Recall past lives in a dream. Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious. Past lives - how to remember by date of birth

“Our dreams are a space where we can remember things we thought we didn't even know.”

Tilda Swinton

  • What kind of dreams do you have?
  • Simple or exciting?
  • Perhaps you wake up from nightmares or “do not see” dreams at all?

Dreams are different for everyone. Whatever they are, they always reflect your state in this moment. There is an interesting group of dreams in which you can see yourself in previous reincarnations, these are dreams about past lives.

Why we see dreams about our own reincarnation and why they are needed, we will understand if we know what generates them.

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious

Without going into details, let's consider, And here we need to talk about the work of consciousness and subconsciousness.

So consciousness.

This is a function of the brain that:

  1. Receives information from external sources through the senses - through sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
  2. Compares this information with the experience that is stored in the subconscious.
  3. Analyzes and based on this analysis makes a decision.

Our consciousness is active at the moment of wakefulness and “works” on fast waves called beta waves. In this state, the subconscious is an outside observer. The subconscious can become involved in emergency cases when the person is awake. This is called the state of affect.

At the moment when the human body relaxes, the waves that receive signals from the outside slow down, and the person enters the alpha state. This borderline state between sleep and wakefulness makes it possible for our subconscious to turn on.

The subconscious is like a huge information base. The subconscious mind is non-judgmental, neutral to the person. It stores the entire experience of the individual, all his beliefs and thought habits. The subconscious has access to the information field of the universe.

Any question posed to the subconscious can be easily resolved, and any, even the most crazy idea, can be implemented. That is, the subconscious is a catalog of countless options for the development of any situation. You just need to know how to access it. Often the ability to use your subconscious is blocked by consciousness, evaluativeness.

To summarize the above: during sleep and during wakefulness, our brain operates at different frequencies. To perceive external signals, he uses faster waves, and during relaxation, when there is no need to receive external signals and process them, weaker ones.

It is at the moment of slowing down that access to our subconscious opens up. Sleep provides insight into the subconscious.

Consciousness stores the experience of a person from birth to the present moment, and the subconscious mind stores the current plus the experience of all previous incarnations.

And if at night you see yourself in past eras, out-of-date clothes, but at the same time you experience strong feelings, sensations or emotions - know that so the gates to your past lives open.

No one dreams of something that does not concern him

What we see in our dreams, sometimes even seeming delusional to us, always concerns us. Everything that scares us what we want to get rid of is hidden in our subconscious.

Blocked by consciousness, hidden deep during the day, it comes out in the form of dreams at night.

A reliable security system is built into the sleep mechanism. You always see only what your psyche is ready to work with. Even if it's the worst nightmare that you wake up in a cold sweat every time.

Nightmares are a topic for a separate article. And we understand why dreams about past lives are dreamed.

These are your memories, your experiences that your mind forgot about, but the subconscious mind remembers and the body remembers.

Why remember the past experience of incarnations?

How to watch your dream in reality

Using the tools of reincarnation, you can watch dreams that you didn’t watch without waiting for the night. Or, if you have some incomprehensible moment in a dream, you can easily view it using simple techniques.

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    For what dreaming past? Life man is full of a wide variety of events. Some of them remain in memory for a long time, others pass without affecting the soul, and are quickly forgotten. If any vital the lesson is not correct or not completed passed, in dream often visited by characters who are from the already experienced. If dreamed past, then this makes sense.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    That is why it is easiest for a person to see his own last life when he sleeps. Therefore, when someone dreaming past life, according to this theory, he simply remembers what he tried to remember when he was in other world. Such dreams in no case should it be ignored, since a person was trying to remember something very important, something that would be useful to him in the next life.When you dreamed(sya) past life? Today. Yesterday.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    Seeing in dream episodes from last life, it is worth considering that perhaps the real life not entirely satisfied. To do this, you need to figure out what you don’t like with what dreamed. After all, it is in this dream you can see the answer to the main question. If dreamed past, so the person has not let him go yet. You need to think carefully about what is left of last life in the present, and what requires freedom.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "detskiysad"

    Usually see in dream past past dreamed past, stands in real life past life new emotions, sensations.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    filming past life- this is a search for goals in reality, you need to change the course of your activities, maybe add a new direction in business. dreamed threat life? What is said about this in Miller's dream book. If in dream your life is in mortal danger, this can mean a way out of obscurity, respect in society and honor. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    This night had a dream dream which struck me to the core. I am still in a daze. It seems to me that if this is really my past life- then much is explained. he did not fulfill his duty to me in last life and forced to educate me again, and he was given to me so that I could forgive him. Is it possible? I am now 24 years old, but I still feel like a teenager, a little girl and have always behaved like that. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Past according to the dream book: As a rule, to see in dream past, means that you cannot let him go until the end - it is quite possible that in your past you did not finish some work or offended someone. In any case, if you dreamed past, stands in real life try to remember what exactly is bothering you, and, accordingly, try to correct past mistakes and let go of what was once in order to let it into your life new emotions, sensations.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "supersonnik"

    Interpretation sleep Past. dreams O past may dream in two cases: 1. If your past from real life there are some unresolved, unexperienced problems, questions; 2. Or if dream O past which you had a dream, is information about your last life (lives). If in dream you are in a time that can be called past means in your personal past there is something that negatively affects your present, and you subconsciously try to remember what it is.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams past life, or what does in dream see past life. past life, wreath, spider in dream. dreamed as if I were in India and a young man with whom I have been closely communicating for 4 months already handed me some pieces of paper, I did not see his face, but by default I realized that it was him. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming yours past life? It is clear that dreams O last life dreaming people who are creative, spiritually rich, have a developed imagination and a strong connection with the subtle intangible world. Such dreams are usually bright, memorable and portend cardinal changes in life.When you dreamed(sya) past life?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    To search for the image you are interested in, enter a keyword from your sleep dreams dreamed past love, or what does it mean in dream see dreamed past Love. dreaming that I'm in a relationship with my best friend. we are in close contact life, but for something close to love, there is no such thing. A in dream happy and together. dreamed more than once.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    past life in dream. To me dreamed that I am going and leaving with a backpack from home. last life in dream. In general my dream pretty short. To me dreaming that I'm on a horse I pass many obstacles, I cross rivers with waterfalls and meet on my way people dissatisfied with their ruler. He is engaged in witchcraft and rules people cruelly and immorally. And I decided to take on this mission - to rid the kingdom of the tyrant. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation House from last life dreamed, for what dreaming in dream house from last life?If dreaming to one of the members of the family who has music, dances in their house - there will be a dead man in that house. If dreaming, you build a house - for illness. They build a house for you: bright and beautiful is yours life, black and without windows - rowing. The storm tore the top off the house - beware of a tragic disaster. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    So you can easily find out what dreams dreamed past love, or what does it mean in dream see dreamed past love. The plots are different, but the essence is the same - he calls me and confesses his love. All these years we have not seen each other, because. I moved to live in another city. I have my own life, and in it I do not remember the first love. But he dreaming. Here and now had a dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    sleep dreams sleep to the search form. So you can easily find out what dreams dreamed past love, or what does it mean in dream see dreamed past love.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    1 interpretation sleep. Past life, wreath, spider. dreamed as if I were in India and a young man with whom I have been closely communicating for 4 months already handed me some pieces of paper, I did not see his face, but by default I realized that it was him. I saw paradise last life Saw a robbery in dream I saw myself in last I was seen in a coffin I saw myself dead Dreaming last life From last life past life Past life N2 lover out last life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If you are interested in interpretation sleep according to the dream book - follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation dreams, as they are interpreted various dream books. To search for the image you are interested in, enter a keyword from your sleep to the search form. So you can easily find out what dreams dreamed past love, or what does it mean in dream see dreamed past love.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    past at night had a dream dream, in which I saw my first love, only changed a lot in appearance, to be honest, she didn’t look like her at all, but when I saw it, I was sure that it was her, she came up to me and began to talk to me about something, I’m not Kind day Alexander! Dream useful for your subconscious, even if your mind is not aware of what is happening. Meeting with first love in real life, if everything is rethought correctly (from the position past years and experience gained) - carries in life positive changes and...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    past life. To me dreamed that I am going and leaving with a backpack from home. It was warm Golden autumn. And I had to find the truth: that humans did not come from apes, but actually from space. dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming dream Past life, wreath, spider.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    dreaming love is deeply connected with emotional experiences or with the state of the soul, this is the connection of fate and of the past. Is it forgotten in the present life and deleted from it ex love Why dreaming former love? Love in dream a harbinger of happiness, good luck and success.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Find out what you need dreamed Ultrasound! pass in dream medical examination- to a long and healthy life in reality, because this vision symbolizes a person’s desire to solve problems as they arise. If dreamed Ultrasound, the sleeping man is overcome by doubts and he would like to dispel them.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Dream: stay anywhere. dreams always occupied special place V life of people. In addition to the natural, physiological significance in life person who sleep Special attention as a source of information about the future, past, present. As a rule, always in dream there is a context that should be taken into account no less than the events themselves. If dreamed stay somewhere, then when interpreting using a dream book, it is worth taking into account the cleanliness of the place, the surrounding objects. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ezoterik"

    If dreamed car what does car mean in dream according to 4 dream books. So you feel that the person behind the wheel somehow controls your life.dreams by the days of the month from the old Russian dream book: Yesterday ( past night): February 26 - dreams portend trouble.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ezoterik"

    if you dream that someone asks in dream, is it true that you got married (married), then expect big changes in your life. Often such dream predicts that you will have a new lover (lover). Be at a friend's wedding in dream- a harbinger of imminent news of his illness. Yesterday ( past night): February 26 - dreams dreams Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ezoterik"

    Popularity sleep visitors - 1689. 1. dreamed sister by family dream book: Dream about a sister portends receiving news about her or from her. See what she looks like. If it's good, then the news will be good. And vice versa. If you have a bad relationship with your sister in life, That dream about her portends trouble, new quarrels and experiences. Yesterday ( past night): February 26 - dreams portend trouble. Today: February 27 - dreams auspicious and soon fulfilled.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    If the toad dreamed woman - this means a scandal for her. Take in dream a toad in your hands - you willfully or unwittingly hurt your friend. To kill a toad in a dream - you will be misunderstood by others. Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev. If dreaming Toad, why is it See Toad in dream: Toad - If you dreamed toad - this is gossip, rivalry and all sorts of obstacles. To catch a toad in a dream means to get fed up with something in life, catch her - a big win awaits you. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See in dream N2 Lover of last life. past life. To me dreamed that I am going and leaving with a backpack from home. It was a warm golden autumn. See in dream her lover - marks for a woman his loyalty and devotion. If had a dream alleged lover, a woman should try to attract male attention, make new acquaintances without sacrificing modesty. Discontent ... Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If dreamed to dress someone in a dream, then this is unexpected news. A in dream put on a veil married woman- already not quite pleasant. This suggests that it is advisable not to express all thoughts strangers. And to wear gloves - to success in all matters. All ideas will come true and all things will improve significantly. Moreover, a person will last life and will begin to change for the better.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    Gave a ring for what dreaming- If a woman dreaming that the young man gives her Golden ring, such dream may mean that in the near future personal life will switch to new level(marriage, birth of a child). If in dream to you dreamed a broken ring, which means that soon you will have trouble dreaming ring - if in dream they give you a ring, then in real life someone will remind you of your romantic past, about intimacy with a person who left a deep mark on your soul.

I started dreaming about my past life many years before I knew it was possible. I was 4-5 years old, and the dream scared me a lot. Subsequently, the dream was repeatedly repeated with absolutely no changes. He haunted me until adolescence and then disappeared. For more than 15 years I have never seen him, but I still clearly remember not only what happened in him, but also my emotions.

Be a Surgeon

I am a male surgeon. An operation is underway, a person is lying on the table in front of me, he is almost completely covered with a sheet, only the place that I am operating on is left. The nurses help me. There are bright lights above me. The operation is not difficult, but something is wrong with my hand, it does not obey me. I make a mistake, it is fatal, a person cannot be saved, he dies right on the table.

I go into shock. This is the first time this has happened to me. I can't handle my remorse. I am completely engulfed in guilt. I don't believe in afterlife Therefore, I believe that a person is irretrievably lost. He could live if I could save him. And now he's nowhere, he's gone. I made it impossible to exist not only for him, but also to blame for his loved ones, who will never be able to be with him again. The endless blackness of emptiness obscures the eyes. She scares me so much that I wake up.

If we discard the fear of sleep, then it brought me amazing sensations. During it, I felt like a different person. This man was a self-confident atheist. He did not consider other people's opinions, always knowing that he was right. At the same time, he wanted to help others. But he did this not out of love for his neighbor, but because he considered anyone weaker than himself. He was obliged to help because he is stronger. This burden was both encouraging and depressing at the same time.

In the case of the patient's death, it became unbearable. The surgeon felt that only he was to blame. He should have, but he couldn't. This is a heavy blow, and the emotions that overwhelmed the doctor were the sharpest. Every time I dreamed about this life, I experienced them in their entirety. They are awful.

Why did I dream of a past life

I repeatedly thought why this particular life appeared in my dreams. Now I have come to the conclusion that the Surgeon still lives in me. I also suffer from the desire to help: I ​​serve everyone in a row, pick up homeless animals, offer help, even if it’s hard for me to help. Like the Surgeon, not out of love for others, but because I consider them potentially weaker. Who if not me?

What a relief to know that I don't owe anyone anything. The surgeon in me rejoices. Liberation came to me through books. From them I learned that everyone creates their own reality through thoughts. Humans and animals are larger than their current selves. They themselves choose how to be born, die, and what to experience during their earthly existence. I am not responsible for anyone but myself.

02 Mar 2018 1312

Richard Webster. Memories of Past Lives KARMA


Everything we see and seem to be is only a dream within a dream.

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)
My students look at me in horror when I convince them that they can reclaim and replay their past lives in their dreams. “We don’t remember our dreams,” they say. “How can you remember your past lives after seeing them in a dream?” Fortunately, you can learn how to remember dreams and manage them so that they reveal to you valuable information about a past life.

Dreams are thoughts, sensations, images and emotions that run through our minds while we sleep. They are part of the altered state of consciousness that we enter every night. On average, about 20% of our sleep is spent in the dream state. For most people, they last about two and a half hours.

Dreams are important part our life. Every night we have between four and seven dreams and spend on average about six to seven years of our lives dreaming. In fact, if we failed to dream, we would become seriously ill. Studies have shown that depressed people see fewer dreams, than usual. When they start to see more dreams, which indicates the acceleration of movement eyeballs, which means that they have begun to recover.

From time immemorial, people have been fascinated by dreams. Dream research also began a long time ago. The first serious book on this subject was written by the Marquis d'Herve de Saint-Denis, who tried to influence his dreams. He even played music at night in an attempt to stimulate a certain type of dream. His book Dreams and How to Manage Them appeared in 1867 .

Unfortunately, it has not been widely adopted. Even Sigmund Freud failed to find a copy of it.

A significant breakthrough came in 1953 when researchers discovered that rapid eye movement during sleep indicates that a person is dreaming. The first experiments confirmed that twenty out of twenty-seven people had vivid dreams during the rapid movement of the eyeballs. But only four people out of twenty-three, waking up, remembered dreams that occurred without moving the eyeballs.

Since then, thousands of experiments have been carried out. On average, 80% of people who are awakened during " REM sleep(with rapid eyeball movement), reported seeing extremely vivid dreams. People who were woken up in another period also reported that they also had dreams for 30-50% of the time, but not as vivid and more like thoughts.

Waking up after a night's rest, you still vaguely remember the dream. But as soon as you start your daily activities, it quickly disappears.

good remedy to save in the memory of dreams is to keep a diary of dreams. If possible, lie in bed for a few minutes after waking up and think about your dream. Try not to move. By for some unknown reason it is easier to remember a dream by thinking about it in the same position in which you saw it. Remember the dream, gradually more and more details will return to you. Keep calm. Do not try to forcefully clarify vague impressions. Focus on the details you remember and see what else comes up.

Then, when you feel ready to record, record everything. I keep a dream diary and keep it by my bed. You can record your dreams on tape or even draw what you remember. The choice of method you prefer is irrelevant. The main thing is that it should be light and help you review your dreams after some time.

Some of my students have chosen to start by writing down a few keywords or phrases. According to them, such a recording helps to clarify the dream in the mind, thereby making it easier to describe the dream later.

It is very important to write down everything you remember. Don't embellish or censor anything. You will be surprised and even shocked by what happens. It doesn't matter. Write everything down exactly as you remember. Often at first dreams seem incomplete, but over time they gradually begin to unfold. If you missed obscure details in the notes, you will lose important information which could be cleared up later. Keep your dream diary in a safe place. If necessary, even under lock and key.

Of course, you won't succeed if you wake up in a panic and jump out of bed to run to work. In this case, you will have to set the alarm ten minutes earlier than usual. This is enough time to think about your dreams and write them down. Or you can focus on remembering your dreams on the weekends and any other time when you don't have to get up on a call.

Another method is to dictate your dreams to someone you absolutely trust. It was this method that the famous writer Joan Grand used. Finding that many dreams told about her life in previous incarnations, she learned to wake up several times a night and write down what she saw in a dream. The longer this went on, the more complicated the dreams became, and eventually her husband began to write down her dreams instead. When she decided to publish these records, the husband was extremely alarmed, not wanting to disclose that his wife believed in reincarnation. Joan Grand's first book, The Winged Pharaoh, appeared in 1937 and became a bestseller. Not surprisingly, the publication of the book meant the end of her first marriage. At that time, no one knew that this book was a story about one of the author's past lives. As a result, the writer created several historical novels that actually told about her past lives.


Remembering a dream in the morning is easier after a good night's rest. If you go to bed very late or after a heavy meal, you have little chance of remembering what you dreamed about. The same applies to the state after the abuse of alcohol or drugs. But if you lay down to rest in a calm, peaceful frame of mind, you will almost certainly remember your dreams.

Before falling asleep, tell yourself that you will remember your dreams when you wake up. It is from such simple things that the number of dreams that you restore in your memory in the morning depends. This is because we tend to remember what is important to us rather than what is unimportant. If you take your dreams seriously, you will quickly develop the ability to remember them.

All my friends who have tried this method have managed to develop this ability in themselves. Instead of vague, quickly fading impressions, they remember vivid details and get a clear picture of what happened in a dream. This is not surprising, since, upon waking, they invariably and confidently begin to remember their dreams.

If you wake up in the morning and do not remember a single dream, lie quietly for a few minutes with eyes closed. Think about the fact that you just need to remember your dreams, and see what happens. Sometimes forgotten dream comes to mind as you lie quietly in bed waiting for his return. The important thing is to just let it happen. But if you make an effort to bring sleep back into your awakened consciousness, you are doomed to failure. Dreams are evasive, they don't give in to pressure. It's great if the dream does come back to you, but don't worry if nothing comes back to your memory. When you feel ready to get up, get down to business. Remain confident that everything will work out the next morning.

Do these exercises for two weeks before attempting to have a dream in which you enter one of your past lives. You will find that such experiments are fruitful, help you to comprehend the essence of things and are endlessly exciting.

The late D. Scott Rogo wrote a book about past lives called In Search of Yesterday: A Critical Examination of the Evidence for Reincarnation. As part of his research, he placed an ad in a magazine asking people who remembered their past lives to respond without resorting to the regression method. He found that in most plausible cases, people visited past lives in dreams.

Having gained some experience in remembering your dreams, you can move on to dreams relating to your many previous lives. It's easier than you can imagine.

As you go to bed, tell yourself that you will have a dream tonight about one of your previous lives and that you will remember it when you wake up. Think about your desire to remember past incarnations and then again tell yourself that if you had a dream about a past life, you will remember it in the morning.

If you have succeeded in your initial experiments in remembering your dreams, your mind will be flooded with all sorts of impressions when you wake up. Don't try to analyze them right away. Let them flow in your mind creating big picture or image. If you lie still and do not interfere with the flow of the process, the most unexpected insights can visit you. Then write down everything you remember as soon as possible.

It may happen that after waking up you do not remember any of your dreams. With a certain experience of remembering them, this is hardly possible. However, it happens. Do not worry. Try to repeat everything the next night, and the next, if necessary. Most importantly, stay positive and keep using this method. The memory of past lives will return.


To obtain complete picture past life, it may take several nights. That's why it's important to write down every little thing that you remember, even if it seems to you that it doesn't agree with the main information received. Sometimes the same information will be given to you several nights in a row. Exploring it, you will discover new details every time. About two years ago I was talking on a radio show about dreams about reincarnations. A few weeks later, I was contacted by a couple who successfully tried my method. They were deeply excited about their success, but something still puzzled them. Gladys, the wife, learned everything about her past life as if from a collection of stories, like watching a movie. Bill, her husband, on the other hand, received tantalizing glimpses of scattered episodes, the meaning of which was not clear until several nights had passed. It seemed unfair to the spouses, as they told me, that one received his entire past life in one single dream, while the other learned about it in parts.

The answer is that we all think differently and therefore our recall abilities are also different. I can understand Bill's frustration when it took him several nights to get as much information as Gladys learned in one night. In addition, her memory was distinguished by its complete form and completeness, and he had to gradually weed out and compare the events of his life. But, in the end, the memory of the past returned. And no matter how long it took to resurrect your long forgotten memories.

Bill's regression is of interest for a number of reasons. After the first night, he woke up literally thrown out of sleep by the impression that a bayonet and a German military helmet had made on him. He had no idea if he was a German soldier or if a German soldier attacked him. I leaned towards the latter option, because, when I woke up, I was very scared.

The next morning also did not bring clarity. I remembered the quiet episode home life. He, his wife, and two small children enjoyed breakfast in the courtyard, overlooking the wide, slow-flowing river. On the opposite side of it stood a large castle. Bill thought it must be the River Rhine.

In his dream on the third night, Bill was standing behind a counter where people came up to him and insulted him. He did not know what to do to stop this whole nightmare, and, losing his composure, he began to sob. It seemed to him that he saw the bayonet again, but he was not sure of it.

On the fourth night, Bill saw himself at the funeral. Next to him were his wife and daughter. He realized that he was present at the funeral of his little son. Then the family came home and he noticed his reflection in the mirror. He was dressed in a military uniform, and he realized that he was an officer german army. The next morning, Bill woke up with no clear memory of the pictures, but with the knowledge that the wife from his past life was now his daughter.

The next night's dream brought back the memory of the tactical meeting with Kaiser Wilhelm. Several other officers were present in the room, and Bill realized that he was a senior officer in the German army. I woke up with a heavy sense of impending doom because I knew the war was lost.

On the seventh morning, Bill got up, clearly remembering that he was in the hospital awaiting death. His wife and already adult daughter sat by his bed. daughter was on recent months pregnancy. He wanted to speak to them, to tell them how much he loved them, but the words stuck in his throat. He burst into tears of disappointment, and his wife gently wiped them away. He lay on the bed and looked at them, and as he looked, the picture slowly faded. Suddenly he was plunged into darkness and realized that he had died.

Bill was able to line up these disparate memories in a neat row only after the last dream. “I was a sensitive, caring person who hated war but thrived on it,” he told me. “I loved beauty and I am sure that in that life I worked as an agent for the sale of works of art. I did not want to fight, but I was forcibly drawn in. It was financially beneficial for me, because the people I met during the war later became my clients. Was this life happy? Hard to say. At certain moments I was proud of myself and felt fulfilled, but most often I was ashamed of what I was doing.

I asked him if he felt proud and satisfied in his present life. He rubbed his chin, considering the question. “I've never really thought about it before,” he said. But I think the answer must be yes. I have unshakable moral values, and I have not done anything that I would really be ashamed of. I remember breaking up with my friends as a teenager when they were about to do something I didn't think was right." He smiled. “Maybe I learned something in that past life. There I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have done. I could justify myself by saying that then, in war time had no choice. But is that really the point?"

Gladys' past life was much simpler. She was the only daughter in a family that lived in South East England in the 18th century. Parents loved their daughter to the point of madness, and she married the eldest son best friend her parents. The marriage was happy and they had seven children. Gladys survived them all and saw herself on her deathbed surrounded by loving grandchildren. "It certainly was happy life she told me. “Not eventful, even boring, but I have always been surrounded by love.”

How does it relate to this life?

Gladys looked at her husband. “Bill and I talked about it quite a lot. I guess in my past life I was selfish and never thought about people who were less fortunate than me. In this life, I am also happy with my friends and family, but now I devote a lot of time to charity.” She squeezed Bill's hand. "Maybe even too much." Although Gladys and Bill learned about their past lives in different ways, it helped both of them in their search for answers to the questions that their current life poses.

Gladys and Bill had a desire to further explore these former lives of theirs. There are two ways to use dreams for this. One is to keep doing what you started. When they go to bed at night, they need to tell themselves that they will return to this past life in order to learn more about it. Another method is to explore your past lives through vivid dreaming.


The distant memory method is misleadingly perceived as quite easy and is often used to study one's past lives. Although the method seems to be the epitome of simplicity itself, it takes some practice to achieve results when applied. My friend Stefan spent many months remembering the events of his real life before accidentally returning to his old one. Therefore, it would be a good idea to have a few sessions to find out how early in this life you can recall before moving back to another life.

* Step One - Get Comfortable

Get comfortable. Where - it does not matter, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and warm. During the summer months, I like to experiment with distant memories on outdoors. Most often I lie down on the bed or sit on comfortable chair. It is not so important where you settle down, the main thing is that no one disturbs you. Many prefer to do this experiment at night in bed.

*Step two - breathe deeply

Close your eyes and take some slow, deep breaths and exhalations. Inhale slowly to a count of five, hold your breath again to a count of five, and exhale to a count of eight.

* Step Three - Relax

Relax as deeply as you can. Repeating the phrase "I am completely relaxed, I am completely relaxed" can help you with this.

* Step four - visualize clearly an important event from the recent past

Clearly imagine an important event in your life that happened over the past few years. People imagine events differently. If you are a visual type, you will clearly see the event in your mind's eye. Remembering the sounds, touch or smells that accompany the event will also do. It simply means that you are auditory and kinesthetic and experience given event in my own way.

The sense of smell is extremely effective tool return to a past life due to its intense effect on our brain. It's amazing that different smells can bring back very important memories. Of the six senses, only the sense of smell transmits signals directly to peripheral system, located in that part of the brain, which, apparently, is responsible for memory, emotionality and self-preservation.

* Step Five - Imagine Earlier Events

When you recall a significant event from the recent past, forget about it and allow yourself to be carried away to an event that happened in your life much earlier. It doesn't matter how old you were when it happened, as long as you travel back in time.

* Step six - repeat step five several times

As soon as you manage to imagine some event, forget about it and move into even more early time. Keep repeating this until you return to the most distant past of this life. It doesn't matter if you stop at when you were ten months old - or ten years old.

* Step Seven - Move as far back as you can

Now that you have moved back as far as you can, think about your desire to go back to one of your past lives and then see if you can go a little further. Now you have three options for the development of events: you can return to an even earlier experience of your present life, find yourself in a past one, or ... nothing will happen.

* Step Eight - Explore Your Past Life

If you have managed to return to the earliest event in your present life, repeat the seventh step as many times as necessary in order to find yourself in the past. Once in a former life, familiarize yourself with the environment surrounding the event in which you find yourself, and study it. If nothing happened and you were unable to return to a past life or an earlier event in your life, simply return to the present and repeat the exercise on another day. Few succeed on the first try, and you may have to repeat the exercise many times before you suddenly find yourself in a past life. That is why it is good to perform it at night in bed. If you were unable to return to your past life, at least you were able to relax and fall asleep peacefully. And if you have returned to a past life, explore it as much as you want.

* Step Nine - Return to the same past life at will

By regaining the memory of your former life, whether fragmented or not, you will have no difficulty returning to that past life in the future to learn more about it. Once the “door has been opened”, you can return there as often as you like.

Instead of focusing on some important event in your life, you can start with any event of yesterday. With yesterday's event clear in your mind, start thinking about something that happened last week, then last month, and so on. The point is to remember as many events of the past as possible, constantly moving back in time.

The distant memory method seems easy and is so for some people. However, I have known people who have been practicing this method for months without success. The most important thing in this method is the ability to just relax and let whatever happens, whatever it is. Not having immediate results, many become disillusioned with the method. But nothing worthwhile comes without hard work and hard work. Approach this exercise lightly and you will achieve success sooner.

If you are interested in the question of how to remember a past life, most likely you are a person who is completely passionate about mysticism. It is quite possible to find out who you were in a past life, the methods are described below varying degrees difficulties.

In the article:

Recall a Past Life Through Meditation

You have long been concerned about the question - how to remember your past life? Special meditation will help with this. If you already have experience in meditation, it will be useful. Most likely, you already know that the temperature in the room should be comfortable, cold and stuffy will distract you. Turn off the TV, radio, mobile and home phones, doorbell. Nothing should distract you. It is even desirable to choose the time so that there is as little noise as possible from the street.

In addition, you need to take care that you are not distracted by hunger, thirst, or a feeling of a full stomach. Illumination of the room is also desirable to minimize. After preparation, you can settle in with maximum comfort in order to awkward position didn't distract you. You can lie or sit in any position you like.

Close your eyes and imagine white light enveloping your entire body. It is impenetrable to any energy dirt, ill-wishers and entities living in the subtle world. A white shining cocoon is needed for protection - you have a difficult journey ahead of you, and during it it is better to keep the cocoon in your mind's eye. By the way, it does not have to be white, you can represent any other color.

Now imagine that you are standing in a large hall. At the end you should see a door. Don't rush to open it. Try to imagine the room in as much detail as possible. Evaluate the interior, lighting, ceiling height and other external components. Remember this room, you will continue to imagine it when working with past lives.

Have you considered the hall? Now slowly approach the door. Each step must be taken with awareness of its purpose. Listen closely and you might be able to hear the sound of your footsteps. Pay attention to the floor - what is it?

As you already understood, behind this door is information about your past life. But do not rush to open it. First, feel the texture of the handle, feel how it turns in the door, what sounds the details of the lock make. The door itself also needs to be considered. Realize that behind this door you will find the answer to your question - how to remember a past life on your own.

You should unconditionally believe that what you see behind the door is related to your past life. Perhaps over time it will turn out that some of the information will turn out to be false - you can find out when you get more experience in these meditations. There is no need to doubt, doubt will nullify all efforts.

Open the door and receive information about your past incarnation. Here, few people manage to get a lot of information the first time. For example, it may be a completely unfamiliar face that has been preserved in the memory of your past incarnation. Or maybe you only see the color. By repeating this meditation, you will know that this color was on your favorite carpet or dress, and that a certain wall was the wall of your home or place of work.

If images stop appearing or they do not appear at all, this indicates a lack of strength. In order to return to the present, return to the hall, close the door to the past life and go to the place from which you came to it. Give yourself the mindset that once you get there, you can return to the present, open your eyes, and remember everything you saw.

Remembering your life with a one-time experience of meditation is impossible. But you can start working on it by meditating regularly and conjuring up a room with a door in your mind. Over time, you will learn everything about your past incarnation, if you are persistent enough. By the way, a person has not only one past incarnation, and information from different lives may mix together. Over time, you will learn to distinguish between them and find out how many lives you have actually lived.

How to remember past lives on your own at home - the magic of dreams

Is it possible to remember your past life in a dream? It is believed that dreams- it is a kind of door to other worlds. Do you often dream about things that you have never seen in real life? Most likely, these are references to your past incarnations. In order to remember your past life with the help of dream analysis, you first need to learn how to remember them.

Keep a dream diary. There every morning it is supposed to write down everything that you can see during the night's rest. By the way, the presence of such a diary is also important for those who wish to learn.

Have you learned to remember dreams? Now you need to give yourself a clear setting before going to bed to see the past life in a dream. Perhaps the first time you will not succeed, and with experience, sometimes instead of past lives, you will contemplate certain events from everyday everyday life. Every person dreams of such things from time to time, and if you remember all the dreams and analyze them, sooner or later you will find information about the past incarnation.

It will be much easier to remember past incarnations for people who have already mastered lucid dreams, or other versions of the state, which some authors of books call a phase. When you find yourself in this state, imagine a door behind which is something that is connected with the past incarnation. Open it up and memorize everything you see. As with the meditation above, images may not be clear. Eg, brown spot upon further examination, it will turn into a cow or a horse.

Find out who you were in a previous life - divination by mirrors, water and a magic ball

Fortune telling on a magic ball is difficult, moreover, not every person has such a magical attribute. It can be replaced with a mirror or even a regular container with water. Let's start with the last one.

The size of the container can be any, but not less glass. It should not have any patterns or bulges. Fill the container clean water absolutely of any origin, and watch its surface. Do not be distracted by anything, it is better if the phone and doorbell are turned off. Think only about what you want to see your past incarnation. Do not allow other thoughts. After a while, you will see images in the water that will be related to your past incarnation.

Fortune telling on mirrors is known to almost everyone. In the reflection of a mysterious magical object, you can see anything, if you have experience in such activities. Learning to see the past and the future in a mirror is a whole science.

So darken the room. Complete darkness is not needed, a night light or candles are great. Set the mirror so that it reflects a solid wall or a blank sheet of paper. You must not see your own reflection. It refers to the current incarnation, there is no need to overload the reflection with unnecessary information. Keep in mind that in the past you looked different, perhaps even related to the opposite sex.

Relax and contemplate the reflection in the mirror. Think only about what you want to see, what happened in a past life. After a while, a foggy area will appear in the center of the mirror, and after the fog clears, you can see images that will answer your questions about past lives and reincarnation.

Past lives - how to remember by date of birth

Numerological calculations can help you find out who you were in a past life. Numerology- a fairly accurate section of esotericism. With its help, you can calculate various numbers that are relevant to a person. Numerologists are sure that the date of birth hides valuable information about talents and inclinations, the number vital energy, character and even the fate of a person.

So, how to remember past lives by date of birth? The date of your birth contains information about the past incarnation. Each person is born at a time strictly defined by the universe.

In order to pass, you need to know the day, month and year of birth. More precise information, such as hours and minutes, is taken into account by professional astrologers. Such calculations provide more accurate information, but few know their secrets.

How to Recall Past Lives - Coinciding Event Techniques

If you wish to remember past lives, methods that do not require any skill, such as the ability to meditate or be lucid in dreams, read through mirrors or see images in water, will help you. They are simple and accessible to everyone, however, these exercises do not always work the first time.

The clock method in the recent past was used during hypnosis. You will need a clock that ticks, that is, mechanical. Relax and listen to the ticking, keep your eyes closed. Think of any episode in your life that was associated with the ticking of a clock. Maybe you listen to it every time before going to bed? Or maybe the clock in your boss's office is ticking loudly?

Observe the selected event for a while, scroll through it in memory. Move on to the next ticking clock memory. And then try to remember an episode from a past incarnation in which you also heard ticking. Observe all the images and sensations that will appear before your mind's eye. The essence of this method lies in the fact that each person heard the ticking of the clock, this everyday sound can be the start for restoring the memory of the past incarnation.

Finally, if none of the above methods work for you, try to think logically. You have some talents, inclinations, favorite things, preferences. WITH very likely they are somehow connected with what happened in a past life. Why do you like your favorite scent? What is it connected with, what associations does it cause? When did you first feel it? Such questions may prompt you to obtain information about a past life from your own memory.

It is also worth thinking about talents. If you sing, think - when did you start singing? What emotions do you love doing? Why did you suddenly decide to sing? How did you know that you would succeed? It is believed that past lives have a strong influence on the present. Often, people who have talents in a past incarnation have them in their current incarnation.

Is it possible to remember a previous life under hypnosis

If attempts to find an answer to the question of how to remember your life on your own at home have not been successful, you can try turning to hypnotherapist. Self-hypnosis is often too difficult for modern man, so you can try to rely on a professional in the field of the human subconscious.

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