Download women's menstrual calendar. Women's menstrual calendar. Interesting facts about the menstrual cycle

is a handy application for Android that will appeal to every woman. After all, now you can monitor your cycle and its important days without constant calculations.

Purpose of the program
The modern application "" will help every woman at any time to monitor the state of her cycle, without making any effort.

Each user is very pleased with the accuracy of calculations. The application will warn its owner with high accuracy about the approaching period and the day of ovulation, and will also help not to miss taking the pills.
Calculations show high accuracy, both for a constant cycle and for an irregular one.

Main functions
A convenient program will help a woman in the following matters:
1. Determine the beginning of the next discharge, and also calculate the day of ovulation.
2. Will not let you miss the time of taking contraceptives.
3. Thanks to the capabilities of the software product, you can keep your own unique beauty diary: mark the time of sleep, exercise, control body weight, track the amount of water consumed, count the number of steps while walking.

4. Save all data about the cycle, as well as any important information.
5. Analyze data that has been previously saved and display it in the form of graphs and tables.
6. The application offers new daily tips, which you can learn a lot of useful and interesting information about yourself and your body.
7. The program allows you to keep a calendar when planning a pregnancy: mark basal body temperature, fertile days. Also keep all the results of previous pregnancy tests.

A user-friendly project is presented with intuitive interfaces.

Everything is clear and understandable here, and the control is performed by simple clicks on the touch screen.

- comfortable free way control your health and monitor your cycle and other important points at any moment, since all the necessary information is always at hand - in your favorite Android device.

Changes that occur in a consistent and cyclical manner in the organs of the female reproductive system are called the menstrual cycle. A woman's menstrual cycle is affected by many various factors, which leads to changes in the duration of the cycle. But if you keep a menstrual calendar to calculate the cycle, the doctor can easily find out when the failure occurred. Therefore, many doctors recommend keeping such a calendar.

Normally, during menstrual cycles, the endometrium of the uterus is shed, which leaves the uterus with blood every month.

Even slightly smearing discharge can already be considered the beginning of the menstrual cycle, which must be entered on the calendar. The duration of the cycle, if we take the average figure, is twenty-eight days. But, we are all different, so the cycle can be both longer and shorter. Therefore, the question often arises: “How to calculate the menstrual cycle?”

Sometimes the cycle is divided into "dangerous" and "safe" days. They were divided so conditionally, since the days when a woman can conceive a child are classified as dangerous, and the days during which a woman cannot become pregnant are classified as safe. After all, it is during the ovulatory period that a woman's chances of becoming pregnant increase significantly, unlike the rest of the time. This is explained by the fact that the egg in given time finally leaves the ovary, and enters fallopian tube where it waits for fertilization. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to calculate your cycle, as this will increase your chances of avoiding unwanted pregnancy and calmly have sex. Although, with this knowledge, a woman can just as well plan her own future pregnancy and conceive a child.

But if the menstruation is unstable, then it will be quite problematic to accurately calculate the cycle.

It is important to know that women will only need information about dangerous and safe days to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, it cannot be considered as another method of contraception, because there is a high probability of contracting various infections.

But when a woman has one sexual partner, then contraception is reduced to controlling the stages of the menstrual cycle. Well, if the cycle is broken, and obvious violations are visible, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to keep a menstrual calendar and fill out forms correctly

It would seem that such a small attribute can affect the future well-being of a woman. But, as we see, it can. Many gynecological procedures can be avoided precisely because a woman sees a doctor on time, providing him with a calendar. Indeed, in order to correctly calculate the duration of the cycle, the patient needs to know when the next menstruation will begin. Gynecologists recommend marking even the initial, slightly visible discharge on the calendar.

Average duration the menstrual cycle is twenty-eight days. And of course, this is an approximate figure, because it all depends on individual features women. But it also happens that the number of days increases, or vice versa decreases, which is not the norm. Therefore, a woman must keep a calendar in order for the doctor to develop full picture possible problems that led to the breach.

Of course, it's good when a girl knows how to keep such a calendar, and regularly marks the beginning of menstruation.

In order for a woman to calculate the calendar, she will need a small calendar that can even be put in her wallet. In it, a woman marks the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle. Here it is also necessary to note a certain discomfort that the girl experiences during the cycle.

A program has already been written in which you can mark your cycle, and even download this program to any electronic medium. Some calendars can even calculate a woman's next period.

It is also desirable to enter information about how much blood a woman has lost. The norm is fifty milliliters. Sometimes it’s not very convenient to measure the amount, so it’s enough just to write: abundant, moderate and meager periods.

But, when there is at least one violation of the menstruation schedule, then you need to respond quickly and immediately consult a doctor. For this may be the beginning of possible diseases. And here, the calendar will come in handy, which will be able to give answers to many questions to a professional gynecologist.

Thus, the menstrual cycle calendar is an integral element of a healthy and responsible woman, which can indicate and help the gynecologist, if necessary. Be vigilant and attentive to your health, and never neglect it. Keep a calendar carefully, and it will never get lost in your wallet.

Do I need to keep a menstrual calendar for infertility?

When a woman is diagnosed with infertility, it is the calendar that will answer the doctor many questions regarding the diagnosis made by him. After all, the doctor can easily determine the day of ovulation in this case. Therefore, when a woman is responsible for her health, keeps a calendar of the menstrual cycle, and also measures basal temperature, then you can also easily calculate the day of ideal conception.

Often, one of the causes of infertility is a violation in the woman's hormones. The gynecologist determines this by prescribing a hormonal study. When a gynecologist studies the calendar, he pays attention to such points as:

  • heavy menstruation;
  • absence of the next menstruation;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • and those periods that appeared after a long delay are also important.

How to calculate the cycle of menstruation?

There are several methods that equally successfully determine the days of the cycle.
  1. The first way how it is possible to calculate the cycle is to produce this procedure manually. The only thing is that for this, for at least six months, a woman must monitor her health, carefully note the nature, duration and more different kind peculiarities. Then, she will need to given period choose the smallest in duration, and the longest menstrual cycle. The number of days must be counted from the first day of the onset of menstruation, and until the next menstrual cycle, namely, until the first day of spotting. After that, eighteen and ten days must be subtracted from these two numbers. The first number indicates safe days at the beginning of the month, and the second number indicates the same favorable days, but at the end of the month. Well, the time between these figures suggests that it will be quite simple and easy to conceive a child, and the probability of fertilization is the highest.
  2. Also, by measuring basal temperature, it is possible to determine the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists consider him the most exact method when defining and calculating the cycle. So, for a month you need to measure the temperature. But we must remember that at the beginning of menstruation it is thirty-seven degrees. But after a couple of days it drops back to normal. But then, after one or two days, it rises again, and now it's more than thirty-seven degrees. This temperature stabilizes for the entire period of menstruation. Therefore, if there is no increase in temperature, then the days are safe and fertilization cannot occur.
  3. And, for those who do not see themselves living without the Internet, and are highly dependent on various gadgets, they are offered a calculator option that does not need to be downloaded. This calculator - menstruation calendar is convenient in that you can easily calculate the onset of ovulation in it, safe and dangerous days from pregnancy, and determine the time premenstrual syndrome. Gynecologists are not against such calculations, and such calendar management. The main thing is not to forget to bring such a calendar with you to an appointment with a gynecologist, or print out all the necessary information.

Calculate online menstrual cycle

  1. Grey colour - the first day of the cycle and the beginning of the next.
  2. light red color - days of conception with a probability of 80%.
  3. light orange - 90% chance of conception.
  4. Red color - Estimated day of ovulation.
  5. White color - safe days

Every woman has to deal with menstruation once a month. This event shows how healthy a woman is, and not only from a reproductive point of view. For this reason, you need to be able to properly maintain your personal monthly calendar.

Physiology of the menstrual cycle, what is menstruation?

Menstrual cycle - regular, very difficult physiological process, which is repeated 1 time in 21-30 days (but most often it is 28 days). The menstrual cycle manifests itself, as, in fact, menstruation (bleeding of blood from the uterus). Menstruation usually starts at the age of 11-15 years and ends already during the menopause, somewhere in 45-55 years. There are also no periods during pregnancy and lactation.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by complex processes that originate in our brain, where special substances are produced. These substances affect the entire female body!!!, but most of all on the ovaries and uterus. A follicle containing an egg cell matures in the ovaries, which after some time enters the abdominal cavity, and then into the fallopian tube - this is ovulation. If a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation will occur on the 13-15th day from the beginning of the cycle. The uterus, during the menstrual cycle, is also preparing for conception under the influence of hormones: the walls thicken, a special layer of the endometrium begins to grow. If there is no conception, then the female body gets rid of the “options” that it no longer needs, such as the endometrium, with the help of menstruation. Menstruation itself (bleeding) lasts from 3 to 7 days. Before menstruation, women may have increased heart rate, increased pressure, irritability.

The menstrual cycle may change or be disrupted due to nervous overload and stress, diseases (even the simplest colds), with excessively rigid diets or, on the contrary, overeating. Menstrual disorders are not always the absence of menstruation. They can also be very copious discharge, can be meager discharge or changing the length of the cycle.

How to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle (monthly)?

First day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation.

Last day the menstrual cycle is again the first day of menstruation, but already the next.

Between them there must be 25-30 days. If there are fewer or more days - urgently see a doctor!

Ovulation(egg release) occurs on the 13-15th day from the first day of the menstrual cycle.

Methods of maintaining a calendar of the menstrual cycle.

The easiest way is to have a pocket calendar and a permanent marker (writes on lamination) to mark the days.

More great way- is to download a special application for a smartphone. Definitely for Android. There it is proposed to enter the first and last day cycle, and the program itself will calculate everything. You can even make a scheduler that shows "safe days" if you need protection, and ovulation if you want to have a baby.

Interesting facts about the menstrual cycle.

  1. The menstrual cycle is observed only in human women and in female great apes.
  2. There are statistics that the probability of conceiving a boy is higher if the fusion of the egg and sperm occurred in the middle of ovulation, and a girl - if the sperm entered the female body a couple of days before ovulation.
  3. There are frequent cases of conception on "safe days". So this is a dubious option for contraception.
  4. The menstrual calendar helps to find out the date of birth. Pregnancy lasts 280 lunar day(that's 24 hours and 48 minutes), or about 290 normal days. These days must be added to the date of conception.
  5. Menstruation is also called REGULAS
  6. If several women live together, then their menstrual cycle becomes almost the same.
  7. During menstruation, the female body secretes special substances that kill yeast cells. Therefore, in ancient times, girls during the "red days of the calendar" were not allowed to pickle cabbage.
  8. Modern pads with an adhesive strip appeared only in 1971. In 1945, pads were fastened with belts, but there were already tampons))). And even earlier they used matter in general.

Every woman has monthly menstruation before menopause. This cycle is natural physiological process, which is associated with the release of blood from the uterus. As a result of the gap, there is an exit that was enclosed in it. Menstruation allows a woman to track ovulation and, if necessary, plan to conceive a child.

Very correct if a woman keeps a menstrual calendar. The cycle diary allows her to avoid many troubles and, if necessary, contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Keeping a menstruation calendar has a number of positive aspects:

  • Calendar helps keep track of work reproductive system. And if even minor deviations occur, the woman promptly turns to the doctor with certain complaints.
  • You can easily, since the calendar will accurately identify.
  • It is always possible to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, as the calculations will determine the safest days for sexual intercourse.
  • The calendar makes it possible not to use contraceptives. This is especially true, which have a number of unpleasant side effects.
  • Knowing your cycle, you can easily plan your vacation, travel, classes in gym, visiting the pool.

There are two ways to maintain a calendar.

  • To do this, you can use the usual small calendar, in which it is enough to underline the numbers of beginning and end critical days. If this is carried out for 3-4 months, you can accurately determine your cycle: the time of the next menstruation, their beginning and end.
  • The girls run to modern method keeping a calendar. For this they use mobile app, which has convenient programs for controlling women's days. Using the keyboard, they simply mark the beginning and end of menstruation, and special programs independently calculate the days and safe period for sexual contact.

IMPORTANT! These methods will help to trace the course of the cycle, identify their failure, help analyze their cause, and in case of any doubt, contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Is it necessary for infertility

Despite the fact that a woman diagnosed with infertility, a calendar of women's well-being will help the doctor monitor her health. Even with this diagnosis in women ovulation occurs, and you can easily calculate the days that are favorable for conception. Infertility is treated.

And if a woman has a chance of having a baby, it is important to monitor the menstrual cycle to determine perfect days with a high percentage of the likelihood of conceiving a child. This is especially important for patients who have developed infertility due to hormonal disorders.

The benefits of keeping a calendar in women with infertility are as follows:

  • You can determine if a cycle is normal.
  • Did the woman have monthly failures or not.
  • What kind negative feelings were during critical days.
  • After what time did menstruation begin, if there was a delay.

IMPORTANT! Having studied all the information, the doctor can control the patient's reproductive work and select a set of drugs that will remove deviations in the cycle.

Cycle calculation rules

Exists Several variants, which will help to correctly calculate the cycle. A woman herself can choose the one that is most convenient for her.

calendar method

On the calendar mark the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the days for how long they lasted. Be sure to indicate how you feel on a given day. Then the following calculations are carried out:

  • Choose the most short cycle and subtract 18 from the number of days.
  • Choose the longest cycle period and subtract 11 from the number of days.
  • The number that is obtained from the calculations is the days of ovulation.

IMPORTANT! This is an approximate calculation as this method is difficult to accurately determine the date of ovulation.

For health

A woman who keeps a daily record of her health can easily determine the days of ovulation.

To do this, you need to follow the following signs:

  • . During ovulation, they have a thicker consistency, are abundant and have a yellowish tint. Outwardly, they resemble the protein of a chicken egg.
  • May be observed.
  • Increased libido. This is especially pronounced in women who do not lead a permanent sexual life.
  • and they start to hurt.
  • Taste preferences change. There is a desire to eat sweet or salty food. Often there is an aversion to perfume.
  • May be observed indigestion or flatulence.

Basal temperature

Within a month, a woman may change basal. But calculate more the exact date ovulation is possible after its regular measurements for 3-6 months. To do this, immediately after waking up in the morning, you need to measure the temperature in the vagina, in the rectum or in the mouth.

IMPORTANT! Sleep should be at least 6 hours long.

Measurement run from 6 am to 8 am. Hold the thermometer for at least 5 minutes.

With the help of the received data make a schedule. Where the x-axis represents the day and y represents the temperature. And if the temperature is normally 36.3 - 36.8 degrees, then the day before ovulation it decreases.

Then going on her sharp rise within 37 - 37.5 degrees. This period is the moment of ovulation. Further, the temperature decreases and remains within the normal range until menstruation.

For several days before critical days, it decreases again.

Considering all these nuances with the help of a graph can be easily calculated ovulation day.

Application of the test

Ovulation is possible, which are sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to conduct a study of morning urine. They do it daily. The test can determine the level of LH hormones. They are always in the urine. But the day before ovulation, their balance changes. This will be indicated by the second, barely noticeable strip on the test.


Ultrasound can accurately determine ovulation day. For this, it is necessary to conduct 3-4 studies. The first is carried out after 5-8 days from the beginning of menstruation.

On the monitor progress will be seen eggs in the uterus. At the second ultrasound session, you will see how much she has advanced. The doctor calculates the days of ovulation according to the testimony. Two more examinations are carried out to confirm the calculations.

Do I need a calendar for conception

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. To accurately plan a pregnancy, a calendar will help, with which you can accurately calculate the most auspicious days for conception.

woman required monthly mark the day of the beginning of menstruation and the day of their end. In this way, you can easily see the delay in menstruation. If there are no changes within a week, you can sign up for an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.

Calculation of ovulation for conception of pregnancy will allow not only to accurately plan pregnancy, but also to calculate the birthday child. The simplest is the Naegele method. To do this, subtract 3 months from the first day of the last period and add 7 days. The resulting number will indicate the estimated date of birth.

IMPORTANT! This formula is suitable for women with regular cycle, which lasts 28 days.

If the cycle is less or more, you must add or subtract the difference between the number of days of the 28 day cycle and the woman's cycle.

Women childbearing age It is recommended to keep a calendar of menstruation. It will help you track your cycle., determine the exact day of ovulation, identify pathological changes. Knowing exactly the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation, you can easily avoid pregnancy or, if you wish, determine the most perfect time for conception.

Women's calendar on android is free program, which determines the menstrual cycle, the period of ovulation, the days most favorable or undesirable for conception and pregnancy. With its help, you can get to know your body better, as well as get a personal personal assistant and a diary.

You can download the Women's Period Calendar on your phone for free for Android devices in Russian, because it will be useful to all girls and women.

Key features:

  • notifications about cycles and ovulation;
  • the most accurate calculation medium duration periods;
  • a reminder of taking medications, the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as their delay;
  • conducting personal diary with control of weight, mood and body symptoms;
  • history and search for notes;
  • temperature and weight charting;
  • pregnancy mode;
  • personal data protection system.

The program is quite easy to customize according to your own wishes. A friendly and intuitive interface will leave only positive emotions from using the women's calendar.

By opening the application and going into its settings, you can adjust:

  1. the duration of menstruation, cycle, ovulation and favorable days - automatic detection is available for everything;
  2. pregnancy - just press to pause the countdown of monthly periods and start counting the time until the birth of the baby;
  3. reminders - notifications about menstruation, ovulation, days of conception and taking pills;
  4. theme and a pet that will remind you of events with text in a frame above a cute face.

Separately, it is worth considering the functions of the diary. It allows you to add notes about mood, symptoms, sexual intimacy, medication, doctor visits, fitness, weight, and even body temperature in a specific period. You can create your own personalized notes, marking in them what seems relevant at a given time. Keeping such an electronic diary will help make life easier in the future and make informed decisions based on specific information.

Women's calendar for Android even provided for the creation of several accounts on one device and protection of their personal password.

The developers of the Women's Calendar go to meet their users. If any of the functionality still causes difficulties in using the application, you can always turn to the help point in the form of video files located in the application settings. True in this case without good mobile internet or Wi-Fi is still indispensable.

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