Candidates for the director of the fssp. Who will become the governor if Parfenchikov leaves? Rating of the most likely candidates according to Runa. Who will replace Parfenchikov

In an impoverished region, they do not give grounds to talk about political stability in the border region of the federation, even despite the decline in recent protest moods. Should Karelia wait for a new “personnel decision” of the federal center and are the democratic forces of the republic ready for it?

- For several weeks now, in the corridors of the republican government and even business circles in Karelia, there has been talk about the possible resignation of the current governor, Artur Parfenchikov. In your opinion, are there any reasons for such conversations?

Political publicist Oleg Reut. Photo: Valery Potashov

“I think there are two factors involved here. The first is related to federal politics, because any decision on early gubernatorial elections is made in the presidential administration. The president decides on the resignation of the head of the region, and he appoints an interim governor. It seems to me that not only Karelia, but also some other regions are now on standby. This is due to the fact that in the coming weeks a new composition of the government of the country will be formed, the composition of the presidential representations in the federal districts will obviously be formed in a new way, and at the same time, the term for the possible rotation of heads of regions will expire in the same period.

The second factor is regional, and lies in the fact that the team of the current head of Karelia does not demonstrate high competence in changing the state of affairs in the socio-economic sphere of the region. They are unable to work. The fifth head of the Republican Ministry of Economic Development and Industry has already been replaced, there is a constant shuffling of personnel, but this does not bring success, therefore, I think that there is a desire on the part of the current head of the region to return to federal politics.

Photo for quote from the personal page of the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the social network "VKontakte"

If these two factors coincide, an early change of the head of Karelia is quite possible. I will only note that a month ago it was impossible to imagine that the governor of the Kemerovo region, who was elected with the highest turnout and the highest support of voters, would resign voluntarily. But this month in the Kemerovo region, and in other regions, there have been very serious changes, indicating that many processes can occur quite quickly and completely unpredictably.

- It is difficult to guess who the federal center can put in Parfenchikov's place in case of his early departure - the names are now called completely unexpected, so I personally am much more interested in the question of who the Karelian opposition could nominate as an alternative to the candidate from the ruling party, because according to regional legislation Only political parties have the right to nominate candidates for the post of head of the republic. Does the party opposition in Karelia have any "candidate bench" at all?

– This is an amazing moment in the modern political history of the republic. It seems that there are no such candidates, at first glance. In the autumn gubernatorial elections, 20% was won by Just Russia candidate Irina Petyaeva, who has already moved to work in Moscow and is unlikely to ever return to Karelian politics. Communist Party candidate Yevgeny Ulyanov and LDPR candidate Yevgeny Besedny got a very low result, which they can only repeat if these elections are scheduled for autumn this year. There are practically no other Karelian politicians, heads of regional branches of political parties who could seriously claim the post of the head of the republic. Unless we are talking about some kind of consolidating figure that could unite the Karelian opposition into an alliance of democratic forces and forces ready to join them.

I think that this situation is also understood in the federal center, which can abandon the practice of appointing "Varangians", as was the case with ex-governors Nelidov and Khudilainen, or "returnees", as happened with Parfenchikov, and opt for politics who lives and works in Karelia now.

- Rumors about the possible resignation of Parfenchikov preceded the legislative initiative of the deputy of the Karelian parliament Andrei Rogalevich, who would give the inhabitants of the republic the right to self-nominate candidates for the post of head of the region. This is an initiative of well-known federal experts, but how do you feel about Rogalevich's proposal?

– I support this initiative, among other things, because it helps MP Rogalevich himself get rid of positioning himself as a candidate from the Yabloko party (now Andrei Rogalevich heads the Yabloko parliamentary faction, while not being a member of the party - approx. "Cherniki" "). In the 2017 gubernatorial elections, he did not become one - the Yabloko party refused to participate in these elections at all, and it seems to me that he is interested in changing his image, becoming the very consolidating figure that we talked about earlier. In this case, it does not matter which party he will be nominated from, or else he will go as an independent candidate, if the Parliament of Karelia still supports his initiative.

- If you look at the situation in Moscow, where the mayoral elections will definitely be held in September, you can just see an attempt by the opposition forces to unite around a single candidate. To what extent what is happening in the Russian capital can be applied in Karelia? In particular, I mean the idea of ​​"oppositional" primaries, which would allow to determine the most popular democratic candidate.

- I think that the beginning of the discussion of the legislative initiative of Deputy Rogalevich is the public primaries. These are not party elections, but rather public elections, which have actually begun in our country, since the key point here is whether the candidate belongs or does not belong to any political force, his dependence on party interests, or the priority of those qualities that are needed by a candidate who is supported by different political forces in the republic. It would be great if it was not only Rogalevich, but also other politicians and public figures. Then the quality of selection and support - organizational, media and financial - for such a candidate would be more serious. I think that it is necessary to leave the marginal position, focused on supporting the liberal minority, and fight for the sympathy of the majority of the region's population. And now a “window of opportunity” is just opening up for this.

The online magazine "Chernika" invites all readers to participate in the discussion of possible alternative candidates for the post of head of Karelia. You can express your opinions in our groups in

The Karelian mass media on the eve predicted the imminent resignation of the head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov. Citing their sources in the regional government, they say that the governor will leave his chair in December to become the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia instead of Sahak Karapetyan, who died while hunting. Parfenchikov himself, as is almost always done in such cases, that's it. But if this really happens, the main post in Karelia will be vacant and the Kremlin will urgently start looking for a new acting governor who would rule the region for several months, and then go through the elections. "Runa" figured out who the Kremlin's choice among well-known Karelian politicians could theoretically fall on.

Elissan Shandalovich

The current chairman of the Karelian Parliament is an ambitious person with great ambitions, who has made a rapid career in recent years. As you know, Shandalovich - a native of the Medvezhyegorsk region, from 1992 to 2009 headed the local Central District Hospital, later moved to Petrozavodsk and became the head physician of the Republican Hospital.

Elissan Shandalovich. Photo: Runa

In 2011, Shandalovich, while maintaining the position of head physician, was brought to the Legislative Assembly on the lists of United Russia, then he headed the Karelian branch of this party. After the next elections in 2016, Shandalovich became the speaker of parliament. Surely he will not refuse to take the main post in the republic. Moreover, it seems that he is in good standing in Moscow.

Ivan Valentik

The current head of Rosleskhoz of Russia, a graduate and former teacher of the law faculty of Petrozavodsk University, has long appeared in the unofficial list of candidates for the governorship. They talked about him as a potential contender for the post of head of Karelia even after the resignation of Alexander Khudilainen in early 2017, but then the scales swung in the direction of Artur Parfenchikov.

Ivan Valentik. Photo:

It is likely that the name of Valentik, as a Karelian who could head his native region, is still listed in some personnel reserve in the presidential administration. It is possible that sooner or later the Kremlin will still bet on this figure.

Rashid Nurgaliev

A native of Karelia, once lived and went to school in Nadvoitsy, later worked for the KGB in the republic. He was the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, then moved to the Security Council of Russia, where he became Deputy Secretary of Nikolai Patrushev. Since the establishment of the State Commission for the 100th anniversary of Karelia, Nurgaliyev has been regularly visiting the republic for 5 years, often visiting regional centers, villages and towns, helping social and sports institutions, and actively promoting the reconstruction of the airport in Petrozavodsk.

Rashid Nurgaliev. Photo:

Nurgaliyev's candidacy also, apparently, was already discussed in Moscow last time when choosing a new governor. Most likely, the deputy secretary of the Security Council is still on the list of applicants for this position. However, like Parfenchikov in his time, Nurgaliyev himself is unlikely to want to leave his high position in the capital.

Vitaly Krasulin

The scandalous Petrozavodsk businessman has been only going uphill in recent years - both in business and in politics. Krasulin owns the hotel and restaurant business, and at the same time heads the state-owned company Karbon-Shungite, which develops the world's only shungite deposit in the Medvezhyegorsk region. Flexible and unprincipled by nature, he finds a language with all the governors, avoiding problems with the authorities. Krasulin was repeatedly elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly and for the second convocation he leads the budget committee in parliament.

Vitaly Krasulin. Photo: Runa

Under Parfenchikov, Krasulin's son Artem received the position of director of the Industrial Development Fund, which testifies to the influence of Krasulin Sr. It is likely that he would gladly take the place of the head of the republic. But whether Krasulin will be filtered in the presidential administration is a question that cannot be answered with certainty.

Viktor Maslyakov

Former head of Rosleskhoz, predecessor of Ivan Valentik. Once he was the second person in the government of Karelia, and then - the mayor of Petrozavodsk. The most famous of the three Maslyakov brothers, who own Slavmo, a large dairy business in the republic.

The head of Karelia decided to open a kindergarten in the village after the publication of correspondence ... Karelia will open a family kindergarten, the head of the region said on Vkontakte Arthur Parfenchikov. Earlier, a local resident Anna Vlasova published a correspondence with the governor, in... he refused her request to open a kindergarten in the village. Parfenchikov said that on Wednesday, November 21, he met with Vlasova and ... we will apply it in other small towns in Karelia, ”added Parfenchikov. Earlier, Vlasova published a correspondence with the governor, which she conducted in ... The head of Karelia explained the emotional correspondence about the closure of the nursery in Suoyoki Press Secretary of the Head of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikova Marina Kabatyuk explained to RBC the reasons for the emotional response of the head of the republic ... schools that were closed before the start of the school year. Wherein Parfenchikov stated that the authorities of the republic could not open a nursery for one ... blacklisted and deleted all correspondence. According to Kabatyuk, Parfenchikov apologized for these remarks. She emphasized that “no blacklists... Arthur Parfenchikov to "one of the most painful issues" - the problem with housing. ... focus on the problem of deforestation. Because of Parfenchikov Arthur Putin drew the attention of the head of Karelia to one of the "painful issues" Russian President Vladimir Putin drew the attention of the Acting Head of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikov to "one of the most painful issues" - the problem with housing. ... with Vladimir Putin. How it was because Parfenchikov he has been in office for five months, there are no complaints against him to be ... citizens "pain points" need to be paid "very close attention," the president summed up. Arthur Parfenchikov was appointed Acting Governor of the Republic of Karelia on February 15, 2017... Head of the FSSP Arthur Parfenchikov Parfenchikov

Politics, 15 Feb 2017, 13:22

The Kremlin completed a series of gubernatorial “purges” Head of the FSSP Arthur Parfenchikov became Acting Head of the Republic of Karelia. The head of the region, Alexander Khudilainen, became ... many Karelian politicians from among the governor's opponents fell under the rule. Parfenchikov- a classmate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev - was the most likely candidate for ... Arthur Parfenchikov Arthur Parfenchikov

Politics, 13 Feb 2017, 16:14

Parfenchikov from the FSSP became the main candidate for the post of head of Karelia Head of the Federal Bailiff Service Arthur Parfenchikov became the main candidate for the post of head of Karelia instead of Alexander Khudilainen, ... in the coming days. Karelian castling Head of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) Arthur Parfenchikov is the main contender for the post of head of Karelia instead of Alexander Khudilainen ... Arthur

Politics, 13 Feb 2017, 12:45

The Kremlin commented on the possible relocation of the head of the FSSP to Karelia ... message about the possible appointment of the head of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) Arthur Parfenchikov to the post of head of Karelia instead of the current head of the region Alexander ... Arthur Parfenchikov Arthur Parfenchikov

Politics, 13 Feb 2017, 11:16

The media reported on the possible appointment of the head of the FSSP as the head of Karelia ... Alexander Khudilainen may become head of the FSSP as head of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikov. As a source in the parliament told RIA Novosti, the head of Karelia... the Gatchinsky district of the Leningrad region, was the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of this region. Arthur Parfenchikov after studying at the Leningrad State University, he did an internship at the prosecutor's office ...

And about. Sergey Sazanov, who previously worked as the first deputy head of the department, was appointed director of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). This appointment is, in fact, a formal procedure until the issue of the future director of the department is resolved. Earlier, there was information in the media that former State Duma deputy Vladimir Pligin could become the leader to replace the departed Artur Parfenchikov, and the ex-head of the FSSP supported this candidacy.

The appointment of the first deputy director of the FSSP Sergey Sazanov as acting head is reported on the website of the service. Mr. Sazanov is 47 years old, he was born in the Yaroslavl region, from 1999 to 2005 he worked in the Ministry of Justice, then worked in the Federal Bailiff Service, supervising enforcement proceedings, the department of search and implementation, and the media. According to Kommersant's information, such a personnel decision is a formal procedure (an order was issued by the Ministry of Justice), while the issue of the future head of the department is being decided.

Recall that Arthur Parfenchikov, who headed the FSSP until recently (since 2008), was appointed acting head of Karelia on February 15 after the resignation of the former head of the region Alexander Khudilainen. Later, several possible candidates for the place of Mr. Parfenchikov sounded in the media, in particular, the former deputy, head of the State Duma Committee on State Construction, Vladimir Pligin (did not enter the parliament in the current convocation).

Strokes to the personality of the new head of Karelia.

So, what everyone predicted happened in the end. Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen resigned ahead of schedule, and Artur Parfenchikov, head of the federal bailiff service, was appointed in his place (which has also been discussed for a long time).

Is it possible to rejoice at the departure of the governor, long hated in the republic, if in return they received Parfenchikov? Judging by the results of work in the previous post, it would not be worth rejoicing, to put it mildly ...

During the appearance of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSPP), few people said anything positive about its work. But the service more than showed itself in various other ways. And, to be honest, a heap of scandals.

On the high banks of the Amur

One of the loudest scandals was the case of the head of the Amur department of the FSPP, Vladimir Dubina. He was accused of abuse of power. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal prosecution.

The case was opened under Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to the chief, the suspects were his deputies and the head of the financial and economic department.

According to the investigation, the top management of the Amur Administration hid a significant part of the funds allocated from the Federal budget to pay back wage arrears to their subordinates. How they allowed the debt is another question.

But more than 5 million rubles that came from Moscow were allocated for salaries in less than half the amount. The rest of the money was credited as payroll savings.

And they were credited (and this is more than 3 million rubles) for ... incentive awards to management managers.

And this was not the first "puncture" Dubin associated with salaries. A year before, the Amur chief bailiff "forgot" to pay his subordinates the annual bonus due. As they say, the payments due for this went into the pockets of the first judicial managers of the Amur FSPP.

Vladimir Dubina, Head of the UFSSP for the Amur Region

Moscow region theft

The Amur "pranks" of the bailiffs are far from the loudest story in Parfenchikov's now former department, but they happened under his direct leadership. What is the cost of managing the FSSP in the Moscow region.

There, about two years ago, searches were carried out by the TFR and the FSB. The case concerned much more serious theft. As the security forces established, one of the employees of the Moscow Region Department entered the criminal community with financial fraudsters. And instead of "biting" malicious debtors, she stole almost 16 million rubles together with them.

The FSSP official was arrested, and the criminal case against her is still ongoing.


Parfenchikov's subordinates also "distinguished themselves" sadly in the administration of the department in the capital. Mass searches were also carried out there with the participation of the FSB. The object of interest of the security forces was the deputy chief bailiff of Moscow, Sergei Sytsevich.

He was suspected of banal extortion of bribes from debtors in order to avoid further problems. In the end, Sytsevich received the bribe, moreover, only one part of the amount, which nevertheless amounted to 15 million rubles.

No less resonant scandal happened a few years ago in Bashkortostan. A high-ranking official of the FSSP in the republic was caught red-handed there. He received a bribe of 200 thousand rubles.

Approximately, at the same time, the head of the department of the department in Kamchatka “burned out”. He arrested the assets of the debtor company and decided to sell them to otherworldly entities for half the cost. And these assets amounted to neither more nor less than 42 million rubles.

We only dreamed of morality?

Bailiffs are not lost not only when receiving bribes and kickbacks. A case thundered throughout the country when social activists caught the bailiff Andery Kaminov under very piquant circumstances. He tried to engage in love pleasures with a minor teenager, and a male.

These are the "wonderful personnel" who work under the head of the FSSP Artur Parfenchikov.

And what about the country's first bailiff?

And the first bailiff of the country is himself in the “jambs”. For example, in the northern capital, from where Parfenchikov moved to the high ranks of the capital, he arranged a grand banquet on Catherine's Island in St. Petersburg. The check of the party was estimated at no less than a million rubles. It is not clear who paid for the banquet. Many believe that this was clearly not done from Parfenchikov's personal wallet.

It is also unknown how Parfenchikov's deputy Nikolay Yegorov, who officially earns a little more than half a million rubles together with his wife, managed in a short time to buy 2 apartments and the same number of cottages with an area of ​​​​almost 3 thousand square meters and “modest” cars of the brands Toyota Land Cruiser 200 and Mitsubishi, for which you need to "unfasten" almost 4 million rubles at today's prices.

They say that Parfenchikov himself does not disdain office romances. So, a story surfaced that a modest young employee of the FSPP Ekaterina Akimova was suddenly appointed deputy head of the department. As they said even in the service itself, in this way, Parfenchikov thanked the young colleague for being too close to him.

And in conclusion, the opinion of ordinary residents of the country who have encountered the work of bailiffs. There will be two left:

“I have a bailiff Olga Olegovna Baltus! For some reason, he has not wanted to work with me for 5 years now! Doesn't answer phones! She is never at work! Dear O.O! Contact me please! You have all my contacts and my lawyer's contacts!!!

Not a single bailiff is interested in the timely, complete and correct execution of the executive document. When you start seriously challenging their actions, they get offended and send an insane amount of requests for non-existent debtors. It's the only thing they're smart enough for. I have not met a single bailiff who is legally engaged in recovery, only snot and complaints about the load. I think so, if you came to work as a bailiff - work in accordance with the requirements of the law, you agreed, signing the contract, for this job. And if you can’t work, leave and don’t sign your own impotence”

“They block accounts because of a thousand rubles fine. And, - salary! No one calls to court, although, perhaps, I would dispute it. Notifications are not sent. They just used to steal from accounts, but now they just block them. Arbitrariness and violation of human rights! Although, this is not surprising! Complete lawlessness, lawlessness and theft!”

And such a wonderful person replaced the no less remarkable person Khudilainen as the head of Karelia. Poor Republic of Karelia!

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