How the clothes you wear affect your life. How does clothing style affect a person?

Clothing is the first thing we pay attention to when we see a person for the first time. Clothing has an impact on the perception of the person wearing it at the first impression stage. The role of clothing in short-term contacts is especially great. The formation of the first impression begins with clothes, even if after a while we forgot what the person was wearing.

When meeting with a partner or employer, carelessness and looseness in clothing can lead to undesirable consequences. "Miserable appearance” is one of the first reasons for refusing a job based on the results of an interview. Our appearance is given to us by nature or parents, and it is not in our power to change it. But it must be remembered that in business communication another person is affected not so much by direct and universal signs of physical attractiveness as by indirect ones: taste in clothes and well-groomed body, as well as signs of readiness for a meeting.

The choice of clothing style is perceived as evidence of what a person’s image of “I” is, more precisely, what standards-stereotypes he adheres to, what he considers right, decent, beautiful. A person is “automatically” attributed those qualities that are traditionally associated with the clothes in which he is seen. When a person in uniform is perceived, a certain role is automatically assigned to him and the corresponding behavior is expected. By facilitating the attribution of a role (expected by society), the uniform limits the range of expected actions on the part of the perceiver and the wearer (for example, we expect one behavior from a person in a white coat, another in a military uniform; a woman in a dressing gown and an apron or a woman in a ballroom the dress is not only perceived, but also behaves differently).

Certain types clothes are traditionally associated with a certain social position, political orientation, a measure of conservative views on relations between the sexes, the degree of sociability, etc. The influence of clothing on the perception of a person's physical attractiveness and sexuality is well known. The connection of clothing with the assessment of such characteristics of a person as: snobbery, shyness, shyness, attitude towards the opposite sex, naturalness or unnaturalness has been proved. Symbolism in clothing is associated with the general phenomenon of transferring the features of a person's external appearance to his inner world. Thus, the rigidity of clothing is symbolically associated with physical force, "vertical" lines - with moral purity and stamina; tightness, tight-fitting clothing can symbolize a person’s tight control over himself; looseness and slovenliness are associated with immorality.

The effect of clothing on the behavior of the wearer has been observed. Through the features of the cut and fit of the product on the figure, clothing not only sets the posture, gestures, postures and other features of human body movements, but also, as it were, dictates a certain manner of keeping oneself in society in the broader sense of this term; generates, as they said before, a manner of behavior. Choosing clothes, a person not only shapes his appearance, but also determines the style of his behavior.

Not only people whose profession involves wearing uniforms - the military, police, prosecutors, etc. are limited in their choice of clothing. Nowadays, many people dress in accordance with the rules of the social or professional community, adhere to the so-called "dress code". Agree, to come to serious negotiations in a tracksuit is at least ridiculous, it will cause wariness and distrust. But it's also ridiculous to show up in the biker community in a formal suit with a white shirt and tie. They also pay attention to the conformity of clothing to the age and status of the person. Clothing is a kind of "social signal", a kind of "calling card". Learning the unwritten rules of how to dress is an integral part of the art of making a career.

Stereotypes in the perception of clothing are very stable: representatives of the business community and leaders high rank prefer the so-called conservative style of clothing, both men and women. This applies not only to a suit, but to all details: a certain brand of watches, bags, lighters, ties, etc. This is sometimes successfully used by scammers - a person who fits well in an expensive formal business suit is perceived as reliable and trustworthy, it is inconvenient to ask him the documents...

Young people and representatives of creative professions tend to once again emphasize their individuality, non-standard and independence with clothes. Deviations from these stereotypes can cause bewilderment and distrust, treating a person as a "stranger".

The degree of cleanliness of clothing is strongly attracted by the degree of neatness of clothing. Sloppiness and untidiness quickly spoil the impression, unless, of course, this is a special hippie style. A poorly dressed person can evoke sympathy and a desire to help, and an extremely sloppy person can evoke disgust.


Essay on psychology on the topic

Man as an object of perception: clothing

1. Introduction

2. Clothing styles

3. Color of clothes

4. Conclusion

5. References


Clothing as a factor on which the first impression depends.

Clothing is the first thing we pay attention to when we see a person for the first time. Clothing has an impact on the perception of the person wearing it at the first impression stage. The role of clothing in short-term contacts is especially great. The formation of the first impression begins with clothes, even if after a while we forgot what the person was wearing.

The manner of dressing is largely determined by individual psychological features person. Therefore, a person's clothing should correspond to his inner content.

Appearance can say a lot about a person. As sociological studies show, in 85 cases out of 100, the first impressions about people are created by their appearance. So, even an intelligent decent person should be attentive to his appearance if he wants to have good relations with his environment.

In the past, clothing displayed a person's belonging to a certain social group, professions. In many cases, the dress code was strictly regulated. Especially severe requirements were at the courts.
Nowadays, the requirements for clothing are not so categorical. But even now in developed democratic countries, heads of firms, offices give great importance appearance of their employees. Practice shows that neatly dressed people are more Attentive attitude surrounding.

Nowadays, fashionable clothes are more democratic. Everyone can dress as he sees fit. But this is what makes a person responsible for his appearance. A wide selection of clothes allows everyone to fully express their taste, a sense of beauty, in the end, a sense of proportion, as well as emphasize the advantages or hide the flaws of their figure. However, many situations of modern life require a certain form of clothing.

When meeting with a partner or employer, carelessness and looseness in clothing can lead to undesirable consequences. “Pathetic appearance” is one of the first reasons for refusing a job based on the results of an interview. Our appearance is given to us by nature or parents, and it is not in our power to change it. But it must be remembered that in business communication, the other person is affected not so much by direct and universal signs of physical attractiveness as by indirect ones: taste in clothes and well-groomed body, as well as signs of readiness for a meeting.

It is not uncommon for men or women who came to the ambassadors on various business, but were dressed in frayed jeans, shorts or miniskirts, were not allowed into the embassy. It is customary not to let visitors into restaurants in shorts, without a tie.

Increased requirements for the clothes of people who go to the theater, to classical music concerts and, of course, to formal reception. Clothing should be strict for attending events that combine a festive and official character.

Clothing styles

The choice of clothing style is perceived as evidence of what a person’s image of “I” is, more precisely, what standards-stereotypes he adheres to, what he considers right, decent, beautiful. A person is “automatically” attributed those qualities that are traditionally associated with the clothes in which he is seen. When a person in uniform is perceived, a certain role is automatically assigned to him and the corresponding behavior is expected. By facilitating the attribution of a role (expected by society), the uniform limits the range of expected actions on the part of the perceiver and the wearer (for example, we expect one behavior from a person in a white coat, another in a military uniform; a woman in a dressing gown and an apron or a woman in a ballroom the dress is not only perceived, but also behaves differently).

Certain types of clothing are traditionally associated with a certain social position, political orientation, a measure of conservative views on relations between the sexes, the degree of sociability, etc. The influence of clothing on the perception of a person's physical attractiveness and sexuality is well known. The connection of clothing with the assessment of such characteristics of a person as: snobbery, shyness, shyness, attitude towards the opposite sex, naturalness or unnaturalness has been proved. Symbolism in clothing is associated with the general phenomenon of transferring the features of a person's external appearance to his inner world. So, the rigidity of clothing is symbolically associated with physical strength, the "verticality" of lines - with moral purity and stamina; tightness, tight-fitting clothing can symbolize a person’s tight control over himself; looseness and slovenliness are associated with immorality.

The effect of clothing on the behavior of the wearer has been observed. Through the features of the cut and fit of the product on the figure, clothing not only sets the posture, gestures, postures and other features of human body movements, but also, as it were, dictates a certain manner of keeping oneself in society in the broader sense of this term; generates, as they said before, a manner of behavior. Choosing clothes, a person not only shapes his appearance, but also determines the style of his behavior.

Not only people whose profession involves wearing uniforms - the military, police, prosecutors, etc. are limited in their choice of clothing. Nowadays, many people dress in accordance with the rules of the social or professional community, adhere to the so-called "dress code". Agree, to come to serious negotiations in a tracksuit is at least ridiculous, it will cause wariness and distrust. But it's also ridiculous to show up in the biker community in a formal suit with a white shirt and tie. They also pay attention to the conformity of clothing to the age and status of the person. Clothing is a kind of "social signal", a kind of "calling card". Learning the unwritten rules of how to dress is an integral part of the art of making a career.

Stereotypes in the perception of clothing are very stable: representatives of the business community and high-ranking executives prefer the so-called conservative style of clothing, both men and women. This applies not only to a suit, but also to all details: a certain brand of watches, bags, lighters, ties, etc. This is sometimes successfully used by scammers - a person who fits well in an expensive formal business suit is perceived as reliable and trustworthy, it is inconvenient to ask him the documents...

Young people and representatives of creative professions tend to once again emphasize their individuality, non-standard and independence with clothes. Deviations from these stereotypes can cause bewilderment and distrust, treating a person as a “stranger”.

The degree of cleanliness of clothing is strongly attracted by the degree of neatness of clothing. Sloppiness and untidiness quickly spoil the impression, unless, of course, this is a special hippie style. A poorly dressed person can evoke sympathy and a desire to help, and an extremely sloppy person can evoke disgust.

The design of the appearance indicates how a person wants to look in the eyes of others, what impression he wants to make, and is associated with self-esteem, the level of claims and the aesthetic development of the individual.
FROM psychological point vision is what allows a person to impress a partner. Excessive attention to the design of appearance is a sign of neurosis: the compensation mechanism works (I am the first here!).

Clothing is the image of the role envisaged for oneself. In this way, common goal- to increase the value and significance of a person (to raise oneself in the eyes of others - the purpose of clothing).

Clothes says:

About nationality;
- about the profession;
- about age;
- about the field;
- about the level of material security;
- about the level of aesthetic development;
- about the personality traits of a person.


1. traditional;
2. fashionable;
3. extravagant;
4. classic;
5. original;
6. varied;
7. conservative;
8. exclusive;
9. sexy (irritating).

Styles feature:

1. A tribute to tradition, a professional uniform, traditional national clothes indicate belonging to a group, membership in which a person is proud and advertises it through clothing.
2. A person strives to be modern, afraid to lag behind fashion (conformity).
3. Unusual, artsy, a person makes a shocking impression (deep neckline, bright color, unconventional style). High level of ambition, vanity, ambition. This is a thirst for recognition (or a conscious or unconscious feeling of infringement in recognition, a sense of one's own insignificance, non-recognition gives rise to excessive claims to significance).
4. Opposite style 3 - simple, modest (simplicity of cut, in colors, calm soft tones). This is how people dress who want to look authoritative and apply for a prestigious position, confident that they are worthy of respect (high self-esteem). It is a coherent but implicit claim to significance.
5. The clothes are tailor-made. The desire for originality, that enthusiastic people who are prone to strong erotic experiences dress up.
6. If he likes to change clothes, this is inner emptiness, but such a person wants to give the impression of originality, does not tolerate monotony in life.
7. Denial of prodigality, eroticism, the need for stability, protection, security, confidence.
8. Exceptional, one-of-a-kind, refined indicates a delicate taste, an aesthetic need.
9. Tight fit exposed erogenous zones(tight jeans, tight sweater, cutouts, slits). Bright colors, flashy. Slits in the fabric, its transparency. Direct contact is replaced by visual, optical. The sphere of interests is concentrated in the sexual area.

Clothing color

Not only the style of your clothing, but also its color can have a significant impact on how other people perceive you.

However, in different world cultures, the same colors can have different symbolism: it is necessary to remember this when traveling abroad and when doing business with foreigners.

Black color

In Western culture, black is primarily considered official, solid and restrained, but these are far from all the associations associated with it. Black is often worn to funerals; black clothing is a mandatory sign of movie villains and witches. Priests wear black as a sign of their humility before God, and according to some fashion experts, black clothes on a woman signify her obedience to a man! However, many women prefer black color in clothes, believing that it makes the figure visually more slender. Be that as it may, this is a very heavy, completely absorbing color, the effect of which for fat people turns out to be absolutely the opposite: black makes them even more massive and heavier, which makes others feel very uncomfortable in their company.

Black color is also considered to be refined and chic. This is true, but only if he really goes. Men in all-black or black-pinstriped suits paired with a white shirt look really impressive, but the outfit makes them look overbearingly bossy.

Waiters wear black and white uniforms to show that they have some authority within the restaurant, and so that diners can see them at a glance. Strictly and elegantly dressed waiters make the atmosphere in the restaurant sedately aristocratic, giving the establishment solidity and respectability. However, if a woman shows up in a black suit and white blouse for an interview, she will have very little chance of getting the job. Why?

Because the combination of white and black seems too authoritarian, cold and hostile, and this can cause rejection in the interviewer.


Red symbolizes energy and physical strength. It is also the color of aggression and danger: it is no accident, for example, that fire engines are always red. According to statistics, red cars get into accidents much more often than any other cars. However, red cars are very popular. Why? Because red is also a symbol of power. This is a very bright color, and things in red make their owners feel more confident. However, it is worth remembering that red symbolizes power, so red clothes will be perceived by male colleagues as a sign of this woman's desire to dominate them. If you are a leader, then everything is in order, but if not, you can drop out of the team or cause an unfriendly attitude towards yourself. Men generally do not wear red jackets unless it is part of the corporate uniform.

To negotiate or resolve conflict situation red clothing is far from the most suitable: red is aggressive, and therefore inappropriate when you need to achieve cooperation from the interlocutor.


Pink is a calmer, softer and more feminine color. All pastel colors (pink, blue, lilac) symbolize peace and femininity. Therefore, before dressing in this color, you should think about who you are dating and what impression you want to make. What is the purpose of the meeting? If you need to show your solidity and energy, get promoted or hired, clothes in pastel colors are unlikely to help you with this, because in it you will not be able to give the impression of a self-confident and very assertive person. This also applies to men who love pastel-colored shirts and ties.


Green is the color of nature. It has a calming effect, but excessive love for green in clothes can indicate that you are lazy and weak-willed. Green is not a very self-assertive color - this is especially true for dirty green (khaki), which is usually associated with death. Green color can also symbolize envy, resentment and money-grubbing. Some people generally consider green color unhappy and therefore do not wear green clothes and prefer not to have anything green at home. In the Middle Ages, English brides wore green as a symbol of fertility and successful childbearing.


It is a bright, sunny, optimistic color. It is associated with intelligence and can be associated with a sober and clear-thinking, reasonable and decision-making person. However, an excess of yellow in clothes has an overwhelming effect.

Yellow color helps to gain self-confidence, increases composure and improves organizational skills, but dirty clothes should be avoided. yellow: it may be associated with biliousness.


Blue represents wisdom and clarity of mind. He is also associated with creativity. It is the color of the sky and the ocean. It carries serenity and calm, but can also be cold and aloof.

Blue clothing is well suited for an interview, as this color symbolizes reliability and performance. According to some studies, weightlifters in a blue suit are able to lift more weight. However, an overabundance of dark blue can be depressing.


Turquoise color inspires and inspires energy, refreshes and invigorates. In addition, it promotes communication, expression of feelings and creativity.


Brown color carries a feeling of solidity and reliability: it is the color of the earth, which means it is the color of stability. However, it can also cause melancholy and despondency and be associated with narrowness and isolation. Brown is more popular with men.


Grey colour can cause negative feelings, because it is associated with bad weather, gray clouds, gloomy sky, heaviness and boredom. Gray - not white, not black - the color of escapism, evocative uncertainty and loneliness.

What do color preferences in clothes mean?

Blue: People who often wear light blue are creative, sensitive, and imaginative. They need an atmosphere of peace.

Blue: Those who prefer dark blue clothes are considered to be independent and intelligent people. They have a highly developed sense of responsibility. These people strive for peace and prefer to be surrounded by attention and affection.

Yellow: Those who prefer yellow clothes are very interesting personalities. There are few followers among them, mostly they are leaders. They are inherent active image life, they often challenge life. These people are looking for happiness.

Orange: Those who often wear orange clothes are people of action, they are competent and well-versed in many areas. But they are often impatient. These are independent, well-organized, purposeful people. They are also creative and practical individuals, they have a lot of energy and cannot stand in one place.

Red: Those who prefer red in clothes are ambitious, impulsive, easily excitable and energetic figures. They are often bold, their activities are very productive. These are extroverts. Such qualities can form a leader.

Green: Those who prefer green in clothing are cautious people, they tend to observe rather than act. But on the other hand, they are humanists who are ready to help and provide a service. They are sensitive. Often they notice what is hidden from the eyes of other people.

Violet: People who love purple in clothing can be described as having good intuition, compassion and subtle feelings. Their sensual nature can make them vulnerable, which is why color therapists often recommend that these people wear magenta, a color that contains red in addition to purple and can help them build self-confidence.

Black: If you wear black on occasion, then this choice means that you want to control yourself and create an image of an authoritative and disciplined person who has a strong will and established opinion. People who almost always wear black clothes are often controversial natures. Such a choice may indicate that a person wants to run away from others, close.

White: Means the beginning. People who prefer white in clothes are often endowed with a sense of justice, they strive for harmony and peace with other people. Often they want to please and even charm. But if there is too much white in clothes, we can talk about a sense of superiority, our own inferiority, or illness.

Summarizing the above, we can say that when choosing clothes, you should:

give preference to clothes of those colors that, in the opinion of others, suit you and make you more attractive;

choose colors in which you yourself feel comfortable and confident;

choose the color of clothes depending on the specific situation.

Donald Trump's golden rule of "dressing for the job you want, not the job you have" is probably one of those sayings where the 45th president really knows what he's talking about.

A lot of research has been done on how the right outfit can affect our mood, sense of self and self-confidence. One of the latter, however, gives a caveat: the assessment of your image should come, first of all, from you. A good outfit can be considered really good if you really feel good in it. “All people are different, and the measure of success is also different for everyone,” comments Caroline Meyer, professor of fashion psychology at the London College of Fashion. So it may well happen that a beautifully tailored expensive outfit will simply begin to tie you down, and there will be no question of any self-confidence.

Moreover, here one more factor can work for or against you - the situation. For example, a three-piece suit - a kind of symbol of the success of a business person - may well help you feel more confident if you have a business presentation in front of specialists above you in position. In the meantime, wear this outfit to a meeting of the team launching a techno startup in some loft (where everyone around is wearing hoodies and jeans), and embarrassment is guaranteed.

Trousers Motivi; Max Mara trench coat; Versace bag; DKNY watch; Ralf Ringer boots.

In psychology this effect is called "enclothed cognition". This term has not yet been translated into Russian, but its essence lies in the fact that our abilities (cognition) directly depend on what we are dressed in (enclothed). Columbia Business School professor of management and administration Adam Galinsky argues that in order for the effect of a particular image to have its positive effect, a person needs to give their clothes some symbolic meaning.

It was Professor Galinsky and colleagues who first tested this hypothesis in 2012. The experiment was as follows: two groups of students were given the same tests to test their intellectual abilities. The scientists gave one of them lab coats, while the other was simply allowed to solve problems in their usual clothes. The results showed that the group dressed in bathrobes coped with the tasks much better than the second.

Acne Studios dress; Stella McCartney jacket; Clarks loafers; Roberto Cavalli bag; Marks&Spencer cap.

But the experiment didn't end there. Then white coats were given to both groups. The first company was told that their clothes belonged to scientists, while the second company was told that their coats belonged to artists. Once again, the results showed that the students in the "scientific" coats completed the test faster and with higher quality.

The point of the experiment, Professor Galinsky concluded, was to show that clothing does influence how we think and how we function in society - but only on the condition that we correctly interpret its symbolic meaning. In the end, the students subconsciously worked out the mindset that a scientist can handle an intelligence test better than an artist. Properly chosen clothes in this case simply helped to consolidate this template.

Translating the tracing paper of Galinsky’s experiment to our eternal question “what to wear?”, we get the following: it doesn’t matter how fashionable and expensive your outfit is, the main thing is the internal feeling that your bow really suits you and the situation in which you find yourself in a particular moment.

How to apply it to yourself? To date, there are at least 9 steps along the way:

1. Check with yourself

“In the morning, before you open your closet, think about what you have to do today,” suggests Donn Karen, fashion psychologist at the New York Institute of Technology fashion. What mood are you in? How do you want to be perceived by others? If you feel tired and lethargic, then it may even be useful for you to dress up a little. On the other hand, in order to slightly ease the load of tension before the upcoming working day, you can go a little casual.

“It's about striking a balance between how we feel, how we dress, and how we want to look in front of others,” continues Mrs. Karen. We all sometimes have thoughts like “How I want to take off this suit as soon as possible,” but this can easily be avoided by giving yourself a minute in the morning for introspection.

2. Think Comfort

And it's not about leaving the house in your favorite stretched sweater and sweatpants. Think about the fabric - it should be as pleasant to the skin as possible. Think about how your outfit correlates with the environment in which you find yourself today. “Feeling comfortable is very important. After all, in the end, your goal is to complete the plan for the day, and not constantly think about what you are wearing today, ”says Donn Karen. Pay attention to your favorite colors (as long as they really suit you), styles, brands and build your basic wardrobe around the things that you will definitely wear.

Paul Smith shirt; ralph lauren jacket; Aquazzura shoes; Blumarine bag; Calvin Klein watch.

3. Wear clothes that fit you well.

4. Stand out the right way

small black dress- this is always a good choice when you go to a cocktail, but it still increases the risk of blending into the crowd at times. Sometimes you need to stand out - in the good sense of the word. For example, if you are interviewing for a job, it is very important to be remembered. So do not be afraid to wear a bright thing or an interesting style - of course, provided that you feel confident in this particular color or style.

Here is another experiment for inspiration. To date, scientists have established that people wearing red always feel more confident than others. During one of the tests, for example, one group of people was asked to formulate their impressions of another group. As you might guess, some members of the latter were dressed in red. Meanwhile, the whole point of the experiment was that the first group did not see what kind of clothes the second was wearing, evaluating only their face and demeanor. So, people wearing red clothes were rated as more confident and attractive.

Poncho Burberry; Geox ankle boots; MSGM trousers; underwear Oysho; Fendi bag.

5. Don't be afraid to change

Advertising campaigns of various brands often use phrases such as "timeless classic", "timeless style", "always in fashion shade". “But this is not true,” believes Adam Galinsky, “times change, styles too. And we must be able to perceive it correctly. For example, before the sweatshirt was considered the clothes of loafers and mugs, and now it is the real uniform of fashion freaks and young scientists. So always evaluate each item in your wardrobe in terms of relevance and relevance to the era in which you currently exist.

6. Dress for the occasion

The feeling of confidence that comes from this or that outfit depends on many variables: your mood, the situation, the norms that prevail in your society, and even the role that you play in a particular event. Always draw parallels with the wedding - because there is no universal outfit. The bride will dress in one, her girlfriend in another, the groom's mother in the third, and the presenter in the fourth.

Trousers "Li-Lu"; Malone Souliers shoes; shirt Comme Des Garcons; Michael Kors Collection bag; Raymond Weil watch.

7. Don't dress for your age

Exactly. In fact, this is not even an installation of anti-age adherents, but psychologists who advise dressing “how it feels”, and not “as age requires”.

Most likely, you yourself will not feel comfortable in the same outfit at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years old. But if you still want to wear a mini at 50, do not deny yourself this. If you really like everything about yourself, others will notice it. Take Brigitte Macron as an example.

8. Find clothes that work for you.

“Clothing should help you feel confident and yourself,” says Adam Galinsky. So if, for example, a business suit is associated with dishonest people, it will never help you feel stronger and, to put it mildly, "above the rest."

Clothes will work for you only if you correctly match your choice with your personality, mood, personal preferences, and so on. Some, for example, can work productively from the comfort of their bed, with a laptop on their knees and wearing their favorite pajamas. And some, on the contrary, can also work from home, but before that they will definitely take a shower, put themselves in order, dress strictly and even then get down to business. And then, and then there is a place to be - the main thing is to understand what suits you.

To some, this strategy will seem quite useful, because, having finally worked out your ideal outfit, you exclude the possibility of a mistake. On the other hand, we are already anticipating "fi" from avid fashionistas. Well, in this case, you can at least think in advance for yourself a few basic patterns, in which fashionable variations are quite allowed.

Jacket Patrizia Pepe; H&M Studio shirt; Salvatore Ferragamo suspension; Michael Kors Collection shoes; Marks&Spencer bag.

It is known that the color of clothing affects us, our emotions and relationships. Do you know why you like some specific color? The answer may surprise you...

So why do you like a certain color? It has to do with your experience. Perhaps if you had a favorite toy as a child Pink colour or when your mom had good mood, she wore a pink blouse, then this color is your favorite.

Most people associate colors with common things - blue skies, green forests, etc. that is why the perception of color and the reaction to it is similar in many people. And as a result, clothes can influence people's emotions and attitudes.


A red outfit will give self-confidence and attract the attention of others, because. it symbolizes energy. Whether this attention will be what it should be is another question. This color has huge row associations. Red is also a symbol of power and strength.

When choosing a dress in this color, remember that the combination of red and black is a well-known classic. And white or beige will balance the image and make it more calm.


As the opposite of red, blue has its advantages, for example, it reduces blood pressure. If you have a hard day or you have a first date, then feel free to try on clothes in blue shades. This will help you create a great first impression and put the other person at ease. Also blue clothes well suited for an interview, as it symbolizes reliability and performance.
If the shade of blue is very dark, then an excellent option is to soften it with pastels or light colors.


Green is the color of nature. It has a calming effect and helps to concentrate. The color is rich in shades and suits all skin types. If you want to emphasize green, neutral accessories will do.


It is a bright, sunny, optimistic color. It is associated with intellect and with a clear-thinking, reasonable and decision-making person. However, it, like red, must be properly selected for the type of skin. If you are not sure that the shade will suit, then you can combine the look with yellow accessories or a skirt so that the color does not end up on the face.


If you want to give the impression of a confident person, for example, at an interview, wear clothes purple. He is able to give a young face a more mature look. Also, this color will refresh even the most everyday look. Pairs well with pastel colors.


A color that "slims" and suits almost everyone. Black can evoke two different emotions: sadness or that we are very elegant today. Black color is also considered to be refined and chic. To make black help you feel great, just one shading detail or ornament is enough.

AT modern society Appearance is becoming more and more important in every field: in business, in personal life, in dealing with people in general. We may be the most talented and incredibly wonderful people, but no one will know about it if we forget about taking care of ourselves. How does clothing affect a person's life? At the first meeting, in any case, we judge a person by appearance, because we don’t know anything else about him, and therefore it is necessary to take advantage of this and learn how to create an attractive image that will tell about you as a person. interesting person, excellent specialist, creative personality.

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Photo gallery: How clothes affect a person's life

In personal life, appearance is of great importance, first of all, at the moment of acquaintance. When you see a person you like on the street, you want to attract his attention, you can, of course, run into him and tell everything about yourself in a minute, but this can only scare a person, he is unlikely to immediately appreciate the uniqueness of your inner peace and will be interested in the introduced acquaintance. Leave it to your appearance: beautifully styled hair, white smile well-fitting clothes, clean shoes and the right accessories.

It should be noted that no matter what appearance nature has awarded, the whole point is how you present yourself: natural beauty can lose to bright attractiveness, charm and charisma, it is not at all necessary to have the right features to charm others. Don't forget also that constant whining due to dissatisfaction with your appearance, complexes will only repel people, no doubt you can find dignity in yourself and emphasize them.

Think about who you like to be with? It can be assumed that before your eyes there was an image of a man of well-groomed appearance, stylishly dressed, self-confident. Every man wants to see a gorgeous girl next to him, and women are attracted to well-groomed, stylish men. This is quite natural, everything in nature strives for harmony, symmetry, beauty.

Does appearance matter at work? You can, of course, say that an employee should be evaluated only by the results of his professional activities and level of education, and not by how much time he spends on his appearance, but this is not at all the case. A neat, stylishly dressed person inspires more confidence in the company, as in general, in everyone normal people: dirty ragamuffins are alarming, we try to avoid such. When a person looks good, he feels more confident, and his success is obvious to both clients and employers. Therefore, starting with a job interview, responsible company events, ending with ordinary days working week- you should always keep the brand, respect the style of the company and emphasize your own individuality to some extent, making it clear that you are a member of the whole team and you yourself are a worthy employee.

It is especially important to think over the original details of your own style for people of creative professions, thereby demonstrating your creative potential. The image needs to be thought out to the smallest detail: employers and clients will look with an evaluating look, and the overall beauty and interest can be spoiled by unkempt hands or an improperly selected accessory.

If some time ago designers, architects, actors and journalists came up with bright, detailed, crazy images for themselves in order to attract the attention of customers and show their super non-standard individuality, now there is a trend towards simplicity, clarity of lines, restraint, and that is this is an indicator of true style. Artists' colorful scarves, crazy dress and suit solutions have given way to simple cut clothes, neat accessories and soothing colors with separate bright details. Another trend is the growing popularity of visiting gyms, training and dance classes that contribute to the formation of a healthy and beautiful body. Healthy people are also more attractive in every sense for employers, and just for others, this is inherent in us by nature.

All this does not mean that you need to urgently run to plastic surgeon and redo all operations from its directory! AT modern world, where you can find clothes and shoes of all styles, models and varieties, with the help of a stylist or image maker, beauty salons offer many services, ranging from cosmetic and hairdressing to sports activities that will help you change, create desired image and impress others. At the same time, try not to overdo it and not become obsessed with the desire to lose weight or gain incredible muscle mass, it can cause diseases from which it will be difficult to cure.

How does clothing affect a person's life? As the saying goes, beautiful person beautiful in everything, while beauty is a combination of your internal qualities and external attractiveness, therefore it is very important to monitor your appearance.

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