Ergaki - my first mountains! Nature Park "Ergaki"

On the territory of several districts at once Krasnoyarsk Territory: Karatuzsky, Ermakovsky and Kuraginsky in the Western Sayan there is a national wildlife park Ergaki.

The Ergaki mountain range of the Western Sayan in translation from the Turkic language means "fingers". If you look closely at the rocky ledges of the mountains, then, indeed, many of them resemble spread fingers.

The nature of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is amazing and beautiful, it impresses with its diversity. The Ergaki State National Park can rightly be called the most attractive place in the region.

Ergaki National Park in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Ergaki is a region famous for its unique stone idols, which are called “loaches” among the people. Loaches in Ergaki are found everywhere. They are of different shapes and sizes and, apparently, symbolize various gods from one "pantheon" of the local pagan faith. True, loaches are not always classic pagan idols - some of them have a shape and even form some complexes. From the “shoulder” of the Bird Pass you can even see the Sphinx, and from the Molodezhny Pass you can see the picturesque ruins of a medieval castle.

The beauty of this national park can be described endlessly. And not even because at the sight of them, a person is seized with endless admiration - none of the Ergakov valleys is similar to the other: dozens of lakes, waterfalls, mountain peaks and circuses. All of them are beautiful in their own way, their originality is captured in poetic names - Lake Rainbow, Golden, Mountain Spirits, Light ... Star Peaks, Bird, Dragon Tooth, Sleeping Sayan ... Marble Waterfall, Bogatyr, Grace, Ice ...- only enumeration of beauties captures the imagination and gives rise to an idea: "I have to go there!". Can you imagine what feelings you will experience when you actually see all this, and even in the best, “tourist” season?

Ergaki are the names of mountain peaks.

About many of the lakes, peaks and valleys are stacked legends. Probably the most popular one concerns the Sleeping Sayan, a beautiful panorama of which opens from the highway of the Usinsky tract Abakan-Kyzyl.

Once upon a time, an amazing people lived in this area: the Sayans. They built their city on the shore of a large lake, lived merrily and happily. When the Sayans were preparing for the wedding of the most beautiful girl Oi with the son of the leader Kulumys, a guy named Zmeingo, who was in love with the girl, betrayed the location of the city to the enemies. On the eve of the wedding, the tribe was attacked and the city was sacked. Kulumys was away - he was looking for a gift for the beautiful Oya - and did not know what misfortune befell his people. Oya rejected the traitor and turned into a river, and Kulumys, having learned about this, lay down and turned to stone. Following him, the ruins of the city petrified, and they now stand on the shore of Lake Oisk. Legend has it that the hero will wake up when "the stars turn over and what seemed like a dream becomes real."

Ergaki is a unique natural corner of the Sayano-Shushensky State Biosphere Reserve, which, together with the Altai, "Small Abakan" and the mountainous part of the Shushensky Bor National Park, form the central part of a specially protected area in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion.

Today in the national park "Ergaki" live: brown bear and lynx, wolverine and sable, deer and roe deer, Siberian mountain goat, mink and even wild boar. Here there are rare species of animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation - musk deer, snow leopard, red wolf and manul.

Rare animals of Ergaki National Park.

Pika (Shadak). Funny animal with funny ears.

There are many natural monuments in the reserve: geological section along the Oresh River, landscape area "Stone Town", "Cedar Site", "Oiskoe Lake", "Maralya Rock", "Pine Nose" tract, "Relic Island" and others.

Ergaki - "Stone City" in winter.

Lake Oiskoe. Natural park Ergaki.

Wildlife is also rich here. Only rare and endangered plant species in Ergaki grows more than 33 species!

22 species of birds listed in the "Red Book" of the Russian Federation live here! These are such as: black stork, osprey, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, saker falcon and steppe kestrel.

And also - no mosquitoes or ticks here!

Ergaki National Park - birds.

The regime of the protected zone of the national park contributes to the development ecological tourism, which is the most intensively developing form of recreation worldwide. Ecotourism combines active recreation and education of a person about the nature around him. For example, in the southern part of the park, in the upper reaches of the Bolshie Ura River, there is a cult mineral spring of the Tuvinians Arzhan Uru. In 1990, this site was allocated to a special cult-balneological zone. Which means that the interests of the local population are not infringed in the created natural parks.

The beauty of these ancient mountains can enchant anyone once and for all. Having visited one marvelous corner in Ergaki, next time you will want to see something else. It can be: an unusual mountain lake, a waterfall or healing springs. Here you can raft on any rapids river, go fishing, for example, to Lake Buibinskoye or hunt with an instructor-hunter. Or you can just set up a camp on Bear Lake and enjoy the pristine beauty of the cedar forest, an abundance of berries and mushrooms.

Garden of Stones. Natural park Ergaki.

In Ergaki there is a favorite area for visiting tourists - this is area of ​​Lake Svetloye, Zvezdny and Ptitsa peaks, Lake of Artists and Mountain Spirits, Molodyozhny and Parabola passes, as well as plots Hanging Stone and Marble Falls.

View of Lake Svetloe from the Bird Pass.

According to experts, the modern natural and ecological capabilities of Ergakov make it possible to receive about 80,000 visitors annually, and in the future - up to 120,000 people a year.

  • 15 February, 2016

The natural park "Ergaki" is part of the Western Sayan mountain system. The name is translated from Tuvan as "fingers". The park is located in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The formations are over two million years old. This place is rich in unique mountain landscapes, clean lakes and streams. Almost every pass or rock is associated with ancient legends.

The total area of ​​the Ergaki Natural Park is 342,870 hectares.

A large number of rare plant species listed in the Red Book grow on its territory. Here you notice changes in vegetation as you climb to the top. From coniferous forests to alpine meadows.

Ergaki is home to a population of bears that you need to watch out for when hiking.

One of the main rules for visiting the natural park is not to bring dogs with you.

First of all, for their own safety, because they can attract the attention of bears. Secondly, many species of birds nest and incubate their eggs on the ground.

Ergaki was opened for tourism by a group of Krasnoyarsk artists. By the end of the 60s, tourist routes were laid here. And in 1969, the highest peak, Zvezdny, 2265 meters high, was conquered. The musk deer against the backdrop of mountains has become a symbol of the natural park.

Routes in "Ergaki"

There are two seasons for trips to these places. The winter period for skiers and snowboarders starts at the beginning of November and ends on the May holidays. Summer - for trekking, running competitions and hiking with tents from mid-June to mid-August.

At the entrance there are signs with the basic rules. They must be read carefully. Then begins a smooth climb up the trails made by volunteers.

Think about cleaning up after yourself in advance - this is the responsibility of every tourist.

Further, the track follows large boulders - kurumniks. They are relatively comfortable to walk on due to their stability and rough surface. You can not stock up on drinking water, since there are a huge number of mountain streams on the territory, from which they drink.

All routes are marked with different colors depending on the level of difficulty. Easy - green, medium - blue, complex - red. The minimum track to the Hanging Stone is approximately 15 kilometers.

To stop for a few days there are tourist recreation centers. They start from 605 to 640 kilometers of the road.


All attractions of the park are of natural origin. People go here to enjoy the views of crystal clear lakes and conquer high peaks and passes.

Peaks of the Ergaki Range

The natural park has unique landscapes. They are formed by all kinds of mountains. Almost everyone has their own name. The peak, which has the outlines of a lying man, is called the Sleeping Saiyan. A rock that looks like a sitting monkey is the Saiyan Mother. An unusual stone that hangs over the abyss is the Hanging Stone. It can be seen especially well from Rainbow Lake. The sheer smooth sides of the rocks are mirrors. There are also peaks here:

  • dragon tooth,
  • Bird,
  • Star,
  • teachers,
  • Parabola,
  • Youth,
  • mirror,
  • Stone castle etc.

Pass of Artists and others

There are a great many passes in the park, from simple ones without a category to high difficulty ones with a height of 2000 meters. The path is marked with stone tours. The most popular pass is Khudozhnikov. There are often campsites.

On the passes you can go from one valley to another:

  • Sleeping Sayan connects lakes Rainbow and Azure;
  • Cadets - Lake Marble and Artists;
  • Upper Parabola - the source of the Bolshoi Taigish River and Lake of Mountain Spirits;
  • Green - Bezrybnoe and Zolotarnoye lakes;
  • Bird - Bear stream with Lake of Mountain Spirits;
  • Taigish and Spasateley - the rivers Big Taigish and Kebezh;
  • Foggy - the Kebezh River and the Taigishonok Stream;
  • Auxiliary - the sources and tributaries of the Bolshoi Kebezh River;
  • Eastern and Second Krasnoyarsk - Buibu and Kebezh;
  • Dolphin and Zharki - Ice Creek and Bezrybnoe Lake;
  • Spicy - the source of the Taigish River and Lake Zolotarnoye.

Lakes in Ergaki

The visiting card of the natural park is Lake Svetloe. Most often, tourists want to get on it because of the amazing view and atmosphere. In summer, you can stay here in the camp of the Ergaki club. They also visit the lakes:

  • Cozy with melt water. Here is the tent camp "Pearl of the Sayan";
  • Raduzhnoe, where grayling is found (bears and lynxes have attacked tourists here);
  • Buibinskiye lakes: Raduzhnoe, Karovoe;
  • Artists with stone islands;
  • Mountain Spirits;
  • Bear;
  • Marble or Jerboa. From here originates the waterfall of the same name;
  • Golden;
  • Icy.

How to get there

The nearest large cities from the natural park "Ergaki" are Abakan, Kyzyl and Krasnoyarsk. This part of the Sayanovsky Range is located between Khakassia and Tuva. It can be reached by car or public transport.


The park has gained popularity due to its accessibility. The federal highway M-54 or R-257 crosses through it.

From Abakan about 200 kilometers to the "Visit Center". The journey will take about 3 hours.

The distance from Kyzyl is slightly less, about 190 kilometers.


Bus routes also pass by in the following directions:

  • No. 651 "Kuragino-Abakan-Kyzyl",
  • No. 790 "Tomsk-Kyzyl",
  • No. 791 "Krasnoyarsk-Kyzyl",
  • "Ermakovskoe-Verkhneusinskoe".

Request stop. Tickets are bought at the bus stations of the respective cities. You need to take care of the return in advance.

In the list of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), this natural park is the 100th anniversary one. The special status of Ergaki - the ridge of the Western Sayan in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - was received quite recently, in 2005. But tourists have known about the local beauties for a long time and come here from all over the world - for the sake of calm lakes, noisy waterfalls and breathtaking views of the mountains and from them.

You can feel the charm of Ergakov in its entirety only on a multi-day tour and better in a tent camp.

How to get there

First you need to get to Krasnoyarsk. Several planes a day fly to the regional center from Moscow, the journey will take about 5 hours, now a ticket for June can be bought for 8 thousand rubles. By rail, it is better to get immediately to Abakan (this is the capital of Khakassia), the path is not short - three days, and a ticket in a compartment car costs like an air ticket. You can get to Ergaki from Krasnoyarsk or Abakan on your own by car along the M-54 Yenisei highway leading to Tuva. You can also go to the park by bus from the bus station on Vzletka (Krasnoyarsk): you will spend 12 hours on the way. If you have purchased a ticket (this can be done at all city agencies or on the Internet in advance), then the tour already includes a transfer.

Search for flights to the city of Krasnoyarsk (nearest airport to Ergaki)

Weather in Ergaki

You can relax in Ergaki all year round. But it should be remembered that the weather in the mountains is very changeable, there is a large amount of precipitation. In winter, constant snowfalls, although this is on hand, or rather on the foot, for skiers. You can ride on the slopes of Ergakov from the end of September to the middle of May. The temperature can drop to -40 °C, so you can't do without thermal underwear in winter. Summer in Ergaki is cool, with temperature fluctuations, at any time it can charge rain and go for a week. Experienced tourists say that this often happens at the end of June - in July, but in August it is much drier and sunnier, so for those who like to climb mountains, the first half of August is the best time. Although in June-July the park is full of tourists - this is the time of flowers, which are strewn with slopes, and the aroma is indescribable.

Pearl of the Saiyans

You will be able to fully experience the charm of Ergakov only on a multi-day tour and in a tent camp, of course, in the summer, anyone who has already been here will tell you. Comfortable bases are located near the highway and you will have to wind 8-15 kilometers to any interesting point every day. And from the tent camp - there are dozens of them - you, together with a group and experienced instructors, will make radial exits, as they say, light.

A 9-day trip to Ergaki costs an average of 8-10 thousand rubles. This is an "economy" option - with your own tent, rug and sleeping bag. A comfortable stay, including accommodation in 1-4-person tents set on wooden decks, will cost more than a thousand by 3. All tours include transfer, excursions and three meals a day.

Journey through Ergaki begins with a transfer to the camp - you have to walk along the taiga path for 8 km. But even an unprepared tourist can do it, because no one is in a hurry, and for an additional fee, instructors will bring your things. What happens next depends on the program you choose. In almost all tent camps, morning exercises, competitions are held, in the evenings - a bathhouse, and then, if not an entertainment program, then at least gatherings by the fire with a guitar. Some camps offer yoga and fitness tours, self-development trainings, a mountain tourism school, bike tours, photo tours, rafting on the Oya River. But the main thing in all of them is hiking to local attractions. You will visit Molodezhny Peak, Pass of Teachers, see the famous Sleeping Sayan, Parabola, Marble waterfall.

Sleeping Saiyan

The main attraction of the park is a chain of rocks, which is very reminiscent of a man sleeping on his back. Surprisingly, the face, long hair, arms folded on the chest, and legs are visible from all sides. This unique creation of nature is called the Sleeping Sayan. Naturally, there are many legends about him. According to Russians, this is the hero Svyatogor, who guards these places.


A parabola consists of two connected vertices of different sizes and heights, the contour of these vertices has the correct parabolic shape. It is also called the Brothers, because it seems that two brothers are holding hands.

In Ergaki, it is customary to greet all tourists passing by. So do not be surprised by the frequent "hello", "hello", "good day" and be sure to answer them in the same way.

hanging stone

The sleeping Saiyan will wake up when the Hanging Stone falls into the Rainbow Lake and splashes the giant, the legend says. What will happen next is unknown. Rock "Hanging Stone" is also a landmark of Ergakov. An illusion is created that it is about to fall, but many times groups of tourists of 30-40 people have tried to push the stone, all to no avail!

Star Peak

The highest peak is Ergakov, its height is 2265 meters. Star Peak looks like a sea liner. Another famous peak is Bird, you don't even have to look closely to see an eagle spreading its wings.


There are a lot of beautiful lakes in Ergaki, usually of glacial origin. The most famous are Light, Rainbow, Kara, Mountain Spirits, Marble. Lake Svetloye is also called Bolshoy, it is surrounded by a dense spruce-cedar forest. In the surface of the lake, as in a mirror, the peaks of Zvezdny and Ptitsa are reflected. Bear Lake is calm and quiet, and in Marble Lake there is pure glacial water. Nearby is a waterfall in several cascades. Lake of Mountain Spirits - emerald color, in the form of a triangle with rounded edges.

What to take with you

Even if you bought a comfortable tour, take a sleeping bag with you: it’s more hygienic, and sleeping on a sleeping bag and in a sleeping bag is more comfortable. Warm clothes - windproof and waterproof, shoes - better trekking with non-slip soles, raincoat. In June, there are a lot of mosquitoes and midges in the park, so repellents are required. The list of "needs" is on the website of each company organizing trips to Ergaki.

The guys from the project L.E.T.O. Travelers rode around Russia on the Volga before it became fashionable. We publish the story of Alesya Osadchaya about "Ergaki" - a beautiful natural park in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Where is Ergaki Natural Park located?

Nature Park "Ergaki" is a mountainous area in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with a length of about 80 kilometers and an area of ​​342,873 hectares, one of the ridges of the Western Sayan, which is also called the "Pearl of Siberia". "Ergaki" is located in the heart of Asia, between Khakassia and Tuva. Thanks to the unique natural conditions, an extraordinary world has formed there, the beauty of which will impress even an avid traveler! Here you will find wild taiga, majestic mountain ranges with sheer cliffs, and crystal clear mountain lakes. For Tuvan shamans, this area is considered sacred. In 2005, Ergaki Park received worldwide recognition and a special status with the jubilee, hundredth number in the WWF list.

Another plus of the park is that most of the hiking trails and parking lots are marked on the map, which can be obtained from the tourist center or downloaded from the Internet. All trails and passes are marked with different colors according to the level of difficulty (green, blue, red), and you can plan your route and possible parking places in advance.

In Krasnoyarsk and Siberia, Ergaki is a very popular place for outdoor activities and family recreation. Ergaki is no less popular with climbers. Every year there are large gatherings and climbing camps. But in the European part of Russia, few people know about the mountain park.

When to go to Ergaki?

You can relax in the natural park all year round. In winter, it snows constantly here, creating excellent conditions for off-piste skiing from late September to mid-May. There are also equipped slopes with lifts. True, temperatures in winter can drop to -40 ° C, so you will have to warm up.

Summers are cool, with frequent temperature changes. At the end of June - July it can rain for weeks. The best time to visit is the first half of August. Although there is something to see in the park in June-July, this is the time of flowers that are strewn with slopes. In any case, a warm jacket, hat, waterproof shoes and a raincoat will not be superfluous - the weather in the mountains is very changeable.

How to get to Ergaki Park?

"Ergaki" attract tourists not only for its beauty, but also for its accessibility: the federal highway M-54 "Yenisei" crosses the park from north to south. Just three or four hours at a leisurely pace from the track - and you find yourself in the heart of the Western Sayan Mountains.

The cities closest to Ergaki are Kyzyl, Abakan, Minusinsk and Krasnoyarsk. But it is most convenient to get from Abakan. By car from the capital of Khakassia - 2-2.5 hours drive along the Usinsky tract (about 200 kilometers). The car can be parked at the main trails for a fixed fee.

On the same road you can take regular buses that run daily from Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk or Kyzyl. The landing place is the Tormozakovsky Bridge, the Tushkanchik River or the Podemny Creek (depending on your route). Keep in mind that night buses travel mostly non-stop.
You can also take Kyzyl taxis from the railway station square in Abakan. In the summer, you can also get on the "gazelle". By prior arrangement, the drivers of the "gazelle" can pick up from the highway on the way back.

Departure from the area, as a rule, on the same regular buses or passing transport. Please note that there are no settlements near the entry-exit points (do not believe the old maps that show the villages of Buiba and others), and therefore you need to vote on the highway. Small groups and singles can leave by KAMAZ to Abakan, Minusinsk or Minusinskaya railway station (from there, about 20 minutes to Abakan by train).

Where to stay in Ergaki?

Tourism in "Ergaki" develops every year. In addition to campsites in the mountains themselves, there are several stationary recreation centers that provide comfortable living conditions. The recreation centers in Ergaki are mainly located along the M-54 highway, that is, you can get to them by car or by regular bus.

Nobody cancels camping. You can easily park anywhere. But it is forbidden to kindle fires, so you can’t do without a gas burner. You should also be wary of wild animals, in particular bears, which often enter the camps.

Recreation centers "Ergaki":

Ergaki (605 km)- eight warm cozy houses for large and small companies from 3 to 12 people. Of the benefits - centralized heating, warm toilets. There are also hotel buildings with rooms from two to eight beds. Shower, washbasin, warm toilet will not interfere either in winter or in summer. Ski slopes with ski lift.

Mountain Oya (609 km)- eight-bed residential houses, a cafe, a bath-sauna, a skiing track with a drag lift, rental of equipment for snowboarding and skiing, "buns". Hiking and horse trails are offered during the summer.

"White - Ergaki"(610 km)- warm houses for eight people, a Russian bath, a cafe, a prepared track with a lift, rental of skis and snowboards.

Jerboa (622 km)- house for eight people, sauna, parking.

"Sleeping Sayan" (622 km) - this is a whole tourist complex of several houses, baths, cafes. Suggested entertainment: hiking in the mountains, rafting and fishing, there are sports grounds for playing volleyball and football, quad biking and snowmobiling, downhill and cross-country skiing.

« Snezhnaya (611 km) - a good ski slope with a lift, several living rooms, a sauna, a cafe. Entertainment: in winter - snowboarding and skiing, in summer - hiking trails in the surroundings, hunting and fishing.

Zaimka "Golden Us" (645 km)- seven tourist houses for four places, a bathhouse, a cafe. The base is located in a coniferous forest in an ecologically clean place, at the confluence of the mountain rivers Buiba and Us. Hiking trails are offered in summer and snowmobiling in winter.

Tent camp "Pearl of the Sayan" located in the mountains on Lake Uyutnoy, there is a dining room, a bathhouse.

Tent camp "Free City" located in the mountains on Lake Svetloe, there is a dining room, a bathhouse, toilets, it is possible to recharge gadgets. There is a backpack lift service.

There are also tourist camps on Lake Rainbow, in the Tushkanchik tract, as well as the Cossack Key and Stone Town bases.

If you want to enjoy the mountains and see the maximum number of sights of Ergakov, then the best option is to stay in a tent camp right in the mountains on the lake and go to the radial exits for a day or two. If you live permanently at one of the recreation centers and go only to daily routes, then you will practically not see Ergaki.

In almost all tent camps, morning exercises, competitions are held, in the evenings - a bathhouse, and then, if not an entertainment program, then at least gatherings by the fire with a guitar. Some camps offer yoga and fitness tours, self-development trainings, mountain tourism schools, bike tours, photo tours, rafting on the Oya River. But the main thing in all of them is hiking to local attractions, which we will talk about later.

The route through the natural park "Ergaki"

You can start the route from other points, but we chose "Jerboa" as the most optimal for exploring the places we wanted to visit.
Walk along the path from the camp site "Jerboa" for three or four hours at a leisurely pace along the seething river. Everywhere there are colored marks, so it's hard to get lost. Constantly there is a smooth climb, except for a couple of good takeoffs. Along the way, there are many springs from which you can drink. At all major forks there are signs to the key points of tourist routes - passes, peaks, waterfalls, lakes.

Lake Svetloye has a tourist base "Free City", where you can rent a tent for a fee and use a shared kitchen, bathhouse and other services, but we stood a little to the side - on the lake with a picturesque view of the Zvezdny and Ptitsa peaks. The only negative is the shady side in the morning. And the mornings are pretty cool even in summer.

Lake Light. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Lake Light. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Bird Pass

This is one of the easiest routes. The ascent from Lake Svetloye took about three hours. Several times we got caught in the rain, but decided not to pay attention to it.

Due to my short stature, I could not climb up to the top, but my friend Zhenya and the guys easily overcame the climb with insurance and ropes and in 15 minutes were already at the top. Climbing the Ptitsa peak is possible even for people of age, the main thing is to have a good instructor.

It was cloudy above and a gale was blowing that drove the clouds over the ridge and into the valley towards the lake - almost zero visibility. Periodically, the clouds dissipated, and for a couple of minutes a stunning panorama of the valley, the Parabola Pass and the Lake of Mountain Spirits opened up.

Bird Pass. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Bird Pass. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Rock formation Parabola (Brothers)

It consists of two vertices of different sizes and heights, connected by a bridge. The contour of this jumper has very smooth and regular, really parabolic outlines. The rocks that make up Parabola have a very smooth, “polished” surface, which also leads some researchers to think about the artificial processing (if not the origin) of this remarkable rock. On the side of the Younger Brother, in the valley, there is an emerald lake, which has the shape of an almost regular rectangle with rounded edges. It is called the Lake of Mountain Spirits. According to an ancient legend, these spirits bewitched the two brothers, leaving them here to guard the fabulous treasures. In "Ergaki" almost all the sights are composed of legends one more beautiful than the other.

Rock formation Parabola. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Lake Zolotarnoye and Pikantny Pass

The path to these places lies through the Vidovka pass. So named because it is a small plateau with excellent views of the surrounding area. All trails are marked with markers of different colors, so it is quite difficult to get lost.

In front of the lake, a beautiful sign showed us the way further, but the path was flooded on the way. We walked ankle-deep (and sometimes knee-deep) in water. Five minutes later, we reached the stone shore of Lake Zolotarnoye, and high rocks with “mirrors” towered around - these are the steep slopes of the mountains, which in clear weather reflect sunlight very well, and they glare beautifully. The valley with the lake was surrounded by such rocks, and when the sun came out, the sight was amazing!

The trail went up smoothly, and after a couple of hours we climbed the Pikantny pass. One of the members of our expedition, Zhenya, is an adventurous person. He decided to climb Zvezdny Peak, and it almost cost him his life. While we were waiting at the pass, a cyclone came up with gusty winds and hail. We took cover under large stones forming a small cave, and Zhenya almost fell off the stone from a gust of wind when trying to climb higher.

In addition to the places described above, there are many other interesting sights in the mountain cluster of the park. Most of them have original names due to the prevailing natural outlines. The most popular are the Zvezdny, Ptitsa peaks, the Sleeping Sayan rock ridge, about which a large number of myths and legends are composed.

Lake Golden. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Near the lake Zolotarnoe. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

The Hanging Stone deserves special attention - a huge granite fragment lying on the edge of a cliff. No less beautiful are the passes of Parabola, Khudozhnikov, Pikantny, from which views of the terraces with mountain lakes and gorges open up. The most picturesque lakes are Buibinskiye (Rainbow, Karovoe, Light), Marble (Jerboa), Zolotarnoe, Bear, Mountain Spirits. And the rivers, due to the relief, form many waterfalls on their way.

Two natural objects in the park have the status of natural monuments. One of them, "Stone City", is a complex of bizarre rocks in the spurs of the Kulumys ridge. It is located on the opposite side of the Usinsky tract, a little to the side. The other is Lake Oiskoe, a large alpine lake formed in the preglacial era.

The choice of route and objects depends only on your desire and physical fitness.
Every year the park is visited by about a hundred thousand tourists (we are talking about registered tourists). On weekends, near the most popular mountains, there is an influx of people wishing to wander among the rocks shrouded in fog and taiga.

In "Ergaki" it is customary to greet all the tourists passing by. So do not be surprised by the frequent "hello", "hello", "good day" and be sure to answer them in the same way.

Piquant pass. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

Piquant pass. Photo: Alesya Osadchaya

  • Be sure to go through the mandatory registration at the tourist center indicating the number of people in the group and the approximate route (you can also take a map of the main hiking trails there).
  • Set up a tent in the middle of the camp so that there are neighbors nearby and help in case of emergency. You can get acquainted with the memo in case of a meeting with a bear.
  • If you met with a bear - you can’t look into his eyes, be calm, when a bear approaches, you can shout and wave your arms, by this you inform the clubfoot that you are not intimidated; if there are still people nearby, it is better to stand together to scare away the bear, which will mistake a group of people for a big beast.
  • Ask the Ministry of Emergency Situations to instruct on the correct response in emergency situations.
  • Do not store food in the tent (this is very important - a bear, smelling food, may attack you).
  • Tourist rug (karemat).
  • Sleeping bag for cold weather.
  • Burner.
  • Backpack.
  • Comfortable trekking shoes.
  • Rubber boots with insoles.
  • Warm clothes (sweater, hat, warm socks, jacket).
  • Comfortable cotton clothes
  • Rain cape or raincoat.
  • Headwear (cap, hat, bandana).
  • Sunglasses.
  • Swimsuit.
  • Slates.
  • Thermal underwear.
  • Cream or spray against mosquitoes.
  • Sun cream.
  • Toiletries, towels.
  • Individual first aid kit (plaster, bandages, personal medicines).
  • A set of dishes (plate, spoon, mug, knife).
  • Thermos.
  • Torch.
  • Camera, camera, batteries.
  • Photocopies of documents.
  • A small backpack for radial outings.
  • And of course, a supply of food for the duration of the trip. There are quite a lot of springs, so you will not be left without water.

    , the editors of PrtBrt thank Anastasia Romanova and Alesya Osadchaya for the opportunity to publish the material.

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