Japanese dog breed from the movie Hachiko. Hachiko: the breed that received a new name. Description and origin of the dog breed Hachiko

The film "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend" is truly a hymn of boundless loyalty and love for a person, which only dogs are capable of.

The film is based on a true story that took place in Japan in 1932. The hero of the film, university professor Parker Wilson, picked up a lost Akita Inu puppy on the street. The owner of the baby never showed up, and the professor decided to keep him and named the puppy Hachiko.

A strong friendship is established between a man and a dog, the dog accompanies the owner to the train every day, and in the evening meets him from work right at the railway station.

Suddenly, the professor dies from a heart attack that he had at work. But the devoted Hachiko does not stop hoping again, and again comes to the station to meet the owner. Until the very last day, Hachiko did not believe that his friend was no more, and every day he was waiting for him at the station.

The Japanese were shocked by the loyalty of the dog and after the death of Hachiko they erected a monument to him at the Shibuya station, where he never met the owner. The day of Hachiko's death has been declared a day of mourning in Japan.

You can read more about this and other films on the page

Akita Inu dog breed

The history of the legendary Hachiko brought the Akita Inu breed wildly popular all over the world.

This breed was bred in the Japanese prefecture Akita known for its harsh and snowy climate.

Akita Inu dogs were a real treasure that only the elite of Japanese society.

Currently, this breed is the property of the country and is under state protection. The Japanese believe that figurines depicting Akita Inu are brought to their owners. prosperity and health, often they are given for the birth of a child.

The ancestors of the Akita Inu were native fighting, guard and hunting dogs. In the 18th century, the breed acquired modern features.

Early 20th century was a tragic period in the history of the breed. Akita Inu was often crossed with Mastiffs, Great Danes and St. Bernards, which did not affect the appearance in the best way.

Also, dogs were often used for dog fights. When this barbaric act was banned at the state level, then entire packs of Akita Inu found themselves on the streets, since their former owners no longer needed animals. Dogs strayed into stray packs and were mercilessly destroyed by people.

In 1919, when there were practically no purebred individuals in Japan, the Akita Inu was ranked among the natural monuments of nature. The breed was on the verge of extinction, and Japanese scientists visited small settlements in search of sentinel Akita Inu to use them to revive the breed. Just at this time, the story of the white Akita Inu Hachiko contributed to the popularity of these dogs.

After World War II During the war, famine began in the country, and residents were obliged to hand over dogs for meat, including Akita Inu. Several connoisseurs of the breed hid their dogs high in the mountains, thereby saving about 20 breed individuals. In the future, with these animals, the second revival of the breed began.

breed standard

There is currently a generally accepted breed standard akita inu.

Growth at the withers in males 64-70 cm, weight 40-45 kg. Females are smaller in size, their height is 58-64 cm, weight 32-40 kg.

Officially allowed akita inu colors:

  • red with white color of the inner surface of the paws, chest and mask on the muzzle. This color is called urajiro;
  • brindle with white urazhiro;
  • absolutely white.

The black mask on the muzzle for the Akita Inu is a marriage.

Hair care Akita Inu is a weekly thorough combing. During the shedding period, the dog should be brushed daily. Also follows avoid frequent bathing, this negatively affects the waterproofing properties of wool.

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dog character

The legendary devotion of these dogs has become the hallmark of the Akita Inu breed. With proper upbringing, dogs are perfect for living in a city apartment, they are distinguished by cleanliness and the absence of a characteristic smell.

Akita Inu is a calm, balanced dog, but the owner necessarily training classes should be attended, as the Akita Inu has a strong, independent and dominant character. Akita Inu are also known for being intolerant of other dogs of their gender.

Dogs great with kids and often take them under their protection, however, they need to be taught to other animals in the house from an early age.

The film "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend" starred four dogs. They represented the main character at different stages of life. Puppy Hachiko was played by a representative of a subspecies of the Japanese breed - Sinba Inu. This type of dog is small in size. In the adult period of life, the amazing dog Hachiko was played by the classic representatives of Japanese dogs. Dog breed from the movie "Hachiko" -.

The name of the dog breed comes from the locality in Japan, where the "treasure of the country" was bred - Akita Prefecture.

The story of the movie took place in real life. Everything happened in the vicinity of the Japanese railway station Shibuya in the 20-30s of the twentieth century. Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the University of Tokyo, adopts a fluffy ginger puppy, whom he names Hachiko, into his family. "Hachi" means "eight" in Japanese. It is a symbol of eternity and constancy. The nickname became symbolic, since the main quality of the dog was endless devotion to his master.

At the age of 1.5, Hachiko was orphaned, as the professor died of a heart attack right at the university. For 9 years, the dog came at the same time to the railway station and waited for his master. After journalists wrote about the dog, he became a legend and the pride of the Japanese, who built a monument to the fidelity of the animal.

The day of the death of the faithful Hachiko was declared mourning throughout the country.

Features of the Japanese dog breed

The Hachiko dog breed is considered the pride of Japan and its national treasure. Despite the fact that American dog breeders managed to breed their subspecies "Japanese dog", they did not manage to achieve either external identity or the same beautiful character.

The breed of dog from the film Hachiko began its career as a guard dog for a peasant, but over time it became a symbol of wealth. For some time, only the imperial family could keep an Akita Inu, and a severe punishment was due for the murder of this animal.

The breed of dog from the movie "Hachiko" is distinguished not only by thick hair, slanting eyes and a tail twisted into a bagel. The whole appearance, movements of the animal speak of the eastern origin of the Akita. Proud posture, outward calmness, restraint - this is a real imperial dog. However, under the outer mask of calmness, an ardent temperament is hidden, which the Akita demonstrates only to its owner and close people.

The breed of dog from the movie "Hachiko" does not require scrupulous care, but you will have to work hard on the coat. Bathe the dog should not be too often - 1-2 times a year. It is enough to comb out the coat once a week with a special brush. During the shedding period, the combing process should take place daily.

Famous representatives of the dog breed Hachiko

Answering the question “What breed of dog is in the film Hachiko?”, It should be noted that two breeds participated in the filming - a miniature subspecies of the breed - Sinba and three different Akitas. One of the best trainers, Boon Narr, worked with each dog for six months. He was on set almost every day.

Three tailed artists were chosen for different periods of Hachiko's life. They were collected from different parts of the country and each of them has an expressive appearance.

“Children and dogs outshine any actor on stage,” says the trainer.

The actors especially loved Leyla, who was distinguished by her incredible beauty and intelligence. All participants in the filming could not help but fall in love with these dogs for their restraint and incredible charisma.

One of the most famous owners of the Akita Inu was Russian President Vladimir Putin. He showed his dog to journalists in 2011, after which the second wave of popularity of this breed began. However, it is worth remembering that you can not choose your pet, chasing fashion, because it is a living being. requires full care, high-quality diet, and most importantly - a real leader who would be engaged in the education of this strong animal.

How to choose a puppy like Hachiko?

The price for a pedigree puppy can vary greatly. If you are satisfied with a dubious hand deal, then you can count on $400 or less. However, such an acquisition entails risks, so it is better to buy an animal from experienced and reputable breeders, which can be found in Japanese dog clubs.

The name of the Jakito dog breed is on everyone's lips, so scammers often come across. Remember, pet grade puppies (for use as a pet) sell for $500 and up. The cost of puppies suitable for further breeding starts from $700, and the price of quality dogs that can win at exhibitions and competitions starts from $1200.

Before you go for a puppy, it is worth studying, in which the exterior of the animal is painted to the smallest detail. You can take a specialist with you. Be sure to ask for documents, and also look at the Akita's parents.

All puppies in a litter should look the same size. These are cheerful and fluffy strong men, from whom one should not expect oriental restraint and tranquility at this age. However, puppies should not be aggressive.

A puppy can be kept both in an apartment and in a country house. It is easy to care for, but it is worth remembering that this breed requires a long walk a couple of times a day.

Photo of Hachiko and other dogs of this breed

Photos of Hachiko and other beautiful ones will show why the Japanese love this animal so much. These are incredibly beautiful and noble animals, in which it is impossible to fall in love.

What breed of dog is in the movie hachiko? We'll talk about this a little later..Anyone who hears the name of this wonderful breed immediately has a smile on his face. In a word, this breed can be described as "devotion". About seventy years ago, she became the property of the people and a monument was erected to her.

The most popular breeds are kishu, hokkaido, koshinu-ino, shikoku, etc., but all of them simply cannot compete with a dog of the breed akita inu. To date, only this breed has received great recognition and so far not a single dog has been able to get around it.

Hatiko dog breed

Akita is a very beautiful and impressive dog.. Her posture, look, torso, movements, in general, all of her exudes nobility, strength, authority. Even though the dog itself has a slightly stocky build, its proportions are excellent, its appearance is beautiful, and the appearance itself commands respect.

Her popularity is growing not only because of the magnificent appearance, but also because of the captivating character. The dog is bold, temperamental and at the same time restrained and obedient. These dogs were often companions of the brave Japanese samurai. In their opinion, only Akita Inu could become their reflection. In addition, these dogs were used as guards for the emperor. Akita Inu was endowed by nature with the instinct and quality of hunting.

Gallery: Akita Inu dog breed (25 photos)

How did the Akita Inu, Hachiko

The history of this wonderful dog is quite interesting.. It belongs to the group of the oldest breeds in the world. These are not just legends or fictions, but a fact proven by scientists - they studied in detail the pedigree of this breed and conducted many studies, including genetic ones. In addition to the fact of the antiquity of dogs proven by scientists, in Japan they dug up remains belonging to the Akita Inu breed dating back to the second millennium BC. In addition, ancient drawings were discovered, on which dogs were drawn, outwardly very similar to the modern Akita Inu.

The Japanese didn't spend much time coming up with an interesting name. Translated from Japanese, "Akita" is the name of a place, or rather, a mountainous province located on the island of Honshu (in the northern part). "Inu" is Japanese for "dog". In that same province, very similar to modern dogs of this breed appeared already in the seventeenth century AD. Although they were already completely similar to today's Akita Inu. The most influential figures, emperors, royal nobility necessarily had these pets.

Akita is one of the few dogs that has not been crossed with other breeds. At first they were used by peasants as hunters and house guards. And only in the eighteenth century did the dog become elite. A law was even issued stating that if a person killed or simply offended her, then he would be subjected to serious punishment. After a short time, Akita Inu was available only to people of imperial blood and aristocrats.

Worth noticing that this had a significant impact on development. Care, maintenance and feeding have become a special ceremony. Each dog had a personal servant, collars and leashes were made for them, thanks to which the status of the owner and the rank of the dog itself were easily determined.

About ninety years ago, the OSAI, the Akita Inu Conservation Society, was created. It was created in order to keep a pure, uncrossed breed. During WWII, many dogs of this breed were sent to the front. In those years, they stopped breeding Akitas, as there was not enough food and funds to support them. But still, in Japan, several purebred dogs have been preserved, which survived the times after the war and retained all the natural qualities.

There is an opinion that that the progenitor of this breed is a Spitz-shaped Chinese dog, which arose as a result of mixing with mastiff blood. In addition, some people think that Akita Inu appeared as a result of mixing mastiff and husky (Siberian). Yes, the Akita is indeed a bit similar to the Russian Laika, but still they have nothing in common.


Since the "creation" of the modern Akita, practically nothing has changed in appearance. Today in the world there are several species that arose as a result of crossing an Akita with a German Shepherd. This happened in the middle of the twentieth century. Then only a few species were known: shepherd, fighting and hunting.

Around the world, Akita is associated with a very devoted and loyal friend from the movie "Hachiko". Plus, this is a true story.

Real Hachiko - it was a white male. He was born in Odate at the end of 1923 (in November). When Hachiko was two months old, he was sent to Professor Eisaburo Ueno in Tokyo. Then they became very close friends. The devotee Hachiko accompanied his master to the station every day and waited after work. And one day the professor didn't come because he died of a heart attack at the university. For almost ten years, a faithful friend has been waiting for his master. When Hachiko was eleven years and four months old, he died. He was buried next to Eisaburo Ueno.

One of the oldest spitz-shaped dogs is the Hachiko Akita Inu breed. It is considered a national treasure of Japan and does not lose popularity today. Incredible devotion to the owner and ingenuity of the dog were immortalized in a feature film, and in the 30s of the last century, a monument was erected to the faithful Akita in his hometown.

The breed originated on the Japanese island of Honshu in the province of Akita. The locals used it to hunt large game and guard their homes.

A few centuries ago, there was a cult of Akita, she was considered a sacred animal, kept at the court of the emperor.

Later, when Japan became open to foreigners, Akitas were actively crossed with other breeds of dogs. So that they do not disappear completely, in the 30s of the last century, a law was issued according to which Akita Inu were under the protection of the state.

During the Second World War, the breed practically disappeared, leaving only a few purebred animals. Cynologists in Japan have done everything to revive the Akita. In 1949, the first dog show was held, the breed was recognized by the Japanese Kennel Club, and in the 60s the first official standard was developed.

After the release of the remake with the participation of Richard Gere, many people wondered what the name of the breed of dog from the movie "Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend" is. So Akita Inu gained fame outside of Japan.

Description and characteristics of the breed

This is a very cheerful dog, which is hard not to fall in love with. He is an excellent guard, always ready to protect the owner and his property. Akita is a sociable and at the same time proud and independent dog.

She has an explosive temperament, hidden behind external calmness. This is well manifested in the game or in times of danger - in a split second, a cute teddy bear can turn into a furious fighter. In a conflict situation, the Akita rarely uses its teeth. She will never attack first, and will only engage in a fight when threatened.

Akita Inu is a very energetic dog, but will not run without a goal, it is able to analyze its behavior, make independent decisions.

You can often hear from owners that the dog cannot be trained. She is very intelligent, but independent, with her own will. The behavior of the dog and its desire to learn commands depend only on the owner.

Breed Standard Hachiko (Akita Inu)

These are rather large spitz-shaped dogs with a thick coat consisting of 3 layers. Only three colors are allowed: pure white and red or brindle and white. Too long hair, which is found in some representatives of the breed, is considered a deviation from the norm.

In addition to the Japanese type, there is also an American one, which is slightly different in appearance, since German shepherds participated in its breeding. For the American Akita, a black mask is acceptable in color.

Breed standard:

  • height at the withers: for bitches - from 59 to 64 cm, for males - from 64 to 70 cm;
  • maximum weight - up to 50 kg;
  • the head is wide with a convex forehead;
  • nose black;
  • ears triangular, small, sticking up;
  • hazel or hazel eyes;
  • strong teeth and scissor bite;
  • straight back, wide chest, tucked up stomach;
  • the tail is bent over the back with a ring;
  • legs are straight and strong.

Akita is a rare dog breed, but in Russia it is easy to find a kennel that breeds it.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the conditions in which it is kept, it must have a clean coat, clear eyes. The breeder should be asked for documents about the health of the parents of the baby they like. Animals admitted for breeding must not have hereditary genetic diseases of the eyes and hip joints.

Purpose and character of the dog

The Japanese Akita Inu breed is distinguished by patience and devotion, treats children well, and will never offend them. A lot of the character of a dog depends on proper upbringing. The whole family should communicate with the puppy, walk with him, then he will grow up affectionate and sociable.

It is not common for a dog to obey, it prefers to feel on an equal footing with its owner. Shows obedience only out of love for its owner. She is unobtrusive, likes to carefully observe the life of family members on the sidelines.

Now the dog is not used for hunting, as in ancient times, now it is a faithful companion. Of the working functions, the Akita does an excellent job of guarding.

The dog should have its own bedding, two bowls (for water and food), toys. A puppy at 1.5 months is fed 4 times a day, 200 g of food is needed for 1 feeding. From three months you can switch to three meals a day, from 6 months to two meals a day.

An adult animal eats 2 times a day, but can eat 1 time or for 2 days “go on a hunger strike”. You need to feed the dog after walking to avoid intestinal volvulus. There are two options for feeding - cook food yourself or give dry balanced food. One of the bowls should always be filled with fresh water.

When feeding with natural food, several rules are observed:

  1. Food is given fresh, slightly warm (about 40 ° C).
  2. The main part of the diet is meat, raw frozen beef is better.
  3. Grains, fiber and carbohydrates are just as necessary for a dog as meat, but in smaller quantities.
  4. Fish is given only sea, without bones.
  5. You can not give milk, sour cream, mix meat and dairy products.
  6. Mineral and vitamin supplements are required, appropriate for the age of the animal.

1.5 liters of natural food is enough per day for an animal. Feeding can be mixed. When feeding dry food, you need to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Akita should see the leader in the owner, worthy of respect and reverence. This is the main secret of proper education.

While training, you should not try to do it at the same pace as for puppies of service breeds. It is impossible to teach a dog to perform a complex of commands - “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” at a distance, this is beyond the power of even an experienced trainer. Only the most necessary commands are taught from the Akita. Training should not be too long so that the animal does not get tired. Starting to learn the command, they try to achieve its flawless execution, otherwise the dog will think that repetition in the future is not necessary.

Without training and long walks that provide good physical activity, the Akita can become difficult to manage. The more you walk your dog, the better. The required minimum is 1 hour in the morning and the same amount of time in the evening. If the dog lives outside the city, it is taken out several times a week for walks outside the site in order to accustom it to the outside world.

The Akita Inu needs minimal care - no grueling training, frequent bathing, haircuts, combing. But due to the nature of the breed, the breed is suitable only for those people who know how to value independence and can see a friend in a dog.

And other primitive types of dogs); section 5 (asian spitz)

Usage: companion dog

Color: red and white, brindle and white and white.

Dimensions: height at the withers: males from 66 to 71, females from 61 to 66; weight: males from 45 to 59, females from 32 to 45

Lifespan: about 11-15 years old

The Akita Inu got its name because of its place of origin - it was bred on a Japanese island in the province of Akita.

This is a very intelligent animal, endowed with real wisdom and strong-willed qualities.

Extreme devotion is proved by the famous story of Hachiko, in honor of which even the film of the same name was shot.

For more touching dog loyalty stories, read this article.

Everyone who knows what breed of Hachiko especially fell in love with the Akita Inu, which has become incredibly popular among dog breeders precisely because of its amazing intelligence, devotion and gentle nature.

This animal, related to, is quite unpretentious, perfectly fulfills the role of a companion dog and simply perfectly combines playfulness and mobility with peace and an amazing mind.

History of the breed

The homeland of the Akita Inu is the island of Honshu. Due to the country of origin, this dog is sometimes also called the full phrase - the Japanese Akita Inu.

In its past, this breed was a hunting breed and specialized in the extraction of large animals such as deer or bears.

After carrying out archaeological and genetic research, as well as studying ancient drawings depicting dogs, scientists found that the Akita Inu breed belongs to the 14 most ancient breeds in the world, which also include Russian.

In Japan, at the beginning of the 6th century, clubs of Akita inu lovers were created, the purpose of which was to create instructions for keeping and breeding these animals in order to preserve the country's hunting farms.

Character and psychology

The Akita Inu dog has a developed intellect and a lively strong mind.

Dogs of this breed are characterized by a high level of intelligence and a calm character, as well as dogs of the West Siberian Laika breed.

  • They have a phenomenal memory, they easily remember all the commands and can even independently adjust their behavior to the mood of their owner;
  • The independence and willfulness of this breed, the extreme masterful character gets along well with the high degree of attachment of the Akita Inu to the owners and complete devotion to them;
  • Akita Inu is one of those dogs that does not tolerate indulgence and unnatural attention, this animal should be treated on an equal footing with love and affection, and not represent a stupid puppy in the place of an adult dog.


These dogs do well in a home with children.

They easily take responsibility for the behavior of the kids and superbly monitor it, making sure that the child does not do anything bad and does not get into trouble.

At the same time, Akita Inu is easily given into children's hands, not objecting to constant games. A wonderful nanny and friend for the baby.

How to choose a puppy

First of all, you need to remember that the black mask, familiar to the related breed of the American Akita, is categorically unacceptable for the Akita Inu, just like a hanging tail.

You should not choose a dog from a litter that is too large, and you should not give preference to the largest and fattest puppy in the entire litter.

The ideal choice would be a playful and active puppy from a small litter where all babies are about the same size.

Healthy Akita Inu puppies are moderately well-fed, they are not at all afraid of loud and unexpected sounds and do not show aggression at all - only a lively curiosity.

In addition, puppies of this breed have an amazing temperament, only with age they become reasonable and unflappable.

Features of care


The coat of the Akita Inu does not cause any particular inconvenience, it is enough to comb it out once or twice a week.

Only during heavy shedding, which happens a couple of times a year, is it worth approaching hair care more carefully and doing it every day.

To do this, you must have at least two brushes - for wool and for thick undercoat.

It is worth bathing dogs of this breed once or twice a year, more frequent water procedures can harm the coat.

Once every two weeks, you should cut your dog's claws, once every few days - brush her teeth with a special paste.


Akita Inu is a very characteristic dog, so it should not be "walked", but "walked" with it.

In most cases, she herself decides where to go and often prefers to walk without.

At least once a week, she must be released without him and given the opportunity to run around freely without the participation of the owner.

The dog needs frequent and high-quality physical activity, so at least two hourly walks a day are necessary.

In case of lack of time, one walk can be shortened and make up for the lack of activity on the weekend by being outside for several hours in a row.

The uniformity of games and walks bothers the dog, it is better to alternate both places for walks and equipment for games, constantly choosing something new.

Such a pet is ideal and.


In their historical homeland, the Akita Inu was fed rice, fish and some other seafood, seaweed and plenty of vegetables.

It digests well boiled eggs and meat of wild animals (for example, venison).

Purebred dogs are adapted precisely to such products; for chicken, beef, other meat and excessively fatty dairy dishes, they can manifest themselves very serious allergy .

Also, this breed does not tolerate corn and oatmeal.

Akita Inu can be described with just a couple of words - "innate prowess"


Characteristic diseases

Akita Inu often manifest diseases associated with its nature, characteristics of the body and size:

  • hip dysplasia or even elbow joint;
  • hypothyroidism and the development of skin diseases;
  • birth defects and vision problems;
  • immune blood diseases;
  • a large number of allergic reactions to products;
  • torsion of the stomach.



Akita Inu is one of the most purebred dogs that does not require the influx of "new blood" into the breed and the improvement of some characteristics.

The purity of the breed is especially strictly controlled in Japan as part of breeding, in all other countries all healthy representatives of this breed are simply allowed to mate.

Hachiko - Akita Inu dog breed: an excellent companion and wayward friend

The Akita Inu got its name because of its place of origin - it was bred on a Japanese island in the province of Akita. Extreme devotion is proved by the famous story of Hachiko, in honor of which even the film of the same name was shot.

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