The mayor of the city has a brother. Samara and a ghost from the turbulent nineties. Requirements for the mayor

Name: Umar Dzhabrailov Place of birth: Grozny (Russia) Date of birth: June 28, 1958

Childhood and youth

Umar Alievich Dzhabrailov was born on June 28, 1958 in Grozny. His father, Alvi Dzhabrailov, is a former secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, an oil industry worker, and his mother, Rumi Sarakaeva, took care of children and the household.

Education and military service

In 1973, Dzhabrailov graduated from school in Grozny and moved to Moscow, where he entered the Fur and Fur College.

He served in the missile forces in Korosten (Ukraine). In 1979 he joined the ranks of the CPSU, where he was until 1989.

After demobilization from the army, Dzhabrailov was going to enter MGIMO, but he did not have enough points in the exams. The very next year, having completed preparatory courses, Umar became a student at the Faculty of Economics of this university.

In 1985, Dzhabrailov graduated from MGIMO with honors and remained in his native "alma mater" to work as a laboratory assistant. Two years later, he got a job as an art inspector at the Moscow Gallery.

Business and banking

In 1992, Dzhabrailov founded the Danako trading company, which was engaged in the supply of petroleum products. In 1994, together with American businessman Paul Tatum, he created the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center joint venture.

Two years later, a scandal broke out between the founders of the company. Then, in 1996, the American even accused a business partner of organizing an assassination attempt on him.

In November of the same year, Teitum and his guards were shot in an underpass in Moscow. Dzhabrailov was banned from entering the United States, but they could not prove his involvement in the murder.

In 1997, the Russian became an adviser to the acting general director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel complex. From 2001 to 2004 he was the president of the Plaza group of companies.

In the early 2000s, Dzhabrailov also joined the board of directors of Russian Capital and headed the board of directors of First OVK Bank.


Dzhabrailov participated in the 2000 presidential election in Russia. He took the last, 11th place, gaining 80,000 votes (0.08%).

Umar Dzhabrailov in the late 1990s

In 2004, Dzhabrailov became a senator from the Chechen Republic. In 2009, the Federation Council prematurely terminated his powers.

The politician, at his own request, left this activity to become an adviser to the assistant to the President of Russia Sergei Prikhodko, and remained in office until 2013.

Dzhabrailov is a member of the United Russia party, a candidate of political sciences, he defended his dissertation at the Russian Academy of Public Administration.

Personal life

Umar Alievich has long been a frequent hero of gossip columns, the media have repeatedly seen him in the company of well-known representatives of Russian show business, in particular, with TV presenters Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki. Dzhabrailov was also credited with an affair with British supermodel Naomi Campbell. However, none of these relationships have been officially confirmed.

Yuri Bashment, Umar Dzhabrailov, Ksenia Sobchak

For a year and a half, Dzhabrailov met with a graduate of the TV show "Star Factory", singer Alexa. At the time of this relationship, the businessman was 50 years old, and his chosen one was 20.

According to one source, Dzhabrailov was married twice and divorced twice. From his second marriage he has two daughters - Danata and Alvina. According to other information, the businessman is now married to a Russian artist, whose name is not known. It is not known for sure whether this is a second or third marriage.

Umar Dzhabrailov with children


According to media reports, Dzhabrailov is a dollar millionaire. Among other things, the businessman owns an apartment in Moscow and numerous works of art. He is the co-owner of several large companies.

Dzhabrailov is engaged in philanthropy and participates in charity, manages the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism.


According to information from open sources, Dzhabrailov is fluent in German, English and Italian. At various times at social events, he talked with many world celebrities, including Hollywood actors Mickey Rourke, Dolph Lundgren, Robert DeNiro, Adrien Brody, Sylvester Stallone and Brad Pitt.

Dzhabrailov is fond of contemporary art, and in 2016 he announced on Instagram that “two masterpieces” had been published by a Moscow publishing house - his books “Absurd” (subtitled “I so want to be with you!”) And “Avangard” (Absurd Remix) .


On August 29, 2017, Dzhabrailov was detained for shooting in the center of Moscow - at the Four Seasons Hotel, of which he had been a frequent guest in recent years.

Umar Dzhabrailov at the Four Seasons Hotel

The businessman fired several shots at the ceiling with premium weapons in his room on the sixth floor. He was alone in the room at the time, and no one was hurt in the incident.

According to media reports, during the inspection of the room, the police found an unknown white powder, pills and bottles of alcohol. Later it became known that the test for drug intoxication gave a positive result.

Dzhabrailov was charged under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism) and released on bail. He later said that he was checking award weapons and fired by accident.


On October 27, 2017, Dzhabrailov was found guilty of an administrative offense - drug use, he was fined 4,000 rubles.

On November 22, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow sentenced Dzhabrailov to a fine of 500,000 rubles on charges of hooliganism. The court took into account the fact that the businessman admitted his guilt and repented of his deed.

Russian statesman. Representative in the Federation Council of Russia from the executive body of state power of the Chechen Republic. Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.

Chechen by nationality.

In 1973 he entered the fur technical school in Moscow.

In 1977-1979 he did military service in the strategic missile forces in the city of Korosten, Zhytomyr region.

After the army, he entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, but did not get a point. He graduated from preparatory courses at MGIMO.

In 1985 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with a degree in International Economic Relations. Received free distribution. For about a year he could not get a job due to the lack of a residence permit.

In 1986-1988 - laboratory assistant

From 1989 to 1992 he worked as a representative of Western companies in Moscow.

In December 1992 he founded his own company "Danako" (supplies of petroleum products for state enterprises).

In 1994 he met American businessman Paul Tatum, founder of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and De

lovy Center”, and helped him win the case of eviction from the hotel “Slavyanskaya”, which was rented by the joint venture “Intourist-RedAmer”.

From July 1994 to 1997 - First Deputy. general manager, and about. General Director of JV "Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center".

In 1996, P. Teitum accused Dzhabrailov

intent on killing him because of the desire to withdraw the American businessman from among the founders of the joint venture. In November 1996, P. Teitum was killed.

The International Arbitration Court in Stockholm satisfied the claim prepared by Dzhabrailov on termination of the contract with Amerikom for the management of the JV Radisson-Slavyanskaya

Since December 1996 - Deputy General Director, Marketing and Leasing Director of OAO Manezhnaya Ploshchad.

Since October 1997 - Advisor and. about. Director General of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya complex.

Since 1997 - President of the PLAZA Group.

He was a member of the board of directors of the bank "Rossii

sky capital".

February 21, 2000 was registered by the Central Election Commission as a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

On February 29, 2000, the Moscow city prosecutor's office opened a criminal case on the facts of falsification of signature sheets in support of U. Dzhabrailov by initiative groups.

In the presidential elections

Divorced, has two daughters (Donata and Alvina, live in Monaco). His brother, Khusain Dzhabrailov, manages the Danako oil company instead of Umar.

Speaks English, German, Italian, understands French, Spanish, Czech, Ve

Umar Dzhabrailov - statesman of the Russian Federation, representative of the Chechen Republic in the Federation Council, deputy head of the Committee on International Affairs. Trustee of the public movement "Russian Islamic Heritage", academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In addition, Umar Dzhabrailov is a successful businessman and frequenter of social events. It is not difficult to guess that Dzhabrailov is a Chechen by nationality. He was born in Grozny on June 28, 1958. After graduating from secondary school, Umar decided to go to Moscow to try to build a career.

Arriving in the capital, in 1973 he entered the fur technical school. Then there were obligatory 2 years in the ranks of the Soviet Army (RVSN) and an attempt to enter the most prestigious MGIMO. Alas, Umar did not have enough points, and he had to wait a whole year to get into the coveted university the second time. He chose the specialty "International Economic Relations".

In 1985, Dzhabrailov received his diploma with honors and free distribution. However, only a year later he got a job as a laboratory assistant at one of the departments of MGIMO. He labored in this field for a couple of years, after which he went into business - he began to represent various foreign companies in Moscow, since in 1989 they were apparently invisible, and everyone needed intelligent specialists who knew languages. A connoisseur of English, German and Italian - Dzhabrailov was in great demand.

In the first years of the new Russian reality, Dzhabrailov accumulated initial capital, which allowed him to open his own business in 1992. He founded the Danako company, which received a contract for the supply of petroleum products for state enterprises; in addition, the company owned a network of filling stations in Moscow and the Moscow region. Two years later, Dzhabrailov met American businessman Paul Tatum, head of the Intourist-RedAmer Hotel and Business Center joint venture, and took the position of first deputy general director of this enterprise. In 1996, Tatum was assassinated; earlier, the American stated that Dzhabrailov threatened him. However, guilt has not been proven.

In 1997, Dzhabrailov created the Plaza holding group, which included Danako, the Tikhaya Gavan advertising agency, Okhotny Ryad and Smolensky Passage trading companies. According to experts, Plaza controlled up to 20% of the outdoor advertising market in Moscow.

In 2000, Dzhabrailov decided to try himself in big politics. He registered as a candidate for the presidency of Russia and took part in the elections, despite the fact that the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case on the fact of forgery of votes for his nomination. Dzhabrailov took the eleventh (last) place in the elections, gaining only 0.08% of the vote. However, it is unlikely that the entrepreneur seriously counted on winning. Most likely, he wanted to once again promote himself.

In 2004, Dzhabrailov left his post head of the holding "Plaza", in connection with the appointment of the representative of the Chechen Republic in the Federation Council of Russia. It was Dzhabrailov who, in 2006, suggested that Chechen President Alu Alkhanov resign from his post. Soon Dzhabrailov's powers in the upper house of the Russian Parliament were extended; they expire in 2011.

Umar Dzhabrailov was married twice, divorced the same number of times. From his second marriage, he has two daughters - Donata and Alvina, who live with their mother in the Principality of Monaco. When communicating with the press, he sometimes complains about the disorder of his personal life, but there is a feeling that this is sham. It is more willing to believe that a large number of women surrounding him is Dzhabrailov's lifestyle, and not a way to find any one.

Another noticeable feature of Dzhabrailov is his predilection for social events. He tries not to miss a single significant event, always tries to be in sight, draws attention to himself. There are opinions that such advice (to be always noticeable) was given to Dzhabrailov by his famous fellow countryman Makhmud Esambaev a long time ago.

Dzhabrailov has an interesting attitude towards money. He is indifferent to them, but not dismissive. He knows his financial ceiling well and therefore feels comfortable within this framework. He believes that money only accompanies his lifestyle.

Alexey Chernov

The media reported on the detention of 59-year-old millionaire from Chechnya and former member of the Federation Council Umar Dzhabrailov in Moscow. According to various publications, the entrepreneur, dissatisfied with the service at the hotel, opened fire indoors. "360" tells what the odious businessman is known for.

The detention of Dzhabrailov was reported on August 30 " Interfax », « businessman" and RIA News" with reference to law enforcement sources. The man was charged with hooliganism.

The incident took place at the Four Seasons hotel the night before, Kommersant writes. The hotel staff used the panic button, and then showed the video from the surveillance cameras to the police who arrived along with the police. It showed a man with a gun riding in an elevator. Law enforcement officers went up to the sixth floor, where Dzhabrailov lived, and knocked on his room. The man opened the door, but, according to Kommersant, when the police demanded to lay down their arms, the businessman said: “I won’t give up without a fight.” However, after the repeated demand, Dzhabrailov nevertheless complied with it.

Law enforcement officers found holes in the ceiling and scattered shells in the room. The ex-senator was handcuffed and then taken to the police department. The man fired from the Yarygin award pistol with documents for the right to carry. According to the publication, a medical examination showed that traces of drugs were found in Dzhabrailov's blood.

Dzhabrailova is also engaged in social activities. He is an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, a trustee of the Russian Islamic Heritage movement, and the founder of the Avanti Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism.

Autumn 1999

And here is another, as they say, well-connected to Luzhkov's entourage, a successful businessman - the owner of the Plaza group (the Danako oil company, the Quiet Harbor advertising company, the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel, where the American co-owner, Smolensky passage"). And they say that Luzhkov does not like oriental people. Apparently not everyone.

Umar, a well-known Moscow businessman and owner of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel, was accused by law enforcement agencies of the murder of his partner, co-owner of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya hotel, American Paul Tatum. Some media accused Umar Dzhabrailov of supplying weapons to the Dudaevs in the warring Chechnya. However, the investigation into the "case of Dzhabrailov and company" was closed.

The media write that Interpol's persistent interest in Umar Dzhabrailov is quite understandable. Indeed, with such representatives of the Chechen criminal group as Lechi Islamov (Lechi Beard), Malik Saydulaev is simply not friendly...


The newspaper "Golden Horn" (Vladivostok), referring to the book by A. Konstantinov "The Underworld of Russia", published by the publishing house "Bibliopolis" in 1995, writes: "In the capital, Chechen gangs make up three large groups: Center, Ostankino and Yuzhny Port. The central group, headed by Lechi Islamov, controls over three hundred firms, as well as prostitution (male and female) in many large hotels."

loving father

Actually, Mr. Dzhabrailov has two daughters. The eldest, Danata, is 9, little Alvina is 5. Only to these two ladies, the Moscow dandy and heartthrob Umar Dzhabrailov is devoted with all his soul and thoughts.

Now the girls live with their mother in distant Monte Carlo (the ex-wife of Umar Dzhabrailov immigrated to Europe almost immediately after the divorce). Mr. Dzhabrailov rarely sees his daughters. Therefore, the gentle and yearning father decided to arrange portraits of little Alvina throughout Moscow.

The youngest is the pride and greatest love of her dad. The quivering parent calls her "the sun" and dreams of taking the baby to his place in Moscow. Mr. Dzhabrailov is ready to talk about his daughter day and night. At such moments, he completely forgets about business and looks more like a mother hen choking over chickens than a tough businessman.
(reprinted from Career magazine)

How was Umar's birthday celebrated?

The best friend of Umar Dzhabrailov is called the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government Joseph Ordzhonikidze .

Here is how the Profile magazine talks about Umar Dzhabrailov's birthday: "Umar Dzhabrailov's birthday was fun. Umar Alievich turned forty-one years old, he invited twenty of his closest friends to the celebration, among whom were Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government Iosif Ordzhonikidze, head of Sobinbank Alexander Zanadvorov, show businessman Boris Zosimov with his wife Polina, chairman of the board Directors of Mercury Leonid Strunin, President of BIN Bank Michael Shishkhanov and Head of SVA Bank Sergey Kovanda. Mr. Dzhabrailov himself arrived accompanied by police guards and two blondes. The soul of the company and ringleader at the evening was Mr. Ordzhonikidze. He tirelessly told jokes, offered toasts, showered compliments on the girls and danced the lezginka."

Based on materials: TV Center, "Tomorrow", "Golden Horn"

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