, the second ear is a soft yellowish-red color. Even a surprisingly similar phenomenon: in all respects - a Gordon setter, and the color - well, nothing like that. Some distant, distant ancestor took it and jumped out in Bima: his parents are Gordons, and he is an albino breed.

In general, with such a multi-colored ear and with tan marks under the big intelligent dark brown eyes, Bim's muzzle was even prettier, more noticeable, maybe even smarter or, how to say, more philosophical, more thoughtful than ordinary dogs. And really, all this cannot even be called a muzzle, but rather a dog's face. But according to the laws of cynology white color, in a particular case, is considered a sign of degeneration. In everything - a handsome man, and by the standards of the coat - clearly dubious and even vicious. Beam had such a problem.

Of course, Bim did not understand the guilt of his birth, since puppies are not given by nature to choose their parents before they are born. Bim is simply not allowed to even think about it. He lived for himself and was happy.

But the owner was worried: would they give Bim a pedigree certificate that would secure his position among hunting dogs, or would he remain a lifelong outcast? This will be known only at the age of six months, when the puppy (again, according to the laws of cynology) will be determined and formed into something close to what is called a purebred dog.

The owner of Bim's mother, in general, had already decided to cull the white from the litter, that is, drown him, but there was an eccentric who felt sorry for such a handsome man. That eccentric was the current owner of Bim: he liked his eyes, you see, smart. Wow! And now the question is: will they give or not give a pedigree?

Meanwhile, the owner was trying to figure out where Bim had such an anomaly. He turned all the books on hunting and dog breeding in order to get a little closer to the truth and prove over time that Bim was not to blame. That is why he began to write out from different books thick common notebook anything that could justify Beam as a true representative of the Setter breed. Beam was already his friend, and friends always need to be rescued. Otherwise - do not walk Bima as a winner at exhibitions, do not rattle gold medals on his chest: no matter how golden he is on the hunt, he will be excluded from the breed.

What an injustice in this world!

Hunter's Notes

AT recent months Beam imperceptibly entered my life and took a firm place in it. What did he take? Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings that are always irresistible, if sycophancy has not rubbed between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, and trust, and affection. This terrible quality is a toady. God forbid! But Bim is still a baby and a cute little dog. Everything will depend on me, on the owner.

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