injection rules. Interaction with other drugs

Sustanon 250 is the most effective steroid for gaining muscle mass and strength. Included in the current chemical substances: testosterone propionate 30 mg, testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg, testosterone isocaproate 60 mg, testosterone decanoate 100 mg increase the effectiveness of each other, that is, this structure leads to the so-called synergistic effect, in connection with this, sustanon has a more positive effect, effective action than individually Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate.

This anabolic steroid quickly shows its effectiveness on the body of an athlete, and remains to act for several more weeks. In other words, propionate, which is part of testosterone sustanon, makes the delivered steroid act on the day of injection, and the effectiveness of the action lasts 3-4 weeks thanks to decanoate.

The pronounced androgenic effect of sustanon is combined with a strong anabolic effect, due to which it builds up as muscle mass, and the strength of the athlete. Unlike testosterone enanthate and cypionate, sustanon retains less water in the body and does not aromatize as much.

Many professional athletes put sustanon once a week, and in relatively small doses, despite this, it works just as well as it does on the “steroid beginner”.

The optimal dosage for bodybuilders and powerlifters varies from 250 to 1000 mg per week, it all depends on the skill of the athlete and his "steroid experience". For most, 500 mg per week will be enough, or 250 mg in combination with another compatible steroid, for example, deca-durabolin, dianabol, anadrol (this is for gaining muscle mass), to work on relief, sustanon is most often combined with such steroids like Parabolan, Winstrol, Oxandrolone, Primobolan.

Sustamed 250 Balkan Pharmaceuticals

To avoid aromatization, use anti-estrogens: Nolvadex, Proviron, although the likelihood of testosterone turning into estradiol is not great. Due to the fact that sustanon suppresses its own production of testosterone, turn on 6 weeks after taking, or at the end of the course, sex hormone stimulants in the testicles, - chorionic gonadotropin and clomid.

Sustanon is contraindicated for women, due to a strong increase in androgens in the blood, otherwise the phenomenon of virilization will occur. Currently, girls turn a blind eye to everything, not seeing any obstacles in their victorious path, therefore, for such ladies, sustanon is limited to 250 mg once every 14 days, no longer than 6 weeks.

Side Effects of Sustanon 250

Severity side effects from Sustanon depends on the duration of the course and dosages, as well as on genetic predisposition, in any case, you can expect: the appearance of acne (acne), hair loss, aggressiveness, increased attraction to opposite sex, decreased production of testosterone by the testicles, slight water retention in the body, gynecomastia.

In Russia, you can buy three types of sustanon, Egyptian sustanon (under license from Organon), Indian sustaretard from B.M. Pharmaceuticals, Pakistani Sustanon (licensed by Organon).

Sustanon 250 is a drug with a pronounced androgenic effect..

Composition and dosage form of Sustanon 250

Oily solution for intramuscular injection of yellow color.

Composition of 1 ampoule: testosterone propionate (30 mg), testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg), testosterone isocaproate (60 mg), testosterone decanoate (100 mg) and excipients (benzyl alcohol, peanut oil, nitrogen).

pharmachologic effect

According to the instructions, Sustanon 250 contains a mixture of four esters of testosterone, an endogenous hormone necessary for normal development male secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive organs. When released into the blood, the esters are rapidly hydrolyzed into testosterone - natural hormone person. Throughout a man's life, testosterone helps maintain his libido, potency, wellness, ensuring the full functioning of the testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate, as well as related structures.

Treatment with Sustanon 250 leads to an increase in testosterone levels, estradiol, androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone in plasma, as well as a decrease in the level of globulin that binds sex hormones. Taking the drug helps to reduce the concentration of high and low density lipoproteins, triglycerides in the blood serum, increasing the concentration of hematocrit and hemoglobin. At the same time, the levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones are restored to a normal level.

The use of Sustanon 250 leads to an increase in muscle mass, bone density, in overweight patients there is significant reduction body weight. According to reviews, Sustanon 250 normalizes well sexual functions, including libido, without significant changes in the level of prostate specific antigen and liver enzymes.

Indications for use Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250 is effective as replacement therapy in the presence of the following conditions:

  • eunuchoidism;
  • Androgen deficiency after castration;
  • hypopituitarism;
  • Osteoporosis caused by lack of androgens;
  • Endocrine impotence;
  • Decreased physical and mental activity, libido.


The use of Sustanon 250 is prohibited in cases of suspected or already established breast or prostate carcinoma. Treatment with the drug is undesirable in the presence of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

With caution, treatment with Sustanon 250 is prescribed to boys a few years before puberty.(to avoid premature closure of the epiphyses), with chronic cardiac, renal, liver failure, prostatic hypertrophy, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases lungs, obesity, in childhood.

Side effects of Sustanon 250

According to the instructions for Sustanon 250, from the sexual and endocrine systems identify such side effects how premature puberty, excess sexual stimulation(priapism), penis enlargement, oligospermia, premature closure of the epiphyses, water and sodium retention (edema). From the side of cardio-vascular system, according to reviews of Sustanon 250, an increase in blood pressure is possible.

In addition to the above side effects, they also note increased nervous irritability, depression, mood changes, decreased or increased libido, nausea, and acne.

Dosage of Sustanon 250 and overdose

The optimal dosage of Sustanon 250 according to the instructions is 1 ml in 3 weeks and usually depends on individual reaction patient. Acute overdose drug at intramuscular injection does not cause particular toxicity: a symptom of chronic overdose is the development of priapism in men. In the event of a prolonged painful erection not associated with sexual arousal, it is recommended to temporarily stop taking the drug, and after the symptom disappears, resume treatment with Sustanon 250 at lower doses.

special instructions

When taking Sustanon 250, patients should be monitored by a doctor: every 3 months throughout the entire period of treatment, it is recommended to measure hemoglobin and hematocrit, digital rectal examination.

Taking androgens, including Sustanon 250 in old age, increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.

According to reviews of Sustanon 250, the use of the drug not as prescribed by a doctor, but in order to increase endurance in athletes, poses a significant health risk.

Storage of the medicinal product is carried out in a place protected from light at a temperature of 10-30 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of Sustanon 250 is 5 years. It is not recommended to use the drug after the expiration date.


Sustanon("sust") is a mixture of various forms of testosterone. The first company to release Sustanon 250, was the American Organon. The hormone mix was exclusively therapeutic agent and was used for insufficient production of the body's own testosterone. Today, the steroid is widely used in sports pharmacology.

The drug consists of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocarpoan and decanoate. All of them are absorbed into the blood at different rates. In fact, this determines the characteristics and features of the steroid. Sustanon 250 is able to maintain a high concentration of the hormone for a month. The sequence of entry of a substance into the blood is as follows: propionate begins to act first, followed by phenylpropionate, then isocarpoate, and decanoate is the last to be cleaved. Sustanon is very convenient, because it does not require frequent injections, and at the same time, it is in no way inferior to individual forms of testosterone in terms of effectiveness. True, the price of the mixture is usually higher.

  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone.
  • Suppression of the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles - expressed.
  • Effects on the liver - none.
  • The time of detection on doping control is up to 3 months.
  • Release form - injections.

Action Sustanon 250

  • Significant increase in muscle mass. The solo course allows you to gain up to 6 kilograms.
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Suppression of catabolic processes.
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis. Taking Sustanon 250 increases the red blood cell mass, which improves endurance.
  • Increased libido, increased sexual desire.
  • Increased appetite.

Sustanon solo course

The use of the steroid is not recommended for minors and those who have at least some contraindications. Average duration the course of sustanon 250 solo varies from 6 to 8 weeks. For a longer period, it is worth additionally including. To keep constantly high concentration hormone in the blood, injections are performed weekly. The dosage is from 250 to 500 milligrams.

Reception starts from the second week of the course and ends 1-2 weeks after its completion. Approximately 3 weeks after the withdrawal of Sustanon, PCT begins to restore the body's normal production of testosterone. The level of the hormone returns to its usual level about a month after taking the boosters. Specialized sports nutrition and an appropriate diet help to achieve the best results.

As for how to take Sustanon in combination with other AAS, the best combination for gaining muscle mass is to turn it on, for relief and “drying” -. The right combination of steroids provides best effect than the one that can be obtained by using the funds separately (the so-called synergy). Moreover, the likelihood of negative reactions is also reduced.

Side effects from Sustanon

Sustanon is no different from other forms of testosterone, and therefore exhibits estrogenic activity in the same way. maybe development of edema, suppression of hormonal background, excessive accumulation of fat. Such reactions are eliminated by the timely intake of antiestrogens, best of all - aromatase inhibitors. As for other selective estrogen receptor modulators, they are used only in post-cycle therapy. The most severe side effect of Sustanon 250 is the development of testicular atrophy. To prevent it, the duration of the course is limited to two months (or gonadotropin is administered in parallel) and, of course, antiestrogens are taken. Most often, the instructions for use contain all the necessary instructions to ensure the optimal effect and minimize negative manifestations.

Sustanon (also known as Sustaretard, Tetrasterone, Sustamed) is a mixture of various esters of TESTOSTERONE (the main anabolic hormone in men) first developed and released by ORGANON as a hormone replacement therapy for people who have a lack of secretion of their own endogenous testosterone.

Sustanon includes 4 forms of TESTOSTERONE:

  1. 30 mg testosterone propionate
  2. 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
  3. 60 mg testosterone isocaproate
  4. 100 mg testosterone decanoate
  5. Peanut oil is (most often) used as a solvent
  6. Benzyl alcohol as a preservative

Sustanon injection is given ONLY 1 TIME IN 3 WEEKS (in medical purposes). There is no need to give injections more often, because EACH FORM OF TESTOSTERONE (listed above) that are included in the preparation SUSTANON have different speed suction, and this allows you to maintain a constant high level anabolic hormones in human blood for a month.

Pay also attention to the fact that this drug(sustanon) was not developed as a drug for increasing muscle mass. Its main advantage is ease of use.

But no matter how sad it may sound Sustanon is very common, including on the black market. In general, it will not be difficult to purchase this drug (it is very easy to do). But MOST OF THESE DRUGS that they sell there = fakes. And very well-made forgeries. Therefore if you are offered an ampoule without a paper label, but simply with an imprint (and most often it is red), then be sure that this is absolutely a fake.

The original SUSTANON is produced by ORGANON and has a PAPER LABEL. On the given time it is harder and harder to find, in general, rarely seen. But on the black market there are Portuguese, Dutch, Russian and even Indian SUSTANON 250. These drugs are produced by ORGAGON in ampoules with a paper label. By at least, should be released this way. If this is not the case (otherwise what we talked about above, that is, without a paper label, but simply with an imprint, then this is a fake). Generally, according to reviews the best manufacturer SUSTANONA is Sustanon-250 from Organon (Netherlands).

Effects of Sustanon

  1. Increases muscle mass
  2. Increases (increases) stamina due to increased hematopoiesis increased amount erythrocytes in the blood provides a better flow of oxygen (due to this, endurance increases).
  3. Has an anti-catabolic effect
  4. Increases appetite
  5. Increases libido(while taking the drug)

Side effects of taking Sustanon

1. Gynecomastia, edema, fat deposition (according to female type), inhibition of the production of one's own testosterone = these side effects can be prevented by taking antiestrogen (NOLVADEX or CLOMID).

2. It is also possible another serious side effect like TESTICULAR ATROPHY. This side effect is for those who do a long course (longer than 8 weeks), if you do not take a course of SUSTANON for longer than 8 weeks and take antiestrogen (Nolvadex or Clomid), then this side effect can be prevented. But if the course is more than 8 weeks (which is not recommended), then you need to take GONADOTROPIN.

3. Also due to the fact that TESTOSTERONE in the body turns into DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE (and it causes the following side effects): ACNE, BALDING, PROSTATE HYPERTROPHY and OTHER ANDROGENIC SIDES.

4. Same way sustanon increases the LEVEL OF HARMFUL CHOLESTEROL IN THE BLOOD.

5. ATHLETES often say that on the COURSE of SUSTANON there is an increase in temperature and a flu-like condition.

6. After the INJECTION (occasionally) CONES are formed, such small seals in the place where you injected (well, in the buttocks). But these bumps dissolve in 2-5 weeks.

Sustanon 250: COURSE

It is recommended to use SUSTANON for those who have no contraindications to the drug and to its use. anabolic steroids. Therefore, be sure to consult with specialists before you start taking the drug.

The duration of the COURSE is 6-8 weeks. If more (which is not recommended) an injection is needed gonadotropin.

Sustanon injections are performed once a week at a dosage of 250-500 mg intramuscularly (preferably injected into the gluteal muscles).

From the SECOND WEEK OF THE COURSE, you need to start taking AROMATASE HIBITORS under the control of estrogen tests (most often they use Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). But the aromatase inhibitors will need to be stopped 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

3 WEEKS AFTER THE LAST INJECTION, POST-COURSE THERAPY begins with TAMOXIFEN, taken for 3-4 weeks in order to restore own workings testosterone.

In order for the COURSE to be as effective as possible, OBSERVE:

The course of SUSTANON can be combined with other drugs (for example, NANDROLON - for gaining muscle mass and WINSTROL - for DRYING AND RELIEF). The combination will allow you to reduce side effects and improve the result of the course.

Sincerely, administrator.

ORGANON, N.V. (Netherlands)

ATX: G03BA03 (Testosterone)

Androgenic drug - depot form

ICD: E23.0 Hypopituitarism E29.1 Testicular hypofunction

Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone indispensable for normal growth and the development of male reproductive organs and male secondary sexual characteristics. Throughout life in adult males, testosterone is essential for the functioning of the testicles and related structures, as well as for maintaining libido, well-being, erectile potency, and for the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles.
Treatment of hypogonadal men with Sustanon-250 results in clinically significant increase plasma concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol and androstenedione, as well as a decrease in the level of SHBG (globulin that binds sex hormones); luteinizing hormone (LT) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels return to normal.
Treatment with Sustanon-250 leads to a decrease in the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. In addition, bone mineral density and muscle mass increase, in obese patients there is a decrease in body weight. In the process of treatment, sexual functions are normalized, including erectile function and libido. When using the drug, serum concentrations decrease blood HDL(high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides, hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit increase, while there is no clinical meaningful change levels of liver enzymes and PSA (prostate specific antigen). The drug can cause an increase in the size of the prostate gland, while functional changes are not observed. In hypogonadal men suffering from diabetes, the use of androgens improves insulin sensitivity and / or reduces the concentration of glucose in blood plasma.
In boys with delayed growth and puberty, the use of androgens accelerates growth, stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
Treatment of transsexual women with androgens, as well as Sustanon-250, promotes masculinization.


Sustanon-250 contains a range of testosterone esters with varying durations of action. These esters, once in the circulating blood, are immediately hydrolyzed into the natural hormone testosterone.
A single dose of Sustanon-250 leads to...


- Established or suspected prostate or breast cancer;
- hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
- children under 3 years of age (due to the content of benzyl alcohol in the preparation).
Carefully: ...


The drug Sustanon-250 should be injected deep into the / m.
Dosing regimen, as a rule, depends on the individual patient's response to treatment.
The usual dose is 1 ml once every 3 weeks.


The acute toxicity of the drug Sustanon-250 when administered intramuscularly is very low. Priapism in men is a symptom of chronic overdose. In the event of the development of priapism, treatment with Sustanon-250 should be temporarily discontinued, and after the disappearance ...

drug interaction

Drugs that cause enzyme induction or inhibition may decrease or increase testosterone levels, respectively. Therefore, dose adjustment and/or intervals between injections may be required.
Androgens can increase...

Side effect

Usually treatment with high doses of androgens, with long-term treatment and/or frequent administration is associated with the following adverse reactions:
Adverse reaction
Benign, malignant and indeterminate neoplasms

During pregnancy and lactation

This drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.
There are insufficient data on the use of this medicinal product during breastfeeding.

Use in violation of liver function

Take the drug with caution in case of impaired liver function, with liver failure.

Use for impaired renal function

Take the drug with caution in case of impaired renal function, in case of renal insufficiency.

Use in children

It is contraindicated to prescribe this drug to children under 3 years of age.
Use this drug with caution in children over 3 years of age.
With caution: in boys in the prepubertal period, in order to avoid premature closure of the epiphyses and before ...

special instructions

Medical monitoring of patients receiving Sustanon-250 should be carried out before the start of treatment and quarterly for 12 months and then 1 time per year.
The following studies should be carried out:
- digital rectal examination

Special admission conditions

contraindicated in pregnancy, use with caution in hepatic impairment, use with caution in renal impairment, contraindicated in children


Sustanon-250 contains a range of testosterone esters with varying durations of action. These esters, once in the circulating blood, are immediately hydrolyzed into the natural hormone testosterone.
A single dose of Sustanon-250 leads to...

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored at a temperature of 8-30 ° C, protected from light and out of the reach of children.
Shelf life 5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Release form

Solution for intramuscular injection (oily) yellow.
1 ml
testosterone propionate
30 mg
testosterone phenylpropionate
60 mg
testosterone isocaproate
60 mg
testosterone decanoate
100 mg
The total testosterone content is...

Dear doctors!

If you have experience in prescribing this drug to your patients - share the result (leave a comment)! Did this medicine help the patient, did any side effects occur during treatment? Your experience will be of interest to both your colleagues and patients.

Dear patients!

If you have been prescribed this medicine and have been on therapy, tell us if it was effective (helped), if there were any side effects, what you liked / did not like. Thousands of people search the Internet for reviews of various medicines. But only a few leave them. If you personally do not leave a review on this topic, the rest will have nothing to read.

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