If dry skin - what vitamins are lacking in the body? If the skin is flaky, which vitamin is lacking - How to replenish vitamins for dry and flaky skin

Nature covered the human body with a unique protection - the skin. It is three-layered - a thin outer epidermis, dermis or skin itself and a protective layer of subcutaneous fat. Each layer has its own properties and functions.

The epidermis was created by nature in order to protect against adverse external conditions.

The dermis, the thickest layer, contains blood vessels and delicate, sensitive bodies that sense heat, pain, and cold. This layer provides flexibility, elasticity, smoothness.

The third layer, organically connected with the body, is responsible for maintaining the health of the skin, its fat reserves.

Symptoms of dry skin of the body. How to tell if your skin is deficient in vitamins

The slightest violations of comfort, both external and internal, are manifested in increased dryness of the skin.

You should be wary if there is a feeling of tightness on the face, forearms, legs. The skin takes on a pale, unhealthy appearance, sometimes dryness and peeling become noticeable, leaving an untidy impression.

This condition of the skin is typical for the period of early spring, when the whole body lacks vitamins and sunlight, the main source of vitamin D.

With a properly organized pastime, moderate and rich in vegetables, fruits, fish nutrition, the lack of vitamins and its main symptom - dry skin of the body, do not bother.

Increased sensitivity and thinness of the skin naturally develops with age, the use of creams, balms, masks and other ways to moisturize, fortify it is of particular importance.

What vitamins to take to treat dry skin

If it is noticeable that the skin of the body is dry, it is good to ask the doctor what vitamins to take, what foods are useful.

Vitamin C

Familiar from childhood, pleasant-tasting "ascorbic acid" is a source of the most important vitamin, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, it is also one of the antioxidant protectors. If the body feels a lack of vitamin C, the skin begins to dry out and peel off, wrinkles actively appear.

Vitamin A

One of the basic elements of the vitamin alphabet, vitamin A (retinol) contributes to the integrity and restoration of all layers of the skin epithelium.

This is not the only benefit of retinol, but in terms of skin health, its role in keeping it clear regardless of age is huge. Even unpleasant age spots of pigment are amenable to A influence.

Vitamin PP

Double skin vitamin, PP, its deficiency can cause pellagra, which is manifested by acute dermatitis, general weakness and a number of other symptoms.

Vitamin E

Today there is a lot of information about the benefits and indispensability of vitamin E, an antioxidant, body protector. Protection against skin aging, its dryness, cracking, increased wrinkling - all this is E.

Vitamin K

Phylloquinone, also known as coagulation vitamin K, regulates processes that are invisible, but very noticeable when it is deficient. K protects against internal and external bleeding, its main concern is blood clotting.

Other options

A short enumeration of the main, well-known and unfamiliar vitamins would be incomplete without the famous D, which is formed under the influence of gentle sunlight.

Without D, the thin top layer of the skin becomes like scales, and this is only an external manifestation.

The participant of the "alphabet", H, is also interesting, without which the synthesis of fats, carbohydrates, the formation of collagen is impossible, various forms of dermatitis occur, increased dryness, eczema up to ulcers.

The whole group B protects the epidermis and dermis from irritation, itching, seborrhea, the same dermatitis.

It is impossible to unequivocally determine the most important vitamin - everyone bears his own responsibility, the deficiency of any of them leads to unpleasant manifestations, and sometimes dangerous diseases.

You can not ignore such a symptom as dry skin of the body, you should immediately find out which vitamins to take.

Useful foods to eliminate dry skin of the body

Since childhood, it has been known that carrots are rich in vitamin A, currants, lemons contain a huge amount of “ascorbic acid”, and apples are a natural source of iron.

This information, although simplified, is true, more detailed recommendations can always be obtained from a therapist, a nutritionist.

Unrefined non-animal oils (sunflower, olive, corn), nuts, especially Volosh, chicken and quail eggs, milk, cereal sprouts are vital for the skin.

Carrots, pumpkins, apricots, peaches, cabbage, green peas, asparagus, tomatoes - natural vitamin A, which is called the “beauty vitamin”.

The human body does not always absorb B vitamins, they are water-soluble, excreted with water, their amount must be constantly replenished. The most suitable for this: meat, liver, kidneys, yeast, eggs, cereals led by oatmeal, curdled milk.

It's important to know! Do not defrost meat before cooking in order to preserve the maximum amount of B vitamins in the finished dish.

The most important helpers in the fight against dry skin of the body are vitamins A, E, C.

Raw, boiled, stewed vegetables and fruits should be eaten every day, regardless of the time of year, and, of course, do not miss a great opportunity to stock up on useful substances in the summer, when forests and garden beds are full of berries and greenery. The skin is hydrated, revitalized and looks great.

Features of nutrition of dry skin with vitamins

Creams, lotions, ointments

Creams, lotions, ointments and other cosmetics can be applied directly to the skin.

Dry skin of the body completely absorbs all the vitamins contained in ointments and creams, it is also good to take sugar-coated complexes. The effect is due to the content of certain nutritional and vitamin fillers and depends on the condition of the upper epidermis.

Name, type The direction of the activity of the tool How to apply Estimated packaging cost
ointment, cream
Dermatitis, cracks, extreme dryness, dehydration, wiltingOutwardly, 2 - 4 times a day (according to the indications and recommendations of the doctor)Tubes from 25 g, cost about 300 rubles.
Irritation, small wounds, cracks, inflammation, loss of water balanceOutwardly, 2 times a dayTubes of 35 g,
The cost is from 300 rubles.
Herbal Skin Doctor
healing cream balm
Irritation, increased dryness, coarsening of certain areas (elbows, knees). Returns elasticity.Outwardly, 2 - 3 times a dayPackages from 180 rubles.
Skin Relief
therapeutic cream
Irritation, peeling, inflammation up to dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasisExternally, two to three times a dayA jar of 100 g, the cost is from 1,600 rubles.
ointment, 2%
Seborrhea, psoriasis, lichen.
Soothes irritation, moisturizes, softens keratinized scales of the epidermis.
Jars 25 - 30 g, cost from 25 rubles.

Note! Moisturizes and soothes the epidermis only sulfur-salicylic ointment, it should be distinguished from just salicylic and zinc-salicylic, which contribute to drying.

Global cosmetics manufacturers offer a lot of specific products, with an indication of the time of application.

For example, moisturizing and nourishing lines from Yves Rocher, Garnier, L'Oreal, the tried-and-true Velvet Hands cream, familiar creams from the Children's series.

Be careful with lotions - they are predominantly alcohol-containing and can provoke dryness of the epidermis. Before use, it is useful to read what is included in the composition of the product.

Nourishing moisturizing compositions of masks for the treatment of dry skin

In beauty salons, stores, ready-made skin masks with a certain active composition are offered, which is convenient for busy ladies who suffer from a constant lack of time.

The cost of such funds ranges from 200 - 500 rubles. up to several thousand, much depends on the composition and the manufacturer.

It is quite possible to nourish and moisturize the skin of the whole body with home methods. The ingredients are selected at the pharmacy and at home, using recipes from special literature or the advice of our grandmothers.

It is important that the composition suits the skin, is sufficiently nutritious, moisturizing, contains unrefined non-animal oils and a minimum of chemistry.

Compliance with simple conditions guarantees a positive effect:

  • use the composition for the mask only freshly prepared;
  • the skin must be clean;
  • oily masks for dry skin do not require the application of creams at the end of the procedure;
  • you should not use the same composition several times in a row, you need to alternate and diversify the ingredients.

Nourishing masks can be used daily, but it is better to take breaks for one or two days. The composition acts on the skin for no more than 15 - 20 minutes.

Some recipes for masks for dry skin of the body:

Chamomile decoction with olive oil soothes thinned, irritated skin. Boil dry chamomile flowers with boiling water, drain the broth after half an hour, and pour the squeezed flowers with olive oil.

Distribute the mass on the face, hands, lie quietly for 15 minutes. And wash off the mask with warm water.

You can tone up sluggish, withered skin with a mixture of grated fresh cucumber and sour cream. The mask is quite oily, it should be washed off gently, with gentle movements.

Nourishing mask for very dry skin consists of ground oatmeal (oatmeal), honey and raw egg yolk. A tablespoon of liquid honey should be mixed with the yolk and stir in the oatmeal until a thick, non-flowing consistency.

It is worth acting on dry skin in a complex way, not only taking vitamins, nourishing it from the inside, but also carrying out regular cosmetic procedures - masks and body wraps

Apply the composition to problem areas and after 15 - 20 minutes. wash off with warm water. It is useful to take the mask every other day.

Note! Excessively dry skin of the body requires carefully weighing which vitamins should be contained in the mask and periodically taking such a mask.

Be careful when using citrus in mask formulations. These products can cause allergies on thin, sensitive skin of the face and neck. It is better to use proven, familiar means - not animal oils, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese.

Vitamin complexes

Dry skin of the body dictates which vitamins to take. The lack of vitamins, which has formed in the skin for a number of reasons, should be filled by all available means, in particular, by taking vitamin complexes.

Symptoms of dry skin on the body testimony what vitamins to take
Thinning of the epidermis, skin agingMoisturizing, nutritionS, A, F, N, E, K
PeelingMoisturizing nutrition, activating metabolismA, group B, K
Cracks, multiple woundsRemoving irritation, stimulating the formation of collagen, elastinGroup B - 1, 2, 3 (PP), 5, 6, 12, + "alphabet"
seborrhea, eczemaDrug treatment + vitamins"Alphabet"

It is necessary to take complete complexes, since the lack of even one vitamin affects the health and appearance of the epidermis.

Title, type, content Recommendations for use* Estimated packaging cost
Aevit, capsules
A, E
1 - 2 caps. 2 - 3 times a dayFrom 30 rub.
Aekol, oily solution
A, E, K
External treatment of problem areas110 - 130 rubles.
Vitasharm, tablets
A, B1, B2, B5, B6 and PP
1 tab. per day for a monthPrice negotiable
Revivon capsules
A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, E and H
1 caps. 2 - 3 times a dayFrom 300 rub.
Lady's Formula tablets
A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, P and H, iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, essential amino acids, burdock leaf extract.
1 tab. 3 times a day for a monthFrom 600 rub.
Revalid, capsules
B1, B2, B6, H, essential amino acids, minerals - iron, copper and zinc, as well as yeast, extracts of wheat sprouts and millet grain shells.
1 - 2 caps. per dayFrom 400 to 1,600 rubles.
Perfectil capsules
A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H, D and E, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, silicon, selenium, chromium, cysteine, paraaminobenzoic acid, extracts burdock and echinacea.
1 caps. per day for a month470 - 500 rubles.

* the intake of any vitamin complexes should be agreed with a cosmetologist or therapist, only he has the right to recommend which vitamins should be taken with increased dryness of the skin of the body.

Prevention of dry skin of the body

Knowing, even in general terms, the causes of the onset and development of increased dryness of the skin, you can build your life by avoiding them.

Let us designate several basic rules for maintaining the normal state of the main defense of the human body.

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of special protective creams.
  • Do not allow certain parts of the body (hands, face) to feel severe frost, cold wind.
  • For hygienic purposes, use only soft cosmetics. Try to avoid cosmetic detergents, lotions, oils containing sulfates, alcohol.

  • Drink enough water during the day, include foods with fatty acids in the diet - red fish, walnut kernels.
  • Rinse off sea salt after swimming in the sea, chlorinated pool.
  • Rinse hands thoroughly after cleaning, washing dishes with detergents.
  • Do not get involved in smoking, strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Remember that age dries the skin, so choose the right cream as a constant companion.

If nature has rewarded thin, sensitive skin, treat it with caution, do not torment it with scrubs and brushes, cover it from cold and heat, moisturize, cherish and cherish.

Dry skin of the body dictates its own rules, it is important to know which vitamins to take for its comfort.

Be careful! When purchasing cosmetics, both decorative and for hygienic purposes, it is useful to read the list of ingredients. Care must be taken with alcohol-containing lotions, cleaning solutions.

Pay special attention to mint, menthol, citrus essential oils. Skin prone to dryness is very sensitive to such fillers.

Dry skin of the body. What vitamins to take:

Dry body skin? Nourishing mask with coconut oil, saturating the skin with vitamins:

In order for the skin to be in order, it is necessary to include both vitamins and microelements in the daily diet, using them in their pure form and including the products in which they are included in the daily diet. The condition of the skin will tell you what vitamins the body lacks.

If the skin has become rough, then the body is deficient in nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). The diet urgently needs to include wholemeal bread, cereals and beans. It is recommended to take yeast tablets regularly. This vitamin is also found in lean fish, meat and peas.

Dry flaky skin with dark spots and pustules lacks vitamin A (retinol), provitamin, A (carotene). This vitamin is necessary to maintain the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes. In sufficient quantities, it is present in all types of liver, carrots, tomatoes, dried apricots. There is a lot of this vitamin in raw egg yolk. Almost all fruits and berries that are bright yellow or red contain carotene: tomatoes, sea buckthorn, wild rose, pumpkin, radish, apricots, etc.

If the skin has lost elasticity and become fade, she needs vitamin E, which is also called the “vitamin of youth”. In large quantities, it is found in unrefined vegetable oil, green vegetables and carrots. Daily intake of a teaspoon of any vegetable oil - and the body will not experience a lack of vitamin E.

To teeth and bones were in a normal state, the body needs vitamin D (calciferol). It is found in cod liver oil and butter. In the body, this vitamin is formed due to the action of sunlight on the skin.

The main sources of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are black currants, red bell peppers, cabbage, parsley and spinach. If vegetables are stored incorrectly or for a long time, vitamin C is gradually destroyed.

The lack of B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 12) is indicated by frequent convulsions muscles, fast fatigue while walking and cracks at the corners of the lips. These vitamins are found in cereals, nuts, citrus fruits, and potatoes. They are also present in meat and fish, cottage cheese and milk, cheese and liver.

Bleeding gums indicates a lack of vitamin P and PP. A rash may appear on the skin. Feeling tired and weak all the time. The diet should include turkey meat, oatmeal, walnuts and legumes.

Winter and early spring are the busiest times for dry skin. She looks flabby and lifeless. Moisturizing baths should become almost a daily routine. Orange or grapefruit oil dissolved in milk is added to a warm bath. To achieve a faster effect, you can pour 1 liter of full-fat milk into the bath and add 1 tablespoon of honey. After several procedures, the skin will begin to change before our eyes.

Oily skin due to excess fat, it often becomes inflamed. The activity of the sebaceous glands increases, an unwanted shine appears, accompanied by various rashes. Such skin needs thorough regular cleansing. You can prepare various masks: for example, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir, a spoonful of flour and juice of one lemon. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15 minutes. The pores will be cleansed, the complexion will improve, and the oily sheen will decrease.

Coach Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Honored Author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Every girl wants to be beautiful and attractive. Not at all, many representatives of the weaker sex are sure that a beautiful and well-groomed appearance is their pass to a comfortable and measured life.

But how can you be beautiful without facial skin care, especially when it is in trouble and lifeless? Of course, everyone provides their skin with minimal care, which is limited, as a rule, to washing and applying a nourishing cream. But this is often not enough.

Well, the last method of application is external exposure. Vitamins can be added to face creams or masks, thus acting directly on problem areas.

Special tonics effectively cope with dry skin. Due to the liquid form, the beneficial substances quickly penetrate the skin and act instantly. Especially popular are products with witch hazel. This ingredient has unique properties. It moisturizes the skin, accelerates healing, relieves swelling and inflammation, and protects against infections. Hamamelis tonics can be used to treat eczema, acne, rosacea, and alleviate insect bites. They also quickly help to cope with bruises.

Today, the hit of sales among products with witch hazel are:

Mature women should not forget about moisturizing the skin. With age, the skin begins to lose moisture, become dry, loses elasticity. Therefore, it is important to saturate the skin with antioxidants that will help restore the natural water balance, accelerate cell renewal and collagen production, thereby restoring skin firmness and elasticity. For example, it will effectively help mature skin. This cream is universal. It can be used as a day or night cream. Natural ingredients will help to cope with age-related changes and restore the skin to its former youth.

Now you know that dry skin indicates a lack of some vitamin. Proper nutrition and timely vitamin supplementation are the key to beauty, youth and longevity of each organism.

In this article, we will tell you about the best vitamins to take to give the skin a natural glow and firmness. Beauty vitamins such as A, E and C are especially needed. Let's consider each separately.

Vitamin A (retinol) It is a protector against infectious diseases. It improves vision and the hormonal system, skin cells are renewed, and it also protects the nerve cells of the brain from negative effects.

If the vitamin is enough, then the skin looks smooth and elastic, and the hair is not prone to falling out. The content of this vitamin in carrots, melons, fish, eggs and liver.

And has a beneficial effect. An important antioxidant, with its consumption, the duration of the cells becomes longer. It does not allow the fats in the cell membranes to be oxidized and removes toxins.

Also responsible for reproduction and sexual desire. Vitamin can be obtained in sufficient quantities after eating walnuts, melons, beans, soybeans, etc.

Great amount vitamin C found in citrus fruits, sauerkraut, melon, rose hips and other products. The functioning of the intestines, immunity, the condition of the teeth and skin, the formation of blood cells depends on it.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can transform aging skin. With long-term use of ascorbic acid, it is possible to improve complexion and strengthen blood vessels, accelerating the regeneration of small skin lesions.

B vitamins are also important in youthful skin. They improve brain function, metabolism, saturate skin cells with oxygen and ensure the normal functioning of sebum secretion. You can list a huge number of advantages of vitamins of this group.
B vitamins are one of the most important vitamins in the fight against skin aging, imperfections, wrinkles and skin diseases. B vitamins are usually taken individually for better absorption.

Retinol is almost rarely mentioned - vitamin P, which prevents acne, hair loss and bleeding gums. Many vitamins lose their benefits during heat treatment, so if the food can be eaten raw, then it is better not to boil, and even more so not to fry.

Vitamin K, the best assistant for those who want to get rid of freckles as soon as possible. This component perfectly fights pigmentation, also removing puffiness and inflammation.

Synthetic vitamins are also useful, but it is better to consult a specialist before taking them orally. Help your body get vitamins from foods high in them, and you will see how beauty and youth increase every day.

The simplest and most effective way to absorb vitamins in the body, of course, is their internal consumption. If you want to keep your skin clean and healthy, you need to switch to proper nutrition.

Eliminate fried, flour and fatty foods from your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, steamed fish, cereals and dairy products.

It is also worth noting that vitamin complexes decorating store shelves are not an empty phrase in facial skin care. With their help, you can enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, significantly changing your appearance.

For vegetarians, people who often go on diets or suffer from food allergies, special dietary supplements presented on the iHerb website will be especially relevant. Such preparations are also suitable in the winter period, when the daily diet is limited.

Well-known companies such as Now Foods, Nature's Way, 21st Century, Life Extension and others offer balanced and natural supplements that will enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which will definitely be noticeable on the condition of your skin.

If you have very dry skin, then vitamins are your saviors. This does not mean that you need to run to the pharmacy for expensive complexes, but you just need to reconsider the diet, add more vegetables and fruits to it, drink more and eat less harmful foods.

To the question: what vitamins to drink with dry skin of the body, you can talk a lot, but in order for minerals and trace elements to benefit your body, it is important to consult a specialist and then take medications.

Dryness and a yellowish complexion indicate excessive consumption of coffee drinks, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages without measure. Give up such addictions, enter into the diet foods rich in natural sources of vitamins and get rid of skin problems.

When your skin is very tight after washing, it lacks vitality and elasticity, you can buy vitamins for dry skin at the pharmacy as prescribed by the doctor or regularly moisturize the skin with masks based on natural ingredients, sour cream, honey, various types of oils.

If the skin is also rough, then this indicates the occurrence of pellagra, beriberi, which occurs with chronic malnutrition, with the same type of diet. This leads to a breakdown of carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

With such a problem, you need to lean on whole grains, eat wholemeal bread, include dried mushrooms, legumes, garlic, cabbage, sweet peppers, potatoes and asparagus in the diet.


Dry skin indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much. Therefore, it is necessary to take timely special measures to restore the vitamin balance, so as not to entail more serious consequences that are associated with the functionality of all human organs.

Take care of yourself and do not start even minor diseases! Health to you and all the best!

Our appearance depends on many factors. It is influenced by lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, ecology and heredity. Of course, appearance is largely determined by the presence or absence of some health problems. It also has a huge impact on nutrition. After all, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, youth and brilliance in the eyes largely depend on the sufficient intake of certain nutrients into the body. So what is missing in the body if dry skin?

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Accordingly, any needs of the body are immediately displayed on its condition. So, excessive dryness and peeling is a common symptom of many skin diseases, disturbances in the activity of internal organs and, finally, a deficiency of a number of nutrients. At the same time, it is simply impossible to cope with excessive dryness of the skin, which has developed against the background of a lack of vitamins or minerals, with the help of creams and masks. It is necessary to identify what the body lacks and correct this problem.

What is missing?

A fairly common cause of drying out of the skin is vitamin E deficiency. You can also suspect a lack of it by muscle weakness, fatigue and nervousness. Also, such a deficiency makes itself felt by disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, a decrease in libido and visual impairment. And on parched skin with a lack of vitamin E, wrinkles and other manifestations of wilting quickly appear.

Daily consumption of fatty dairy products, unrefined vegetable oils, various nuts, germinated cereals, eggs and liver will help to cope with the problem.

It may well be that dry skin is a symptom of insufficient intake of vitamin A. In such a situation, wrinkles also appear on the skin, in addition, they can be covered with areas of irritation and cracks. Even with a deficiency of this substance, the normal state of the mucous membranes is disturbed, which leads to a decrease in the sense of smell and other unpleasant symptoms. Lack of vitamin A leads to a natural decrease in immunity and frequent colds, causes brittleness and hair loss, dandruff, flaky nails, visual impairment (especially in the evening). The best sources of this element are considered to be various types of liver, fatty dairy products, as well as many vegetables, for example, spinach, salads, parsley, pumpkin, carrots and tomatoes.

The skin can look too dry with a lack of thiamine, also known as vitamin B1. This element takes part in many life processes and helps to look fresh and young. And its lack provokes excessive fatigue and irritability, causes sleep disturbances and forgetfulness, provokes chilliness, disruption of the normal state of hair, skin and nails. Yeast is the best source of vitamin B1. But you can saturate the body with it with regular consumption of buckwheat and oatmeal, nuts and seeds, various types of meat, eggs and offal.

Sometimes dry skin is the result of insufficient intake of vitamin K. As you know, this substance is extremely important for proper blood clotting, and it must be supplied to our body daily along with food. A slight deficiency of vitamin K can practically not make itself felt, provoking only dry skin, hair and nails, some fatigue and irritability. But with the progression of such a shortage, the likelihood of developing bleeding of various localization increases - from the nose and gums, subcutaneous and gastric, etc. Therefore, in order to prevent vitamin K deficiency, readers of "Popular about Health" should regularly include green leafy vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes, oats, soybeans, rye and wheat.

Dry skin can indicate a lack of zinc in the body. Such a microelement is important for the course of many processes in the body, so its lack quickly affects the well-being and causes dry skin, thin and brittle nails, acne, hair loss. This deficiency also leads to fatigue, some irritability, and problems with the immune system. To saturate the body with zinc, it is advisable to eat nuts and seeds (especially pumpkin seeds), meat and fish, seafood, cheeses and legumes, as well as mushrooms.

Dry skin on the hands is an inconvenience for many women, and also betrays their age. Although this problem can be encountered at any age. Dry hands can lead to peeling or cracking , which, in turn, can be painful and dangerous, since microbes or bacteria can get into microcracks.

Causes of Dry Hands

All the causes of dry skin of the hands can be divided into two categories: external influence and internal state organism.

External influences include climatic effects of the sun, wind, cold and frost during cold seasons, as well as the adverse effects of chemicals. The latter include dish detergents, laundry detergents, sink cleaners, fabric softeners, any other substances with which hands interact.

This is due to the fact that the above products contain aggressive substances, dissolving along with dirt and the natural protective layer of the skin, which, in turn, causes flaking and dry hands.

Vitamins for dry hands

The internal causes of dry hands include: hereditary predisposition, beriberi, the state of the body as a whole.

Dry skin of the hands, lack of which vitamin can be the reason for this? Vitamins A, C, B, biotin are responsible for beautiful and elastic skin.

Silky and soft hands remain thanks to vitamin A. Rejuvenation and strength of the skin also depend on it. It is this vitamin that is responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to the normal functioning of which the skin is naturally moisturized. A lack of vitamin A in the body leads to a loss of skin elasticity, which makes it dry, wrinkled, unhealthy, with peeling and other problems in the body.

The strength and elasticity of the skin of the hands is due to vitamin C., namely collagen, which is produced thanks to this natural antioxidant. The early appearance of wrinkles, signs of aging, sagging and cracking of the skin, pallor are all signs of an insufficient amount of vitamin C in the body. Such hands are very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and other harmful factors.

Vitamin E is responsible for the rapid healing of skin lesions., for its elasticity, for a healthy look and blush. You can determine its lack by such signs as redness around the nails, their fragility and delamination.

Metabolism, growth, regeneration and fat balance of the skin occur due to B group vitamins . With its deficiency, breaking off of the nails, as well as cracks and roughness of the hands, is observed.

But it prevents the flaking of nails and normalizes the function of the skin, due to the content of sulfur necessary for it, vitamin H.

How to help hands

There are many recipes that help restore healthy looking hands. But before you start using them, you need to make sure that the problem with the hands is cosmetic in nature, and not medical. Among the diseases that can cause problems with the hands can be eczema, dermatitis, fungi, allergies. Therefore, with severe damage to the skin on the hands, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist. And only by excluding the disease, carry out any manipulations with the hands.

Hand care methods differ depending on the time of year. So, in the cold season, hands should be nourished more using masks, creams and baths designed specifically to nourish the skin. If you apply a moisturizer, then no later than 30-40 minutes before going outside.

But in the warm season, in addition to nutrition, the skin needs hydration. During this period, moisturizers and treatments will be very helpful.

Also you need to fix your diet so that the body receives the necessary amount of vitamins. If the food you eat does not contain the proper amount, then you should pick up a vitamin complex in a pharmacy.

For dry skin on hands what vitamin is missing can be determined visually symptoms and try to replenish it in the body. And, of course, do not forget to clean your hands daily and use creams or other natural remedies that help bring your hands into the desired state.

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