How to raise a kitten affectionate and tame lop-eared. Defecate in the tray. Bribes help make the cat tame

Pets fill the house with joy and comfort. How to bring up affectionate kitten? It is not difficult if you first prepare for the acquisition of the baby. There is a myth that kittens that were taken very young are more affectionate and more attached to the owner, but this is not always true. Sometimes an animal that got into the house as an adult is more devoted to a person. Heredity plays a large role in shaping the character of a cat, proper socialization and good care.

At what age to take a kitten to make it easier to raise him

Breeders recommend taking kittens at the age of 3 months. By this time, the baby becomes independent and it is easier for him to part with his mother. A kitten that has not experienced much stress from a change of home will be more contact with a person. A grown animal has a lot of advantages over a baby:

  • the kitten is already socialized and ready for training;
  • the animal is accustomed to the tray and scratching post;
  • some of the seals are already neutered, so they are more affectionate to the owner;
  • the animal knows the rules of behavior in the house.

It will be easier to raise a grown cat than a 1-2-month-old baby. The animal is already socialized, so the learning process will not be difficult. When choosing a pet in the breeder's house, give preference to friendly, affectionate kittens who will make contact on their own.

New house rules

The kitten needs patient education from the moment of appearance in the house. Be consistent in your requirements: pet he won’t understand if you encourage him today for biting in games, and scold him tomorrow.

If you want to raise a kitten affectionate, then under no circumstances hit him. The animal will either become embittered or will be afraid of the owner. Cats that are brought up without physical abuse are more attached to the owner and love him more.

Establishing contact

In order to raise a cat affectionate, you need to establish a trusting relationship with him. When moving to new house the animal begins stress and needs about 3 weeks to adapt. During this period, do not pester the baby with games if he has no desire. Start raising a cat unobtrusively, he must feel that the owner is kind and loves him.

Reward your pet with treats for good behavior, be considerate to him, and provide good care. The animal should calm down and get used to the owner. You need to raise an affectionate kitten by the method of encouragement, so training correct behavior will be stress free.

If the baby sits quietly in his arms, then take him more often. Spend as much time as possible with your little kitten if you want him to grow up to be affectionate. But do not insist on games if the pet is in this moment not disposed towards them. Over time, the affectionate cat itself will begin to seek the company of the owner, whom he trusts.

Kitten scratches

The process of raising a kitten involves the correction of unwanted behavior. How to make a kitten be affectionate and not scratch in games? There are several methods:

  • If the baby has played out and started to scratch, then sprinkle water on him from a spray bottle.
  • After the bite, start ignoring the baby. You can be in the same room with him, but do not pay attention to him, so he will understand that his behavior is unacceptable.
  • You can trim the animal's claws. For the first time, this procedure is best done in a veterinary clinic.
  • You can bring up a cat with the help of special silicone caps for claws, with them he will not be able to cause injuries.

The kid will grow up, but if he is not weaned from scratching in childhood, then this habit will continue with age. Therefore, you need to think about how to raise a cat even before acquiring an animal. An affectionate pet will purr on its lap rather than stick out its claws.

Proper care affects the character of the pet

Raising an affectionate cat is impossible without proper care behind him. From the very first day in a new home, the animal must feel that it is loved.

Taking good care of a kitten is easy.:

  • Buy a scratching post for the animal so that it does not have the desire to spoil things and wallpaper.
  • Raise your cat with rewards for good behavior.
  • The baby will be affectionate if you play with him more often.
  • Raising a kitten should be careful, do not punish him and in any case do not use physical force.
  • Feed your pet high-quality food containing all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
  • Show the kitten at the first sign of illness veterinarian.
  • Keep the tray clean and change the filler in time.
  • Bathe your kitten every few months.
  • Buy your pet treats and toys.
  • Once a quarter, treat your pet for worms, and if necessary, for fleas.

If you take care of the animal correctly, it will be affectionate and friendly. Cats really appreciate a calm environment, Tasty food and games with the owner.


When a small fluffy ball appears in the house, it is important not only to provide him with proper care, but also to take care of the competent upbringing of the crumbs so that he grows into a smart, docile and obedient cat. How to properly raise a kitten and what are the features of communication with a baby?

Veterinarians and trainers unanimously argue that the education of a kitten should begin as early as possible. Toddlers are best suited for learning and development age category up to half a year. It is this time that should be devoted to the development of the baby, instilling in him certain behavioral skills. If time is lost, it will be much more difficult to re-educate a teenage kitten.

Despite the fact that the baby really wants to be pampered, you need to early age tell him what to do and what not to do. Already a three-month-old kitten should know where his toilet and toys are. To understand that spoiling furniture, sharpening claws on walls, scratching and biting is strictly prohibited.

However, you should use the right tactics. Physical punishment, loud screams, will make the kitten nervous, angry, intimidated. In addition, many cats, to which such measures are applied, begin to take revenge on their owners.

The best method of raising a kitten is to prevent unwanted actions. However, what to do if the offense has already been committed? For educational purposes, a loud clap or splashing the baby with water will be enough. If you repeat these actions regularly, the baby will clearly learn what he should not do and at the same time will not receive psycho-emotional trauma.

To accustom a pet to order should be strictly observing its regimen and daily routine. The kitten should have its own sleeping place, toilet, feeding place. It is recommended to give food to the baby at certain hours, at the same time. At the same time, it is important for the owner himself not to violate the rules established by him. For example, if one time the owner punished the baby for a misconduct, and the other time he ignored his action, the educational moment will be missed.

If the owner teaches the animal to eat in a strictly defined place, then in no case should you feed him from the table, etc. Proper upbringing a kitten is based not on severity and cruelty, but on the observance of order and discipline.

Education of personal qualities

Most people who get a cat dream of being affectionate and tame. But few people know that the character of the animal is also formed at a young age and depends on education.

If the owner wants to raise a kitten tame and kind, then you need to try to give him enough time, not leave him alone for a long time, take the baby in his arms more often, play and talk with him. Scientists have proven that cats, although they do not understand words, but receive certain information from the tone, intonation of a person.

How to house train a kitten

When purchasing a kitten, it is recommended to take care of a comfortable sleeping place for him. Experts do not recommend owners to allow a cat to sleep in the same bed with them. Not only is it unhygienic, but also in the understanding of the animal, sharing a sleeping place with him, the owner seems to equalize positions, and the owner must still be the unequivocal leader.

In addition, conscientious sleep with a kitten is simply dangerous. For example, you can accidentally crush the baby, apply to him severe injuries. There are cases when cats scratched a person in a dream. In case of accidental contact of claws in the eye, the most sad consequences up to total blindness.

It is necessary to equip the kitten with a comfortable sleeping place, suitable for him in size, protected from noise and drafts. Often, babies do not want to sleep alone and come to bed with their owners. In this case, you should calm the kitten, and then take it to its own sleeping place.

In this matter, you should be gentle, but at the same time steadfastly observe your positions. It is worth once to let the kitten fall asleep in bed with the owner, the process of further accustoming him to sleeping place will be extremely difficult and may take a long time.

Toilet training

Nail sharpener

Both kittens and adult cats love to sharpen their claws. The owner of the animal should make sure that it does not do this about furniture or wallpaper. To do this, the baby needs to purchase a special scratching post and teach how to use it (read).

This is done elementarily. You just need to put the baby's paws on the surface of the scratching post so that he can feel how his claws cling to it. Soon the kitten will be happy to use this toy.

But what to do in those cases when the baby still prefers the upholstery of the sofa or the walls of the apartment to the scratching post? AT similar situation it is strictly necessary to explain to the kitten that this cannot be done and take it to the scratching post.

In addition, you can process furniture orange peel. Cats do not like the smell of citrus, so this simple trick will help wean the kitten from spoiling the decor of the apartment.

play with kitten

Raising a tame, flexible, healthy and fully developed kitten is simply impossible without games. Be sure to find time for communication and fun with the baby. For these purposes, special toys, balls and candy wrappers tied to a string are suitable.

The main thing is to make sure that the toy is made of safe materials and not too small so that the kitten does not accidentally swallow it.

Do not let the baby play with hands, hair, clothes of the owner, scratch. When the baby turns into an adult cat, it will be extremely difficult to wean him from this habit, and such games can lead to injuries, cause damaged clothes, jewelry, etc.

In most cases, cats begin to gnaw houseplants not because of his malevolent nature or lack of education, but because of a vitamin deficiency. You can solve this problem by providing the kitten with the right balanced diet nutrition appropriate for his age category.

You can also plant a special one for cats on the windowsill, the seeds of which are sold at any pet store. You can wean a kitten to gnaw indoor flowers using a spray bottle or the same loud clap. It should be remembered that some indoor and dangerous for the baby, so just in case they should be removed to where the kitten can not get them.

Daily routine for a kitten

By nature, cats are nocturnal animals, however, with a little effort, it is quite possible to accustom a kitten to daytime activities. To do this, the owner just needs to not let the baby sleep in daytime hours. Then, tired, he will fall asleep quite calmly in the evening.

A few days will be quite enough to form the correct sleep and wakefulness regimen for a pet. They will help prepare the baby for sleep and active games in the evening.

Proper care

Raising a kitten includes competent care for the crumbs. In order to provide it to your pet, you should pay attention to the following recommendations specialists:

  1. Train your kitten from an early age hygiene procedures. Brush his coat regularly.
  2. Spend for the kitten water procedures. It is best to teach your baby to water from an early age.
  3. Once every 1.5-2 weeks, clean your eyes and auricles. If you do not teach the baby to similar procedures, care adult cat would be extremely problematic.
  4. Use high-quality kittens for bathing, designed for its age category and coat type.

Such care for a kitten will teach him discipline and help the owner to establish contact with his pet.

What if the beloved fluffy pet bites, scratches, bullies other pets? Such behavior may indicate a lack of attention from the owner or the desire of the animal to assert a leading position.

In such cases best method upbringing is ignoring the cat. It is recommended to strictly explain to the animal that this cannot be done and not to communicate or play with it for several hours.

A kitten is not just a pet, but a true member of the family. The basic canons of behavior should begin to teach him immediately after the appearance in the apartment. If this is neglected in the early days, then difficulties are likely to appear later. You hardly want a baby to relieve himself on your adored parquet. It is unlikely that your plans include night games with running around the bed while you are trying to gain strength before a hard day.

The least that a kitten must learn

Defecate in the tray

To teach a pet such wisdom, you need to be patient. In practice, accustoming a kitten to a tray takes about 2 weeks, in some cases even less. At first, you should carefully look after your pet. As soon as you notice the signals that the baby intends to "do his own thing" where it is impossible, take the kitten to the tray. However, do not abruptly take off from the spot, while making a deafening noise. Everything should happen quickly, but smoothly and quietly.

Kitten's readiness to pee:

  1. Fussing, sniffing, rushing around the corners.
  2. He walks and squeaks angrily for no apparent reason.
  3. He played energetically and suddenly died down or froze in place.

On a note:

  • very tiny kittens, like newborn human children, relieve themselves almost immediately after they eat;
  • keep in mind that fluffy babies, unlike adults, do not yet know how to sit in the right position and “do their business” in a semi-squat. At the same time, it looks more like the kitten is standing rather than sitting.

Respond to name

The nickname should be short and simple. The kid will rather begin to respond to the name "Bonya" than to some "Bonaparte Emmanuilovich Ezerstein." Nicknames with softening vowels are welcome - Fox e nok, Al I , T and gra. But the names with hissing consonants - H and and ik, Stepa w ka - should be deleted from the list of proposed options.

It is necessary to start calling a kitten by name from the first days of their appearance in the apartment. It is required to pronounce the nickname as often as possible and under any pretext. For example, while accustoming a kitten to a tray, playing or caressing, etc. Stick to good-natured voice intonations - cats are extremely sensitive to them. Extend the stressed vowel in the pet's name. This training takes approximately 4-6 weeks of hard work.

Rest and meal schedule

Kittens' sleep routines usually go back to normal on their own, so it won't take much effort on your part. Of course, cats are nocturnal animals, but they easily go “on the schedule”. They quickly get used to a lot, and the owner's daily routine is no exception. To speed up the process, try to play more with your pet, then, having thrown out energy during the day, the fluffy baby will sleep better at night.

It is necessary to pour crumbs with food according to the schedule and in small portions. Free kitten feeding is a bad concept. The physiology of all living beings is such that the body is "equipped" biological clock and very quickly get used to the routine. So the kitten's stomach will soon begin to produce secretions to digest food according to the feeding schedule. The portions needed by fluffy babies are indicated by manufacturers on the packages of balanced feeds. Daily rate feed depends on the age of the pet.

On a note: babies, due to the lack of a sense of proportion, often overeat, and this is for the body severe stress. There is a great risk that after immoderate feeding of a kitten, his stomach will “return” what he has eaten back. Be sure to watch the portions you give your pet.

Quietly sit in the arms of the owner

The main factor in this matter is the pet's sense of security, the ability to relax in the presence of the owner. In order for the pet to trust you, pick him up more often, while talking to him in affectionate form and stroking. Punishment and screaming can significantly reduce the level of trust, so this should not be abused.

If you still need to teach a lesson, never hit a fluffy baby with your hand. Similar actions will lead to identifying you with a bad, terrible giant. Yes, and imagine yourself in the place of a pet: what if you were spanked with a palm the size of your own height? It must have hurt a lot, but how scary! Use the newspaper to teach a naughty tomboy a lesson. A few claps near a pet are lesson enough. The negative emotions of the kitten will be associated with the newspaper, and not with you.

Do not try to teach your pet all the canons good behavior right away, he simply does not understand what is required of him. Lessons should be carried out gradually, prioritizing, which is why the article indicates the minimum, that is, the basics of raising a kitten. Having decided on the training of the animal, decide: what behavior, in your opinion, the pet must learn as early as possible, and what is acceptable to leave for more late dates. For getting visible results training must be systematic. And remember: a well-mannered cat is the key to order and comfort in the family.

Cats are one of the most popular pets. Very often, both adults and children dream of a cute and playful cat living in their home.

However, before you get a kitten, you need to carefully study the information about a particular preferred breed of cats, as well as the needs of the future pet. In order for a fluffy pet not to cause inconvenience, but to bring joy, it is necessary to properly educate it.

What you need to purchase before taking a kitten to your home and raising it properly

You have thought it over well and decided that you need home pet, namely the cat. So, you need to properly prepare before you bring the kitten home. First you need to purchase the most necessary things:

How to raise a kitten and train him to the toilet

First of all, when you choose a kitten, whether you buy it or just take it to good hands, you need to check with the breeder which tray and what brand of filler the kitten is used to using.

It is good to take some litter from the kitten's home tray from the breeder with his scent. If this is not possible in the case of buying a cat at an exhibition, you must definitely find out the name and brand of the filler.

Let's say you did everything right, but at home after a while you found a puddle or some other surprise at all in the wrong place where the toilet was intended. What to do? First of all, do not panic and do not scold the baby, and even more so, do not poke the kitten's muzzle into its puddle.

Such actions can scare the kitten, and in worst case he will simply be afraid of the tray, believing that in your house natural needs he simply cannot cope, and since it is impossible to endure indefinitely, it means that these things must be hidden from you. Raising a kitten depends on your patience.

It's better to collect a puddle on toilet paper or a napkin and take it to the tray, do the same with a surprise. Then calmly take the baby and put it in the tray so that he smells and begins to understand where his toilet is.

In case the situation with surprises and puddles repeats, you need to be patient. And check if the tray is conveniently located. The place should be secluded, cats do not like to do their business in plain sight. Can the kitten find it: if the tray is placed far from the place where the baby sleeps and plays, he simply may not reach the tray. It is very important not to scream or scare, it is better to show the cat that you are disappointed with his behavior.

Which tray to choose

After your pet gets used to and gets used to the toilet, and at the same time grows up, it will be possible to move the tray to a place convenient for you.

Trays are of two types: open and closed. Closed trays tend to be more appealing to cats. They are made in the form of a house and cats feel safe there. The main disadvantage of closed trays is the high cost.

Open trays come with or without a grid. If the tray has a grate, it is usually used without filler, many cats willingly use them, but they also like to bury their affairs in the filler. For the filler, you need to take a tray without a grate. It is better to purchase both tray options.

Fillers are wood, clumping and silica gel. Wood litter is the most environmentally friendly, cheaper and suitable for any cat. Silica gel filler will save time because it needs to be replaced less often than other types of filler, but it will also cost more.

Clumping fillers are most common among breeders. They contain odors and are easily replaceable, the main thing is to choose a quality filler.

Scratching post and nail clipper

scratching post- another one important thing in raising a kitten. Since cats are hunters, their claws must always be in perfect condition. If your house does not have a scratching post, the cat will find it on its own. It can be a door frame, your favorite sofa or chair.

There are a lot of scratching posts in stores now, so you can choose for every taste and budget. Also in stores there are whole complexes for kittens and adult cats and cats. They include multi-level cozy beds, houses and scratching posts, on which the pet will be happy to climb and jump.

You can make a scratching post yourself from a beautiful hemp or, wrapping the board with a piece of carpet, attach it to the wall. If the kitten did not immediately understand what the scratching post is for, you must patiently accustom it to it.

You can hang a toy on the scratching post and play with your pet, or when he begins to sharpen his claws in wrong place, move it to the scratching post.

Very good to buy nail clipper. They are indispensable if you are going to participate in cat shows. Always exhibited at exhibitions a large number of cats of various breeds and temperaments. Your pet may panic, especially the first time, and scratch you on the judging table. Yes, and for the house they will not interfere if you have small children or guests often come.

How to choose a bed

The most important - bed should be well cleaned. Even if you have a smooth-haired breed, for example, Thai, wool will still collect on the couch. The bed should be the right size. Do not immediately buy a large couch.

The kitten will be uncomfortable in it, but your closet with clothes may seem cozy and he will get used to sleeping not in place, but in the closet.

Bed it is better to put in a quiet and warm place. Cats love warmth and dislike noise. Hearing in cats is much better developed than in humans. The bed should be vacuumed and washed periodically. If you choose a play complex for a pet, it’s good to put soft rugs on the beds and lay soft rugs in the houses that can be washed, and vacuum the complex itself.

You can use disposable diapers, they are also useful for carrying so that you do not have to clean it again, especially if you are going with your own furry friend on a long trip. Cats are clean animals and don't like being dirty.

How to choose a carrier

Carriers are of two types: made of plastic and sewn from material. Plastic carriers are more convenient if you plan to frequently carry your cat in the car. It does not deform, and the cat feels in such a carrier, as in a house.

When you travel in the summer, the cat will not be hot in it, and if in the cold season, plastic carrier It is worth covering the top with a blanket so that the cat does not freeze.

Fabric-sewn carriers are lighter and cheaper than plastic carriers. But they can be deformed when there is a cat in it, so when transporting in a fabric carrier, you need to carefully monitor so that the cat is comfortable and nothing presses on the carrier.

How to choose cat toys

There is a wide variety of pet entertainment options on the market. It can be:

And even some treats can be a toy. Education without toys is impossible. Toys must be chosen carefully. Make sure that the toys are safe for the pet, especially when it is still small. Bells should not fall out of the balls, and mice should be sewn with high quality. In no case do not allow games with balls of yarn and threads, this is deadly for cats, as a cat can eat thread and clog its stomach and intestines. And New Year's rain is also dangerous.

How to choose food

The cat can be fed or professional feed or cook her own food. When you take a cat from home or cattery, you need to find out what kind of food the cat is accustomed to, and at first feed it exactly as it is used to.

When the cat grows up, it needs to be transferred to adult food or switch to homemade food. homemade food for a cat should be prepared specifically for a cat. Human food will not suit her, it has a lot of salt and spices. You can not feed the cat with sausage and semi-finished products.

Many cats love to climb tables. To prevent this, do not leave leftover food on the table and dirty dishes in the sink. The cat is an explorer, and if on dining table she will not find anything interesting, next time she will not climb. Proper upbringing of a kitten depends on your accuracy.

There may be such a situation: you picked up a kitten on the street. How to raise a kitten from the street? In this case, you need to show it to the veterinarian to rule out possible diseases and perform the entire range of preventive measures(vaccinations).

A cat taken from the street is usually not potty trained, and you need to be patient to train it properly and gradually potty train it in the right place. Raising a cat depends only on you and your love for the pet. Although often rescued cats are grateful to their new owners and behave with dignity, immediately understanding how to behave in the house.

In conclusion, I would like to add that you take into the house a living creature with its own character. And if you treat the cat carefully and with love, then she will answer you the same. Proper upbringing is attention, love and care.

The education of a kitten is required to begin from the first day of his move to a new home. To accustom the animal to the tray, to use the scratching post, to remove the manifestations of aggression from the pet, you need to gently, given the stress that he experiences as a result of moving and separation from the mother cat. Otherwise, it will grow wild and uncontrollable.

At the age of three months, the behavior of kittens of both sexes does not differ. A female kitten should be raised in the same way as a male pet. With age, the difference in their behavior becomes more noticeable.

Features of raising kittens

Cats-boys try to take the leading position in the house, to become the leader. They often show aggression. The smell from cats is stronger than from cats, as they are not so clean and do not like to lick themselves.

Girls are more affectionate and openly express emotions. They will not establish their own rules in the dwelling, but they will be able to achieve the fulfillment of desires from the owners with affectionate behavior.

To raise a kitten correctly, you should take into account the characteristics of the breed.

Bengal breed

Scottish kittens

The behavior of the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight is the same. After all, one cat can have babies with different ears at the same time.

It is believed that raising babies of this breed is not difficult: they quickly get used to the tray, never jump on the cabinets, do not scratch the sofa and curtains, quickly get used to the scratching post. But the last item is missing in the house, then upholstered furniture will suffer.

feature Scottish cats is that they do not like to sit on their hands. To make them manual requires patience. In the first days after the appearance of the kitten, you can only lightly stroke it, without lifting it or tearing it off the floor. After a few days, he will get used to the hands and be more affectionate.

Maine Coon

sphinx kitten

This breed is docile and affectionate character. With great intelligence, kittens quickly learn the necessary behavior skills in a residential building. They are not aggressive and love to play with children.

With a soft and stable character, sphinxes easily get along with other pets. These cats never do anything out of harm and do not hold a grudge against the owner.

Sphinxes have a high need for communication. Loneliness is hard for this breed. Much can be achieved from them by using affection in education.

Sphynxes sweat a lot, and sweat and fat accumulate in the folds of the animal's skin. If you do not clean the skin, then stains will remain on the furniture. Therefore, a kitten should be taught to bathe regularly from an early age.

Kurilian bobtail

To attract a cat to a scratching post, you need to spray it with a special spray or a weak solution of valerian, tie your favorite toy to it. You can just hang it on the wall, where the cat tears the wallpaper, a piece of the old carpet.

Options self-manufacturing scratching posts

It's easy to make the adjustment yourself. To do this, the stick should be wrapped with a thick rope.

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