Saliva is secreted from a Russian piebald dog. Why does a dog drool

Increased salivation, in some cases, is a physiological feature of certain breeds. But sometimes in dogs that are not prone to this phenomenon, saliva suddenly begins to flow profusely. In what cases does this process proceed within the framework of the norm, and when is it necessary to sound the alarm? All possible causes of this phenomenon should be considered. So why does a dog drool from his mouth?

Everyone knows that some breeds by nature, more precisely from breeding activities, are awarded with such a feature - to drool. This property is manifested in tetrapods with impressive muzzles, in the presence of shortened jaws or fleshy, loose fleas.

In pets with such anatomy, profuse salivation occurs for any, even a minor reason. This can happen from heat, when it gets cold, with any emotional excitement - joy, concern, surprise. Even when the dog is sleeping, he may salivate.

In the list of "slobbering" breeds, you can find sharpei, Newfoundlands, almost all varieties of bulldogs and mastiffs,.

Modern breeders have become puzzled by the reduction of this not entirely pleasant quality, and in modern representatives of the breeds, drooling is somewhat reduced. This is due to the fact that overly loose representatives of the breed are, if possible, not used in breeding processes, and the constant flow of saliva is considered a significant drawback.

This must be taken into account when choosing a puppy of a breed prone to salivation. Parents should be observed to see how this quality is expressed in them. If dogs flood everything around, then most likely their child will be the same.

Lucky, and the puppy emits little salivary fluid? Lucky ... And if not, then there is only one way out, constantly wipe the face and everything around, since there is no treatment for this anatomical feature.

If everything is clear with certain breeds, then in other dogs this phenomenon can be attributed to an alarming sign. It signals that the pet has experienced a violation in the activity of the salivary glands, which are responsible for the release of this physiological fluid.

A medium-sized animal secretes about a liter of saliva per day, with an increase in this indication, it is worth worrying about the condition of the pet. There is an impressive list of reasons why a dog has increased salivation (as this phenomenon is called in medicine), and they are far from always harmless. Often a veterinarian consultation and emergency treatment is required. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this process.

Pathologies of the oral cavity

Dogs are prone to diseases of the teeth and gums, and those are often accompanied by increased salivation. Dogs may develop caries, tartar (in some breeds, the mouth is a weak point) - these ailments are often accompanied by painful sensations, inflammatory processes, which the pet's immunity tries to eliminate in a not very effective way - by actively secreting salivary fluid.

In this case, it is possible to get rid of saliva only by eliminating the root cause, that is, by curing the disease. To identify the problem, it is worth looking at the behavior of the dog, with diseases of the oral cavity, it behaves as follows:

  • shows unusual caution while eating;
  • eats more slowly than usual;
  • head constantly lowered to the floor;
  • trying to eliminate itching in the jaw area;
  • if touched, it may squeal, snarl, or simply try to retire, hide.

Similar signs are also observed when a foreign body enters the mouth, therefore, having discovered such behavior, a careful examination of the mouth should be made. Often, owners discover a foreign object - a bone, a piece of a twig, or something else.

If blood is present in the salivary fluid, then the dog may have injured the tissues of the palate, gums, or tongue. If during the examination a wound was found, it must be treated with disinfectants. If there is suppuration in the wound, it has become inflamed or has become larger, then the pet should be shown to the veterinarian.

Change of teeth

A similar phenomenon can be observed in puppies during the period of changing teeth. Toddlers constantly gnaw something, while saliva runs out of the mouth in large quantities. In this case, you should not worry too much, after the gums stop bothering the dog, salivation will return to normal. It is important to provide your pet with special toys that can be chewed on.

What to do with increased salivation

The most important thing in this case is the participation of the owner. Do not think that salivation will pass by itself, without outside help. It is important to observe the behavior of the dog, paying attention to any changes.

A healthy dog ​​may drool profusely before meals, during physical activity, when traveling in any transport, in hot weather. In other cases, there is cause for concern. The pet requires careful attention and timely treatment.

Unfortunately, our four-legged friends do not know how to speak to talk about what makes them uncomfortable. Therefore, dog breeders are required to know the characteristics of the body of their pets in order to take action in time. Today we will talk about why a dog drools and what to do about it.

Causes of salivation

Increased salivation in dogs can have several causes:

  1. Reaction to food: at the smell, sight or while eating. Many dogs salivate at the sound of a food bag being opened, others at the sight of vitamins or their favorite meat. This is an unconditioned reflex, when the pet already knows that he will now receive his portion.
  2. The dog drools heavily with prolonged barking or stress.
  3. Nausea, for example, during a trip. The vestibular apparatus of animals is not designed to be ridden in a car or other vehicle. But if the puppy is taught to do this from an early age, it will be much easier to avoid such troubles.
  4. Quite often, salivation provokes a stuck piece of food in the teeth.
  5. A dog can drool due to a number of serious diseases: stomatitis, periodontal disease, inflammation of the salivary glands, malocclusion, teeth changes, diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, clay invasion, various infectious diseases, etc.

On average, a medium-sized dog produces about 1 liter of saliva per day. Dry food provokes the work of the glands, unlike liquid and soft food. Half of the volume of salivation is produced by the parotid glands. If, with the elimination of irritating factors, the dog drools in excessive amounts, you should contact your veterinarian. In some cases, it is impossible to diagnose the disease on your own and prescribe the correct one, so a visit to a specialist cannot be delayed.

Salivation in a dog is a natural process that is regulated by the central nervous system. Salivation is more active at the sight of food or treats, under the influence of odors, after physical exertion, while suckling in puppies, from an abundance of tenderness when the dog is stroked, during stress, while taking medication, after prolonged barking, when food is stuck in the teeth. This condition is mild and ends quickly.

Certain breeds of dogs are endowed with strong salivation. For example, Newfoundlands, mastiffs, boxers, St. Bernards. This is due to the peculiarities of physiology, when saliva collects in the hanging skin near the mouth, and then flows down.

Saliva is produced by four salivary glands located under the tongue, under the ears, cheekbones, under the jaw of the dog and a network of small glands on the mucous membrane of the tongue and cheeks in the mouth.

Why saliva is needed:

  1. Moisten food before swallowing. Especially when fed dry food.
  2. Dissolve and transport nutrients.
  3. Maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity, neutralize germs due to antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  4. Moisturize the mucous in the mouth.

When salivation is dangerous

The pathology of salivation, hypersecretion of the salivary glands is called ptyalism or hypersalivation.

A cause for concern is deviations from the usual state, changes in the behavior of the dog. Such deviations can be:

  • Infectious and non-infectious origin.
  • The result of disorders of the nervous system.
  • Due to poisoning.
  • Because of problems with teeth, with stomatitis, tartar and caries.
  • If there are foreign objects or tumors in the mouth.
  • With injuries and dislocations of the jaw.
  • With overheating and heat stroke, when saliva evaporates through the open mouth for the purpose of thermoregulation.
  • The result of an insect bite.
  • With diseases of the digestive system and kidneys.
  • With damage to the salivary glands.
  • For head injuries.
  • In case of infection with rabies, botulism, tetanus, distemper.
  • With nausea.
  • With otitis or stroke.
  • With difficulty breathing.
  • For swallowing disorders.

A sign of a possible illness in a pet is change in color and thickness of saliva animal. When the saliva is cloudy, viscous, stretchy, foul-smelling, yellowish-brown in color, or contains blood particles. These are signs of possible diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, periodontal disease, various inflammations of the salivary glands.

What do we have to do

First of all, you need examine the dog. If saliva is released during the period when teeth are cut or from nervous overexcitation at a dog show, in an unusual environment, then you should not worry, but wait until the dog calms down and salivation stops. When drooling has flowed on a walk in hot weather, you should stop and let the animal rest. In the summer, this happens because of a tight muzzle.

Contact of a dog with frogs or lizards, licking them provokes salivation. Or the animal licked the chemicals, ate poisonous grass on a walk. After such contact, it is recommended to rinse the dog's mouth with water.

When traveling in a car, the dog can get motion sickness and for this reason salivation increases. If we are talking about an adult dog, then trips will have to be stopped or made short. Before the trip, it is not recommended to feed the dog, seat the dog in the front seat and provide fresh air through the window. Puppies need to be accustomed to travel, gradually increasing the travel time.

For a walk with a dog whose breed has a physiological predisposition to salivation, you need to take a towel or rag and wipe your face. When traveling, tie a special bib.

Signs of the disease are changes in behavior, aggressiveness or isolation, loss of appetite associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive tract.

In case of suspicious and profuse salivation in an animal, one should begin with an examination of the oral cavity. You need to carefully examine the teeth, if there are any leftover food, check for splinters in the cheeks and lips that irritate the mucous or salivary glands.

Mechanical damage to the tooth, chips and loosening cause anxiety in the dog, accompanied by salivation. In this case, a visit to the veterinarian is indispensable.

Pay attention to the gums and tongue. There may be ulcers indicative of kidney failure. All foreign objects should be removed by yourself or contact a veterinarian. There may be tumors, sores or sores in the dog's mouth, which should be treated with an antiseptic.

While walking in the park or in the forest, the dog may eat something, such as a fly agaric, swallow a foreign object, it will get stuck in the esophagus, which causes salivation. Active running and "dog games" in cold, frosty air with an open mouth can provoke inflammation of the salivary glands. Salivation accompanies a cold when the dog coughs or sneezes.

In many cases, an increase in salivation accompanies indigestion and poisoning. In this case, the dog's stool is checked, the diet is adjusted and concomitant medications are given.

If during a home examination the causes of hypersalivation could not be identified, then they turn to the veterinary clinic. To make a diagnosis, they take a blood test to check the functioning of the liver. Additionally, a test for rabies or distemper is carried out.

Dog owners need to monitor changes in their pet's behavior in order to provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner and prevent the development of a more serious disease. The phenomenon of ptyalism is often a symptom of various diseases. If you suspect a deterioration in the health of the dog, you should immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Some inexperienced dog owners complain that their wards salivate in large quantities. This phenomenon is called hypersalivation in veterinary medicine, it can be permanent or temporary. Caring owners worry about this. What is the cause of pathology?

Briefly about salivation in dogs

Saliva - the secret of the sublingual, submandibular and parotid glands, necessary for the perception of taste, sucking, wetting solid food before swallowing. It dissolves the nutrients in the mouth and keeps it clean. Saliva also prevents the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases due to the constant washing of the oral cavity. After all, this secret contains antibacterial and antiviral substances.

The salivary glands are innervated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The first causes the secretion of viscous saliva. Parasympathetic stimulates liquid salivary secretions.

New dog owners should be aware that normal secretions in some breeds may seem excessive. We are talking, for example, about Bloodhounds, Mastiffs, Bassets, Newfoundlands. And in representatives of other breeds, hypersalivation is not always a cause for alarm. Salivation in an animal at the sight of food is not a pathology. This phenomenon is also considered normal in a stressful situation.

Why do dogs develop hypersalivation?

It is a sign of illness if the saliva is bloody, yellow-brown, opaque, smells unpleasant. Most likely, the dog has diseases of the oral cavity, for example, periodontal disease, stomatitis, inflammation of the salivary glands.

Among other causes of hypersalivation, the most common can be distinguished:

  1. Poisoning. The dog can be poisoned by poisons, insecticides, heavy metals. In this case, excessive salivation will be just one of the signs of a problem.
  2. Diseases of the teeth. Most often it is caries, tartar, pulpitis.
  3. Dislocation of the jaw. Such an injury is not uncommon for aggressive dogs that like to fight. But getting a dog under a car can also lead to a minor injury that not every owner will notice. When the jaw is dislocated, the dog cannot close its mouth.
  4. Heatstroke. When the dog's mouth is open, active salivation occurs.
  5. Hepatic encephalopathy. The disease is often accompanied by hypersalivation, as well as nervous manifestations.
  6. Some insect bites. This happens when a dog tries to hunt and eat insects.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system. This is an ulcer, inflammation of the esophagus, its tumor, hiatal hernia.
  8. Tumors of the salivary glands, their lesions, cysts. They are more common in older dogs.
  9. Rabies. With this dangerous disease, hypersalivation is one of the initial signs. Further, the behavior of the dog changes dramatically.
  10. Botulism. This is the name of poisoning with low-quality canned food, dried foods and freshwater fish.
  11. Tetanus. The disease develops in the presence of fresh wounds and contact with the soil.
  12. About the diagnosis of pathology

    So, a significant part of the causes of increased salivation is not very dangerous. Others require immediate veterinary attention.

    To determine the cause of increased salivation, the veterinarian first examines the oral cavity. Having ruled out the presence of dental diseases, the specialist will prescribe tests and examinations for the dog. These are general blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. The veterinarian will definitely ask the owner about other symptoms of deterioration in the dog's well-being, if any. If the dog began to eat poorly, her taste preferences changed, then, most likely, hypersalivation is associated with diseases of the digestive system and dental.

    Behavioral change is a common symptom of rabies and tumors. In addition, a sick pet, experiencing severe pain, becomes lethargic, drowsy and naughty. Vomiting and diarrhea may lead the veterinarian to think of chronic or acute poisoning in the dog.

    So, there are many factors that cause hypersalivation in pets. An experienced veterinarian can accurately install them and give the correct recommendations to the owner.

Saliva in animals, including dogs, is a product of the secretion of three pairs of salivary glands: sublingual, submandibular and parotid. In addition, small glands located on the mucous membrane of the lateral walls of the tongue and cheeks secrete into the oral cavity.

Liquid saliva without mucus in dogs is secreted by serous glands, and thick saliva, which contains a large amount of glucoprotein (mucin), is secreted by mixed glands. Salivation in dogs occurs periodically only when food or any other irritants enter the oral cavity.

Researchers have found that the quantity and quality of saliva secreted mainly depends on the type and nature of the food taken and a number of other factors. So, the amount of saliva separated depends on the degree of moisture and the consistency of the food: soft bread in dogs produces less saliva than crackers; more saliva is secreted when eating meat powder than raw meat. This is due to the fact that the dog needs more saliva to wet the dry food.

Salivation in dogs also increases when so-called rejected substances (sand, bitterness, acids, alkalis and other non-food substances) enter the mouth. For example, if a dog moistens the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with a solution of hydrochloric acid, there will be an increase in the secretion of saliva (salivation).

The composition of saliva for food and rejected substances in a dog is not the same. Saliva rich in organic substances is separated into food substances, especially if the dog's food is rich in protein, and the so-called washing saliva is secreted into the rejected ones. Washing saliva in a dog is a protective reaction of the body - through increased salivation, the dog is freed from foreign non-food products.

Composition and properties of saliva.

Saliva is a viscous liquid with a slightly alkaline reaction, contains 99 - 99.4% water and 06 - 1% solids. When examined under a microscope in saliva, you can see pieces of torn epithelium of the oral mucosa, leukocytes, food debris and various microorganisms.

The organic matter of saliva in a dog is represented mainly by proteins, especially mucin. Mucin makes saliva viscous, sticks together food substances eaten by the dog and thus facilitates the process of swallowing. Of the inorganic substances in saliva, there are chlorides, sulfates, carbonates of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium. Saliva also contains some metabolic products - urea, CO2, salts of carbonic acid. With the saliva of a dog, medicinal substances, paints used in the treatment of a dog, can also be released.

Saliva contains enzymes ptyalin, or salivary amylase, and maltase. Saliva ptyalin acts on polysaccharides (starch), breaking them down to dextrins and maltose. Subsequently, maltase acts on maltose, converting this disaccharide into glucose.

This reaction in a dog is carried out under certain environmental conditions. Saliva enzymes are active only at a temperature of 37-40 degrees and a weakly alkaline environment. In an acidic environment at a temperature of 0 degrees, the action of enzymes is not manifested.

The saliva of the dog, moistening the food, facilitates the process of chewing. In addition, saliva liquefies the food mass, facilitating the extraction of flavoring substances from it. With the help of mucin, saliva glues and envelops the food bolus and thus makes it easier for the dog to swallow it. Diastatic enzymes in the feed dissolve in saliva to break down starch. Saliva in a dog regulates the acid-base balance in the body, neutralizes stomach acids with its alkaline bases. Saliva dilutes caustic solutions and reduces their toxicity. Saliva contains substances that have a bactericidal effect - ingiban and lysozyme. When the oral mucosa is irritated, saliva protects it from various damages. Saliva takes part in the dog's thermoregulation of the body. Through salivation, the dog is freed from excess thermal energy, especially during outdoor games and running.

Salivation in a dog is periodic, i.e. saliva is secreted only when food is taken.

Regulation of salivation.

Between the entry of food into the oral cavity and the start of salivation in a dog, a period of time passes, which is called the latent period. The duration of the latent period in a dog depends on the nature of the food (strength of the stimulus), as well as on the functional state of the salivary glands. The duration of this period varies (1-30 seconds). This is due to the fact that the salivation process is reflex in nature. The implementation of this complex reaction in a dog occurs as follows. Edible and inedible substances, getting into the oral cavity, irritate the endings of the nerves of the mucous membrane. The resulting impulses along centripetal pathways from the oral cavity reach the brain. The center of salivation is located in the medulla oblongata, from which impulses are transmitted along the centrifugal nerves, which are the branches of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves, to the salivary glands. With irritation of the salivary center or these centrifugal nerves in the dog, the separation of saliva also increases.

The center of salivation in a dog can be excited by impulses coming from other centripetal nerves - visual, auditory, olfactory. In this case, the impulses from these centripetal nerves first of all reach the cerebral cortex. The excitation that has arisen in the cortex is directed to the center of salivation in the medulla oblongata, from which along the centrifugal nerves to the salivary glands. In this case, salivation occurs at the sight of food, at the sounds of dishes that foreshadow food for the dog, at the smell of food, etc.

In the event that your dog is drooling profusely, then something is wrong with the dog. Increased salivation in a dog is an alarming symptom for its owner, which, for one reason or another, speaks of a violation in the work of the salivary glands. .

Causes of increased salivation.

Increased salivation in dogs may be due to the breed feature of the dog, and be one of the symptoms of a number of diseases. Diseases in which the dog has an increased salivation of a large number.

Physiological reasons. The physiological causes of increased salivation include salivation in some breeds of dogs, as a rule, these are large dogs with large jaws (fighting dogs) and drooping cheeks (snoops). Increased salivation is observed in Boxers, Great Danes, Great Danes, Bulldogs and St. Bernards.

Dog trips in the car and stressful situations.

Some dogs tolerate car travel well, while others get sick during the trip. As a result of motion sickness (imperfection of the vestibular apparatus), the dog becomes depressed, breathing quickens, saliva and foam begin to flow, up to the appearance of vomiting. It usually goes away with age. In order to prevent such a problem, owners will need to contact a veterinarian who will recommend drugs that prevent dog motion sickness (aeron, graying, reyfit, barbavil, etc.).

The physiological causes of increased salivation include the reaction of the dog's body to feeding - the type of food, the sound of dishes preceding feeding, the smell of food, etc. Taking an unpleasant-tasting medication (no-shpa, anthelmintic tablets) can provoke increased salivation in some dogs.

Increased salivation occurs in puppies when their teeth begin to cut at the age of 3-4 months, which causes severe pain and abundant secretion of salivary fluid, while saliva is clean and transparent.

Increased salivation occurs in dogs during intense physical exertion, in hunting dogs on the hunt, etc.

pathological causes. There are a large number of similar causes of increased salivation in dogs. These include:

Diseases of the oral cavity. Diseases of the teeth, gums, oral mucosa leads to increased salivation.

Stomatitis- inflammation of the oral mucosa. With all forms of stomatitis in a dog, there is a violation of the act of chewing, there is an active release of saliva. During the meal, the dog strives to choose the softest food, chews carefully, slowly, with pauses. Hard, cold, hot and irritating foods are thrown out of the mouth by the dog.

With catarrhal stomatitis in the oral cavity during examination, there are no pronounced signs of inflammation. The inflamed areas of the mucous membrane are swollen, in places on the mucous membrane we note redness and plaque.

Ulcerative stomatitis is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane in the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks, and the tongue.

Atrophic stomatitis occurs in dogs with unsatisfactory maintenance, exhaustion, and also due to age-related changes. When examining the oral cavity, we note inflammation of the mucous membrane, upon careful examination we find vesicles, papillomas, bleeding wounds. The mucous membrane is easily injured, a slight pressure on the mucous membrane causes severe pain in dogs. As a result, the dog stops eating dry food and other solid foods.

In the presence of wounds, ulcers, vesicles and aphthae in the mouth, the dog hears champing.

Additionally, with stomatitis, dog owners note that it has an unpleasant smell from the mouth, which is similar to the smell of rotten meat or rotten vegetables.

Similar symptoms in a dog can cause ingestion into the oral cavity foreign body(bone, small piece of branch). If at the same time blood is released in saliva, then it is likely that the dog simply injured his palate or tongue. If possible, the dog owner should remove the foreign object from the oral cavity, and lubricate the wound with a disinfectant solution. If the fish bone is not removed, you must urgently contact the veterinary clinic at the place of residence.

periodontal disease Most common in older dogs. In periodontitis, inflammation of the tissue that holds the teeth in the upper and lower jaw of the dog in the oral cavity occurs. Periodontal disease in sick dogs is accompanied by strong salivation, the dog has an unpleasant smell from the mouth.

Malocclusion. Incorrect bite makes it difficult for the dog to receive and chew food. Incorrectly located teeth in the dental arcade injure the oral mucosa, gums and tongue. As a result of constant injuries, as a defensive reaction, the dog begins to salivate heavily.

Infectious diseases. The defeat of a dog by one or another infectious disease is often accompanied by increased salivation in a dog. Especially dangerous for humans and dogs is such a deadly disease as rabies. Rabies (rabies, hydrophobia)- an acute viral disease that occurs in a dog with severe damage to the nervous system and ends in death. As a rule, rabies is transmitted to dogs when bitten by rabid animals (foxes, wolves, raccoon dogs, etc.). For dogs, the most dangerous bites are rabid wolves, which inflict deep and lacerated wounds, which contributes to a large infection. Approximately 1/3 of animals (and people) bitten by rabid animals become infected. This fact is explained by the protective effect of the coat (or clothing), and on the other hand, by the natural resistance of the body.

The incubation period in dogs is subject to large fluctuations. Usually it ranges from 3 weeks to 3 months. In some cases, signs of the disease may appear after 7-8 days or after several months. The duration of the incubation period in a dog depends on the site of the bite, the amount and virulence of the virus, the age and general resistance of the organism of the infected dog. Young dogs have a shorter incubation period than adults. The shortest incubation period occurs with bites to the head.

Another viral disease in which owners notice increased salivation in their dog is -,.

Epilepsy- periodically recurring seizures of tonic-clonic convulsions with a complete or partial loss of consciousness in a dog. Salivation is usually one of the harbingers of an epileptic attack in a dog. Read more about epilepsy in our article -.

Poisoning. Poisoning a dog at home is possible when eating low-quality, as well as fatty foods. Poisoning occurs when a dog gets household chemicals, toxic substances (, etc.).

Poisoning in a dog is accompanied by vomiting (). Before vomiting, the owners note the appearance of nausea in their pets, the dog often licks its muzzle, there is strong salivation, the dog becomes restless. The dog periodically has a loud burp, rumbling in the stomach. When a dog is poisoned, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (), constipation are sometimes noted. When the first symptoms of poisoning appear in the dog, activated charcoal, enterosgel are used. For a day, the dog is put on a starvation diet while not limiting the watering place. In the event that the symptoms of poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea) do not stop, the body temperature rises, then you urgently need to contact your veterinary clinic.

Prevention salivation in dogs should be based on the owners' compliance with the zoohygienic rules for feeding and keeping dogs (). Vaccinate your pets annually against viral infectious diseases common in your area, especially against rabies. Regularly treat the dog from helminthiasis. Regular checkups at your dog's veterinary clinic.

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