Best and loyal friends: a list of the most faithful dogs. Most Loyal Dog Breeds: A Guide to Choosing a Friend Top Most Loyal Dogs in the World

You can love cats as much as you like, but in terms of devotion and fidelity, perhaps not a single pet can be compared with dogs:

1The Dog That Led Rescuers To The Site Of Its Owner's Fatal Accident

The faithful dog led rescuers half a kilometer down a dark Florida highway to the site of a fatal car accident involving his owner. Gregory Todd Travers, aged 41, lost control of his vehicle before crashing into a traverse support and sliding into a ditch. When rescuers arrived at the scene, a dog hobbled over to them. Simon, a German Shepherd, led a rescue team to a wrecked car. Simon circled and licked Travers, then jumped into the car next to his owner and waited for the rescuers to finish their job. Travers died on the spot.

2. The dog ran away from home to find the grave of his dead owner and spent 6 years next to it.

The faithful dog has been refusing to leave his dead master's grave for six years. German Shepherd Captain ran away from home after her owner Miguel Guzman from Argentina died in 2006. A week later, the Guzman family came to Miguel's grave, where they found a heartbroken dog whining near the place where his owner is buried. Since then, the grieving dog rarely leaves the place in the cemetery. Although the dog often leaves the cemetery to spend some time with the Guzman family, he always returns to the grave before dark.

Source 3The dog spent 14 hours guarding a two-year-old child who was lost in the Australian forest.

The lost child, who disappeared for 14 hours, was found healthy and unharmed in the forest - all this time he was guarded by a faithful dog. Dasher, a German Shepherd, was found next to two-year-old Dante Berry in the woods, four kilometers from their home in Mildura, Victoria. Dante's mother, Bianca Chapman, raised the alarm after her child and dog disappeared from their home's garden. They found it missing when two police officers heard a loud cry from a low bush a few meters from the path.

Source 4The dog spent 12 hours next to his owner who was hit by a car

The faithful dog spent 12 hours next to his owner, who was hit to death by a car. The man was riding a bicycle when he was hit to death by a car, and the body of the victim lay on the side of the road until the next morning. A passer-by noticed a crippled bicycle in a ditch on the side of the road, along with the body of a man and an uninjured dog. The body of the man stayed there from 8 to 12 hours, and his grieving dog, a cross between a Cairn Terrier, remained next to the owner all this time.

5The Dog That Prevented His Owner From Suicide

The dog did not allow his mistress from France to commit suicide - he was not yet ready to part with her. A 63-year-old woman decided to commit suicide at her home in Sorgues, but her German Shepherd was against it. In desperation, the faithful dog did what any loving person would do - he knocked down an elderly woman, trying to knock the weapon out of her hands. The woman was shot in the chest, but not badly hurt, and she is expected to make a full recovery.

6. The dog attends the liturgy every day in the church where his owner's funeral took place.

A heartbroken dog whose owner died a few months ago misses her so much that he attends services at the Italian church where his owner's funeral was held and waits for her to return. Loyal Tommy, a seven-year-old German Shepherd, was owned by Maria Margherita Lochi, 57, and has been her faithful companion ever since she adopted him after discovering him in a field near her home. After her death, a memorial service was held, at which Tommy joined the mourners, and since then he always comes to the church, appearing there as soon as the bells announce the beginning of the service.

Source 7The dog guarded the corpse of his friend in China

This is one of the most touching photographs of friendship the world has ever seen. The dog from Zhangzhou, China, was photographed guarding his girlfriend who was hit and killed by a car. The dog was not afraid of passing cars and stayed close to his girlfriend. Sometimes, according to witnesses, the dog pushed the corpse, trying to wake her up. The faithful dog guarded her for more than six hours.

8. The faithful dog waited half an hour while his owner was rescued from the cold waters of the river.

The faithful dog waited for half an hour while rescuers pulled out his owner, who fell through the ice of the Colorado River. A 60-year-old man and his dog went to the river bank in the afternoon to hunt ducks. A man fell through the ice after he entered the river to collect his prey. Other hunters noticed the incident and called the rescue service. However, while they were waiting for the arrival of rescuers, the dog did not want to leave the scene. Like a worried relative in a waiting room, the dog paced back and forth, trying to help the man who was chasing his dog away, fearing for his safety.

9The Husky Who Found His Owner In The Hospital

Husky missed his owner so much that somehow, in the middle of the night, he found him in a hospital a few kilometers from home. Zander is a white husky that John Dolan adopted from a shelter five years ago. After Dolan ended up in the hospital with skin problems, Zander became sad and wandered around the house listlessly. As a result, the selfless husky slipped out of the house at 3 in the morning and somehow found his owner at the Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip (West Islip). A hospital worker found the dog on the street next to the building where Dolan was being treated. The orderly called the number listed on Zander's dog collars, which turned out to be Dolan's mobile phone - he answered the call from his room. Dolan's wife came a little later and took Zander away. The faithful dog visited the hospital a second time a few days later.

10. Guide dog returned to save his owner during the attack on the World Trade Center

On September 11, 2001, Omar Eduardo Rivera, a blind computer scientist, was working on the 71st floor of the World Trade Center with his guide dog Dorado. When the hijacked plane crashed into the tower, Rivera knew it would take a long time to get him out, but he wanted his Labrador Retriever to escape, so he disconnected his leash on the stairs. Dorado was blown away several floors below by a crowd of fleeing people, but a few minutes later Rivera felt the dog poking his nose into his legs - Dorado returned to him. Then, with the help of a colleague and Dorado Rivera, he descended to the ground, which took almost an hour. Shortly after they ran out of the tower, the building collapsed.

When talking about dogs, the first characteristic that people mention is loyalty. Dogs have been living next to humans for more than 10 thousand years, and during this time they have learned to understand people well, to become strongly attached to them and to love.

A dog is the only creature that loves you more than yourself.

Josh Billings, American writer

Choosing the first pet, beginners try to make a choice in favor of a breed that will become selflessly devoted to the family and owner. However, this depends to a large extent on the character of each individual dog, and not on breed characteristics. It is important that a strong internal bond develops between a pet and a person, which depends on how communication is built between them, how much attention the person pays to his dog, and not on the breed.

However, zoopsychologists have identified faithful dog breeds that are distinguished by their predisposition to loyalty and self-sacrifice. Here is the list of breeds:

  • Collie
  • st bernard
  • Kuvasz
  • Epaniol Breton

There are many examples in history of selfless devotion and love of a dog for people who are not forgotten decades later.

History of Akita Inu named Hachiko

When it comes to loyalty, the very first story that comes to mind is the Akita Inu. Hachiko. The film with Richard Gere did a lot for the wild popularity of this breed. The tape is based on real events that unfolded in Japan in the 20s of the last century.

Professor Hidesabur Ueno was presented with an Akita Inu puppy, who accompanied him every day to the railway station, and then met his owner. But one day the professor did not come: he had a heart attack, and they could not save him. At that time, Hati was only 1.5 years old. He never left his post, waiting for the owner every day in any weather, when the professor's relatives tried to take him to their house, he ran away and again found himself in his place.

Years passed, but every day the dog kept looking at the doors of the station. The press found out about this story and wrote a full spread report. After that, a pilgrimage of curious people began to feed the dog at Shibuya Station. Hachiko lived for 9 years, as it turned out, he died due to cancer in the last stage. After his death, Japan declared national mourning, and a monument was erected at the station, near which to this day lovers swear allegiance to each other.

Skye Terrier named Greyfriars Bobby

One of the earliest documented instances of unwavering loyalty was in Scotland in the 1850s and 1870s. Police officer John Gray has a Skye terrier puppy, which he named Greyfriars Bobby. For two years, Bobby accompanied the owner everywhere, went with him on night rounds of the city, but then John died of tuberculosis.

Bobby outlived his master by 14 years, and all this time he spent in the cemetery, guarding the grave. He went away only to find food or wait out the most severe frosts. There were many who wanted to take him for themselves, but the little terrier did not allow himself to be taken away from the grave of his only owner.

The dog was to be destroyed as a stray, but the Lord Mayor intervened, who personally ordered a collar for him and paid a fee for him. Bobby died there in the cemetery, next to which he was buried, having installed a tombstone for public money. A monument to this dog was also erected nearby.

Similar stories happen today. German Shepherd Captain from Argentina never parted with her owner Miguel Guzman, but in 2006 the owner died. Soon the dog also ran away from the house, when the relatives came to clean up the grave, they found the Captain there, who now carried out his service here.

Several times they tried to take him home, but he always returned. And today, the faithful shepherd dog has not left there, the cemetery staff feeds and takes care of it, so for several years the Captain has not left the cemetery.

German Shepherds are often very attached to their owners, one such case occurred in Russia. In the mid-1990s, in Tolyatti, the whole family died in a car accident, only the dog survived. For the next 7 years, he came to the scene of the tragedy, neither the piercing winds, nor the pouring rain, nor the exhausting heat could drive him away.

The locals called the sheepdog Bones, they felt sorry for the dog, they were looking for a home for him, but it was in vain: Kostya's only desire was to be in this place, to wait for the owners. After his death, the authorities of the city erected a monument "Monument of Devotion" there, where newlyweds always come to rub their bronze nose for good luck.

Border Collie Ruswarp

The world received another confirmation of the dog's love for its owner in 1990. Graham Nuttell spent his free time hiking, went to the mountains with him every time Ruswarp.

In January 1990, Graham disappeared in the mountains of Wales, the search at first led to nothing, but in April a lone hiker stumbled upon his body. Graham crashed, but Ruswarp was alive. The emaciated and hungry dog ​​sat near the deceased owner and guarded him, instead of leaving and saving his life. When rescuers arrived, it was discovered that the collie could not walk, he was so exhausted that he had to be transported by hand. Ruswarp paid his last tribute to his master and attended Graham's funeral. A few days later, as if realizing that he had fulfilled his duty, Ruswarp passed away.

Faithful dog from Jindo Island

I would like to tell a less sad story about the Korean dog of Jindo Island. This breed, which was recognized by cynological associations only in 1998, is highly valued in Korea, so when the owner found himself in a difficult financial situation, he sold his pet to a new owner.

The previous owner was extremely surprised when, after 7 months, he saw his pet on his doorstep. The smart dog walked 300 kilometers and found his home and his friend. The new owner, seeing such devotion, did not insist on the return of the dog and did not demand the money back.

It is difficult to say why a dog is so attached to a certain person, but the fact is obvious: some animals are connected with their owners by a great love that nothing will erase. A person needs to open his heart and show attention to the pet, and centuries-old instincts will do their job: they will bind the owner and his dog with invisible bonds.

The Akita Inu dog named Hachiko is the most famous symbol of canine fidelity. He saw off and met his master every day at the railway station. And even after the death of the owner, he came to the station for another 9 years, until he died. However, the Akita is only one of several of the most loyal breeds. We bring to your attention the TOP 10 most faithful dogs.

Despite their formidable appearance and reputation spoiled by Hollywood films, Dobermans are kind and loyal. They get along well with children, they will never offend them, and in case of danger they will stand up for them. They are distinguished by poise and calmness, they lend themselves perfectly to training.


If the terrier shows character, then this is the cost of education, not the breed.


You should not judge the character of a quadruped by the name of its breed, and boxers are the best confirmation of this. It has been proven that representatives of this family are strongly attached to their owner, and if you suddenly decide to give your pet to another family, then the animal may become aggressive or even die. Ideal as a guide.

A boxer cannot be sold or given away. Away from his native family, the four-legged, at best, will begin to show bouts of aggression, at worst, he will die.

Beagles are often compared to cats. They are just as playful, affectionate and loyal. The puppy is always and everywhere. Enjoys playing with kids. Before buying, please note that beagles are very mobile and without sufficient physical exertion they become extremely naughty.

It is important to properly educate the beagle, otherwise, instead of a devoted friend, you will get a real "harm".

Another representative of the canine family, famous for its devotion and loyalty to its owner, is the Scottish Shepherd (collie). He behaves somewhat arrogantly with strangers, but he gets along well with members of the host family. It requires a lot of attention and love, but in return it will never betray.

Everyone remembers a St. Bernard named Beethoven from the movie of the same name? This phlegmatic, calm and good-natured dog cannot leave anyone indifferent. And by the way, if you need a faithful and intelligent four-legged friend, then a representative of this family is an ideal option, because he even tolerates childish pranks without aggression. The main requirement is to be caring and kind with the pet, try not to offend him and not scream.

Looking at this dog, hardly anyone would think that such a mask hides a kind, intelligent and devoted animal. And in vain, since it has been proven that Rottweilers are one of the most faithful dogs that are ready to give their lives for their master. Without fear, you can go for a night walk with him and be sure that your four-legged friend will definitely protect you.

You should not leave a Rottweiler unattended while playing with children, because in a fit of enthusiasm, not on purpose, but due to its massiveness, it can injure a child.

In third place in the ranking of the most faithful dog breeds was the dachshund. These seemingly funny and slightly awkward four-legged animals are actually ready to stand up for their master at any moment. There are known facts when dachshunds protected babies and even helped in detaining criminals. If you decide to have such a dog as a pet, keep in mind that it does not tolerate long separation from people.

Dachshunds do not tolerate shouting and punishment, in which case they can become stubborn and closed.

Not a single rating dedicated to the smartest and most faithful dogs is complete without Labradors. Despite the fact that retrievers were bred for hunting, they have a friendly and perky character. The dog lends itself perfectly to training, gets along great with children, forgiving them all pranks, and is often used as a guide. But do not forget that the dog needs space, so it is better to start it for families living in their own house, it will simply be cramped in the apartment.

German Shepherd

And finally, first place. Here, quite expectedly for everyone, is a German Shepherd. Representatives of this breed recognize only one owner and remain faithful to him until death. Shepherd dogs see their main purpose in the only thing - in the service of their owner.

There are several stories about the loyalty and devotion of shepherd dogs. One of these happened in 2012 in an Australian town. A three-year-old kid named Dante Berry got lost in the woods, a few kilometers from home. Fortunately, the child was found healthy and unharmed on the second day. Perhaps the outcome would have been much sadder if not for the shepherd named Dashera, who did not leave the boy a single step until his mother found him.

1 German Shepherd

This breed rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the most devoted dogs. German Shepherds are incredibly smart, easy to train, they will follow the owner into fire and water. It is not for nothing that these are service-search dogs that successfully help police, customs officers and the military.

German Shepherds rarely become attached to all family members, they choose one owner for themselves and serve him faithfully until death.

2. Labrador

This is the perfect family dog. Labradors are extremely smart, they love their owners without memory, but you can’t grow a defender out of them, this breed is distinguished by exceptional good nature. Labradors make excellent companions, guide dogs, they become best friends for children. They have a cheerful disposition, they will gladly play with the baby.

Labrador Retrievers require minimal grooming and shed moderately, making them trouble-free to keep. The scent of Labradors is as much as 25% better than that of a German Shepherd, he will make an excellent detective.

3. Dachshund

These long dogs follow their beloved owner everywhere with their tail. They are easy to train: in order to remember any command, they need only a few minutes. Dachshunds should not be forced to anything, otherwise they can become stubborn, but it is very easy to captivate them with the game.

Dachshunds love their master so much that they absolutely cannot bear to let him go even for a few hours to work. They are ready not to part with the owner for a minute.

4. Rottweiler

These dogs are incredibly loyal to their owner. They are distinguished by obedience and ingenuity, have a stable psyche and are perfectly trainable. The Rottweiler is one of the best defenders, it is not scary to let the child go for a walk with him in the evening. The Rottweiler will never give offense to the owner.

Despite the remarkable strength, the Rottweiler is affectionate and loving. He constantly needs the attention of the owner, his affection and care. The only negative is that the Rottweiler can accidentally injure the owner during games, because an adult dog weighs a lot and does not know how to calculate strength. Therefore, before starting a Rottweiler, you need to wait until the children grow up.

5. Doberman

This is an excellent guard dog. The mental abilities of the Doberman are high, it can be taught a lot. Unfortunately, the Doberman has been badly damaged by films about the use of these dogs in the police and in the war, he is considered one of the most evil breeds. It cannot be said that the Doberman is not at all aggressive, but he has a balanced psyche and is well trained, is strongly attached to the children in the family and will never offend them, but he will always stand up for them. A true friend and a reliable guard rolled into one.

6 Collie

Collies or Scottish Shepherds are accommodating and get along well not only with households, but also with other animals in the house. They are devoted to the owner and in a critical situation are ready to stand up for him. Strangers are treated with suspicion, but once they fall in love with a person, they will never forget him.

The only minus of a collie is the laborious process of grooming, the dog must be constantly combed out, to prevent the appearance of tangles, and vacuuming, which is already there, will have to be done more often than usual.

7. Boxer

Boxers are considered stupid, but in reality they just need to be approached. They are extremely loyal to their masters, without hesitation will give their lives for him, if necessary. They are willingly included in any game, they need the constant presence of their beloved owner, they can even be obsessive in the struggle for his undivided attention. Therefore, dogs need to be educated from childhood if you do not want the next 15–20 years to be endlessly licked and loved by you.

8. Terrier

All representatives of terriers love their owners more than you can imagine, regardless of the size and characteristics of a particular breed. Although some terriers can be quite complex in nature, this problem is easily solved with the right education and training.

There are many stories about dog loyalty. It is no coincidence that these animals are called "man's friend", because dogs are capable of a sincere manifestation of love and affection. They help people even when they are in danger, they are always happy with their owner and do not leave him in difficult times. A monument was erected to the Japanese dog Hachiko, a symbol of loyalty and devotion, which could become the personification of people's gratitude to all dogs.

What makes a dog loyal

It happens that dogs of the same breed express their devotion to the owner in different ways. And it depends, first of all, on what kind of relationship has been formed between the pet and the person.

Raising a dog does not provide for spoilage and permissiveness. If the owner takes care of his pet, then he becomes not only trained in various commands, but also able to understand and feel.

Important! Dogs perfectly understand your condition and always try to help their owner if they see that he is not well. But they can also grasp the attitude towards themselves just as subtly. If the owner shows care and understanding, the dog will always reciprocate.

The most loyal dogs are those who are ready to be near their master at any time, without demanding rewards and gratitude for their act.

The most loyal dog breeds: top 10

Stories about the most devoted dogs are devoted to many breeds. Each owner is convinced that it is his pet that is distinguished by special devotion. We will present a rating of dog breeds, the selfless loyalty of which is most often told.

1. German Shepherds

German Shepherds are extremely intelligent animals, but their main quality is devotion to their owner. Initially, they were bred to protect farms, but later it turned out that dogs of this breed are able to protect people, perform the duties of a search engine and rescuer.

German Shepherds are easy to train and can remember many commands. At the same time, they are sincerely devoted to their master and can react on their own in an extreme situation, showing incredible courage and courage. There are many cases when German Shepherds saved people's lives, sometimes even risking their own.

The natural mind of representatives of this breed makes them very sensitive animals. They will always feel something is wrong and will never leave their master in trouble.

2. Dobermans

Outwardly severe Dobermans have earned the title of "the most loyal dog breed in the world." For more than a century and a half, these animals have been in the service of humans. Their main duty is protection, and they cope with it brilliantly. Strong and courageous dogs will never allow offending the owner or members of his family.

Dobermans will always execute all commands exactly and will not show aggression not only towards a person, but even towards other pets that live with him in the same house. Obviously, feeling their power, they know how to control themselves. But when it comes to their direct duties, Dobermans would rather sacrifice themselves than leave their human friend in trouble.

Important! Dobermans are very loyal dogs, and they will protect their master in any situation. Even if someone in their presence raised his voice to the owner, Dobermans will warn the offender with a growl. Do not test the fidelity of dogs of this breed.

3. Collie

Dogs of this breed are excellent companions who will be happy to play with children, calm the household in their own way, if necessary. At the same time, the animal will never be afraid and will not hide if you need to protect it.

4. St. Bernard

St. Bernards are distinguished by incredible devotion to their master. Naturally calm, these animals always know that protection is required of them, so they will never offend anyone and will always come to the rescue.

The owner for the St. Bernards is first of all a friend, so they sincerely express their devotion. They can stand on the road for a long time and listen, but as soon as they recognize the steps of their master, they will rush to meet him.

If the St. Bernard lives in the house, you can safely leave small children with him. He, like a huge warm nanny, will watch over them, because devotion is very important to him.

5. Akita Inu

Dogs of this breed are restrained in manifestations of emotions, like real Japanese, but they have an incredibly loyal character. For them, the owner becomes a true friend, whom they take care of in their own way, protecting from strangers, showing concern and willingness to help.

Akita Inu are the owners of a calm, restrained character and a natural mind. They are obedient and caring, they will never allow to offend their master.

Important! The famous Hachiko - a dog of the Akita Inu breed - is recognized all over the world as the most faithful and devoted friend of man.

6. Rottweiler

Rottweilers have been in the service of man for a long time, and this brought up in them such a quality as devotion. Dogs of this breed lend themselves very well to training and education. If he is taught to guard his family, he will never allow anyone who lives in his house to be offended.

Despite external aggressiveness, Rottweilers are able to show the most tender feelings towards those who live with them. They are very sad if someone from the household is not around for a long time. And they are very happy to meet.

7. Poodles

Poodles are reliable companions and devoted pets. They are not intended for protection, but they can always be nearby, supporting and helping with their participation.

Many owners of these dogs believe that their pets understand what they are talking about because the expression in their eyes always matches the tone and topic of the conversation. If someone in the family gets sick, poodles will never leave him, and, if necessary, will call for help. They always show kindness and devotion to their owners.

8 Labrador Retrievers

Cheerful Labradors are loved by many. No wonder it is considered the most loyal dog in the world. Animals have incredible intuition, courageous character and devotion. They are sensitive to the state of the household, always express their readiness to support.

Labradors are very sociable, so they can hardly endure separation. The emotionality of the manifestation of their feelings speaks of sincere devotion to their master.

9. West Siberian Laikas

Dogs of this breed were originally brought up to serve people, so devotion is inherent in them at the genetic level. Today, when dogs of this breed live in apartments, they still remain faithful helpers. They can be entrusted with the protection of the house, they will play with children with pleasure, protect and support.

10. Bichon Frize

Bichons are loyal companion dogs. It is not worth entrusting security duties to them, they are rather cowardly, and in case of danger they will try to hide. But many owners of these pets talk about their spiritual qualities. They are very bored in the absence of household members, they worry when someone is sad, they always try to cheer them up with tricks or a game.

Important! The loyalty of a dog depends on education. Most often, they reciprocate the attitude of a person towards them.

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