Excessive sweating of the whole body: causes in men. Severe night sweats in men

Sweating is one of the natural physiological processes in the human body, its function is to maintain normal body temperature and protect the body from overheating. In any healthy man, excessive sweating can occur as a result of physical activity, in hot weather, or with strong excitement.

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating

Sweating can be general or local (when specific parts of the body sweat, such as the armpits).

Pathological excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis, in this disease, excessive sweating occurs even with mild excitement, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all.

Hyperhidrosis causes great physical and moral discomfort to a person, and sometimes this disease can cause social problems. There are two types of excessive sweating:

  • we are talking about primary sweating when the reasons for it could not be found;
  • secondary sweating is a symptom of a disease, in the treatment of which this symptom disappears on its own.

In addition, there are local sweating, in which certain parts of the body sweat (palms, feet, armpits, head), and general sweating, in which the whole body sweats.

Reasons for excessive sweating

Sometimes it is possible to establish the cause, as a result of which a man has profuse sweating.

  1. Sweating is one of the symptoms of many infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, as well as endocrine (,) and nervous diseases.
  2. Kidney disease, in which the filtration and formation of urine are disrupted, as a result of which the body is forced to excrete excess water through the sweat glands.
  3. also contributes to the occurrence of heavy sweating, especially in hot weather.
  4. Increased nervous excitability, in which, as a result of excitement, fear, or other emotional states, increased sweating occurs, although normally these stimuli are not directly related to the sweating process.
  5. The cause of hyperhidrosis can be the intake of certain medications (drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, insulin, pilocarpine, etc.).
  6. Affects the occurrence of excessive sweating and hereditary predisposition, but in this case we are more often talking about local sweating.

Excessive sweating of the armpits, palms and legs usually occurs with stress, with hyperhidrosis, sweating begins even with slight excitement. In men suffering from this disease, often with emotional stress, the head sweats. Sweating feet can be caused by fungal skin diseases in this area.

What to do with excessive sweating?

First of all, it is necessary to understand whether excessive sweating in a man is a pathology. When working or staying for a long time in a hot climate or in a room where the temperature and humidity are elevated, the occurrence of sweating is the norm, especially if a man is engaged in physical labor in such conditions. If increased sweating is accompanied by other symptoms, such as cough, fever, headache, abdominal pain, etc., then you should immediately consult a doctor, as in this situation, sweating is most likely a symptom of some disease . You should also seek medical help if excessive sweating is not associated with the causes described above.

Recommendations for men suffering from excessive sweating

Men suffering from hyperhidrosis should pay special attention to personal hygiene, in particular, take a shower 2 times a day.

You can try to cope with hyperhidrosis or at least reduce its unpleasant manifestations on your own.

Compliance with hygiene is necessary for everyone, without exception, and with increased sweating, special attention should be paid to it. You need to take a shower twice a day. During washing, it is recommended to use deodorizing and antibacterial soaps, in addition, it is useful to periodically use body scrubs, especially with local sweating. It should be noted that their use is possible only on intact skin. Problem areas can also be washed with tar soap.

Applying antiperspirants containing substances that block perspiration, as well as deodorants that help get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat, is possible only on clean skin. Therefore, in the morning, especially with excessive sweating at night, it is necessary to take a shower, best of all, a contrast one. A contrast shower is also very useful for men whose excessive sweating occurs due to increased nervous excitability.

Clothing, especially underwear, should be chosen from natural materials, synthetic tight underwear is unacceptable. Shoes must be of the appropriate size made of genuine leather.

To combat excessive sweating and strong sweat odor, some doctors recommend limiting the consumption of spicy foods and seasonings. It has been proven that when eating certain foods, such as fish, garlic, cumin, spicy curry, the smell of sweat increases. You should also exclude coffee, strong black tea, chocolate, cola from the diet.

Means for the treatment of sweating

Medical treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Sedative drugs are prescribed for increased nervous excitability. Iontophoresis will help get rid of excessive sweating for several weeks, when the problem returns, the procedure must be repeated. For a longer period (up to 6-7 months), Botox injections will help reduce sweating. In rare cases, patients with armpit sweating are recommended local liposuction, and with increased sweating of the face and palms, surgery - endoscopic sympathectomy can help.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk remedies usually involves the use of lotions, compresses and baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a tannic or astringent effect. Such properties are possessed by oak and willow bark, strong tea leaves. With sweating of the legs and palms, contrast baths with a decoction of oak or birch bark, walnut leaves are useful, you can add a couple of tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar to the bath.

Which doctor to contact

In case of excessive sweating, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the patient and determine the possible cause of hyperhidrosis. In some cases, the patient may be referred for a consultation with a therapist or specialized specialists (infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, neurologist) if it turns out that the cause of sweating lies in the disease of the internal organ. If the cause of sweating cannot be determined, the patient can consult a beautician or plastic surgeon.

- Strong sweating in men and women of a constant nature. The classification is extensive. Hyperhidrosis exists primarily as a separate phenomenon and can be controlled. This is the primary case, and it is more widespread. Secondary type - sweating is a symptom of another disease. It will not be possible to get rid of it until the true cause is found and taken under control.

Severe sweating is a sign of the development of a disease in the body

Types of hyperhidrosis

The disease is conditionally divided into areas of distribution (a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body sweats heavily):

  • palmar hyperhidrosis;
  • axillary;
  • inguinal;
  • facial;
  • plantar;
  • localized - separate parts of the body suffer (arms, legs, face, for example);
  • generalized - evenly wets the surface of the entire body.

According to the severity, there is mild hyperhidrosis, moderate and severe. The first does not cause inconvenience: a person sweats a little more than usual, but does not express complaints. The average severity affects curiosities like wet palms when shaking hands. Severe degree - thoroughly soaked clothes, huge circles of sweat on the shirt, persistent smell. People avoid communication with the patient.

Severe hyperhidrosis is characterized by excessive sweating

The course of the disease is divided into:

  • seasonal - exacerbation in the warm months, for example;
  • constant - sweating is plentiful all year round;
  • intermittent - alternating exacerbation with attenuation, regardless of the seasons.

The origin of the disease plays a role:

  1. Pharmacological - develops temporarily during the period of taking drugs with a similar side or targeted effect.
  2. Psychogenic - stress and tension provoke sweating everywhere or in patches.
  3. Food - manifests itself mostly on the face after spicy and spicy dishes.
  4. Spontaneous - sweating is unreasonable at first glance, but has a psycho-emotional connection.
  5. Thermoregulatory - the release of sweat cools the body, manifests itself with temperature changes, physical exertion, weather changes.

Sweating can really be balanced when the cause and place in the classification is found for it.

Causes of excessive sweating in men

What causes excessive sweating of the secondary type? The main 3 causes are endocrine disorders, malignant neoplasms and infectious diseases.

Endocrine system

Disorder in the endocrine system is called dozens of diagnoses.

Perspiration is inherent when it develops:

Or goiter in a popular way. An excess of thyroid hormone forces the cells of the body to absorb more oxygen. It overheats the body. Hence the increased sweating of the whole body.

Increased sweating in hyperthyroidism

Diabetes. People with diabetes do not tolerate heat. Local sweating haunts the patient: head, neck, arms, chest - the entire upper body is covered with moisture. Dibetic hyperhidrosis is characterized by dry feet.

Hypoglycemia. The body is saturated with adrenaline due to a drop in glucose levels in the brain, from which the body is covered with perspiration.

carcinoid syndrome. The symptoms are severe, they clearly speak about the diagnosis: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and arterial hypotension are supplied with cold sweat.

Carcinoid syndrome is characterized by nausea and cold sweating.

Acromegaly. More than half of patients with acromegaly suffer from hyperhidrosis day and night. The real reason is the active growth hormone, which increases the size of certain parts of the body.

Malignant tumors

With lymphoma and lymphogranulomatosis, patients sweat intensely at night. Fever and weight loss should alert.

Infectious diseases

A banal example that everyone has experienced is hyperhidrosis with fever during colds and SARS.

Similar symptoms in other infectious diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS;
  • malaria;
  • hepatitis;
  • syphilis;
  • cholera;
  • typhoid fever and others.

High fever and sweating may indicate an infection

Most of them are rich in night sweats. This is how tuberculosis starts innocently. A person sweats profusely during sleep, regardless of the heat in the room or the density of the blanket. Often wakes up wet from a feeling of discomfort, you have to change clothes.

Other reasons

Heart disease, alcoholism and drug addiction, acute poisoning, and even neurological problems are disturbed by sweating of various types and degrees.

Which doctor should I contact?

Make an initial visit. A number of tests and examinations will show where the body gives an alarm signal. Then the patient will be redirected to a specialized physician: a venereologist and others. Hyperhidrosis, as a feature of the body, should not be treated if sweating does not cause any special problems.

To identify the problem, you must first contact a therapist

Treatment for excessive sweating in men

What to do if a man is prone to hyperhidrosis? Sweating of a spouse at night in a dream is often unpleasant for a wife. Local perspiration causes no less problems for a man: in the groin, underarms, on the face or palms.

Not only medicines against hyperhidrosis are available to medicine.

Minor surgery may be the only treatment:

  1. Iontophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method of skin cleansing. Clogged pores and sebaceous glands do not fully ventilate the body from excess heat. Outcome: enhanced ejection of fluid to the outside. Cleansing normalizes perspiration.
  2. Endoscopic sympathectomy. Regulates the sympathetic nervous system.
  3. Botox injections. Covers the sweat glands. Assign to men who sweat locally.
  4. Aspiration curettage. Intentional surgical destruction of the sweat glands. A one-time procedure deprives problems forever.
  5. Ultrasonic and laser curettage. Gentle way to eliminate sweat glands.
  6. Liposuction of the axillary zones. That is, the removal of fat in the armpit along with a certain amount of sweat glands.

Removing the sweat glands will once and for all get rid of the problem of heavy sweating

In cases of mild and moderate severity, folk methods help: baths with vinegar, rubbing with lemon, rinsing with herbs. Teymurov's pasta has proven itself well.

  • wearing and using natural fabrics in the wardrobe;
  • regular hygiene;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • weekly cleaning, washing shoes;
  • fight against smoking and drunkenness;
  • fortified food, the exclusion of spicy and spicy dishes, fast foods;
  • the use of antiperspirants, deodorants;
  • baths with aromatic oils, extracts and decoctions of herbs, salts.

Sweating is a vital cycle of the body against overheating. It is active on the entire surface of the skin when a person is sleeping or awake. Abnormal profusion of sweat is curable, if it is not due to disease.

The excessive sweating that occurs during sleep or during the daytime in men delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations and makes the patient experience embarrassment and shame. Abundant sweating in the stronger sex is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. External and internal factors are capable of provoking excessive sweating. It is important for a man to consult a doctor in a timely manner, find out the cause of excessive sweating and choose the best methods that will help reduce sweating.

What causes excessive sweating in men?

All causes of increased sweating in men are divided into 3 large groups:

  • household;
  • physiological;
  • internal disturbances.

In the first case, profuse sweating in men is caused by a very hot temperature in the room, clothes made of synthetic materials, untimely hygiene procedures, and drinking alcohol. An unbalanced diet, in which a large proportion is given to fatty, fried and spicy foods, can also affect the development of sweating. Physiological sources of sweating in men are:

  • excess weight;
  • the period of andropause, in which the amount of testosterone is reduced;
  • excessive physical activity, provoking sweating of the head and the whole body;
  • stressful situations or emotional overstrain;
  • heredity.

The causes of heavy sweating in men may be in such deviations in the body:

  • excessive thyroid function;
  • diabetes mellitus of various types;
  • benign or cancerous tumors;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • syphilitic damage to the nervous system;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • tuberculous lesion;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • malaria;
  • fungal disease.

If the source of sweating in men could not be established and there is frequent causeless sweating, then doctors talk about a genetic predisposition.

Symptoms depending on the type of sweating

Sweating affects men of all generations.

Guys, middle-aged men and the elderly suffer from excessive sweating. The deviation can manifest itself in a different form and affect any part of the body. Depending on the type of hyperhidrosis, a man will have different symptoms. Sweating attacks are classified into many types, according to various criteria. The table shows the main types and their features of manifestation.

OptionsKindsa brief description of
By localization of sweatinggeneralizedWetting of a large area of ​​the body
Blueness of hands and feet
Attachment of fungi, bacteria and viruses
Offensive odor of perspiration
LocalAxillarySweaty armpits with or without exercise
PalmarExcessive sweating of the palms
PlantarnySweating in the feet
craniofacialStrong sweating of the head, neck, face area
perinealExcessive sweating of the groin area
According to etiologyPrimaryThe disorder is caused by genetic factors
SecondaryThe cause of high sweating are pathologies in the body of a different nature.

When is medical help needed?

Sometimes excessive sweating in men can be eliminated on their own, without resorting to medical help. If a man began to sweat due to external factors, then after their self-elimination, sweating will disappear. If increased sweating during sleep or during wakefulness does not depend on external causes and is associated with disorders in the body, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The help of a doctor is necessary for men who, against the background of sweating, have shown such signs:

A guy with a problem should contact a therapist who will conduct a general examination and collect an anamnesis. If it is impossible for the therapist to establish the cause, the help of narrow-profile doctors is required: an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, a dermatologist, a neurologist, an oncologist, and others. After diagnostic manipulations and clarification of the source of the violation, individual treatment will be prescribed.

What should men do with excessive sweating?

Help of pharmaceutical drugs

Drug treatment will reduce increased sweat production and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Each drug is taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription and in an individual dosage. Strong sweating in men is stopped with the help of pharmaceutical preparations containing formaldehyde, belladonna and components that have a calming effect. It is possible to use local agents (ointment, cream, gel) or systemic (tablets, capsules). The following local remedies help to get rid of the problem:

  • "Formidron";
  • Teymur paste;
  • "Formagel".

Sometimes a man is prescribed pills that reduce sweating:

  • "Bellaspon";
  • "Belloid".

If the problem of sweating is associated with mental disorders and constant stress, then sedative medications are prescribed.

When is an operation necessary?

Surgical treatment is required if a man cannot overcome sweating with medication. Also, surgical therapeutic methods are prescribed for severe hyperhidrosis or its recurrence after drug therapy. It is important to bear in mind that surgery and a suitable method are prescribed by a doctor, since such manipulations are not always safe and can cause a number of adverse reactions.

Ultrasonic destruction of sweat glands

This procedure causes the hardening of the dermis and the cessation of the development of sweat glands.

Such manipulation will help the man not to sweat in the future. For its implementation, a small puncture is required in the affected area. A device is inserted through a small hole and the sweat gland is destroyed. The destructive destruction procedure is carried out according to medical prescriptions and on an outpatient basis. After manipulation, the problem does not bother a man for many years.

Sweat glands are located throughout the body, including on the head. The body produces sweat so that we do not overheat and get heat stroke. Why does a man's head sweat heavily and constantly? Excessive sweating of the neck, head, face can be caused by diseases and pathologies. Under certain circumstances, the removal of fluid through the sweat channels of the head is the norm, and even a necessity. But it happens that serious violations lie behind the symptom.

Possible causes of excessive head sweating in men

Excessive sweating is medically called hyperhidrosis. The reasons for the increased work of the sweat glands can be different. Let's consider the most likely.

natural causes

It is considered normal when a man sweats his head with the following factors:

Excessive sweating during exercise is considered normal.

  • In hot weather outdoors or at home.
  • In a stuffy room.
  • With excitement, fear, anger, stress.
  • After eating heavy (spicy, fatty, fried) food.
  • With excess weight.
  • During or after drinking alcohol.
  • If hygiene rules are violated (a person rarely washes his hair).
  • Wearing hats made of synthetic materials or not suitable for the weather.
  • During the period of colds.

Hyperhidrosis can also cause excessive consumption of liquids during the day (tea, coffee, drinks, water), the use of bed linen made of synthetic fabrics.

Severe sweating of the head, face, back is often observed in adolescent boys during the period of hormonal adjustment. Usually, after 18-20 years, the work of the sweat glands in young men is normalized.

All the reasons described are considered natural and do not require visits to doctors, examinations.

Important! It is possible to distinguish normal from pathological head sweating by one main feature: it appears only under certain circumstances and disappears as soon as the factor is eliminated. Pathological hyperhidrosis occurs suddenly and does not go away for a long time.

If heavy sweating starts for no apparent reason, then it may be hyperhidrosis.

Pathological causes

A man can be tormented by excessive moisture in the head, with the following disorders and diseases:

These are just the most common health problems that cause excessive sweating of the head and face in men. There are a lot of diseases that provoke hyperhidrosis, and it is impossible to list them all within the framework of one article. In rare cases, the tendency to sweat is genetically transmitted through the male line in the family.

On a note! Usually, with hyperhidrosis caused by internal diseases, other symptoms appear: poor health, changes in appetite, decreased performance, sleep disturbance.

What to do?

A man concerned about hyperhidrosis should first consult a doctor and undergo an examination. For starters, it is recommended to visit a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination, and on the basis of the anamnesis, decide which tests need to be taken and which specialists to go through.

A blood test will help to make a general picture of the state of health

Usually, the primary analyzes that allow you to get a general picture of the state of health are:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys.
  • X-rays of light.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed a further, deeper study. If certain diseases are detected, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

After recovery, bouts of profuse sweating in the head usually go away on their own.

If the reasons lie in the hereditary factor, the external environment or the characteristics of physiology, medication and alternative methods of treatment can be used to reduce hyperhidrosis.

conservative ways

Such surgical treatment options can be resorted to when the problem causes significant discomfort and spoils the quality of life. There are two types of minimally invasive operations in which the doctor locally affects the nerve endings that transmit a signal to the brain about the need to release sweat in certain places.

  1. Endoscopic sympathectomy. Through a special device, the endoscope, the surgeon penetrates to the node of nerve endings responsible for the hydrochannels in the head, and pinches them. The problem of sweating in this area disappears forever.
  2. Thoracoscopic sympathectomy. The principle of the operation is the same, but the method is more traumatic, since it is carried out not through an endoscope, but by dissecting tissues.

One of the options for getting rid of hypohidrosis is surgery.


The most effective type of physiotherapy for the treatment of excessive sweating is iontophoresis. Electrodes are connected to the problem area, a weak galvanic current is supplied through them. The procedure allows you to reduce the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and prevent hyperhidrosis of the head.

In addition, iontophoresis has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layers.


Often, profuse sweating appears in men after experienced stress, psychological trauma, and nervous tension. Hyperhidrosis occurs as a psychosomatic symptom, and it can be eliminated by some psychological techniques.

A competent psychotherapist will allow you to find and understand the causes of the problem, and conduct sessions to eliminate them. After solving the internal conflict, reducing anxiety, eliminating disturbing problems, many unpleasant manifestations that accompany people who are under stress go away.

Try to avoid stressful situations, as they increase sweating

Folk ways

Traditional medicine offers the treatment of sweating with herbal infusions. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of medicinal plants and regularly rinse the head.

Herbs will help reduce sweating and greasiness of the scalp:

  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark;
  • sage;
  • birch leaves;
  • calendula.

These plants can be used in mixtures and individually. For 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. dry chopped grass and poured with boiling water. The infusion is kept for 3-4 hours, then filtered and rinsed and the head. Rinsing is desirable to do every day or every other day. The minimum course of treatment is a month.

Many medicinal plants can help fight sweating.


When the head of an adult male sweats without pathological causes associated with diseases, it is possible to reduce the release of fluid if some recommendations are followed.

A factor that provoked hyperhidrosis of the head in a man can also be a blockage of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually it is accompanied by symptoms such as constant heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, constipation, colic.

In this case, it is recommended to undergo a course of purification with the help of sorbent preparations (Activated carbon, White, coal, Smekta, Laktofiltrum). Cleansing will reduce sweating and get rid of discomfort in the intestines. Before using medications, you should consult your doctor.

A good and useful prevention of hyperhidrosis will be a diet, or rather, proper nutrition. A balanced diet has a positive effect on all body systems. Men suffering from profuse sweating should pay attention to physical training. Swimming, cardio training, running and many other sports strengthen the body and normalize the functioning of the sweat glands.

We examined the most likely factors why the head of the stronger sex sweats. The problem is unpleasant and cannot be put up with. Do not forget that cosmetics and some methods only superficially mask the symptom, and the real cause may be inside. It is better not to self-medicate, but first visit a competent doctor and choose a comprehensive therapy regimen, taking into account your state of health and individual characteristics.

Sweat is a physiological process normal for the human body, aimed at maintaining the water-salt balance, removing metabolic products and maintaining a level of heat exchange between the body and the external environment acceptable for life. Although not always noticeable, sweating occurs almost continuously. The volume and composition of the released fluid depend on the ambient temperature, the intensity of physical activity, and the emotional state. But in cases where excessive sweating is not associated with the action of these factors, they speak of the occurrence of pathology in the work of the sweat glands.

Features of excessive sweating in men

Sweat is a liquid with impurities of salts and organic substances. Due to its evaporation from the surface of the skin, the human body struggles with a thermal imbalance that has arisen for one reason or another.

Sweating in women and men is not the same: the former sweat almost 2 times less with equal loads, which is due to differences in evolutionary development. For this reason, the representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to face the problem of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating for no apparent reason).

High sweating causes both physical discomfort (bad smell) and psychological discomfort, expressed in anxiety, self-doubt due to accompanying visual manifestations (wet clothes).

Increased activity of sweat glands may be a consequence of their pathology

Disease classification

Although hyperhidrosis in men manifests itself in different ways, its types can be classified using criteria such as:

  • frequency of occurrence:
    • seasonal (depending on the season);
    • constant;
  • extent of distribution:
    • generalized (the entire surface of the skin);
    • local (local signs):
      • axillary (armpit area);
      • palmar (palms);
      • plantar (feet);
      • cranial (head);
      • craniofacial (face, neck);
      • perineal (including sweating of the scrotum);
  • origin:
    • primary (for no apparent reason, spontaneous);
    • secondary (as a symptom of a disease);
  • the degree of intensity of sweat secretions:
    • mild (discomfort is minimal, the diameter of stains on clothes is up to 10 cm);
    • medium (diameter of wet spots from 10 to 20 cm);
    • heavy (sweat flows in a stream);
  • manifestation nature:
    • sudden;
    • frequent;
    • morning;
  • patient age:
    • teenage;
    • hyperhidrosis in the elderly.

Hyperhidrosis has many individual manifestations related to both the localization of active sweat glands and the intensity of their work.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Most often, manifestations of hyperfunction of the sweat glands are encountered by men aged 15 to 35 years. Experts identify household and medical reasons for the occurrence of increased sweating.

Daily causes that can be eliminated on your own include:

  • strenuous physical work;
  • violation of the diet and diet;
  • excess weight;
  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • the use of alcohol, narcotic and psychoactive substances;
  • clothes and bed linen made of synthetic materials;
  • high ambient temperature;
  • stress.

Often, increased sweating occurs as a reaction to stress or strong feelings.

If the above factors have been eliminated, and sweating has remained at the same high level, then there is a high probability of detecting ailments, the presence of which requires urgent action:

  • hormonal imbalance (diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, neuroendocrine tumor, acromegaly);
  • unstable state of the cardiovascular system (after, etc.);
  • infections (, abscesses, fungus, HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis);
  • nervous disorders (Riley-Day syndrome, Parkinson's disease, exhaustion of the nervous system);
  • tumor neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • malfunctions of the urinary system;
  • chronic inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis);
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hereditary factor;
  • the use of drugs (insulin, aspirin);
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Video: Elena Malysheva about the causes of hyperhidrosis

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis and differential diagnosis of concomitant diseases

In diagnosing excessive sweating, the specialist must first understand what is the cause of the disease. As noted earlier, by origin, hyperhidrosis is primary, requiring self-treatment, or secondary, when profuse sweat is only a symptom of the underlying disease.

An important role in the first stage of diagnosis is the collection of anamnesis. The patient should try to answer questions as accurately as possible regarding the time of occurrence, location on the body, frequency and intensity of sweating.

Physical Methods

The doctor performs a visual inspection of problem areas, clothing. After these procedures, a physical examination focuses on ruling out symptoms of autoimmune diseases (fever, abnormal blood pressure, tumor formations, enlarged lymph nodes, disturbances in the functioning of the motor apparatus, sensory organs).

To establish the cause of hyperhidrosis, a thorough examination of the patient is necessary.

Laboratory methods

Laboratory diagnosis includes the following data collection methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • examination of the thyroid gland (ultrasound, the level of hormones in the blood);
  • analysis of the content of sugar (glucose) in the blood;
  • Wasserman reaction;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • sputum analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • computed tomography of the brain;
  • skull x-ray;
  • cardiography.

Hyperhidrosis Tests

In order to establish the very fact of hyperhidrosis in modern medicine, the following are used:

Treatment for excessive sweating

Treatment of hyperhidrosis involves an individual approach and a complex effect.. But a lot also depends on the patient. So, only he can eliminate as much as possible from his life the factors that provoke the sweat glands to work actively.

Medical therapy

Drugs that help to cope with excessive sweating are divided into two groups depending on the severity of the nervous component of the disease:

  • sedatives (valerian, motherwort, other herbs and their combinations that have a similar effect);
  • psychotropic (tranquilizers, taken only on prescription).

Cosmetics cope with the task of eliminating external manifestations: antiperspirants (not to be confused with deodorants, which only eliminate odor, but do not affect the amount of sweat emitted) and various creams or ointments containing zinc and aluminum salts. These chemical elements suppress sweating for a certain time (from 12 to 48 hours). Such funds are effective only in local manifestations.

Also in pharmacies are oral-type drugs, the action of which is associated with inhibition of the activity of sweat glands (Clonidine, Benzotropine, beta-blockers), but their use is associated with a high probability of serious side effects.

An effective method of therapy is the subcutaneous injection of Botox or Dysport - the result of injections lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years. It should be borne in mind that the procedure is carried out only by specialists.

Botox blocks the nerve endings of the sweat glands, thereby temporarily interrupting the chain of impulses and stopping the release of sweat.


In the diet of the patient, the emphasis should shift in favor of food of plant origin.. The menu should include the following products:

  • buckwheat;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • legumes;
  • figs;
  • bran bread;
  • dairy;
  • mineral non-carbonated drinks;
  • meat and fish of dietary varieties.

The use of caffeinated products, spicy, sour and fatty foods, seasonings, spices, alcohol is contraindicated. It is advisable to quit smoking.

In nutrition, you should follow several rules. All meals and drinks must be at room temperature. And the diet is planned so that during the day there is time for 5-6 meals.

Photo gallery: useful products for excessive sweating

Bran and whole grain bread are rich in B vitamins, which help in the fight against hyperhidrosis.
Dairy products will replenish calcium reserves, which are actively excreted from the body with sweat. Buckwheat stabilizes insulin levels, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands. Mineral water without gas will quench your thirst, make up for the lack of fluid in the body and enrich it with important trace elements. Parsley enriches the body with all the necessary beneficial components and helps to cope with the negative consequences of hyperhidrosis.

Folk remedies

Along with drug therapy and proper nutrition, folk methods have a positive effect on the course of treatment.

The most effective means:

  • compresses / baths with infusion of oak bark (1 part bark to 4 parts boiling water) for 30–40 minutes;
  • alcoholic tincture of horsetail (plant and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, the composition acquires the desired properties 2 weeks after manufacture) - used as a rub in areas of increased sweating;
  • lemon - a slice of fruit is carried out on dry, clean skin in places where sweat is released.

Lemon juice, when applied to the skin, tightens pores and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora


Effective methods are:

  • reflexology (impact on subcutaneous nerve receptors);
  • electrolysis (hair removal from problem areas);
  • iontophoresis (delivery of active substances to the deep layers of the skin using a low-power galvanic current);
  • hydroprocedures.

Photo gallery: methods of physiotherapy for hyperhidrosis

Methods of reflexology (acupuncture, acupressure, thermopuncture, etc.) can give a temporary effect of varying duration in hyperhidrosis Hair follicles are eliminated forever, and with them the sweat glands Iontophoresis even at home allows you to achieve a lasting effect

Surgical intervention

Sometimes radical measures become the only way out if conservative methods of treatment did not give the desired result:

  • laser treatment. The average duration of the operation is 40 minutes. An optical fiber is inserted into the skin through a microscopic hole, which emits a laser beam that burns out sweat cells without harming surrounding tissues. The recovery period lasts no more than 6-7 days.
  • Sympathectomy. This is clipping or complete destruction of the sympathetic nerve trunk responsible for the release of sweat. The duration of the procedure can be up to one and a half hours. Rehabilitation - 1 week.
  • Curettage. Removal of sweat glands with special instruments. The operation time is up to 40 minutes, recovery takes from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Video: patient feedback on the effectiveness of sympathectomy in the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis

Treatment prognosis. Possible Complications

Although hyperhidrosis is a very complex and delicate problem, the likelihood of a favorable outcome with proper treatment is very high. To date, in the arsenal of specialists there are many drugs and procedures that have proven themselves in the fight against this disease.

However, it is difficult to attribute sympathectomy to reliable operations, the outcome of which, under unfavorable circumstances, may be compensatory hyperhidrosis. This side effect is manifested in the fact that excessive sweating begins to bother a few weeks after surgery in places where it was not previously observed. It is possible to eliminate the defect during repeated sympathectomy if the previous operation was clipping of the nerve. In the event that the nerve has been completely destroyed, other methods will have to be used.

Other complications in the treatment of excessive sweating can occur only in cases where the patient does not follow the doctor's instructions, whether it is taking medication or following the rules of postoperative rehabilitation.

Disease prevention

Many people, when faced with hyperhidrosis for the first time, try not to pay attention to it. As a result of inaction, various skin ailments can develop, the fight against which will take much more time and effort.

Prevention of excessive sweating includes:

  • proper diet;
  • the use of clothes, shoes, bed linen made from natural materials;
  • regular hygiene measures;
  • physical training;
  • stress management;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Hyperhidrosis is a common problem among people. It is very important to notice its manifestations in time and contact a specialist to find out the cause that provoked the appearance of the disease. After all, a factor in the occurrence of hyperhidrosis can be both ordinary stress and a serious disease of internal organs.

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