Mini spitz description. Characteristics of the Pomeranian breed. dog for the poor

What breeds of spitz are now known? I would like to say right away that there are several of them. In our article, we will consider them. The first species that we will describe is the Pomeranian, the pros and cons of the breed will also be listed below.


The dog resembles a teddy bear, although you can't call it a toy. After all, the dog has such qualities as attentiveness, intelligence and devotion. Of course, you can not forget about the cheerful disposition. All these qualities make a dog a truly true friend. Despite his dog, this dog has a bright personality. He can charm even those who are completely indifferent to decorative dogs. The first spitz appeared in the former province of Pomerania.

According to the standard, a Pomeranian is a small dog (no more than 23 cm tall), with a strong build, a short muzzle, a voluminous chest and small ears. Males look denser, more massive than females.

Despite their small size and decorative appearance, dogs of this breed have all the features of a real dog. "Pomeranian" is always ready to follow the owner, maybe even stand up for him, if necessary. The Pomeranian dog breed has qualities such as excessive suspicion and alertness.

In general, such a dog is a wonderful companion, which easily adapts to the temperament, as well as the mood of the owner. He enjoys playing with children. With adults, the dog is also not averse to having fun, but then he will be more restrained and tactful.

We figured out what the Spitz dog breed is. The price for one orange ranges from 500 to 1500 dollars.

german spitz

The German Spitz is a rather ancient breed. All representatives have a cheerful disposition. They are active, sociable and cheerful. Dogs of this breed are smart. Therefore, they can be taught different tricks, as well as commands. With the right upbringing, they show excellent obedience. These dogs should not be allowed to be constantly on the hands, as well as jealousy. Otherwise, there may be problems with education in the future. Life expectancy averages 13 years.

German Spitz: breed varieties

There are several "growth" varieties. The first is Wolfspitz (the largest representative). The height at the withers is on average 50 cm. The color of such a variety can be only one - wolf.

The second type is a large spitz (grossspitz). The height at the withers is on average 46 cm. Colors can be monophonic (white, brown and black). Such a dog can be used as a guard.

The third variety is the middle spitz (mittelspitz). The height is on average 34 cm. According to the standard, there can be both two-color representatives and one-color ones.
The fourth is a small Spitz (height at the withers - 25 cm). The color is the same as the average.

American Eskimo

The German Spitz is the progenitor of the breed. Recognized only in 1995. Such a dog is very smart, he can easily perform various tricks. Since the dog is easily trained, it can participate in various competitions, for example, in agility. The dog needs regular, active walks. Otherwise, the American Spitz will become lazy and get fat.

The disadvantages of the breed are as follows: its representatives are quite noisy and "talkative". Therefore, such dogs need to be well educated, not allowing them to often show off their loud voice, especially in the presence of strangers.

What are American Eskimo Spitz? Breed varieties:
. toy (weight on average 3.8 kg, height at the withers - 26 cm);
. miniature (weight ranges from 4.5 to 9 kg, and height - from 30 to 38 cm);
. standard (height at the withers is an average of 43 cm, and weight - 13 kg).

Despite the differences, all these representatives have a playful, kind disposition, as well as a complaisant character.

japanese spitz

Let's start the description of the breed with external data. This dog is funny and smiling. He is very mobile, smart, with a bold character. There are very few Japanese Spitz in the country. The first representative of the breed was brought by trainer Nikolai Pavlenko. The only breed standard was drawn up in 1948, after 39 years it was revised.

Japanese Spitz is a decorative dog, his coat is white. The ears of the dog are set high, the tail is fluffy, lying tightly on the back. The average height at the withers is 34 cm. Japanese Spitz females are much smaller than males. Weight ranges from five to ten kilograms.

Representatives of the breed look larger due to the large amount of wool.
Note that Spitz love to bark. The disadvantages of the breed are considered noisy and cowardice.

The Spitz has excellent pigment - the eyes and nose are black, lips are always in contrast.
The nature of the representatives of the breed is friendly, cheerful. They have no hunting instincts, dogs get along well with other animals.

We figured out what the spitz dog breed is. The price for one small representative of this species ranges from 500 to 2000 dollars.

wolf spitz

The blood of the Norwegian Elkhound, Samoyed, Pomeranian and Chow Chow flows in the veins of the representatives of the breed.

The Wolf Spitz is a medium sized dog. Her body is square. The average weight is 27 kg, and the height is 47 cm.

Representatives of the breed have a very beautiful head shape, their muzzle is “fox”, the ears are erect, triangular, set high, and the tail is twisted into a ring. Their fur is thick and long. Color - zoned gray, must have a black mask.
Representatives of the breed are physically strong, healthy, have a good disposition. They become attached to the owners, get along well with children.

Eurasian Spitz

What is a Eurasian Spitz? Let's start the description of the breed by telling you where this species came from. Such a wonderful dog arose as a result of crossing a German Wolf Spitz and a Chow Chow. Samoyed blood is also involved. The birthplace of the Eurasian Spitz is the city of Weinheim (this is in West Germany).

The result was a very energetic dog with a self-confident upturned snub-nosed muzzle. Her tail is effectively thrown behind her back. The temperament of the dog is friendly, calm.

The Eurasian Spitz is medium in size. The height of males is on average 56 cm, and females - 53 cm. Colors can be different: fawn, red, zoned, blue, black, etc.

You need to carefully care for the Eurasian Spitz. It should be brushed regularly. Frequent water procedures for such a dog are harmful. The Eurasian Spitz often takes part in sledding and skiing. Such a pet will gladly give a ride to its owner. Agility and Frisbee are great activities to have fun together.

Despite the fact that dogs love to play, they are quite serious. If necessary, the Eurasian Spitz will be able to intercede for the owner. In the absence of a threat, he will behave with strangers with restraint.

Italian Volpino Italiano

Considering the Spitz breeds, let's pay attention to the Italian Volpino Italiano.
This is a fairly old breed. Florence is considered her homeland. It is a compact, strongly built dog. The body is square in European Spitz.
The most famous fan of the breed is Queen Victoria. After visiting Florence, she fell in love with these spontaneous dogs. Therefore, she took several representatives with her to the UK.

What is he, Volpino Italiano? It is a small, strongly built dog. Its body is square in shape. The tail is fluffy, thrown over the back. The head is small, the muzzle is pointed, "fox". The forehead is wide and the ears are set high. The eyes are beautiful, dark, quite large, expressive. At the withers, the height of the dog is 28 cm, its average weight is 5 kg.

The coat of the representatives is thick, straight, long and lush. The area has a chic collar. Popular colors are white. Various shades of red and fawn are also allowed. The coat needs to be brushed at least once a week. Volpino is cheerful, good-natured. Such dogs do not like to be alone, they are ready to spend time with the owners for days. Training is easy, quickly remembers commands. Gets along well with other animals. Such Spitz also communicates well with kids.

Pros and cons of the breed

First about the pros. These include the nature of dogs and their appearance.

If we talk about the minuses, then this, of course, is "talkativeness", suspicion and alertness. These qualities are possessed by almost all Spitz. The price can also be considered a disadvantage, since such dogs cost a lot. Spitz also need careful grooming. Some owners recommend taking their pet several times a year to the groomer, then there will be less problems.

People's opinion

People like all breeds of Spitz, each in its own way. Anyone who has already acquired a representative of one of the above species believes that his pet is the best. Indeed, the external data of such dogs is simply magnificent. All Spitz look like little bear cubs.

If we recall such a minus as excessive "talkativeness", then the owners confirm it. After all, Spitz love to “talk” or bark at someone. But even this does not reduce the love of owners for their pets.


Now you know the Spitz breeds. As you can see, all these dogs are interesting in their own way, each species has its own characteristics. But it is safe to say that all Spitz are very beautiful and mischievous animals.

Miniature Spitz is one of the most fashionable and popular dogs, especially among women and girls, despite the fact that their price is very high. Their main attraction is their touching and very cute appearance, as well as simply tiny sizes, which are taken into account when choosing a pet for an apartment, as well as for houses where small children live. Spitz puppies are very tiny and very funny, especially in representatives of the bear type, because they look like plush toys. Surely, you have seen more than one photo of these charming crumbs on the Internet or on the pages of glossy magazines.

General description of the breed

The German Spitz has several varieties, but the most popular of these are the Dwarf Spitz or Pomeranian. Surely, you guessed that we are talking about completely tiny dogs, since the word “dwarf” is present before the name of the breed. Although they are compact, they are quite strong, hardy and energetic.

Typical signs of this breed are: sharp and erect ears of small size, bald, pointed or, conversely, flattened (in a bear-type Spitz) muzzle; a rather thick and long vertically growing coat, which each owner cuts to his taste and discretion, as well as a fluffy tail that twists like a fan. The most interesting thing is that the representatives of this breed have a pronounced sexual type. Even looking at the photo of the pincer, you can immediately determine who it is: a male or a female.

Male puppies are more masculine, they have a longer and thicker coat, but puppies of the weaker sex are lighter, one might say gentle. However, both boys and girls have thick, fluffy coats that need to be brushed at least once a week. This will be enough for the Spitz to have a favorable appearance. As for the color of dogs of this breed, they can be black, and brown, and beige, and gray, and white, and even orange and red.

Surely, you have seen photos of Spitz of different colors. By the way, the price does not depend on the color. After all, everyone has their own taste. Nevertheless, a snow-white puppy costs a little more than a dark brown one, regardless of whether you buy it in dollars or rubles.

History of the breed

The most interesting fact about the relatives of the dwarf spitz is that the ancestors of dogs with a similar exterior existed in ancient times. Pictures depicting these cute dogs (they didn’t even dream of a photo in those distant times) adorned various utensils: vases, dishes, etc. Despite her small size, she was not a bad watchman and guard. Today, some types of pygmy spitz live on ships or vineyards, guarding their owners' property. Representatives of the fox type were reindeer racing dogs. By the way, there is a version that their distant ancestors are dogs of the “like” type. But the smallest representatives of the pincer breed, as today, were considered part of the interior and lived in the palaces of kings and nobles.

In a word, the Spitz was not always a purely decorative dog. Modern Pomeranians are much more fortunate. Today they live in cozy apartments, put on warm clothes (however, whether they like it or not is hardly possible to know), they are transported from one point to another in “cozy” home bags, they begin to feed with a spoon, take selfies a hundred times a day and photos posted on social sites, their puppies, especially the bear type, are the most favorite soft toys for children living with them under the same roof. That is why the price of these dogs is so high, but believe me, it is worth it.

External characteristics

The Miniature Spitz is one of the smallest dog breeds, yet with a thick coat with hairs sticking out in a vertical direction. Puppy Spitz puppies are very funny and resemble balls of angora wool. Their photos can be seen on the sites of dog lovers. Seeing them once, you will become infected with the dream of having such a crumb at home.

The Spitz's skull is of medium size, widening slightly at the occipital region and gradually tapering towards the chin. From the forehead to the muzzle, the transition is strongly pronounced. The nose is most often black, but in brown dogs it is dark brown. If the bear-type Spitz also has a dark brown color, then it can hardly be distinguished from a bear cub. His lips are dry and even, tightly fitting to his teeth. They are the same shade as the nose. You can look closely at the photo of Spitz and immediately notice this feature. The jaws are quite developed, with a scissor bite.

The eyes are oriental, almond-shaped, sometimes with a slightly oblique slit and always dark brown in color, although he is a completely German dog and has nothing to do with the east. By the way, the eyelids of these dogs are also in tone with the nose and lips. Well, a distinctive feature of the dwarf spitz is high-set, triangular ears close to each other.

Their neck is of medium length. And the wool forms a mane or collar around it. By the way, this can often be achieved through an original haircut, however, the price for the services of a dog hairdresser is quite high. Look at the photo, for sure, you have seen this in chow-chow dogs. By the way, bear-type Spitz are similar to these fluffy dogs, especially puppies. Of particular interest are the paws of these funny babies, they are tiny and look like a cat's paw. Here is another part of the body that has a color similar to the nose - these are the paw pads.


As with all dog breeds, the male and female of the Spitz breed have different parameters. Let's see how much an adult male Spitz weighs: when weighing a particularly large individual, the mark on the scales is about 3 kg, while the average is about 2.5 kg. As for the bitch, her average weight is 2 kg. The height of the dwarf spitz at the withers is 18-23 cm, and females - about 18 cm. These dogs live from 12-15 years. The dwarf spitz has a dozen colors, and while they are puppies, it is difficult to determine what color he will have in the future. As already noted, the price does not depend on the color.

Spitz types

All dogs of this breed have long fluffy hair, triangular high-set ears, eyes as good as buttons, and a cheerful, perky tail. However, different representatives of this breed have special features, especially faces that distinguish them from others. In this regard, there are three main types of Pomeranian: bear, fox and toy.

The German Spitz, which looks like a bear cub, belongs to the representatives of the bear type. Their puppies are so similar to clubfoot that they want to feed them with honey. In the photo it is difficult to distinguish where the bear cub is and where the puppy is. By the way, the price of these dogs is very high and not everyone can afford such a bear dog. He has chubby cheeks, although this is only an appearance, it's just that fur grows on them in a special way. Unlike the classic Spitz, this dog does not have a pointed, but flattened muzzle, and the eyes, like those of an ivy bear, are round like buttons and are close to the nose.

Puppies with a narrower muzzle are “foxes”. They are very similar to real chanterelles, they just have the most diverse color. The snow-white Spitz is especially beautiful with a fluffy mane. If you want to feed representatives of the bearish type with honey, then you just want to treat these babies with cheese. Their prices are no less. “How much does it cost?”, you might be asking. Yes, just-nothing - 500 dollars. It is clear that not everyone can afford such pleasure, but believe me - the game is worth the candle, because this German Spitz knows how to express emotions, sometimes he is sad, sometimes cheerful, sometimes romantic, happy, sometimes heartbroken.


The German Spitz, no matter what type it is: bear or fox, has a rather complex character. She loves movement, self-confident and impudent, but completely non-pugnacious. She is very capable and quick to learn, easily adapts to a new place. She is also very sociable and gets along well with other pets. However, she is subject to a quick change of mood, so be attentive to her and do not let your beauty be sad and worried.

What to feed a pygmy spitz

Once you have acquired a pygmy spitz, do not forget that a very high price has been paid for it, which means that this is an unusual dog and needs special care, especially in terms of nutrition. Improper feeding can lead to serious consequences and even death. So, what do you feed your dear pet? While this is still a puppy, he needs to be fed at least 4 times a day, while you need to follow the regime, that is, feed at the same time.

The Spitz has a very interesting feature. He eats as much as he needs. That is, if he quickly swallowed the food and continues to lick the cup, then next time put more food, if there are leftovers in the bowl, then you need to feed a smaller portion.

What the Spitz diet consists of: horse meat, beef, lean lamb. At the same time, it can be fed both raw and cooked foods. Fish, cottage cheese, cereals in the form of cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits are also suitable.

For your information, in no way should you feed adult Spitz with milk, even as part of cereals, but fermented milk - kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream - please. During the period when puppies change their teeth, it is recommended to give them a bone to chew on, but 5-6 year olds are contraindicated in meat with bones. Some owners switch to dry food very quickly. If your dog doesn't want to eat it, then don't force it, but keep feeding natural food. The price of dry food can vary greatly. Do not buy cheap varieties, your capricious baby will certainly not like them.

The Pomeranian is one of the best mini dogs for kids. Her penchant for active play is simply amazing, plus the breed has a beautiful appearance that children love so much. It is not a shame to take such a fluffy with you to any event, they are affectionate and devoted friends.

Possessing moderate guarding abilities, excellent observation skills, dwarf spitz will protect you on the road from negative people. A proudly raised cute face will cause envy among others.

Who would have thought that the miniature came from northern dogs, supposedly living in Switzerland in the Neolithic era. This hypothesis of scientists is fully justified, because history does not lie - the found remains of the animal fit the description of Spitz.

There is another opinion that the mini breed did come from Egypt, although there is no evidence for this yet.

So, if you believe the first assumption, the northern dogs, from which the spitz originated, possessed many skills - they drove sleds, guarded the home, and were faithful companions of the owner. As a result of the transformation from a service dog to a decorative dog, her external data changed for a long time, until they reached excellent results.

Now it is pleasant to look at it from any angle, and its small size allows you to carry the dog in your arms or in your purse, the improved quality of the wool allows the dog to win everywhere!

The Pomeranian Zwergspitz breed appeared in Germany (Province of Pomerania), and its history also influenced the name.

It happened in the 15th century, the desire of the townspeople to have a mini dog, and not a large guard dog, led to the fact that the bred breed became much smaller than its northern relatives.

Weighed no more than 9 kg, and the inhabitants called him Spitzkhund. In the future, its breeding towards minimalism continued, and by the 18-19th century, the inhabitants of England and other countries had these amazing dwarf spitz, which were tiny in size.

  • In the Middle Ages, the Pomeranian came to the liking of Queen Victoria, because the fashion for a small size was in full swing.

So the mini dog became even more popular, she won numerous exhibitions and competitions, received prizes and applause. She succeeded in this especially due to her fluffiness, grooming, playfulness and friendliness. History has about 5 types of Spitz. Now dogs are popular with many American and Russian celebrities, their breeding continues, and we can only dream of such a cute "bear cub".

Characteristics of appearance and varieties of Spitz

The charming exterior of the Pomeranian breed comes in a variety of colors - white, red, mixed, chocolate and black. In addition, some varieties of the breed change color over time. The small size of the tiny Spitz rarely exceeds 24 cm, and the weight is 3.5 kg. It has such types of wool - long and short thick. Thick undercoat is found only on the head, ears and front paws of the dog.

  • These mini dogs have an interestingly located tail, it is densely covered with hair and curled up in a bagel. It seems that he has grown to the back, and this is all one solid body.

The paws and neck are strong, the chest is well developed, the paw pads are usually black or brown in all breeds. But we will now tell you about the varieties of the Pomeranian breed.

Pomeranians are divided into large, medium and small individuals. The white spitz stands out against the general background, I want to put it on the shelf along with other soft toys. Some description and characteristics of the breed exclude the name "Pomeranian", since the Spitz is still considered German.

Among the mini dogs of this breed there are such varieties:

1. Standard mini chanterelles, they are the most real and natural prototype of Spitz, they win at exhibitions, they keep the standard in everything, among them the white copy is most often found. The description of a narrow elongated muzzle with protruding ears is often found in nurseries.

2. Dogs - cubs, with a shortened muzzle and look like bears, are popular among modern breeders, mostly red shades.

3. Spitz "baby dollars", also with a shortened muzzle, has a small nose, outwardly they do not resemble bears, but dolls from a series of soft toys, among them there is a black and white color, bluish, red.

  • Type 2 and 3 Pomeranians have become popular due to their cute faces, but according to canine standards, the two varieties go through different illnesses in their lives.

Their breeding is prohibited in principle, especially at such a price, which, to put it mildly, “bites”.

Fraudsters take advantage of the obvious - the predisposition of the population to such cute mini toys and often ask a considerable price for a copy.

The whole world needs to say “no” to the spread of diseased species. White Spitz requires special care and attention to himself. He often smears and sheds, if this problem does not bother you, you can safely get yourself a bright puppy.

The nature and upbringing of a little fidget

In order to properly educate and train a tiny tenant of your house, you need to know his varieties of his character, how he behaves in difficult situations, what the Spitz does not like, and what he favors.

The story goes that, as with other breeds, the dog must be placed at a rank below yours from the first days, so the upbringing process will proceed correctly.

Pomeranian only looks like such a sweetheart, in fact, appearance is deceiving.

The German Miniature Spitz has the following traits:

  • Restlessness, so frequent walks should be mandatory for you every day.
  • Aggression towards strangers, raising a reserved pet is your goal as a breeder.
  • Dominance over other animals in the house or on the street, here, too, a special approach is needed in
    upbringing. The spirit of the ancestors is still alive in it, so you need to try!
  • Intelligence and insight, but it borders on stubbornness, such commands as "sit" and "lie down" can be carried out with reluctance.

  • Social inclinations, your friendly dog ​​will accompany you for a long time in any endeavor. So you won't be bored, your little friend will suffer from boredom when you are not at home, biting your last slippers or defecation in the wrong place. Here they are small rodents-pests.
  • A fluffy girl of this breed is more calm and refined, but during estrus it can become aggressive.

But what can you do, you just have to devote time to your dog more often, compensate for your absence with games and education. Pomeranians are mini dogs that simply adore their owners, are ready to idolize and obey, so with the right upbringing they will be at your feet throughout their lives.

Miniature pet health care

Taking care of the health of your pet, the first thing you need to do is vaccinate on time, the veterinarian will tell you how to vaccinate a puppy.

Having made an examination of the ears, eyes and teeth on your own, nevertheless check yourself and entrust this to a specialist, he will accurately diagnose the disease, if any.

If you have purchased a bear-like representative of the Pomeranian dwarf breed, you need to do grooming from a professional, this procedure is not just a haircut, it requires special skills. Visit the salon occasionally and your dog will look decent.

The Miniature Spitz sheds a lot, but the coat actually falls out a little, so grooming during this period is easy.

Comb out the coat periodically, and shedding will not take you by surprise. In care, you can use a special dry shampoo for severe pollution. Oddly enough, tangles do not form on the animal's fur, this once again proves that it is worth getting a dog, but you should not be lazy.

I would like to remind you once again - such a dog is for active people and children, because it is very mobile, it often gets dirty and requires upbringing and training.

Diseases that dogs are susceptible to

Spitz dogs are long-lived dogs, but still sometimes they are haunted by diseases that you need to know about:

  • Eye diseases, including cataracts;
  • Collapse of the trachea;
  • Bubble-eyed, characteristic of dwarf breeds;
  • Diseases with the vascular system, heart attacks;
  • Dislocations of the joints;
  • Suppressed breathing;
  • Problems with labor, then breeding puppies is at risk.

If you notice a deviation in behavior, especially reflected in the appearance of the dog, do not delay the trip to the veterinarian, otherwise the course of the disease can be accelerated. Once again, I would like to remind you that the white color of the Spitz guarantees you double care for him.

Due to the pollution of the coat, you will have to wash the dog more often, dirt contributes to hair breakage and hair loss. So the white dog is outwardly attractive, of course, but do not rush to buy right away.

Due to proper care and upbringing, your little pet will keep its health, Pomeranian will thank you for all the good things with his unique smile, characteristic of this breed. And the joy and love of life of the dog will be transferred to you, bringing moments of happiness and love into everyday life.

Update: October 2017

There are two recognized types of Pomeranian: German (fox) and bear (teddy bear). The puppet type (toy or baby doll) is distinguished separately. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) considers all these Pomeranians to be a variety of the German Spitz. The American, English and Canadian Kennel Clubs have recognized the Pomeranian as a separate breed. However, the bearish type did not find support in any of the standards. But this did not affect his popularity. Today, the bear variety is the most fashionable characteristic of the Spitz's exterior.

Pomeranians with a bearish type are characterized by the following features of the breed:

  • small size and funny appearance;
  • an interesting filled short muzzle that makes it look like a toy bear;
  • a chic two-layer fur coat, consisting of a dense soft undercoat and an outer hair of medium length;
  • energy and demandingness to daily loads;
  • restlessness and cheerful disposition, irascibility;
  • devotion and the need for constant communication;
  • difficult hair care (professional help may be required);
  • excellent guard qualities;
  • love to bark;
  • when feeding, preference is given to dry food;
  • may suffer from early tooth loss.

Characteristics of the breed

Is it difficult to care for a bear-type Pomeranian?
This is not the easiest breed to care for. Bears have a very thick undercoat. If it is not brushed regularly, it will fall off. There are no special difficulties with feeding and walking.
Preferred conditions of detention
Poms are versatile dogs. They are equally good in a country house and in a cramped apartment. A warm coat will not let them freeze outside, but still, this is a lap dog.
Why do the smallest "bears" often get sick and live a little?
The smaller the dog, the greater the demand for it. Here are unscrupulous breeders and reduce the size, bring it to the point of absurdity. Dwarfs with genetic problems are born. Please note that height below 18 cm is a fragile skeleton, defective work of internal organs, and often mental disorders. The lower weight threshold is 1.36 kg. Such dogs do not participate in breeding.
The need for activity
The baby needs constant exercise. An adult Spitz needs to be walked in any weather, with the exception of a strong sun. During walks, active games are arranged.
Ability to train
All spitz belong to intelligent breeds. However, Pomeranians can be stubborn and tend to be dominant. But with due diligence, they can be quickly trained in basic commands. Difficulty arises only with excessive barking. It is not easy to break this habit.
Do bear type Pomeranians shed?
"Bears" shed no less than other tribesmen. They have a denser coat, and if it is often combed out, it may seem that the coat does not fall out at all. If the animal did not have mating, then molting is not noticeable at all.
Do representatives of the breed need to be sheared?
Grooming gives the Spitz shape and simplifies grooming. This is not a mandatory procedure. The shape of the haircut is chosen by the owner at his discretion. You can not cut the dog too short - it is unhealthy, besides, the hair may not grow back later.
How many times to bathe?
Bathe your pet as needed, but not more than once a month. Water procedures are not displayed in the best way on a chic fur coat.
Do Pomeranians need clothes and shoes for walking?
Puppies need more protection. In cold and rainy weather, it is better to dress an adult pet in a jacket or raincoat. He doesn't need shoes.
Can I buy for a child?
"Bear cub" does not show aggression towards children. However, for a child under 7 years old, this is not the most suitable breed. Children can play with him, but it is better to entrust the upbringing to the elders.
Which owners are suitable?
Feel good in a large family. Suitable for a single person if he has time for his pet. This breed is not suitable for busy people and homebodies who value peace.
Can it be kept with other animals?
If Pomeranians grew up next to other animals, they behave calmly towards them. They react aggressively to unfamiliar animals, they can fight with large brothers, forgetting about their tiny size.

Breed Benefits

  • Miniature and unusual appearance - with such a friend you will not be left without attention.
  • Inexhaustible friendliness - the owners assure that there is no more cheerful animal. They were even nicknamed "smiling dogs".
  • Playful temperament - games can go on all day long, especially if there are children in the house.
  • Devotion to their owner - they will wait for you from work, miss you in your absence and madly rejoice at the opportunity to chat with you.
  • Unpretentiousness in maintenance - it doesn’t matter where they live, as long as their beloved owner is nearby.
  • Flexibility and adaptability - the dog will adapt to your schedule, and will not get up before you.
  • Endurance - a fur coat protects the animal from cold and overheating.
  • Cleanliness - from puppyhood, little "bears" monitor their cleanliness. They lick like a cat.
  • Good health in the absence of problems at the genetic level - if poma are well cared for, they live a long time.
  • Ability to train - if you exercise regularly, you can teach your pet different tricks.

Difficulties in maintenance and upbringing

  • Increased excitability - dogs have good hearing and react to all the rustles outside the door.
  • They often become the instigators of fights. They rush into battle with rivals who exceed their size several times.
  • High activity - the pet does not sit still, he loves to play. If you do not direct the energy of such a dog in the right direction, then it can create discomfort.
  • Barks a lot and loudly - not everyone manages to control such behavior, which can cause irritation to both home and neighbors.
  • It can be aggressive towards strangers - socialization should be done as early as possible.
  • High price - good puppies are expensive, and demand exceeds supply. Therefore, more and more people who are far from this are taking up breeding. As a result, bear type Pomeranians appear, which not only do not meet the breed standard, but also have serious health problems.

What do breeders think about "toy" (toy or baby doll) Pomeranian?

Now it is difficult to say how the first babydoll type Pomeranian appeared: whether it was the result of thoughtful selection or just a breeding marriage. The important thing is that some dog lovers liked Toy Spitz even more than their larger counterparts. The fashion for “cute” dogs crossed all reasonable limits when the owners of the European Boo (Boo) and the Japanese Shunsuke (Shunsuke) created social media accounts for their pets. People write there on behalf of dogs, illustrating events with multiple photos.

Fashion trends towards minimalism have also taken possession of breeders. Tiny creatures with a touching appearance began to appear on the light. In different countries they are called baby doll, baby face or toy oranges. But the desire to make the size of the dog more compact began to take on a dangerous shape. There are breed standards that provide for a muzzle size of 3–5 centimeters and a height of at least 18 cm. In fact, some breeders neglect them. PR marketing does its dirty work.

Wanting to make more money on fashionable "mini-bears", unfortunate breeders breed dogs with a dwarfism gene. This is a disease, not a growth feature. Extremely short muzzles (it happens that they reach 1 cm) look beautiful only in pictures. Such animals do not live long, they suffer from iringomyelia (a disease of the nervous system), have problems with breathing, heart, bite. All this leads to the degeneration of the breed.

If you want your Pomeranian to look like the well-known cubs in the network, go in for grooming. A good haircut shapes the appearance of a pet. In the salon, the master aligns the length of the outer hair and undercoat. As a result, dogs become like teddy bears. Specialists cut the hair on the muzzle in such a way that the eyes look more round and the cheeks plump.

But don't overdo it. Too short haircut is not allowed. The mistress of the famous Boo wrote that she cuts her baby like this because of skin problems. Don't experiment. Wool after such a haircut is not restored and grows in tufts, making it problematic to care for.

Pomeranian photo

The nature of the dog, behavioral features

After the mistress of a miniature orange named Boo created a social network page for her pet, the “bears” became stars. They look so touching in the photo that it is difficult to refuse such a pet. But before you go to the kennel for a puppy, you need to learn more about the behavior of the dog. Outwardly, they resemble a miniature version of the wayward Chow Chow, but their character is different.

Dogs become attached to the owner and eventually adopt his habits. With a calm owner, they behave quietly, with an active - more emotionally. However, it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time. For dogs, this is a serious stress, and they will not endure it silently. Barking and howling will be heard far away.

Behind a cute muzzle and fluffy hair, real athletes are hiding, achieving good results in various competitions. Agility is the best choice for them. They love to play at home, in the country, during field trips. From the games poma can distract only the noise at the door. Here his watchdog instinct wakes up: the dog with a ringing bark meets the guest, even if he just walked by.

These are self-confident dogs that can stand up for themselves. With active socialization and a competent approach of the owner to education, even not the most courageous bear-type Pomeranian becomes courageous and sociable. The description of the breed confirms this. They do not tolerate violence. Good results can be achieved by applying firmness and consistency.

Caring for a bear type orange: combing, cutting, bathing and other hygiene procedures

City dwellers often give up on the idea of ​​having a pet because they are afraid of the mess. Especially when it comes to such a fluffy and active dog as a Pomeranian. In fact, caring for the "bear" is not so difficult. However, grooming, most likely, will have to be done by professionals.

Grooming, hair care

Pomeranian bear cubs look great thanks to their unique fur. It forms the appearance of the breed. Grooming includes brushing, clipping and bathing. Pets shed several times a year. Shedding is most intense in puppyhood. During this period, poms bear little resemblance to bears. During molting, they are scratched daily. Later it will be enough twice a week for high-quality combing.

For hair care you need to purchase:

  • soft slicker;
  • metal combs with rare and frequent teeth;
  • thinning one-sided scissors for thinning fur coats;
  • scissors with rounded ends to remove excess hairs.

During combing, you can use a spray from tangles if the pet is prone to their formation. In other cases, the fur coat is sprayed with water with the addition of a special antistatic conditioner. Dry hair must not be combed.

Bathe pets as little as possible. After the walk, it is enough to wipe the paws with a damp cloth. During bathing, the ears are covered with cotton swabs. Take them out only when the coat is dry. Dry the fur coat with a hairdryer, after wiping it with a towel. Do not leave it to dry naturally.

Grooming is best done by a specialist. You can't shave your dog when it's hot. It won't help her. Her fur coat is a natural protection against overheating. Moreover, the undercoat of Poms often does not grow back. After such grooming, the pet may remain bald. If the dog participates in exhibitions, then a model haircut does not suit her. In the ring, the Pomeranian "bear" should look natural, without signs of grooming.

Dental, ear and eye care

Teeth are the weak point of dwarf breeds. They must be regularly looked after. Inspection is done weekly. The plaque is removed, check if there are any leftover food. Once a month, and sometimes more often, you have to remove tartar, and veterinarians recommend brushing your teeth with a special brush daily.

Ears are examined at least once a month. They are cleaned with a cotton swab with a special liquid. Claws are carefully trimmed with wire cutters. This must be done very carefully so as not to hurt the living part of the claw.

The eyes are washed with boiled water. You can use a weak chamomile infusion. If the eyes of the "bear cub" began to water, and a secret of a greenish or brown color accumulates in the corners, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Spitz feeding

Food for miniature spitz is selected taking into account the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The basis should be proteins of animal origin. Food is enriched with vitamins and microelements in the required volume. It is impossible to overfeed the animal, it is just as dangerous as malnutrition. Pom should completely eat the entire portion, and at the same time do not require supplementation.

Choice of type of feeding

First, in a new home, the puppy is given the food that he is used to from the breeder. Then the owner has the right to decide: leave everything as it is, or transfer the pet to another diet. Immediately you need to decide what to feed the orange: will it be natural feeding or ready-made food. Do not mix dry rations with regular foods.

Dry food has many advantages: it is balanced and easy to dose. Therefore, experienced dog breeders often choose this type of feeding. Only "Premium" class feeds are suitable, and "Super-premium" is better. Advertising is no help here. Do not look for good food on the shelves of the supermarket, its place is in a specialized store.

Natural feeding complicates the care of pets: it takes much more time. Products from the table are not suitable, you need to cook separately. The menu for the "bear cub" is made individually. Its basis is meat, some fish, cottage cheese and vegetables. Separately, the daily norm of vitamins and mineral supplements is calculated.

natural feeding

The menu of oranges can be of the same type. It is more important to balance it in all respects. The basis of the diet is meat and offal (at least 30%). These are beef, lean lamb and chicken. Pork is not suitable. The meat is cut into small pieces. It is given raw or boiled. Adult dogs can boil offal.

Porridges make up 10% of the pet's diet. Usually they take rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Fish is given twice a week, replacing meat with it. River fish is boiled, sea fish is given raw. Spitz love eggs. They are fed boiled. Fermented milk products are good for dogs. Vegetables are best chopped and mixed with vegetable oil. You can extinguish them.

New products are introduced gradually. For the development of teeth, you can give dogs bones (only not tubular) and crackers. You can not accustom a pet to harmful foods: sweets, flour, spicy, salty and smoked. They also avoid legumes, semolina, pearl barley and millet porridge.

Ready rations

In order not to harm the dog, you can not use cheap food. Miniature Spitz eat little, so it’s better not to save on food - you will have to spend less on a veterinarian. For pets, food is suitable not lower than the Premium class, but rather Super Premium or Holistic.

Do not trust advertising. Take a moment to read the ingredients on the label. Responsible manufacturers always describe all ingredients in detail. There should be no inscriptions "meat products" without a detailed listing of the type of meat and offal. In the first place, as a rule, is the main component. Naturally, it should be meat, but not cereals. Plant products should also be present there, but in smaller quantities. They also add vitamins and minerals.

You can not buy feed, where there are dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, various substitutes for natural products. These components are included in cheap feeds that cause a number of serious diseases in dogs.

Feeding puppies

When taking a puppy from the kennel, you need to provide him with the food to which he is accustomed in the new house. With dry food, everything is clear: you need to buy high-quality food, provide the baby with constant access to water, and correctly calculate the daily rate.

With a natural type of nutrition, you need to provide the puppy with vitamin supplements. He especially needs them during the period of changing teeth and "baby hair". You need to choose vitamins designed for small breeds.

prone to disease

Spitz are healthy dogs. They differ in longevity. With good care, they live up to 20 years. But even they can be haunted by diseases that you need to know about:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (necrosis of the head of the femur, subluxations of the joints, dislocations of the patella);
  • complications during labor;
  • bug-eyed characteristic of dwarf breeds;
  • eye diseases (including cataracts, inversion of the eyelids, dysplasia and retinal atrophy);
  • complications with teeth (especially during their change).
  • inguinal and umbilical hernias;
  • heart diseases;
  • breathing problems, frequent coughing and sneezing.

Choosing a puppy, caring for him

You need to buy a puppy in kennels with a good reputation. But no matter how loud the name of the breeder is, when choosing a pet from him, always look at the conditions of detention and the condition of the baby. In puppyhood, all Pomeranians look like little bears. They change with age. Bear-type puppies acquire breed-specific features. When choosing a "teddy bear", look at his parents. If they have features characteristic of this type of orange, then, most likely, their offspring will be the same.

To prepare for the arrival of the baby:

  • close all the cracks where a miniature spitz can climb;
  • remove the wires, otherwise he will start to gnaw them;
  • hide all small items from the lower shelves;
  • make the bin and chemicals inaccessible;
  • secure an open balcony.

First days in a new home

For a little bear cub, you need to choose a place in the house that is remote from heaters and drafts. He will like it if his bed is in your bedroom: there is always someone to chat with. Instead of a bed, you can buy a special house with a mattress. It is easy to carry and takes up little space.

As soon as you cross the threshold of your house with a puppy in your arms, immediately put it on the floor. The baby should get used to the new housing. Don't pick it up unnecessarily. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly be with him, arrange an aviary for the puppy. This should be a safe place where the pet will not harm itself in your absence. But you can't leave him alone for long.

Training and education

This is a smart and understanding breed. If you are persistent and consistent in upbringing, you will help the bear cub quickly master the basic commands. But you can not give concessions. The animal will quickly notice this, and will become cunning.

The biggest enemy of Spitz training is frequency. Education needs to be done constantly. This does not mean that you need to spend days on end on the site, it is enough to develop rules of conduct, and always demand their implementation from the pet. If today you forbid the dog to ask for food from the table, then do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Otherwise, one handout will nullify the results of hard work.

Dominance is pronounced in Spitz. They protect their territory, with a loud bark they notify the whole district of the approach of strangers. this behavior is typical of the breed. But if the dog begins to show aggression, such behavior must be stopped immediately.

How to teach cleanliness?

In the early days, the puppy will leave puddles where necessary. It makes no sense to scold him for this. Better take a closer look at how he behaves before committing a "crime". As soon as he starts to spin, immediately take him to the diaper. After a few days, the pom will understand what they want from him. Praise the baby if he does his business in the right place.

breed standards

Usage Guard dog, companion.
Appearance Proportionately folded body, square format of the body, thick hair on the cheekbones, giving the dogs a plump appearance, the muzzle is slightly flattened.
Temperament, behavior Calm and affectionate, playful and mobile.
  • Form: small, wedge-shaped
  • Scull: medium size
  • Forehead: rounded, with a smooth transition
  • Muzzle: 3 to 5 cm
  • Cheeks: covered with thick hair
  • Jaws and teeth: small teeth (set of 42 teeth), scissor bite, level or pincer bite acceptable, premolars may be missing
  • nose: black, small, round, turned up
  • Eyes: black, closer to the nose
  • Ears: Small, triangular in shape, set high.
  • Back: short, straight
  • Small of the back: short, strong, slightly arched
  • Croup: short, wide
  • Stomach: moderately tucked up
  • Neck: moderate length
  • Breast: deep
  • Tail: fluffy, medium length.
  • Front legs: straight, wide front line
  • Hind legs: muscular, stand straight and parallel to each other.
Gait Loose, soft and light.
Wool Double coat.
Color Monochromatic (cream, zone gray, orange, cream-sable, zone sand), party color (two-color), black, white.
Height Height at withers:
  • Males 18–22 cm;
  • Bitches 18–20 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Historical reference

Once these dogs weighed much more. Until 1700 they were bred in Pomerania, and they were white in color. Later they became interested in knowing. As a result of selection, their weight and size has decreased to what we are used to.

In the 18th century, the dog of commoners turned into a star of secular salons. Queen Victoria began to buy smaller Pomeranians and set up her own kennel. In 1871, thanks to her efforts, the breed standard was adopted. Fashion for miniature Spitz came to Germany, USA, Holland, Russia, France.

Now it's hard to believe that the Pomeranian is an offshoot of the Icelandic and Scottish sled dogs. Modern poms will not be able to pull a team like their ancestors. These are pet dogs. But their temperament remained. If you want to have a devoted friend, choose a Pomeranian "bear".

Height at the withers: 18 - 22 cm

Weight: up to 3.5 kg

Very fluffy, medium length, close fitting to the back, rolled into a ring. Set high.

Front legs

They are located parallel to each other and the hind legs. The legs are somewhat shortened.

Hind legs

Strong, rounded, shins are somewhat shortened. Well pubescent, like "in panties".

Color solid: black, red, white, cream, gray.

The coat is double: the outer coat is long and straight, rather dense, and the undercoat is short, soft and fluffy. The coat is lush, not adjacent to the body. It is shorter on the back and sides, and forms a fluffy collar on the neck and shoulders, the tail and hind legs are also more pubescent.

Jaws and teeth

The jaw is small, slightly elongated, but not very pointed. Small teeth, complete set. Scissor bite, but a level bite is also acceptable. The absence of premolars is acceptable.

Slanted and slightly "fox", medium size, dark brown. Eyelids black.

Small triangular, erect. Set high and close together.

Small, wedge-shaped. There is a characteristic, but not sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

turn on

switch off

Pomeranian, or small German Spitz, is, first of all, a very beautiful and charming dog. Zoology and medicine claim that animals do not understand the power of their own attractiveness and, having seen the reflection in the mirror, they clearly cannot think of themselves, “Something I don’t look good today ...”. But, despite this, even the most self-confident Nobel laureate in biology doubts the fidelity of his own beliefs, looking at the Spitz. This dog seems to know that she is the cutest.

Spitz is a maid of honor. He will accompany his mistress, wherever she is, meekly sit on her hands and bark loudly at the approach of "enemies": that is, almost all passers-by. It seems that the small German Spitz is well aware that people will forgive him this liberty and, in spite of everything, they will still stop, be touched and shower him with compliments.


The Pomeranian dwarf spitz, and this is the official name of the breed, received the title of Pomeranian in honor of the historical region of Pomerania, which is located on the Baltic Sea. Scientists are of the opinion that the dog comes from central Europe. However, they still take into account the fact that she is a representative of the Spitz family, which means that the history of the breed could begin a little to the north - where the German Spitz family originates from.

The glorious ascent of these dogs as court favorites began in the middle of the 18th century. Fnh_23We At this time, the Miniature Spitz was known in several European countries. At first, the breed was very popular with ordinary people, later it was noticed by the nobility, and Spitz appeared at the courts of kings.

In 1860, after the capture of the Summer Palace in Beijing, the popularity of this breed was overshadowed by the Pekingese, which became a symbol of good taste for Europe. For this reason, the Pomeranian dwarf spitz lost its privileged position for some time.

The representative of the breed of those times was much larger than the dogs that meet the modern standard. If it were possible to take a photo of the then Spitz, we would be amazed at his weight - up to 13.6 kg. But already in 1915, the English Kennel Club stopped admitting Spitz heavier than 3.6 kg to exhibitions. The suddenly heightened attention of English dog breeders to the breed was due to the fact that the favorite dog of the then-ruling Queen Victoria was the Spitz Marco, whom she brought in 1888 from Florence.

In Russia, Pomeranians were also known at the end of the 19th century: Chekhov's "Lady with a Dog", for example, walked along the embankments of Yalta with an orange. After the revolution, when the breed was tacitly recognized as a "bourgeois relic", it was very difficult to buy a Spitz. Only in the 90s of the last century, the popularity of the breed resumed in our country, when breed enthusiasts brought dogs of a new standard. The modern Spitz dog in the photo attracts attention with a fluffy tail folded into a ring and a slightly sly look of "fox" eyes.

Spitz is a maid of honor. He will accompany his mistress, wherever she is, meekly sit on her hands and bark loudly at the approach of "enemies", which often for these dogs is 99% of the world's population.


One of the wonderful traits that the Pomeranian Miniature Spitz possesses is quick wit. Representatives of this breed are perfectly trainable, they are very intelligent and affectionate. True, it is worth noting that circumstances (initially, representatives of working professions started the Spitz) made them watchdogs. And this means that the love for loud barking is genetically inherent in them. Therefore, you should not succumb to the stereotype and seriously take the small German Spitz for a grumpy little dog. If the dog barks, it means that he felt the danger and considered it necessary to protect his master from it.

Thanks to their intelligence, Pomeranians lend themselves well to education, but at the same time they also show extraordinary resourcefulness in trying to get what they want from the owner - whether it be a toy, a delicious biscuit, or just affection and attention. By the way, it is attention, as a rule, that is the main goal of all undertakings: little ladies-in-waiting consider themselves the center of the universe and try to actively maintain the interest of others around them.


These fluffy dancers (and there really is something of a shy dancer in the movements of the Pomeranian) have an accommodating character. They are devoted to their owners, while not intrusive at all. They are affectionate and get along well with other animals. Even if all pets coexist on a modest footage, the Spitz will position itself friendly and play with other dogs.

There are two difficulties in raising a Spitz that are important to consider. First, psychologically, the Small German Spitz has not yet come to terms with its miniature size, and still considers itself a "big" dog. Therefore, he likes to cockily bark at big dogs. As you know, such skirmishes do not always end peacefully, so it is better not to lose sight of this nuance when raising a puppy. The second reason comes from the first: the Spitz dog is very noisy. It barks not from a bad temper, as already mentioned, but at the “call of the ancestors”. And it is worth weaning a dog from this dubious habit from childhood.


The Spitz dog breed is genetically predisposed not only to barking, but also to an active social life. If the owners did not make any efforts to pacify the dog's love for strangers, there is no doubt: the Spitz will rejoice at every passerby.

The dog gets along well with other four-legged dogs. But the heart of the Pomeranian pygmy spitz belongs to one person in the house - the owner. He follows him with a “tail”, at his bed quietly waiting for awakening from sleep, for him alone he is ready to “sell his mother to the circus”. Suffice it to recall Ozzy Osbourne's wife Sharon: all seasons of the reality show "The Osbournes Family" she appeared in the frame with a cream-colored Mini: he never left his mistress! In a word, this breed is ideal for women who need constant proof of love and people who need constant company.

Despite the fact that the Spitz is a businesslike and active dog, the dog is quite capable of sitting quietly in his arms for several hours, and tolerates moving very well. Another characteristic feature of these dogs is a cheerful disposition, which immediately wins over any person. Pomeranian Spitz all the time "smile" and not only because their muzzles are arranged that way, but because they are cheerful, optimistic dogs. Even when the Spitz barks, you can be sure that he is not threatening, but just trying to draw attention to himself.


It is easy and pleasant to train representatives of the Spitz dog breed. As a rule, these dogs realize early that others are happy to watch how the dog walks on its hind legs and stretches out two front legs to a person, therefore they are happy to demonstrate this skill.

The Spitz is an intelligent dog. She has a strong nervous system, perfectly feels the psychological state of the owner. Therefore, it is better not to raise your voice on a Spitz, and even more so not to raise your hand. We recommend watching a few episodes of Caesar Milano's Dog Translator show, and adopting the general principles of training small dogs. This will be enough to teach your little pet some tricks.

Walks and exercise

The Pomeranian is very fond of walking. Physical activity is important for a dog, so if you want to have a healthy dog, do not trust the role of the toilet to a diaper, but take your furry friend outside more often. On the day the dog should spend at least 40 minutes in the air. Moreover, the walk should be active and, if possible, combine not only walking, but also training, as well as outdoor games.

When choosing a suitable leash for walking, pay attention to roulettes. The Spitz dog is very inquisitive, and sometimes it can pretend that it simply does not hear you. You should be especially vigilant when walking near the roadway, and in general, you should let the Spitz off the leash only in a closed area. Since representatives of this breed are completely fearless, this often pushes them to very dubious, and sometimes tragic adventures.

The dog gets along well with other four-legged dogs. But the Spitz's heart belongs to one person in the house - the owner. He follows him with a “tail”, at his bed quietly waiting for awakening from sleep, for him alone he is ready to “sell his mother to the circus”.


Despite the prevailing stereotype, the Spitz is a dog that does not require complex, time-consuming care. The only thing that is required from the owner is to follow the coat. The Spitz should be brushed once a week, paying special attention to the places where the hair most often falls off, namely the area behind the ears and on the hips.

The grooming of a Spitz can be perhaps as varied as the grooming of a Poodle. Employees of pet salons will be happy to make a “bear cub”, “fox cub” out of Spitz, or simply tidy up the natural shape of the dog's edge.

You shouldn't bathe your Spitz often. It is better to entrust this process to the employees of grooming salons, optimally - once every six months.

In nutrition, Pomeranians are unpretentious. Properly selected food will be enough. The main thing is not to forget about vitamin complexes during the spring molt and make sure that the dog always has water.

Spitz and your apartment

The Spitz is a delicate dog. As already mentioned, the only thing that really needs to be dealt with is the noise that the dog can make. There is no need to worry: damaged furniture and chewed shoes should not be normal.

The dog sleeps peacefully both on the owner's bed and on a separate couch. Being a delicate animal, he is unlikely to dare to wake up the owner in the morning. But as soon as the owner opens his eyes, a smiling "fox" muzzle will appear from behind the "horizon" of the mattress. It is worth recognizing that loneliness is very difficult for Pomeranians. Therefore, when leaving the apartment for more than a few hours, it is better to take the dog with you, if possible. Since this breed lives only for its owner, the hours of parting for it will be a real torment. And it is possible that at first the neighbors will complain about the prolonged crying coming from your apartment.

What to feed a Pomeranian dog

Puppies are given food three to four times a day, adult pets - twice. The diet of the Spitz, like any dog, should be half meat products. For every kilogram of animal weight, it is recommended to give 25 g of feed. The basis of the dog menu should be beef and chicken. Sea fish is given once or twice a week. Porridge for Spitz is boiled from rice and buckwheat, occasionally you can give hercules. Vegetables can be given both raw and boiled. The Spitz is a small dog and should not be given bones as they can injure the esophagus.

For Pomeranian pygmy puppies, beef, lamb cartilage are useful. Such a delicacy develops the jaw, serves as an additional source of minerals.

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