What to do and how to treat diarrhea in a dog. The pet is sick: what to give the dog from diarrhea? Fast remedy for diarrhea for dogs

Diarrhea in a dog can be triggered either by poisoning or by the appearance of a more serious illness. Dog owners who ignore this ailment in their pet are doing it wrong. In no case should any disease in a dog, including diarrhea, be left to chance.

It is important to remember that this disorder of the digestive system clearly indicates internal problems in the animal's body. It is also important to remember that untimely or inappropriate treatment of the disease can result in negative consequences for the health and life of the dog.

All symptoms of the disease directly depend on the severity and neglect of the disease. Diarrhea symptoms may include the following:

All of the above symptoms can appear as a single presence, and with the presence of several signs.

If at least a single symptom of malaise appears, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian.

Diarrhea with blood

If the animal has diarrhea with various inclusions of blood clots, then this may indicate the presence of a serious disease in the dog's body. As an ambulance, the pet must be immediately shown to the veterinarian. What diseases have this symptom?

  • Poisoning. The dog often picks up various small objects on the street or in some other place, if a foreign body or low-quality food enters the stomach of the animal and causes severe irritation of the intestinal walls, then the dog develops diarrhea with blood.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. mainly present in babies from 2 months to a year. Unfortunately, the disease often leads to the death of a puppy, especially if medical assistance is not provided to the latter in a timely manner.
  • Traumatic enterocolitis. Diarrhea with blood in a dog can occur if the animal has eaten a small foreign body, and it has injured the walls of the intestine or stomach inside the body.
  • Adverse reflex to taking painkillers.

acute form

In veterinary practice, acute diarrhea is most common in dogs. The disease is characterized by its sudden onset and short-term effect. It is noted that acute diarrhea in dogs does not last more than 3 weeks, but, nevertheless, the disease is serious and requires timely treatment.

The causes of acute diarrhea are identical to ordinary indigestion. Symptoms are manifested in the presence of watery feces, sometimes with impurities of blood.

This condition of the animal is especially dangerous because as a result of frequent defecation, the body can lose a significant amount of fluid, and this leads to dehydration and imbalance in the body.

Chronic form

This chronic disease is recognized when the dog has had diarrhea for 3 or more weeks. Feces in chronic diarrhea are often accompanied by mucus and blood.

With prolonged diarrhea, the dog loses a lot of weight, her appetite deteriorates, the quality of the coat changes, vigor and joy for life disappear.

Causes of diarrhea

A variety of reasons can lead to a violation of normal performance, for example, they include:

Before treating a disease, it is necessary to thoroughly find out the cause of its development. Only after this treatment is prescribed, and urgent measures are taken to heal the dog.

How to treat diarrhea

At the first signs of illness, a sick dog must be taken to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. After identifying the causes of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes medication to the patient.

All of the above medicines can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. It is impossible to treat a dog with drugs on its own.

What to give a dog for diarrhea?

At home, you can also help the animal cope with the disease. For this, gentle, harmless, but effective means are used.

  • Rice broth. Boil rice groats in a small amount of water, then the thick is removed, and the resulting broth should be fed to the dog.
  • Herbal collections. An infusion of medicinal herbs is being prepared, which the animal is fed with. As medicinal plants, you can use: alder fruits, blueberries, sage, St. John's wort.

Dog food for diarrhea

During the illness, the dog always feels unwell. If she refuses to eat, it is forbidden to force-feed her. Animals need to drink a lot.

What are the rules of nutrition during illness?

  • On the first day of illness, it is better for the animal not to give any food at all, if she asks to eat, then you can give a small amount of boiled rice.
  • On the second day, the dog can be offered fermented milk products to normalize the digestive process.
  • On the third day, if the animal feels better, then low-fat foods are introduced into the diet: boiled egg, chicken or fish. During all 3 days, the dog can be given boiled rice.

It is important not to forget that a sick dog needs plenty of fluids. Plain water, sweet tea, herbal decoctions, rice decoction are suitable as a medicinal liquid.


As a preventive measure against diarrhea, pet owners are advised to comply with the following requirements:

We always remain responsible for those we have tamed. This truth is familiar to everyone since childhood. The slightest ailment in an animal should be immediately treated. In order for the dog to be always happy, playful and healthy, she needs only responsible and high-quality care.

If you are faced with such a situation for the first time.

The severity of the condition must be determined.

If diarrhea has occurred more than 2 times. If both diarrhea and vomiting occur at the same time. If there is an admixture of blood in the diarrhea. If the dog refuses to eat. If the dog has a high or low temperature. If the dog's general condition worsened.

In all these cases, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.

If you have experience treating diarrhea or the condition of the dog does not cause concern, then you can start self-treatment and observe the continuation of the disease.

With mild forms of diarrhea, it is enough to follow a starvation diet for 12 to 48 hours. Give water in small amounts. Give no-shpu and enterosgel. The diarrhea should stop within a day.

What not to do with diarrhea in dogs?

Imodium should not be used to treat diarrhea in dogs.- Imodium does not cure diarrhea, it stops intestinal motility, and pathological processes continue and putrefactive products that are excreted with diarrhea remain inside and poison the body.

Diarrhea in dogs can occur as a result of poisoning, be a symptom of any serious illness.
Not every owner knows what to give a dog for diarrhea, so you need to contact your veterinarian.

This reaction of the digestive tract indicates that there are internal problems in the animal's body that should be identified and treated.

How does it manifest

All symptoms of the disease are directly dependent on its neglect and severity. Diarrhea can have the following manifestations:

  1. A change in the nature of the stool - stool softens and becomes more liquid.
  2. The feces become watery, blotches of blood appear in them, and a pungent odor arises.
  3. The color of the feces changes - they can become brown, green, black or yellow.
  4. During defecation, the animal experiences pain, during defecation, it groans or whines.
  5. The bowel movements become more frequent, the volume of feces is small.
  6. With stomach problems, mucus appears in the feces.
  7. The dog begins to worry too much or, conversely, becomes lethargic, she whines all the time or sighs heavily.
  8. The dog becomes nauseous and may vomit.
  9. The body temperature rises.
  10. Rumbling is heard in the stomach.

All signs can occur independently, and in any combination.

If at least one of these manifestations was noticed in an animal, then it should be shown to a specialist.

Puppy is bleeding

If there are inclusions of blood clots during diarrhea, then most likely this is evidence of a serious pathology. You need to take your dog to the doctor.

Diseases accompanied by this symptom:

  1. Poisoning. The dog sometimes picks up different objects or products from the ground. When they enter the stomach, they lead to intense irritation of the intestinal walls, resulting in diarrhea with blood particles.
  2. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs. This pathology usually affects young individuals between the ages of two and twelve months. Often, the disease ends in death if adequate medical care is not provided in time.
  3. Traumatic enterocolitis. Bloody diarrhea can be the result of an animal eating foreign bodies, which lead to injury from the inside of the walls of the intestines and stomach.
  4. Adverse reaction to the use of analgesics.

Acute illness

The owners are faced with an acute form of diarrhea. It comes on suddenly and is usually short-lived. Acute diarrhea in dogs does not last longer than three weeks, but this does not make it any less dangerous and should be treated.

The causes of acute diarrhea are the same factors that cause ordinary indigestion. Among the symptoms can be called liquid stools, sometimes they may be interspersed with blood.

In this state, the dog often defecates, a large amount of fluid is lost, which leads to significant dehydration of the body.

Turned into chronic

If diarrhea lasts three or more weeks, then we are talking about a chronic process. There is often mucus or blood in the stool.

With prolonged diarrhea, the animal's body weight decreases, appetite worsens, hair grows dull or falls out, the dog ceases to enjoy life.

Why does

The normal functioning of the intestines can be disturbed by various reasons, for example, they include:

Before you begin to treat this pathology, you need to reliably determine the cause of its occurrence. Only after the implementation of all diagnostic procedures can all necessary measures be taken to save the health, and possibly the life of the pet.


What to use

When the very first symptoms appear, you need to take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. The veterinarian will prescribe the necessary medications, as the cause of the disease will be established.


Often the owners are interested in what to give the dog from diarrhea from human medicines. This is unacceptable, since you cannot calculate the dosage.

All groups of medications should be prescribed only by a veterinarian and only after the animal has been carefully examined. No drugs can be used on their own to treat an animal.

We treat at home

If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, then you can help your dog defeat the disease using effective, but safe and gentle means.

What can you give your dog for diarrhea?

  1. Rice decoction. To prepare it, rice groats are boiled in a small amount of water, then the rice itself must be removed and the animal should be given the resulting broth to drink.
  2. Plant fees. The dog can be fed with infusion of various medicinal herbs. Alder seedlings, blueberries, St. John's wort or sage are well suited for this.

What to feed your dog with diarrhea

During the period of illness, the animal usually feels unwell. If the dog refuses to eat, then you cannot force feed it. The dog should drink plenty of water.

Rules of nutrition that must be observed during illness:

  • on the first day, it is better not to feed a sick animal at all, and if the dog has an appetite, then you can give it a little boiled rice;
  • on the second day, you can connect fermented milk products so that the digestive process returns to normal;
  • if the condition of the animal began to improve, then on the third day you can enter foods with a small amount of fat into the menu - boiled eggs, fish, chicken meat.

For all three days, the pet can be fed with boiled rice.

It is important to always remember that a sick animal needs to drink plenty of fluids. Even plain water will serve as a medicine, tea with sugar, rice water, herbal infusions are well suited.

Effective prevention

As preventive measures, pet owners should adhere to the following recommendations:

Every owner must remember that he is responsible for the health and well-being of his pet and even a slight indisposition of his dog should not be left unattended.

What is it

Veterinarians face a challenge. However, the owners are not always able to immediately figure out what medicine to give the dog for diarrhea.

A negative state can be observed only during the day. In the most dangerous situations, diarrhea can continue in an animal for several weeks. In the first case, there is no cause for concern.

If the problem cannot be dealt with for a long time, you need to understand what to give the dog with diarrhea. The choice of help for a pet depends on the general condition of the animal, the structure of the feces, and their shade.

Viral infection

The greatest danger is diarrhea, which occurs against the background of the defeat of the animal's body by pathogens of viral infections. The most common symptoms of diarrhea are caused by the following diseases. Parvovirus enteritis - popularly known as "dog distemper". Often this virus affects immature dogs.

Puppies a few months old are especially susceptible to this viral infection. Characteristic signs of the development of parvovirus enteritis are frequent urge to defecate, severe vomiting, the appearance of copious discharge from the eyes and nasal openings of the animal.

Liquid stool is a fairly common problem among man's four-legged friends. Not all pet owners know what to give a dog with diarrhea to alleviate the condition. Let's find out the causes and symptoms of the development of a pathological condition.

Is it possible to give a dog "Loperamide" for diarrhea, as well as other pharmacological preparations intended for humans? What folk therapies are effective in treating pets? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our material.

What is diarrhea?

A negative state can be observed only during the day. In the most dangerous situations, diarrhea can continue in an animal for several weeks. In the first case, there is absolutely no cause for concern. If the problem cannot be dealt with for a long time, you need to understand what to give the dog with diarrhea. The choice of help for a pet depends on the general condition of the animal, the structure of the feces, and their shade.

The reasons

The main causes of diarrhea in dogs include:

  • Improper nutrition (eating stale food by a pet, a sharp change in the nature of the food, individual intolerance to specific foods).
  • Food allergies.
  • The use of spoiled drugs during vaccination.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Bacterial, viral, fungal infections.
  • Inflammation of the tissues of the digestive system.
  • Eating contaminated food and drink.
  • Entry into the digestive tract of the feces of other animals.
  • Intoxication with toxic substances.
  • Mechanical damage to the tissues of internal organs.
  • The development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When should you contact a veterinarian?

It is necessary to take the dog to the clinic if the diarrhea does not stop for several days. The cause for alarm is the accompaniment of a negative state with frequent urge to vomit, the refusal of a four-legged friend to eat and drink. You need to seek help from a veterinarian with a sharp decrease in the weight of the dog, the presence of feces of an atypical color, a significant increase in temperature.

Forms of diarrhea in dogs

Digestive disorders in four-legged pets can occur in the following forms:

  1. Acute diarrhea - characterized by regular release of liquid stools for 10-14 days. Often the cause of the development of a pathological condition is the wrong choice of food for compiling a daily diet. Some breeds of dogs do not perceive too fatty, sweet, spicy or milky food, which causes diarrhea.
  2. Chronic diarrhea - a negative state is maintained for more than 2 weeks. The manifestation occurs against the background of the lack of adequate treatment of obsolete diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To determine the recurrence of a particular disease, it is important to conduct laboratory tests.


Symptoms of diarrhea in dogs include:

  • Atypical change in the nature of the stool;
  • The appearance of bowel movements with a pungent odor, a strange shade;
  • Frequent urge to defecate;
  • Increased pet anxiety;
  • Bouts of vomiting;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • The appearance of bubbling sounds in the abdominal cavity of the dog;
  • Bloody discharge in the structure of the stool.

Viral infections

The greatest danger is diarrhea, which occurs against the background of the defeat of the animal's body by pathogens of viral infections. The most common symptoms of diarrhea are caused by the following diseases.

Parvovirus enteritis - among the people, the disease is known under the definition of "dog distemper". Often this virus affects immature dogs. Puppies a few months old are especially susceptible to this viral infection. Characteristic signs of development are frequent urge to defecate, severe vomiting, the appearance of copious discharge from the eyes and nasal openings of the animal. With such a serious condition for a week and drinking. Then there may be some relief for a while. However, most often an exhausted pet dies.

Coronavirus and rotavirus - such viral diseases can affect the body of dogs of different ages. These ailments are most dangerous for fragile puppies. Manifestations of pathology are extremely similar to parvovirus enteritis. But unlike the previous disease, the animal organism most often copes with the viral pathogen on its own. Pet is gradually on the mend.

Another viral infection that can lead to the development of diarrhea in a four-legged friend is adenovirus. In addition to the appearance of liquid stools, the causative agent of the disease causes an increase in body temperature. Then inflammatory processes develop in the body, which most often affect the mucous membranes of the eyes. The disease continues to progress for 2 weeks. During this time, the liver functions are inhibited, an increase in the volume of the organ is observed.

First aid for viruses in the body

What to give a dog with diarrhea and vomiting? With these symptoms, it is recommended to limit the animal's access to food for a day. The pet must be offered plenty of fluids. Additionally, water-salt solutions should be introduced into the body. In order to restore a healthy intestinal microflora, the dog should be given fermented milk food. Probiotic medications can help. Naturally, you can not do without a visit to the veterinarian, who will conduct all the necessary tests, determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the appropriate antiviral drugs.

Bloody diarrhea

What can you give a dog from in the stool? First of all, you should contact a veterinarian who will prescribe the use of pharmacological agents, the properties of which contribute to the healing of tissues of internal organs. When diagnosing tumors of a benign or malignant nature, surgical intervention may be necessary.

If food poisoning is suspected, gastric lavage is recommended. If worms are found, then you can not do without taking anthelmintic drugs, among which the most effective are drugs such as Albendozol and Macmirror.

Diarrhea of ​​an unusual color

Often, such manifestations are the result of feeding the dog with vegetables, beets, carrots, and tomatoes. If such products were not present in the diet of the animal, it is worth worrying.

A shade can be a sign of malfunctions in the liver, the development of jaundice. White stools indicate blockage of the bile ducts. Red diarrhea is often the result of mechanical injury to the intestine. The greenish hue of feces is caused by the processes of decay and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, the development of dysbacteriosis, bacterial infections.

What to give a dog with a change in stool color?

In such situations, the most effective solution is drug treatment. The only exception is the ingestion of a foreign object into the intestine. In this case, an operation may be required. In other situations, pharmacological agents are prescribed, the properties of which contribute to the restoration of the normal functioning of the digestive organs. Adsorbents and antibiotics may also be prescribed.

What to give a dog for diarrhea from human medicines?

Some pharmacological agents designed to eliminate digestive disorders in humans can be given to animals. Naturally, before resorting to such actions, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Is it possible to give with diarrhea The presented remedy belongs to the category of the most harmless, time-tested drugs. Activated charcoal should be offered to dogs if necessary, as soon as possible to eliminate all kinds of toxic manifestations, including signs of the development of diarrhea. To determine the dosage, you need to focus on the weight of the animal. For every 10 kg, it is enough to use one tablet of activated carbon. A good alternative to such a tool can be "Enterosgel", which has a faster and softer action.

What to give a dog with diarrhea? Smekta will help to eliminate the manifestations of diarrhea in a pet. It is prescribed for mild indigestion and food poisoning. The active ingredients in the composition of the drug effectively remove toxins from the body. with diarrhea? It is necessary to offer the medicine to the pet by introducing it into the oral cavity from a syringe. First you need to give the animal a drink diluted in water. If signs of diarrhea persist, a more concentrated formulation should be used.

Dogs like the sweetish-tasting remedy "Enterofuril". The drug effectively eliminates the consequences of damage to the body by intestinal infections. The medicine makes it possible to quickly alleviate the general condition of diarrhea. However, it is recommended to use it only after consulting a veterinarian.

With diarrhea, the dog can be given Loperamide. The drug is one of the most affordable and effective for diarrhea. How to give a dog diarrhea "Loperamide"? If the animal has a severe disorder of the digestive organs, you can use several tablets of a pharmacological agent, previously dissolved in water. However, veterinarians do not recommend resorting to this solution too often. Since the medicine contains a whole mass of chemically active substances that can harm the health of a pet.

What else can you give a dog with diarrhea? The popular synthetic antibiotic Levomycetin is able to help eliminate the problem. The active ingredients of the drug have a negative effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use the medicine for the infectious nature of diarrhea in a dog. You can give the animal no more than one tablet per day.

Traditional medicine

At home, you can alleviate the condition of the dog with the help of effective time-tested recipes. First of all, a four-legged friend should be drunk with rice water or an infusion of flax seeds. Such folk remedies have an enveloping effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and allow you to get rid of all kinds of digestive disorders.

Some herbal preparations will help cure a dog with diarrhea. You should use blueberries, alder fruits, dried St. John's wort and sage. On the basis of these plants, infusions are prepared for the animal to drink. Such herbs relieve inflammation, have an antimicrobial effect.

Diarrhea in a dog (or diarrhea, in scientific terms) is a phenomenon that, perhaps, every owner of a four-legged friend has encountered. After all, like people, our mustaches can have both indigestion and poisoning - yes, you never know. But what if the dog has diarrhea with blood or is accompanied by vomiting or other troubles? It happens that the stool has a strange color or just a terrible smell. It is obvious that the animal is sick, so it is important to quickly identify the symptoms of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for diarrhea in the dog at home.

The veterinarian in his practice is constantly faced with the problem of diarrhea in dogs. Pathology can occur from time to time and end quickly, but there are frequent cases when acute diarrhea can last up to 4 weeks. Diarrhea can occur in a dog once without unpleasant consequences - then there is no reason for concern. But it may take several days. Weekly diarrhea in a dog and its accompanying symptoms, such as frequent bowel movements of a liquid nature, the appearance of mucus, blood in the stool, vomiting, general lethargy, and others are a reason to contact a veterinarian for a consultation.

The choice and method of treating diarrhea will depend primarily on the color of the diarrhea. Treatment usually takes place at home and consists primarily in changing the diet and water intake. An animal with watery stools loses a lot of nutrients, and drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent dehydration and restore electrolyte balance. Adsorbents are used to combat intoxication. In severe cases, a course of antibiotics is recommended.

If your dog has diarrhea without other symptoms

If the dog just has diarrhea without complicating phenomena, then the reasons most likely lie on the surface. Usually the dog defecates from 2 to 4 times a day, her feces are formed, moderately soft and moist. When the animal visits the toilet more often, and the stool loses its shape, becoming liquid and watery, the problem appears - diarrhea.

Possible reasons

  • Stale or poor quality food;
  • Unsuitable food for the dog;
  • Switching from one type of food to another (for example, from homemade food to special dry food);
  • Sudden change of brand of dog food;
  • Allergy to any food ingredient;
  • Accidentally eaten foreign object;
  • Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract due to the medications taken;
  • Helminth infestation.


Before proceeding with the treatment of the animal, it is necessary to analyze the food received by it the day before. If a suspicious eaten product is found: raw meat, sour milk, new food, etc. low-quality or inappropriate products, simply exclude them from the dog's diet. In case of overeating something, try to reduce the portion or increase the interval between meals.

If, apart from diarrhea, the dog is not bothered by anything, but the stool remains liquid after the measures taken, it is necessary to do home treatment.

What to do?

  • For 24 hours, do not give the dog food;

    Drink clean water as often as possible to replenish the lack of fluids and electrolytes in the body;

  • If necessary, administer intravenous infusion solutions;
  • Give the animal adsorbents that collect toxic poisons, which then exit through the intestines;
  • For persistent diarrhea, use antibiotics;
  • If worm eggs are found in the feces, take anthelmintic drugs.

Dog has diarrhea and vomiting

With the causes and treatment of uncomplicated diarrhea, everything is extremely simple. The situation is more complicated when the dog, in addition to diarrhea, begins to be disturbed by vomiting. In this case, the pet may leave part of the liquid, digested or not completely digested food, sometimes with the addition of mucus from the pharynx or stomach. Most often, with a single vomiting, you should not worry too much. But if the dog vomits several times, she is depressed, refusing food, or her temperature rises, hurry to the doctor. Diarrhea with vomiting in a dog can sometimes be a symptom of a serious illness or severe food poisoning. Abundant foamy vomiting, sometimes with particles of blood or mucus, may indicate the presence in the body of a foreign body stuck in the intestines. So what to do if your dog has diarrhea and vomiting?

Possible reasons

  • Ordinary overeating;
  • Poor quality or stale food;
  • Too fatty, hard to digest or not fully digested food;
  • Switching to a new food or a different nutrition system;
  • Swallowing an inedible object - a piece of cloth or hard material, or a small part;
  • Prolonged inhalation of chemicals or other harmful substances;
  • Bloating, in which shortness of breath, profuse salivation, the stomach is hard to the touch, join vomiting;
  • Helminthiasis: a dog can become infected with worms at any age, and get sick for several long months and even years, it feels sick immediately after feeding, there is a sharp loss in weight;

The most severe causes of diarrhea and vomiting in dogs are dangerous diseases or viral infections:

  • (known as canine "distemper", although some tend to isolate it as an independent disease): affects puppies at the age of 2 months and young animals up to six months. To diarrhea with vomiting, discharge is added: nasal and eye. Erosions form on the intestinal mucosa. Within a week, the dog in a fading state refuses to eat and drink. In addition, there are interruptions in the heart rhythm, the body temperature drops. After a few days, recovery may occur, but very often the weakened and emaciated animal dies.
  • Rotavirus and coronavirus: affect dogs of different ages, but fragile puppies are the hardest. Symptoms are almost the same as with parvovirus. But, in most cases, the animal recovers in seven days.
  • Adenovirus: Causes diarrhea and vomiting in dogs of all ages. Body temperature ranges from normal to very high. The mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. The disease lasts up to 14 days. All this time there is an increase in the liver.


With a single and even three attacks of vomiting with diarrhea, general treatment can be dispensed with, taking the same measures as with ordinary uncomplicated diarrhea. It is recommended that there is no food for about a day, drinking plenty of water in small doses, taking sorbents: activated charcoal or smectite, for pain relief and relieving intestinal spasms - no-shpa or papaverine, or other drugs prescribed by a veterinarian. Sometimes it helps to change the feed or nutrition system, diet for 3-5 days. Often repeated diarrhea with vomiting in a dog requires additional administration of water-salt solutions. To support the microflora of the stomach, fermented milk products are introduced into food and probiotic preparations for animals are used.

What to do if the dog has diarrhea with blood and (or) mucus, as well as only with blood or mucus, you should immediately take the pet to the veterinary clinic, where they will conduct the necessary examination, provide immediate assistance and advise on further treatment. With mechanical damage and tumors, a surgical operation may be prescribed. According to the indicators of the blood test, the degree of anemia and the cause of inflammation in the animal's body will be revealed. To clarify the diagnosis, a stool sample will also be taken, and an x-ray of the abdominal cavity will be performed.

Possible reasons

Possible causes of bloody diarrhea in a dog include:

How to treat a dog that has diarrhea with blood and / or mucus? Of course, such a symptom cannot be ignored, even if after some time it disappeared. Scratched intestinal walls, even if the cause resolves itself, can lead to the development of serious inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination and take wound-healing agents. Severe injuries and tumors may require surgery.

Often the color of diarrhea in an animal is determined by the food eaten the day before, for example, colored vegetables: orange carrots, beets. If this is not the case, then you should be concerned.
The color of diarrhea in a dog is an important factor in determining the cause of the disease.

Possible reasons

Diarrhea color What can be caused?
Black diarrhea Black diarrhea in a dog occurs when bleeding in the stomach or duodenum (may also be stained due to the intake of activated charcoal)
Yellow diarrhea

Yellow diarrhea in a dog may be a sign of:

  • indigestion;
  • violations of the liver;
  • helminthiasis;
  • jaundice in the blood;
  • if yellow diarrhea is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and a decrease in temperature, then parvovirus enteritis is evident.
White diarrhea White diarrhea in a dog indicates the absence of bile in the feces, which is often a sign of blockage of the bile ducts.
Red diarrhea Red diarrhea, usually caused by the presence of blood in the feces, is a sign of intestinal injury or severe inflammatory and viral diseases
green diarrhea

Green diarrhea in a dog is caused by the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines due to the intake of stale, spoiled food, in addition, it may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Viral and bacterial infections;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


In addition to general therapy at home, recommended for all types of diarrhea, when making a diagnosis in a veterinary clinic, medication is prescribed.
A specialist, depending on the identified disease, in addition to adsorbents and antibiotics, may prescribe treatment with appropriate antiviral drugs.

General recommendations for treatment. As already clear, with various types of diarrhea in a dog, a certain treatment will be prescribed.
But there are general rules for the treatment of diarrhea, which must be followed at home. It:

  • Dietary restrictions: complete exclusion of food for a day, subsequent diet;
  • Normalization of the animal's diet: selection of suitable food, exclusion of poor-quality and spoiled food;
  • Compliance with the drinking regimen: drinking plenty of water in frequent, but small portions, to prevent dehydration and restore electrolyte balance in the blood;
  • The use of adsorbents;
  • Compliance with medical prescriptions, the use of drugs in accordance with the instructions.

What medicines are suitable for a dog to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea?

It is safe to say that "human" dysentery medicines are also suitable for diarrhea in dogs, but in each case it is better to consult a veterinarian. Suitable popular drugs:

  1. Activated carbon. This tool, tested by time, and absolutely harmless, can be safely given to a pet to eliminate toxic manifestations. When dosing, you need to take into account the weight of the dog. More successfully and softly acts analogue - enterosgel.
  2. Smecta. It also helps with simple diarrhea and mild poisoning, alleviating the condition of a sick animal and helping to remove toxins from the body. The drug, diluted in warm water, is given to the dog from a syringe. As for the dosage, it is better to consult a specialist first.
  3. Enterofuril. This sweet suspension is to the taste of dogs and is excellent in the treatment of intestinal infections, as well as relief from diarrhea. Do not take on your own without veterinarian approval.
  4. Furazolidone. If diarrhea in a dog is caused by intestinal disorders, then along with other means, furazolidone can be given to the pet to restore microflora.
  5. loperamide. One of the most popular and affordable human remedies for diarrhea. With severe diarrhea in a dog, this remedy can be taken once in the form of the 1st tablet. Although many veterinarians advise to completely avoid this remedy.
  6. Levomycetin. This synthetic antibiotic, active against various types of microbes, is popular in the treatment of infectious diarrhea in both humans and animals. In the treatment of diarrhea in dogs caused by severe infections, the "animal version" is usually used - Levomycetin 250 tablets. The human preparation can be given to the dog once, in case of emergency.

As you can see, almost all "human" drugs are suitable for treating dogs. But they should be used with caution, after consulting with a veterinarian. It is best to use veterinary drugs to stop diarrhea and restore microflora. Among them, the often recommended one is Vetom 1.1 and any other veterinary drug prescribed by a specialist.

In addition to medications, folk recipes and remedies are often used in the home treatment of dog diarrhea. Among them, decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort, oak bark, chamomile, which have astringent and soothing properties, are popular. With diarrhea, do not give dogs vegetable oils - they will act as laxatives. Although flaxseed oil is useful for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is better to exclude it from the diet during diarrhea.

Dog food for diarrhea

What to feed a dog with diarrhea? First of all, it should be remembered that it is better to remove the dog from food for several hours, up to a whole day. The main thing is to drink often. After fasting, you can give your pet a drink with infusions of medicinal herbs, rice water. Feed rice boiled in water, and after the diarrhea stops - on beef or chicken broth, which will give the body additional strength. You need to feed in small portions, gradually increasing them, 5-6 times a day.

On the 2nd day, or the next after the end of diarrhea, you can feed the dog with fermented milk products to restore the microflora of the stomach. When feeling better, it is recommended to add a little low-fat cottage cheese to the daily diet. On the 3rd day, if the pet has become noticeably more cheerful, you can please him with boiled eggs, chicken white meat - that is, low-fat food, steamed or water.

Take care of your pet's body: try to prevent it from being poisoned by poor-quality and stale food, if necessary, replace the food or nutrition system, vaccinate on time, and deworm.

Often, diarrhea that occurs in your pet often causes you only irritation and discomfort, and rarely anxiety and concern for his health. What is wrong. Let's try to consider the most common and dangerous cases of why a dog develops diarrhea.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

    Hello. Mongrel dog on a leash. Has become inactive (does not bark, lies in a booth), eats everything that is given from the hand (from the table), but does not eat what is specially prepared (porridge, pasta on bone broth). He drinks water, his nose is wet and cold. There is no vomit. Loose stools 1 time per day, and then sits down several times (urges), but there is no feces, sometimes a small amount of mucus comes out. What to do?

  • Dog Shiba Inu 4 months we eat only dry food. But yesterday I lost my appetite. The stool became liquid dark gray and smells like lime; What to do?

  • The dog, a cross between a shepherd and an Armenian 8 months old, ate a head of ice cream ribi, now virval and red-brown loose stools 2 times in 7 hours. No vomiting gave coal, absorbin, chamomile difficult to pour. There is no appetite at all. The city is far away and transport is a problem. Whether advise it is possible to give nifurakzizid? Which of the wound-healing agents I suspect an injury to the esophagus?

  • Hello! I have a 12 year old dachshund. From worms, the procedure has not been carried out for a long time. It eats both natural and liquid food (pate, food with pieces of meat Raf, Monge, Caesar). The last 4 days, loose stools after 2-4 hours, a couple of times there was a drop of blood. I decided that from buckwheat porridge on a steep chicken broth with meat, skin, spongy bones. We changed the food to dog food, the picture did not change much, we drank chamomile and are waiting for a reaction. Please advise what to do.

  • Hello. Labrador puppy, 5 months old, vaccinated, deworming was carried out for the last time in February, and at that time there were worms. Tonight the dog developed diarrhea of ​​brown and light brown color, went down three times until morning, the last time with mucus. He eats Brit dry food and once a day also Brit, but soft from cans. The day before, they gave me a couple of steamed cutlets to eat instead of a soft brit, the puppy also eats feces on the street, he also ate it the day before. The dog is active, appetite is good, but diarrhea is very frightening. Tell me what to do?

  • Irina 02:01 | 26 Mar. 2019

    Hello, the dog is Spitz 2-2.5 kg, 10 months old.
    3 hours vomiting water with foam (like bubbling saliva), diarrhea - at first it was yellow with a nasty smell, now it also smells like ichor. From food campaign in the morning only yummy. Dry food is not touched. She does not drink water herself, she looks at me as an enemy. I gave a tablet of activated charcoal, pour water. Helminthization was in July 2018.
    What to do? Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous 17:55 | 22 Mar. 2019

    Hello! German Shepherd puppy, 2 months old. On March 17, the first vaccination was given, the appetite was good, not like before the vaccination, she began to eat everything. On the 4th day, the stool became soft, not the same as always, the color is normal, poop a little bit, but often, more than 5 times. By evening, the stool became liquid. On the 5th day, poop 4 times in the morning but liquid, the color is normal. Didn't poop after 10am. I ate a boiled egg and just boiled rice, but not much. Before vaccination, she ate rice porridge and continued to eat it until 4 days. On the 4th day, they cooked another, wheaten light (added to the porridge for taste: carrots on a fine grater, half a small onion, a sprig of dill - everything is small, cooked well, everything was soft), the puppy ate the porridge. Since the morning the puppy's stool was not as usual, up to porridge. Almost every day he eats 1 boiled egg for breakfast. Activity and playfulness remained. He bites, barks, chases a domestic cat, as always.

  • Marina 05:49 | 22 Mar. 2019

    Good afternoon. The dog Russian Spaniel had no appetite for 2-3 days, almost did not eat, but was active walking, playing. On the third day I ate and vomited several times at night and diarrhea began, it does not end for the second day. What is the best thing to give?

  • Julia 13:36 | 11 Mar. 2019

    Hello! Tell me, please, what to do? Dog has diarrhea for 4 days. Breed Cocker Spaniel (half-breed), weight about 10 kg. Two days before the illness, a Prazitel tablet was given, since soon the rabies vaccination. The first day of diarrhea was accompanied by watery stools, yellowish in color. I gave smecta 10 ml 2 times a day. The chair became mushy up to 10 times a day. Appetite is not broken. Willingly ate buckwheat and rice on the water, boiled chicken, as well as purine food for small breeds.

  • Julia 14:57 | 15 Feb. 2019

    Good afternoon! Siberian Husky dog, 9 years old. Within 3 months, he had bouts of diarrhea. You can eat the same thing for a week and everything will be fine, but on the 10th day, for example, diarrhea begins. At some point, he just takes it and shits right at home while we are at work. If the attack is at night, then he starts to rush around the apartment and whine. We handed over biochemistry of a blood, the analysis good. We drive worms regularly every six months. We feed buckwheat with boiled beef. Sweets from the table are very rare, and in recent months we have not given anything at all. At first we thought maybe it was indigestion of natural food and maybe it should be transferred to artificial food. But I read that dogs after 5-7 years can no longer be transferred to another type of food. Tell me, please, what can affect the digestive tract of a dog?

  • elena 22:01 | 08 Feb. 2019

    good afternoon…help…our dog has prolonged diarrhea…were treated with antibiotics…probiotics but there is no improvement…the appetite is good but as soon as he eats immediately to the toilet…we live in the village there are no veterinary clinics…it is a pity for the dog to tears…very thin

    • Daria - veterinarian 22:29 | 08 Feb. 2019

      Hello! Feeding? vaccinations? Deworming? What exactly was treated with (name of antibiotic)? The same applies to probiotics. Temperature? There is no information about the maintenance and feeding of the animal. Before making a recommendation, you need to know as much as possible about the animal.

      elena 11:07 | 09 Feb. 2019

      good afternoon Daria…vaccination and deworming strictly according to the seasons…antibiotic tetracycline for 5 days…we also tried Linex…we also drank Vetom1.1…didn’t manage to stop diarrhea…food is also strict…nothing greasy…. now I give him pancreotin before dinner .... at first it helped now no

      Daria - veterinarian 01:32 | 10 Feb. 2019

      Hello! Strict nutrition - what is it? write the menu, what and when you give, what exactly you feed. It is not clear: natural or industrial feed, if natural, then which products.
      What does seasonal deworming mean? Quarterly, as expected, or in the fall and spring only?
      Did you prescribe tetracycline? And this is not the antibiotic that is prescribed in such cases (for diarrhea). Enrofloxacins, tylosins, and at worst give amoxicillins. Pancreatin in what dosage was given and with what frequency? Have you tried Creon (it has more action units)? Did they take you to the doctor at all or did they prescribe everything themselves?

      elena 14:46 | 10 Feb. 2019

      Good afternoon Daria ... thanks for the answer ... honestly, all the treatment is from the Internet ... food is rice porridge on chicken or beef broth ... or mixed buckwheat millet rice all in one ... he has an excellent appetite ... plus it's cottage cheese eggs, well, that's all understandable ... pancreatin before eating 2 tablets each ... we did everything quarterly, we have a veterinary book ... we didn’t try Creon ... Daria, before he had problems, he went to the toilet with white feces ... they didn’t take him to the doctor, we live in a village far from the city .... I am writing to you and tears are flowing right next to him i feel so sorry for him

      Daria - veterinarian 23:55 | 10 Feb. 2019

      Hello! So white feces are clearly not pancreas! And pancreatin will not help here at all. Discolored stools are a clear sign of liver damage (low bilirubin levels - hence the lack of color in feces and urine). It requires both biochemistry and ultrasound of the liver. The reason can be intoxication, and a previous disease (viral hepatitis, bacterial diseases), and damage by medicines, and anything (the liver is a kind of blood filter, everything settles in it). Millet is not given to dogs - it is not digested.

      Daria - veterinarian 23:06 | 12 Feb. 2019

      Hepatoprotectors can be given, you can Liv-52, Essentiale Forte. Mandatory B vitamins to maintain function. Ascorbic and nicotinic acid should also be given. Cholagol, hofitol - as choleretic (but provided that there is no obstruction of the biliary tract, but this cannot be confirmed without ultrasound). Continue to give enzymes (pancreatin, creon). Droppers with physiological saline solutions are desirable (it is necessary to be careful with glucose, since the inflamed liver does not “perceive” it well). It was not necessary to use tetracycline, but sulfonamides (prescribed for infectious hepatitis). Do not use glucocorticoids! But my advice is to get a full examination. Because this approximate scheme is suitable for hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), but there can be anything with it or with the gastrointestinal tract, and liver damage is secondary

      Daria - veterinarian 22:56 | 12 Feb. 2019

      I cannot say this with 100% certainty, especially since there are no additional studies (biochemistry, ultrasound). I only suspect from the symptoms you describe: diarrhea and white feces. There may also be vomiting. Treatment from the Internet will not lead to good (especially since the animal does not have a diagnosis), you are now prescribing drugs, who calculates the dosage? But where the problems with the liver come from - this question remains open. And is it a primary (main) disease or a symptom of some other? Without an examination and a complete history taking, it is impossible

  • Good afternoon. Dog, 4 years old, Alabai mix. The last month the dog periodically had diarrhea. We feed buckwheat porridge in beef heart broth. Everything else was excluded from the diet. They gave enterosgel, the chair improved. And here it is not known why again a strong diarrhea. The dog is cheerful and cheerful. What could be the reasons and what should we do?

    • Hello! and again the standard questions, which for some reason the owners immediately forget to answer: vaccination and deworming when was the last time and with what? Give Fortiflora (probiotic) a course. Second, get tested. Exclude enteritis. Why was everything else removed? Allergic? Why are there no vegetables in the diet? Do you give meat or is it only in the form of broth in the diet?

      Good afternoon. Thank you very much for your answer! 03/16/2018 Nobivac Lepto and Nobivac DHPPi, last wormed in September. He doesn't eat vegetables. Sometimes only carrots will gnaw. Cottage cheese, kefir, boiled liver, special dog treats were removed from the diet because we don’t understand why diarrhea. Not allergic. We give boiled heart pieces with buckwheat. Please tell me what kind of examination you need to undergo - at our place of residence there is no way to pass any tests, I will find out in neighboring cities.

    • Good afternoon! An American Akita puppy (8 kg) has had diarrhea for 3 days due to a change in food (the last one was allergic). We give enterozoo 3 times a day, smect, gave 1 tablet of loperamide, the symptoms do not disappear (What can you advise? Thank you in advance!

    • Hello! How do you know if your dog has diarrhea or constipation? For about 4 days, the dog has an urge to go to the toilet, she sits down, but apart from a few drops of liquid feces, there is nothing else, i.g. sometimes there is vomiting. The dog has an appetite, runs, plays, the temperature seems to be normal. The abdomen is not swollen, with pulpation the animal behaves normally.

    • Dog York, 7 years old, vaccinated, we can not cope with diarrhea, the stool is liquid, yellow with mucus, even lumps of mucus. At first, Vit 1.1 was added to food, they gave smectite, they went to the doctor, they did blood tests, feces, ultrasound. There are no special deviations, the protein is below the norm, the temperature is normal, the dog eats, but after each meal there are liquid stools. A course of treatment was carried out: an antibiotic. Gastroprotectors, preparation for the pancreas intravenously, droppers with saline - 5 days. The chair remains liquid. This condition has been going on for 5 weeks, several days before the course of treatment there were vomiting, now they have passed. I don’t know what to do, help, I’m very worried, the dog has lost weight

    • Hello, I have a 3.5 kg spitz. Diarrhea 3 days, but quite drop by drop. All vaccinations are done, from worms 2 weeks ago Milbemax gave. Drink, eat, play. What to do? He is straight, ate boiled rabbit with buckwheat

    • Good afternoon, we have a boy Jack Russell Terrier, almost 2 years old, eats at home and does not pick up anything on the street
      But for the whole day diarrhea, at first yellowish, all evening with an admixture of blood
      The dog is vaccinated, recently visited the vet, everything was fine
      We can’t understand what happened, before going to the doctor how to make the dog feel better, thank you

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